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  • Title: Memória e Amor
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    • Lecture: Memory and
    • loving work as architect, sculptor, and painter, was completely
    • over from the life before birth, and of the quality in the human soul
    • which is a seed for the life after death, the quality of love; and of
    • Uma palestra de
    • Esta palestra de Rudolf Steiner foi
    • completamente destruído por um incêndio. Nesta palestra ele fala sobre a herança trazida da
    • Nature], é uma palestra dada por Rudolf Steiner em Stuttgart, em 4 de dezembro de 1922,
    • palestra é a décima quarta das dezesseis em uma sequência intitulada Relações Espirituais
    • É para mim motivo de grande satisfação poder falar-lhes hoje, ao passar por Stuttgart, e gostaria de fazer desta uma oportunidade para discutir vários assuntos relacionados com as duas últimas palestras que aqui me foi permitido proferir. Falei então sobre a relação do homem com o mundo espiritual, na medida em que tal conhecimento pode ser avançado por trazer à tona os processos que acontecem durante o sono sem que tenhamos consciência deles, e pela luz que a ciência espiritual lança sobre as experiências sofridas pelo homem no mundo espiritual, entre a morte e um novo nascimento.
    • Hoje, gostaria de falar sobre como a vida do homem na Terra é, em certo sentido, uma imagem inversa dessas experiências. A vida humana terrestre é compreendida apenas quando suas manifestações particulares podem ser relacionadas aos seus complementos no mundo espiritual, onde o homem passa a maior parte de sua existência.
    • Gostaria, primeiramente, de falar sobre algumas das maneiras pelas quais a alma humana se expressa durante a vida terrena, na medida em que podem ser relacionadas a experiências no mundo espiritual. A partir das minhas duas últimas palestras aqui, vocês terão percebido que as experiências da alma humana entre a morte e o renascimento diferem essencialmente daquelas entre o nascimento e a morte. Aqui na Terra as experiências de um homem são todas mediadas por seu corpo, seja o corpo físico ou o corpo etérico. Nada do que ele experimenta na Terra pode se dar sem o apoio da natureza corpórea. Poderíamos facilmente imaginar, por exemplo, que o pensar é um ato puramente espiritual e que, da maneira como sucede na alma humana terrena, não se relaciona a existência em um corpo. Em certo sentido, é assim. Mas espiritualmente independente como o pensamento humano é, ele não poderia seguir seu curso aqui na existência terrena se fosse incapaz de receber o suporte do corpo e de seus processos. Posso me valer de uma comparação que usei muitas vezes aqui em ocasiões semelhantes. Quando um homem está caminhando, o solo em que caminha certamente não é a parte essencial de sua atividade – a parte essencial está dentro de sua pele –, mas sem o apoio do solo ele não poderia obter êxito.
    • Ocorre o mesmo com o pensamento. Em essência, o pensamento certamente não é um processo cerebral, mas sem o suporte do cérebro ele não poderia ter seu curso terrestre. À luz dessa comparação, obtém-se uma concepção correta da espiritualidade, bem como das limitações físicas do pensamento humano. Em suma, meus queridos amigos, aqui na vida terrena não há nada no homem que não dependa do corpo como sustento. Carregamos nossos órgãos dentro do corpo - pulmão, coração, cérebro e assim por diante. Com saúde normal, não temos percepção consciente de nossos órgãos internos. Nós os percebemos apenas quando doentes, e ainda assim de maneira muito imperfeita. Nunca podemos afirmar que possuímos conhecimento de um órgão por lhe termos olhado diretamente, a menos que estejamos estudando anatomia – mas aí não estamos estudando um órgão vivo. Nunca podemos dizer que temos a mesma visão de um órgão interno que temos de um objeto externo. É característico da vida terrena não conhecermos o interior de nosso corpo por meio da consciência comum. Ainda menos um homem conhece do que ele geralmente considera de maior valor para sua existência corporal – o interior de sua cabeça. Pois quando ele começa a saber alguma coisa a seu respeito, via de regra, o conhecimento se mostra deveras desagradável – dor de cabeça e tudo o que a acompanha.
    • Na vida espiritual entre a morte e um novo nascimento, prevalece exatamente o oposto. Lá, realmente sabemos o que está dentro de nós. É como se aqui na Terra não víssemos árvores nem nuvens lá fora, mas olhássemos principalmente para dentro de nós, dizendo: aqui está o pulmão, aqui está o coração, aqui está o estômago. No mundo espiritual contemplamos nosso próprio interior. Mas o que vemos é o mundo dos seres espirituais, o mundo que aprendemos a conhecer em nossa literatura antroposófica como o mundo das hierarquias superiores. Esse é o nosso mundo interior. E entre a morte e o renascimento, sentimo-nos realmente ser o mundo inteiro – quando falo do todo é apenas figurativamente, mas é inteiramente verdade – às vezes cada um de nós se sente ser o mundo inteiro. E nos momentos mais importantes de nossa existência espiritual entre a morte e um novo nascimento sentimos nosso interior e experimentamos o mundo dos seres espirituais, conscientes deles. É tão verdade que lá temos consciência de espíritos do mundo superior dentro de nós quanto é verdade que aqui na Terra não temos consciência de nosso interior: do fígado, dos pulmões e assim por diante. O que é mais característico é que, na experiência espiritual, toda nossa experiência física é invertida. Gradualmente, por meio do conhecimento da iniciação, aprendemos como isso deve ser entendido.
    • Há, entretanto, um processo essencial – ou grupo de processos – relacionado a essa convivência interior com os seres das hierarquias superiores. Se, no mundo espiritual, percebêssemos interiormente apenas o mundo das hierarquias superiores, nunca nos encontraríamos. De fato saberíamos que vários seres estariam vivendo em nós, mas nunca nos tornaríamos plenamente conscientes de nós mesmos. Portanto, em nossa experiência entre a morte e um novo nascimento, há um ritmo. Consiste na alternância entre a contemplação interior em que vivenciamos o mundo dos seres espirituais descritos na literatura antroposófica, e a atenuação dessa consciência. Fazemos o mesmo com o espiritual em nós, quando, na vida física, fechamos os olhos e ouvidos e vamos dormir. Nossa atenção, digamos, se afasta do mundo dos seres espirituais dentro de nós, e começamos a perceber a nós mesmos. Certamente, é como se estivéssemos fora de nós mesmos, mas sabemos que este ser fora de nós é o que somos. Assim, no mundo espiritual, percebemos alternadamente a nós mesmos e o mundo dos seres espirituais.
