Stuttgart, 2nd January 1920.
I am sorry
these explanations have had to be so improvised and brief, so that
they scarcely go beyond mere aphorisms. It is inevitable. All I can
do during these days is to give you a few points of view, with the
intention of continuing when I am here again, so that in time these
explanations may be rounded off, to give you something more
complete. Tomorrow I will give a few concluding aspects, also
enabling us to throw some light on the educational use of
scientific knowledge. Now to prepare for tomorrow, I must today
draw your attention to the development of electrical discoveries,
beginning no doubt with things that are well-known to you from your
school days. This will enable us, in tomorrow's lecture, to gain a
more comprehensive view of Physics as a whole.
You know the
elementary phenomena of electricity. A rod of glass, or it may be
of resin, is made to develop a certain force by rubbing it with
some material. The rod becomes, as we say, electrified; it will
attract small bodies such as bits of paper. You know too what
emerged from a more detailed observation of these phenomena. The
forces proceeding from the glass rod, and from the rod of resin or
sealing-wax, prove to be diverse. We can rub either rod, so that it
gets electrified and will attract bits of paper. If the electrical
permeation, brought about with the use of the glass rod, is of one
kind, with the resinous rod it proves to be opposite in kind. Using
the qualitative descriptions which these phenomena suggest, one
speaks of vitreous and resinous electricities respectively;
speaking more generally one calls them “positive” and
“negative”. The vitreous is then the positive, the
resinous the negative.
Now the
peculiar thing is that positive electricity always induces and
brings negative toward itself in some way. You know the phenomenon
from the so-called Leyden Jar. This is a vessel with an
electrifiable coating on the outside. Then comes an insulating
layer (the substance of the vessel). Inside, there is another
coating, connected with a metal rod, ending perhaps in a metallic
knob (Figure
IXa). If you electrify a metal rod and impart the electricity
to the one coating, so that this coating will then evince the
characteristic phenomena, say, of positive electricity, the other
coating thereby becomes electrified negatively. Then, as you know,
you can connect the one coating, imbued with positive, and the
other, imbued with negative electricity, so as to bring about a
connection of the electrical forces, positive and negative, with
one another. You have to make connection so that the one
electricity can be conducted out here, where it confronts the
other. They confront each other with a certain tension, which they
seek to balance out. A spark leaps across from the one to the
other. We see how the electrical forces, when thus confronting one
another, are in a certain tension, striving to resolve it. No doubt
you have often witnessed the experiment.
Here is the
Leyden Jar, — but we shall also need a two-pronged conductor
to discharge it with. I will now charge it. The charge is not yet
strong enough. You see the leaves repelling one another just a
little. If we charged this sufficiently, the positive electricity
would so induce the negative that if we brought them near enough
together with a metallic discharger we should cause a spark to fly
across the gap. Now you are also aware that this kind of
electrification is called frictional electricity, since the force,
whatever it may be, is brought about by friction. And — here
again, I am presumably still recalling what you already know
— it was only at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries that
they discovered, in addition to this “frictional
electricity”, what is called “contact
electricity”, thus opening up to modern Physics a domain
which has become notably fruitful in the materialistic evolution of
this science.

Figure IXa
I need only
remind you of the main principles. Galvani observed the leg of a
frog which was in touch with metal plates and began twitching. He
had discovered something of very great significance. He had found
two things at once, truth to tell, — two things that should
really be distinguished from one-another and are not yet quite
properly distinguished, unhappily for Science, to this day. Galvani
had discovered what Volta, a little later, was able to describe
simply as “contact electricity”, namely the fact that
when diverse metals are in contact, and their contact is also
mediated by the proper liquids, an interaction arises — an
interaction which can find expression in the form of an electric
current from the one metal to the other. We have then the electric
current, taking place to all appearances purely within the
inorganic realm. But we have something else as well, if once again
we turn attention to the discovery made by Galvani. We have what
may in some sense be described as “physiological
electricity”. It is a force of tension which is really always
there between muscle and nerve and which can be awakened when
electric currents are passed through them. So that in fact, that
which Galvani had observed contained two things. One of them can be
reproduced by purely inorganic methods, making electric currents by
means of different metals with the help of liquids. The other thing
which he observed is there in every organism and appears
prominently in the electric fishes and certain other creatures. It
is a state of tension between muscle and nerve, which, when it
finds release, becomes to all appearances very like flowing
electricity and its effects. It was then these discoveries which
led upon the one hand to the great triumphs in materialistic
science, and on the other hand provided the foundations for the
immense and epoch-making technical developments which followed.
