The Philosophy of Freedom
The Basis for a Modern World Conception
On-line since: 22nd November,1996
The Philosophy of Freedom
Rudolf Steiner Archive Document
Lectures Section
Revised translation of Steiner's groundbreaking philosophical work on the
nature of freedom and thinking. The Philosophy of Freedom demonstrates the
fact of freedom - the ability to think and act independently - as a
possibility for modern consciousness. Read properly, it leads the reader
to the experience of presence or living thinking - new thinking -
by which all human activity may be renewed. This offering is a translation
based on the 12th German edition.
By Rudolf Steiner
GA 4
Some results of introspective observation
following the methods of Natural Science.
English translations of this
book from 1922 to 1963 were published with the title
The Philosophy of Spiritual Activity.
This is a revised translation of Steiner's groundbreaking philosophical
work on the nature of freedom and thinking. The Philosophy of Freedom
demonstrates the fact of freedom — the ability to think and act
independently — as a possibility for modern consciousness. Read
properly, it leads the reader to the experience of presence or living
thinking — new thinking — by which all human activity may
be renewed. This offering is a translation This is the seventh English
edition, translated from the German, and with an Introduction by
Michael Wilson.
This translation, based on the 12th German edition of 1962, is presented
here with the kind permission of the
Rudolf Steiner-Nachlassvierwaltung, Dornach, Switzerland.
Copyright © 1964
This e.Text edition is provided with the cooperation of:
The Rudolf Steiner Press
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