Contemplation of the World of Colors
Phenomena of the World of Colors
feeling that “men's great works of art are
brought forth according to true and natural laws” continuously
moved Goethe to seek out these true and natural laws
of artistic creation. He is convinced that the effect of a work of art
must depend upon the fact that a natural lawfulness shines forth from
it. He wants to know this lawfulness. He wants to know for what reason
the highest works of art are at the same time the highest works of nature.
It becomes clear to him that the Greeks proceeded by exactly the same
laws by which nature proceeds as they “developed out of the human
shape the sphere of divine formation”
(Italian Journey,
January 28, 1787). He wants to see how nature brings about this formation
so that he can understand it in works of art. Goethe describes how in
Italy he gradually succeeded in coming to an insight into the natural
lawfulness of artistic creation (see
Confession of the Author).
“Fortunately I could hold on to a few maxims brought over from
poetry and proven to me by inner feeling and long use, so that it was
indeed difficult but not impossible for me, through uninterrupted looking
at nature and art, through lively effective conversation with more or
less insightful experts, and through continuously living with more or
less practical or thinking artists, gradually to separate an in general
into its parts, without fragmenting it, and to become aware of its different
actively interpenetrating elements.” Only one element does not
want to reveal to him the natural laws by which it works in the work
of art: color. Several canvases are “created and composed in his
presence and carefully and thoroughly studied as to components, arrangement,
and form.” The artists can give him an account of how they proceed
with the composition. But as soon as the topic turns to the use of color
everything seems arbitrary. No one knows what relationship holds good
between color and chiaroscuro and between the individual colors. Goethe
cannot ascertain the basis for the fact that yellow makes a warm and
comfortable impression, blue evokes a feeling of cold, that yellow and
reddish-blue beside each other produce a harmonious effect. He recognizes
that he must first acquaint himself with the lawfulness of the world
of color in nature, in order from there to penetrate into the
mysteries of the use of colors.
Neither the concepts about
the physical nature of color phenomena which Goethe still had in his
memory from student days nor the scientific compendia which he consulted
for advice proved fruitful for his purpose. “Along with the rest
of the world I was convinced that all the colors are contained in the
light; no one had ever told me anything different, and I had never found
the least cause to doubt it, because I had no further interest in this
(Confession of the Author).
But as he began to
be interested, he found that he could develop nothing for his purpose
out of this view. The originator of this view, which Goethe found to
dominate natural scientists and which still occupies the same position
today, is Newton. This view asserts that white light, as it goes forth
from the sun, is composed of colored lights. The colors arise through
the fact that the individual component parts are separated out of white
light. If one lets sunlight into a dark room through a small round opening
and catches it upon a white screen set up at right angles to the direction
of the in-streaming light, one obtains a white image of the sun. If
one places a glass prism between the opening and the screen so that
the light shines through it, the white, round sun image transforms itself.
It appears shifted, drawn out lengthwise, and colored. This image is
called the sun spectrum. If one holds the prism in such a way that the
upper portions of the light have to take a shorter route within the
volume of the glass than the lower portions do, then the colored image
is shifted downward. The upper edge of the image is red, the lower edge
is violet; the red goes downward into yellow, the violet upward into
blue; the middle portion of the image is generally white. Only when
the screen is a certain distance from the prism does the white in the
middle disappear completely; the entire image appears colored, in the
sequence from above downward of red, orange, yellow, green, light blue,
indigo, and violet. From this experiment Newton and his followers deduced
that the colors are originally contained in the white light but mixed
with one another. They are separated from each other by the prism. They
have the characteristic that in passing through a transparent body they
are diverted from their direction to different degrees, which means
they are refracted. The red light is least, the violet is most refracted.
They appear in the spectrum in the sequence of their refractibility.
If one looks through the prism at a narrow strip of paper on a black
background, it also appears diverted. It is both broader and colored
at the edges. The upper edge appears violet, the lower red; here also
the violet goes over into blue, the red into yellow; the middle is generally
white. The strip of paper appears totally colored only when the prism
is at a certain distance from it. Again green appears in the middle.
Here also the white of the paper is supposedly divided into its colored
component parts. The Newtonians have a simple explanation for the fact
that all the colors appear only when the prism is at a certain distance
from the screen or paper strip, whereas the middle otherwise is white.
They say that the more strongly diverted lights from the upper pan of
the image and the more weakly diverted ones from the lower pan fall
together in the middle and mix into white. The colors appear only at
the edges because there none of the more strongly diverted parts of
the light from above can fall into the most weakly diverted parts of
the light, and none of the more weakly diverted ones from below can
fall into the most strongly diverted ones.
This is the view from which
Goethe can develop nothing for his purposes. He therefore wants to observe
the phenomena themselves. He turns to Privy Councillor Buettner in Jena
who lends him the equipment with which to perform the necessary experiments.
