This book
reproduces the content of lectures I gave in June of this year in
Copenhagen on the occasion of the General Assembly of the Scandinavian
Theosophical Society. They were delivered to an audience familiar with
spiritual science or theosophy [anthroposophy], and thus they presuppose
this familiarity.
They are in every detail based on my books
An Outline of Occult Science
Anyone unacquainted with the premises of these
books would certainly regard this report as a curious product of mere
fantasy. However, the above mentioned books present the scientific basis
for everything said here.
I have completely revised the stenographic transcription of the lectures,
but my intention in publishing them was to retain, as much as possible,
the character of the original spoken presentation. This should be noted
here because it is my opinion that a discourse intended for reading
must be completely different from a spoken one. I have followed this
principle in all my previous writings that were intended for publication.
The style and presentation of this book are closer to the spoken word
because I have reasons for allowing this account to be published at
this time and because a complete revision in accordance with the above
principle would take a very long time.