Dornach, November 26, 1923.
[In connection with a paper read to the
work-people by Herr Müller]
GOOD morning, gentlemen!
I will add just a few remarks to the statements made by Herr
Müller — remarks which may perhaps be of interest to you,
though naturally, as far as the present day is concerned, the time
has not yet come when one could really apply these things in
practical bee-keeping. For the moment, on this side of practical
bee-keeping, very little, or perhaps not even anything much can be
said, since Herr Müller has already given you a beautiful
account of the way things are managed nowadays.
If you listened
to him attentively it must have occurred the to you that this whole question
of bee-keeping has something of the nature of a riddle. Obviously,
the bee-keeper is first of all interested in what he has to do.
Everyone must, in reality, take the greatest interest in bee-keeping,
for in fact, more in human life depends on it than one usually
Let us look at
it in a wider sense. As you have heard in the lectures Herr Müller has
given you here, the bees are able to gather what is already present
as nectar in the plants. They really only gather the nectar, and then
we men take away as honey a portion of what was collected for the
hive — on the whole it is not a very large portion. We might
say that what man takes away is somewhere about 20% — roughly
But in addition
to this the bee, by means of its bodily structure and organisation, can
also take pollen from the plants. Thus the bee gathers from the plant
something that exists there in very minute quantities and is
difficult to procure. Pollen is collected by the bees, with the help
of the minute brushes attached to their bodies, bees in the very,
very small quantities in which, relatively speaking, it is
available; this pollen is then stored away, or consumed in the
In the bee we
therefore have a creature before us that collects a substance extremely
delicately prepared by Nature, and having done so, makes use of it in
his own household.
|  Diagram 1 Click image for large view | |
Now we will go
a step further, to something very seldom noticed because one does not stop
to think about it. Having transformed the food by means of its own
bodily substances into wax — this the bee produces out of
itself — the bees now makes a special little container in which
to deposit its egg or in which to store up food supplies. This
special little vessel is, I should like to say, a really great
marvel, It appears to be hexagonal when we look at it from above;
looked at from the side it is closed in this way.
(Diagram 1
Diagram 2.)
Eggs can be deposited there, or food can be stored. Each vessel lies
next to another; they fit extremely well together, so that this
“surface” by which one cell, (for so it is called), is
joined to another in the honey-comb, is exceedingly well made use of
— the space is well used.
|  Diagram 2 Click image for large view | |
When the
question is raised how can the bee instinctively build so skilfully
formed a cell, people generally answer: “It is done that the
space may be thoroughly well used.” That is true. If you try to
imagine any other form of cell there would always be spaces,
everything is joined together so that every part of the surface of
the comb is completely made use of.
certainly is one reason, but you see it is not the only reason. We
must consider how the little larva which lies within it is entirely
isolated, and one must not by any means believe that anything exists
in Nature that is without forces. This six-angled, six-surfaced
dwelling has certain forces within it; it would be quite another
matter if the larva were to occupy a round one. In Nature it
signifies something quite definite that it lies within this
six-surfaced little dwelling-place. The larva receives the forces of
the form later it feels in its body that it
was once in this hexagonally-formed cell, in its youth when it was
quite soft.
The bee
is afterwards able to build similar cells out of the same forces
which it thus absorbed. There lie the forces through which the bee
afterwards works, for what the bee makes externally lies in its
|  Diagram 3 Click image for large view | |
This is
the first thing we must notice. Now there is another very remarkable
fact that has been described to you. In the hive there is a variety
of cells. I think every bee-keeper can well distinguish between the
cells of the worker-bees and those of the drones. This is not a
difficult matter, is it? It is still easier to distinguish between
the cells of worker-bees and drones and those of the Queens, for the
latter have not at all this form, they are more like a sack. The
Queen cells have no such shape, they are more like a kind of sack;
also there are very few of them in the hive. So we must say: The
worker-bees and the drones (the males) develop-in hexagonal cells,
but the Queen is developed in a “sack.” She is not at all
concerned to have hexagonal surroundings.
(Diagram 3
Diagram 4).
|  Diagram 4 Click image for large view | |
Then we
must consider something else. You see, the Queen for her development,
i.e. until she is a complete full-grown insect, needs only
sixteen days. She is then fully matured. A worker bee requires about
twenty-one days to mature, which is a longer period. One might say
that Nature bestows much more care on the development of the
worker-bee than on that of the Queen.