He is busy at first with other work and wants, when pressed by Buettner,
to return the equipment. But before doing so he takes up a prism, in
order to look through it at a completely white wall. He expects it to
appear colored to different degrees. But the wall remains white. Only
at those places where the white meets dark do colors arise. The window
sashes appeared in the liveliest colors. From these observations Goethe.
believes that he can know that the Newtonian view is incorrect and that
the colors are not contained in white light. The boundary, the darkness,
must have something to do with the arising of colors. He continues his
experiments. He looks at white surfaces upon black, and at black surfaces
on a white background. He gradually forms his own view. A white disk,
viewed through a prism, appears shifted. The upper portions of the disk,
in Goethe's opinion, shift themselves up over the black border of the
background, whereas this black background extends itself up over the
lower portions of the disk. If one now looks through the prism, one
sees the black background through the upper portion of the disk as though
through a white veil. If one looks at the lower pan of the disk, it
appears through the darkness lifted up over it. Above, something light
has been brought over something dark; below, something dark over something
light. The upper edge appears blue, the lower one yellow. The blue goes
over toward the black into violet; the yellow goes over downward into
red. If the prism is moved away from the observed disk, the colored
edges become broader; the blue downward, the yellow upward. When the
prism is moved sufficiently far away, the yellow from below extends
over the blue from above; through this overlapping green arises in the
middle. To confirm this view, Goethe looks through the prism at a black
disk upon a white background. Now up above something dark is brought
over something light, below something light over something dark. Yellow
appears above, blue below. When the edges are broadened by moving the
prism away from the disk, the blue below, which goes over toward the
middle into violet, is brought over the yellow above, which in broadening
gradually takes on a red tone. A peach blossom color arises in the middle.
Goethe said to himself that what is correct for the white disk must
also hold good for the black one. “If there the light splits up
into so many colors ... then here also the darkness would have to
be regarded as split up into colors”
(Confession of the Author).
Goethe now relates to a physicist he knows his observations and the
skepticism toward the Newtonian view which has arisen in him from them.
The latter declares his skepticism to be unfounded. He explains the
colored edges and the white in the middle, as well as their transition
into green when the prism is moved the right distance away from the
observed object, in accordance with the Newtonian view. Other natural
scientists to whom Goethe brings the subject respond in the same way.
He carries on by himself the observations in which he would gladly have
had the help of people experienced in the field. He has a large prism
made out of plate-glass and fills it with pure water. Because he notices
that glass prisms, whose cross-section is an equilateral triangle, often
hinder the observer by greatly broadening the colors that appear, he
has his large prism made with the cross-section of an isosceles triangle
whose smallest angle is only fifteen to twenty degrees. Goethe calls
those experiments subjective which are set up in such a way that the
eye looks at an object through the prism. These experiments present
themselves to the eye but are not fixed in the outer world. He wants
to add objective experiments to these as well. He uses a water prism
for this. The light shines through a prism and the colors are caught
on a screen behind the prism. Goethe now lets sunlight go through openings
cut into cardboard. He obtains thereby an illuminated space bounded
on all sides by darkness. This bounded light mass goes through the prism
and is deflected in its direction by it. If one holds up a screen to
this light mass issuing from the prism, there arises on it an image
which generally is colored on its upper and lower edges. If the prism
is placed in such a way that its cross section tapers downward, then
the upper edge of the image is colored blue and the lower one yellow.
The blue goes over toward the dark space into violet, and toward the
lighted middle into light blue; the yellow toward the darkness into
red. Also in this phenomenon Goethe traces the color phenomena to the
border. Above, the bright light mass streams into the dark space; it
lightens something dark, which thereby appears blue. Below the dark
space streams into the light mass; it darkens something light and makes
it appear yellow. When the screen is moved away from the prism the colored
edges become broader; the yellow approaches the blue. With the streaming
of the blue into the yellow, when the screen has been moved a suitable
distance from the prism, green appears in the middle of the image. Goethe
makes visible to himself the streaming of the light into the dark and
of the dark into the light, by shaking into the line which the light
mass takes through the dark space a fine white cloud of dust which he
produces with fine dry hair powder. “The more or less colored phenomenon
is now caught by the white atoms and presented to the eye in its entire
breadth and length”
(Color Theory,
didactic part). Goethe
finds that the view which he arrived at through subjective phenomena
is confirmed by objective phenomena. The colors are brought forth by
the working together of light and dark. The prism serves only to shift
light and dark over each other.