    • Esse processo rítmico constantemente repetido pode ser comparado com duas coisas diferentes aqui na existência física terrena. Pode ser comparado com a inspiração e a expiração, e também com o sono e a vigília. Na existência física na Terra, ambos são processos rítmicos – ambos podem ser comparados com o que venho descrevendo. Mas com os processos que ocorrem no mundo espiritual entre a morte e o renascimento, não se trata de saber algo de uma forma puramente abstrata, ou – devo acrescentar – para a satisfação de curiosidade espiritual; trata-se de reconhecer a vida na Terra como uma imagem do supraterrestre. E surge necessariamente a questão: o que acontece na vida terrena que se assemelha a uma faculdade de memória não possuída pelo homem em sua consciência comum, uma faculdade que pode ser possuída por seres das hierarquias, arcanjos? O que há na vida física que é como uma memória de se viver no mundo dos seres espirituais, ou como uma memória de se experimentar a si mesmo lá?
    • Ora, meus queridos amigos, se entre a morte e um novo nascimento não tivéssemos a experiência de olhar para dentro de nós mesmos e de encontrar o mundo do espírito, aqui na Terra não haveria tal coisa como moral. O que retemos dessa experiência dos seres no mundo espiritual, quando entramos na vida terrena, é uma inclinação para a vida moral. A força dessa inclinação se dá proporcionalmente à clareza com que, entre a morte e o novo nascimento, o homem experimentou a convivência com os espíritos do mundo superior. E qualquer um que, em um sentido espiritualmente correto, examine essas coisas, sabe que os homens imorais, como resultado de sua vida anterior na Terra, tiveram uma experiência muito embotada dessa existência espiritual. Mas, se entre a morte e um novo nascimento, pudéssemos experimentar apenas o que nos torna um com os seres do mundo superior, e nunca pudéssemos experimentar a nós mesmos, então seria impossível alcançarmos, na Terra, a liberdade, consciência da liberdade, consciência da nossa personalidade, que é fundamentalmente idêntica à consciência da liberdade. Assim, quando, na Terra, desenvolvemos moralidade e liberdade, elas são memórias do ritmo que experimentamos no mundo espiritual entre a morte e um novo nascimento. Ao direcionarmos nosso olhar à alma, podemos falar mais precisamente sobre o que nela ecoa: por um lado, tornar-se um com os seres espirituais e, por outro, nossa experiência da consciência espiritual do eu. O que durante a vida terrena permanece em nossa alma como um eco de nos tornarmos um com os seres do mundo espiritual é a capacidade para o amor. Essa capacidade para o amor está mais intimamente relacionada à vida moral do que se pensa.Pois sem a capacidade para o amor, não haveria vida moral aqui na Terra; tudo isso surge da compreensão com que nos depar
    • amos com a alma de outrem, e do esforço para realizar o que fazemos a partir dessa compreensão. Comportarmo-nos abnegadamente com os demais e agirmos moralmente no amor são essencialmente ecos de nossa vida em comunhão com seres espirituais, entre a morte e o renascimento; e isso permanece conosco depois da nossa experiência do que se poderia chamar de solidão – pois é sentida como solitária a experiência do nosso eu no mundo espiritual quando, por assim dizer, expiramos. A inspiração é como uma experiência de seres espirituais; a expiração é como uma experiência do nosso eu. Mas sentir-se solitário – bem, esse sentimento tem seu eco aqui na Terra na nossa capacidade para a lembrança, nossa memória. Como seres humanos, não teríamos memória se ela não fosse um eco do que descrevemos como um sentimento de solidão. Somos indivíduos reais no mundo espiritual porque – não posso dizer que seja porque nos retiramos para dentro de nós mesmos – mas porque somos capazes de nos libertar dos espíritos superiores dentro de nós. Isso nos torna independentes no mundo espiritual. Aqui na Terra somos independentes porque somos capazes de lembrar nossas experiências. Pense no que seria de sua independência se, em seus pensamentos, você tivesse que viver sempre no presente. Seus pensamentos lembrados são o que possibilita que você tenha uma vida interior. Lembrar nos torna personalidades aqui na Terra. E lembrar é o eco do que descrevi como a experiência de solidão no mundo espiritual.
    • Pois bem, por que descemos ao mundo físico do mundo espiritual? Vocês poderão deduzir, a partir do que eu disse aqui da última vez, que as forças que nos mantêm juntos com os seres espirituais superiores decaem. Aqui na vida física, envelhecemos porque as forças que nos mantêm em conexão com a Terra física diminuem; lá, enfraquece o que nos mantêm ligados aos seres espirituais. Diminuem principalmente as forças que permitem que nos apreendamos em meio aos seres espirituais e que nos possibilitam sermos independentes. No mundo espiritual, por um período considerável antes de descermos à Terra, perdemos a capacidade de conviver com os seres espirituais. Com o auxílio dos seres espirituais, formamos a semente espiritual de nosso corpo físico, que enviamos primeiramente; daí nos apropriamos de nosso corpo etérico e prosseguimos. Ilustrei-lhes isso em minha última palestra. Nossa capacidade de viver com seres espirituais no mundo espiritual desbota e percebemos como, por meio das forças da lua, nos aproximamos cada vez mais da Terra. Sentimo-nos como um eu, mas cada vez menos capazes de compreender as regiões espirituais, ou de nos manter nelas; tal capacidade se torna cada vez mais débil. Temos um sentimento crescente de que o desfalecimento prevalecerá sobre nós, no mundo espiritual. Isso cria uma necessidade de que aquilo que não mais conseguimos carregar conosco – o sentimento do eu – seja sustentado por algo externo, a saber, nosso corpo: surge uma necessidade de sermos sustentados por um corpo. Eu poderia dizer que, gradualmente, temos que desaprender a voar e aprender a andar. Vocês sabem que estou falando figurativamente, mas a imagem está em absoluto acordo com a verdade, com a realidade. É assim que encontramos o caminho para nosso corpo. O sentimento de solidão encontra um refúgio no corpo e se converte na faculdade da lembrança, e temos que nos empenhar para alcançar um novo sentimento de comunhão, na Terra. Isso se
    • mostra muito significativo quando, com o auxílio da ciência espiritual, estudamos o estado do sono.
