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Searching The Threshold of the Spiritual World

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Query was: earth

Here are the matching lines in their respective documents. Select one of the highlighted words in the matching lines below to jump to that point in the document.

  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: II: Concerning Knowledge of the Spiritual World
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    • their soul with experiences of a former earth-life; but one should always
    • be suspicious when these pictures seem to point to previous earth-lives
    • former earth-life, or of several such lives, appears, it generally happens
    • with it. We may, for instance, receive an impression of our former earth
    • we are developing in the present life on earth; and we learn that in
    • our earth-life we have often been driven to be fond of something which
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: III: Concerning Mans Etheric Body and the Elemental World
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    • body of the earth. Within the earth's etheric body an etheric human
    • They may be designated as earth-souls. (And if we do not think ourselves
    • mentioned above, which may figuratively be called earth, water, air,
    • certain respect within the earth's elemental etheric body. Their tasks
    • carry their activity beyond the earth-sphere. If we come to know them
    • are carried in the spirit beyond the sphere of earth. We see how this
    • earth-sphere has been developed from another, and how it is evolving
    • in a sense of a new earth, may arise out of it. My book Occult Science
    • explains why that from which the earth was formed may be designated
    • earth aspires in the future may be called Jupiter. The essential point
    • by, from which the earth has formed itself by transformation; whilst
    • which the earth is aspiring.
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: IV: Summary of the Foregoing
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    • body of the earth. This latter proves to be the transmuted essence of
    • means man comes to recognise himself as a member of the earth's etheric
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: V: Concerning Reincarnation and Karma
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    • earthly lives. In the nucleus of the soul, which is to a certain degree
    • share as long as it is enveloped in a physical earthly body between
    • for entering upon a new earthly life through a new birth; just as the
    • results of that life into later earthly lives. In the form of a picture,
    • one earthly existence is the direct consequence of previous ones.
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: VI: Concerning the Astral Body and the Luciferic Beings
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    • to the conditions which prevail within the sphere of earth. Spiritual
    • “natural” laws of earth, but those laws which have to be
    • about him in his present earthly existence, is not really the reflected
    • archetype and Earth conditions, the etheric body has of the etheric body
    • at all perfectly in man on earth, owing to as a part of the human being.
    • the nature of the earthly essence in which the beings mentioned above
    • are active. If clairvoyant consciousness betakes itself beyond the earth
    • to the present condition of the earth, before even the “Moon
    • manner in which the present earth was evolved out of a “Moon
    • The earth,
    • condition, and afterwards became earth. During the Sun condition the
    • may say that, during the earth's Sun condition in a remote past, man
    • Later, during the Moon and Earth conditions, the etheric body has become
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: VII: Summary of the Foregoing
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    • permanent human entity, which passes through repeated earthly lives in
    • such a way that in one earthly life it is trained in normal consciousness
    • time realises in a new earthly life the results of the preceding one.
    • a way that one earthly life follows another as a consequence which is
    • period of the earth, its so-called Sun condition.
    • By means of this body man recognises himself as a member of the earth's
    • self, and this comes to expression in repeated earthly lives.
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: VIII: Concerning the Guardian of the Threshold
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    • physical world. This attachment to earth-life then appears in its full
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XI: Concerning Beings of the Spirit-Worlds
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    • the supersensible etheric body of the earth through the sympathies and
    • antipathies of his etheric body, these beings are not earth-bound in
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XII: Concerning Spiritual Cosmic Beings
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    • the soul from the earth-lives preceding the present one, works in the
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XIII: The First Beginnings of Mans Physical Body
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    • book mention was made of a Moon and Sun condition, preceding the Earth
    • earth-life. Such impressions are no longer to be gained when clairvoyant
    • sight is directed to the still further distant past of the earth's Sun
    • it is necessary to keep at a distance all ideas of the earth's mineral and
    • conditions of the earth period; and, those of them which concern
    • plant-life, to the long-past Moon period. To the earth's ancient Sun
    • be traced in its further development through the Moon and Earth periods.
    • of spiritual beings who have been active from the beginning of the earth's
    • Moon condition of the earth. This state of things continues as long
    • of the earth as man's physical entity at that period. But even of this
    • to go back to a condition of the earth before its Sun period. In my
    • the term Saturn period for this condition of the earth's existence.
    • In this sense the earth was Saturn before it became Sun. And during
    • the succeeding Sun, Moon, and Earth periods by the further actions of
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XIV: Concerning Mans Real Ego
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    • Nevertheless, memory of previous earth-lives can never arise within
    • physical experience, unless the thoughts have, during those earth-lives,
    • of it may arise later. Therefore we must, during one earth-life, gain
    • in expecting that in our next earthly existence we shall be able to
    • clairvoyance, there may arise in his soul, during the earth-lives following
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XV: Summary of Part of the Foregoing
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    • period which preceded the Sun period of the earth. Subsequently, during
    • the Sun, Moon, and Earth periods, it developed into what the human physical
    • cosmic essence during a long-past Saturn period of the earth, and
    • earth has become what it now is.
    • man recognises himself as a member of the earth's elemental or vital
    • cosmic essence during a long-past Sun period of the earth, and through
    • its development during three planetary metamorphoses of the earth
    • itself in repeated earth-lives.

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