After making these experiments
Goethe cannot accept the Newtonian view as his own. For him it is the
same as with Haller's doctrine of incapsulation. Just as Haller thinks
the fully developed organism to be already contained in the germ with
all its parts, so the Newtonians believe that the colors, which under
certain conditions appear with the light, are already enclosed within
it. Against this belief he could use the same words which he brought
against the doctrine of incapsulation, that it “rests upon a mere
extra-sensory fancy, upon an assumption which one believes one thinks
but which can never be demonstrated in the sense world.” For him
the colors are new formations which are developed in connection with
the light, not beings which are merely unfolded out of the light. Because
of his “way of thinking in accordance with the idea” he must
reject the Newtonian view. This view does not know the nature of the
ideal. It acknowledges only what is factually present, what is present
in the same way as the sense-perceptible. And wherever it cannot demonstrate
factuality through the senses, it assumes it hypothetically. Because
the colors develop in connection with the light, and must therefore
already be contained in it as idea, this view believes that
they are also factually, materially contained in the light and are only
brought out by the prism and the dark border. Goethe knows that the
idea is at work in the sense world; therefore he does not transfer something
which is present as idea into the realm of the factual. The ideal works
in inorganic nature just as in organic nature, only not as sensible-supersensible
form. Its outer manifestation is completely material, merely sense-perceptible.
It does not penetrate into the sense-perceptible; it does not permeate
it with spirit. The processes of inorganic nature run their course in
a lawful way, and this lawfulness presents itself to the observer as
idea. If a person perceives white light in one place in space and colors
in another place which arise in connection with the light, then a lawful
relationship exists between both perceptions which can be pictured as
idea. But if someone gives this idea a body and sets it out into space
as something factual which passes over from the object of the one perception
into that of the other perception, then that comes from his crudely
physical way of picturing things. It is this crudely physical aspect
about the Newtonian view which repelled Goethe. It is the idea that
leads one inorganic process over into the other, not something factual
which travels from one to the other.
The Goethean world view
can acknowledge only two sources for all knowledge of the inorganic
nature processes: that which is sense-perceptible about these processes,
and the ideal interconnections of the sense-perceptible which reveal
themselves to thinking. The ideal interconnections within the
sense world are not of the same kind. There are some which are directly
obvious when sense perceptions appear beside each other or after each
other, and others which one can see only when one traces them back to
some of the first kind. In the manifestation which offers itself to
the eye when it looks at something dark through something light and
perceives blue, Goethe believes he recognizes an interconnection of
the first kind between light, darkness, and color. It is the same thing
when something light looked at through something dark gives yellow.
The spectrum which appears at the borders allows us to recognize an
interconnection which becomes clear to immediate observation. The spectrum
which manifests in a sequence of seven colors from red to violet can
only be understood when one sees how other determining factors are added
to those through which the border phenomena arise. The simple border
phenomena have joined in the spectrum into a complicated phenomenon
which can be understood only when one traces it back to the basic phenomena.
That which stands before the observer in its purity in the basic phenomenon
appears impure, modified in that which is complicated by the additional
determining factors. The simple facts are no longer directly recognizable.
Goethe therefore seeks everywhere to trace complicated phenomena back
to simple pure ones. He sees the explanation of inorganic nature to
consist of this leading back. He goes no further than the pure phenomenon.
In it an ideal interconnection of sense perceptions reveals itself
which explains itself through itself. Goethe calls the pure phenomenon
”archetypal phenomenon” (Urphaenomen). He regards
it as idle speculation to reflect further upon the archetypal phenomenon.
“The magnet is an archetypal phenomenon which one only has to state
in order to have explained it”
(Aphorisms in Prose).
A composite, phenomenon is explained when one shows how it is built up
out of archetypal phenomena.
Modern science proceeds
differently from Goethe. It wants to trace the processes in the sense
world back to the movements of the smallest particles of the body and,
to explain these movements, uses the same laws by which it comprehends
the movements which occur visibly in space. To explain these visible
movements is the task of mechanics. If the movement of a body
is observed then mechanics asks by which force it was set in motion;
what distance it travels in a particular time; what form the line has
in which it moves; etc. It seeks to represent mathematically the interrelationships
of force, of the distance traveled, of the form of the path. Now the
scientist states that the red light can be traced back to the oscillating
movement of the body's smallest panicles which spreads itself out in
space. This movement is comprehended by applying to it the laws won
through mechanics. The science of inorganic nature considers its goal
to be gradually to go over entirely into applied mechanics.
Modern physics asks about
the number of vibrations in a time unit which correspond to a particular
color quality. From the number of vibrations which correspond to red,
and from those which correspond to violet, it seeks to determine the
physical relationship of both colors. The qualitative disappears from
its view; it looks at the spatial and temporal aspects of the processes.
Goethe asks what relationship exists between red and violet when one
disregards the spatial and temporal and looks merely at the qualitative
aspect of the colors. A postulate of the Goethean way of looking at
things is that the qualitative is also really present in the outer world
and forms one inseparable whole with the temporal and spatial. Modern
physics on the other hand must start with the basic view that only the
quantitative, only lightless and colorless processes of movement are
present in the outer world, and that everything qualitative arises only
as the effect of the quantitative upon the sense- and spirit-endowed
organism. If this assumption were correct, then the lawful interrelationships
of the qualitative could also not be sought in the outer world but would
have to be traced back to the nature of the sense organs, of the nervous
system, and of the organ of mental picturing. The qualitative elements
of processes would then not be for physics to investigate but rather
for physiology and psychology. Modern science does proceed in accordance
with this presupposition. In its view the organism, in a way appropriate
to the constitution of its eyes, optic nerve, and brain, translates
one process of movement into the sensation red and another into the
sensation violet. Therefore all the outer aspects of the color world
are explained when one has seen the interconnection of the processes
of movement by which this world is determined.