But we
shall soon see that quite another reason comes in question. The
worker-bee then, needs twenty-one days, and the drone, the male
— which will finish its task soonest of all — needs
twenty-three to twenty-four days. The males are killed when they have
fulfilled their task.
We have quite
a new situation here. The different kinds of bees — Queens, workers
and drones — all need a different number of days for their
Well, let us
consider these twenty-one days needed by the worker-bees. There is something
very special about this. A period of twenty-one days is not without
meaning for what happens on the earth. Twenty-one days are equal to
the period of time during which the Sun, approximately speaking,
revolves once upon its own axis.
Now think,
the worker-bee takes just that period of time for its development which
the Sun takes to turn upon its axis. The worker-bee experiences one
revolution of the Sun, and because it has experienced one complete
revolution it enters into all the Sun can give.
|  Diagram 5 Click image for large view | |
If it wished
to go further it would always meet only with the same Sun-influences, for
if you picture to yourselves here the worker-bee,
[Dr. Steiner draws on the blackboard.]
(Diagram 5)
and here the Sun
at the moment when the egg is laid, then here we shall have the point
exactly opposite the Sun. The Sun revolves upon its own axis once in
twenty-one days; then it returns again and the first point is again
here. If this were to continue, only such Sun-workings would be there
as had once been there already. So the worker-bee by the time it is
fully developed has experienced all that the Sun can give. Should the
worker-bee continue to develop it must leave the Sun and enter the
earth development; it will then no longer be having a Sun-influence
in its development because it already had this, and has tasted it to
the full. Now it passes into the earth development, but only as a
perfect insect, as a matured creature. I might say — the
worker-bee occupies herself only momentarily with this
earth-development, and has then finished with her Sun-development, is
entirely a creature of the Sun.
Now let us look
at the drone. The drone, I might say, considers the matter a little longer.
It does not think itself quite ready after twenty-one days, so before
it is fully matured it enters the earth-development. The drone is
thus an earthly being, whereas the worker-bee is entirely a child of
the Sun.
How is it with
the Queen? The Queen-bee does not even go through the whole of the
Sun-revolution, but stays behind and remains always a creature of the
Sun. For this reason the Queen is much nearer to her larval state
than the others; the drones (the males) are the farthest removed from
the larval state. The Queen is thereby able to lay eggs. In the bees
it is clearly to be seen what it signifies to be exposed to the
earth-influence or to the Sun-influence. As you know, it depends
entirely on whether the bee completes, or does not complete its
Sun-development, that it becomes either a Queen, a worker or a drone.
The Queen lays eggs, and it is because she remains always under the
influence of the Sun and receives nothing from the earth that she is
enabled to do so. The worker-bee goes a little further and develops
for another four or five days; it tastes the Sun
to the full. But then, just when its body becomes firm enough it goes
over, just for a moment, as I said, into the earth-development. Thus
the worker-bee cannot return again to the Sun, for it has already
thoroughly absorbed its influences. Consequently the worker-bee
cannot lay eggs.
drones are the males; they can fertilise; this power of fertilisation
comes from the earth; the drones acquire it in the few days during
which they continue their growth within the earth-evolution and
before they reach maturity. So we can now say: in the bees it is
clearly to be seen that fertilisation (male fecundation) comes from
the earthly forces, and the female capacity to develop the egg comes
from the forces of the Sun. So you see, you can easily imagine how
significant is the length of time during which a creature develops.
This is very important for, naturally, something happens within a
definite time which could not occur in either a shorter or a longer
time, for then quite other things would happen.
there is something further to be considered. You see, the Queen
develops in sixteen days. Then the point which stood opposite to her
in the Sun is perhaps only here;
[Drawing on the blackboard.]
(Diagram 5)
the Queen remains within the Sun-development. The remaining part of the
Sun's course is gone through by the worker-bees, but they too remain within
the Sun-development; they do not really pass out of it to the earth.
And so, you see, they feel themselves entirely akin to the Queen
because they belong to the same Sun-influence; the whole host of the
worker-bees feel themselves related to the Queen. They say: —
“The drones are betrayers; they have fallen to the earth. They
no longer belong to us; we suffer them only because we need
what are they needed?
