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  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: Contents
    Matching lines:
    • Concerning Man's Etheric Body and the Elemental World
    • Concerning Reincarnation and Karma; Man's Astral Body
    • and the Spiritual World; and Ahrimanic Beings
    • Concerning the Ego-Feeling and the Human Soul's Capacity
    • The First Beginnings of Man's Physical Body
    • Concerning Man's Real Ego
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: Introductory Remarks
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    • parts of the universe and of the human being which come into view when
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: I: Concerning the Reliance which may be placed on Thinking
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    • consciousness human thought is like an island in the midst of the stream
    • attitude of the soul with regard to thinking underlies all human
    • cultivating in himself as a human force of the soul, but also something
    • upon which the universe manifests itself as thought.”
    • expressed, of the world thinking itself in the human soul, is entirely
    • from this very thought, quite clearly, what so many refutations and proofs
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: II: Concerning Knowledge of the Spiritual World
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    • conception of what is actually spiritual, and of its relation to man.
    • events and beings crowd in upon man when he has prepared his soul to
    • an idea of this entirely different way of manifesting may be gained
    • manifestations of a spiritual world. Now it should on no account be
    • in this sphere. Many people who believe they have manifestations from
    • many other things make it quite comprehensible that the statements made
    • man's ordinary consciousness, which has no means of penetrating into
    • true that in this connection many absurd things are asserted by people
    • think they have been. Many people, for instance, when convinced of the
    • but human nature is complicated, and secret antipathy is mixed up with
    • such an objection; and in many cases it may be quite correct. Knowledge
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: III: Concerning Mans Etheric Body and the Elemental World
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    • III: Concerning Mans Etheric Body and the Elemental World
    • Concerning Man's Etheric Body and the
    • MAN arrives
    • consciousness. For there are many things present, and living, in the
    • human soul, of which at first it knows nothing, and of which it has to
    • when we can see that the body belonging to man, which is perceptible
    • etheric body is the second principle of human nature. It forms
    • body man is not cut off from its corresponding outer world to the same
    • to the physical world as man's etheric body is in relation to his physical
    • body. Man, as an etheric being, stands in an etheric, or elemental
    • Man is
    • sets in when man becomes clairvoyant. The clairvoyant then knows about
    • his ordinary consciousness man calls himself “ I,” signifying
    • or beings of the outer world as part of his ego. When man realises himself
    • him. The etheric human being has to find himself in that which is not
    • must yet be considered as belonging to one's own ego. As etheric human
    • the inner nature of the etheric human being as thoughts do in the physical
    • in the elemental world, is present in man's ordinary life. The soul
    • for clairvoyance. As long as a man cannot make up his mind to acquire
    • etheric human being behind the physical human being, and a supersensible,
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  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: IV: Summary of the Foregoing
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    • man's physical being is a subtle, etheric human being which lives in
    • an elemental environment, as physical man lives in a physical environment.
    • (Jupiter). One may give the foregoing schematically as follows. Man
    • this body, man comes to recognise himself as an independent, individual
    • means man comes to recognise himself as a member of the earth's etheric
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: V: Concerning Reincarnation and Karma
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    • Man's Astral Body and the Spiritual World;
    • and Ahrimanic Beings
    • human life. Into that life the germ will carry over the results of the
    • learns to immerse itself in the process of the development in one human
    • in different human individualities. I have tried in the following plays
    • and “The Awakening of the Soul,” to portray how various human
    • or aggregate of the destiny of a human life. It moves alongside of the
    • self which is conditioned by birth and death, and shapes human life,
    • aggregate of the life-destiny, just as physical man says “ I ”
    • or the spiritual ego. The life of a human being is seen to be inspired
    • by his own permanent entity, which lives on from one life to another;
    • man learns to know himself as another being, different from his
    • at the knowledge that, as human beings, we belong to both worlds. We
    • way that through them we discover the reason why man experiences the
    • the Ahrimanic beings. It appears that their original sphere is the mineral
    • bring fully into manifestation what is their real nature. In the vegetable
    • Ahrimanic class are less dominant than in the latter. From the elemental
    • that in the higher kingdoms of nature the part of the Ahrimanic beings
    • of existence, the mission of the Ahrimanic beings is legitimate.
