WE will now
trace the Âkâshic Records
back to the primeval past, when our earth, as it is now, began to
exist. By earth we mean that condition of our planet by reason of
which it is the bearer of minerals, plants, animals, and men, in
their present form; for this state was preceded by others in which
the above-named kingdoms of Nature existed under essentially
different forms.
The earth,
as we know it, had undergone many transformations before it could
become the bearer of our present world of minerals, plants, animals,
and human beings. Minerals also existed in those earlier conditions,
but they had quite a different appearance from the minerals of our
day. These past conditions will be dealt with later, but for the time
being we shall merely refer to the way in which the condition
immediately preceding the present was transformed into the latter.
We may form a faint idea of such a
transformation by comparison with the passage of the plant nature
through the germinal state. Imagine a plant with its roots, stem,
leaves, blossoms, and fruit: it draws matter from its surroundings
and expels it again. But everything belonging to it of the nature of
substance, form, and growth disappears — all but the tiny germ;
through it the life quickens, to spring up again next year in a
similar form. In the same way all that existed on our earth in its
previous state disappeared, but only to arise again in its present
form. That which might be called mineral, plant, animal, in the
former condition, has passed away, as the roots, stem, and different
parts of the plant have passed away; and in one case as in the other,
the germ-state has remained out of which the old form is built up
anew, for within the germ lie concealed the forces which cause
the new form to proceed from it.
In the period which we are just about to
describe, we have to deal, therefore, with a kind of earth-germ,
containing within it the forces which gave rise to the earth of
to-day, forces which were acquired by virtue of its former
conditions. We must not imagine, however, that this earth-seed
consisted of dense matter like the plant-seed: it was rather of a
psychic nature, and composed of that fine, vibrating, plastic
matter which is called “astral” in Theosophical
This astral germ of the earth at first
contained the embryonic human being, the beginnings of the future
human souls. Everything which existed in previous states as minerals,
plants, and animals, had been absorbed by these human germs —
merged in them. So, before man trod the physical earth, he was a soul
— an astral being, — and as such he finds himself on the
physical earth, which then consisted of the finest matter —
called in Theosophical literature the finest etheric matter.
The origin of this etheric earth will be
explained in another chapter. The astral human beings drew this ether
round them, imprinting on it, as it were, their own nature, so that
it became a copy of the astral human being. Thus, at the first stage,
we have to deal with an etheric earth, which is really only composed
of this etheric humanity, and is nothing but a conglomerate of it.
The astral body, or soul of man, is actually, for the most part,
outside the etheric body and organizes it from without. To the occult
investigator the earth appears somewhat as follows: it is a sphere
composed in its turn of countless tiny etheric spheres —
etheric humanity — and surrounded by an astral covering, as the
present earth is surrounded by a covering of air. In this
astral envelope (atmosphere) astral humanity lives, and from
there it works on its etheric images. The astral human souls create
organs in their etheric images, in whom they effect a human etheric
existence. Within the whole earth there is only one condition
of matter, and that is the subtle vital ether. This primeval humanity
is called in Theosophical books the Polar, or First, Root-Race.
The further evolution of the earth now
consists in the development of the one condition of matter into two;
a denser matter separates off, leaving a finer substance
behind. The denser substance is similar to our air, while the finer
substance resembles that which effects the formation of chemical
elements from their previously undifferentiated substance. In
addition to these, a remnant of the earlier matter — the
vitalised ether — continued to exist. Only a part of the latter
was incorporated with the two conditions of matter just described.
We find, then, at this time three kinds of
matter in the physical earth. While formerly the activities of the
astral human beings were confined to one substance in the
earth-shell, they now had to work upon three, their work being
carried on in the following manner. That part which had become
gaseous at first offered resistance to the work of the astral
beings; it would not assimilate all the latent possibilities
contained in the perfect astral beings; consequently, the astral
humanity is forced to divide into two groups. One group is that which
elaborates the gaseous matter, and creates in it its own image; the
other group is able to do more: it can work upon the two other kinds
of matter; it can create an image of itself composed both of the
vitalised ether and the other kind of ether, thus giving rise to the
chemical elements. In the present work we shall call this kind of
ether “chemical ether.”
But this second group of astral beings has
only acquired this higher faculty by throwing off a part — the
first group — of the astral essence, and condemning it to
perform lower work. Had it retained in itself those forces which
accomplished the meaner task, it could not have risen higher itself.
Here we have an event arising from the fact that something higher
procures its own advancement at the cost of another, which it
severs from itself.
This is the picture which now presents itself
within the physical earth: two kinds of beings exist. Firstly, those
having a gaseous body, on which astral beings belonging to it
work from outside. These beings are of the nature of animals, and
form a first animal kingdom on the earth. Were we to describe the
forms of these animals, the man of to-day would think them rather
strange. Their form — we must bear in mind that it consisted
only of gaseous substance — resembles none of the animal forms
existing now; they have, perhaps, a distant resemblance to the shells
of certain snails or shell-fish of the present day.