Now the fact
is, the 19th century was chiefly filled with the idea that we must
somehow find a single, abstract, unitary principle at the
foundation of all the so-called “forces of Nature”. It
was in this direction, as I said before that they interpreted what
Julius Robert Mayer, the brilliant Heilbronn doctor had discovered.
You will remember how we demonstrated it the other day. By
mechanical force we turned a flywheel; this was attached to an
apparatus whereby a mass of water was brought into inner mechanical
activity. The water thereby became warmer, as we were able to shew.
The effect produced — the development of warmth — may
truly be attributed to the mechanical work that was done. All this
was so developed and interpreted in course of time that they
applied it to the most manifold phenomena of Nature, — nor
was it difficult to do so within certain limits. One could release
chemical forces and see how warmth arose in the process. Again,
reversing the experiment which we have just described, warmth could
be used in such a way as to evoke mechanical work, — as in
the steam-engine and in a multitude of variations.
It was
especially this so-called transformation of Nature's forces on
which they riveted attention. They were encouraged to do this by
what began in Julius Robert Mayer's work and then developed ever
further. For it proves possible to calculate, down to the actual
figures, how much warmth is needed to produce a given, measurable
amount of work; and vice-versa, how much mechanical work is needed
to produce a given, measurable amount of warmth or heat. So doing,
they imagined — though to begin with surely there is no cause
to think of it in this way — that the mechanical work, which
we expended for example in making these vanes rotate in the water,
has actually been transformed into the warmth. Again, they
assumed that when warmth is applied in the steam-engine, this
warmth is actually transformed into the mechanical work that
emerges. The meditations of physicists during the 19th century kept
taking this direction: they were always looking for the kinship
between the diverse forces of Nature so-called, — trying to
discover kinships which were to prove at last that some abstract,
everywhere equal principle is at the bottom of them all, diverse
and manifold as they appear. These tendencies were crowned to some
extent when near the end of the century Heinrich Hertz, a physicist
of some genius, discovered the so-called electric waves —
here once again it was waves! It certainly seemed to justify the
idea that the electricity that spreads through space is in some way
akin to the light that spreads through space, — the latter
too being already conceived at that time as a wave-movement in the
“electricity” — notably in the form of current
electricity — cannot be grasped so simply with the help of
primitive mechanical ideas, but makes it necessary to give our
Physics a somewhat wider and more qualitative aspect, — this
might already have been gathered from the existence of induction
currents as they are called. Only to indicate it roughly: the flow
of an electric current along a wire will cause a current to arise
in a neighbouring wire, by the mere proximity of the one wire to
the other. Electricity is thus able to take effect across space,
— so we may somehow express it. Now Hertz made this very
interesting discovery:— he found that the electrical
influences or agencies do in fact spread out in space in a way
quite akin to the spreading of waves, or to what could be imagined
as such. He found for instance that if you generate an electric
spark, much in the way we should be doing here, developing the
necessary tension, you can produce the following result. Suppose we
had a spark jumping across this gap. Then at some other point in
space we could put two such “inductors”, as we may call
them, opposite and at a suitable distance from one-another, and a
spark would jump across here too.
This, after
all, is a phenomenon not unlike what you would have if here for
instance —
Figure IXb — were a source of light and here a mirror. A
cylinder of light is reflected, this is then gathered up again by a
second mirror, and an image arises here. We may then say, the light
spreads out in space and takes effect at a distance. In like
manner. Hertz could now say that electricity spreads out and the
effect of it is perceptible at a distance. Thus in his own
conception and that of other scientists he had achieved pretty fair
proof that with electricity something like a wave-movement is
spreading out through space, — analogous to the way one
generally imagines wave-movements to spread out. Even as light
spreads out through space and takes effect at a distance, unfolding
as it were, becoming manifest where it encounters other bodies, so
too can the electric waves spread out, becoming manifest —
taking effect once more — at a distance. You know how
wireless telegraphy is based on this.

