Rudolf Steiner e.Lib
World Economy
Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document
World Economy
Schmidt Number: S-4913
On-line since: 13th November, 2000
Dornach, 28th July, 1922.
We are now going to pursue a little further the sequence of events
within the economic process which we considered yesterday. The
economic process, as we have seen, is set in motion by human Labour
working upon Nature, so that from the mere raw Nature-product
which has as yet no value in the economic process we get the
Nature-product transformed by human Labour. At the next stage, Labour
is, as it were, caught up by Capital, which divides and organises it,
till it eventually disappears in the Capital. For the further advance
of the economic process, therefore, Capital itself must labour. But
this labour of Capital is not labour in the old sense; rather the
Capital is taken up by a purely spiritual activity. The economic
process now goes forward by the Spirit making good the
Capital, giving it additional value, as I described in the last
We must try to understand more and more the formula which was
indicated yesterday. To this end, let me now describe diagrammatically
symbolically, as it were what I explained yesterday. We
may say: Nature goes under in human Labour (see
Diagram 3.
We have therefore this stream from Nature into Labour. Nature goes under in
Labour. Labour continues to evolve. Then the values evolved stream
onward, as it were, till Labour vanishes in Capital. We have traced
the process up to this point (see
Diagram 3).
You can easily continue
it for yourselves. The cycle must necessarily be completed in some
way. The Capital cannot merely be blocked at this point, for otherwise
we should be dealing not with an organic process but with one that
would come to an end in Capital. The Capital must disappear once more
into Nature. But you must first call to your aid another idea if you
wish to understand this rightly.
Consider for a moment the economic process as we have traced it up to
the present. First the elaboration of Nature by human Labour, then the
organising of Labour by the Spirit and with it the rise of Capital,
for Capital is a concomitant of the organising of Labour by the
Spirit. Then the existence of Capital as such. Capital passes over
from the Spirit which organised the Labour. The Capital becomes
independent. The Labour disappears in its turn, and now the Spirit
works in the Capital as inventive Spirit in connection with the whole
social life. The technical aspect of invention need not concern us
here; this will only come into question at a later stage.

If you now review all that I have described to you, you will see that
I have presented everything from one side only. This was inevitable;
for, apart from a few occasional hints, I have been speaking only of.
production. I have indeed included, now and then, ideas that had to do
with consumption, especially when we were trying to approach the
question of price. But apart from that you will have found practically
nothing about consumption in our discussions hitherto. I have been
speaking of production. And yet, the economic process does not merely
consist of production it consists also of consumption.
A simple reflection will show you that consumption is exactly the
opposite pole to production. We have been endeavouring to find the
values that arise in the economic process within the sphere of
production. Consumption on the other hand consists in a perpetual
elimination of these values. In consumption they are constantly being
used up. That is to say, it consists in a constant devaluation of the
values. It is this that plays the other important part in the economic
process this constant devaluation of values. Indeed it is just
through this that we have a certain right to call the economic an
organic process, an organic process in which the Spirit presently
intervenes. For it is of the essence of a living organism that
something is continually being formed and again unformed. In any
organism there must be a continual production and consumption, and
this must be so in the economic organism too. There must be a constant
producing and a using-up of what is produced.
At this point we begin to see in a different light, and from a
different point of view, the value-creating forces which we have been
considering. Hitherto we have only shown how values arise as the
process of production takes its course. But now, every time a value
approaches its moment of devaluation, the whole movement which we have
been witnessing hitherto will change. So far, we have been observing a
progressive, forward movement. Thus, values arise through the
application of Labour to Nature; values arise through the application
of the Spirit to Labour; values arise through the application of the
Spirit to Capital. All this is a forward movement.
In fact, we have been observing the value-creating movement in the
economic process. But as the devaluing factor of consumption enters
into the process at every point, there will be something else as well.
There will be that development of values which arises as between
production and consumption themselves. When a value enters the process
of consumption it no longer moves forward. It does not attain a higher
degree of value, it no longer moves; for something now stands over
against it. This is consumption the development of a need. Here
the value enters into a very' different sphere from that which we have
hitherto been studying. We have been considering the value in its
progressive, forward movement. (see
Diagram 3)
Now we must imagine it moving up to a
certain point and being there arrested. Every time a value is
arrested, there arises, not a further value-creating movement, but
a value-creating tension.
