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The Calendar of the Soul

Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document

Sketch of Rudolf Steiner lecturing at the East-West Conference in Vienna.

The Calendar of the Soul

Rudolf Steiner
from GA 40

This translation of Anthroposophischer Seelenkalender (included in Volume 40 of the Bibliographical Survey 1961) was made by Ruth and Hans Pusch. It is used with the kind permission of the Anthroposophic Press, Inc., copyright © 1982, and the Rudolf Steiner-Nachlassverwaltung, Dornach, Switzerland.

Should you desire to receive these verses on a weekly basis throughout the year — one verse for each corresponding week — please subscribe to our CoTS mailing list. For other CoTS-related activities, please go to our CoTS activities page.

Copyright © 1982
This e.Text edition is provided with the cooperation of:
The Anthroposophic Press
Book Cover Image

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Thanks to an anonymous donation, this lecture has been made available.


 Cover Sheet
 Preface to the Second Edition (1918)
 Calendar of the Soul Graphic
 Corresponding Verses of the Calendar of the Soul
 A Note on the Dates in the Calendar
 52. Fifty-second Week  1. Easter
 51. Fifty-first Week  2. Second Week
 50. Fiftieth Week  3. Third Week
 49. Forty-ninth Week  4. Fourth Week
 48. Forty-eighth Week  5. Fifth Week
 47. Forty-seventh Week  6. Sixth Week
 46. Forty-sixth Week  7. Seventh Week
 45. Forty-fifth Week  8. Eighth Week
 44. Forty-fourth Week  9. Ninth Week
 43. Forty-third Week  10. Tenth Week
 42. Forty-second Week  11. Eleventh Week
 41. Forty-first Week  12. Twelfth Week
 40. Fortieth Week  13. Thirteenth Week
 39. Thirty-ninth Week  14. Fourteenth Week
 38. Christmas  15. Fifteenth Week
 37. Thirty-seventh Week  16. Sixteenth Week
 36. Thirty-sixth Week  17. Seventeenth Week
 35. Thirty-fifth Week  18. Eightteenth Week
 34. Thirty-fourth Week  19. Nineteenth Week
 33. Thirty-third Week  20. Twentieth Week
 32. Thirty-second Week  21. Twenty-first Week
 31. Thirty-first Week  22. Twenty-second Week
 30. Thirtieth Week  23. Twenty-third Week
 29. Twenty-ninth Week  24. Twenty-fourth Week
 28. Twenty-eighth Week  25. Twenty-fifth Week
 27. Twenty-seventh Week  26. Michaelmas

Last Modified: 10-Feb-2025
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