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  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: Cover Sheet
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    • Road to Self-Knowledge
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: Introductory Remarks
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    • A Road to Self-Knowledge
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: I: Concerning the Reliance which may be placed on Thinking
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    • thinking itself would not be able to bring satisfaction, even if we
    • who doubts the validity and power of thought itself is deceived about
    • who develops in himself the feeling here indicated with regard
    • cultivating in himself as a human force of the soul, but also something
    • which quite independently of him and his soul bears within itself some
    • oneself to the life of thought. The soul feels that in that life it
    • can escape from itself. This feeling is as necessary to the soul as
    • the opposite one of being able to be wholly within itself.
    • of these conditions. When awake the soul is in itself, living its own
    • life; in sleep it loses itself in the universal life of the world,
    • and is therefore to a certain extent freed from itself. The conditions
    • the life of thought is a release of the soul from itself, just as feeling,
    • remaining within itself.
    • events draws into itself me and my soul; I am living in those events
    • then possible to feel oneself taken into the universe and secure therein.
    • the cosmic life expresses itself in me; my soul is only the stage
    • upon which the universe manifests itself as thought.”
    • expressed, of the world thinking itself in the human soul, is entirely
    • there is in the attitude of soul which says, “I feel myself to
    • and strengthens these forces within itself, and they become the organs
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: II: Concerning Knowledge of the Spiritual World
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    • event or being, is endeavouring to express itself through them.
    • lies behind and expresses itself through the pictures.
    • soul must, of course, first prepare itself for seeing such images
    • required not only the capacity for beholding a world of images in oneself,
    • life. As pictures these are woven entirely by the soul itself. And the
    • has acquired for itself in the physical world. The fabric of the pictures
    • it and the supersensible world, when it feels itself to be in contact
    • science leads to a knowledge of self which embraces subconscious states
    • of soul and is able to free itself from any illusions with regard to
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: III: Concerning Mans Etheric Body and the Elemental World
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    • his ordinary consciousness man calls himself “ I,” signifying
    • the being which presents itself in his physical body. The healthy life
    • himself as a being separated from the rest of the world. That healthy
    • or beings of the outer world as part of his ego. When man realises himself
    • him. The etheric human being has to find himself in that which is not
    • the soul inwardly, that it can be conscious of itself as an individual
    • to possess it consciously, the soul must first prepare itself. It must
    • being feels himself to he a member of a whole.
    • and is not reality itself, we may speak of them as Gnomes.) We also
    • within itself spiritual germs so that in time to come a further sphere,
    • by, from which the earth has formed itself by transformation; whilst
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: IV: Summary of the Foregoing
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    • this body, man comes to recognise himself as an independent, individual
    • means man comes to recognise himself as a member of the earth's etheric
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: V: Concerning Reincarnation and Karma
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    • to know in our own depths a being of which we feel our own self to be
    • itself from the influence of conscious life. It begins to feel that this
    • learns to immerse itself in the process of the development in one human
    • yet essentially real, as though it were about to reveal itself as an
    • a second self, which appears independent of and set over the being which
    • we have previously looked upon as ourself. It seems like an inspirer
    • of that self. And we as this latter self, then flow into one with our
    • inspiring, superior self.
    • in a higher sense is one's own self, and which nevertheless stands outside
    • that which is necessarily felt to be the self in the physical world.
    • The way in which the second self rises out of the waves of the soul's
    • “other self.”
    • its being inspired by its other self, yet that inspiration is nevertheless
    • something that happens. It is the other self that guides the soul to the
    • aptitudes, and so forth within it. This other self lives in the sum-total
    • self which is conditioned by birth and death, and shapes human life,
    • joins that other self, it learns to say “ I ” to the total
    • grows together in the way that has been indicated, with the other self,
    • man learns to know himself as another being, different from his
    • world. One class of these spiritual beings presents itself in such a
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: VI: Concerning the Astral Body and the Luciferic Beings
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    • urgent necessities of the physical world, and feel itself, with regard
    • human soul belongs, through its other self, to the higher world. But it
    • if it has passed through adequate preparation, feels itself as a conscious
    • consciousness is attained when man experiences himself in his etheric
    • self, and the higher world to which he belongs. In this way also he
    • is not able to reflect itself become changed into that which it now is
    • are active. If clairvoyant consciousness betakes itself beyond the earth
    • body is possible, it finds itself carried back to a remote past, previous
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: VII: Summary of the Foregoing
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    • as a being independent of that consciousness, then experiences itself
    • is this permanent entity itself; he lives in it as though in his
    • other self. Inasmuch as he, as a being, is that other self, so he lives
    • and origin as man's other self are working in the physical and elemental
    • means of this body man recognises himself as an independent individual
    • By means of this body man recognises himself as a member of the earth's
    • self, and this comes to expression in repeated earthly lives.
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: VIII: Concerning the Guardian of the Threshold
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    • itself the forces which allow it, after entering, to maintain itself there
    • the soul did not arm itself with adequate power for thought, the
    • feel itself becoming more independent, but it would be adapting itself
    • itself adequately by thought. It is one of the instinctive peculiarities
    • world in proportion as it has sufficiently strengthened itself in the
    • to the way in which it experiences itself in the physical world. It
    • feels itself to be in its own element when it can experience itself
    • achievement — a certain self-knowledge is brought about, of which
    • They desire to subdue the soul, which feels itself drawn down by them
    • as if into unknown depths. The moment of self-recognition is a serious
    • one. Far too much philosophising and theorising about self-knowledge
    • than drawn towards, the earnestness connected with real self-knowledge.
    • within itself, as self-experience, the necessary state of maturity.
