Rudolf Steiner e.Lib
World Economy
Rudolf Steiner e.Lib Document
World Economy
Schmidt Number: S-4930
On-line since: 13th November, 2000
Dornach, 2nd August, 1922.
We must now consider something which I indicated yesterday when
speaking to a few among you. I mean the relation between Labour and
that which happens when Nature is transformed and elaborated into an
object of economic value. In the further course, as we saw, organised
Labour divided Labour is caught up, in a certain sense,
by Capital; and Capital eventually emancipates itself and passes over
completely into free spiritual activity, if we may so describe it.
From all this you will observe that while there is no such thing as a
direct economic value in Labour (this has already been explained),
nevertheless, it is Labour which sets economic value in motion. The
Nature-product, as such, comes into economic circulation by being
worked upon; and the elaboration which gives it its value is the real
reason why the object of economic value begins to move. It is so at
least within a certain sphere. Subsequently it is the human Spirit
working in Capital which keeps the movement going. To begin with,
therefore, we have to do with movement. For as soon as we enter the
sphere of Capital, we have to reckon with the movement that takes
place through Trade Capital, Loaned Capital and eventually through
Production Capital proper Industrial Capital.
Speaking of this movement, we must be aware of one thing above all,
namely this: There must be something to bring the values into
economic circulation. To get the right idea in this respect, we
must today concern ourselves with a somewhat ticklish question of
Economics. This question cannot be seen clearly unless we try again
and again to discover from direct economic experience what can be said
about it and in a certain way to verify things.
I refer in the first place to that which we may call economic
profit. The question of profit is extremely difficult. Let us
imagine, for instance, that a purchase is taking place: A buys from B.
In ordinary lay thinking, we generally apply the concept of profit to
the seller only. The man who sells is supposed to make a profit. It
is, of course, really an exchange between what the buyer gives and
what the seller gives; but if you think the matter through exactly,
you can by no means admit that the seller alone makes a profit in the
case of purchase and also of barter. For if the seller alone were to
profit, then in the total economic life the buyer would always be
placed at a disadvantage, whenever a simple exchange takes place. The
buyer would always be at a disadvantage; and you will readily admit
that this cannot be so; otherwise every transaction of purchase would
be an exploitation of the buyer and that is obviously not the case. We
are well aware that the man who buys wants to buy advantageously,
not at a disadvantage; there can be no doubt about that. Thus,
the buyer too can buy in such a way as to make a profit. We have
therefore this peculiar phenomenon: Two people make an exchange, and
at any rate in the normal process of purchase and sale
each one of them must make a profit. For practical Economics it is far
more important to consider this than is generally realised.
Let us therefore suppose that I sell something and receive money for
it. I must gain by giving my commodity away and getting money for it.
I must desire the money more than I do the commodity. The buyer on the
other hand must desire the commodity more than he desires the money.
This, then, is what takes place in the reciprocity of exchange. Both
objects passing in exchange the one in one direction and the
other in the other increase in value. By the bare process of
exchange, the things exchanged on both sides become of greater value.
How can this be?
Only in this way: When I sell something and receive money for it, I am
enabled to do more with the money than he who gives it can do.
Conversely, the other man, who receives the commodity, must be able to
do more with it than I can. This therefore is the position: The two of
us, the buyer and the seller, must stand in different economic
situations. The increase of value can only come about through that
which lies behind the actual process of purchase and sale. Thus, when
I sell something, I must be so placed, economically speaking, that the
money has a greater value in my hands than it has in his; while in his
case, by virtue of his particular connection with the economic system
as a whole, the commodity has a greater value in his hands than it has
in mine.
In Economics, you will perceive, we cannot merely consider the actual
fact of buying or selling in the abstract. The essential question is:
What are the respective economic relationships in which the buyer and
the seller stand? If we look at things precisely, we are led, as so
often, from what takes place immediately before our eyes at any given
place to the whole interconnected economic system. This can also be
seen by taking another illustration.
We can observe the real facts if we take our start from barter.
Fundamentally speaking, the line of thought I have just opened out can
tell you, what is quite true, that barter is not entirely transcended
even by the introduction of money into an economic community. In
effect, we still barter commodities for money. Precisely inasmuch as
both parties make a profit in the transaction, we shall see
that the important point is not the mere fact that the one possesses a
commodity while the other possesses money. The real point is this:
What can each party make of that which he receives? What can he
do with it by virtue of his particular economic situation?
