Typical Cases Of Illness
In this chapter we shall describe a number of cases from the practice
of the Clinical and Therapeutic Institute at Arlesheim. They will show
how, with the help of a knowledge of spiritual man, it is possible to
achieve such a thorough picture of the disease that diagnosis directly
teaches us the remedy which should be used. Fundamental to this is a
view which recognizes the process of illness and of healing as one
complete cycle. The illness begins with an irregularity in the
composition of the human organism with respect to its parts, which
have been described in this book. It has already reached a certain
stage when the patient is received for treatment. Our object must now
be to bring about a reversal of all the processes which have taken
place in the organism since the beginning of the illness, so that we
arrive at length at the previous state of health of the organism. A
process of this kind, reversing on itself, cannot be accomplished
without the organism as a whole undergoing some loss in the forces of
growth, which are equivalent to those forces which the human organism
- needs during childhood in order to increase in size. The therapeutic
substances must therefore be so composed as not only to bring the
diseased process back to its starting-point, but also to support the
reduced vitality again. To some extent this latter effect must be left
to dietary treatment. But as a general rule, in the more serious cases
of illness, the organism is not in a condition to evolve sufficient
vitality in the assimilation of its food. Therefore the actual
treatment will also have to be constituted so as to give the organism
the necessary support in this respect. In the typical remedies
supplied by our clinical/therapeutic institutes, this provision has
been made throughout. Hence it will only be realized on closer
inspection, why a given preparation contains particular constituents.
In estimating the course of the disease, not only the localized
pathological process, but the changes suffered by the organism as a
whole must be considered and included in the reversing process. How
this is to be conceived in detail will be shown by the individual
cases we shall now describe. We shall then continue the more general
First Case
A twenty-six years old woman patient. The whole personality reveals an
extraordinarily labile condition. It is clear from the patient that
that part of the organism, which we have here called the astral body,
is in a state of excessive activity. One observes that the
ego-organization has only slight control over the astral body. As soon
as the patient begins to do some work, the astral body develops a
state of agitation. The ego-organization tries to make itself felt,
but is constantly repulsed. This causes the temperature to rise in
such a case. A well regulated digestion depends mainly on a normal
ego-organization. The impotence of this patient's ego-organization
expresses itself in an obstinate constipation. The migraine-like
conditions and vomiting from which she suffers are a consequence of
this disturbance in the digestive activity. In sleep, her impotent
ego-organization shows itself in a deficient organic activity from
below upward and impaired expiration. The consequence is an excessive
accumulation of carbonic acid in the organism during sleep, which
shows itself organically in palpitations on awakening; psychologically
in anxiety, and screaming. Physical examination can show nothing other
than a lack of those forces which bring about a regular connection of
the astral, etheric and physical bodies. Owing to the excessive
activity of the astral body in itself, too little of its powers can
flow over into the physical and the etheric. The latter, therefore,
have remained too delicate in their development during the period of
growth. This has shown itself on examination in the patient's slight
build and weak body, and also in the fact that she complains of
frequent back pain. The latter arises because in the activity of the
spinal cord the ego-organization must make itself felt most. The
patient talks of many dreams. The reason is that the astral body,
separated in sleep from the physical and the etheric, unfolds its own
excessive activity. We must start with the fact that the
ego-organization needs to be strengthened and the over-activity of the
astral body lowered. The former is attained by selecting a remedy that
is suitable to support the weakened ego-organization in the digestive
tract. Such a remedy is to be found in copper. Applied in the form of
a copper ointment compress to the region of the loins, it has a
strengthening effect on the deficient inner warmth coming from the
ego-organization. This is observed in a reduction of the abnormal
activity of the heart and the disappearance of anxiety. The excessive
activity of the astral body in itself is combated by the smallest
doses of lead taken orally. Lead draws the astral body together and
awakens in it the forces through which it unites more intensely with
the physical body and the etheric. (Lead poisoning is composed of an
over-intense union of the astral with the etheric and physical bodies,
so that the latter are made subject to excessive breakdown processes.)
The patient recovered visibly under this treatment. Her labile
condition gave way to a certain inner firmness and assurance. Her
moods, recovering from their disrupted state, grew inwardly calm and
contented. The constipation and back pain disappeared; likewise the
migrainous conditions and the headaches. The patient's capacity for
work was restored.
