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- Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: I: Concerning the Reliance which may be placed on Thinking
Matching lines:
- of the soul's life, which flows by in impressions, sensations, feelings,
- and so forth. We have to a certain degree finished with an impression
- we have framed a thought which throws light on the impression or sensation.
- sensation, emotional life, and so forth are the expression of the soul
- the cosmic life expresses itself in me; my soul is only the stage
- expressed, of the world thinking itself in the human soul, is entirely
- to press in upon it. It may be a good preparation for the apprehension
- an ever-present impression of the meditative state is present the whole
- impression, it diffuses something which disturbs the mental ease of
- Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: II: Concerning Knowledge of the Spiritual World
Matching lines:
- a picture of memory yet expressing, not something previously experienced
- only once and for a moment, seen it so hastily that the impression did
- the letters, but read in them what it is desired to express by their
- event or being, is endeavouring to express itself through them.
- lies behind and expresses itself through the pictures.
- world. The impressions of the physical world naturally bring us much
- in the course of genuine supersensible experience, the true impression of a
- with it. We may, for instance, receive an impression of our former earth
- impressions the more purely supersensible the worlds become from which
- be different from the impression we receive through real perception
- Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: III: Concerning Mans Etheric Body and the Elemental World
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- events and beings of the physical world are the outward expression of
- the expression of a subtle, supersensible, or etheric body, in which
- of the most widely different kinds. If we desire to express the activity
- Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: V: Concerning Reincarnation and Karma
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- there, in the depths of the soul. It is, however, not expressed in thoughts
- physical personality, which indeed only comes to expression in physical
- which comes to expression in annihilation and death. We may even say
- lower world what has just been described is only expressed through its
- Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: VI: Concerning the Astral Body and the Luciferic Beings
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- this expression is that the astral being of man as such is not subject
- Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: VII: Summary of the Foregoing
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- self, and this comes to expression in repeated earthly lives.
- Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: VIII: Concerning the Guardian of the Threshold
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- impressions which are flitting by, and will in no way recognise them
- as such. In this case the impressions sink into oblivion almost as soon
- as other supersensible impressions, because people are more interested
- Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: IX: Concerning the Ego-Feeling and the Human Souls Capacity for Love
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- are always active and clearly expressed within it. Just as waking life
- we find it is the way in which spiritual reality is expressed in the
- looking about for spiritual forces which weaken the impressions of these
- Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: X: Concerning the Boundary between the Physical World and Supersensible Worlds
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- elemental world, and which it must suppress as soon as it returns to
- Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XI: Concerning Beings of the Spirit-Worlds
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- consciousness supersensible images which are not the true expression
- Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XII: Concerning Spiritual Cosmic Beings
Matching lines:
- in the spiritual world. What may be perceived with the senses, or expressed
- as not belonging to that world. They act in such a way as to impress
- is related to them in that world presses to meet them; the soul feels
- such a way that it is able to receive an impression from the beings
- in beings who do not merely express themselves in thoughts, but arc
- to express themselves in thought. This thought-existence of theirs reacts
- and whatever exists in addition to those beings is the expression of
- Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XIII: The First Beginnings of Mans Physical Body
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- consciousness impressions which are reminiscent of the impressions of
- earth-life. Such impressions are no longer to be gained when clairvoyant
- actions of those beings. In order to get an impression of this Sun period,
- they bring to expression the way in which the etheric body received,
- which expresses itself as an ego-experience could arise in the human
- of it becomes detached, and is manifest as the expression of the deeds
- expression of something which was already in existence during the ancient
- Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XIV: Concerning Mans Real Ego
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- no impression upon the astral body. The soul has to learn to live by
- learns to feel itself as an astral being. To use an expression in keeping
- Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XV: Summary of Part of the Foregoing
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- with the foregoing, man's collective being may be expressed in tabular
- Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XVI: Remarks on the Connection of what is in this Book with Accounts in Theosophy and Occult Science
Matching lines:
- which are to express the experiences
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