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  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: Contents
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    • Concerning the Boundary between the Physical World and Supersensible Worlds
    • The First Beginnings of Man's Physical Body
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: Introductory Remarks
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    • spiritual knowledge crosses the boundary between the physical and spiritual
    • spiritual sphere than with those of the physical world. And if we rest
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: II: Concerning Knowledge of the Spiritual World
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    • the spiritual world too much like the physical world of the senses.
    • different from the way in which physical beings and facts do so. But
    • physical world.
    • has acquired for itself in the physical world. The fabric of the pictures
    • world. The impressions of the physical world naturally bring us much
    • to result from ordinary physical experiences must therefore necessarily
    • in the physical world hot iron which is touched with the finger may
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: III: Concerning Mans Etheric Body and the Elemental World
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    • experiences in the physical world. Thus it comes about that the soul
    • events and beings of the physical world are the outward expression of
    • the material or physical body is enclosed, like a denser nucleus, as
    • the basis of the life of the physical body. But as regards his etheric
    • extent to which his physical body is detached from the physical outer
    • body, it is not the physical outer world, perceived by the senses, that
    • to the physical world as man's etheric body is in relation to his physical
    • the being which presents itself in his physical body. The healthy life
    • the physical world. In the elemental world there arc forces, occurrences,
    • physical world we have our thoughts, with which we are so bound up that
    • the inner nature of the etheric human being as thoughts do in the physical
    • etheric human being behind the physical human being, and a supersensible,
    • etheric, or elemental world behind the one that is physically
    • certain point have independence, just as physical consciousness finds
    • thoughts in the physical world which are unreal and have no independence.
    • as someone may first look upon the limbs of a physical human body as
    • as it is to arrive at the true nature of man with merely physical
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: IV: Summary of the Foregoing
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    • man's physical being is a subtle, etheric human being which lives in
    • an elemental environment, as physical man lives in a physical environment.
    • physical body, in the surrounding physical, material world. Through
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: V: Concerning Reincarnation and Karma
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    • that the germ of the plant is of a physical, whilst the germ of the
    • share as long as it is enveloped in a physical earthly body between
    • present physical life between birth and death is the product of other
    • that which is necessarily felt to be the self in the physical world.
    • aggregate of the life-destiny, just as physical man says “ I ”
    • physical personality, which indeed only comes to expression in physical
    • of the physical world are enacted. We look from another world back upon
    • feel the physical world to be a kind of reflected image of the world of
    • field of action in the physical world. We thus find ourselves confronting
    • world the higher, and the physical world the lower.
    • physical world as substantial and material. We discover that everything
    • these beings consolidates and hardens the spiritual element of the physical
    • that in the physical world. In the former, the spiritual beings of the
    • highest kingdom of nature in the physical world. As far as the human
    • life of the soul is bound up with physical existence, they strive to
    • evolved in, and bound up with, the physical world, has in it that which
    • thinking within the physical world. At the same time as their forces
    • of thought shall remain behind in the physical world and adopt a kind
    • for laying hold of the physical world. Temptations to the latter course
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: VI: Concerning the Astral Body and the Luciferic Beings
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    • are seen to be active in the physical world (and also in the elemental
    • desire to liberate the feeling soul entirely from the physical world,
    • and therefore in a certain way to spiritualise it. Life in the physical
    • living in the physical world, it is passing through a development which
    • physical world is a result of the activity of beings whom one learns
    • who desire to wrench the feeling soul free from physical conditions.
    • Luciferic beings stand in the physical world searching as it were,
    • in order that they may draw it out of the physical world and incorporate
    • the physical world, although that sphere has been preordained, by the
    • urgent necessities of the physical world, and feel itself, with regard
    • in the physical world.
    • see how the influence of Luciferic beings in the physical world expands
    • to rise above the bare experience of what is physically real. He is able
    • to derive his joy, his uplifting, not only from the physical world; but
    • semblance, that which, as beauty transcends the physical. From this
    • describe physical things and portray them slavishly in his thoughts.