This is the second element in the economic process. In the economic
process we have not only value-creating movements but value-creating
tensions. We can observe such value-creating tensions most
conspicuously and simply where a consumer stands face to face with a
producer or trader and in the very next moment the creation of value
comes to an end, passing over into devaluation. Here there arises a
tension a tension which is maintained in equilibrium by the
human need on the other side. Here the value-creating process is
arrested. Human need or consumption confronts it and there arises the
tension between production and consumption. This tension is also most
decidedly a value-creating factor albeit one that is comparable
to a force that is arrested, held in equilibrium, rather than to a
force that is working itself out. There is here a true analogy with
the contrast in Physics between kinetic and potential energies
between kinetic energies and those energies of position where an
equilibrium is brought about. If you do not take into account these
energies of tension, these potential energies, in the economic
process, you will be driven to the strangest misconceptions. Evolving
the ideas as indicated here, we gain an intelligent conception of
every economic relationship. Otherwise we are led into the greatest
confusion. If, for example, you limit yourself to considering the
movements of economic energies, you will never understand why the
diamond in the King of England's crown has such an immense value. For
here you are at once obliged to have recourse to the idea of economic
tension-value. Many economists take into account the rarity of
particular products of Nature; but we can never understand rarity as a
value-creating factor if we regard the movement in the economic
process as the only creator of values. We must also learn to
understand how there arises here and there most of all through
consumption, but through other relationships as well what I
would call the creation of value by tensions, situations, equilibria.
Thus you see that devaluation can also take place in the
economic process which, as I said, you can therefore regard as an
organic process an organic process in which Spirit constantly
intervenes. There must be or rather, there is constant
devaluation. As the values proceed on their way (see
Diagram 3)
from Nature through
Labour to Capital, they will be accompanied by a continual process of
devaluation. What would happen if this corresponding devaluation could
not take place? You can see this from the diagram.
To make it clear, let us consider the question of credit. To place
Capital into the service of the Spirit in the sense which I explained
yesterday, the man who produces by means of Spirit becomes a debtor.
It is only through his having credit that he becomes or can
become a debtor. At this point in our diagram credit steps in
the thing which may be properly called personal credit.
A man has credit. The credit can be expressed in figures. The Capital
which many others advance to him is, so to speak, his personal credit.
Now, as you know, this personal credit has a certain consequence, at
any rate if we consider it within our present economic conditions. Its
economic effect is connected with the rate of interest.
Assume that the rate of interest is low. If as a spiritual creator in
the economic process I become a debtor, that is to say, if I demand
credit, I shall only have to pay a small sum for it. Having less
interest to pay, I can produce my goods more cheaply. Thus I shall
have a cheapening effect on the economic process. We may say,
therefore: Personal credit cheapens production when the rate of
interest falls. So long as the Capital continues to be turned to good
account or made valuable by the Spirit in the economic process, it is
always so. When the rate of interest goes down, he who requires credit
has more freedom of movement. He can play his part far more
intensively in the economic process more intensively, that is
to say, for his fellow-men. For if he cheapens his commodities he is
playing a fruitful part in the process at any rate from the
point of view of the consumer.
But now let us take the other side. Assume that credit is given on
land real credit. When credit is given on land,
the situation is essentially different. Assume that the rate of
interest is 5%. A person borrowing Capital on the security of land
must pay 5%. Capitalising this, you will get the Capital corresponding
to the particular piece of land that is to say, you will get
the amount which would have to be paid to buy the piece of land
outright. Assume now that the rate of interest falls to 4%. More
Capital can then be credited into the land this
at any rate is what actually happens. Thus we see everywhere, as a
result of a falling rate of interest, land becoming not cheaper but
more expensive. When the standard rate of interest goes down, land
does not become cheaper but more expensive. Real credit
makes things more expensive while personal credit makes
things cheaper. That is to say, real credit makes land more
expensive while personal credit makes commodities cheaper. Now
this means very much in the economic process. It means that, when
Capital returns to Nature and simply unites with Nature in the form of
real credit (in other words, when there is a union of Capital with
land, that is to say, with Nature), then the economic process will
tend more and more in the direction of dearness.