Second Case
A forty-eight year old man. He had been a robust child with an active
inner life. During the war, as he informed us, he had undergone a five
months' treatment for nephritis and been discharged as cured. Married
at the age of thirty-five, he had five healthy children; a sixth child
died at birth. At the age of thirty-three, as a consequence of mental
overwork, he began to suffer from depression, tiredness and apathy.
These conditions increased continuously. At the same time he began to
feel spiritual despair. He is confronted by questions, in which his
profession that of a teacher appears to him in a negative
light, which he cannot meet with anything positive. The illness shows
an astral body which has too little affinity with the etheric and
physical, and is rigid in itself. The physical and etheric bodies are
thus enabled to assert their own inherent qualities. The feeling of
the etheric not being rightly united with the astral body gives rise
to states of depression; while the deficient union with the physical
produces fatigue and apathy. That the patient is in a state of
spiritual despair is due to the fact that the astral body cannot make
use of the physical and the etheric. Consistently with all this, his
sleep is good; for the astral body has little connection with the
etheric and physical. For the same reason he has great difficulty in
waking up. The astral body is loath to enter the physical. It is only
in the evening, when the physical and etheric bodies are tired, that
their normal union with the astral begins to take place. Therefore the
patient becomes properly awake in the evening. This whole condition
indicates that it is necessary first of all to strengthen the astral
body in its activity. This can always be attained by giving arsenic
internally in the form of a mineral water. It becomes clear that the
particular individual is seen to gain more command over his body after
some time. The connection between the astral and the etheric is
strengthened; the depression, apathy and fatigue cease. But the
physical body also, which through its long defective union with the
astral has become sluggish and immobile, must be helped; this is done
by giving treatment with a mild dose of phosphorous. Phosphorous
supports the ego-organization, enabling it to overcome the resistance
of the physical body. Rosemary baths are used to open a way out for
the accumulated products of metabolism. Curative eurythmy
re-establishes the harmony of the individual members of the organism
(nerve-sense system, rhythmic system, motor and metabolic system),
impaired as they are by the inaction of the astral body. Finally, by
giving the patient elder-flower tea, the metabolism, which has
gradually become sluggish owing to the inactivity of the astral body,
is restored to a normal condition. We were able to observe a complete
cure in this case.
Third Case
This patient was a musician, thirty-one years old, who visited our
clinic during a concert tour. He was suffering from a severe
inflammatory and functional disturbance of the urinary tract,
catarrhal symptoms, fever, excessive bodily fatigue, general
weakness, and incapacity for work.
The past history of the patient showed that he had repeatedly suffered
the same condition. Examination of the patient's spiritual state
revealed a hypersensitive and exhausted astral body. The
susceptibility of the physical and etheric body to catarrhal and
inflammatory conditions was a consequence of this. Already as a child,
the patient had a weak physical body, badly supported by the astral.
Hence measles, scarlet fever, chicken-pox, whooping-cough and frequent
attacks of sore throat; at the age of fourteen, there was an
inflammation of the urethra, which recurred at the age of twenty-nine
in conjunction with cystitis. At the age of eighteen, pneumonia and
pleurisy; at twenty-nine, pleurisy again, following on an attack of
influenza; and at the age of thirty, catarrhal inflammation of the
frontal sinus. There is also a perpetual tendency to conjunctivitis.
During the two months which he spent at our hospital the patient's
temperature curve rose at first to 39.9¡C, after which, it
descended, only to rise again on the fourteenth day; it then
fluctuated between 37¡ and 36¡, occasionally rising above
37¡ and falling to 35¡. Such a temperature curve gives a
clear picture of the changing states of the ego organisations. Such a
curve arises when the effects of the semi-conscious contents of the
ego-organization find expression in the warmth-processes of the
physical and etheric bodies without being reduced to a normal rhythm
by the astral. In this patient, the whole capacity of action of the
astral body was concentrated on the rhythmic system, where it found
expression in his artistic talent. The other systems fell short. As a
significant result of this, the patient suffers from severe fatigue
and insomnia during the summer. In the summer season, considerable
demands are made upon the astral body by the outer world. Its inner
capacity for activity recedes. The forces of the physical and etheric
body become predominant. In the general perception of one's sense of
well being, this manifests as severe fatigue. At the same time the
weakened capacity for action of the astral body hinders its separation
from the physical. Hence the insomnia. The deficient separation of the
astral body from the etheric finds expression in anxious and
unpleasant dreams, arising from the sensitivity of the etheric body to
the lesions in the physical organism. Characteristically, the dreams
symbolize these lesions in images of mutilated human beings. Their
terrifying aspect is simply their natural quality and emphasis of
feeling. As a consequence of the astral body functioning deficiently
in the metabolic system, there is a tendency to constipation. And
owing to the independence of the etheric body, which is too little
influenced by the astral, the protein received as food cannot be
completely transformed from vegetable and animal protein into human.
