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- Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: Contents
Matching lines:
- Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: I: Concerning the Reliance which may be placed on Thinking
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- consciousness human thought is like an island in the midst of the stream
- Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: II: Concerning Knowledge of the Spiritual World
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- not penetrate completely into the consciousness; and later — perhaps
- thing to genuine clairvoyant consciousness. The important point is what
- man's ordinary consciousness, which has no means of penetrating into
- consciousness, the better. We shall in that case clearly understand that
- it may perhaps be quite naturally explained from the subconscious psychic
- of clairvoyant consciousness is not easily gained, nor is it without
- clairvoyant may be mistaken and regard a subconscious fact as an experience
- science leads to a knowledge of self which embraces subconscious states
- Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: III: Concerning Mans Etheric Body and the Elemental World
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- consciousness. For there are many things present, and living, in the
- of the soul of which it is at first unconscious. The feeling is something
- world. When he becomes conscious of this state of things, the consciousness
- is quite different from that of ordinary experience. This new consciousness
- consciousness.
- his ordinary consciousness man calls himself “ I,” signifying
- the soul inwardly, that it can be conscious of itself as an individual
- consciousness as if they were a part of its own being.
- to possess it consciously, the soul must first prepare itself. It must
- his spiritual environment, and he — unconsciously — has recourse
- consciousness finds in the elemental world real beings which up to a
- certain point have independence, just as physical consciousness finds
- body as a whole, so to clairvoyant consciousness are the several beings of
- consciousness.
- better, through clairvoyant experience, we ourselves and our consciousness
- Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: V: Concerning Reincarnation and Karma
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- soul unconsciously resists this, because it imagines its independent
- with it. If, however, our consciousness can attain to realising it as
- sphere of the soul's conscious life between birth and death. We learn
- consciousness, has been created, with all its powers and attributes.
- itself from the influence of conscious life. It begins to feel that this
- the soul has been adequately pre-pared, clairvoyant consciousness
- ordinary consciousness lives in this state of things, which is thus
- beheld by clairvoyant consciousness, without being aware of the fact.
- even if the soul in ordinary consciousness knows nothing about
- with all that it contains of joy and sorrow. When clairvoyant consciousness
- existence through the working of this being. When the consciousness
- Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: VI: Concerning the Astral Body and the Luciferic Beings
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- also belongs to existence in the lower world. Clairvoyant consciousness,
- if it has passed through adequate preparation, feels itself as a conscious
- in clairvoyant consciousness, the knowledge of the facts. Every human
- accepts the pictures of clairvoyant consciousness, without being able
- impossible for ordinary human consciousness. Even during the first stages
- of clairvoyant consciousness such knowledge is not yet attainable. The
- consciousness is attained when man experiences himself in his etheric
- penetrates further into the higher world, clairvoyant consciousness
- are active. If clairvoyant consciousness betakes itself beyond the earth
- and beings of the world from which it originates. Clairvoyant consciousness
- Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: VII: Summary of the Foregoing
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- such a way that in one earthly life it is trained in normal consciousness
- as a being independent of that consciousness, then experiences itself
- Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: VIII: Concerning the Guardian of the Threshold
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- of Clairvoyant Consciousness
- nature is realised when we consider that for clairvoyant consciousness,
- as an independent being, and to experience in its field of consciousness
- clairvoyant consciousness passes. On entering the elemental world, the
- consciousness becomes filled with beings who are perceived in the form
- clairvoyant consciousness during its sojourn in the elemental world
- consciousness. They are simply non-existent as far as this consciousness
- of healthy consciousness that it only desires to enter the spiritual
- physical world for beholding the spiritual world. Consciousness clings
- the physical world. The tenacity with which consciousness clings to
- ourselves as human beings, consciously and unconsciously in the physical
- plain why we hesitate about consciously entering the supersensible world;
- means of which we desire to continue to keep our consciousness in the
- consciousness as the eye can see itself, is the guardian of the threshold
- its inner forces are not then strong enough to bring about consciousness
- as they appear. They enter the field of consciousness so slightly that
- Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: IX: Concerning the Ego-Feeling and the Human Souls Capacity for Love
Matching lines:
- human soul consciously enters the elemental world, it finds itself obliged
- way. It is also quite natural that the consciousness, which at first
- if it did not develop a consciousness in the physical world which in
- may not only be present as an unconscious quality of the soul on entering
- the elemental world, but may also be kept clearly in the consciousness.
