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Query was: astral
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- Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: Contents
Matching lines:
- Concerning Reincarnation and Karma; Man's Astral Body
- Concerning the Astral Body and the Luciferic Beings; and
- Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: V: Concerning Reincarnation and Karma
Matching lines:
- Man's Astral Body and the Spiritual World;
- Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: VI: Concerning the Astral Body and the Luciferic Beings
Matching lines:
- VI: Concerning the Astral Body and the Luciferic Beings
- Concerning the Astral Body and the Luciferic Beings;
- what may be called an astral being. One of the many reasons which justify
- this expression is that the astral being of man as such is not subject
- science recognises that within man's astral being are working, not the
- recofnition of a third or astral body is added to that of the physical
- man's astral body has its origin in the higher world, in the spiritual
- as reflections of his astral being. But in those bodies forces are working,
- a kind of human astral essence. And a degree of clairvoyance which merely
- rightly to understand their meaning, may easily take the astral admixture
- in the physical and etheric bodies for the astral body proper. Yet that
- human astral essence is just that principle of human nature which opposes
- because a knowledge of the soul's astral being is at the outset quite
- beholds the reflected etheric image of his astral body, and at the same
- the etheric reflection of the astral body may, in etheric clairvoyance,
- become an illusory image mistaken for the real astral body.
- Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: VII: Summary of the Foregoing
Matching lines:
- in an astral body, in the same way as he is living in a physical and
- of the astral body is the world of the spirit. Beings of the same nature
- makes the relation of the astral body to the etheric and physical bodies
- III. The astral body in a purely spiritual environment. Through this
- physical worlds are reflections. In the astral body lives man's other
- Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XIII: The First Beginnings of Mans Physical Body
Matching lines:
- spiritual worlds and interpenetrate his etheric and astral bodies with
- it. For man has an etheric and an astral body in which the ego-experience
- of everything which man, as a physical, etheric, and astral being, is
- Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XIV: Concerning Mans Real Ego
Matching lines:
- soul experiences itself in its astral body and has living thought-beings
- no impression upon the astral body. The soul has to learn to live by
- of the astral body. The strength which is needful for the soul at this
- lives in them, the more it strengthens the forces of the astral body.
- learns to feel itself as an astral being. To use an expression in keeping
- itself as an astral being within the cosmic Word.” By the cosmic
- can experience itself in the etheric and astral bodies, so too can it
- Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XV: Summary of Part of the Foregoing
Matching lines:
- The astral body in a spiritual environment. Through it man is a member
- Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XVI: Remarks on the Connection of what is in this Book with Accounts in Theosophy and Occult Science
Matching lines:
- the astral body. The etheric body, after being detached from the soul,
- in Theosophy — becomes detached from its astral body, it goes
- on living in the entity which is here called the real ego. The astral
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