EL, Berlin, 3-14-'08
Strive towards fire;
Then you'll have fire.
Ignite fire.
Throw body, soul and spirit in fire;
Then you have dead and living fire.
It becomes black yellow white red fire.
Give birth to your children in fire.
Feed, water and nourish them in fire.
Then they live and die in fire.
Their silver and gold all become fire,
And finally become a fourfold philosophical fire.

If an esoteric mediates on these lines and the diagram they give him
much strength. During the Saturn period there was only a warmth globe
on which the spirits of darkness attained their human stage. The blood
we had then was dark. There was a hidden fire or warmth on the planet,
but no light. When Saturn disappeared, the Sun rose from the darkness,
the second, air element with its oxygen made Saturn's glimmer burst
into flames, and then there was light, as is symbolized by the
alchemist's sulfur. Blood turned from black to yellow.
During the Moon period the whole atmosphere was watery, but not like
the water we know. It was divided into spherical drops that moved past
each other with tremendous speed. One finds this condition of Moon
substance in quicksilver, that also divides into very small spheres
and is more mobile than all other substances. During the Moon period
blood was as white as this substance, and it was given forms by the
world tone. These forms are female. The whole Moon represents the
female principle.
The fourth, earth element appeared during the Earth period in
connection with the third alchemistic substance — salt, the
symbol of crystallization and dissolution. This is where the male
element appears. Our present men with their red blood are shaped on
the earth. Everything that dissolves is salt.
Thus we have four kinds of fire in the four kinds of blood: black on
old Saturn, yellow on old Sun, white on old Moon and red on earth. The
warmth that now lives in our blood is the warmth of the planet Saturn.
All these bloods or fires are still in us and are instruments for
spirits who work in and on us, until we'll be individualized enough to
do what these spirits do. The air we inhale is the instrument, bearer
or body of a certain kind of spirit. The light rays that pass into our
eyes have a light spirit in them who works upon our eyes. Saturn
spirits find a point of attack in the warmth of the blood and ego.
Some of them are very bad and dangerous.
The verse above shows the way to control our instruments. The four
kinds of fire refer to our four lower sheaths that are the
“children” of the I. They must be “burned in the
fire of the spirit,” so that they can become a fourfold
philosophical fire in the Vulcan period. We must “add fire to
fire,” that is, the fiery, lower passions must be purified by
uniting them with the higher, spiritual fire.
We might get a clearer idea of how this happens if we consider that
our whole life is filled with four kinds of activity. We perceive the
surroundings with our physical senses. We feel sympathy or antipathy
for others with our life body. We feel wishes and emotions with our
desires body. We draw conclusions and make decisions with our
intellect. That's the most important part, that we form conclusions
and decisions. We can change our opinions about a thing, but a done
deed remains, and the result of a whole planetary period depends upon
the decisions that were made during it. Just as fire leaves ashes of
the burnt material behind, so a resolve or decision leaves something
good or bad behind forever. That's why an occult principle says: when
in doubt, do nothing.
The ashes that a thought leaves strengthen bones, and so people with
rickets do better if they think abstractly. Our sympathy or antipathy
works on the etheric body. We can easily see this through ordinary
observation. We know that the etheric body controls glands. A gourmet
drools when he sees good food. The glands in our body dry out and
become like the bark of a tree that protects the interior to the
extent that we learn to control ourselves and to bring our sympathy or
antipathy into harmony. Saps rise and fall in a plant, and in winter
it dies because it has no protection from the cold. Whereas a tree
allows its outer side to dry out and become bark; this protects it
from the cold and storms. That's the way an initiate is; his life body
doesn't die from one incarnation to the next. That's the way Druids
were, and “Druid” means oak — the strongest tree.
Blood is the I's instrument. Saturn spirits work in the warmth of our
blood, as Christ worked in Jesus' blood from age 30 on. Before that
Jesus had worked on his physical, etheric and astral bodies. Then
Christ took hold of the blood and purified it during the three years.
That's why blood had to flow. When we've purified our four bodies in
the same way we'll then have the four-fold philosophical fire that
belongs to the Vulcan period.