As you know,
it sometimes happens that the Queen is not fertilised; nevertheless she
lays eggs. The Queen need not necessarily be fertilised to lay eggs.
Then we have what is called “virgin-brood.” This also happens
with other insects; the scientific name for it is parthenogenesis.
But only drones can emerge from these unfertilised eggs; no workers
and no Queens. Thus when a Queen is unfertilised, worker-bees and
Queens do not hatch out, only drones; such a colony is naturally
You see, in
“virgin-brood” only the opposite sex is produced,
not the same sex. This is a very interesting fact, and an
important one in the whole household of Nature — namely,
that fertilisation is necessary if the same sex is to come into
being (this applies to the lower animals of course, not to the
higher ones). With the bees it is the case that only drones emerge
where fertilisation has not taken place.
This fecundation
of the bee is indeed a very special affair; there is nothing like a
marriage-bed to which one retires, it all takes an entirely different course.
It takes place openly, in the full sun-light and, though this may seem
very strange at first, as high as possible in the air. The Queen-bee
flies as far as possible towards the Sun to which she belongs. (I
have already described this to you), and that drone alone which can
overcome the earthly forces — for the drones have united
themselves with the earthly forces — only that drone which can
fly the highest is able to fecundate the Queen up there in the
The Queen returns
and lays her eggs. So you see, the bees have no marriage-bed, they have a
marriage flight; they must strive as far as they are able, towards
the Sun. One must have, is it not so, fine weather for this marriage
flight which really needs the Sun? In had weather it cannot take
Now all this
shows you how closely the Queen remains related to the Sun. When
fertilisation has taken place, then worker-bees emerge from the worker-cells;
first the little larva appear, as Herr Müller has so well described,
and then after twenty-one days develop into worker-bees. In the sack-like
cells a Queen develops.
|  Diagram 6 Click image for large view | |
Now if we are
to go further, I must tell you something you may naturally receive with
some doubt, for it needs exact study. Nevertheless, it really is so.
I will link this further matter to the following: — The worker-bee
now mature and ready, sets out on its flight, visiting the flowers and
trees to which it attaches itself by the minute hooks on its feet.
(Diagram 6)
It gathers both nectar and pollen. The pollen
is carried on the body where there is a special contrivance for
depositing it; the nectar it sucks up with its tongue. A part of the
nectar is used for its own food, but the greater part is retained and
this, on its return to the hive, the bee spits out. Actually, when we
eat honey we eat the spittle of the bee; we must be quite clear as to
this, but it is a very clean and sweet spittle.
|  Diagram 7 Click image for large view | |
Thus the bee
gathers all it needs for food, for storing, and for further elaboration
into wax, etc. Now we must ask ourselves, how does the bee find its way
to the flowers? It finds its way to the flowers with absolute certainty,
but one is quite unable to explain this by merely observing the eyes of
the bee. The worker-bee (the drone has somewhat larger eyes), has
only two small eyes, one at each side, and three quite minute ones on
the forehead
(Diagram 7).
The drones have rather larger eyes.
But when one studies these two eyes of the bee, one discovers that it
sees very little with them, and that with the three minute frontal
eyes it sees, to begin with, nothing at all. That is the strange
thing that the bee does not find the flowers by sight, but by a sense
more like the sense of smell. It finds its way to the flowers by a
sense which is between taste and smell, on its flight it already, as
it were, tastes the pollen and the nectar. From far away it
tastes them, so the bee has no need to use its eyes at all.
Now make for
yourself a clear picture of the following.
Think of a
Queen-bee born in the realm of the Sun, and not having tasted the Sun's
working to the full, has remained, so to speak, entirely under the influence
of the Sun. The whole host of the worker-bees, though it has completed
the course of the Sun's revolution, has not actually passed over to
the earth development. These worker-bees feel themselves united with
the Queen, not because they were under the same Sun, but
because they remained within the Sun-development; this is why they
feel themselves so united with the Queen. In their development they
did not sever themselves from that of the Queen. The drones do not
belong to them; they have separated themselves.
But now the
following happens. In order that a new Queen can come into being, the
marriage flight must have taken place. The Queen goes out into the Sun.