Side by side with
these animal forms, man's physical development progresses. Astral
humanity, now risen a step higher, creates a physical image of itself
consisting of two kinds of matter, of vital ether and of chemical
ether. Thus we have before us a human being consisting of an astral
body, who is working upon an etheric body, which is again composed of
two kinds of ether, vital and chemical ether.
By means of the life-ether this physical image
of man has the power of reproduction, of bringing forth beings
like itself. By means of the chemical ether it develops certain
forces, similar to the chemical forces known to us at the present day
as attraction and repulsion. Thereby this human image has the power
of attracting certain substances in its surroundings and of
uniting them with itself — afterwards to throw them out
again by the power of repulsion. Such matter can, of course, only be
drawn from the animal kingdom described above, and from the human
kingdom. Here we discover the origin of nutrition. These first human
images were thus animal and man-eaters. There still existed
simultaneously with these the descendants of the former, merely
life-ether beings, but they became stunted, having to adapt
themselves to the new terrestrial conditions. From these are formed
at a later period, after many transformations undergone by them, the
unicellular creatures, as also the cells which afterwards went to the
formation of the more complicated beings.
The next step
forward is this: the gaseous matter divides in two, the denser part
becoming watery and the other remaining gaseous. But the
chemical ether also divides into two conditions of matter; the one
becomes denser, and forms what we shall here call light-ether; it
confers on the beings in whom it is contained the gift of becoming
luminous. But a part of the chemical ether retains its original form.
We have henceforth to deal with a physical earth composed of the
following kinds of matter: water, air, light-ether, chemical ether,
and life-ether. Now, to enable the astral beings to influence these
kinds of matter again, another occurrence takes place, involving the
progress of something higher at the expense of something lower
thrown off from it. This process gives rise to physical beings of the
character we shall now describe.
Firstly, there were those whose physical body
was made up of water and air, who are now worked upon by coarse
astral beings belonging to those who had been thrown out. So there
arises a new group of animals composed of denser matter than the
former ones. Secondly, another new group of physical beings came into
existence, possessing a body which may consist of air and light-ether
mixed with water. These are plant-like beings, but differing greatly
in form from the plants of the present time. Only in the third new
group do we find the man of that time represented. His physical body
is composed of three kinds of ether, light-ether, chemical ether, and
life-ether. When we consider that descendants of the old groups still
continue to exist, we can gauge the multiplicity of living beings
which already existed when our earth was at that stage of development.
A momentous
cosmic event here occurs. The sun withdraws, and simultaneously certain
forces leave the earth altogether. These forces are composed of a
part of that which was present on the earth hitherto in the form of
life-, chemical-, and light-ether. Thus these forces were
withdrawn, as it were, from the earth as it had existed up to
the present. Thereby a radical change took place in all the groups of
terrestrial beings who had hitherto contained these forces within
themselves. They underwent transformation. The first to be so
transformed were what we called above the plant beings, who were
deprived of the forces they had possessed by means of the
light-ether, so that they could now only develop as living beings
when acted upon from without by the light forces taken from them, and
in this way plants came under the influence of sunlight.
Something of a similar nature happened to the
human bodies as well. Their light-ether had to co-operate henceforth
with the light-ether of the sun, in order to be capable of life. But
not only those beings from whom the light-ether had been directly
withdrawn were affected; others were also influenced; for everything
in the world works together. The animal forms, too, which did not
themselves contain light-ether had once been irradiated by their
fellow-beings on the earth, and developed under the influence of the
light received from them; and they now came also indirectly under the
influence of the sun from without.
The human body, however, in particular, developed organs which are
susceptible to the sunlight — the first rudiments of the human
The result of the sun's separation was a
further condensation of the matter of the earth. Solid matter began
to develop from the liquid; in like manner the light-ether
differentiates into a second kind of light-ether and an ether which
enables bodies to develop warmth. The earth thus becomes a being
which generates heat within itself. All its inhabitants were brought
under the influence of heat. Again, in the astral world a similar
process to the former one must occur: certain beings progressed at
the expense of others. A certain number of beings, suited to work
upon the gross solid matter, were separated off, and this was the
origin of the firm skeleton of the earth, the mineral kingdom.
At first the higher kingdoms of Nature did not
all exercise their influence on this solid, mineral, bony mass, so
that we find on the earth a mineral kingdom which is hard and a
vegetable kingdom in which the densest matter is water and air. For
in this kingdom the gaseous body itself had been densified to a
water-body by the events described; and, besides these, there were
animals of the most multifarious forms, some with water- and some
with air-bodies. The human body itself had undergone a process of
densification. Its firmest corporeality had solidified to the density
of water. The heat-ether having arisen, this water-body of man's was
pervaded by it, imparting to it a kind of matter which might,
perhaps, be described as of the nature of gas. This condition of
matter of the human body is described in works on Occult
Science as that of “firemist.” In this body of firemist
man was incorporated.