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  • Title: Evil and Spiritual Science
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    • Dornach, Switzerland. From Bn 63; GA 63; CW 63.
    • for mankind: the issue of the origin of wickedness and of evil
    • in the world. And though in our time many people are of the
    • and again. For this question is indeed not one that rises up to
    • goodness, in doing good, but also in evil and wickedness. On
    • the one hand, one might say, the whole history of human
    • thinking and reflection unfolds, in order to fully persuade us
    • spirits in human development. On the other hand, we can study
    • significant and prominent thinkers of the nineteenth century
    • and of our time, and we will find that even with these
    • striving towards knowledge, precisely when faced with this
    • issue. So today, we wish to try and consider what arose from
    • answer to the riddle of evil and wickedness. I say advisedly
    • that this significant question must be addressed in a wholly
    • science, but in a certain way it also makes it decisive. And we
    • knowledge, and often it only shows the initial steps on the
    • make clear how deeply this question has occupied the hearts and
    • remarkable thinkers which, following the views of Socrates and
    • being, to their previously prescribed and recognisable purpose?
    • Stoics. And as an ideal for humanity, that strove to insert its
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  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 1: Popular Occultism, Introtroduction
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    • is to be an introduction to the theosophical world-conception and its
    • death, the cause of suffering, the origin of evil, and so forth. By
    • the great law of reincarnation and karma, and also the origin of man,
    • of the Earth and of the solar system. Moreover, of the way in which
    • the great truths come to expression, especially in Christianity and
    • is the etheric body, which is invisible and finer than the physical
    • body is the image of the physical body, but it takes on a different
    • there are about three or four hundred people and all who have this clairvoyant
    • lowered state of consciousness, positive and negative suggestion which
    • the whole sensory reality of a human being or object of stands before
    • instead by a form resembling man, consisting of an inwardly luminous
    • In plants, animals and children projects greatly by the physical head.
    • the inner aspect. When a person stands before us we can touch his physical
    • body with our hands. Let us now leave aside the etheric body. Where
    • muscles, bones and nerves exist in the physical body, there are also
    • a certain amount of instincts, pains, joys, ideals, and passions. They
    • is like a dull red cloud that passes through the astral body; a pure
    • in many different ways. People who have a great deal of sympathy and
    • the external expression of inner instincts, passions, and so forth.
    • body and it surrounds man, and enwrapping him in a kind of oval form.
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  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 2: Man's Ascent into the Supersensible World
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    • to explain man's being in so far as the three bodies and the nucleus
    • we call the three worlds and only when we have described the characteristics
    • inhabits. We then have a second world, the astral world, and the third
    • I will try to speak of the astral and devachanic worlds by keeping as
    • by the physical world and they permeate the physical world. After death,
    • senses for the perception of the physical world are eliminated and we
    • astral world: It is the world in which we live every night and to begin
    • clairvoyant, we first live in the astral world and perceive what has
    • been described as the etheric body and the astral body.
    • the last moment of life backwards. Here in the physical world first
    • see the egg and then the chicken that slips out of it; but in the astral
    • world we first see the chicken and then the egg.
    • of our moral qualities, such as pleasure and displeasure, pain and joy,
    • hatred and love, appear as if they were rushing towards us. A clairvoyant
    • sees as if they were rushing towards him. To an unexperienced person
    • human forms, and so forth, rushing towards him. There are people who
    • then the clairvoyant power develops in a normal, regular way, and then
    • towards them and throwing themselves upon them. In reality these shapes
    • are their own passions which go out from them and appear as a reflected
    • towards them, because in the astral world everything is reversed and
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  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 3: The Different Conditions of Man's Life After Death
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    • astral world. This will give us a basis for an understanding of reincarnation
    • and karma.
    • with physical body, the etheric body, the astral body and the Ego go
    • from the astral body and the Ego. In the occult meaning we therefore
    • and a new condition begins for the human being. What is this
    • the proverb: Sleep is the brother of death. ... and this is justified.
    • sleep the astral body works on the physical body and on the etheric
    • during sleep and prevents us from having perceptions of the astral world.
    • restore fatigue, and for this reason it begins to grow conscious of
    • of the physical body, but now it is free and exists in the form of consciousness.
    • longing can no longer be satisfied. The soul is like a wanderer suffering
    • describe it as a life in purgatory. And old painter sometimes depicted
    • the human being feels his last longings and lives through his whole
    • life backwards, as far as his birth; when he had no passionate longings.
    • Afterwards man enters Devachan. This is clearly indicated in the Gospel
    • to his senses, his life in Kamaloca will be long and difficult. Ordinarily
    • life. Past life rises up before the soul in the form of images and beings
    • Beings. And the burning thirst remains throughout. The more a human
    • being freed himself from physical life before death and the easier
    • compensated in Devachan. When the soul has laid aside its earthly desires,
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  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 4: The Devachanic World
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    • a description of Devachan, that is to say, of man's experiences in that
    • world, between death and a new birth. We should not think of this world
    • by the object in the physical world, and a void, a nothing in the physical
    • world is found in Devachan as something resplendent, radiant and resounding.
    • including the mineral parts of plants, animals and men, is a negative,
    • life here on earth, all that enables plants and animals to grow, may
    • we find flowing, streaming life. And this streaming life, these oceans
    • is known on Earth as feeling and sensation. There, the currents of pain
    • takes place in the physical plane can be heard in this region. For example,
    • and storms.