A new Queen comes into being. At that moment a most remarkable thing
happens to the whole host of the workers who feel themselves so
united with the old Queen. Their tiny little eyes begin to see
when the new Queen is born. This they cannot endure; they cannot
endure that that which they themselves are, should come from
elsewhere. The three minute frontal eyes, these three very small eyes
of the worker-bees, are built up from within; they are permeated with
the inner blood and so on, of the bee; they were never exposed to the
external working of the Sun. But now the new Queen is born from out
of the Sun, and brings Sun-light with her own body into the hive; now
the bees become — I should like to say — clairvoyant with
their little eyes. They cannot endure this light of the new Queen.
The whole host of them prepares to swarm. It is like fear of the new
Queen, as though they were dazzled. It is as though we were to look
at the Sun itself.
That is why the
bees swarm. And now one has once more to re-establish the colony on the
basis of the majority of the worker-bees which still belong to the hive
— that is, to the old Queen. The new Queen must find a new
people. A part of the population of the hive has of course,
remained behind, but these are those born under different
circumstances. The reason why the bees swarm lies in the fact that
the workers cannot endure the new Queen who brings in a new
Now you might
ask, “Why should the bees feel so sensitive towards this new
Sun-influence?” This is indeed a very strange thing. No doubt
you know that it is sometimes not at all pleasant to meet a bee; it
may sting one. If one is so large an animal as man at the worst one
gets an inflamed skin; all the same it is rather unpleasant. Smaller
animals may even die from the sting of a bee. This is due to the fact
that the sting is really a tube in which a kind of piston moves up
and down, which is connected with a poison bag. This poison (very
disagreeable to one who has to experience it) is however, of great
value to the bees. It is by no means pleasant for the bee to have to
part with its poison, and in reality it only does so because it
cannot bear that any influence from outside should approach. The bee
wants always to remain within itself, to stay within the sphere of
its own substance. Every external influence is felt as disturbing, as
something to be warded off by its poison. But this poison has at the
same time quite another significance, for in the minutest quantities
it continually passes over into the whole body of the bee; without it
the bee could not exist at all.
One must
understand in studying the worker-bee that it is unable to see with its
small frontal eyes, and that this is due to the fact that the poison
continually permeates these frontal eyes. The moment the new Queen
appears with her new Sun-influence, this poison is harmfully
affected. It ceases to be active, and the small eyes suddenly begin
to see, for the fact that the bee lives its life in a perpetual
twilight is due to the poison.
If I were to
describe to you in a pictorial form what the bee experiences when a new
Queen slips out of her sack-like cell, I should have to say: “The
bee lives always in the twilight, and finds its way about by means of a
sense between taste and smell; it lives in a twilight congenial to
it. But when the new Queen appears it is exactly like when we walk in
the twilight of a June evening, and the little glow-worms are
shining.” Even so does the new Queen shine for the swarm,
because the poison does not work strongly enough to keep the bees in
their twilight seclusion from the world. It keeps within it even when
it flies out, because it is then able with its poison to keep within
itself. It needs the poison when it fears something from outside may
disturb it. The whole colony desires to be entirely within
Indeed, in order
that the Queen may remain in the sphere of the Sun she may not dwell in an
angular cell, but within a circular one. There she remains within the
Here we touch upon
something that makes bee-keeping so extremely interesting for
everyone. For you see, in reality, things go on in the hive in
exactly the same way as in the human head, only with a slight
difference. In our head, for instance, the substances do not
grow to such dimensions. In the human head we have nerves,
blood-vessels, and the separately situated round-shaped cells which
are always to be found. We have these three varieties of cells in the
human head. The nerves consist of separate cells which only do not
grow into independent beings because Nature encloses them on all
sides; in reality, however, these nerves would like to become little
animals. If the nerve-cells of the human head could develop in
all directions, under the same conditions as those of the hive, then
the nerve-cells would become drones.
blood-cells which flow in the veins would become
worker bees; and the single free cells which are,
above all, in the centre of the head and go through the shortest
period of development, may be compared with the Queen bees.
|  Diagram 8 Click image for large view | |
So in the human
head we have the same three forces
(Diagram 8)
as in the hive.
Now the workers
bring home what they gather from the plants, and work it up in their own
bodies into wax, of which they then build the wonderful structure of the
combs. The blood-cells of the human head however, do the same thing.