A proof for this view is sought in the following observation. The optic
nerve senses every outer impression as a light sensation. Not only light
but also a bump or pressure on the eye, a tug on the retina when the
eye is moved quickly, an electric current conducted through the head:
all these also cause a sensation of light. A different sense experiences
the same things in a different way. Bumps, pressure, tugs, electrical
current, when they stimulate the skin, cause sensations of touch. Electricity
stimulates in the ear a sound sensation, in the tongue a taste sensation.
One deduces from this that the content of sensation, which arises in
the organism through an outer effect, is different from the outer process
by which it is caused. The red color is not experienced by the organism
because the color is connected with a corresponding process of movement
outside in space but rather because the eye, optic nerve, and brain
of the organism are constituted in such a way that they translate a
colorless process of movement into a color. The law expressed in this
way was called the law of specific sense energies by the physiologist
Johannes Mueller who first established it.
This observation proves only that the sense- and spirit-endowed organism
can translate impressions of the most diverse kinds into the language
of the senses upon which they act, but not that the content of every
sense impression is also present only inside the organism. When the
optic nerve is tugged there arises an indefinite, completely general
stimulation which contains nothing that would cause one to place its
content out in space. A sensation which arises through a real light
impression is inseparably connected in its content with the spatial-temporal
that corresponds to it. The movement of a body and its color are content
of perception in exactly the same way. If one pictures the movement
in and for itself, one is abstracting from what is otherwise perceived
about the body. All the other mechanical and mathematical mental pictures
are taken from the world of perception in the same way as movement.
Mathematics and mechanics arise through the fact that one pan is separated
out from the content of the world of perception and considered in and
for itself. Within reality there are no objects or processes whose content
is exhausted when one has grasped about them what can be expressed through
mathematics and mechanics. Everything mathematical and mechanical is
connected to color, warmth, and other qualities. If it is necessary
for physics to assume that for the perception of a color there are corresponding
vibrations in space, of which a very small expansion and a very great
velocity are characteristic, then these movements can only be thought
of as analogous to the movements which occur visibly in space. That
means, if the world of objects is thought of as in movement, right into
its smallest elements, then it must also be pictured as being endowed,
right into its smallest elements, with color, warmth, and other characteristics.
Whoever takes colors, warmth, sounds, etc. to be qualities which exist
as effects of outer processes through the mentally picturing organism
and which exist only inside this organism, must also transfer into it
everything mathematical and mechanical which is connected with these
qualities. Then, however, nothing more is left him for his outer world.
The red that I see and the light vibrations which the physicist demonstrates
as corresponding to this red are in reality a unity which only the abstracting
intellect can separate from one another. I would see the vibrations
in space, which correspond to the quality “red,” as movement,
if my eye were organized to do so. But I would have connected with the
movement, the impression of the red color.
Modern natural science
transfers out into space an unreal abstraction, a vibrating substratum
stripped of all qualities of sensation, and is astonished then that
one cannot understand what can cause the mentally picturing organism,
endowed with nerve apparatus and brain, to translate these indifferent
processes of motion into the colorful sense world filled with warmth
differentiations and sounds. Du Bois-Reymond therefore assumes that
man, because of an insurmountable limit to his knowing, will never understand
how the fact that “I taste sweetness, smell the fragrance of roses,
hear organ tones, see red” is connected with certain movements
of the smallest bodily particles in the brain, whose movements are in
turn caused by the vibrations of the tasteless, odorless, soundless,
and colorless elements of the outer world of objects. “It is indeed
thoroughly and forever incomprehensible that it should not be a matter
of indifference to a number of atoms of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen,
oxygen, etc. how they lie and move, how they lay and moved, how they
will lie and move”
(Limits to Knowing Nature,
Leipzig, 1882). But there are absolutely no limits to knowledge here. Wherever
in space there are a number of atoms in a definite movement, there is
necessarily a definite quality (red, for example) also present. And
conversely, where red appears movement must be present. Only a thinking
which abstracts can separate the one from the other. Whoever thinks
of the movement as separated within reality from the other content of
the process to which the movement belongs cannot find the transition
again from the one to the other.
