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Query was: period
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- Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: VII: Summary of the Foregoing
Matching lines:
- period of the earth, its so-called Sun condition.
- Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XII: Concerning Spiritual Cosmic Beings
Matching lines:
- During the period through which the human soul passes between death
- Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XIII: The First Beginnings of Mans Physical Body
Matching lines:
- condition, and only in that Moon period do there appear to clairvoyant
- actions of those beings. In order to get an impression of this Sun period,
- conditions of the earth period; and, those of them which concern
- plant-life, to the long-past Moon period. To the earth's ancient Sun
- through the actions of spiritual beings during the ancient Sun period,
- be traced in its further development through the Moon and Earth periods.
- period.
- during the Moon period by the deeds of spiritual beings. But another
- of the earth as man's physical entity at that period. But even of this
- during the Sun period through the deeds of spiritual beings.
- as already existent at the beginning of the Sun period, and we have
- to go back to a condition of the earth before its Sun period. In my
- the term Saturn period for this condition of the earth's existence.
- that Saturn period the first beginning of the physical human body came
- the succeeding Sun, Moon, and Earth periods by the further actions of
- Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XV: Summary of Part of the Foregoing
Matching lines:
- period which preceded the Sun period of the earth. Subsequently, during
- the Sun, Moon, and Earth periods, it developed into what the human physical
- cosmic essence during a long-past Saturn period of the earth, and
- cosmic essence during a long-past Sun period of the earth, and through
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