    • He is able to develop creative thought beyond the physical world, and
    • soul belongs to the higher world, and when man is living in the physical
    • world, lie is associated with a physical body which is subject to the
    • processes of the physical world. The soul is also associated with a
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: VII: Summary of the Foregoing
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    • in a purely spiritual world, after human physical death, and in due
    • in an astral body, in the same way as he is living in a physical and
    • etheric body. Just as the environment of the physical body is the physical
    • and origin as man's other self are working in the physical and elemental
    • makes the relation of the astral body to the etheric and physical bodies
    • I. The physical body in the environment of the physical world. By
    • physical worlds are reflections. In the astral body lives man's other
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: VIII: Concerning the Guardian of the Threshold
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    • as his experiences in the physical world are concerned, man is outside
    • his real being is rooted. The part played by physical experience in human
    • those very forces of the soul which are acquired in the physical world.
    • physical world has it been enabled to gather those forces. It realises
    • the necessity of being led through the physical world on its journey
    • developed in thought-life within the physical world. Yet it would be
    • on in the physical world. Rather is it the case that a thinking being
    • physical world conceals from view such beings as the Luciferic
    • physical world for beholding the spiritual world. Consciousness clings
    • to the way in which it experiences itself in the physical world. It
    • the physical world. The tenacity with which consciousness clings to
    • physical world. This attachment to earth-life then appears in its full
    • ourselves as human beings, consciously and unconsciously in the physical
    • see it from the physical world, from which we have always seen it hitherto;
    • physical world. Our increased knowledge entices those affections out
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: IX: Concerning the Ego-Feeling and the Human Souls Capacity for Love
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    • to change many of the ideas which it acquired in the physical world;
    • up its inner life. The ideas which are gained in the physical world
    • only lives in the physical world, should be accustomed to look upon
    • if it did not develop a consciousness in the physical world which in
    • everything which life in the physical world can give the soul, is it
    • attempt to enter, it is again and again thrown back into the physical
    • at the supersensible world, so that on sinking back into the physical
    • faculty of sound judgment, as it may be acquired in the physical world,
    • physical world with the same intensity with which it appears in
    • intensity or degree. In the physical world it is indeed in a certain
    • the physical world. Just as we have a physical world of many colours,
    • red in the physical world.
    • of colours and the ear of sounds in the physical world. And just as
    • alternates with sleep in physical existence, so does a different state
    • pure, original nature it is of such a kind that nothing in the physical
    • waking state of physical life with a fully developed feeling of self.
    • For such experience, saturated with the feeling of self, in the physical
    • to clairvoyant consciousness the life of the soul in the physical world
    • human clairvoyance, the memory of the soul's experiences in the physical
    • to the soul's ordinary life as it runs its course in the physical
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  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: X: Concerning the Boundary between the Physical World and Supersensible Worlds
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    • Concerning the Boundary between the Physical World and Supersensible Worlds
    • Concerning the Boundary between the Physical
    • of these forces of the human soul can be unfolded in physical existence
    • as sleep and the waking state make human life in the physical world
    • act upon each other in the way indicated; the physical world can only
    • physical existence, he would feel himself in his soul as something which
    • in considering his physical body he is not. The physical body gives
    • the human soul were to develop in the physical world the capacity for
    • In the physical world, the capacity for transformation must be a power
    • the physical world. Clairvoyant consciousness must ever observe the
    • boundary of the two worlds, and must not use in the physical world faculties
    • in the physical world, were to allow the capacity for transformation
    • being in the physical world. Confusion would reign in the life of the
    • of our soul with regard to the physical world, and whether it is strong
    • enough to banish from physical consciousness the forces and faculties,
    • may thrust themselves into physical consciousness as illusive pictures.
    • pictures of the elemental world for reality in the sense in which physical
    • consciousness has to take the experiences of the physical world as realities.
    • not be projected into the soul's life within the physical world in the
    • within the physical world and are changed thereby into selfish impulses.
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  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XI: Concerning Beings of the Spirit-Worlds
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    • learns to know itself there in a way of which in the physical world it
    • its adventures and experiences in the physical world, has become. In
    • through still having about him his physical body, in addition to his
    • beings here alluded to have no such body with physical senses. They
    • such as man has through his physical body. Although to a certain degree
    • being subject to the conditions of the physical world. They have no
    • world that which he may become within the physical world. Owing to this,
    • through the physical body. Through their etheric body they arrive at
    • supersensible worlds the forces which he acquires in the physical body.
    • For these beings do not interpose directly in the physical world, nor
    • therefore in man's physical body. They are not present in the experiences
    • beings, who do not, so to say, set foot in the physical world.
    • If man does not respect the boundary between the physical world and
    • supersensible worlds, it may happen that he drags into his physical
    • as the physical world.