To understand it more exactly, let us turn back to the most primitive
form of barter. That will throw light on what obtains in circumstances
economically more complicated. Suppose that I buy peas. I can do many
different things with these peas. I can eat them. And so, assuming
that barter is the order of the day and that I have exchanged some
other thing which I have manufactured that is, some commodity
for peas, I get the peas by means of barter and I can, if I
like, eat them. But suppose I have acquired a very, very large number
of peas, so many that I cannot eat them all not even if I have
a large family then I shall find someone who may be needing
peas, and I shall exchange them with him for something which I in my
turn require. I give him peas in return for something which I for my
part can use. Substantially, the peas have remained the same;
but economically they have not remained the same at all.
Economically they have changed, through the very fact that I, instead
of consuming them myself, have passed them into circulation, myself
merely effecting a transfer of them in the economic process.
Economically speaking, what have the peas become by this process?
Given the necessary conditions including a statute enacting that
everything shall be exchangeable for peas (a sufficient number of peas
would have to be produced and it would have to be the law that
everything can be exchanged for peas) and then the peas
would be money. In such a case, peas would have become money in the
economic process. I mean it literally, in the true sense of the word
money. A thing does not become money by being
essentially different from other things existing in the economic
process. It becomes money by undergoing at a particular point
of this process a transformation from commodity to money. This
has been the case with all money: all money has at one time or another
been turned from a commodity into money.
Hence you will see once more that with the economic process we always
come to the human being: we can do no other than place the
living human being into the process. The human being is there in the
economic process in any case as a consumer. As a consumer, he stands
within it from the very outset. But if he plays an active part in some
respect which does not lie within the sphere of consumption, he enters
into quite another relationship with the economic life than that which
he has as a pure consumer. Such things must be taken into
account if we would work towards the formation of true economic
judgments, the kind of judgments, in fact, which must above all be
formed in what I have called the Associations. Within
the Associations there must be people who by their practical
experience can form their judgments on the basis of such points of
Now the point is: If we have any kind of elaborated Nature or divided
Labour in the economic process, we must investigate what it is that
brings these economic elements into movement, into circulation.
Yesterday, in another circle, I said that we ought to bring into our
economic thinking the work or Labour which is active in
the economic process, in precisely the same way that the physicist,
for example, brings the concept of work into his
thinking about Physics. The physicist does this by developing a
formula, wherein Mass and Velocity occur. Mass is a
thing which we determine by the balance. It is with the help of the
balance that we are enabled to determine it. Apart from such
quantitatively determinable mass, there would be nothing to move
forward in the process of work in the sense of Physics.
The question arises: Is there anything similar in the economic
process, so that here, too, Labour or work gives value to the objects,
and then at a later stage the active entry of the Spirit gives them
value? Is there anything in the economic process comparable, as it
were, to the weight of an object in the process of
work in the sense of Physics? If I describe
diagrammatically the progression of the several economic processes, I

see at once that something must be there to bring the whole thing into
movement to push or press the economic element, so to speak,
from here to here (see
Diagram 6).
Moreover, the thing would be still
more pronounced if there were not only a pressure working from here to
here, but in addition a suction from the other side, so that the whole
thing were driven forward by a real force present in the economic
process. The economic process would, in fact, have to contain
something that drives it forward.
What is it then that drives it forward? I showed you a little while
ago how certain forces constantly arise, in the case of both the buyer
and the seller. With everyone who has something to do with any other
human being in the economic process not at all in the moral but
in the purely economic sense advantage or profit
arises. There is no place within the economic process where we cannot
speak of advantage or profit. Nor is this profit anything merely
abstract; the immediate economic desire of the man attaches to it, and
it must needs be so. Whether he is a buyer or a seller, his economic
craving attaches to the profit, to the advantage of the transaction.
It is really this attachment to profit which generates the economic
process and is the force in it. It is the thing that corresponds to
Mass in the process of work in the sense of Physics.
You will observe that we have thus revealed something very weighty in
the economic process literally weighty, I would say. Weight,
you will admit, is a most prominent thing in purely material products
those products for which the stomach craves. It is the stomach
which tells the purchaser that the fruit is more advantageous than the
money, in the moment at which he makes the exchange. Here, then, we
have in the human being himself the driving motor. And in other cases
too not only in the case of material goods there must be
such a driving force. You need but consider that the mood or feeling
of making an advantageous deal is also present in me when I sell a
thing and receive money for it. I know that I by my faculties or
opportunities shall be able to do more with the money than with the
commodities which I possess. At this point, I am already taking a hand
in the process with my spiritual faculties.