- If the soul is too weak for conscious experience in the elemental world,
- supersensible world at all with its consciousness. When it makes the
- world it retains something of the supersensible in its consciousness,
- super-sensible worlds. For in order to live consciously in those worlds,
- way.” This transformation of self, this conscious projection of
- process of conscious self-projection into others, we learn to know the
- to clairvoyant consciousness the life of the soul in the physical world
- would be present in clairvoyant consciousness, but not the clairvoyant's
- other hand, it is essential for human consciousness within the physical
- the strong ego-feeling were to project itself into the soul's conscious
- clairvoyantly conscious the human soul awakes in the spiritual world;
- The experiences of consciousness which is becoming clairvoyant, manifest
- them, clairvoyant consciousness often has recourse to the expedient of
- of the soul which strengthen the forces of consciousness in the way
- Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: X: Concerning the Boundary between the Physical World and Supersensible Worlds
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- Clairvoyant consciousness has therefore to live itself into the capacity
- the physical world. Clairvoyant consciousness must ever observe the
- possessed by its etheric body to go on working, ordinary consciousness
- necessary presupposition for the right working of clairvoyant consciousness.
- One who wants to acquire this consciousness must be careful that no
- disturbing element creeps into his ordinary consciousness through his
- enough to banish from physical consciousness the forces and faculties,
- active in ordinary consciousness. If the supersensible world is entered
- may thrust themselves into physical consciousness as illusive pictures.
- consciousness has to take the experiences of the physical world as realities.
- etheric body. Clairvoyant consciousness has to make the discovery that
- Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XI: Concerning Beings of the Spirit-Worlds
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- soul enters the supersensible world with clairvoyant consciousness, it
- a consciousness of their own being, although man would not be able to
- Clairvoyant consciousness learns to know these beings through developing
- This clairvoyant consciousness lifts the human soul up into the world
- arise in its consciousness which bring about knowledge of these beings.
- consciousness supersensible images which are not the true expression
- When man with clairvoyant consciousness contemplates the Luciferic
- Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XII: Concerning Spiritual Cosmic Beings
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- consciousness comes to life in the elemental world, it finds beings
- not brought into the spiritual world, man would simply lapse into unconsciousness
- been formed erroneously. If these are present in the consciousness on
- consciousness enters this spiritual world of living thought-beings,
- qualities which the consciousness has around it in the physical world.
- Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XIII: The First Beginnings of Mans Physical Body
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- consciousness impressions which are reminiscent of the impressions of
- the clairvoyant consciousness of man finds within the etheric body
- activity of human consciousness. At first it appears as an outer counterpart
- take place in man, but they could not be so synthetised that the consciousness
- soul. This becomes specially evident when the consciousness develops
- If the consciousness enters the spiritual world in a clairvoyant capacity,
- clairvoyant consciousness is transferred to this super-spiritual world,
- somewhat as follows, by tracing the path followed by clairvoyant consciousness
- as the consciousness is only experiencing itself in the elemental world.
- In that world the consciousness is able to become aware of the way in
- When the consciousness enters the spiritual world, another part of
- when the consciousness reaches the super-spiritual world. It is revealed
- Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XIV: Concerning Mans Real Ego
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- supersensible worlds from having its consciousness deadened, clouded,
- dreamlike experience, i.e. do not come into the consciousness at all,
- held fast by the will if it is not to leave the circle of the consciousness.
- If they are to remain in the consciousness, the soul must be so strengthened
- itself on its own memories. The content of its consciousness is at first
- that intercourse becomes a world of conceptions in the consciousness
- everything in itself which so far the consciousness of that existence
- and thinking. It must consciously renounce its past. The resolution
- complete sleep of the consciousness by one's own will, not by conditions
- of as having for its object a return, after an interval of unconsciousness,
- to the same consciousness that was previously there, but as if that
- consciousness, by means of the resolution, really plunges into forgetfulness
- is revealed in the spiritual world as his own conscious existence. If
- sink into oblivion. Clairvoyant consciousness is able to perform such
- the human soul the knowledge of that real ego. Just as clairvoyant consciousness
- human soul. Clairvoyant consciousness simply experiences consciously
- not conscious.
- nevertheless live consciously in those memories, because the living
- moment life emerges in the real ego. Clairvoyant consciousness, by strengthening
- Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XVI: Remarks on the Connection of what is in this Book with Accounts in Theosophy and Occult Science
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- of clairvoyant consciousness when it enters the elemental world and
- standpoint of clairvoyant consciousness, is in this book called the
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