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Searching The Threshold of the Spiritual World

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Query was: life

Here are the matching lines in their respective documents. Select one of the highlighted words in the matching lines below to jump to that point in the document.

  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: Introductory Remarks
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    • life from continually fresh points of view. It is indeed only natural
    • for such formulae wherewith to develop the life of their soul will easily
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: I: Concerning the Reliance which may be placed on Thinking
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    • of the soul's life, which flows by in impressions, sensations, feelings,
    • have this confidence, all stability in life would be lost. The healthy
    • life of the soul comes to an end when it begins to doubt about thinking.
    • full light on some definite situation in life.
    • oneself to the life of thought. The soul feels that in that life it
    • rhythm of the soul's life. Waking and sleeping are really only the extremes
    • life; in sleep it loses itself in the universal life of the world,
    • the life of thought is a release of the soul from itself, just as feeling,
    • sensation, emotional life, and so forth are the expression of the soul
    • the life of thought has been rightly realised, this feeling is confronted
    • the cosmic life expresses itself in me; my soul is only the stage
    • experienced when such a thought flows with force through the inner life
    • in ordinary life are to some extent dissipated. The soul concentrates
    • be realised with the means that lie ready to hand in ordinary life and
    • rhythmic swing in the life of the soul. By that means we arrive in the
    • give strength to the rest of our daily life, and not in such a way that
    • is flowing into our whole life.
    • brought about by meditation extends through daily life as an ever-present
    • that life. And the state of meditation itself will not then be sufficiently
    • own character it is kept apart from ordinary life. It influences life
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: II: Concerning Knowledge of the Spiritual World
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    • life of the soul attention be given to that which gives rise to ideas
    • life. We know that what so emerges corresponds to an experience, and
    • well-known objects taken from ordinary life.
    • borrowed from ordinary life, but what is so borrowed is not the important
    • life. As pictures these are woven entirely by the soul itself. And the
    • have to do with mere pictures of memory from ordinary life. It is indeed
    • their soul with experiences of a former earth-life; but one should always
    • make their appearance in such a way that the present life can, by
    • former earth-life, or of several such lives, appears, it generally happens
    • that the former life or lives are such that we could never have fashioned
    • back from the present life, or out of any wishes and efforts in connection
    • existence at some moment during our present life when it is quite
    • life. So far from its being the case that images appear for the more
    • important spiritual experiences which might be memories of ordinary life,
    • life explanatory of the existence between birth and the preceding death.
    • We may find out that in the spiritual life we have developed affection for
    • we are developing in the present life on earth; and we learn that in
    • our earth-life we have often been driven to be fond of something which
    • of prenatal spirit-life, so it is also true that a training in spiritual
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: III: Concerning Mans Etheric Body and the Elemental World
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    • the fact. For the life of the soul is determined not only by what it
    • soul's life, as here described. “Materialism as a psychic phenomenon
    • the basis of the life of the physical body. But as regards his etheric
    • always “experiencing” the fact, although in ordinary life
    • that which is always present in life, though hidden from ordinary
    • the being which presents itself in his physical body. The healthy life
    • psychic life would be interrupted if he characterised any other events
    • in the elemental world, is present in man's ordinary life. The soul
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: V: Concerning Reincarnation and Karma
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    • within its life which is environment to the soul in the same way as
    • sphere of the soul's conscious life between birth and death. We learn
    • itself from the influence of conscious life. It begins to feel that this
    • in the course of the life between birth and death. It learns to realise
    • human life. Into that life the germ will carry over the results of the
    • in a purely spiritual way, those conditions of life in which it cannot
    • present physical life between birth and death is the product of other
    • for entering upon a new earthly life through a new birth; just as the
    • other conditions of life.
    • life of a germ, in a certain way independent, which carries over the
    • results of that life into later earthly lives. In the form of a picture,
    • individual entity, there emerges from the waves of the life of the soul
    • life, in the form of a picture, yet essentially real, is quite different
    • picturing the soul's life,
    • details of its life's destiny, and calls forth capacities, inclinations,
    • or aggregate of the destiny of a human life. It moves alongside of the
    • self which is conditioned by birth and death, and shapes human life,
    • aggregate of the life-destiny, just as physical man says “ I ”