Transfer this idea to the sum-total of Loaned Capital in any
economic organism, and you will soon see: Those who desire to
undertake or to do anything, and who need Loaned Capital for the
purpose, have precisely the same motive force in their need for
Capital as is inherent in the striving for profit. Only, the Loaned
Capital works as a kind of suction. If we regard advantage or profit
as an impelling, pushing force, the effect of Loaned Capital is one of
suction. Moreover, it sucks in the same direction in which advantage
or profit pushes. Thus, in profit and in Loaned Capital respectively,
we have the forces of pressure and of suction in the economic process.
We thus gain a clear picture of the fact: Inasmuch as the economic
process consists in movement and everything must be brought about in
it by movement, we must place the human being in it everywhere. For an
objective science of Economics this may be uncomfortable; man is a
kind of incommensurable magnitude, he is changeable, we have to reckon
with him in so many different ways. But there is no getting away from
it, this is the fact; and we must reckon with the human being in many
different ways.
Now we have seen that, in the process of lending, a kind of suction
takes place in the economic process. You know there were times when it
was considered immoral to take an interest on loans; it was only
considered moral to lend free of interest. Under these conditions
there would be no profit in lending. This is indeed the fact.
Originally, lending did not arise from the profit one derives from it,
that is to say, from the interest; but it arose from the following
presumption. If I lend someone something, he can do something with it
which I cannot do. Take the simplest instance: Suppose that someone is
in dire need and that he can alleviate his need if I am in the
position to lend him something. Under conditions more primitive than
those of to-day, he would not pay me interest, but the presumption
would be that if I, too, am ever in need, he in his turn will help me
out. Wherever you trace the matter back in history, you will see that
this is the pre-supposition of lending: The other man will lend to me
in turn when need arises. It even applies to more complicated social
conditions, for the same thing happens when someone borrows money from
a money-lending firm and requires guarantors. It has always been the
experience of money-lenders that mutual aid plays a great part even in
this service. A comes to a money-lender and brings B and C with him to
stand sureties; they enter their names as guarantors. In such a case,
money-lending firms always reckon on the probability that if B ever
comes to borrow money, he will bring with him A and C; or again, B
having paid his debt, C will arrive one day and will bring with him A
and B as guarantors. In certain circles this is taken as a matter of
course. Economists declare that such a law can be assessed just as
well as any that can be clothed in mathematical formula. Of course
these things are to be taken with the well-known grain of salt which
we must always take into account. Our power to do so is part of the
mobility of the economic process.
To sum up, therefore, we must say: Originally, there is no return for
the service of lending, save the presumption that the borrower will
lend to us again; or if not that, that at least he will help us in
borrowing, as we helped him. Notably where it is a question of lending
and borrowing, human mutuality or give and take enters
the economic process in a striking way.
If this be so, what is interest? Interest as has already been remarked
by some economists interest is what I receive if I renounce this
mutuality, that is to say, if I lend someone something
and we agree that he shall be under no obligation to lend to me. If I
renounce this mutual right, he pays me interest for it. Interest
therefore resolves something which takes place between two human
beings; it is a compensation for the human mutuality which plays in
the economic process.
This is, however, something which we must set in its right place in
the whole economic process. In doing so we must of course remember
that there is no sense nowadays in studying economic processes other
than those which stand entirely under the sign of the division of
Labour; for it is these with which we are in fact concerned. When
Labour is divided and distributed, human beings grow dependent on the
principle of mutuality to a far greater extent than is the case when
every man not only grows his own cabbages but also makes his own hats
and boots. It is with the division of Labour that the dependence on
mutuality comes. In the division of Labour we have a process working
in such a way that the several currents diverge. Yet in the economic
process as a whole we see it come about that all these different
streams tend to unite again, only in a different way, through the
exchange which, in the case of a more complicated economic process,
takes place with the help of money. Thus at a certain stage the
division of Labour makes mutuality a necessity. In other words, it
involves the same element in human intercourse which we find in the
case of lending and borrowing. Where much is lent, this principle of
mutuality is inherently involved, but in this case it can be redeemed
by interest. For interest is mutuality realised. It has been
transformed into the abstract form of money. The forces of mutuality
are the interest; only they have undergone a metamorphosis. And what
we see quite plainly here in the payment of interest takes place
throughout the economic process.