Only that about a process
which is movement can be traced back again to movement; that which belongs
to the qualitative element of the world of colors and light can also
be traced back only to a similar qualitative element within the same
realm. Mechanics traces complex movements back to simple ones which
are immediately comprehensible. Color theory must trace complicated
color phenomena back to simple ones which can be recognized in the same
way. A simple process of movement is an archetypal phenomenon just like
the emergence of yellow out of the interworking of light and dark. Goethe
knows what the mechanical archetypal phenomena can accomplish for the
explanation of inorganic nature. Whatever is not mechanical within the
world of objects he leads back to archetypal phenomena which are not
of a mechanical kind. Goethe has been reproached for having thrown out
the mechanical way of looking at nature and for limiting himself only
to the observation and stringing together of the sense-perceptible (see
Harnack, for example, in his book,
Goethe in the Period of his Completeness).
Du Bois-Reymond finds
(Goethe and More Goethe,
Leipzig, 1883)
that “Goethe's theorizing limits itself to allowing other phenomena
to emerge from an archetypal phenomenon, as he calls it, in somewhat
the way fog assumes successive shapes without any intelligible causal
connection. It was the concept of mechanical causality which was
totally lacking in Goethe.” But what else does mechanics do
than let complex processes go forth out of simple archetypal phenomena?
Goethe did exactly the same thing in the sphere of the color world that
the physicist accomplishes in the sphere of processes of motion. Because
Goethe is not of the view that all processes in inorganic nature are
purely mechanical, it has therefore been denied that he has any concept
of mechanical causality. Whoever does this only shows that he is himself
in error as to what mechanical causality signifies within the world
of objects. Goethe remains in what is qualitative about the world of
light and colors; he leaves it up to others to express the quantitative,
mechanical, mathematical. He “sought to keep his theory of color absolutely
at a distance from mathematics, although right away certain points manifest
clearly enough where the help of the art of measurement would be desirable
... But this lack may even be of benefit, inasmuch as it can now become
the business of the ingenious mathematician himself to seek out where
color theory needs his help, and how he can make his contribution to
the perfecting of this pan of natural philosophy” (Paragraph 727
of the didactic pan of the
Color Theory).
The qualitative elements
of the sense of sight, light, darkness, colors, must first be understood
out of their own interconnections, be traced back to archetypal phenomena;
then there can be investigated on a higher level of thinking what the
relationship is between these interconnections and the quantitative,
the mechanical-mathematical elements in the world of light and colors.
Goethe wants to trace the
connections within the qualitative realm of the color world back to
the simplest elements in just as strict a sense as the mathematician
or the mechanic does in his sphere. “We must learn from the mathematicians
to take care to place next to each other only the elements which are
closest to each other, or rather to deduce from each other the elements
which are closest to them, and even where we use no calculations, we
must always proceed as though we were obliged to render account
to the strictest geometrician. — For actually it is the mathematical
method which, because of its carefulness and purity, reveals right away
any jump in its assertions, and its proofs are actually only detailed
expositions showing that what is presented in combination was already
there in its simple components and in its whole sequence, was viewed
in its full scope and was correctly and irrefutably devised under all
(The Experiment as Mediator between Subject and Object)
Goethe draws the principles
of explanation for phenomena directly from the realm of observation.
He shows how the phenomena are interconnected within the experienceable
world. For grasping nature he rejects mental pictures which point outside
the region of observation. Any kind of explanation that oversteps the
field of experience by bringing in factors to explain nature which by
their very nature are not observable contradicts the Goethean world
view. Just such an explanation is the one which seeks the nature of
light in a light substance that as such is not perceived itself but
that can only be observed as light in its way of working. Among this
kind of explanation is the one which reigns in modern natural science,
according to which the processes of movement of the world of light are
carried out, not by the perceptible qualities which are given to the
sense of sight, but rather by the smallest particles of imperceptible
matter. It is not contrary to the Goethean world view to picture to
oneself that a particular color is connected to a particular process
of movement in space. But it is altogether contrary to it to maintain
that this process of movement belongs to some realm of reality located
outside of experience, belongs to the world of matter which can, indeed,
be observed in its effects, but not in its own being. For one who adheres
to the Goethean world view the vibrations of light in space are processes
which should not be accorded a kind of reality different from the rest
of the content of perception. They elude direct observation not because
they lie beyond the realm of experience but rather because human sense
organs are not so finely organized that they directly perceive movements
of such minuteness. If an eye were organized in such a way that it could
observe in every detail the vibration of a thing which repeats itself
four hundred billion times in one second, then such a process would
present itself in exactly the same way as a process in the crudely perceptible
world. That means, the vibrating thing would manifest the same characteristics
as other things of perception.
Every kind of explanation
which traces the things and processes of experience back to other ones
not located within the field of experience can attain content-filled
mental pictures about this region of reality lying beyond observation
only by borrowing certain characteristics from the world of experience
and carrying them over onto the unexperienceable. In this way the physicist
carries over hardness, impenetrability, onto the smallest elements of
bodies, to which he still further ascribes the ability to attract and
repel their own kind; on the other hand he does not attribute color,
warmth, and other characteristics to these elements. He believes he
explains an experienceable process of nature by leading it back to one
that is not experienceable. According to Du Bois-Reymond's view, to
know nature is to lead the processes in the world of objects back to
the movements of atoms which are caused by their attracting and repelling
(Limits to Knowing Nature,
Leipzig, 1882). Matter, the
substance filling space, is considered to be what is moving in all this.