Figure IXb
The favourite
idea of 19th century physicists was once again fulfilled to some
extent. For sound and light, they were imagining wave-trains,
sequences of waves. Also for warmth as it spreads outward into space,
they had begun to imagine wave-movements, since the phenomena of
warmth are in fact similar in some respects. Now they could think the
same of electricity; the waves had only to be imagined long by
comparison. It seemed like incontrovertible proof that the way of
thinking of 19th century Physics had been right.
Hertz's experiments proved to be more like a closing chapter of the
old. What happens in any sphere of life, can only properly be
judged within that sphere. We have been undergoing social
revolutions. They seem like great and shattering events in social
life since we are looking rather intently in their direction. Look
then at what has happened in Physics during the 1890's and the
first fifteen years, say, of our century; you must admit that a
revolution has here been going on, far greater in its domain than
the external revolution in the social realm. It is no more nor less
than that in Physics the old concepts are undergoing complete
dissolution; only the physicists are still reluctant to admit it.
Hertz's discoveries were still the twilight of the old, tending as
they did to establish the old wave-theories even more firmly. What
afterwards ensued, and was to some extent already on the way in his
time, was to be revolutionary.
I refer now to
those experiments where an electric current, which you can generate
of course and lead to where you want it, is conducted through a
glass tube from which the air has to a certain extent been pumped
out, evacuated. The electric current, therefore, is made to pass
through air of very high dilution. High tension is engendered in
the tubes which you here see. In effect, the terminals from which
the electricity will discharge into the tube are put far apart
— as far as the length of the tube will allow. There is a
pointed terminal at either end, one where the positive electricity
will discharge (i.e. the positive pole) at the one end, so too the
negative at the other. Between these points the electricity
discharges; the coloured line which you are seeing is the path
taken by the electricity. Thus we may say: What otherwise goes
through the wires, appears in the form in which you see it here
when it goes through the highly attenuated air. It becomes even
more intense when the vacuum is higher. Look how a kind of movement
is taking place from the one side and the other, — how the
phenomenon gets modified. The electricity which otherwise flows
through the wire: along a portion of its path we have been able, as
it were, so to treat it that in its interplay with other factors it
does at last reveal, to some extent, its inner essence. It shews
itself, such as it is; it can no longer hide in the wire! Observe
the green light on the glass; that is fluorescent light. I am sorry
I cannot go into these phenomena in greater detail, but I should
not get where I want to in this course if I did not go through them
thus quickly. You see what is there going through the tube, —
you see it in a highly dispersed condition in the highly attenuated
air inside the tube.
Now the
phenomena which thus appeared in tubes containing highly attenuated
air or gas, called for more detailed study, in which many
scientists engaged, — and among these was Crookes. Further
experiments had to be made on the phenomena in these evacuated
tubes, to get to know their conditions and reactions. Certain
experiments, due among others to Crookes, bore witness to a very
interesting fact. Now that they had at last exposed it — if I
may so express myself — the inner character of electricity,
which here revealed itself, proved to be very different from what
they thought of light for instance being propagated in the form of
wave-movements through the ether. What here revealed itself was
clearly not propagated in that way. Whatever it is that is shooting
through these tubes is in fact endowed with remarkable properties,
strangely reminiscent of the properties of downright matter.
