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Universe, Earth and Man
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Universe, Earth and Man
The Kingdoms of Nature. Group-egos. The Centre of Man. The Kingdoms of Higher Spiritual Beings.
Schmidt Number: S-1809
On-line since: 11th July, 2002
The Kingdoms of Nature. Group-egos. The Centre of Man. The Kingdoms of Higher Spiritual Beings.
If we are to bring the relationship of Universe, Earth, and Man before
our minds in the following lectures, it will first be necessary to
gather together many things that will furnish us with some kind of
foundation. At the same time we must remember that if we only use our
external senses and the intellect that is bound up with these, we
shall see very little; this applies to the Earth as well as to man,
and in a still higher degree to the Universe. We must realize that the
greater part of what is most essential is hidden from the outer
senses, and also from external intellectual observation. Therefore to
begin with we will point out a few things appertaining to the beings
that surround us, but which are hidden from view. Much will have to be
said which many of you know already, but in order to grasp our vast
subject thoroughly it will be necessary to recapitulate to a certain
extent. We must in the first place consider the planet on which we
live, and which forms the centre of our studies.
Yesterday we considered one portion of the earth's evolution in
connection with the whole.
We saw how beings have been active in various ways, from the time when
earth and sun still formed one body up to our own day. We saw also
that in the various ages of the Post-Atlantean epoch man has repeated
in knowledge and in religious consciousness all that the earth has
passed through in the course of its evolution.
We will now go more deeply into the various conditions on this our
earth. We are surrounded in the first place by the four kingdoms of
nature; the mineral, vegetable, animal, and human kingdoms. Man is not
the mere material physical being of which the outer senses inform us,
and which the scientific intellect describes and explains but he is a
complicated being made up of physical body, etheric body, astral body,
and ego. All this we know. When we allow our gaze to sweep over the
beings of the other kingdoms of the earth we must be fully aware that
the expressions physical body, etheric body, astral body, and ego are
by no means meaningless in respect of them also. When dealing with the
physical world we have to allow that of all earthly beings man alone
possesses an ego-nature; he alone in this physical world has a
self-conscious ego. With animals it is quite different; the ego of
animals is not in the physical world in the same way man's ego is.
If we consider the difference between animals and man we must
acknowledge that whereas every human being has its individual
“I” enclosed as a single individuality within its skin,
not every animal has an “ I ,” but that certain groups of
similarly formed animals have one “ I ,” or ego, in common.
For example, all lions, or all bears, have a common ego, hence we call
such an ego belonging to the animal kingdom a group-ego. The human ego
is found in the physical world; although we may not see it with our
eyes it is present within the skin of every human being. This is not
the case with animals. We do not find their group-ego in the physical
world. In order that you may form an idea of such a group-ego imagine
that there is a partition before me, and in this partition ten holes.
I put my ten fingers through the holes and move them. You see my
fingers but not myself, and without much deep thought you say that
these ten fingers do not move of themselves, but something hidden must
be causing the movement; in other words you think of a being that
belongs to the fingers. This comparison brings us to the group-nature
or soul-nature in the case of animals.
The various lions on the physical plane are beings which, in a certain
sense, have also something hidden behind them. Just as the central
being belonging to the ten fingers is hidden by the partition, so
something is also hidden which is common to all lions. It is hidden
because it is not present at all in the physical world. The same
ego-nature which in the case of man is present in the physical world
is to be found in the case of animals in the astral world. The group
ego of animals is in the astral world. From each single animal there
stretches a sort of continuation of its being into the astral world,
there these continuations meet together and form the garment or
covering for the animal-ego. These group egos live as single
individuals on the astral plane, just as human individual egos do here
on the physical plane. When the clairvoyant enters the astral plane he
encounters the various animal egos as separate beings which stretch
forth their principles into the physical world. One must not merely
picture this diagrammatically, but must accustom oneself to picture
these egos in their reality. It must be clearly understood that we do
not have to go into another region to enter the astral world; the
astral world permeates our physical world. It is only a case of our
being able to look into it with opened astral senses.
You may now ask what do the group-egos of animals look like? The
group-ego of one of the higher orders of animals appears to the
clairvoyant somewhat as follows: Along the spine of the animal he sees
what resembles a brightly shining line. As a matter of fact our
atmosphere is permeated not only by the material currents generally
recognized, but also in every direction by astral currents, and in
these currents the clairvoyant recognizes the group-egos of animals.