This substance is supposed to have been there from all eternity and
will be there for all eternity. But matter is not supposed to belong
to the sphere of observation but rather to be present beyond it. Du
Bois-Reymond therefore assumes that man is incapable of knowing the
real nature of matter itself, that he therefore leads the processes
of the world of objects back to something whose nature will remain forever
unknown to him. “We will never know better than we know today what
haunts the space here where matter is”
(Limits to Knowing Nature).
When considered more exactly this concept of matter dissolves into nothing.
The real content which one gives to this concept is borrowed from the
world of experience. One perceives movements within the world of experience.
One feels a pull when one holds a weight in one's hand, and a pressure
when one lays a weight upon the palm of one's hand held out horizontally.
In order to explain this perception one forms the concept of force.
One pictures to oneself that the earth draws the weight to itself. The
force itself cannot be perceived. It is ideal. But it belongs nevertheless
to the sphere of observation. The mind observes it, because the mind
sees the ideal relationships of the perceptions to one another. One
is led to the concept of a force of repulsion when squeezing a piece
of rubber and then letting it go. It restores itself to its previous
shape and size. One pictures to oneself that the compressed parts of
the rubber repel each other and again occupy their previous space. The
way of thinking now under consideration carries such mental pictures,
derived from observation, into an unexperienceable sphere of reality.
It therefore in reality does nothing more than to trace something experienceable
back to another experienceable something. Only, it arbitrarily shifts
the latter into the sphere of the unexperienceable. It can be shown,
of any way of picturing things which speaks of something unexperienceable
within its view of nature, that it takes up a few scraps from the sphere
of experience and relegates them to a sphere of reality located beyond
observation. If one takes the scraps of experience out of the mental
picture of the unexperienceable, there then remains a concept without
content, a non-concept. The explanation of something experienceable
can only consist of one's leading it back to something else which is
experienceable. One finally arrives at elements within experience which
can no longer be traced back to other ones. These are not further explainable,
because they need no explanation. They contain their explanation in
themselves. Their immediate being consists of what they present to observation.
For Goethe, light is such an element. According to his view, a person
has come to know the light who without preconception perceives light
in its manifestation. The colors arise in connection with light and
their arising is understood when one shows how they arise in connection
with light. Light itself is given in direct perception. One knows what
is ideally inherent in it when one observes what connection there is
between it and the colors. From the standpoint of the Goethean world
view it is impossible to ask about the real nature of light, about something
unexperienceable which corresponds to the phenomenon “light.”
“For actually it is a vain undertaking to express the real nature
of a thing. We become aware of workings, and a complete history of these
workings would very well comprise, if need be, the real nature of that
thing.” This means that a complete presentation of the workings
of something experienceable comprises all the manifestations which are
inherent in it as idea. “We struggle to no avail
to portray the character of a person; but put together his actions,
his deeds, and a picture of his character will come to meet us. — The
colors are deeds of the light, deeds and sufferings (Leiden).
[Translator's note: Leiden, like “to suffer,”
connotes a positive “allowing,” as well as its more familiar
In this sense we can expect from them disclosures about the light”
(didactic pan of the
Color Theory,
presents itself to observation as “the simplest, most undivided,
most homogeneous being that we know” (Correspondence with Jacobi).
Confronting it is the darkness. For Goethe darkness is not the completely
powerless absence of light. It is something active. It confronts the
light and enters with it into a mutual interaction. Modern natural science
sees darkness as a complete nothingness. According to this view, the
light which streams into a dark space has no resistance from the darkness
to overcome. Goethe pictures to himself that light and darkness relate
to each other like the north and south pole of a magnet. The darkness
can weaken the light in its working power. Conversely, the light can
limit the energy of the darkness. In both cases color arises. A view
in physics that thinks of darkness as that which is completely inactive
cannot speak of any such interaction. It must therefore trace the colors
back to light alone. Darkness arises for observation as a phenomenon
just as much as light does. What is dark is content of perception in
the same sense as what is light. The one is only the opposite of the
other. The eye that looks out into the night mediates the real perception
of darkness. Were the darkness an absolute nothingness, then no perception
at all would arise when the human being looks out into the dark.
Yellow is a light
which has been dampened by the darkness; blue is a darkness
which has been weakened by the light.
The eye is organized to
mediate to the mentally picturing organism the phenomena of the world
of light and color and the interconnections of these phenomena. In this
it does not conduct itself in a merely receptive way but rather enters
into a lively interaction with the phenomena. Goethe's striving is to
know the nature of this interaction. He regards the eye as something
altogether living and wants to gain insight into what its life manifests.