    • or the spiritual ego. The life of a human being is seen to be inspired
    • by his own permanent entity, which lives on from one life to another;
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: VI: Concerning the Astral Body and the Luciferic Beings
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    • and therefore in a certain way to spiritualise it. Life in the physical
    • ordinary life looks upon as his entity, is not the real ego, but only
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: VII: Summary of the Foregoing
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    • such a way that in one earthly life it is trained in normal consciousness
    • time realises in a new earthly life the results of the preceding one.
    • a way that one earthly life follows another as a consequence which is
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: VIII: Concerning the Guardian of the Threshold
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    • spiritual worlds, then the soul also feels that only by life in the
    • developed in thought-life within the physical world. Yet it would be
    • of his life clings to dear memories, so at the entrance to supersensible
    • aware how strongly we cleave to that life which connects man with the
    • physical world. This attachment to earth-life then appears in its full
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: IX: Concerning the Ego-Feeling and the Human Souls Capacity for Love
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    • up its inner life. The ideas which are gained in the physical world
    • one. And it is even more than natural, it is necessary. The life of
    • everything which life in the physical world can give the soul, is it
    • of the life of the soul must be gained in order that that independence
    • such spoil from another sphere often only causes confusion in the life
    • oneself into other beings, is life in supersensible worlds. By this
    • life of the soul the knowledge of this part of human nature is not
    • At one moment of his life he is woven with sympathies and antipathies into
    • are always active and clearly expressed within it. Just as waking life
    • a condition of the soul's life not easy to describe, because in its
    • and antipathy. This life in the self is, as it were, the sleeping state
    • waking state of physical life with a fully developed feeling of self.
    • to clairvoyant consciousness the life of the soul in the physical world
    • to the soul's ordinary life as it runs its course in the physical
    • being: love, which is the source of all genuine morality in human life,
    • is spiritual in man as he lives the physical life becomes so transformed
    • the physical world. Where love and fellow-feeling are stirring in life,
    • life, and become terribly real pictures. In order not to be tormented by
    • remains unknown in ordinary life. But in order to develop a really moral
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: X: Concerning the Boundary between the Physical World and Supersensible Worlds
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    • as sleep and the waking state make human life in the physical world
    • being in the physical world. Confusion would reign in the life of the
    • not be projected into the soul's life within the physical world in the
    • effect of the egoism which has been developed during the life between
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XI: Concerning Beings of the Spirit-Worlds
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    • out of the depths of their being. Their inner life is, as it were, at
    • the life of their soul.
    • world. But when the human soul draws into the physical body the life
    • is working besides that love which is based on sympathy with the life
    • world into which the human life of the soul is woven, the Ahrimanic
    • the Luciferic element, the soul would dream away its life in observation
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XII: Concerning Spiritual Cosmic Beings
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    • consciousness comes to life in the elemental world, it finds beings
    • there who are able to develop a life in that world which man only acquires
    • Their life of feeling is shaped in accordance with this will and thought
    • to be gained in the physical world. All the same, man's inner life as
    • a sojourn there possible. If such a strengthened life of the soul were
    • with feelings which are adapted to strengthen the life of the soul in
    • in a living way. Their life consists in the apprehension of this cosmic
    • thoughts are the reflection of this spiritual life of thought-beings.
    • and rebirth, it is woven into this life of thought-beings, just as it
    • The essential part of projecting one's life into supersensible worlds
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XIII: The First Beginnings of Mans Physical Body
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    • earth-life. Such impressions are no longer to be gained when clairvoyant
    • plant life. For such ideas only have a meaning with regard to earlier
    • plant-life, to the long-past Moon period. To the earth's ancient Sun
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XIV: Concerning Mans Real Ego
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    • already necessary for its life in the elemental world. It is under the
    • of its inner life. For this purpose it must specially strengthen the
    • a thought; it has an inner activity, or life of its own. It has to be
    • moment life emerges in the real ego. Clairvoyant consciousness, by strengthening
    • the life of the soul, brings about as a free action of the spirit that
    • of it may arise later. Therefore we must, during one earth-life, gain

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