Thus the only sensible thing will be for the Capital at this point (see
Diagram 3)
not to preserve itself in Nature but rather to vanish into Nature. How
then can Capital vanish into Nature? So long as it is at all possible
to unite Capital with Nature that is to say, so long as you can
make Nature in its original unelaborated condition more and more
expensive through the accumulation of Capital so long as this
is possible, Capital cannot vanish into Nature; on the contrary, it
penetrates into Nature and maintains itself there. Thus in all
countries where the law of mortgage makes it possible for Capital to
unite with Nature, we shall find a congestion of Capital in Nature,
i.e., in the land. Instead of the Capital being expended at this
point (see
Diagram 3)
instead of its disappearing at this point, instead of a
value-creating tension arising there is a further
value-creating movement, which is harmful to the economic process.
There is only one way of preventing this. In a healthy economic
process we must not and cannot give real credit
credit based on the security of land even to a person working
on the land. He too should only receive personal credit that is
to say, credit which will enable him to turn the Capital to good
account through the land. If we simply unite the land with the
Capital, the Capital will become congested the moment it arrives again
at Nature (see the diagram). If on the other hand we unite it with the
spiritual capacities of those who have to administer the land and
further the economic process by working upon it, then, you see, the
Capital vanishes. As it reaches Nature at this point, it will not
become congested; it will not be preserved, but will go right on
through Nature, back again into Labour, and will begin the cycle once
more. It is one of the worst possible congestions in the economic
process when Capital is simply united with Nature, that is to say,
when (to trace the economic process hypothetically from its initial
stages) after Labour and Capital have evolved from the starting-point
of Nature, the Capital is enabled to take hold of Nature instead of
losing itself in Nature.
At this point you may, of course, make a serious objection. In the
course of this movement, you may say, the Capital has come into being.
Suppose it now arrives again at Nature and there is too much of it.
(It would be different if we were able to lead it over into Labour
if we were able, let us say, to invent new methods so as to
further the exploitation of raw products. For in such a case we should
be uniting not Nature but Labour with the Capital. If we arrive at
this point with our Capital and exploit the raw products in a more
economical way, or open out new sources or the like, then we are
leading the Capital directly over into Labour). But suppose there is
too much Capital. The several owners of Capital will become painfully
aware of the fact; they will not be able to start anything with their
Capital. This is indeed the case if you look into the matter
historically. In actual fact, too much Capital did arise, and the only
way out which it could find was to conserve itself in Nature. Thus we
witnessed in the economic process the so-called rise in the value of
But, ladies and gentlemen, consider the matter in our present, larger
context. The Land Reformers always describe these things in an
inadequate way, so that the thing cannot be understood. Consider it in
a larger context and you will say: If I unite Capital with Nature, the
value of Nature will of course be enhanced. The more a thing is
mortgaged, the more will eventually have to be paid for it. The value
is constantly increased. But is this increase in the value of land
a reality? No, it is no reality at all. By nature, land can
never receive a greater value. It can at most receive a greater value
by being worked upon in a more rational and scientific way, and in
that case it is the Labour that increases the value. But to imagine
the land itself, the land as such, increased in value is absurd. It is
absolute nonsense. If you do improve the quality of the land, you only
do so by working upon it. In so far as it is mere Nature, the land can
have no value at all. All you can do is to give it a fictitious value
by uniting Capital with it. So that we may say: What is called the
value of land in the sense of present-day Economics is in real truth
none other than the Capital fixed in the land. And the Capital fixed
in the land is not a real value but an apparent value a
semblance of a value. That is the point. In the economic process it is
high time that we learnt to under-stand the difference between real
values and apparent values.
You see, if you have an error in your system of thought you do not
observe its full effect to begin with. For however many disturbing
processes in the organism are in fact connected with the error in
thought, the connection is only recognisable by Spiritual Science. It
escapes the crude Natural Science of today. People are unaware, for
instance, how digestive and similar troubles in our peripheral organs
arise as a result of such errors. But in the economic process it is
just the errors and semblances which are obviously effective, which
grow real and have real consequences. And, economically speaking, it
makes no essential difference whether, for example, I issue money
which has no foundation in reality but represents a mere increase in
the amount of paper money, or whether I assign capital value to the
land. In both cases I am creating fictitious values. By inflating the
currency I increase the prices of things numerically, but in the
reality of the economic process I effect absolutely nothing except a
redistribution which may do immense harm to individuals. In like
manner the above-described capitalising of land does harm to those who
are involved in the economic process.