Hence, protein is excreted in the urine, so that it is positive for
albumen. If the astral body is functioning deficiently, processes will
arise in the physical body which are really foreign processes in the
human organism. Such processes express themselves in the formation of
pus. This represents, as it were, an extra-human process within the
human being. Thus in the sediment of the urine we actually find pure
pus. But this formation of pus is accompanied by a parallel process in
the soul. The astral body works as little psychically on the
experiences of life, as it works physically on the substances of food.
While extra-human substances are produced in the form of pus, mental
and psychic contents of a extra-human character arise at the same
time, as a keen interest in abnormal relationships of life,
forebodings, premonitions and the like. We therefore set out to bring
a balancing, purifying and strengthening influence to bear upon the
astral body. As the ego organization is very much alive, its activity
could be used, in a manner of speaking, as a carrier of the
therapeutic remedy. The ego-organization, which is directed toward the
external world, is most readily approached by influences whose
direction is from without inward. This is achieved by the use of
compresses. We first apply a compress of Melilotus, a remedy which
works upon the astral body in such a way as to improve the balance and
distribution of its forces, counteracting their one-sided
concentration on the rhythmic system. Naturally the compresses must
not be applied to that part of the body where the rhythmic system is
especially concentrated. We applied them to the organs where the
metabolic and motor systems are concentrated. We avoided compresses
around the head, because the mood swings of the ego-organizations
proceeding from the head, would have paralysed the effect. For the
Melilotus to take effect, it was also necessary to assist the astral
body and ego-organization, by drawing them together. This we sought to
do by the addition of oxalic acid, derived from Radix bardanae.
Oxalic acid works in such a way as to transform the activity of the
ego-organization into that of the astral body. In addition, we gave
oral remedies in very diluted doses; with the object of bringing the
excretions into a regular connection with the influences of the astral
body. We tried to normalise the excretions directed from the head
organization by means of potassium sulphate. Those processes that
depend upon the metabolic system in the narrower sense of the word, we
sought to influence by potassium carbonate. We regulated the excretion
of urine with Teucrium. We therefore gave a medicament, consisting of
equal parts of potassium sulphate, potassium carbonate and Teucrium.
The whole treatment had to reckon with a very labile balance in the
whole, physical, psychical and spiritual organism. Thus we had to
provide complete bed rest for physical rest, and mental quiet for
spiritual balance; this alone made possible the proper interaction of
the various remedies. Movement and agitation render such a complicated
therapeutic process almost impossible. On completion of the treatment,
the patient was restored to bodily strength and vigour, and was
mentally in good condition. With such a labile state of health, it
goes without saying that any external disruption may bring about a
recurrence of one or another disturbance. It is part of the total
treatment that in such a case such events should be avoided.
Fourth Case
A child, who was brought to our clinic twice, first at the age of
four, and then at the age of five and a half years. Also the mother of
the child, and the mother's sister. Diagnosis led us from the illness
of the child to that of her mother and of the sister. As for the
child, we received the following information: it was a twin, born six
weeks prematurely. The other twin died in the last stage of foetal
life. At the age of six weeks, the child was taken ill, began to
scream excessively, and was admitted to hospital. They diagnosed
pyloric stenosis. The child was partly breast fed by a wet nurse and
partly fed artificially. At the age of eight months it left the
hospital. On the first day after arrival home the child had a
convulsion, which recurred daily for the next two months. During the
attacks the child became stiff, with the eyes deviated. The attacks
were preceded by fear and crying. The child also squinted with the
right eye and vomited before the attack began. At the age of two and a
half years there was another attack lasting five hours. The child was
again stiff and lay there as though dead. At the age of four there was
an attack lasting half an hour. According to the report we received,
this was the first attack which was seen to be accompanied by fever.