From the head they pass into the whole body. When you look for
instance, at a bone, at a piece of bone, you will find hexagonal
cells everywhere. The blood that circulates through the whole body
carries out the same work that is done in the hive by the bees. It is
similar with the cells of our muscles which, once more,
correspond to the wax-cells of the bees, but these cells being
softer, dissolve more quickly, so it is here less noticeable. A study
of the bones shows it very well. Thus, the blood has the same forces
as those of the worker-bee.
One can even
follow their development through the course of time. The cells which you
find first developed in the human embryo, and which subsequently remain
unchanged, are those that already exist in the early stages of
embryonic life. The others, the blood-cells, come into existence
somewhat later, and finally the nerve-cells are developed —
just as with the bee-hive. Only man builds up a body which obviously
belongs to him; the bee also builds up a body, but for the
worker-bees, this body is the honey-comb — the cells. This
building of the comb corresponds to what happens within our bodies,
— namely, that the blood-cells in reality do this out of a kind
of wax — but here it is not so easy to prove.
We ourselves
are made of a kind of wax, just as the honey-comb forms the marvellous
structure we find in the skep or hive.
So this is how
it is. Man has a head, and this head works upon his great body which is
actually a “bee-hive” and contains in its relationship between
the albuminous cells (which remain round) and the blood, the same
connection that exists in the bee-hive between the Queen and the
worker-bees. Our nerves are continually destroyed; we continually use
up our nervous system. We do not immediately kill our nerves —
as the bees kill the drones — for in this case we should die
every year, but, none the less, our nerves get weaker every year, and
it is through this gradual weakening of the nerves, that man really
dies. We are then no longer able to experience our body rightly; a
man is actually always dying from the wearing out of his nerves.
When you look
at the head — which represents the hive — you find that here
all is well protected. If one injures one's head, it is a serious matter;
the head cannot bear it. Equally, what happens through the presence
of the new Queen — who is there by reason of the marriage
flight — is something the bees cannot endure; they prefer to go
away rather than remain with her.
This is why
bee-keeping has always been regarded as profoundly significant. Man takes
away from the bees — perhaps 20% of their honey — and one can
justly say that this honey is extremely valuable to man, for with his
ordinary food he gets very little honey because honey is distributed
in such very small quantities in the plant-world. We get only minute
quantities of honey into our bodies in this way.
We also have
“bees” within us, namely, our blood, which carries the
honey to the various parts of our body. It is honey that the bee
needs for producing wax, out of which it then makes the
“body” of the colony.
As we grow older,
honey has an extremely favourable effect upon us. With children, it is milk
that has a similar effect; honey helps us to build our bodies and is
thus strongly to be recommended for people who are growing old.
It is an exceedingly wholesome food; only one must not eat too much
of it! If one eats too much of it, using it not merely as a
condiment, one can make the formative forces too strongly active. The
form may then get too rigid, and one may develop all kinds of
illnesses. A healthy man feels just how much honey should take. Honey
is particularly good for older people because it gives the body the
right firmness.
One should also
adopt the plan of giving just the right quantity of honey to children
suffering from rickets when they are nine to ten months of age, and continue
this honey diet till the age of three or four years. Rickets would
then not be as bad as it is, for this illness consists in the body
being too soft, and collapsing. Of course, in the very first
weeks children ought only to be given milk; honey would at that age
have no affect. Honey contains the forces that give man's body
firmness. These things should be understood.
So one can say
that much more attention should be given to the keeping of bees than is
The following is
also possible. In Nature everything is wonderfully inter-related. In
Nature the laws which man is unable to penetrate with his ordinary
intelligence are the most important. These laws work — do they
not? — always with a perfect freedom. This holds good for
instance, with the proportion of the sexes on earth. This is not
always the same, the number of men and women is not always, but only
more or less an equal one; it is approximately equal over the whole
earth. This is brought about in the wisdom of Nature. If it should
ever come about — I believe I have already told you this
— that men were ultimately able to determine the whole matter
arbitrarily, then everything would fall into confusion. If in any
country the population has been decimated by wars it will afterwards
become more numerous. In Nature, every need calls forth the working
of opposite forces.
Now, when the
bees seek nectar from the plants, they naturally take this from plants which
have also other uses — which give us fruits and so on. But the
remarkable thing is that fruit-trees thrive much better in places
where bees are kept, than in places where there are no bees.