This is the great difficulty which besets the formation of economic
ideas. You cannot form them in any other way than by conceiving things
pictorially. No abstract concept can enable you to grasp the
economic process; you must grasp it in pictures. Whereas it is just
this which makes the learned world so uneasy today this demand,
no matter in what sphere of thought, that we should pass from the mere
abstract concepts to ideation of an imaginative kind. Yet we can never
found a real science of Economics without developing pictorial ideas;
we must be able to conceive all details of our Economic Science in
imaginative pictures. And these pictures must contain a dynamic
quality; we must become aware how such a process works under each new
form that it assumes.
You will understand me rightly if you will acknowledge to yourselves
that there are actually human beings in the economic process no
doubt at its more primitive stages who are quite unable to
think in the way you have learned or are supposed to have
learned to think in the course of your studies. Nevertheless,
they are often excellent husbandmen, excellent economists. They feel
precisely whether a given object can be bought or not be bought at
such and such a price whether or no it will be advantageous to
buy it. Sometimes a peasant, for example, has not the remotest notion
of economic concepts; yet, having attained a certain age, having
simply observed the conditions of the market here or there in his
district, he knows with precision without relying on any
theoretical concepts what the picture signifies, when he gives
a certain sum of money for a horse or plough. Of course he may make a
mistake, but you may do that even if you have studied the logic of
Economics! but the mistakes will not be the most important
thing. The picture that is composed before his mind the picture
of a certain sum of money and a plough calls forth in him the
immediate feeling that he can still afford to give so and so much more
money, or else that he cannot. He has it directly out of his
feeling-experience. Now even in the most complicated economic process,
this feeling-experience is not to be eliminated. That is thinking in
To form abstract ideas would only be fruitful if we could say
definitely: One thing is a commodity and another thing is money and we
are trading the commodity for money, the money for the commodity. If
that were all, it would be simple; but as I showed you just now, even
peas may become money. It is simply not true that we in the economic
process can grasp anything of it by working abstract concepts into it;
it is only by working imaginative perceptions into it that we can
grasp anything of it. For instance, we may have the imaginative
perception of peas on their way from the market-stall to the mouths of
the people only. That is one definite picture. Or we may have the
imaginative perception of peas being used as money. That is another
picture. Even in Economic Science we must work towards such pictures,
pictures taken from what is immediate perception. This means, in other
words, that to act rightly in the economic sense, we must make up our
minds to enter into the events of production, trade and consumption,
with a picture-thinking. We must be ready to enter into the real
process; then we shall get approximate conceptions only
approximate ones, it is true but conceptions which will be of
real use to us when we wish to take an actual part in the economic
life. Above all, such conceptions will be of use to us when what we do
not know by our own sensibility (supposing we ourselves have not
arrived through sensibility at the corresponding pictures) is
supplemented or corrected by others who are associated with us.
There is no other possibility. Economic judgments cannot be built on
theory; they must be built on living association, where the sensitive
judgments of people are real and effective; for it will then be
possible to determine out of the association out of the
immediate experiences of those concerned what the value of any
given thing can be.
Strange as it may sound, it is not possible to determine theoretically
wherein the value of a product may consist. We can only say; A product
enters into the economic life as a whole through the several parts of
the economic process; and its value at a given place must be judged
and estimated by association.
How can it be done? How is it that such judgments can be formed
judgments which if they arise in the true way in the economic process
do actually arrive at the truth? You can understand it best by analogy
with any human or animal organism. The human or animal organism
assimilates the foodstuffs that come into it. If I may draw your
attention to the scientific facts in this sphere, I may say for
example: The human being absorbs the food, permeates it with ptyalin
and pepsin, passes it through the stomach, through the intestines. No
matter whether the food is flesh or vegetable, the first thing
necessary is for the food that is thus passed through the organism to
be killed; its life must be quelled. All life must be
eliminated from what we have in our intestines. Thereupon, that which
we have in our intestinal organs is sucked up by the lymphatic glands
and called to life again within ourselves. That which passes
from the lymphatic glands through the lymphatic vessels into the blood
consists of nature-products (plant or animal) which have died and have
been called to life again. Now if you wanted to determine
theoretically how much a certain lymphatic gland should receive and
call to life again, you simply could not do so: for in one man a
lymphatic gland must absorb more, and in another less. Not only so; in
one and the same man a lymphatic gland at one place must absorb more
and a lymphatic gland at another place must absorb less. Digestion is
a most complicated process; no human science could keep pace with this
wisdom of the lymphatic glands, with all their beautiful division of
In such a case we are not dealing with judgments propounded, but
judgments working in reality. In deed and truth, between our
intestinal organs and our arteries, such a sum total of
Intelligence is working that nothing comparable to it is to be
found in all our human science.
