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Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Section Name Rudolf Steiner e.Lib

The Riddle of Man

Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document

Sketch of Rudolf Steiner lecturing at the East-West Conference in Vienna.

The Riddle of Man

From the Thinking, Observations, and Contemplations
of a Series of German and Austrian Personalities:
What They Have Said and Left Unsaid.

Rudolf Steiner


This first English translation of Rudolf Steiner's Vom Menschenrätsel is by William Lindeman. Vom Menschenrätsel was first published in 1916; the most recent 4th German edition, published by the Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung, Dornach, Switzerland, appeared in 1957 as Bibl.–Nr.20 in the collected works of Rudolf Steiner.

Cover: Graphic form by Rudolf Steiner
(originally as a study for the book Truth and Science).

Layout and lettering, Peter Stebbing.

ISBN 0-929979-13-3

Copyright © 1990 by William Lindeman

Printed in the USA by:
Fellowship Community
241 Hungry Hollow Road
Spring Valley, NY 10977

Last Modified: 23-Nov-2024
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