    • find all the fruitful and valuable ideas ever thought out by man. Even
    • engraved there and may be read. But we come across a still larger writing
    • he becomes a degree less selfish. The first region of Devachan is the
    • atmosphere of Devachan, the initiate and the human being living between
    • death and a new birth perceive every pain and pleasure in the form of
    • and tempests. We are then outside the soul-emotions and can therefore
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 5: Life Between Death and a New Birth
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    • from death to a new birth and follow how that which comes from a past
    • his physical body and hands it over to the Earth as a corpse. If etheric
    • body, the astral body and Ego grow out of the physical body. Immediately
    • after death, the whole past life from birth to death stands before the
    • Earth. There, our experiences were linked up with feelings and soul-impressions, the
    • soul was inwardly interested in them. Now however, all these experiences
    • and moods are lacking. I see myself, my relatives and friends within
    • This picture stands before
    • But there will be hardly any dissolution after death in the case of
    • the etheric body, the human being consists of astral body and Ego. The
    • the causal body which man keeps throughout the Devachan-period and through
    • parts: as physical, etheric body, astral body, and Ego. The causal body
    • And with each incarnation the causal body grew. Each time the pictures
    • of memory are impressed on the causal body, thus enriching it and make
    • the human being has his Ego and his causal body and is enveloped by
    • his astral body. First you must live through his whole past life backwards,
    • each experience of his past life and live through it once more,
    • backwards. Only then may he enter Devachan.
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  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 6: Man's Return to a New Earthly Life
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    • path followed by man's nucleus after death and of his return into a new
    • radiate in blue and indigo colors out of the ether flame-like forms. When
    • to live for a time in an existence of its own and then it is absorbed by
    • form of pleasure and pain, passions and instincts, these constitute
    • and his Ego return to the earthly sphere. The human germs arise, described
    • comes flying towards them in accordance with the inner force-streams
    • resembles the others in regard to color and shape; this expresses the
    • forms and colors and is expressed in them.
    • human being to the parents and into the family-conditions in which he
    • will show us that behind them always lies a definite character-disposition.
    • and their effects appear to begin with, in the external favorable or unfavorable
    • karma. Also the character, the inclinations and habits express themselves
    • of man are contained in the etheric body and in the next life they are
    • in one life depends on inclination and habits of a past one.
    • influence our next one by cultivating noble inclinations and feelings,
    • thus rendering the body of our next incarnation strong and healthy.
    • moral forces often lasts very long. Decadent peoples and races have
    • Huns and Mongols also brought such fear and terror to the European populations
    • because they had this decadent astral substance. But fear and terror
    • the bodies of European peoples and the result was the terrible
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  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 7: Effects of the Law of Karma
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    • the effects of the law of Karma, and report what has already been explained:
    • attitude and mentality. Let us study the mood of the
    • a next life in a definite physical constitution, namely in the fact
    • that this person will soon grow old and not evince much youthfulness.
    • in a loving way and not reject them.
    • with the fact of reincarnation and Karma? Many will try to oppose reincarnation
    • were musicians, and they will trace this back to heredity. A great theosophist
    • once said: It is not true that children resemble their parents, it is
    • begins to work into the astral body. The astral body and thus becomes
    • clairvoyant sees a great difference in the astral body of a developed
    • by lower instincts and passions, and a part spiritually elaborated by
    • the Ego. Francis of Assisi for example had completely transformed and
    • in such a way that in certain phases of his life he can command over
    • of the Ego's work upon the etheric body, is called Buddhi, and a person
    • working into the physical body, and with the flashing up of Atma, which
    • along the path of ordinary heredity and faces him in a new life as the
    • from the etheric body and generally everything coming from the physical
    • only bears a small outward resemblance to his family, and in his whole
    • and marked, resemblance is slight. Let us take a human nucleus with
    • definite capacities, that was incarnated many centuries ago and now
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  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 8: The Evolution of Man and of the Solar System; the Atlantic Evolution
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    • we shall deal with the evolution of man and of the earth itself, with
    • oriental and the occidental initiation. Then with the Christian initiation,
    • St. John and of the Revelations.
    • evolution goes back far into the times dealt with by history and natural
    • the spiritual world contains the documents and facts of which we shall
    • and was always known to occult investigation. It is important to bear
    • climate, and consequently entirely different distribution of air and
    • water, it was a land of fogs and mists ... at that time there was no
    • alternating rain and sunshine. Everything was wrapped in clouds and
    • floods of water began to recede and Atlantis had gone down, rain and
    • be viewed from four aspects. 1) By taking them naïvely and literally.
    • 2) From the standpoint of science which considers itself far cleverer
    • than the authors of these documents. 3) From the standpoint of an allegorical-symbolic
    • arbitrary). 4) From the occult standpoint, by taking the things described
    • meaning, thus reaching again a literal understanding of the words. For
    • that a rainbow could only arise after the descent of Atlantis and the
    • to read the Bible literally and at the same time we gain an occultist's
    • the sentence: “With the growth of knowledge and understanding,
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  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 9: Lemurian Development
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    • of mankind back as far as Atlantis and will now proceed to the study
    • of Lemuria and speak of the Lemurian human forms. These human beings
    • Let us first consider the structure of the Lemurian continent and the
    • was filled with the kind of watery mass, out of which emerged islands
    • change in Nature, in the forms and in life. The single forms and species
    • which the present bones and muscles had still to be built in. An organ
    • outside the body, it soared above it and drew it with it to an earth
    • manner and he knew the meaning of the single images, thus recognizing
    • had a special organ in his bodily cavity, a kind of swimming bladder.
    • The lungs developed out of this bladder, under the influence of the
    • Creation, with the words: And God breathed his breath into man and he
    • outward appearance of a very soft-bodied dragon (the designation of
    • toads, fish, frogs, etc., in short, a primeval world of reptiles and
    • between animal and man be tought of? The theory of man's ascent from apes
    • thought. Think of a morally degenerate and of a highly ethical man. The
    • another at all, but they may have a common father and be brothers!
    • The one developed upwards, the other became decadent. Also the relation
    • between ape and man may be viewed in this light. On Atlantis, the human
    • of a body which was even less perfect. This body then took an upward
    • and have become the apes of to-day. The apes are therefore the degenerated
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  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 10: Paths of Occult Training
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    • development are called Initiates. The path which they tread and teach is that
    • approximately in the region of present-day Ireland. The island Poseidonis
    • East. From there, they wandered into the region of present-day India. An
    • before the time of the Vedas. It still had a dream-like, altogether inner
    • of our modern one. To him everything external and visible was Maya, Illusion;
    • he saw reality only in Brahman and in what could be grasped by Brahman.