How does the eye relate itself to the individual phenomenon? How does
it relate itself to the interconnections of the phenomena? Those are
questions which he poses himself. Light and darkness, yellow and blue
are opposites. How does the eye experience these opposites? It must
lie in the nature of the eye that it also experiences the interrelationships
that exist between the individual perceptions. For, “the eye has
the light to thank for its existence. Out of indifferent animal auxiliary
organs, the light calls forth an organ for itself of its own kind; and
thus the eye forms itself in connection with the light for the light,
so that the inner light can come to meet the outer light” (didactic
pan of the
Color Theory,
Just as light and darkness act in opposition to each other in outer
nature, so are the two states, into which the eye is brought by the
two phenomena, opposite to each other. When one keeps one's eye open
in a dark space, a certain lack makes itself felt. If on the other hand
the eye is turned toward a brightly illuminated white surface, it becomes
unable for a time to distinguish moderately illuminated objects. Seeing
into the dark increases receptivity; seeing into brightness weakens
Every impression upon the
eye remains for a time within it. Whoever looks at the black cross-pieces
between window panes against a bright background will, when he closes
his eyes, still have the phenomenon before him for a while. If, while
the impression still lasts, one looks at a light gray surface, the cross
appears bright, the panes, on the other hand, dark. A reversal of the
phenomenon occurs. It follows from this that the eye is predisposed
through the one impression to create out of itself the opposite one.
Just as in the outer world light and darkness stand in a relationship
with each other, so also do the corresponding states in the eye. Goethe
pictures to himself that the place in the eye upon which the dark cross
fell is rested and receptive to a new impression. Therefore the gray
surface works upon it in a livelier way than upon the other places in
the eye which previously have received the stronger light from the window
panes. The bright produces in the eye an inclination to the dark, the
dark an inclination to the bright. If one holds a dark image in front
of a light gray surface and, when the image is taken away, looks fixedly
upon the same spot, the space which the dark image occupied appears
much lighter than the rest of the surface. A gray image against a dark
background appears brighter than the same image does against a light
background. The eye is predisposed by the dark background to see the
image as brighter, but the light background as darker. Through these
phenomena there is indicated to Goethe the great activity of the eye
“;and the quiet opposition which every living thing is driven to show
when any particular state is presented it. Thus, breathing in already
presupposes breathing out, and vice versa ... It is the eternal formula
of life which manifests itself here also. When the eye is offered the
dark, it then demands the bright; it demands dark when one confronts
it with bright and precisely through this shows its liveliness, its
right to grasp the object by bringing forth from itself something which
opposes the object” (Para. 38 of the didactic pan of the
Color Theory).
In the same way as light and darkness, color perceptions also call
forth a counter activity in the eye. Hold a small piece of yellow paper
in front of a moderately illuminated white screen and look fixedly at
the small yellow surface. After a while take the paper away. At the
place which the paper filled, one will see violet. The eye is predisposed
by the impression of the yellow to produce the violet out of itself.
In the same way blue will bring forth orange, and red green as a counter
activity. Every color sensation therefore has a living connection in
the eye with another. The states into which the eye is brought by perceptions
stand in a relationship similar to that of the contents of these perceptions
in the outer world.
When light and darkness,
bright and dark, work upon the eye, then this living organ comes to
meet them with its demands; when they work upon things outside in space,
then the things enter into interaction with them. Empty space has the
characteristic of transparency. It does not at all affect light and
darkness. These shine through it in their own lively nature. The case
is different when space is filled with things. This filling of space
can be such that the eye does not become aware of it because light and
darkness in their original form shine right through it. Then one speaks
of transparent things. If light and darkness do not shine unweakened
through a thing, then it is called turbid. A turbid filling
of space offers the possibility of observing light and darkness, bright
and dark in their mutual relationship. Something bright, seen through
something turbid, appears yellow; something dark, seen through something
turbid, appears blue. What is turbid is something material which has
been brightened by light. Against a brighter livelier light located
behind it, what is turbid is dark; against a darkness that shines through
it, it acts like something bright. Therefore, when something turbid
confronts the light or darkness, there really work into one another
an existing brightness and an existing dark.
If the turbidity, through which the light is shining, gradually increases,
then the yellow passes over into yellowish red and then into ruby red.
If the turbidity, through which the dark is penetrating, lessens, then
the blue goes over into indigo and finally into violet. Yellow and blue
are basic colors. They arise through the working together of brightness
or dark with turbidity. Both can take on a reddish tone, the former
through an increasing of the turbidity, the latter by a lessening of
it. Red, accordingly, is not a basic color. It appears as a color tone
connected to yellow or blue. Yellow, with its reddish nuances which
intensify as far as pure red, is close to the light; blue, with its
shades, is related to the darkness. When blue and yellow mix, green
arises; if blue which has been intensified to violet mixes with yellow
which has been darkened into red, then the purple color arises.
