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Query was: feel

Here are the matching lines in their respective documents. Select one of the highlighted words in the matching lines below to jump to that point in the document.

  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: Contents
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    • Concerning the Ego-Feeling and the Human Soul's Capacity
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: Introductory Remarks
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    • feel the necessity of continually contemplating the spiritual side of
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: I: Concerning the Reliance which may be placed on Thinking
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    • of the soul's life, which flows by in impressions, sensations, feelings,
    • has a natural confidence in thinking. It feels that if it could not
    • but it is always to be found in the soul's dim feelings. The thinker
    • who develops in himself the feeling here indicated with regard
    • to thought, feels that the latter is not merely something which he is
    • oneself to the life of thought. The soul feels that in that life it
    • can escape from itself. This feeling is as necessary to the soul as
    • the life of thought is a release of the soul from itself, just as feeling,
    • it needs when face to face with the feeling of utter loneliness in the
    • world. It is possible to arrive in quite a legitimate way at the feeling,
    • from one infinity to another — I with my feelings, desires, and
    • the life of thought has been rightly realised, this feeling is confronted
    • then possible to feel oneself taken into the universe and secure therein.
    • From this condition of the soul, a strength ensues, which feels as though
    • is but another step from this feeling to that in which the soul
    • This feeling
    • there is in the attitude of soul which says, “I feel myself to
    • to be present in it, and shutting out all other thoughts, feelings,
    • surest way at the feeling of having been in direct touch with the spiritual
    • this feeling is a sound result of meditation. The force of it should
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: II: Concerning Knowledge of the Spiritual World
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    • possibly feel convinced that we never had anything to do with the matter
    • cultivate the feeling of not stopping short at merely seeing them, but
    • it and the supersensible world, when it feels itself to be in contact
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: III: Concerning Mans Etheric Body and the Elemental World
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    • void. The soul may feel as though it were looking into an infinite,
    • blank, desolate abyss. Now this feeling actually exists in those depths
    • of the soul of which it is at first unconscious. The feeling is something
    • but because it is seeking for a kind of narcotic to dull the feeling
    • being feels himself to he a member of a whole.
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: V: Concerning Reincarnation and Karma
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    • to know in our own depths a being of which we feel our own self to be
    • the creation, and by which we also feel that our body, the vehicle of
    • the course of this experience the soul learns to feel that a spiritual
    • itself from the influence of conscious life. It begins to feel that this
    • independent of the soul, the latter is able to feel the germ of a new
    • long as we feel ourselves to be in that world, we find ourselves
    • feel the physical world to be a kind of reflected image of the world of
    • life of the reflected image of the spiritual world. We feel them to
    • do not feel bound to respect the limits which would restrain their activity
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: VI: Concerning the Astral Body and the Luciferic Beings
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    • desire to liberate the feeling soul entirely from the physical world,
    • who desire to wrench the feeling soul free from physical conditions.
    • for everything of a psychic nature (feeling) which is to be found there,
    • be crossing the boundary of their own kingdom if they imbued the feeling
    • urgent necessities of the physical world, and feel itself, with regard
    • can also take pleasure in and feel elated by that which exists merely in
    • if it has passed through adequate preparation, feels itself as a conscious
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: VIII: Concerning the Guardian of the Threshold
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    • If this strengthening has not taken place, the soul feels a certain
    • spiritual worlds, then the soul also feels that only by life in the
    • feel itself becoming more independent, but it would be adapting itself
    • feels itself to be in its own element when it can experience itself
    • by means of the thoughts, feelings, emotions, etc., which it owes to
    • realise the necessity of changing our way of thinking and feeling, if
    • of the spiritual world. We behold it in such a way that we feel ourselves
    • They desire to subdue the soul, which feels itself drawn down by them
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: IX: Concerning the Ego-Feeling and the Human Souls Capacity for Love
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    • IX: Concerning the Ego-Feeling and the Human Soul's Capacity for Love
    • Concerning the Ego-Feeling and the Human Soul's Capacity for Love;
    • of this acquiring strength, may it be seized by the feeling of losing,
    • we see ourselves outside our own being and feel ourselves within some
