EL, Berlin, 2-12-'08

One who understands the working of these numbers
Sees how his world becomes built up.
Look for the four as the first number
Of all the elements.
From it see the three bestir itself
Giving you spirit soul body.
The Two arise from the sun and the moon.
From this grows the Son of Man
Who's like nothing in the world.
He surpasses all earth kingdoms.
When something was supposed to be given to a Rosicrucian pupil through
which he could elevate himself, then the above verse and figures were
placed before his soul. These figures are nothing abstract but must be
permeated with one's feeling and intellect if one wants to understand
them. If this happens in the right way the pupil experiences truths
that are of the greatest importance for his further development. The
point is the point of life from which all evolution proceeds. All life
proceeds from a unity and goes over into manifoldness. Plurality
springs from unity.
Everything that's around us on earth comes from man. Nature is a
spread out, dismantled man. Mineral, plant and animal are found in
him. All qualities that a man has are found scattered in the kingdoms
of nature. Man is the crown of creation. All existing things come from
In the second row we see how evolution proceeds in large numbers. But
plurality must bring it about that a unity arises again from it. This
happened in the middle of the Atlantean race when man acquired his I.
Man was still relatively simple then. Today he's already much more
In the third row we see symbols for earth, water, air and fire. The
first element is contained most purely in carbon today. Man exhales
carbon dioxide; this is taken in by plants and is found solidified in
coal and diamonds.
The second element, water, isn't found on earth in its original
condition — it's what we call oxygen. People used to drink
oxygen like we drink water today. If we only had carbon and oxygen on
earth we'd get old very fast. Oxygen has the ability to let everything
live very rapidly and to constantly renew things.
That's why the third element, air, had to be added. It's the present
nitrogen, which dampens life. Without nitrogen's influence there would
be no consciousness; astrality couldn't become manifest.
The fourth element is fire. Fire plays a big role in occultism. It's
the warmth element. All four elements intermingle. We maintain our own
warmth with the help of fire. Self-consciousness wouldn't be possible
without it. We have the physical expression of our I, blood, through
it. A combustion process takes place. Thereby man has become a being
with self-consciousness, as can be seen from the first symbol in the
fourth row: the sulfur process. The second symbol consists of the
moon, sun and the ego as an appendix. The third symbol signifies the
division of the physical and etheric bodies that were originally
similar; then the physical body condenses and the finer etheric body
remains outside, surrounding it. This is similar to what happens when
salt is dissolved: first there's a milky fluid from which salt
precipitates, leaving the finer water above: the salt process. The
hexagram in the fifth row represents the double nature of man that is
intertwined, and the last upside down Venus is man's “I”
that surpasses all other creatures.