A second question might now be asked: Have lower beings, such as
plants for example, an ego? Yes, they have an ego. When the
clairvoyant examines a plant he finds that the part visible in the
physical world is nothing but a combination of the physical and
etheric bodies of the plant. Imagine the surface of the earth on which
plants grow, picture the root of a plant, the stem, the leaves, and
flowers. That which grows has not in the physical world, like man, a
physical body, an etheric body, astral body, and ego, but only a
physical and etheric body. We must not conclude from this that the
astrality with which we are filled, and which is active also in
animals, is not active in the plant. To the opened eyes of the
clairvoyant the plant is surrounded by a glow, and this comes from
astral substances. It is this also which cooperates in the development
of the flower. While the plant grows from leaf to leaf through the
influence of the etheric body its growth terminates above in a flower
through being surrounded by astral substance.
The clairvoyant sees every growing plant thus surrounded by astral
substance, but there is something else connected with the plant,
namely its ego. If we wish to locate the ego of a plant we must seek
it in the centre of the earth. There the ego of all plants is to be
found; this is an important and essential truth. Whereas we see the
egos of animals in the circumference of the earth, we must turn to the
centre of the earth for the egos of plants. In fact, when clairvoyant
vision has attained to such a view of the plant creation the earth,
which otherwise confronts man merely as a material structure, expands
to an organism having its ego in the centre; this ego includes all
plant egos.
The earth is ensouled by an ego and in the same way as your head is
covered with hairs which grow from out your being, so plants grow from
out the being of the earth, and belong to the whole organism of the
earth. When one tears a plant up by the roots it hurts the whole
earth, the soul of the plant experiences pain. This is a fact. On the
other hand one should not think that the earth feels pain when a
flower is plucked; exactly the reverse is the case. For example, when
in autumn a reaper cuts corn the clairvoyant sees great currents of a
feeling of well-being pass over the earth. Objections to this from the
moral standpoint do not hold good. One might for example ask: Is it
then a more trifling sin when a child plucks all sorts of plants
uselessly than when a man transplants one carefully and with good
intention? The fact remains the same: If a plant is uprooted the earth
feels pain; if a plant is cut the earth feels pleasure. For the earth
has pleasure in yielding up what it bears on its surface; also when
animals pass over the earth grazing upon its plants the earth has a
sensation of pleasure; much the same as a cow has when her calf draws
milk. This is an absolutely occult fact. The sensation of the earth
when plants spring from it and are beamed upon by the astral body is
the same as that of animals when they yield their milk. These are not
merely comparisons, but are actual facts. Anyone who with clairvoyant
vision can see into the astral world still sees nothing of the ego of
plants; to do this a higher clairvoyance is required, that by which it
is possible to see into the devachanic world.
We can say, therefore, that the group-ego of animals is in the astral
world, whereas the ego of plants is in the devachanic world.
The next question that naturally presents itself is: How is it with
the mineral world? How is it with so-called lifeless minerals? Have
they anything resembling an ego, or some other higher principle? If we
observe a stone clairvoyantly we find that in the physical world it
has only a physical body; the etheric body of minerals surrounds and
envelops this on all sides. Take, for example, a rock crystal; you
must imagine this entire form as hollowed out, that it resembles a
hollow space, and that only where the physical substance ends does the
etheric begin. Just as the upper part of a plant is woven round by the
astral, so the mineral is surrounded by the etheric. This etheric is
at home in the astral world. Mark this well — we have an etheric
that is at home in the astral world.
Things are really more complicated than is generally supposed. It is
not the case that in the astral world everything is astral; this is as
little the case as that in the physical world everything is physical.
For example, in the physical world you have the etheric body, the
astral body, and even the ego of man; and the clairvoyant also sees
the etheric body of minerals in the astral world.
Now, let us ask: where is the astral body of minerals? This looks like
peculiarly formed rays. Picture to yourselves forms of light, or rays,
broadening out more and more, and piercing into the etheric body of
the mineral. Astral rays stream thus from every mineral. They have no
end, but stream out indefinitely into space. When a rock crystal is
observed you see first the space which is filled out physically;
clairvoyantly you see this physical form surrounded by the light of
the etheric body, and this again as if pierced by all kinds of
ray-formations which extend endlessly in all directions into space.
Vision is led from each point of space that is filled by some
substance into the infinite. There is no point of space that is not
connected with the Universe, it is as if every single thing in the
world hung on thousands and thousands of threads of spiritual light
which stretch into infinite space, and you can imagine, if these
extended more and more, how they would all ultimately mingle.