    • to realise this feeling, “Now I am transformed
    • the elemental world, we feel an experience emerging in the soul which
    • and antipathies and experience itself alone, regarding and feeling merely
    • its own being. Indeed, this feeling may reach such a degree of intensity
    • world resembles it except the strong, unalloyed ego-feeling or feeling
    • describe this state as one in which the soul feels the impulse to say to
    • and develops a wish to experience itself only, that is to say, feels
    • waking state of physical life with a fully developed feeling of self.
    • For such experience, saturated with the feeling of self, in the physical
    • stress on the cultivation of a strong ego-feeling. This ego-feeling
    • strong ego-feeling is not there through the etheric body as such,
    • the soul does not bring that feeling with it into the clairvoyant state
    • world that the soul's feeling of self, its experience of the ego, although
    • of moral forces, that of fellow-feeling, or feeling with another. If
    • the strong ego-feeling were to project itself into the soul's conscious
    • own soul. In order to develop the latter experience, the feeling of self,
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: X: Concerning the Boundary between the Physical World and Supersensible Worlds
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    • into other beings, and the strong ego-feeling, or feeling of self. Neither
    • elemental world that the ego-feeling and the capacity for transformation
    • physical existence, he would feel himself in his soul as something which
    • would not feel himself related to any other being or event. This, in
    • the second force necessary for the etheric body — the strong ego-feeling — should
    • the strong ego-feeling passes from the etheric to the physical body,
    • on entering the supersensible world, the necessary ego-feeling is weak
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XI: Concerning Beings of the Spirit-Worlds
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    • They have thinking power; they have feelings and a will. But through
    • feeling within the physical body to be influenced by sympathies and
    • is not transgressed until the kind of love with which man ought to feel
    • feeling of self; love which in the physical world is sought for the
    • sake of such an enhanced feeling of self is equivalent to a Luciferic
    • beings affect the feeling soul. The former chain thought to the physical
    • of physical existence, and feel no impulse to rise above it. Without
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XII: Concerning Spiritual Cosmic Beings
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    • within the physical world. These beings do not feel their self —
    • their ego — as man feels his in the physical world; they permeate
    • own existence as it were, and feel their existence as something which
    • regard to their thinking, they have not the feeling that they are creating
    • their thoughts, as man creates his; they feel all their thoughts as
    • Their life of feeling is shaped in accordance with this will and thought
    • of theirs. They feel themselves to be a link in the whole cosmic system;
    • and they feel the necessity of willing their existence in a manner corresponding
    • these beings, it comes naturally to an idea of its own thinking, feeling,
    • merely an indistinct, fleeting world of ideas. No feeling of the ego
    • is related to them in that world presses to meet them; the soul feels
    • with feelings which are adapted to strengthen the life of the soul in
    • of the spiritual world. When the feeling of self-surrender, such as
    • however, to the beings of the elemental world, the soul has the feeling
    • soul has the feeling that they consist wholly of thought substance ;
    • it feels itself to be in a completely new relationship towards the physical
    • soul feels that in this world too, it has to do with beings who, by
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XIII: The First Beginnings of Mans Physical Body
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    • body. If this were so, definite willing, feeling, and thinking would
    • thoughts; it does not yet feel in the world of cosmic thoughts anything
    • in that environment which is equal to its own being. In order to feel
    • feeling, and willing are, as it were, left behind it on its journey
    • into the supersensible. Then for the first time does it feel itself
    • able to observe. Man then feels himself in a still higher sphere than
    • When the soul feels itself in its etheric body, and elemental events
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XIV: Concerning Mans Real Ego
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    • and etheric bodies. But it also feels that its thinking, feeling, and
    • and by feeling my spiritual existence bounded by the shores of that
    • learns to feel itself as an astral being. To use an expression in keeping
    • abyss and there make an act of wiII to forget its willing, feeling,
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XV: Summary of Part of the Foregoing
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    • of thinking, feeling, and willing. Even in the spiritual world man only
    • of everything which he is able to experience through his thinking, feeling,
    • senses and of thinking, feeling, and willing, sink into oblivion.
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XVI: Remarks on the Connection of what is in this Book with Accounts in Theosophy and Occult Science
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    • senses, or experienced in the way in which will, feeling and thought,
    • feeling, and willing.

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