    • inaugurator and chief guide was the great Zarathustra, or Zoroaster. The
    • Persias were already able to harmonize spirit and matter and. began to work
    • and to transform the physical world through the human spirit.
    • still further west, namely the Egyptian-Chaldean-Babylonian culture. Man's
    • gaze turned still more towards the physical world, the external branches of
    • science arose, with the study of the forces of Nature and of their laws.
    • reincarnation. It passed through earlier stages and in future it will pass
    • is called. "Saturn". Then comes the "Sun", followed by Moon"; "Mars" and
    • Mercury" are the designations for the first and second half of the earth's
    • development. The conditions which will follow are "Jupiter" and "Venus",
    • development and are therefore even mirrored in ordinary life; names of the
    • Tuesday - Zeus-day, Mardi - Mars
    • Friday - Freya-day, Vendredi, Venus
    • agriculture, and so forth. The genius of the Dog-star, Sirius, was the one
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: i Spirituality: Lecture 1: Historical Symptomology, the Year 790, Alcuin, Greeks, Platonism, Aristotelianism, East, West, Middle, Ego
    Matching lines:
    • The New Spirituality and the Christ Experience of the Twentieth Century
    • since the 15th century. I consciousness and individuality have emerged as
    • central to the life of soul along with intellectualism and the possibility
    • and the Christ Expereience of the Twentieth Century
    • time, it is especially important to consider. With regard to the historical course of humanity's
    • development, the much-debated question mentioned to begin with was whether the outstanding and
    • point of contention and the conclusions have been drawn, more from sympathy and antipathy than
    • appeared with a definite declaration,
    • individual facts which can be outwardly observed in the physical world but, out of an
    • the course of the nineteenth century it was precisely the opposite historical mode of thought and
    • approach which was then particularly developed, and that it was not the ideas in history that
    • also drawn to the fact that, with regard to this last question, one can only come to clarity
    • And anyone who
    • really do anything because they are nothing of real substantiality, and only something of
    • behind the sensible-physical facts, and it is in real spiritual forces such as these that the
    • when, from a spiritual-scientific standpoint, we look more deeply into the historical development
    • of humanity and we will do so today in such a way that, through our considerations, certain facts
    • come to us which, precisely for a discerning judgement of the situation of modern humanity, will
    • historical development there are times when what has real being and essence
    • comes as a symptom to the surface and can be judged discerningly from the
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 2: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 1
    Matching lines:
    • The New Spirituality and the Christ Experience of the Twentieth Century - 1
    • since the 15th century. I consciousness and individuality have emerged as
    • central to the life of soul along with intellectualism and the possibility
    • and the Christ Expereience of the Twentieth Century
    • more and more in full I-consciousness. The forces which elaborate this I-consciousness will grow
    • increasingly stronger and all the phenomena of life — of life in the broadest sense —
    • what comes from the spiritual world and plays into our physical world will take such a course
    • in earlier epochs, and very exceptional things are making their appearance within humanity's
    • evolution. And the human being who, through the development of his individuality is being
    • increasingly educated for freedom, must also take up a conscious stand more and more to what
    • strong egoistical forces of the consciousness-soul and, on the other, the all-the-greater
    • necessity of founding a social life consciously. And we must take a conscious stand towards
    • and from the most varied points of view, how differently the human beings of the
    • West, the European Centre, and of the East are placed in the whole course of human evolution. We
    • Europe and the West. And we want now to turn to a phenomenon that can already show us externally
    • Towards Social Renewal
    • influence of the modern technology and industry, there has also developed among the broad masses
    • socialist conception of life, however, developed in such a way that it stands entirely under the
    • aegis of economic strife, for it is permeated by economic concepts, thoughts and struggles that
    • the socialist world of the Anglo-Saxon West. And because the actual character of modern public
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 3: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 2
    Matching lines:
    • The New Spirituality and the Christ Experience of the Twentieth Century - 2
    • since the 15th century. I consciousness and individuality have emerged as
    • central to the life of soul along with intellectualism and the possibility
    • and the Christ Expereience of the Twentieth Century
    • I also drew attention to how, in a different way,
    • past, but wish now to work into and to influence human lives, assert themselves; not, indeed,
    • the human 'I' and astral body — and then asserting themselves, without the people realizing
    • it, in the after-effects during waking. And in this way they bring in everything they wish to pit
    • described yesterday, who are dispersed there, and who take leading positions, particularly in
    • sects and in secret societies and the like. In the East there are also certain leading
    • one wants to understand how the human beings of the European Centre are wedged in, as it were,
    • between the West and the East one must look more closely into the underlying spiritual conditions
    • and at everything in the physical-sense world that expresses itself out of these spiritual
    • human being of the ancient Orient had a highly developed spiritual life that flowed from a direct
    • existed in Greece, primarily as artistic beauty but also as a certain insight; and how already in
    • civilization, and, with the exception of what stems from natural science and what can stem from
    • through it, but can no longer find a link between what he believes about the spiritual world and
    • activities. It is directed towards entirely abstract spiritual regions, and basically does not
    • take the trouble to confront and come to terms with the external physical world of the
    • the appearance of religious movements. And the momentum of Bolshevism in the East, for example,
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 4: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 3
    Matching lines:
    • The New Spirituality and the Christ Experience of the Twentieth Century - 3
    • since the 15th century. I consciousness and individuality have emerged as
    • central to the life of soul along with intellectualism and the possibility
    • and the Christ Expereience of the Twentieth Century
    • and Goethe's
    • Fairy-tale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily.
    • and Eastern ones and what arises in quite a unique way in
    • and
    • on the one hand, the seizure of the human corporality by the spirits of the West and, on the
    • other hand, the feeling of those spiritual beings who, as imaginations, as spirits of the East,
    • work inspiringly into Eastern civilization. And one can notice both these aspects in the leading
    • personalities of Goethe and Schiller. I will only point out in addition how in Schiller's
    • over to instincts, to the sensible-physical — and the other possibility — that of
    • senses, to the world of instincts, of desires, he is given over to his bodily-physical nature and
    • instincts to such a degree that he can give himself up to them without their dragging him down,
    • without their enslaving him, and in which, on the other hand, logical necessity is taken up into
    • of aesthetic enjoyment and aesthetic creation, in which the human being can come to true
    • towards external upheaval and change also moved Schiller — but moved him in such a way that
    • freedom? And he sees
    • human beings and not through outer measures.