    • way to observe the boundary between that world and physical existence,
    • not the physical but, in a certain respect, the elemental world. When
    • upon the human soul, raising it above mere entanglement in the physical
    • world. But when the human soul draws into the physical body the life
    • feeling within the physical body to be influenced by sympathies and
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  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XII: Concerning Spiritual Cosmic Beings
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    • within the physical world. These beings do not feel their self —
    • their ego — as man feels his in the physical world; they permeate
    • for man to be invested with a physical body.
    • further than do elemental conditions from those of the physical world.
    • physical world; but in the spiritual world man confronts entirely new
    • to be gained in the physical world. All the same, man's inner life as
    • a human soul in the physical world must be so strengthened that he will
    • a plant is present in the physical world. We have, as human souls, to
    • in the physical world but manifesting themselves there nevertheless
    • physical world, which, though prompted by that world, do not directly
    • in the physical world, or description of physical occurrences, is meaningless
    • in conceptions applicable in the physical world, does not exist in the
    • spiritual world. On entering the latter, everything to which physical
    • have been so formed in the physical world that they do not correspond
    • to any physical thing or process, are still present in the soul when
    • on the soul the urgency of returning to the physical world or the elemental
    • as man experiences himself independently with the physical world.
    • world to gain that which man can only gain in the physical world, and
    • is woven into physical existence between birth and death. When the soul
    • enters physical existence through birth, or rather through conception,
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  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XIII: The First Beginnings of Mans Physical Body
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    • XIII: The First Beginnings of Man's Physical Body
    • The First Beginnings of Man's Physical Body
    • to understand the physical body of man, we require, however, a different
    • arrive at a complete development of his being, unless the physical body
    • were something more than merely a physical manifestation of the etheric
    • take place in the physical world, when he is invested with his physical
    • does not at first arise. Only in his physical body can that experience
    • take place. Now if the human physical body is looked at from the spiritual
    • so that all physical experiences and all experiences also of thinking,
    • of everything which man, as a physical, etheric, and astral being, is
    • and beings are its environment, it knows it is outside the physical
    • body; but that physical body still exists as an entity, although when
    • which man was constituted as a physical being during the ancient Moon
    • the physical body becomes detached. It is the part which was formed
    • of the earth as man's physical entity at that period. But even of this
    • physical entity something is left behind, when, from the standpoint
    • that Saturn period the first beginning of the physical human body came
    • other spiritual beings that the present physical human body became what
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XIV: Concerning Mans Real Ego
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    • as its environment, it knows itself to be outside both the physical
    • itself within the spiritual world: “In the physical world I am
    • confined to what my physical body allows me to observe; in the elemental
    • it from experience in the physical world, in order to be guarded in
    • or even annihilated. In the physical world the soul, in order to experience
    • that it develops within itself and of itself the force which the physical
    • body develops for it in the physical world, and which in the elemental
    • the experiences of the physical world and the elemental world are only
    • reproductions of physical or elemental occurrences, but represent free
    • world to deeds in the physical world.
    • efface, by its own will, its memories of the physical and elemental
    • of the physical or etheric body. Only this resolution must not be thought
    • not possible in either the physical or the elemental world, but only
    • in the spiritual world. In the physical world the annihilation which
    • physical death man gradually lives himself into his spiritual environment.
    • At first his being emerges into it with memories of the physical world.
    • Then, although he has not the assistance of his physical body, he can
    • peculiar to them in the physical world. And at a definite point of time
    • physical experience, unless the thoughts have, during those earth-lives,
    • itself in physical existence. In the case, however, of one who penetrates
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XV: Summary of Part of the Foregoing
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    • physical world this real ego is, as it were, concealed by the experiences
    • of what is experienced in the physical world, the elemental world, and
    • physical body is revealed in its true nature when the soul beholds it
    • the Sun, Moon, and Earth periods, it developed into what the human physical
    • physical body in the environment of the physical world. By its means
    • This physical body was formed, at its first beginning, from the universal
    • as a spiritual being, even when all experiences of the physical,
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XVI: Remarks on the Connection of what is in this Book with Accounts in Theosophy and Occult Science
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    • it does in the physical world. Experience in the elemental world is
    • be as fixed and rigid as it must be with regard to the physical world.
    • the detachment of the physical body from the soul at death, there is
    • as man develops them in his physical body, experience things. This world
    • formed in it as soul-experiences during physical existence. Within the
    • during physical existence through its sense perceptions and its thinking,

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