It would make a very interesting study to compare, for example, the
mortgage laws existing before the War in the Mid-European countries
with the English mortgage laws. In the Mid-European countries it was
possible to screw the so-called value of land up and up and up without
limit. The law itself made this possible. While in England on the
other hand it is true to say, in a certain sense, that this is not so.
Compare the effect on the economic process in the one case and in the
other. The thing would make an interesting subject for a dissertation.
It would make a very good subject, to compare statistically the
working of the English mortgage laws with those of Germany.
I have thus illustrated the essential point in our present context. At
this point (see
Diagram 3)
Nature simply must not be allowed to tend towards a
conservation of Capital. Capital must be allowed to work on,
unhindered, into Labour. But what is to happen if it is actually there
more of it than we are able to make use of? The only thing to
prevent its being there in excess is to see that it is used up along
this path (see diagram), so that in the last resort only so much of it
is left at this point as can enter once more into the work to be done
upon the land. That is to say only so much of it is left, as is
required for this work. The essential and obvious thing is that the
Capital should be used up, consumed along this path (see diagram).
Indeed assuming for a moment for the sake of hypothesis that it
could be so it would be a most appalling thing if nothing were
consumed along this whole path. We should have to take the products
with us. The process only becomes organic through the fact that things
are used up. Just as the Nature-products, transformed by human Labour,
get used up, just as the Labour which has been organised by Capital
gets used up, so in its further path the Capital itself simply must be
used up, properly used up. This using up of Capital is a thing which
positively must be brought about.
It can only be brought about if the whole economic process from
beginning to end i.e., right up to its return to Nature
is ordered rightly. There must be something there like the
self-regulator in the human organism. The human
organism, at any rate when it is functioning normally, manages to
prevent promiscuous deposits of unused foodstuffs. And if unused
foodstuffs are deposited here or there, we are ill. Suppose, for
instance, that in the process of digestion in the head, substances are
deposited, that is to say, an irregular digestive process arises in
the head. The substances that are deposited are no longer carried away
that is to say, their consumption is not properly regulated.
Then we get migraine conditions. In like manner you will see the same
principle at work in all parts of the human organism. The cause of
morbid symptoms lies in the inadequate absorption and removal of what
has to be digested. It is just the same in the social organism, when
that which ought really to be used up at a certain point becomes
accumulated. It is a matter of sheer necessity for the Capital to be
used up along here, (see
Diagram 3)
in order that it may not unite with Nature and so
become unliving a petrified deposit, as it were, in the
economic process. For capitalised land is in fact an impossible
deposit in the economic process.
Let me expressly state that there can be no question here of any sort
of political agitation. I simply unfold these matters as they take
shape out of the natural process itself. We are only considering the
scientific aspect. But a science that deals with human actions cannot
possibly be pursued without indicating the kinds of morbid symptoms
that can arise; just as we cannot study the human body without
indicating the various possible morbid symptoms. There must,
therefore, be a proportionate using up, consumption of Capital
certainly not a total consumption, for it is necessary that a certain
amount should pass on, so that Nature may be elaborated once more.
This again I can make clear to you by a picture. Consider a farmer
in his economic life. He must certainly try to get rid of the
yield of his acres; but he must also keep sufficient seed for the next
year. Seed must be preserved. This is a very apt comparison, and we
may well apply it to the process we are now considering. Capital must
be used up, until that alone remains which we may conceive as a kind
of seed to kindle the economic process anew once more from the
starting-point of Nature. That alone must remain which may be
necessary for a more scientific exploitation of natural resources
of raw products, or for an improvement of the land, let us say,
by the creation of better manures and the like. Now in every such case
Labour must be applied. Thus it is that amount of Capital, which can
work on as Labour, which must be withdrawn from consumption. But
before this point in the diagram is reached, the surplus Capital which
would otherwise unite with Nature in an inorganic way must be used up.