Suppose you have a magnet or electromagnet. (I must again presume
your knowledge of these things; I cannot go into them all from the
beginning.) You can attract material objects with the magnet. Now
the body of light that is going through this tube — this
modified form, therefore, of electricity — has the same
property. It too can be attracted by the electromagnet. Thus it
behaves, in relation to a magnet, just as matter would behave. The
magnetic field will modify what is here shooting through the
Experiments of
this kind led Crookes and others to the idea that what is there in
the tube is not to be described as a wave-movement, propagated
after the manner of the old wave-theories. Instead, they now
imagined material particles to be shooting through the space inside
the tube; these, as material particles, are then attracted by the
magnetic force. Crookes therefore called that which is shot across
there from pole to pole, (or howsoever we may describe it;
something is there, demanding our consideration),—
Crookes called it “radiant matter”. As a result of the
extreme attenuation, he imagined, the matter that is left inside
the tube has reached a state no longer merely gaseous but beyond
the gaseous condition. He thinks of it as radiant matter —
matter, the several particles of which are raying through space
like the minutest specks of dust or spray, the single particles of
which, when charged electrically, will shoot through space in this
way. These particles themselves are then attracted by the
electromagnetic force. Such was his line of thought: the very fact
that they can thus be attracted shews that we have before us a last
attenuated remnant of real matter, not a mere movement like the
old-fashioned ether-movements.
It was the
radiations (or what appeared as such) from the negative electric
pole, known as the cathode, which lent themselves especially to
these experiments. They called them “cathode rays”.
Herewith the first breach had, so to speak, been made in the old
physical conceptions. The process in these Hittorf tubes (Hittorf
had been the first to make them, then came Geissler) was evidently
due to something of a material kind — though in a very
finely-divided condition — shooting through space. Not that
they thereby knew what it was; in any case they did not pretend to
know what so-called “matter” is. But the phenomena
indicated that this was something somehow identifiable with matter,
— of a material nature.
therefore was convinced that this was a kind of material spray,
showering through space. The old wave-theory was shaken. However,
fresh experiments now came to light, which in their turn seemed
inconsistent with Crookes's theory. Lenard in 1893 succeeded in
diverting the so-called rays that issue from this pole and carrying
them outward. He inserted a thin wall of aluminium and led the rays
out through this. The question arose: can material particles go
through a material wall without more ado? So then the question had
to be raised all over again:
Is it really
material particles showering through space, — or is it
something quite different after all? In course of time the
physicists began to realize that it was neither the one nor the
other: neither of the old conceptions — that of ether-waves,
or that of matter — would suffice us here. The Hittorf tubes
were enabling them, as it were, to pursue the electricity itself
along its hidden paths. They had naturally hoped to find waves, but
they found none. So they consoled themselves with the idea that it
was matter shooting through space. This too now proved
At last they
came to the conclusion which was in fact emerging from many and
varied experiments, only a few characteristic examples of which I
have been able to pick out. In effect, they said: It isn't waves,
nor is it simply a fine spray of matter. It is flowing electricity
itself; electricity as such is on the move. Electricity itself is
flowing along here, but in its movement and in relation to other
things — say, to a magnet — it shews some properties
like those of matter. Shoot a material cannonball through the air
and let it pass a magnet, — it will naturally be diverted So
too is electricity. This is in favour of its being of a material
nature. On the other hand, in going through a plate of aluminium
without more ado, it shews that it isn't just matter. Matter would
surely make a hole in going through other matter. So then they
said: This is a stream of electricity as such. And now this flowing
electricity shewed very strange phenomena. A clear direction was
indeed laid out for further study, but in pursuing this direction
they had the strangest experiences. Presently they found that
streams were also going out from the other pole, — coming to
meet the cathode rays. The other pole is called the anode; from it
they now obtained the rays known as “canal rays”. In
such a tube, they now imagined there to be two different kinds of
ray, going in opposite directions.
One of the
most interesting things was discovered in the 1890's by Roentgen
... From the cathode rays he produced a modified form of rays, now
known as Roentgen rays or X-rays. They have the effect of
electrifying certain bodies, and also shew characteristic reactions
with magnetic and electric forces. Other discoveries followed. You
know the Roentgen rays have the property of going through bodies
without producing a perceptible disturbance; they go through flesh
and bone in different ways and have thus proved of great importance
to Anatomy and Physiology.
Now a
phenomenon arose, making it necessary to think still further. The
cathode rays or their modifications, when they impinge on glass or
other bodies, call forth a kind of fluorescence; the materials
become luminous under their influence. Evidently, said the
scientists, the rays must here be undergoing further modification.