    • when we view the activity of the Ahrimanic beings from the world
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: VI: Concerning the Astral Body and the Luciferic Beings
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    • world is part of the cosmic order of things. While the human soul is
    • as the Ahrimanic beings would be keeping to their own sphere if they
    • in two directions. On the one hand it is owing to them that man is able
    • Moreover, man is able to enjoy unfettered thought; he need not merely
    • human soul belongs, through its other self, to the higher world. But it
    • to those facts which hold good for every human soul, there is added
    • in clairvoyant consciousness, the knowledge of the facts. Every human
    • soul belongs to the higher world, and when man is living in the physical
    • world. The Ahrimanic and Luciferic forces which are spiritual and
    • far as the human soul lives in the higher or spiritual world, it is
    • what may be called an astral being. One of the many reasons which justify
    • this expression is that the astral being of man as such is not subject
    • science recognises that within man's astral being are working, not the
    • body and the subtle, etheric body of man. But it is necessary that the
    • man's astral body has its origin in the higher world, in the spiritual
    • world, the etheric and physical bodies of man must also be looked upon
    • which originate from the Luciferic and Ahrimanic beings. Now since those
    • a kind of human astral essence. And a degree of clairvoyance which merely
    • human astral essence is just that principle of human nature which opposes
    • man's conforming to the laws really suitable for him in the order of
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: VII: Summary of the Foregoing
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    • MAN bears
    • permanent human entity, which passes through repeated earthly lives in
    • in a purely spiritual world, after human physical death, and in due
    • This permanent entity acts as the inspirer of man's destiny in such
    • Man
    • is this permanent entity itself; he lives in it as though in his
    • and origin as man's other self are working in the physical and elemental
    • worlds as Ahrimanic and Luciferic powers. The way in which they work
    • accordance with the foregoing, the following survey of man may be
    • means of this body man recognises himself as an independent individual
    • By means of this body man recognises himself as a member of the earth's
    • body man is a member of a spiritual world of which the elemental and
    • physical worlds are reflections. In the astral body lives man's other
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: VIII: Concerning the Guardian of the Threshold
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    • as his experiences in the physical world are concerned, man is outside
    • his real being is rooted. The part played by physical experience in human
    • impossible to find one's way as a human being within the elemental world
    • should not know what any of them really were. We should be like a man
    • — such as man — in the act of beholding the elemental world
    • entering the spiritual world, the Ahrimanic beings, for instance,
    • with the Luciferic and other beings of the spiritual world. The Ahrimanic
    • and Luciferic beings are only beheld by man in their true reality if
    • aware how strongly we cleave to that life which connects man with the
    • ourselves as human beings, consciously and unconsciously in the physical
    • recognised they still manifest their power in quite a remarkable way.
    • satisfaction to know that human nature is so ordered that its instincts
    • true reality which will guide us further in human evolution.
    • may say that there is hidden within man a being that keeps careful
    • to the supersensible world. This spiritual being, hidden in man, which
    • is man himself, but which he can as little perceive with ordinary
    • sight, that meeting is not an event which happens only to the man who
    • meeting happens to every human being every time he falls asleep, and
    • undiscovered by many earnest seekers after the spiritual world. In this
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: IX: Concerning the Ego-Feeling and the Human Souls Capacity for Love
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    • IX: Concerning the Ego-Feeling and the Human Soul's Capacity for Love
    • Concerning the Ego-Feeling and the Human Soul's Capacity for Love;
    • human soul consciously enters the elemental world, it finds itself obliged
    • to change many of the ideas which it acquired in the physical world;
    • the physical world. Just as we have a physical world of many colours,
    • so can we experience an elemental world containing many sympathies or
    • of a “sense” which man is able to awaken for the elemental
    • at hand for every human soul, being part of its nature. But in the ordinary
    • life of the soul the knowledge of this part of human nature is not
    • developed. Man bears within him his etheric body; and through it is
    • connected in manifold ways with beings and events of the elemental world.
    • is the waking state. When the human soul is awake in the elemental world
    • human clairvoyance, the memory of the soul's experiences in the physical
    • other hand, it is essential for human consciousness within the physical
    • world, is not to be put on a par with what is called love in human
    • being: love, which is the source of all genuine morality in human life,
    • springs up. Love is the most important result for man of his experience
    • is spiritual in man as he lives the physical life becomes so transformed
    • clairvoyantly conscious the human soul awakes in the spiritual world;
    • German “Zauberhauch” is “tragic breath” ...
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  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: X: Concerning the Boundary between the Physical World and Supersensible Worlds
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    • Therefore it is necessary for man's being that there should exist in
    • of these forces of the human soul can be unfolded in physical existence
    • a way as to make man's being possible by their mutual balance, just
    • as sleep and the waking state make human life in the physical world
    • man in its own world a certain fixed stamp, by means of which he is
    • the elemental world with his etheric body in this manner. In the elemental
    • world, in order to be a human being in the full sense, he must be able
    • the human soul were to develop in the physical world the capacity for
    • universe that spiritual science finds the origin of evil in human action.
    • etheric being of man could not come to development in the elemental
    • remain at rest in the depths of the soul, there regulating man's relation
    • strong. Egoism does not make a human being strong in the depths of his
    • soul, but weak. And when man passes through the gateway of death, the
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XI: Concerning Beings of the Spirit-Worlds
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    • the elemental world beings confront the human soul who have developed
    • within that world powers and faculties which man himself can only unfold
    • such as man has through his physical body. Although to a certain degree
    • senses of the kind which man possesses. Their knowledge is like man's;
    • as man from the depths of his soul draws up his memory-pictures.
