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Searching The Threshold of the Spiritual World

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Query was: element

Here are the matching lines in their respective documents. Select one of the highlighted words in the matching lines below to jump to that point in the document.

  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: Contents
    Matching lines:
    • Concerning Man's Etheric Body and the Elemental World
    • for Love; and the Relation of these to the Elemental World
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: III: Concerning Mans Etheric Body and the Elemental World
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    • III: Concerning Mans Etheric Body and the Elemental World
    • Elemental World
    • body. Man, as an etheric being, stands in an etheric, or elemental
    • he knows nothing of it, that he, as an etheric being, inhabits an elemental
    • as an etheric being in the elemental world, things are different. Then
    • the physical world. In the elemental world there arc forces, occurrences,
    • beings we are woven into the elemental essence of the world. In the
    • forces and beings of the elemental world enter the field of its
    • in the elemental world, is present in man's ordinary life. The soul
    • etheric, or elemental world behind the one that is physically
    • consciousness finds in the elemental world real beings which up to a
    • Growing familiarity with the elemental world leads to seeing these
    • the elemental world embraced within one great spiritual body, of which
    • that body comes to be recognised as the elemental, supersensible, etheric
    • the nature of the elemental world. That world is inhabited by beings
    • that they seem to be elemental or etheric beings, yet it may be seen
    • than the essence of the elemental world. We learn to understand that
    • the degree of clairvoyance sufficient only for the elemental world,
    • certain respect within the earth's elemental etheric body. Their tasks
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: IV: Summary of the Foregoing
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    • an elemental environment, as physical man lives in a physical environment.
    • The elemental outer world is incorporated in the supersensible etheric
    • The subtle, etheric body in the surrounding elemental world. By its
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: V: Concerning Reincarnation and Karma
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    • with the elemental world, may be called the world of the spirit.
    • these beings consolidates and hardens the spiritual element of the physical
    • else, which only becomes intelligible when the sphere of the elemental
    • elemental world also appears like a reflection of that world. But the
    • reflected image in the elemental world has not so much independence as
    • Ahrimanic class are less dominant than in the latter. From the elemental
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: VI: Concerning the Astral Body and the Luciferic Beings
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    • are seen to be active in the physical world (and also in the elemental
    • in the elemental world. Within this they strive to obtain a certain
    • subtle, etheric body, which lives subject to the processes of the elemental
    • as the elemental and physical worlds are reflections of the spiritual
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: VII: Summary of the Foregoing
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    • world and that of the etheric body the elemental world, so the environment
    • and origin as man's other self are working in the physical and elemental
    • II. The subtle (etheric or vital) body in the elemental environment.
    • body man is a member of a spiritual world of which the elemental and
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: VIII: Concerning the Guardian of the Threshold
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    • not only thoughts but beings, as must be the case in the elemental and
    • clairvoyant consciousness passes. On entering the elemental world, the
    • impossible to find one's way as a human being within the elemental world
    • the beings of the elemental world without thinking about them, but we
    • clairvoyant consciousness during its sojourn in the elemental world
    • — such as man — in the act of beholding the elemental world
    • feels itself to be in its own element when it can experience itself
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: IX: Concerning the Ego-Feeling and the Human Souls Capacity for Love
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    • and the Relation of these to the Elemental World
    • human soul consciously enters the elemental world, it finds itself obliged
    • on entering the elemental world, the firm basis on which it must build
    • only offer an impediment to entering the elemental world as long as
    • able to enter the elemental world in such a way that it does not lose its
    • the elemental world, but may also be kept clearly in the consciousness.
    • If the soul is too weak for conscious experience in the elemental world,
    • come into view, which, especially in the elemental world, we must call
    • the elemental world, we feel an experience emerging in the soul which
    • of the elemental being or event. But we must not think that experiences
    • as the case may be. In the elemental world, sympathies and antipathies
    • so can we experience an elemental world containing many sympathies or
    • the elemental realm does not carry with it the meaning that we inwardly
    • a quality of the elemental being or event which bears a similar relation
    • of a “sense” which man is able to awaken for the elemental
    • and antipathies in the elemental world just as the eye becomes aware
    • there one object is red and another blue, so the beings of the elemental
    • of the elemental world through sympathies and antipathies is again
