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  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: Contents
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    • the Nature of the Thinking Soul; and of Meditation
    • Concerning the Ego-Feeling and the Human Soul's Capacity
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: Introductory Remarks
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    • for such formulae wherewith to develop the life of their soul will easily
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: I: Concerning the Reliance which may be placed on Thinking
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    • the Nature of the Thinking Soul;
    • of the soul's life, which flows by in impressions, sensations, feelings,
    • set in, if the ship of the soul has worked its way to the island of
    • The soul
    • life of the soul comes to an end when it begins to doubt about thinking.
    • attitude of the soul with regard to thinking underlies all human
    • efforts after knowledge. It may be dulled in certain moods of the soul,
    • but it is always to be found in the soul's dim feelings. The thinker
    • the fundamental state of his soul. For it is often really his acuteness
    • cultivating in himself as a human force of the soul, but also something
    • which quite independently of him and his soul bears within itself some
    • oneself to the life of thought. The soul feels that in that life it
    • can escape from itself. This feeling is as necessary to the soul as
    • rhythm of the soul's life. Waking and sleeping are really only the extremes
    • of these conditions. When awake the soul is in itself, living its own
    • the life of thought is a release of the soul from itself, just as feeling,
    • sensation, emotional life, and so forth are the expression of the soul
    • at in this way, thought offers to the soul the consolation which
    • events draws into itself me and my soul; I am living in those events
    • From this condition of the soul, a strength ensues, which feels as though
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: II: Concerning Knowledge of the Spiritual World
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    • life of the soul attention be given to that which gives rise to ideas
    • events and beings crowd in upon man when he has prepared his soul to
    • Now let us imagine an image rising up in the soul in the same way as does
    • but something unfamiliar to the soul. If we do this, we have formed
    • in the soul, when the latter is sufficiently prepared for it.
    • than more or less indistinct images of the memory, and that the soul
    • It is thus that they rise out of the depths of the soul that is prepared
    • pictured form and direct our soul's gaze to that which, as a supersensible
    • soul must, of course, first prepare itself for seeing such images
    • that world. The powers of the soul, strengthened by meditation, first
    • the pictures that have been described emerge from the wave of the soul's
    • life. As pictures these are woven entirely by the soul itself. And the
    • materials of which they are made are actually the forces which the soul
    • that these images are at first like a curtain put up by the soul between
    • their soul with experiences of a former earth-life; but one should always
    • of soul and is able to free itself from any illusions with regard to
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: III: Concerning Mans Etheric Body and the Elemental World
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    • at the outset are present in his soul. The difficulty in this case is
    • the soul's inner experience, are not apprehended as such by ordinary
    • human soul, of which at first it knows nothing, and of which it has to
    • world, before it is perceived and recognised by the soul, is to the
    • have nothing in common with what the soul is able to learn through its
    • experiences in the physical world. Thus it comes about that the soul
    • void. The soul may feel as though it were looking into an infinite,
    • of the soul of which it is at first unconscious. The feeling is something
    • like fear and dread, and the soul lives in it without being aware of
    • the fact. For the life of the soul is determined not only by what it
    • knowledge. Now when the soul searches, in the sphere of thought, for
    • souls with thoughts which will deceive them and rid them of their dread
    • soul's life, as here described. “Materialism as a psychic phenomenon
    • of fear” is an important chapter in the science of the soul.
    • of his soul in the world of the senses depends on his thus recognising
    • with and in the soul. Therefore clairvoyance needs a stronger inner force
    • than that which the soul possesses for the purpose of maintaining its own
    • the soul inwardly, that it can be conscious of itself as an individual
    • force of the soul by means of which it maintains its position as a being
    • in the elemental world, is present in man's ordinary life. The soul
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: V: Concerning Reincarnation and Karma
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    • difficult for the soul to recognise that there is something prevailing
    • within its life which is environment to the soul in the same way as
    • soul unconsciously resists this, because it imagines its independent
    • a vital fact, we learn to discern in the soul's nature an inner nucleus,
    • sphere of the soul's conscious life between birth and death. We learn
    • the course of this experience the soul learns to feel that a spiritual
    • soul is of a spiritual nature.
    • earthly lives. In the nucleus of the soul, which is to a certain degree
    • independent of the soul, the latter is able to feel the germ of a new
    • lives long past, in which the soul developed a germ which continued
    • the soul has been adequately pre-pared, clairvoyant consciousness
    • individual entity, there emerges from the waves of the life of the soul
    • Once again it is necessary for the soul to be strengthened, in order
    • The way in which the second self rises out of the waves of the soul's
    • picturing the soul's life,
    • “The Soul's Probation,”
    • and “The Awakening of the Soul,” to portray how various human
    • even if the soul in ordinary consciousness knows nothing about
    • there, in the depths of the soul. It is, however, not expressed in thoughts
    • something that happens. It is the other self that guides the soul to the
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: VI: Concerning the Astral Body and the Luciferic Beings
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    • desire to liberate the feeling soul entirely from the physical world,
    • world is part of the cosmic order of things. While the human soul is
    • who desire to wrench the feeling soul free from physical conditions.