So it is with the economic process. The economic process can only be
sound when such a wise self-active Intelligence is working
within it. And this can only happen if human beings are united
together human beings who have the economic process within them
as pictures, piece by piece; and, being united in the Associations,
they complement and correct one another, so that the right circulation
can take place in the whole economic process.
Of course, the right mentality is needed for such a thing as this, but
the mentality alone is not enough. You may even found Associations,
Associations whose members have a great deal of economic insight; yet
if something else is not contained within the Associations, all their
insight will be of little avail. Something else must be contained in
the Associations, and will be contained in them once the
necessity of such Associations is recognised. There must be in them
the community-spirit the sense of community, the sense
for the economic process as a whole. The individual who immediately
uses what he buys can do no other than satisfy his own egoistic sense.
Indeed he would come off very badly if he did not satisfy his own
egoistic sense. As a single man in the economic life, he cannot say,
if someone offers him a coat for 40 francs: Oh, no, that price
does not suit me; I will give you 60 francs for it! That will
not do; at this point the individual within the economic process can
do absolutely nothing. But the moment the life of Associations enters
the economic process, it is no longer a question of immediate personal
interest. The wide outlook over the economic process will be active;
the interest of the other fellow will be actually there in the
economic judgment that is formed. In no other way can a true economic
judgment come about. Thus we are impelled to rise from the economic
processes to the mutuality, the give and take between man and man, and
furthermore to that which will arise from this, namely the
objective community-spirit working in the Associations. This
will be a community-spirit, not proceeding from any moralic
acid but from a realisation of the necessities inherent in the
economic process itself.
I should like this to be observed in relation to all the discussions
that are opened up, for instance, by my book The Threefold
Commonwealth. There is no lack of people nowadays who say:
Our economic life will be good ever so good if
once you human beings are good; you must become good. Think of
the people like Professor Förster and his kind, who go about
preaching: If men will only become selfless, if they will only
fulfil the categorical imperative of selflessness, the economic life
will become good. Such judgments are really of no more worth
than this one: If my mother-in-law had four wheels and a handle in
front, she would be a bus! Truly the premiss and the conclusion stand
in no better connection than this, except that I have expressed it
rather more radically.
What underlies The Threefold Commonwealth is none of this
moralic acid, which can, no doubt, play a great role in another field.
Rather the purpose is to show, simply out of the economic facts, how
selflessness cannot help being inherent in the very circulation of the
elements of economic life. This is the case, even in the detailed
instances. Take, for example, the case where someone is in a position
to receive Loaned Capital on credit and is thus enabled to establish
an undertaking or an institution and to produce by means of it. He
goes on producing so long as his own personal faculties are united
with the institution. Afterwards, the thing he has worked up will be
handed on in the most intelligent way to some other individual who has
the necessary faculties. It will be transferred by a gift a
gift, not from one man to another, but one that takes place through
the whole course of economic life. We need only consider how such
gifts will be able to be made in an intelligent way by the threefold
social organism. Here the domain of economics borders on the social
element in man, in the most comprehensive meaning of the term. It
touches on that which needs to be conceived for the social organism as
a whole.
And you can see it also from the other side. I pointed out how in the
simple case of exchange, where money becomes more and more important,
or indeed where exchange is recognised at all, the economic
life enters directly into the region of law and rights.
Moreover the moment Intelligence is to enter the economic life, we
must allow to flow into the economic domain that which prevails in the
free life of the Spirit. The three members of the social
organism must stand in the right relation to one another, so that they
may work on one another in the right way.
This was the real meaning of The Threefold Commonwealth
not the splitting into parts of the three members; the splitting apart
is always there. The point is rather to find how the three members can
be brought together, so that they may really work in the social
organism with inherent intelligence, just as the nerves-and-senses
system, the heart-and-lungs system, and the metabolic system, for
example, work together in the natural organism of man. That is the
point, and of this we shall have more to say in the near future.
Last Modified: 10-Feb-2025
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