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An Outline of Occult Science
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An Outline of Occult Science
If the student of the spiritual has had the above described
experiences he is capable of distinguishing, within the surrounding
world of soul and spirit, between himself and what lies outside him.
He will then recognize that it is necessary to comprehend the cosmic
process described in this book, in order to understand man and his
life. Indeed, we understand the physical body only when we recognize
how it has been fashioned during the Saturn, Sun, Moon, and Earth
evolutions. We understand the ether body when we follow its formations
through the Sun, Moon, and Earth evolutions. Moreover, we understand
what at present is connected with the Earth evolution when we know how
everything has unfolded itself step by step. Through spiritual
training the student is placed in the position to recognize the
relationship of everything that exists in the human being to
corresponding facts and beings of the world outside him. For it is a
fact that every member of the human organism stands in a relationship
to the whole world surrounding it. In this book it has only been
possible to indicate the facts in a sketchy outline. We must, however,
consider that the human physical body, for example, was present during
the Saturn evolution only in its rudimentary beginnings. Its
organs the heart, the lungs, the brain developed later out of these
beginnings during the Sun, Moon, and Earth evolutions. The heart,
lungs, and the other organs are thus related to the Sun, Moon, and
Earth evolutions. It is quite the same with the members of the ether
and soul body, the sentient soul, and the other principles. Man is
fashioned from the entire surrounding world, and every part of him
corresponds to a process or being of the outer world. At the
corresponding stage of his development the student becomes acquainted
with this relationship between his own being and the great world. We
may designate this stage of cognition as the becoming aware of the
correspondence between the lesser world, the microcosm, which is the
human being himself, and the greater world, the macrocosm. If the
student has struggled through to such a stage of knowledge, a new
experience may occur for him. He begins to feel as though he were
intergrown with the entire cosmic structure, in spite of the fact that
he feels himself in his complete independence. This feeling is a
merging with the entire cosmos, a becoming one with it, but without
losing one's own essential being. This stage of development may be
designated as the becoming one with the macrocosm. It is
significant that this becoming one, this union, is not to be thought
of as though through it the individual consciousness were to cease and
the human being were to flow out into the universe, merging with it.
Such a thought would be merely the expression of an opinion springing
from the untrained power of judgment. The stages of higher knowledge,
in the sense of the process of initiation that has been described in
this book, may now be enumerated as follows:
I. Study of spiritual science, in which one employs one's power of
judgment gained in the physical-sensory world.
II. Acquiring imaginative knowledge.
III. Reading the occult script-corresponding to inspiration.
IV. Living into the spiritual environment corresponding to intuition.
V. Knowledge of the relationships between microcosm and macrocosm.
VI. Union with the macrocosm.
VII. Total experience of all previous experiences as a
fundamental mood of the soul.
These stages need not be thought of as successive experiences. On the
contrary, the training may proceed in such a way that, in accordance
with the individuality of the student of the spiritual, he may have
reached only a certain degree of perfection in a preceding stage when
he begins exercises that correspond to a subsequent stage. It may well
happen, for example, that the student has only gained a few
imaginations with certainty, yet he already performs exercises leading
to inspiration, intuition, or the cognition of the relationship
between microcosm and macrocosm.
If the student of the spiritual has experienced intuition, he not only
knows the images of the psycho-spiritual world, he cannot merely read
their connections in the occult script, but he attains to
knowledge of the spiritual beings themselves through whose
co-operation the world, to which the human being belongs, comes into
existence. In this way he learns to know himself in the form he
possesses as a spiritual being in the world of soul and spirit. He has
struggled through to a perception of his higher ego, and he has become
aware of how he has to continue his efforts in order to control his
Doppelganger, the guardian of the threshold. He has,
however, also encountered the greater guardian of the
threshold, who stands before him as an ever present exhorter to
further effort. This greater guardian becomes the ideal
toward which he strives. If this feeling emerges in the student of the
spiritual, he has then acquired the possibility of recognizing who it
is that stands there before him as the greater guardian of the
threshold. To the perception of the student of the spiritual
this guardian now transforms himself into the form of the Christ,
whose Being and participation in Earth evolution has been made clear
in the previous chapters of this book. The student is now initiated
into the exalted mystery that is linked with the name of the Christ.
The Christ shows Himself to the student as the great ideal of
man on earth. If thus through intuition the Christ is recognized
in the spiritual world, what occurred historically on earth in the
fourth post-Atlantean evolutionary epoch the Greco-Latin epoch also
becomes comprehensible. The way in which, at that time, the exalted
Sun Being, the Christ, has intervened in the Earth evolution and how
he continues to work within this evolution becomes the personally
experienced knowledge of the student of the spiritual. It is thus a
revelation of the meaning and significance of Earth evolution that the
student receives through intuition. The way to knowledge of the
supersensible worlds, which is described here, is one that every human
being can follow, no matter what the situation in which he may find
himself within the present-day conditions of life. When describing
such a path we must consider that the goal of knowledge and truth is
the same in all ages of Earth evolution, but that the starting points
of man have been different in different ages. If the human being
wishes to tread the path to the spiritual world he cannot at present
begin at the same starting point as, for example, the would-be
initiate of ancient Egypt. Therefore, the exercises that were imposed
upon the student of the spiritual of ancient Egypt cannot be carried
out by the modern man without modification. Since that time, human
souls have passed through various incarnations, and this advance from
incarnation to incarnation is not without meaning and significance.
The faculties and qualities of souls alter from incarnation to
incarnation. Whoever considers human historical life, be it only
superficially, is able to notice that since the twelfth and thirteenth
centuries A.D. all life-conditions have changed when compared with
previous centuries; that opinions, feelings, and also abilities of
human beings have become different from what they were previously. The
path to higher knowledge described here is eminently fit for souls who
incarnate in the immediate present. It is one that places the point of
departure for spiritual development just where the human being now
stands in any situation presented by modern life. Progressive
evolution leads mankind in regard to the path to higher knowledge from
period to period to ever changing forms, just as outer life changes
its forms, and at all times a perfect harmony must prevail between
outer life and initiation.
Last Modified: 10-Feb-2025
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