    • is man himself, but which he can as little perceive with ordinary
    • consciousness as the eye can see itself, is the guardian of the threshold
    • of itself.
    • able to formulate to itself any knowledge worthy of the name. Clairvoyance
    • If the soul has been strengthened just in the direction of self-knowledge,
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: IX: Concerning the Ego-Feeling and the Human Souls Capacity for Love
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    • human soul consciously enters the elemental world, it finds itself obliged
    • way.” This transformation of self, this conscious projection of
    • oneself into other beings, is life in supersensible worlds. By this
    • process of conscious self-projection into others, we learn to know the
    • and antipathies and experience itself alone, regarding and feeling merely
    • of self in the soul. As far as the elemental world is concerned we may
    • itself with regard to the necessary surrender to experiences of sympathy
    • and antipathy: “I will keep entirely to myself and within
    • myself.”
    • And by a species of development of will the soul wrenches itself free
    • and antipathy. This life in the self is, as it were, the sleeping state
    • and develops a wish to experience itself only, that is to say, feels
    • waking state of physical life with a fully developed feeling of self.
    • For such experience, saturated with the feeling of self, in the physical
    • but through the soul which experiences itself in the physical body. If
    • world that the soul's feeling of self, its experience of the ego, although
    • the strong ego-feeling were to project itself into the soul's conscious
    • But the faculty of self-surrender, a natural impulse in the elemental
    • experience. Elemental self-surrender means experiencing oneself in
    • own soul. In order to develop the latter experience, the feeling of self,
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: X: Concerning the Boundary between the Physical World and Supersensible Worlds
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    • into other beings, and the strong ego-feeling, or feeling of self. Neither
    • physical existence, he would feel himself in his soul as something which
    • would not be able to know about anything in it except himself; for he
    • would not feel himself related to any other being or event. This, in
    • would be lost. Such a soul would be living in contradiction with itself.
    • Clairvoyant consciousness has therefore to live itself into the capacity
    • it should only bring to bear so long as it knows itself to be in the
    • adapted for a supersensible world. If the soul, knowing itself to be
    • without the self-knowledge brought about by the guardian of the threshold,
    • It would be misunderstanding the order of the world to surrender oneself
    • within the physical world and are changed thereby into selfish impulses.
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XI: Concerning Beings of the Spirit-Worlds
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    • learns to know itself there in a way of which in the physical world it
    • itself, in order to know itself. And it further observes that these
    • beings in supersensible worlds have become what the soul itself, through
    • within that world powers and faculties which man himself can only unfold
    • they are beings of like nature to himself, they differ from him in not
    • Not till the soul experiences itself in that world, do pictures or conceptions
    • himself drawn to the supersensible is directed to physical things. Love
    • feeling of self; love which in the physical world is sought for the
    • sake of such an enhanced feeling of self is equivalent to a Luciferic
    • the self has the effect of emancipation; but love for the physical
    • when it is sought on account of the self has not this effect, but, through
    • the gratification gained by its means, only puts the self in fetters.
    • the Luciferic and Ahrimanic elements by rooting them out of himself.
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XII: Concerning Spiritual Cosmic Beings
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    • within the physical world. These beings do not feel their self
    • that self with their will much more than man does his; they will their
    • world proper, it experiences itself in conditions which diverge still
    • itself. These beings have a body, which may be called a thought-body.
    • as man experiences himself independently with the physical world.
    • of the spiritual world. When the feeling of self-surrender, such as
    • it feels itself to be in a completely new relationship towards the physical
    • of the physical world is itself spiritual To the soul's gaze, looking
    • The supersensible world reveals itself ultimately as a world of beings,
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XIII: The First Beginnings of Mans Physical Body
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    • which expresses itself as an ego-experience could arise in the human
    • into the supersensible. Then for the first time does it feel itself
    • able to observe. Man then feels himself in a still higher sphere than
    • which only the ego can experience itself, the super-spiritual world.
    • When the soul feels itself in its etheric body, and elemental events
    • as the consciousness is only experiencing itself in the elemental world.
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XIV: Concerning Mans Real Ego
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    • soul experiences itself in its astral body and has living thought-beings
    • as its environment, it knows itself to be outside both the physical
    • itself within the spiritual world: “In the physical world I am
    • restricted by finding myself, as it were, upon an island in the universe
    • to develop further and further the faculty of self surrender which is
    • thoughts within itself, has need only of the strength naturally allotted
    • that it develops within itself and of itself the force which the physical
    • present to the soul as memories. And the soul itself is beyond those
    • itself on its own memories. The content of its consciousness is at first
    • learns to feel itself as an astral being. To use an expression in keeping
    • itself as an astral being within the cosmic Word.” By the cosmic
    • everything in itself which so far the consciousness of that existence
    • has given it. The soul must actually place itself at the edge of a spiritual
    • must be because the soul itself, by an act of will, has caused it to
    • at this, there emerges from the forgetfulness it has itself brought
    • can experience itself in the etheric and astral bodies, so too can it
    • experience itself in the real ego.
    • physical death man gradually lives himself into his spiritual environment.
    • itself in physical existence. In the case, however, of one who penetrates
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XV: Summary of Part of the Foregoing
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    • becomes aware of his real ego when he effaces in himself the memories
    • man recognises himself as an independent individual being or ego.
    • man recognises himself as a member of the earth's elemental or vital
    • of a spiritual world. In it is situated man's other self which realises
    • itself in repeated earth-lives.
    • The real ego in a super-spiritual environment. In this man finds himself
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XVI: Remarks on the Connection of what is in this Book with Accounts in Theosophy and Occult Science
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    • body then experiences by itself, the soul being no longer with it, that
    • the “spirit region.” The soul, experiencing itself in the

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