In fact, when a mineral is examined clairvoyantly something like the
following is presented to view: the physical part is seen rayed round
by the light-forms of the etheric body, these rays of light appear to
broaden and radiate continually into space till they ultimately
disappear as if into a hollow globe. You can think of every mineral as
being the centre of such a hollow globe, and that these are present
everywhere in the world. These hollow globes interpenetrate each
other, and if we can picture clairvoyant power enhanced more and more
to where these rays unite we arrive at where the egos of the minerals
stream towards us from every direction of space. These egos reveal
themselves to clairvoyant capacity when it enters the higher regions
of the devachanic plane. Whereas the rays which compose the astral
body are in the lower regions, the ego is in the higher devachanic
You have here been given a panoramic view of the different kingdoms.
The ego of man is on the physical plane, that of animals on the astral
plane, that of plants in the lower regions of the devachanic world,
and the ego of minerals is in the higher regions of the same world.
Therefore the minerals are in the opposite position to man. Man has
his ego within him, it is enclosed within his skin; each human being
is a centre in himself, a “man-centre.” Plants form a wider
centre; taken together they form an “earth-centre”; and the
egos of minerals form the circumference of the earth-sphere. Wherever
a man is found the human ego is always the centre; the mineral ego is
always in the circumference — exactly the opposite of man. You
will now find it comprehensible when I tell you that the mineral soul
is in an entirely different position to the human or to the animal
When a mineral is broken up it does not feel pain, on the contrary it
feels pleasure, it has a sensation of well-being. Great currents of
pleasurable feeling stream forth from a quarry where stones are broken
to pieces; on the other hand were you to put all the broken pieces
together again it would cause very great pain. The same fact may be
observed in another process. Imagine that you have a glass of warm
water into which you throw a piece of salt. When the salt dissolves
not only does the substance dissolve, but feelings of well-being fill
the warm water, feelings of pleasure on the part of the mineral at
being dissolved. Again, if you cool the water so that the salt
crystallizes, the process is connected with a feeling of pain.
Initiates have always known these things and have told them to man; he
has but to learn to understand what they say.
One great Initiate spoke about this in a very significant manner.
Let us picture how things were at one time in the earth's development.
Today we walk on solid earth, but it was not always thus. When we
trace the evolution of the earth backwards we find that it becomes
ever softer and softer till at last its condition is fluidic or even
vapoury. That which is solid today, namely, the mineral part, has
crystallized from out the erstwhile fluidic earth. It had to become
solid in order that man might walk upon it. It was necessary for human
existence that the earth, as regards its mineral nature, should suffer
infinite pain — for infinite pain was connected with the
solidification of the earth. Paul said, referring to this: “The
whole creation groaneth in pain awaiting the state of adoption,”
meaning that the earth has to endure pain in connection with
solidification, and formation of the mineral earth, in order that man
may be adopted as the child of God.
We need never lose respect for the writings of true Initiates when we
come to understand them; every line of the inspired Biblical record
fills us with profound awe when we learn its meaning with the help of
Spiritual Science. Cosmic secrets are hidden in the saying of Paul
quoted above. It is true that such truths as these will only again
become fruitful for humanity when they enter into and affect men's
feeling. They must not be only comprehended intellectually, but must
be embodied in feeling if they are to become true knowledge.
Let us turn now to the consideration of plants; let us think how their
physical body grows, how the glow of the astral body surrounds this,
and how the ego is in the centre of the earth. Let me point out once
more what is essential in this. What does the astral body really do
when it develops the flower from outside? It does something of great
importance in the life of the plant, and we shall understand this if
we go a little more deeply into the spiritual structure of our earth.
In the last lecture we learnt that there was a time when the earth and
the sun formed one body. Man was already there though he lived under
entirely different conditions from those of today. He possessed a dim
clairvoyant consciousness; and his organism was such that he could
live in that earth-sun body. Today he is so organized that, when a
sunbeam falls on his eye he “sees,” that is, he sees the
sunbeam which penetrates to him from outside, and he sees by means of
this sunbeam. This was not the case at the time when man was still one
with the earth, in the sun. He then saw the sunbeams from within; he
saw the soul-forces which permeated the sunbeams. What were these
soul-forces? The forces permeating the sunbeams are the same as the
forces within our astral bodies. Physical light is but the external
body of the astral light which radiates from the sun, and the
astrality gleaming about the upper part of the body of a plant is
connected inwardly with the astral outpourings coming from the sun.