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 5: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 4
    Matching lines:
    • The New Spirituality and the Christ Experience of the Twentieth Century - 4
    • since the 15th century. I consciousness and individuality have emerged as
    • central to the life of soul along with intellectualism and the possibility
    • and the Christ Expereience of the Twentieth Century
    • today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and which was already referred to some time
    • amount of preparation, and today, to begin with, I shall try to characterize again from a certain
    • point of view the spiritual complexion of the civilized world and, from this point of view, draw
    • attention to the challenges that are placed before us with regard to the evolution of humanity
    • eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth and fourteenth centuries of European development, it is possible to
    • speak of a definite longing for knowledge in as much as the human being at that time had
    • relationship to what was revealed in nature as spirit — and thereby also to achieve a
    • glow, an inner warmth, for the human being, and which was also significant for the human being
    • when it came to what moved him to perform his work in the world, and so on. Everything that lived
    • there as a longing for knowledge has become less and less comparable with what has been emerging
    • since the middle of the fifteenth century. And even when we consider the great philosophers of
    • and more into the service of outer life. It enters into the service of technological science and
    • from the fact that it is just in this time that we find the particular development and
    • dreamlike way, they were nevertheless faculties different from those of everyday life and it was
    • world-being — and did, in fact, penetrate to its spirituality. Thus was knowledge
    • phenomena of nature; when gods spoke through the appearance and movements of the stars. This is
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 6: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 5
    Matching lines:
    • The New Spirituality and the Christ Experience of the Twentieth Century - 5
    • since the 15th century. I consciousness and individuality have emerged as
    • central to the life of soul along with intellectualism and the possibility
    • and the Christ Expereience of the Twentieth Century
    • If an understanding for what one can call the
    • create a preparatory understanding for the course that the Christ-idea, the image people have had
    • perception; a clairvoyance which was dim and dreamlike. And we have, on repeated occasions,
    • civilization but which was already prepared for in Greek and Roman times. Thus one can say:
    • During the course of Greek and Roman history, when the Mystery of Golgotha was accomplished on
    • of an intellectual development. This was particularly so in the Romans. And one can therefore say
    • particular characteristic of the ancient oriental peoples and existed essentially in its last
    • remnants above all in these peoples. And Christ Jesus, too, did, after all, walk on the earth
    • of all through the remnants of ancient oriental wisdom. And when this Mystery of Golgotha moved
    • towards the West — to the Greeks and the Romans — one could receive what was related
    • come to pass on the earth. And in order that there could be a perception through an 'eyewitness'
    • bring forward concerning the Mystery of Golgotha out of an ancient oriental wisdom, could be
    • old clairvoyance spoke about the Mystery of Golgotha is called Gnosis. And, if I can put it so,
    • remnants of old clairvoyance — this was Christian Gnosis. And the presentation of the
    • Thus the first understanding of the Mystery of Golgotha
    • Mystery of Golgotha to such a degree that a truly human grasp of this Mystery could find a place
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 7: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 6
    Matching lines:
    • The New Spirituality and the Christ Experience of the Twentieth Century - 6
    • since the 15th century. I consciousness and individuality have emerged as
    • central to the life of soul along with intellectualism and the possibility
    • and the Christ Expereience of the Twentieth Century
    • how European conditions are bound to develop in the near future, and we saw that the course of
    • easiest way and of value. From the way in which I had to speak yesterday it will be clear to you
    • the near future as lying in such external things as the differences between Japan and America
    • must be absolutely correct. But what must be regarded as imminent is what I characterized for you
    • in a few brush-strokes as the great spiritual battle between East and West, in which the true
    • that ever since the Mystery of Golgotha, and particularly in recent centuries, all that can
    • demand to be able to receive and read the Gospels — an experience of Christ has not been
    • able to develop. And we have already pointed out how the particular constitution of soul that is
    • And this experience will have a clearly definable connection with the modern outlook on life
    • before that time. History does not take this into account because external history ever and again
    • nineteenth century and our own time, the soul-constitution of humanity as a whole has undergone a
    • soul the outlook on life of today's younger generation, and compares this with the outlook of
    • their eiders when they were in their youth. The difference between older people and the
    • youth of today has been depicted again and again, particularly by poets; and if people did not
    • those who are old today and those who are young.
    • On the other hand there is a terribly reactionary,
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Abbreviated Title: Lecture I:
    Matching lines:
    • A lecture given at Dornach, 30 May 1915. From a shorthand report unrevised by
    • Art and Practical Questions in the Light of Spiritual Science,
    • From a shorthand report unrevised by the lecturer.
    • Dornach, Switzerland. From Bn 162; GA 162; CW 162.
    • Thanks to a donation by Brane Žilavec, this Lecture has been made available.
    • given at Dornach, 30 May 1915. From a shorthand report unrevised by
    • reality is attributed generally only to what arises and forms itself, as it
    • were, out of nothing and attains a perceptible existence. Thus people speak
    • of reality when they see the plant shoot up from the root and develop from
    • leaf to leaf toward the blossom, and so on. But they do not speak of
    • reality in the same sense when they look upon the gradual withering and
    • dying, upon the last streaming out, one might say, towards
    • But for one who wishes to understand the
    • as far as the physical world is concerned, as a streaming-out toward
    • processes in our nervous system, and these destructive processes mediate
    • of consciousness must come from destructive processes. And I have shown
    • experiences the complete dissolving and separation of the physical and
    • etheric bodies, the merging of the physical and etheric bodies with the
    • general physical and the general etheric world, through this, and out of
    • have processes of perception between death and a new birth. The saying of
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Talk To Young People:
    Matching lines:
    • If this anthroposophical movement is sincere and if young people find
    • If this anthroposophical movement is sincere and if young people find
    • Dornach, Switzerland. From Bn 217a, GA 217a, CW 217a.