    • connected in manifold ways with beings and events of the elemental world.
    • the elemental world in one way; at another moment in another way.
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: X: Concerning the Boundary between the Physical World and Supersensible Worlds
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    • except in a deadened form. In the elemental world they exist in such
    • elemental world that the ego-feeling and the capacity for transformation
    • the elemental world with his etheric body in this manner. In the elemental
    • would be condemned to complete isolation in the elemental world; he
    • the elemental world would be equivalent to the non-existence of those
    • transformation necessary for the elemental world, its personal identity
    • observations in the elemental world. It thus acquires a faculty which
    • elemental world, and which it must suppress as soon as it returns to
    • disturbing element creeps into his ordinary consciousness through his
    • pictures of the elemental world for reality in the sense in which physical
    • The pictures of the elemental world are only brought into their true
    • same way as is appropriate for it in the elemental world. If it is,
    • etheric being of man could not come to development in the elemental
    • in the elemental world only. They bring about evil when they do not
    • to the elemental world, but are transferred to the soul's experience
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XI: Concerning Beings of the Spirit-Worlds
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    • the elemental world beings confront the human soul who have developed
    • not the physical but, in a certain respect, the elemental world. When
    • which it should only develop in the elemental world, when it allows
    • this case there is no admixture of a Luciferic element with the love.
    • element.
    • never say that the Luciferic element is bad under all circumstances,
    • soul in the manner of the Luciferic element. The order of the universe
    • element must exist as a necessary counterbalance to the Luciferic. Without
    • the Luciferic element, the soul would dream away its life in observation
    • the counter-effect of the Ahrimanic element, the soul would fall a victim
    • do with the physical world. The Ahrimanic element has the right degree
    • the Luciferic and Ahrimanic elements by rooting them out of himself.
    • It is, for instance, possible that if the Luciferic element in him were
    • if the Ahrimanic element were eradicated, that he might not any more
    • to one of these elements is arrived at when the proper counterpoise
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XII: Concerning Spiritual Cosmic Beings
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    • consciousness comes to life in the elemental world, it finds beings
    • within the elemental world in man's etheric body. Human will would be
    • only a weak, dreamlike faculty in the elemental world, human thought
    • clairvoyant human soul ascends from the elemental world into the spiritual
    • further than do elemental conditions from those of the physical world.
    • In the elemental world there is still much that is reminiscent of the
    • on the soul the urgency of returning to the physical world or the elemental
    • must be developed for the faculty of transformation in the elemental
    • however, to the beings of the elemental world, the soul has the feeling
    • But with regard to the beings who need not descend to the elemental
    • from the elemental world, when beheld from the spiritual
    • elemental.
    • their actions. Indeed, both the physical world and the elemental world
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XIII: The First Beginnings of Mans Physical Body
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    • body. Thence he is able to take his experience into the elemental and
    • When the soul feels itself in its etheric body, and elemental events
    • as the consciousness is only experiencing itself in the elemental world.
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XIV: Concerning Mans Real Ego
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    • confined to what my physical body allows me to observe; in the elemental
    • already necessary for its life in the elemental world. It is under the
    • to it apart from its own inner work. In the elemental world thoughts,
    • will-power, for in the elemental world a thought is no longer merely
    • body develops for it in the physical world, and which in the elemental
    • the experiences of the physical world and the elemental world are only
    • reproductions of physical or elemental occurrences, but represent free
    • efface, by its own will, its memories of the physical and elemental
    • not possible in either the physical or the elemental world, but only
    • appears as death is possible; in the elemental world there is no death.
    • Man, in so far as he belongs to the elemental world, cannot die; he
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XV: Summary of Part of the Foregoing
    Matching lines:
    • of what is experienced in the physical world, the elemental world, and
    • The subtle, ethcric body in the elemental environment. By its means
    • man recognises himself as a member of the earth's elemental or vital
    • elemental, and spiritual worlds, and therefore all experiences of the
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XVI: Remarks on the Connection of what is in this Book with Accounts in Theosophy and Occult Science
    Matching lines:
    • of the human soul in the elemental and spiritual worlds must be adapted
    • names it will have to be borne in mind that even in the elemental world
    • it does in the physical world. Experience in the elemental world is
    • of clairvoyant consciousness when it enters the elemental world and
    • is transformed within the elemental world. It passes into the beings
    • the elemental world. This experience of the elemental world “from
    • elemental world.

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