You have wishes and impulses of will, because you possess an astral
body. In the case of plants it is desire, feeling, and will that play
round the blossoms.
What does that which plays round the plant desire? It desires to
absorb the soul of the sunbeam, and with the soul its purest part
— its ego; and it is this purest part which passes through the
plant to the centre of the earth. The activity of the plant's ego is
expressed in the activity of the spiritual content of the sunbeam
which passes through it to the centre of the earth. Thus earth, plant,
and sun work together. The spiritual powers of the sun are in fact
continually being led to the earth. And how? By means of the astral
body playing round them; the blossoms, which long to absorb the soul
of the sunlight, allow to sink through their bodies into the earth.
That which is brought about outwardly in the physical world through the
beams of the sun is but one side of its activity; the other works
psychically in the plant, which longs for the soul of the light that
streams to earth in the rays of the sun.
Let us now try to understand the practical result of these things.
Imagine a man of a far distant future who perceives in every plant
what I have just told you of its longing to absorb the soul of the
sun. This man will have, at a higher spiritual stage, something that
the animal has at a lower stage — when grazing in a meadow it
chooses the plants that are of use to it and leaves others alone
— an unconscious instinct, but really it is higher spirits who
guide the animal. The man of the future will approach plants that are
of use to him consciously; not as now when he reflects on which yield
the best substances for his body; he will then have a vital
relationship to every plant, for he will know what it is they have
absorbed, and what passes from them to him. Eating will not be to him
a mean occupation, but an act consummated with soul and spirit, for he
will know that everything he eats is the external form of something
spiritual. In our immediate age, when men know little about the vital
inward relations between themselves and the world, all kinds of
substitutes are made use of. Why have the Initiates of all ages urged
people to say grace before eating? The grace should be a token of the
recognition that, together with the food, something spiritual enters
into man.
We have seen how sensation and feeling alter when man acquires true
wisdom. With a certainty as sure as the instinct of animals at a lower
stage man will know with shining clearness what he should do; he will
know because he will recognize the soul of that which he absorbs into
himself. Down to everyday details such as these we can trace the
practical value of Spiritual Science for the future.
Thus we can now consider the world with entirely different feelings;
for we regard the earth not only as a body shone upon by the rays of
the sun, but as a living being which absorbs the soul of the sun
through the astral mantle of plants, and we see the entire Universe
permeated by the egos of minerals, we see how all these things are
ensouled and filled with spirit.
We have now dealt with the four kingdoms of nature, the mineral,
vegetable, animal, and human kingdoms, but the series does not end
here; it goes farther. These are only the kingdoms which man can see
in his normal development. We have already pointed out, however, that
in the Atlantean epoch man was the companion of Beings who as their
densest form had only an etheric body. Those figures which have
remained as a memory in the legends of various peoples, the figures of
Zeus, Apollo, etc., were actual to the ancient Atlanteans; they dwelt
with them during sleep. Such Beings were to be found everywhere who
had not descended so far as to embodiment in the flesh.
Looking from man upwards to higher kingdoms, we have to begin with
three kingdoms which interest us. In accordance with Christian
esotericism, we call the kingdom immediately bordering on the human
the realm of the Angels; they are also called Spirits of Twilight. Then
there is a second kingdom, higher than the Angels, the kingdom of the
Archangels; they are also called the Spirits of Fire. Lastly there is
a still higher kingdom, that of the Archai (Original Forces or First
Beginnings), called also the Spirits of Personality. These are the
three kingdoms next above man.
I will try to tell you a little about the life of these kingdoms; they
play a very positive part in our life. Just as man plays a part in the
life of plants when he tills the ground, so these higher kingdoms
influence the human kingdom. We shall best understand this if we
consider the following: Man has at the present time an ego, an astral
body, an etheric body, and a physical body. How does further
development come to pass? Through working continually upon himself.
Today the ego of man is still in many respects powerless to affect the
other principles of his being, he is in many ways unable to control
his passions, but is therefore ruled by them, that is, by his astral
body. There is a great difference between human beings in this
respect. Compare a savage who eats his fellow men with a European and
then think of a high idealist such as Schiller or Francis of Assisi.