So they were dealing already with many different kinds of rays.
Those that first issued directly from the negative pole, proved to
be modifiable by a number of other factors. They now looked round
for bodies that should call forth such modifications in a very high
degree — bodies that should especially transform the rays
into some other form, e.g. into fluorescent rays. In pursuit of
these researches it was presently discovered that there are bodies
— uranium salts for example — which do not have to be
irradiated at all, but under certain conditions will emit rays in
their turn, quite of their own accord. It is their own inherent
property to emit such rays. Prominent among these bodies were the
kind that contain radium, as it is called.
Very strange
properties these bodies have. They ray-out certain lines of force
— so to describe it — which can be dealt with in a
remarkable way. Say that we have a radium-containing body here, in
a little vessel made of lead; we can examine the radiation with a
magnet. We then find one part of the radiation separating off,
being deflected pretty strongly in this direction by the
magnet, so that it takes this form (Figure
IXc). Another part stays unmoved, going straight on in
this direction, while yet another is deflected in the
opposite direction. The radiation, then, contains three elements.
They no longer had names enough for all the different kinds! They
therefore called the rays that will here be deflected towards the
right, ß-rays; those that go straight on,
γ-rays; and those are deflected in the opposite
direction, α-rays.

Figure IXc
Bringing a
magnet near to the radiating body, studying these deflections and
making certain computations, from the deflection one may now deduce
the velocity of the radiation. The interesting fact emerges that the
ß-rays have a velocity, say about nine-tenths the
velocity of light, while the velocity of the α-rays is
about one-tenth the velocity of light. We have therefore these
explosions of force, if we may so describe them, which can be
separated-out and analyzed and then reveal very striking differences
of velocity.
Now I remind
you how at the outset of these lectures we endeavoured in a purely
spiritual way to understand the formula, v = s/t. We said
that the real thing in space is the velocity; it is velocity
which justifies us in saying that a thing is real. Here now you see
what is exploding as it were, forth from the radiating body,
characterized above all by the varying intensity and interplay of
the velocities which it contains. Think what it signifies: in the
same cylinder of force which is here raying forth, there is one
element that wants to move nine times as fast as the other. One
shooting force, tending to remain behind, makes itself felt as
against the other that tends to go nine times as quickly. Now
please pay heed a little to what the anthroposophists alone, we
must suppose, have hitherto the right not to regard as sheer
madness! Often and often, when speaking of the greatest activities
in the Universe which we can comprehend, we had to speak of
differences in velocity as the most essential thing. What is it
brings about the most important things that play into the life of
present time? It is the different velocities with which the normal,
the Luciferic and the Ahrimanic spiritual activities work into
one-another. It is that differences of velocity are there in the
great spiritual streams to which the web and woof of the world is
subjected. The scientific pathway which has opened out in the most
recent times is compelling even Physics — though, to begin
with, unconsciously — to go into differences of velocity in a
way very similar to the way Spiritual Science had to do for the
great all-embracing agencies of Cosmic Evolution.
Now we have
not yet exhausted all that rays forth from this radium-body. The
effects shew that there is also a raying-forth of the material
itself. But the material thus emanated proves to be radium no
longer. It presently reveals itself to be helium for instance
— an altogether different substance. Thus we no longer have
the conservation, — we have the metamorphosis of matter.
The phenomena
to which I have been introducing you, all of them take their course
in what may be described as the electrical domain. Moreover, all of
them have one property in common. Their relation to ourselves is
fundamentally different from that of the phenomena of sound or
light for example, or even the phenomena of warmth. In light and
sound and warmth we ourselves are swimming, so to speak, as was
described in former lectures. The same cannot be said so simply of
our relation to the electrical phenomena. We do not perceive
electricity as a specific quality in the way we perceive light, for
instance. Even when electricity is at last obliged to reveal
itself, we perceive it by means of a phenomenon of light. This led
to people's saying, what they have kept repeating: “There is
no sense-organ for electricity in man.” The light has built
for itself in man the eye — a sense-organ with which to see
it. So has the sound, the ear. For warmth too, a kind of
warmth-organ is built into man. For electricity, they say, there is
nothing analogous. We perceive electricity indirectly.
