What is the origin of these caricatures?
They are little jokes, trifles jotted down
on a piece of blank paper that happened to be at hand, or even a paper
napkin, during moments of relaxation — such as at tea time or
after lunch — when we were discussing certain cultural
distortions of the times.
An admirer of such tasty
samples was able to project them on a screen and when enlarged they
had such a strong and exhilarating effect on the viewers that they
wanted to take them home as a general remedy against the blues. But
one can also detect in them that spark of genius which touched
everything that Rudolf Steiner spoke or his hand formed.
Such jocularity might well
have remained below the surface, for the situation provided little
opportunity for leisurely meetings: constant traveling and demands on
his time, changing residences — made an affectionate lingering
with the little things of personal life hardly possible. Nevertheless
these joking caricatures are evidence of the drawer’s sharp
powers of observation and for his intuitive understanding of inner
nature, even in its distortion. What the soul comprehends becomes
subtle intuition and playfully converts it to form. Like
Christian Morgenstern's “Gallows Humor”, they tell us that
profoundest earnestness can and must combine with humor.
Marie Steiner