book has been carefully and thoroughly revised by me for each
new edition. The substance of the first edition remains, it is
true, unaltered; but in certain parts I have sought to bring
the mode of expression more and more into accord with the
content of spiritual vision. I have specially endeavoured to do
this in the chapter on repeated earth-lives and destiny (Karma).
Descriptions of the supersensible world must be treated
differently from descriptions of the sensible. They appeal to
the reader in a different way. They demand more from him; he
must work with the author, in thought, more intensely while he
is reading. The author needs his co-operation to a far higher
degree than does one who writes descriptions drawn from the
regions of the sense world. Many critics will perhaps complain,
because I have made special efforts to comply with this demand
in my description of the spiritual world. The spiritual world,
however, has not the defined outlines of the physical; and if
anyone were to represent it so as to give the impression that
this was the case, he would be describing something false. In
describing the spiritual world of facts, the style must be in
accordance with the mobile, flowing character of that
Inner truth, for descriptions of the spiritual world, belongs
alone to what is expressed in flowing, mobile ideas; the
peculiar character of the spiritual world must be carried over
into the ideas. If the reader applies the standard to which he
is accustomed from descriptions of the sense world, he will
find it difficult to adapt himself to this other method of
is by inner exertion of soul that man must reach the
supersensible world. That world would indeed have no value if
it lay spread out complete before his consciousness. It would
then be in no way different from the sense world. Before it can
be known, there must be the longing to find what lies more
deeply hidden in existence than do the forces of the world
perceived by the senses. This longing is one of the inner
experiences that prepare the way for a knowledge of the
supersensible world. Even as there can be no blossom
without first the root, so supersensible knowledge has no true
life without this longing.
would however be a mistake to suppose that the ideas of the
supersensible world arise, as an illusion, out of this longing.
The lungs do not create the air for which they long, neither
does the human soul create out of its longing the ideas of the
supersensible world. But the soul has this longing because it
is formed and built for the supersensible world, as are the
lungs for the air.
There may be those who say that this supersensible world can
only have significance for such as already have the power to
perceive it. This is not so, however. There is no need to be a
painter in order to feel the beauty of a picture. Yet only a
painter can paint it. Just as little is it necessary to be an
investigator in the supersensible in order to judge of the
results of supersensible research. It is only necessary to be
an investigator in order to discover them. This is right
in principle; in the last chapter of this book, however —
and in detail in others of my books — the methods are
given whereby it is possible to become an investigator, and
thus be in a position to test the results of investigation.
April, 1922