We do, no
doubt; but that is all that can be said of it till you go forward
to the more penetrating form of Science which we are here at least
inaugurating. In effect, when we expose ourselves to light, we swim
in the element of light in such a way that we ourselves partake in
it with our conscious life, or at least partially so. So do we in
the case of warmth and in that of sound or tone. The same cannot be
said of electricity. But now I ask you to remember what I have very
often explained: as human beings we are in fact dual beings. That
is however to put it crudely, for we are really threefold beings:
beings of Thought, of Feeling and of Will. Moreover, as I have
shewn again and again, it is only in our Thinking that we are
really awake, whilst in our feelings we are dreaming and in our
processes of will we are asleep — asleep even in the midst of
waking life. We do not experience our processes of will directly.
Where the essential Will is living, we are fast asleep. And now
remember too, what has been pointed out during these lectures.
Wherever in the formulae of Physics we write m for
mass, we are in fact going beyond mere arithmetic —
mere movement, space and time. We are including what is no longer
purely geometrical or kinematical, and as I pointed out, this also
corresponds to the transition of our consciousness into the state
of sleep. We must be fully clear that this is so. Consider then
this memberment of the human being; consider it with fully open
mind, and you will then admit: Our experience of light, sound and
warmth belongs — to a high degree at least, if not entirely
— to the field which we comprise and comprehend with our
sensory and thinking life. Above all is this true of the phenomena
of light. An open-minded study of the human being shews that all
these things are akin to our conscious faculties of soul. On the
other hand, the moment we go on to the essential qualities of
mass and matter, we are approaching what is akin to
those forces which develop in us when we are sleeping. And we are
going in precisely the same direction when we descend from the
realm of light and sound and warmth into the realm of the
electrical phenomena.
We have no
direct experience of the phenomena of our own Will; all we are able
to experience in consciousness is our thoughts about them. Likewise
we have no direct experience of the electrical phenomena of Nature.
We only experience what they deliver, what they send upward, to
speak, into the realms of light and sound and warmth etc. For we
are here crossing the same boundary as to the outer world, which we
are crossing in ourselves when we descend from our thinking and
idea-forming, conscious life into our life of Will. All that is
light, and sound, and warmth, is then akin to our conscious life,
while all that goes on in the realms of electricity and magnetism
is akin — intimately akin — to our unconscious life of
Will. Moreover the occurrence of physiological electricity in
certain lower animals is but the symptom — becoming manifest
somewhere in Nature — of a quite universal phenomenon which
remains elsewhere unnoticed. Namely, wherever Will is working
through the metabolism, there is working something very similar to
the external phenomena of electricity and magnetism.
When in the
many complicated ways — which we have only gone through in
the barest outline in today's lecture — when in these
complicated ways we go down into the realm of electrical phenomena,
we are in fact descending into the very same realm into which we
must descend whenever we come up against the simple element of
mass. What are we doing then when we study electricity and
magnetism? We are then studying matter, in all reality. It
is into matter itself that you are descending when you study
electricity and magnetism. And what an English philosopher has
recently been saying is quite true — very true indeed.
Formerly, he says, we tried to imagine in all kinds of ways, how
electricity is based on matter. Now on the contrary we must assume,
what we believe to be matter, to be in fact no more than flowing
electricity. We used to think of matter as composed of
atoms; now we must think of the electrons, moving through
space and having properties like those we formerly attributed to
In fact our
scientists have taken the first step — they only do not yet
admit it — towards the overcoming of matter. Moreover they
have taken the first step towards the recognition of the fact that
when in Nature we pass on from the phenomena of light, sound and
warmth of those of electricity, we are descending — in the
realm of Nature — into phenomena which are related to the
former ones as is the Will in us to the life of Thought. This is
the gist and conclusion of our studies for today, which I would
fain impress upon your minds. After all, my main purpose in these
lectures is to tell you what you will not find in the text-books.
The text-book knowledge I may none the less bring forward, is only
given as a foundation for the other.