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    Query was: body

Here are the matching lines in their respective documents. Select one of the highlighted words in the matching lines below to jump to that point in the document.

  • Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 1
    Matching lines:
    • forming of the "new body" out of the "model body" inherited at
    • on the basis of a true knowledge of man in body, soul and spirit.
    • stands for present-day humanity. The knowledge of the body is
    • acquired a very advanced knowledge of the human body; but as soon as
    • In the science of the body we are very far advanced. No physiologist
    • realities of the body, so that as teachers of children we are quite
    • the human body. And as for the spirit, there is no such thing! One
    • concerns itself with the whole man, body, soul and spirit; and these
    • aspects of body, soul and spirit, in such a way as will give a
    • existence in the spiritual world. The body of the child acts almost
    • completely different world, with the new experience of having a body
    • pre-earthly world which is endeavouring to make the child's body
    • the child's body.
    • spirit cannot properly take hold of the body; such children are
    • the spirit is active within them. It is making use of the body. We
    • endure when it descends into a child-body.
    • the body has then been made ready, it no longer offers the same
    • are so. Now when a human being is to descend, he must choose a body
    • And indeed this body has
    • on. Thus through heredity a body is produced which he must now
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 2
    Matching lines:
    • physical body, which is fashioned after the model of the inherited
    • a picture within him of this outburst of rage. The etheric body makes
    • his childish organism into spirit, soul and body. Health for the
    • soul of the child is spoilt by it. Even down into the body, right
    • Kindergarten methods weaklings in body and soul are bred for later
    • whole body for he is also an organ of sense with regard to taste. He
    • tastes with his whole body; there are many remarkable instances of
    • physical body that he was very firmly planted in life in his former
    • body, the whole man is engaged. In reading only the head is occupied
    • the child in body, soul and spirit as an absolute unity. This must be
  • Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 3
    Matching lines:
    • formed one whole together with the child's own body. I showed
    • patience. He is not as lazy as the donkey — at least everybody
    • definite way, with his whole life of soul, body and spirit.
    • child, there holds sway the astral body with its wonderful prudence
    • body” and other higher members of man's being, see Rudolf
    • astral body works with much more certainty than the upper
  • Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 4
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    • has to do actions with his own body which need great alertness in
  • Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 5
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    • The body counts. The head looks on. Counting with fingers and toes
    • the movement of your body you could never touch yourself in the way
    • what the body does. The body thinks, the body counts. The head is
    • toil and moil, it simply sits on the top of your body and lets itself
    • in spiritual life is-done from the body. Mathematics are done by the
    • body, thinking is also done by the body, and feeling too is done with
    • the body. The bead-frame has arisen from the mistaken idea that man
    • the head passes on the work to the body, for it is the body which
    • must do the reckoning. This fact, that the body must do the
    • his whole body. The head is the traveller that sits back restfully
    • inside and does nothing, whilst the body, every part of it, is the
    • not only affect the soul life but the physical body also, causing
    • education of spirit, soul and body as a unity.)
    • “meditation” you are bringing life into the body; for
    • meditating on one's own body. If this is done a man will still be
    • body. If a man only thinks with his head, rather than with his limbs
  • Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 6
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    • In first seven years etheric body is an inward sculptor. After seven,
    • astral body gradually draws into physical body, carrying the breathing
    • “model” body which is completely thrown aside by the time
    • being replaced by a new body. The change of teeth, indeed, is only
    • the external expression of this replacing of the old body by a new
    • If the individuality is weak, the result will be a body that very
    • body of man only really begins at the change of teeth. The etheric
    • body in the first seven years has to put forward all the independent
    • physical body. So that this etheric body is pre-eminently an inward
    • body by the etheric body, becomes free, emancipates itself with the
    • first seven years of life the etheric body has been carrying out
    • modelling and painting within the physical body. Now that it has
    • nothing further to do as regards the physical body, or at least not
    • body. You also get the feeling that the lung has its right place in
    • paint something that is in no way an imitation of the human body but
    • an inner urge, an inner longing of the etheric body, to be at work in
    • proceed. Man consists not only of his physical body and etheric body,
    • the astral body and ego. What happens to the astral body of the child
    • within the human organism. But whilst the etheric body between birth
    • physical body and becoming independent, the astral body is gradually
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Lecture 7
    Matching lines:
    • rightly even in his physical body. And much that is pathological at
    • body is still stunted. Then the child is born and his head is still
  • Title: Kingdom of Childhood: Questions and Answers
    Matching lines:
    • number is not formed by the head, but by the whole body. The head
    • it may serve the agility of the body. It is a question of really
    • body.

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