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Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Section Name Rudolf Steiner e.Lib

An Outline of Occult Science

Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document

Sketch of Rudolf Steiner lecturing at the East-West Conference in Vienna.

Portrait of Rudolf Steiner    

RUDOLF STEINER, philosopher, scientist and educator, (1861–1925), has achieved world-wide fame as the originator of the Science of the Spirit known as Anthroposophy, and as a pioneer of genius in a variety of fields of learning.

“As a scientist by external training and inmost calling, Rudolf Steiner shared the generally expressed goal of science — that the wisdom of man shall discover the wisdom of the universe. Through Steiner this goal now clearly extends beyond physical-material limits. Modern exact clairvoyance, as developed by him, reveals spiritual facts to spiritual vision as clearly as men's ordinary senses reveal to the intellect the facts of the physical world. The facts of the physical world actually demonstrate and clarify spiritual knowledge. Yet the anthroposophy of Steiner shuns vague mysticism, finding facts of the spiritual world fully accessible to scientific investigation and proof. Thoughts, to him, are objective, and like any thought of science, a thought with purely inner existence can now be tested, tried and verified (or disproved) through its physical applications or on its own ground of thinking. Steiner's anthroposophy, or “spiritual science,” thus greatly extends the dimensions of science. It breaks through the limits of knowledge that Kant had proclaimed and the world had accepted, almost as under a kind of hypnotic spell.”

Floyd McKnight. Rudolf Steiner and Anthroposophy.  

Last Modified: 10-Feb-2025
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