Goethe pursues these basic
phenomena within nature. The bright disk of the sun, seen through a
haze of turbid vapors, appears yellow. Dark cosmic space, viewed through
the vapors of the atmosphere which are illumined by the light of day,
presents itself as the blue of the heavens. “In the same way the mountains
also appear blue to us: for, through our viewing them at such a distance
that we no longer see their local colors, and that light from their
surfaces no longer works upon our eye, they act as a pure dark object
which now appears blue through the vapors between them and us”
(Para. 156 of the didactic part of the
Color Theory).
Out of his absorption in the works of painters the need grew in Goethe
to penetrate into the laws to which the phenomena of the sense of sight
are subject. Every painting presented him with riddles. How does chiaroscuro
relate to the colors? In what relationships do the individual colors
stand to one another? Why does yellow give a happy mood, blue a serious
one? Out of the Newtonian theory of color there was no way of gaining
a viewpoint from which these mysteries could be revealed. This view
traces all colors back to light, arranges them sequentially side by
side, and says nothing about their relationships to the dark, and also
nothing about their living connections to each other. From insights
gained along his own path, Goethe was able to solve the riddles which
art had posed him. Yellow must possess a happy, cheerful, mildly stimulating
character, for it is the color closest to light. It arises through the
slightest toning down of the light. Blue points to the dark which works
in it. Therefore it gives a feeling of cold just as “it also reminds
one of shadows.” Reddish yellow arises through the intensification
of yellow toward the dark pole. Through this intensification its energy
grows. The happy, cheerful feeling passes over into the blissful. As
soon as the intensification goes still further, from reddish yellow
into yellowish red, the happy, blissful feeling transforms itself into
the impression of something forceful. Violet is blue which is striving
toward the bright. Through this the restfulness and cold of blue become
restlessness. In bluish red this restlessness experiences a further
increase. Pure red stands in the middle between yellowish red and bluish
red. The storminess of the yellow appears lessened, the languid restfulness
of the blue enlivens itself. The red gives the impression of ideal contentment,
of the equalizing of opposites. A feeling of contentment also arises
through green, which is a mixture of yellow and blue. But because here
the cheerfulness of the yellow is not intensified, and the restfulness
of the blue is not disturbed by a reddish tone, the contentment will
be a purer one than that which red brings forth.
When a color is brought
to it, the eye right away asks for another one. When it looks at yellow,
there arises in it the longing for violet; when it perceives blue, it
then demands orange; when it sees red, it then desires green. It is
comprehensible that the feeling of contentment arises when, beside a
color which is presented to the eye, another one is placed for which,
in accordance with its nature, it is striving. The law of color harmony
results from the nature of the eye. Colors which the eye asks for side
by side have a harmonious effect. If two colors appear side by side
which do not ask for each other, then the eye is stimulated to react.
The juxtaposition of yellow and purple has something one-sided, but
happy and magnificent. The eye wants violet next to yellow in order
to be able to live in accordance with its nature. If purple takes the
place of violet then the object asserts its claims over against those
of the eye. It does not accomodate itself to the demands of this organ.
Juxtapositions of this kind serve to indicate what is significant
about the things. They do not want unconditionally to satisfy but rather
to characterize. Those colors lend themselves to such characteristic
connections which do not stand in complete opposition to each other
but which also do not go directly over into each other. Juxtapositions
of this latter kind give something characterless to the things on which
they occur.
The becoming and being
of the phenomena of light and colors revealed itself to Goethe in nature.
He also recognized it again in the creations of the painters in which
it is raised to a higher level, is translated into the spiritual. Through
his observations of the perceptions of sight Goethe gained a deep insight
into the relationship of nature and an. He must have been thinking of
this when, after the completion of the
Color Theory,
he wrote to Frau von Stein about these observations: “I do not
regret having sacrificed so much time to them. Through them I have attained
a culture which would have been difficult for me to acquire from any other
Goethean color theory differs from that of Newton and of those physicists
who construct their views upon Newton's mental pictures, because Goethe
takes his start from a world view different from that of these physicists.
Someone who does not really see the connection described here between
Goethe's general picture of nature and his theory of color cannot do
anything other than believe that Goethe came to his views on color because
he lacked a sense for the physicist's genuine methods of observation.
Someone with insight into this connection will also see that within
the Goethean world view no other theory of color is possible than his.
He would not have been able to think differently about the nature of
color phenomena than he did, even if all the discoveries made since
his time had been spread out before him, and if he himself could have
employed with exactness the modern experimental methods which have become
so refined. Even if, after becoming aware of the discovery of the Frauenhofer
lines, he cannot fully incorporate them into his view of nature, neither
they nor any other discovery in the realm of optics contradict his conception.
The point in all this is only to build up this Goethean conception in
such a way that these phenomena fit themselves into this conception.
Admittedly, someone who stands on the point of view of the Newtonian
conception would not be able to picture to himself anything of Goethe's
views on colors. But this does not stem from the fact that such a physicist
knows of phenomena which contradict the Goethean conception but rather
from the fact that he has accustomed himself to a view of nature which
hinders him from knowing what the Goethean view of nature actually wants.