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Occult Science - An Outline
Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document
Occult Science - An Outline
Knowledge of the Higher Worlds
The pupil of the Spirit having now undergone the meeting with the
Guardian of the Threshold, further experiences await him as he ascends
into supersensible worlds. In the first place, he will notice that
there is an inner connection between this Guardian of the Threshold
and what was described above as a seventh power in the soul, which
took on the form of an independent being. In truth, this seventh being
is, from a certain point of view, none other than the Double, than the
Guardian himself, whose presence sets the pupil a specific task. He
has to place what he is in his ordinary self which he has now
before him in picture under the leadership and guidance of his
new-born Self. A kind of struggle will ensue, the Double striving
continually to gain the upper hand. If the pupil can succeed in
establishing a right relation to the Double, not allowing him to do
anything that is not inspired by the new-born I, he will find
that his true human powers gain in strength and in stability.
In the matter of self-knowledge the situation is somewhat different in
the higher world from what it is in the physical. In the physical
world self-knowledge is a purely inward experience, whereas in the
higher world from the very outset the new-born Self manifests as an
external phenomenon of Soul. The pupil sees it there before him as a
distinct being. He is not however able to have a complete perception
of this new-born Self. For no matter how many stages he may have
reached on the path into supersensible worlds, there are always higher
stages ahead; and at every one of them the pupil will perceive more of
his Higher Self. At any particular stage, it can be only partially
revealed to him. When the pupil first begins to be aware of the Higher
Self, he is strongly tempted, as it were, to regard it from the
vantage-point he has gained in the physical world. Indeed it is good
that he should feel thus tempted; it is even necessary if his
development is to proceed in the right way. For he has to contemplate
what appears to him as his Double, the Guardian of the
Threshold, he has to see all this in face of the Higher Self,
and so perceive the vast disparity between what he is now and what he
is meant to become. Once the pupil enters upon this comparison, the
Guardian of the Threshold begins to assume another form, presenting
himself as a picture of all the hindrances that stand in the way of
the development of the Higher Self. The pupil now sees what a burden
he is dragging about with him all the time in the ordinary self. And
should the preparation he has undergone have failed to give him the
strength to say at this point: I am not going to stand still, but
shall make ceaseless effort to carry my development ever on and on in
the direction of the Higher Self should he not be strong enough
to say this, he will falter and shrink from what is yet in store for
him. He will indeed have entered into the world of soul and spirit,
but as one who has relinquished all idea of making further efforts for
his development. He then becomes a prisoner of the form that stands
before him in the Guardian of the Threshold. The significant thing,
however, is that he does not eel himself a prisoner; he imagines he is
passing through an entirely different experience. The form that is
evoked by the Guardian of the Threshold may even give rise in his soul
to the impression that in the pictures he beholds at this stage of his
development he already has a complete survey of the possible Worlds;
that he has arrived at the very summit of knowledge and has no need to
exert himself any further. Far indeed from seeing himself as a
prisoner, he feels he is now the possessor of inexhaustible riches,
even of all the secrets of the Universe. That such an experience
the complete reversal of the true state of affairs
should be possible will not astonish us, when we remember that the man
undergoing it is in the world of soul and spirit, a world where thing
are apt to show themselves in their opposites. Attention was called to
this characteristic of the soul-and-spirit world in an earlier
chapter, when studying the life after death.
In the figure that the pupil is perceiving at this stage of this
development, there is more than in the form in which the Guardian of
the Threshold first presented himself to him. At that time he could
perceive in the Double all the qualities that the ordinary self
possesses in consequence of the influence of the Luciferic powers. In
the course of evolution, however, owing to the influence of Lucifer,
another power has found its way into the human soul; we called it in
earlier sections of this book the power of Ahriman. This s the power
that hinders man, so long as he is living in physical existence, from
having sight of the soul-and-spirit Being who underlie what the senses
perceive at the surface of the outer world. What the soul has become
under the influence of this power, the pupil now beholds as in
a picture in the figure that confronts him in the experience we
are now describing. If he is duly prepared for this experience, he
will assign to it its true meaning; and then, quite soon, yet another
figure will be revealed to him. It is the Greater Guardian of
the Threshold, so called to distinguish Him from the
Lesser Guardian, hitherto described. The Greater Guardian
tells the pupil that he must not remain at this stage but must press
forward with untiring energy. He calls upon him to realized that the
world into which he has won his way can only become truth for him if
he perseveres in his efforts. Otherwise it will change for him into
illusion. Were a pupil to submit himself to a wrong kind of training
and come to this experience unprepared, he would, on approaching the
Greater Guardian of the Threshold, find himself completely
overwhelmed overwhelmed with a feeling that can only be
compared with boundless fear and terror.
The meeting with the Lesser Guardian of the Threshold afforded the
pupil the opportunity of testing whether he is proof against the
delusions that may arise through carrying his own being into the
supersensible world; and the experiences that lead him at long last to
the Greater Guardian of the Threshold will now enable him to discover
whether he can stand up to the delusions that spring from the second
source above mentioned. If he is proof against the captivating
delusion which makes the picture-world he has attained seem to him
like a rich possession when all the time he is but a prisoner
thereof he will be protected from taking appearance for reality
in the further course of his spiritual evolution.
The Guardian of the Threshold will to some extent assume
an individual and different form for every single person. For the
meeting with him is the very experience by means of which the personal
character of supersensible perceptions is eventually overcome and the
way opened into a region of experience that is free from all personal
coloring a region universally valid, to which every human being
has equal access.
Last Modified: 10-Feb-2025
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