When the bees
take the nectar from the plants Nature does not remain idle, but produces
more fruitful plants. So man not only benefits by the honey the bees make,
but receives more from the plants visited by the bees. This is a law
of great importance, and one we can well understand.
Observing things
in this way, one is able to say — in the whole inter-relationship of
the bee-colony — of this organism — Nature reveals
something very wonderful to us. The bees are subject to forces of
Nature which are truly wonderful and of great significance. One
cannot but feel shy of fumbling among these forces of Nature. It is
becoming increasingly obvious today that wherever man clumsily
interferes with these forces he makes matters not better, but worse.
He does not make them worse all at once, for it is really so that
Nature is everywhere hindered, though notwithstanding these
hindrances Nature works as best she may. Certain of these hindrances
man can remove, and by doing away with them can make things easier
for Nature. For example, he seems actually to be helping Nature when
he makes use of bee-hives which are conveniently arranged, instead of
using the old straw skeps.
But here we come
to the whole question of artificial bee-keeping. You must not think that I
am unable to see — even from a non-anthroposophical point
of view — that modern bee-keeping methods seem at first very
attractive, for certainly, it makes many things much easier. But the
strong holding together — I should like to say — of
one bee-generation, of one bee-family, will be impaired in the
long run.
generally today, one cannot but praise modern bee-keeping; so long as
we see all such precautions observed of which Herr Müller has told
us, we must admire them in a certain sense. But we must wait and see how
things will be in fifty to eighty years time, for by then certain
forces which have hitherto been organic in the hive will be
mechanised, will become mechanical. It is not possible to bring about
that intimate relationship between the colony and a Queen that has
been bought, which results naturally when a Queen comes into
being in the natural way. Only, at first these things are not
Of course,
I by no means wish that a fanatical campaign in opposition to modern
bee-keeping should be started, for one cannot do such things in practical
life. To do so would be rather like something I will now tell you. It
is possible to calculate approximately the time when there will be no
more coal in the earth. The coal supply of the earth is exhaustible;
one day it will come to an end. Now it would be quite possible to
limit the amount of coal taken out of the earth, so that the supply
would last as long as the earth itself. One cannot say that we ought
to do so, for we should have a little faith for the future. One says
“Well, of course we rob the earth of its coal, that is we rob
our descendants of coal, but they will be able to invent something
else so that they will not need coal any longer.” Naturally,
one can say the same about the disadvantages of modern
Still, it is
well to be aware of the fact that by working mechanically we destroy what
Nature has elaborated in so wonderful a way. You see bee-keeping has at all
times been highly valued; in olden times especially, the bee was held
to be a sacred animal. Why? It was so considered because in their
whole activity, processes reveal themselves which also take place in
man himself. If you take a piece of bees-wax in your hand you are in
reality holding something between blood, muscle and bone, which in
man's inner organisation passes through the stage of being wax. The
wax does not however become solid, but remains fluidic till it is
transformed into blood, or muscles, or into the cells of the bones.
In the wax we have before us what we bear within us as forces, not as
When men in
olden times made candles of the bees-wax and lighted them, they knew that
they performed a wonderful and sacred action: “This wax which we now
burn we took from the hive; there it was hardened. When the fire
melts it and it evaporates, then the wax passes into the same
condition in which it is within our own bodies.”
In the melting
wax of the candle men once apprehended something that rises up to the
heavens, something that was also within their own bodies. This awoke a
devotional mood in them, and this mood in its turn led them to look
upon a bee as a specially sacred creature, because it prepares
something which man must continually work out within himself. For
this reason, the further back we go the more we find how men
approached the bees with reverence. Of course, this was when they
were still in their wild state; men found it so, and they looked upon
these things as a revelation. Later they brought the bees into their
Quite wonderful
riddles lie concealed in all that happens with the bees, and by much studying
of them one can learn to know what happens between the head and the body
in man.
I have now told
you a few of those things I wished to speak of. On Wednesday we shall have
our next meeting, and perhaps many questions will have arisen. Something
may occur also to Herr Müller.
Today I only
wished to make these remarks which, after all, are beyond doubt, for they
are founded on real knowledge. But, there may still be much that can be
made clearer.