Here you may say: Well, tell us how it is to be done? How is it
to be brought about that only just enough Capital arrives at this
point for use as a seed for the future? Tell us how it is to be
Well, ladies and gentlemen, in the science of Economics we stand on
the ground, not of logic, but of reality. We cannot give the kind of
answers which are sometimes given, for example, in the theory of
ethics. In the theory of ethics we can admonish a criminal very
soundly and we shall have done all that is required. But the economic
process must go on, and we must speak of realities. When we
spoke of Production, showing how it created economic values, we were
indeed speaking of realities. And, that Consumption is a reality,
everyone is well aware. In Economic Science one must always be
speaking of realities. Ideas by' themselves have no effect in the real
world. That which will rightly regulate the economic process, at this
point in the diagram, finds expression in what I called the
Economic Associations in my book The Threefold
If you make the economic life independent; if you bring together, in
Associations suitably composed, the human beings who are actually
taking part in the economic life whether as producers, as
traders or as consumers then, through the economic process
itself, these human beings will find it possible to arrest the
formation of Capital if it is too intense and to stimulate it if it is
too feeble.
This of course implies a right observation of the economic process.
For instance, if at any place a certain kind of commodity becomes too
cheap or too dear, those concerned must be able truly to observe the
fact. The mere fact in itself is not the point. But when, through
experiences which can only grow out of the concerted counsels of the
Associations, they are able to say, as a result of such experiences:
Five units of money for so and so much salt are too little or
too much, the price is too low or too high then and then
only will they be in a position to take the necessary steps.
If the price of a commodity becomes too cheap, so that those who
produce it can no longer receive sufficient remuneration for their
excessively cheap services and their excessively cheap products, it
will be necessary to assign fewer workers to this particular
commodity. Workers will therefore have to be diverted to another piece
of work. If, on the other hand, a commodity becomes too dear, workers
will have to be led over into this branch of production. Thus the
Associations will always be concerned with a proper employment of men
in the several branches of the economic life. We must be clear on
this. A real rise in the price of a given economic article indicates
the necessity for an increase in the number of those who are working
on this article, while an undue fall of price calls for measures to
divert workers from this field of Labour to another. In reality we can
only speak of prices in relation to the distribution of men
among the several branches of Labour in a given social organism.
The kind of view that sometimes holds sway today, where people always
have the tendency to work with notions rather than realities, is
illustrated by some advocates of free money
[Freigeldleute]. To them it appears quite simple.
If prices anywhere are too high, so that too much money has to be
spent in purchasing a certain article, they say: Let us see to it that
the amount of money becomes less; then the commodities will be
cheaper, and vice versa. But, if you think it out more deeply, you
will find that this signifies nothing else for the economic process in
reality, than as if by some mischievous device you were to cause the
column of mercury to rise when the thermometer indicates that the room
is too cold. You are only trying to cure the symptoms. By giving the
money a different value you create nothing real.
You create something real if you regulate the Labour that is to
say, the number of people engaged on a certain kind of work. For the
price depends on the number of workers engaged in a given field of
work. To try to regulate these things bureaucratically, through the
State, would be the worst form of tyranny; but to regulate it by free
Associations, which arise within the social spheres,
where everyone can see what is going on either as a member, or
because his representative sits on the Association, or he is told what
is going on, or he sees for himself and realises what is required
that is what we must aim at.
Of course this also involves quite another social need. We must see to
it that the worker is not restricted to one solitary manipulation
throughout his life, but is able to turn his hand to other things.
Moreover, as I beg you to consider, this will be necessary, if only
for the reason that otherwise too much Capital would arrive at this
point in the diagram. You can use up the surplus Capital, which would
be excessive at this point, to instruct and educate the workers in one
thing or another, so as to be able to transplant them into other
callings. You see, therefore, the moment you think in a rational way,
the economic process will correct itself. That is the essential thing.
It will never correct itself if you say: By this or that
measure, by inflation or by the issue of such or such official
instructions, the thing will be improved. By such means it will
never be improved. It will only be improved by enabling the economic
process to be clearly and transparently observed at every place,
assuming always that those who make the observations are in a position
to follow them out to their logical conclusions.
I wanted to reach this point in our argument today, in order that you
might see that there was no question of starting any
agitations with the Threefold Commonwealth
as we intended it. We wanted to tell the world what follows from a
real and true study of the economic process itself.
Last Modified: 10-Feb-2025
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