    • soul with powers which would continually stimulate it to rise above the
    • the Luciferic forces in the soul is the source of much extravagance
    • and confusion, for they try to develop the activities of the soul without
    • human soul belongs, through its other self, to the higher world. But it
    • to those facts which hold good for every human soul, there is added
    • soul belongs to the higher world, and when man is living in the physical
    • processes of the physical world. The soul is also associated with a
    • far as the human soul lives in the higher or spiritual world, it is
    • because a knowledge of the soul's astral being is at the outset quite
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: VII: Summary of the Foregoing
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    • within him a soul-centre belonging to a spiritual world. This is the
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: VIII: Concerning the Guardian of the Threshold
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    • those very forces of the soul which are acquired in the physical world.
    • If this strengthening has not taken place, the soul feels a certain
    • if the soul finds that it is strong enough to enter, if it recognises in
    • spiritual worlds, then the soul also feels that only by life in the
    • these beings an inner activity of the soul similar to that which is
    • if they were beheld by the soul of a non-thinking being. It is the same
    • the soul did not arm itself with adequate power for thought, the
    • soul the illusion that it was penetrating ever more deeply into the
    • desire to prepare similar to their own being. The soul would certainly
    • worlds do there of necessity ascend from the depths of the soul all
    • world comes before the soul with the most vivid distinctness.
    • up our minds to develop quite a different attitude of soul from the
    • of their lurking-places in the depths of the soul. We must, however,
    • They desire to subdue the soul, which feels itself drawn down by them
    • goes on in the world. The soul's gaze is thereby rather turned away from,
    • and reinforced faculties of the soul which make visible the guardian
    • lasts. During sleep the soul rises to its supersensible nature. But
    • beginnings, it is particularly important to bear in mind that the soul
    • they remain quite unnoticed, like tiny clouds on the soul's horizon.
    • If the soul has been strengthened just in the direction of self-knowledge,
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  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: IX: Concerning the Ego-Feeling and the Human Souls Capacity for Love
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    • IX: Concerning the Ego-Feeling and the Human Soul's Capacity for Love
    • Concerning the Ego-Feeling and the Human Soul's Capacity for Love;
    • human soul consciously enters the elemental world, it finds itself obliged
    • but if the soul strengthens its forces to a corresponding degree, it
    • the soul would never attain its inner solidarity, its necessary stability,
    • everything which life in the physical world can give the soul, is it
    • of the life of the soul must be gained in order that that independence
    • may not only be present as an unconscious quality of the soul on entering
    • If the soul is too weak for conscious experience in the elemental world,
    • not imprinted with sufficient clearness on the soul to live on as a
    • distinct memory. In this case the soul cannot really enter the
    • world, by the being living within the soul which may be called the
    • guardian of the threshold. And even if the soul has, so to speak, nibbled
    • the soul will develop the right relation to the events and beings of
    • an attitude of the soul is necessary which cannot be developed in the
    • the elemental world, we feel an experience emerging in the soul which
    • something not confined to the clairvoyantly awakened soul; it is always
    • at hand for every human soul, being part of its nature. But in the ordinary
    • life of the soul the knowledge of this part of human nature is not
    • The soul, however, cannot
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  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: X: Concerning the Boundary between the Physical World and Supersensible Worlds
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    • of these forces of the human soul can be unfolded in physical existence
    • physical existence, he would feel himself in his soul as something which
    • the human soul were to develop in the physical world the capacity for
    • would be lost. Such a soul would be living in contradiction with itself.
    • at rest in the depths of the soul; a power which gives the soul its
    • adapted for a supersensible world. If the soul, knowing itself to be
    • soul's thought. Observation of the boundary between the worlds is a
    • of our soul with regard to the physical world, and whether it is strong
    • necessary consequence is that the soul takes them for realities when
    • association with the realities to which they correspond, by the soul's
    • not be projected into the soul's life within the physical world in the
    • remain at rest in the depths of the soul, there regulating man's relation
    • to the elemental world, but are transferred to the soul's experience
    • soul, but weak. And when man passes through the gateway of death, the
    • birth and death is such as to make the soul weak for the experiences
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XI: Concerning Beings of the Spirit-Worlds
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    • soul enters the supersensible world with clairvoyant consciousness, it
    • beings in supersensible worlds have become what the soul itself, through
    • the elemental world beings confront the human soul who have developed
    • have so evolved that through their etheric body they have a soul-nature
    • through a kind of ascent, or mounting-up of their ideas and other soul-experiences
    • rest within them, and they draw it up out of the depths of their souls,
    • as man from the depths of his soul draws up his memory-pictures.