You see here an advancing development which consists in man learning
more and more to control his astral body by his ego. A time will come
when the ego will do this completely; it will irradiate the astral
body completely. Man will then have formed a higher principle, this
principle we call Manas, or Spirit-Self. It is nothing but the astral
body, which has been transformed by the ego.
When we observe a man of the present day clairvoyantly we see that his
astral body really consists of two parts, namely, the part that is
already under the control of the ego and the part he is not yet able
to control. This latter is still filled with lower forces and
impulses, and when the ego drives these out all kinds of powers are
added to the astral body. In order that the astral body should not be
destroyed by the lower forces it must always be permeated and suffused
by higher beings who control it in the same way that man will control
it in the future when he has attained the goal of his evolution. The
beings whose task it is to control that part of the astral body which
is still uncontrolled by man are one stage higher than he is, they are
the Angels, or Spirits of Twilight. In fact one such Spirit watches
over every human being, and this Spirit has power over the astral
body; it is therefore no childish idea, but profound wisdom, to speak
of guardian angels. These guardian angels have a great duty to
Let us consider the course of a human life in its entirety. We know
that it passes through many incarnations. At a given time — at a
certain point in earthly evolution — man began to live as a soul,
as an ego, in his first incarnation on earth. He then died, there was
an interval, then a new incarnation, and so it has gone on from
incarnation to incarnation; and these will only come to an end at a
far-off period of human evolution. Man will then have passed through
all his incarnations, and he will also have attained power to control
his astral body perfectly. This can not be done till he has passed
through all his incarnations, at least not in normal evolution.
Now, an Angel accompanies the inmost part of man's being and guides
him from incarnation to incarnation, so that he may truly fulfil his
mission on earth. It is, in fact, as if the human being had been able,
since the beginning of his life on earth, to look up to an exalted
Spirit who was his prototype, who could completely control his astral
body, and who said to him: “Thou must be like unto me when in future
thou passest out of this earthly evolution.” It is the task of
Angels to guide the incarnations of men and whether we say that he
looks up to his higher self, whom he must come to resemble more and
more, or that he looks up to his Angel as his great pattern, it is
exactly the same in a spiritual sense.
As man works further upon himself he will transform the etheric body
into Buddhi, or Life Spirit; one day he will do this consciously, even
now he is working on it unconsciously. So even higher Spiritual Beings
have to work today in all human etheric bodies; this is the task of
the Fire Spirits. Now, human etheric bodies are not individually so
different as are human astral bodies. Every man has his own particular
virtue or vice, but in things connected with the etheric body there is
a certain similarity. This can be seen in the qualities peculiar to a
race or nation. Because of this we see that each individual human
being does not have an Archangel in connection with his etheric body,
but that whole nations and races are guided by higher or lower Spirits
of Fire. The peoples and races of the earth are indeed guided as a
whole by Archangels. Here our view expands to something which to many
persons is entirely abstract, but for those who are able to see into
the Spiritual world it is entirely concrete. If anyone today mentions
a national spirit, or a national-soul, this is considered an
abstraction. It is not so to the occult observer. To him the whole
nation is as if embedded in Spiritual substance and this Spiritual
substance is the body of a Fire-Spirit. From hoary antiquity until now
our evolution has been led and guided from people to people, from race
to race, by the Spirits of Fire, whose bodies are the souls of
nations, and whose mission it is to guide the course of human
evolution through the various races of the earth.
There is, however, something else which is independent of tribe,
nation, and race. In studying our present age we find much that is
independent of such communities, yet that manifests itself
simultaneously in many. For example, if we look back to the twelfth
century we see how certain similar spiritual tendencies occurred in
all the peoples of Europe, something that goes beyond the
national-spirit. A word has been coined for this, it has been called
the “Spirit of the Age.” This Spirit of the Age really
exists, it forms the body for still Higher Beings, namely, the Spirits
of Personality, or Archai.
From all that has been said you can see that our earth is embedded in
a spiritual atmosphere. From a mineral foundation plants spring forth,
and animals and human beings walk on it; enveloping all this are
exalted Spiritual Beings who guide individual men, and other spirits
who are the leaders of communities of people and races; and, further,
there are other Beings who guide the “Spirit of each Age”
over from one epoch to another.
In this lecture we have tried to give a panoramic view of our earth,
of what it is also in a spiritual sense, and of man's connection with
it all. At the same time a foundation has been laid on which we can
build usefully what we have to say in the following lectures on the
relationship between Universe, Earth, and Man.
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