    • way man becomes acquainted with beings who have become within the supersensible
    • these beings are a stage higher than man in the order of the universe,
    • although they may be said to be, in the manner indicated, of the same
    • nature as he. They constitute a kingdom above man, a hierarchy superior
    • to him in the scale of beings. Notwithstanding their similarity to man,
    • their etheric body is different from his. Whereas man is woven into
    • If man
    • their etheric body they develop something which man can only develop
    • a consciousness of their own being, although man would not be able to
    • a faculty for observing them by the help of the human etheric body.
    • This clairvoyant consciousness lifts the human soul up into the world
    • therefore in man's physical body. They are not present in the experiences
    • If man does not respect the boundary between the physical world and
    • and Ahrimanic beings, who though of like nature to the supersensible
    • their field of activity and their abodes to the world which man perceives
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  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XII: Concerning Spiritual Cosmic Beings
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    • there who are able to develop a life in that world which man only acquires
    • their ego — as man feels his in the physical world; they permeate
    • that self with their will much more than man does his; they will their
    • their thoughts, as man creates his; they feel all their thoughts as
    • and they feel the necessity of willing their existence in a manner corresponding
    • and willing. These faculties of the human soul could not be unfolded
    • within the elemental world in man's etheric body. Human will would be
    • only a weak, dreamlike faculty in the elemental world, human thought
    • for man to be invested with a physical body.
    • clairvoyant human soul ascends from the elemental world into the spiritual
    • physical world; but in the spiritual world man confronts entirely new
    • to be gained in the physical world. All the same, man's inner life as
    • a human soul in the physical world must be so strengthened that he will
    • not brought into the spiritual world, man would simply lapse into unconsciousness
    • a plant is present in the physical world. We have, as human souls, to
    • in the physical world but manifesting themselves there nevertheless
    • as man experiences himself independently with the physical world.
    • the conceptions acquired by man, there arc certain thoughts saturated
    • world to gain that which man can only gain in the physical world, and
    • who attain that stage of existence in the spiritual world, the human
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  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XIII: The First Beginnings of Mans Physical Body
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    • XIII: The First Beginnings of Man's Physical Body
    • The First Beginnings of Man's Physical Body
    • condition conceptions lead which may be prompted by the animal and human
    • the clairvoyant consciousness of man finds within the etheric body
    • body of man.
    • to understand the physical body of man, we require, however, a different
    • activity of human consciousness. At first it appears as an outer counterpart
    • of the etheric body. But close observation shows that man could never
    • were something more than merely a physical manifestation of the etheric
    • take place in man, but they could not be so synthetised that the consciousness
    • which expresses itself as an ego-experience could arise in the human
    • the quality of clairvoyance. Man's ego-experience can at first only
    • it. For man has an etheric and an astral body in which the ego-experience
    • take place. Now if the human physical body is looked at from the spiritual
    • of everything which man, as a physical, etheric, and astral being, is
    • able to observe. Man then feels himself in a still higher sphere than
    • of it becomes detached, and is manifest as the expression of the deeds
    • which man was constituted as a physical being during the ancient Moon
    • of the earth as man's physical entity at that period. But even of this
    • that Saturn period the first beginning of the physical human body came
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  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XIV: Concerning Mans Real Ego
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    • XIV: Concerning Man's Real Ego
    • Concerning Man's Real Ego
    • with ancient traditions, we may say, “The human soul experiences
    • Man, in so far as he belongs to the elemental world, cannot die; he
    • is possible; for into whatever a human being may change, his past experience
    • the human soul the knowledge of that real ego. Just as clairvoyant consciousness
    • human soul. Clairvoyant consciousness simply experiences consciously
    • a fact appertaining to the nature of every human soul, of which it is
    • physical death man gradually lives himself into his spiritual environment.
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XV: Summary of Part of the Foregoing
    Matching lines:
    • MAN bears
    • of thinking, feeling, and willing. Even in the spiritual world man only
    • The human
    • the Sun, Moon, and Earth periods, it developed into what the human physical
    • with the foregoing, man's collective being may be expressed in tabular
    • man recognises himself as an independent individual being or ego.
    • man recognises himself as a member of the earth's elemental or vital
    • The astral body in a spiritual environment. Through it man is a member
    • of a spiritual world. In it is situated man's other self which realises
    • The real ego in a super-spiritual environment. In this man finds himself
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XVI: Remarks on the Connection of what is in this Book with Accounts in Theosophy and Occult Science
    Matching lines:
    • of the human soul in the elemental and spiritual worlds must be adapted
    • as man develops them in his physical body, experience things. This world

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