    • the life of their soul.
    • he finds that their experiences are similar to those of his own soul.
    • This clairvoyant consciousness lifts the human soul up into the world
    • Not till the soul experiences itself in that world, do pictures or conceptions
    • something penetrates into the human soul which rises as though out of
    • existence in the soul, then the Luciferic essence may be present in
    • upon the human soul, raising it above mere entanglement in the physical
    • world. But when the human soul draws into the physical body the life
    • Luciferic nature gains through that soul an influence which is opposed
    • is loved with that part of the soul which is accessible io the Luciferic
    • soul in the manner of the Luciferic element. The order of the universe
    • beings make themselves felt in the thinking soul just as the Luciferic
    • beings affect the feeling soul. The former chain thought to the physical
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  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XII: Concerning Spiritual Cosmic Beings
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    • When the clairvoyant soul grows familiar with the world inhabited by
    • and willing. These faculties of the human soul could not be unfolded
    • clairvoyant human soul ascends from the elemental world into the spiritual
    • a human soul in the physical world must be so strengthened that he will
    • a sojourn there possible. If such a strengthened life of the soul were
    • a plant is present in the physical world. We have, as human souls, to
    • to any physical thing or process, are still present in the soul when
    • on the soul the urgency of returning to the physical world or the elemental
    • But when the soul brings correct ideas into the spiritual world, what
    • is related to them in that world presses to meet them; the soul feels
    • with feelings which are adapted to strengthen the life of the soul in
    • but can live again in its own special way in the soul surrendered to
    • way to the soul, another in another way; and a spiritual intercourse
    • with the soul in the spiritual world.
    • however, to the beings of the elemental world, the soul has the feeling
    • soul has the feeling that they consist wholly of thought substance ;
    • During the period through which the human soul passes between death
    • is woven into physical existence between birth and death. When the soul
    • the permanent thought-entity of the soul works in a shaping and inspiring
    • way on the fate of that soul. In human destiny what has remained of
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XIII: The First Beginnings of Mans Physical Body
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    • soul. This becomes specially evident when the consciousness develops
    • the soul grows familiar with the world of thought-reality; but the
    • ego experience, which through an adequate strengthening of soul-force
    • this, the soul must advance still further into the supersensible. It
    • When the soul feels itself in its etheric body, and elemental events
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XIV: Concerning Mans Real Ego
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    • soul experiences itself in its astral body and has living thought-beings
    • to it in that sphere. The soul that has become clairvoyant may say to
    • soul is indeed able to work its way through this veil, if it continues
    • or even annihilated. In the physical world the soul, in order to experience
    • unless the soul, before entering this world, has worked on the strengthening
    • If they are to remain in the consciousness, the soul must be so strengthened
    • present to the soul as memories. And the soul itself is beyond those
    • no impression upon the astral body. The soul has to learn to live by
    • But when the memories come from such soul-experiences as arc not merely
    • soul an exchange of thought between the memories and the supposed nothingness
    • of the astral body. The strength which is needful for the soul at this
    • first an absolutely real nothingness to the soul. Yet the soul still
    • and the beings of the spiritual world. During this intercourse the soul
    • with ancient traditions, we may say, “The human soul experiences
    • soul now wishes to step over into the super-spiritual world, it must
    • has given it. The soul must actually place itself at the edge of a spiritual
    • must be because the soul itself, by an act of will, has caused it to
    • the human soul the knowledge of that real ego. Just as clairvoyant consciousness
    • human soul. Clairvoyant consciousness simply experiences consciously
    • a fact appertaining to the nature of every human soul, of which it is
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XV: Summary of Part of the Foregoing
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    • physical body is revealed in its true nature when the soul beholds it
  • Title: Threshold/Spiritual World: XVI: Remarks on the Connection of what is in this Book with Accounts in Theosophy and Occult Science
    Matching lines:
    • of the human soul in the elemental and spiritual worlds must be adapted
    • due to the soul's capacity for transformation and to its observation
    • which the soul has during its complete development between birth (conception)
    • the detachment of the physical body from the soul at death, there is
    • also detached from the soul that which in this book is called the etheric
    • body. The soul then lives for a while in the entity which is here called
    • the astral body. The etheric body, after being detached from the soul,
    • place, the soul which had lived in it is no longer there. The soul,
    • of the soul through the “soul-world.” It must therefore be
    • realised that this soul-world is identical with that which, from the
    • the soul in the interval between death and rebirth — as described
    • body then experiences by itself, the soul being no longer with it, that
    • is experienced as its outer world by the soul which continues to exist in
    • the “spirit region.” The soul, experiencing itself in the
    • formed in it as soul-experiences during physical existence. Within the
    • world above described as that of living thoughts-beings, the soul finds

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