    • Thanks to a donation from Brane Žilavec, this Lecture Series has been made available.
    • with all the questions and problems in your hearts that assail young
    • deeply into human evolution call the end of Kali Yuga and the
    • darker and more chaotic than before. But just as in ordinary natural
    • sounds) at the same standpoint where they were before they were
    • century feel this in their unconscious, feel it inwardly, like an
    • what is living and working today in young people, more or less
    • unconsciously, has never before been experienced. And one must say,
    • there has never been such a discrepancy, such a total contradiction,
    • experience they are having and the actual inner experience itself. We
    • have already seen the various groups and the movements young people
    • “Wandervögelâ€
    • them hippies today. Tr.] and other youth groups — we've seen them
    • and I realized that even though he was so young, in ninth or tenth
    • started.†We talked together and what he said showed clearly that
    • crisis†they can hardly understand.
    • it is clearly present within them. What they feel clearly and very
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: "Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will not pass away"
    Matching lines:
    • 'Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will not pass away'
    • “Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will not pass away”,
    • and published in German as,
    • “Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will not pass away”,
    • and published in German as,
    • Dornach, Switzerland. From Bn 162; GA 162; CW 162.
    • “Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words
    • intuitions become dense Cosmic impulses, and later — Jupiter
    • the earth-period and emit Cosmic impulses for Jupiter's vegetable
    • — (or the dreamer in man) become, with aid of the Angeloi,
    • densified imaginations for Jupiter and give the foundations for
    • at the end of the earth-period — and through the Soul-contents of
    • and Earth will pass away but my words
    • thought, and that, for the mind cultured through Spiritual Science, the
    • take a good step forward.
    • various previous stages, and that this earth-state was preceded by the
    • Moon-stage. And we must remind ourselves of the fact that, in a certain
    • further, namely that the Moon man also encloses the Sun man, and the
    • addition to the Moon man, the Sun man and Saturn man also.
    • this ‘dual’ man, the matter stands thus, for example: That,
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture I: Tree of Life - I
    Matching lines:
    • Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
    • Art and Practical Questions in the Light of Spiritual Science,
    • and published in German as,
    • They were given by Rudolf Steiner at Dornach in July and August of
    • questions, a solution of their problems. That is quite natural and
    • understandable, one might even say justifiable. But something else
    • must be added if the spiritual scientific-movement is really to
    • course of evolution of earth and humanity. Above all, a certain
    • feeling must be added, a certain perception that the more one strives
    • were before, and in a certain respect they become also more sacred.
    • problems, the existence of which we hardly guessed before, first
    • connected with the evolution of the earth and mankind is the
    • Christ-riddle, the riddle of Christ-Jesus. And with regard to this,
    • we can only hope to advance slowly towards its actual depth and
    • expect just that regarding this Christ-riddle much will be solved for
    • this great problem. And I beg you to be entirely clear that only
    • from various aspects. And so something shall here be added to what
    • has already been said that may bring us again some understanding of
    • God Jahve, radiating from the far distance, which stands at the
    • and Evil they must be banished from their present abode, so that they
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture II: Tree of Life - II
    Matching lines:
    • Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
    • Art and Practical Questions in the Light of Spiritual Science,
    • and published in German as,
    • They were given by Rudolf Steiner at Dornach in July and August of
    • forming world-history may be divided on the one hand into what may be
    • called the continuous stream of evolving knowledge and wisdom, and,
    • produce a complete and harmonious whole. And I have already pointed
    • on the one hand, of the lifeless knowledge-principle, the ageing
    • wisdom-principle, and, on the other hand, of the
    • antiquity and becoming dry and withered.
    • the astral man and the ego-man — and a sort of
    • separation of these four members into two and two
    • man, and of the ego with the astral man.
    • The alternation of sleeping and waking
    • condition of these four members and their separation. We have already
    • considered more closely and exactly, but for today's study what has
    • been said can serve for a broad foundation.
    • undergone, he has the following experience. A definite consciousness,
    • particularly in specially clear and aware moments of waking up, can
    • lifts himself out of a living and weaving in what one might call a
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture III: The Power of Thought
    Matching lines:
    • Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
    • Art and Practical Questions in the Light of Spiritual Science,
    • and published in German as,
    • They were given by Rudolf Steiner at Dornach in July and August of
    • to meet with full understanding when one speaks out of the sources of
    • cultural streams, the various world-conceptions and feelings which
    • and this is effected by every individual in
    • concepts, and they have the consciousness that through these thoughts
    • and concepts they are, as it were, learning something of the world,
    • life, and that the concepts are inner presentations of what he
    • perceives, and that he thus in some way takes the world of external
    • percepts into himself and then lives them over again.
    • inner life and shares (above all so long as we are growing) in our
    • before we are born and belongs to the forming forces of our nature.
    • It goes on working continually and again and again replaces what dies
    • thoughts, we work the whole time anew upon our forming and fashioning
    • downwards, so that with every thought we actually insert in us
    • something is being destroyed, is actually crumbling away. And what
    • spreads itself out in them. Now and again a man will feel in
    • him, and that breathing has something to do with his re-building and
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture IV: Harmonizing Thinking, Feeling and Willing
    Matching lines:
    • Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
    • Art and Practical Questions in the Light of Spiritual Science,
    • and published in German as,
    • They were given by Rudolf Steiner at Dornach in July and August of
    • Harmonizing Thinking, Feeling and Willing
    • connected with the forming of our ideas and concepts, is in a certain
    • creating, and activity. We saw how through this fact man comes to the
    • receives as concepts and ideas, and how he does not notice that at
    • the same time as he is conceiving and thinking, something is also
    • happening takes place. And I also referred yesterday to the polar
    • opposite of this, namely, how the impulses of feeling and will are
    • then entirely and solely within himself, that he is concerned only
    • with himself, and that what takes place in the impulses of feeling
    • and will has nothing to do with anything in the outside world, in the
    • interpenetrate us, interweave in us and shut off our feeling and our
    • and willing of ours to our inner nature.
    • feeling and willing, and something else which pays little heed to
    • what is in us, and which are, far more turns outwards and tries to
    • take a direction towards the external.
    • outer world and wishes to receive it and pays no attention to the
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture V: Tree of Knowledge - I
    Matching lines:
    • Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
    • Art and Practical Questions in the Light of Spiritual Science,
    • and published in German as,
    • They were given by Rudolf Steiner at Dornach in July and August of
    • arable land, meadow, or what you will (a drawing was made), and
    • plants, any kind of plants grew in this meadow. And suppose that here
    • were a worm or some little creature, that lives and burrows under the
    • earth and has its home under the earth and never comes above the
    • about inside and learns by its creeping about to know the roots of
    • it learns to know nothing else; it creeps about and learns to
    • recognise the roots. And what will happen is the following, is it
    • the roots. When the plant above begins to put out fresh shoots and to
    • sun-activities, shoots, leaves, fruits are called forth, and
    • worm-philosopher or a caterpillar-philosopher, and evolved a
    • world-conception. Thus it creeps about there down below the earth and
    • that the sun comes and the shoots spring forth —
    • caterpillar, this worm, and studies the changes in the roots, and
    • become different, and also that in the part of the earth lying round
    • something is happening, and he now expresses all he knows, this worm.
    • comprehends. And let us suppose the worm were not an ordinary
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture VI: Tree of Knowledge - II
    Matching lines:
    • Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
    • Art and Practical Questions in the Light of Spiritual Science,
    • and published in German as,
    • They were given by Rudolf Steiner at Dornach in July and August of
    • and the Earth as far as its development has progressed. We have
    • the time of ancient Saturn, and that of course they were not then
    • organisms, which then underwent changes and only through the various
    • revealed with particular clearness, when we regard the whole course
    • — the human being thrusts forward into the world
    • just as they are during waking life; only the ego and astral body are
    • our organism. And if I now include the etheric body, it naturally
    • And if I further wished to insert the
    • and we must be clear that if we did not sketch it as a diagram, but
    • really made a drawing of the human being, it would look far more
    • photographic apparatus, and what is created within is then seized
    • upon by the etheric body, astral body and ego. Thus we have a
    • our periphery. And it is on this reciprocal action with the outer
    • is perception of the outer world and working-over of the perception
    • Luciferic-Ahrimanic beings have asserted themselves. And here we can
    • clearly and plainly on one spot seize the Ahrimanic and Luciferic
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: World Downfall and Resurrection
    Matching lines:
    • World Downfall and Resurrection
    • This the sixteenth of seventeen lectures given in Dornach, Switzerland.
    • shorthand report unrevised by the lecturer. English translation by
    • This the sixteenth of seventeen lectures given in Dornach, Switzerland.
    • From a shorthand report unrevised by the lecturer.
    • Dornach, Switzerland. From Bn 204, GA 204, CW 204.
    • really only a thicket of words — and
    • of his own soul, and through his most intimate willing,
    • stimulus — only such a one can regard these
    • Oswald Spengler: Prophet of World Chaos
    • a shorthand report unrevised by the lecturer, published by
    • thought and idea in those first centuries of Christendom was
    • different from what it came to be later on. A great and
    • the middle of the 4th century onwards, the thinking of men
    • reasoning faculty. Until that time, all knowledge and all
    • that man forms judgments and draws conclusions as a human being
    • Angel indwelt the body of a man; the Angel was the knower and
    • 4th century and in men like John Scotus Erigena it flashed up
    • at the world had changed in the course of that century. And
    • that is why it is so difficult for us today to understand the
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Lecture: Philosophy and Anthroposophy
    Matching lines:
    • Philosophy and Anthroposophy
    • Philosophy and Anthroposophy, 1904–1918,
    • Staedten.
    • Nachlassverwaltung, Dornach, Switzerland.
    • padding: 10px; width: 600px; background-color: #FFFFFF"
    • Philosophy and Anthroposophy
    • entitled “Philosophy and Anthroposophy,” mainly reproduce a
    • which, while cognizant of the limitations of mere physical science and
    • ordinary mysticism, and before attempting to penetrate into the spiritual
    • consciousness and science. The development of these faculties renders this
    • origin demands the pursuance of the path which eventually leads to
    • normal conditions of life and development, is liable to encounter two
    • rudderless ship on the waves of life. A drifting of this nature produces,
    • in time and by degrees, an inner insecurity eventually culminating in some
    • life, thus causing him to disturb and not promote this order.
    • of the means of ensuring inner security and our true alignment in the order
    • feelings are often wrongly explained, and their alleviation sought in the
    • obstacles are: Natural Science and Mysticism. Both these forms of knowledge
    • inwardly experienced if they are to prove helpful. Whether or not we can
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture I: The Pedagogy of the West and of Central Europe: The Inner Attitude of the Teacher
    Matching lines:
    • Speaking to the teachers at the first Waldorf school in Stuttgart, Steiner
    • asserts that the unfortunate presence of dishonesty and alienation in society
    • today cannot be addressed without a completely renewed and holistic education.
    • 'spiritual gymnast,' the 'ensouled rhetorician,' and the 'intellectual
    • Social Questions and their Spiritual Background,
    • Die geistigen Hinterfruende der sozialen Frage. Band III.
    • our introductory educational courses. However, the days are so few, and
    • during this time, that I am hardly able to say whether we shall get further
    • than these scanty words of introduction today. It is hardly possible to
    • last year I should like to add something about the teacher himself, about
    • your own thinking and feeling.
    • and in doing so we are taking our stand on an
    • anthroposophically oriented spiritual science, and it is our intention to
    • should be drawn: the teacher must really have a deep feeling for the nature
    • time — an age of democracy and journalism
    • — it is of course true that we hardly have a real sense,
    • is true is true, what is right is right, and that it should be possible to
    • proclaim what is true and right before the world, once it has been
    • that produce them are guarded in the soul as a most sacred, hidden wealth.
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture II: The Three Fundamental Forces in EducatioN
    Matching lines:
    • Speaking to the teachers at the first Waldorf school in Stuttgart, Steiner
    • asserts that the unfortunate presence of dishonesty and alienation in society
    • today cannot be addressed without a completely renewed and holistic education.
    • 'spiritual gymnast,' the 'ensouled rhetorician,' and the 'intellectual
    • Social Questions and their Spiritual Background,
    • