edition of Twelve Moods, first published by
1984 was edited by M. Karnow.
an introduction by Ruth Pusch; a talk given by
Rudolf Steiner translated by G. Karnow and A. Wulsin;
twelve verses by Rudolf
Steiner entitled “Twelve Moods,” translated by
Ruth and Hans Pusch from the German “Zwoelf
Stimmungen” by
Rudolf Steiner. In addition there are two other poems also by
Rudolf Steiner and translated by Virginia Brett, “The Song
of Initiation, A Satire” and “Planet Dance”. The German
texts for the verses and the
article appear in Wahrspruchworte
by Rudolf Steiner, published by Verlag
der Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung, Dornach, Switzerland, 1961.