After the convulsions that had followed directly on the return from
hospital, the parents had noticed a paralysis of the right arm and the
right leg. At two and a half the child made the first attempt to walk,
but was only able to step out with the left leg, dragging the right
after it. The right arm, too, remained without volition. The same
state prevailed when the child was brought to us. Our first concern
was to determine the condition of the child with respect to the
members of the human organization. This was attempted independently of
the syndrome. We found a severe atrophy of the etheric body, which, in
certain parts, received only a very slight influence from the astral
body. The region of the right chest was as though paralysed in the
etheric body. On the other hand, there was a kind of hypertrophy of
the astral body in the region of the stomach. The next thing was to
establish the relation between this diagnosis and the syndrome. There
could be no doubt that the astral body strongly involved the stomach
during the process of digestion, which, however, owing to the
paralysed condition of the etheric body was blocked at the transition
from the gut to the lymph. Hence the blood was under-nourished. We
thus attached great importance to the symptoms of nausea and vomiting.
Convulsions always occur when the etheric body becomes atrophied and
the astral gains a direct influence over the physical without the
mediation of the etheric body. This was present to the greatest extent
in the child. Moreover, if, as in this case, the condition becomes
permanent during the period of growth, those processes which prepare
the motor system to receive the will normally fail to take place. This
showed itself in the uselessness on the right side in the child. We
had now to relate the condition of the child to that of the mother.
The latter was thirty-seven years old when she came to us. At the age
of thirteen, she told us, she had already reached her present size.
She had bad teeth at an early age, and had suffered in childhood from
rheumatic fever, and maintained that she had had rickets. Menstruation
began comparatively early. At the age of sixteen she had had a disease
of the kidneys and she told of convulsive conditions which she had
had. At twenty-five she had constipation owing to cramp in the
sphincter ani, which had to be stretched. Even now she suffered from
cramp on defaecation. Diagnosis by direct observation, without drawing
any conclusions from this syndrome, revealed a condition
extraordinarily similar to that of the child. But everything appeared
in a far milder form. We must bear in mind that the human etheric body
has its special period of development between the change of teeth and
puberty. In the mother this expressed itself thus: with their
deficient strength, the available forces of the etheric body enabled
growth to take place only until puberty. At puberty the special
development of the astral body begins and, being hypertrophied, now
overwhelms the etheric body and takes hold of the physical
organization too intensely. This showed itself in the arrest of growth
at the thirteenth year. The patient was, however, by no means
dwarf-like, on the contrary, she was very big; this was because the
growth forces of the etheric body, deficient though they were, had
worked uninhibited by the astral body and so brought about a large
expansion of the volume of the physical body. But these forces had not
been able to enter properly into the functions of the physical body.
This showed itself in the appearance of rheumatic fever and, at a
later stage, convulsions. Owing to the weakness of the etheric body
there was a particularly strong influence of the astral body on the
physical. Now this influence is a disintegrating one. In the course of
normal development it is balanced by the regenerative forces during
sleep, when the astral body is separated from the physical and the
etheric. If, as in this case, the etheric body is too weak, the result
is an excess of disintegration, which showed itself in the fact that
she had the first filling already in the twelfth year. Moreover, if
great demands are made on the etheric body as in pregnancy, on every
such occasion the condition of the teeth grows worse. The weakness of
the etheric body with respect to its connection with the astral was
also shown by the frequency of the patient's dreams and by the sound
sleep which she enjoyed in spite of all irregularities. Again the
weakness of the etheric body shows itself in that foreign processes
unmastered by the etheric take place in the physical body, and reveal
themselves in the urine as protein, isolated hyaline casts, and salts.
Very remarkable was the relationship of these disease-processes in the
mother with those of her sister. As to the composition of the members
of the human being, diagnosis revealed almost exactly the same. A
feebly working etheric body and hence a preponderance of the astral.
The astral body was, however, weaker than that of the mother.
Accordingly, menstruation had begun early as in the former case, but
instead of inflammatory conditions she had only pains due to an
irritation of the organs, e.g. the joints. In the joints the etheric
body must be particularly active if the vitality is to go on in the
normal way. If the activity of the etheric body is weak, that of the
physical body will predominate, a fact which appeared in this case in
the swollen joints and in chronic arthritis. The weakness of the
astral body, that did not work enough in the subjective feeling, was
indicated by her liking for sweet dishes, which enhanced the
experience of the astral body. When the weak astral body is exhausted
at the end of the day, then, if the weakness persists, the pains will
increase in intensity. Thus the patient complained of increased pain
in the evening. The connection between the pathological conditions of
these three patients points to the generation preceding that of the
two sisters, and more especially to the grandmother of the child. It
is here that the real cause must be sought. The disordered equilibrium
between the astral and etheric bodies in all three patients can only
have been founded in a similar condition in the grandmother of the
child. This irregularity must have been due to a deficiency of the
embryonic organs of nutrition, especially the allantois development by
the astral and etheric bodies of the grandmother. A deficient
development of the allantois must be looked for in all three patients.
We determined this to begin with by purely spiritual-scientific
methods. The physical allantois, passing into the spiritual realm, is
metamorphosed into the effectiveness of the forces of the astral body.
A degenerated allantois gives rise to a lessened efficiency of the
astral body, which will express itself, especially, in all the motor
organs. Such was the case in all three patients. It is indeed possible
to recognize, from the constitution of the astral body that of the
allantois. From this it will be seen that our reference to the
preceding generation was not the result of drawing far-fetched
conclusions, but of real spiritual-scientific observations.
To anyone who is irritated by this fact, we would say that our
statements here are not inspired by any love of paradox; rather by the
wish not to withhold existing knowledge from anyone. Conceptions of
heredity will always remain dark and mystical, as long as we shrink
from recognizing the metamorphosis from the physical to the spiritual
and vice-versa, which takes place in the sequence of the
Therapeutically, such an insight could of course only lead us to
perceive the right starting-point for a healing process. Had not our
attention thus been drawn to the hereditary aspect, had we merely
observed the irregularity in the connection between the astral and
etheric bodies, we should have used therapeutic substances which
affect both these members of the human being. Such remedies however
would have been ineffective in our case, for the damage, running
through the generations, was too deep-seated to be made good within
the etheric and astral bodies themselves. In a case like this, one
must work on the organization of the ego; here it is, that one must
bring to bear all those influences which relate to a harmonizing and
strengthening of the etheric and astral bodies. One can achieve this
if one gains access to the ego-organization through intensified
sensory stimuli, (Sensory stimuli work upon the ego-organization.) For
the child, we attempted this in the following way: we bandaged the
right hand with a 5% iron pyrites ointment and simultaneously we
massaged the left half of the head with ointment of Amanita
caesarea. Externally applied, pyrites, compound of iron and
sulphur, has the effect of stimulating the ego-organization to make
the astral body more alive and increase its affinity to the etheric.
The Amanita substance, with its peculiar content of organized
nitrogen, gives rise to an influence proceeding from the head, which,
working through the ego-organization, makes the etheric body more
alive and increases its affinity to the astral. The healing process
was supported by curative eurythmy, which moves the ego-organization
as such into quickened activity. This brings what is externally
applied into the depths of the organization. Initiated in this way,
the healing process was then intensified, with remedies making the
astral and etheric bodies especially sensitive to the influence of the
ego-organization. In rhythmic daily succession we gave a decoction of
solidago in baths, massaged the back with a decoction of
Stellaria media and gave orally willow bark tea (which
particularly affects the receptivity of the astral body) and stannum
0.001 (which particularly makes the etheric body receptive). We also
gave diluted doses of poppy juice, to allow the damaged organization
to give place to the healing influences. In the mother's case, the
latter kind of treatment was mainly adopted, since the inherited
forces had worked far less than in the succeeding generation. The same
applied to the sister of the mother. While the child was still with us
in the clinic, we established that it became more easily guided and
the general psychological condition was improved. It grew far more
obedient, for example; movements which it had carried out very
clumsily, it now accomplished with greater skill. Subsequently the
aunt reported that a great change had taken place in the child. It had
grown quieter and the excess of involuntary movements had decreased;
the child is now sufficiently adroit to be able to play by itself,
psychologically the former obstinacy has disappeared.
Fifth Case
A woman patient, twenty-six years old, came to our clinic suffering
from the serious consequences of influenza and bronchitis which she
had undergone in 1918; this had been preceded in 1917 by pleurisy.
Following the influenza, she had never properly recovered. In 1920 she
was very emaciated and weak, with a slight temperature and night
sweats. Soon after the influenza, back-pains began, which worsened
continuously up to the end of 1920. Then, with violent pain, a
curvature in the lumbar region became apparent. At the same time there
was a swelling of the right forefinger. A rest cure had considerably
lessened the back-pains. When the patient came to us, she was suffering
from a cold abscess on the right thigh; her body was distended with
slight ascites. There were catarrhal sounds over the apices of both
lungs. Digestion and appetite were good. The urine was concentrated,
with traces of protein. Spiritual-scientific investigation revealed a
hypersensitivity of the astral body and the ego-organization; such an
abnormality expresses itself to begin with in the etheric body, which
produces, in place of the etheric functions proper, an etheric impress
of the astral functions. The astral functions are destructive. Thus,
the vitality and the normal process of the physical organs showed
themselves to be stunted. This is always connected with processes
occurring to some extent outside man, but taking place in the human
organism. Hence the cold abscess, the lumbar pains, the distended
abdomen, the catarrhal symptoms in the lungs, and also the deficient
assimilation of protein. The treatment must therefore seek to reduce
the sensitivity of the astral body and the ego-organization. This may
be done by administering silicic acid, which always strengthens the
inherent forces against sensitivity. In this case we gave powdered
silicic acid in the food and in enemata. We also diverted the
sensitivity by applying mustard plasters to the lower back. The effect
of this depends upon the fact that it induces sensitivity of its own
accord, thus relieving the astral body and ego-organization of theirs.
By a process which damps down the over-sensitivity of the astral body
in the digestive tract, we were able to divert the astral activity to
the etheric body where it ought normally to be. We achieved this by
minute doses of copper and carbo animalis. The possibility that
the etheric body might withdraw from the normal activity of digestion,
to which it was unaccustomed, was countered by administering
pancreatic fluid.
The cold abscess was punctured several times. Large quantities of pus
were evacuated by aspiration. The abscess grew smaller and the
distended stomach decreased in that the pus-formation grew
continuously less and finally disappeared. While it was still flowing
we were surprised one day by a renewed rise in temperature. This was
not inexplicable to us, since, with the above-described constitution
of the astral body, small psychological excitements could give rise to
such fever. However, one must differentiate between the explanation of
fever in such cases and its strongly harmful effect. For under these
conditions, such a fever is the mediator for a profound intervention
of the processes of destruction in the organism. One must provide at
once for a strengthening of the etheric body, which will then paralyse
the harmful effects of the astral. We gave high potency silver
injections and the fever sank. The patient left the clinic with a
twenty pounds' increase in weight, and in a stronger condition. We are
under no illusion as to the necessity for further treatment to
consolidate the cure.
With the cases hitherto described, we wished to characterize the
principles whereby we seek to find the therapeutic substances out of
the diagnosis. For the sake of clear illustration we selected cases
where it was necessary to proceed along very individual lines. But we
have also prepared typical therapeutic substances applicable to
typical diseases. We will now deal with a few cases where such typical
medicaments were used.
Sixth Case. Treatment of Hay Fever.
We had a patient with severe symptoms of hay fever. He had suffered
with it from childhood. He came to us for treatment in his fortieth
year. For this disorder we have our preparation Gencydo.
This we used in this case at the time the month of May when
the disease was at its worst. We treated him with injections and
locally by painting the inside of the nose with Gencydo
fluid. Following this there was a marked improvement, at a time of the
year when formerly the patient had suffered severely from hay fever,
undertaking a journey, he reported feeling incomparably better than in
former years. In the hay fever season of the next year, he was
travelling again from America to Europe and only had a far milder
attack than previously. The repetition of the treatment achieved a
tolerable condition for this year. For a thorough cure, treatment was
repeated the next year, although he had no actual attack. In the
fourth year the patient himself described his condition in the
following words: In the spring of 1923, I again began the
treatment, as I was expecting fresh attacks. I found my nasal mucous
membranes far less sensitive than before. I had to spend my time
working among flowering grasses and pollen-producing trees. I also had
to ride all through the summer along hot and dusty roads. Yet with the
exception of a single day, no symptoms of hay fever occurred the whole
summer, and I have every reason to believe that on that single day it
was an ordinary cold, not an attack of hay fever. In thirty-five years
this was the first time that I could stay and work unhindered in an
environment where in former years I experienced real hell.
Seventh Case. Treatment of Sclerosis.
A woman patient, sixty-one years old, came to our clinic with
sclerosis and albuminuria. Her immediate condition was the sequel of
an attack of influenza, with slight fever and disturbances of the
stomach and intestines. She had not felt well again since the
influenza. She complained of difficult breathing on waking, attacks of
vertigo, and a pounding sensation in the head, ears and hands, which
was especially troublesome on waking, but occurred also when she
walked or climbed uphill. Her sleep was good. There was a tendency to
constipation. The urine contained protein. Her blood pressure was
185mm Hg. We took our start from the sclerosis which was noticeable in
the over-activity of the astral body. The physical and etheric bodies
were unable to receive the full activity of the astral. In such a
case, excess activity of the astral body remains, which the physical
and etheric do not re-absorb. The normal and firm poise of the human
organization is only possible when this re-absorption is complete.
Otherwise, as in this case, the non-absorbed part will make itself
felt in attacks of vertigo and subjective sensory illusions, pounding
etc. Also the non-absorbed part takes hold of the digested substances,
forcing certain processes upon them before they have penetrated into
the normal metabolism. This became apparent in the tendency to
constipation, in the excretion of albumen, also in the stomach and
intestinal disorders. The blood pressure is raised in such a case
because the excess activity of the astral body also heightens the
activity of the ego, and this reveals itself in raised blood
pressure. We treated the case mainly with our remedy,
Scleron; we supplemented this with very minute doses of
belladonna, only as an aid to counteract immediately the attacks of
vertigo. We gave elder-flower tea to help the digestion, regulated the
action of the bowels by enemas and laxative tea, and ordered a salt
free diet, because salts tend to aggravate sclerosis. A comparatively
quick improvement was the result. The attacks of vertigo receded,
likewise the pounding. The blood pressure went down to 112mm Hg. The
patient's subjective feeling visibly improved. During the subsequent
year the sclerosis made no further progress. At the end of a year the
patient came to us again with the same symptoms in a lesser degree. A
similar treatment brought about a further improvement; now, after a
lapse of considerable time since the treatment it is evident that the
sclerosis is producing no further degeneration of the organism. The
external symptoms characteristic of sclerosis are on the decline, and
the accompanying rapid aging of the patient is no longer there.
Eighth Case. Treatment of a Goitre.
A woman patient, who came to us in the thirty-fourth year of her life.
She is typical of an individual whose psychic state is strongly
influenced by a certain heaviness and fragility of the physical body.
Every word she utters seems to cost her an effort. Very characteristic
is the concavity in the whole shape of her face; the root of the nose
is as if it were held back within the organism. She tells us that she
was delicate and sickly even as a schoolgirl. The only actual disease
that she went through was a slight attack of measles. She was always
pale and very tired and had a poor appetite. She was sent from one
doctor to another, and the following were diagnosed in succession:
Infection of the apex of the lung, gastritis, anaemia. In her own mind
the patient felt that she was not so much physically ill, but rather
Having given this part of her history, we will now indicate the
spiritual-scientific diagnosis, in order to examine everything further
against the latter.
The patient reveals a highly atonic condition of the astral body. The
ego-organization is thus held back, as it were, from the physical and
etheric bodies. The whole life of consciousness is permeated by a
subtle, dull drowsiness. The physical body is exposed to the processes
arising from the ingested substances. Therefore, these substances are
transformed into parts of the human organization. The etheric body in
its coherent vitality is too strongly muted by the ego and the astral
body; hence the inner sensations, namely, the sense of well-being and
the sense of the orthostasis of the body become far too vivid, and the
activity of the external senses is too dull. All the bodily functions
thus have to take a course whereby they come into disharmony with one
another. Inevitably the feeling arises in the patient that she cannot
hold the functions of her body together with her own ego. This appears
to her as a powerlessness of the soul. Hence she says she is more
psychologically than physically ill. If the powerlessness of the ego
and astral body increases, disease conditions must arise in various
parts of the body, as is also indicated by the different diagnoses.
Powerlessness of the ego expresses itself in irregularities of glands,
such as the thyroid and the suprarenal; also in disorders of the
stomach and intestinal system. All this is to be expected in the
patient and does in fact occur. Her goitre and the condition of her
stomach and intestinal system correspond entirely with the
spiritual-scientific diagnosis. Most characteristic is the following:
owing to the powerlessness of the ego and the astral body the need for
sleep is partly satisfied during waking life, the patient's sleep is
therefore lighter than a normal person's. To her, this appears as a
persistent insomnia. In connection with this, she has a sense of
easily falling asleep and easily awakening. Also in this connection
she thinks she has many dreams, they are not, however, real dreams but
mixtures of dreams and waking impressions. Thus they do not remain in
her memory and are not powerfully exciting, for her excitability is
lowered. In the inner organs the powerlessness of the ego first
expresses itself in the lungs. Infection of the apex of the lung is in
reality always a manifestation of a weak ego organization. The
metabolism not being fully taken care of by the ego leads to
rheumatism. Subjectively these things come to expression in the
patient's general fatigue. Menstruation began at the age of fourteen;
the weak ego organization cannot supply a sufficient unfolding of its
forces to repress and restrain the menstrual process once it has come
into flow. The work of the ego in this act of restraint comes as a
sensation into consciousness through those nerves that enter the
spinal cord in the region of the sacrum. Nerves insufficiently
permeated by the currents of the ego-organization and the astral body
are painful. Thus the patient complains of lower back pain during
menstruation. All this led us in the following way to treatment. We
have discovered that Colchicum autumnale has a powerfully
stimulating action on the astral body, notably on the part that
corresponds to the organization of the neck and head. Hence, we apply
Colchicum autumnale to all those diseases which have their most
important symptom in goitre. Accordingly, we gave the patient five
drops of our Colchicum preparation three times a day; the goitre
swelling receded and the patient felt much relieved. When the astral
body is thus strengthened, it mediates a better functioning of the
ego-organism, so that remedies which can work upon the organs of
digestion and reproduction keep their strength in the organism. As
such a remedy we used wormwood enemas, mixing them with oil, since oil
stimulates the digestive tract. With this remedy we attained a
considerable improvement. We hold that this treatment can develop its
particularly favourable influence about the thirty-fifth year of life,
for at this age the ego-organization has a strong affinity to the rest
of the organism and can be readily stimulated, even when weak. The
patient was thirty-four years old when she came to us.
Ninth Case. Migrainous Conditions in the Menopause.
This patient came to us at the age of fifty-five. She informed us that
she had been weak and delicate as a child; during childhood she had
measles, scarlet fever, chicken pox, whooping cough and mumps.
Menstruation began at the age of fourteen to fifteen. The bleeding was
unusually intense and painful from the outset. In the fortieth year
she underwent an oopherohysterectomy because of a tumour in the lower
abdomen. She also reported that she suffered since the age of
thirty-five from a migrainous headache lasting three days, every three
or four weeks, which in her forty-sixth year developed into a cerebral
illness lasting three days with unconsciousness. The
spiritual-scientific diagnosis of her current condition is as follows:
General weakness of the ego organization, which expresses itself in
that the activity of the etheric body is insufficiently immobilized by
the ego organization. Hence the vegetative organic activity extends
over the head and nerve-sense system to a far greater degree than is
the case when the ego-organization is normal. This diagnosis is
corroborated by certain symptoms. Firstly a frequent urgency of
micturition. This is due to the fact that the normally developed
astral body which regulates the secretion of the kidneys is unopposed
by a normally restraining ego-organization of sufficient strength. A
second symptom is the long time she took to fall asleep and her
tiredness on awakening. The astral body has difficulty in leaving the
physical and etheric, for the ego is not strong enough in drawing it
away. And when she has awakened, the vital activity, working on after
sleep, was perceived as a feeling of fatigue owing to the weakness of
the ego. A third symptom is to be found in the scarcity of her dreams.
The pictures which the ego-organization can impress upon the astral
body are feeble and cannot express themselves as vivid dreams.
These perceptions led to the following treatment: we had to pave the
way for the ego-organization to the physical and etheric bodies. We
did this by compresses with a two per cent Oxalis solution on the
forehead in the evening, compresses with a seven per cent solution of
Urtica dioica on the lower abdomen in the morning, and
compresses with a twenty per cent solution of lime blossom on the feet
at midday. The object was, in the first place, to tone down the vital
activity during the night; this was brought about by the oxalic salt,
which exercises within the organism the function of suppressing an
excessive vital activity. In the morning we had to ensure that the
ego-organization could find its way into the physical body. This was
done by stimulating the circulation. The iron effect of the stinging
nettle (Urtica dioica) was applied for this purpose. Finally,
it was desirable to assist the penetration of the physical body by the
ego-organization in the course of the day. This was done by the
downward drawing action of the lime blossom compresses at midday. We
have already referred to the headaches to which the patient had become
subject, with their intensification at the forty-sixth year of life.
For us there was connection between the headaches and the cessation of
the menses after the operation and their intensification with
unconsciousness as a compensatory symptom for the menopause. We first
tried to effect an improvement by the use of antimony. This should
have worked if we had been concerned with the general metabolism,
regulated by the organization of the ego. There was, however, no
improvement. This proved to us that we were dealing with the
relatively independent part of the ego-organization which primarily
regulates the organs of reproduction. For the treatment of this, we
see a specific remedy of the root of Potentilla tormentilla at
a very high dilution, and in fact this worked.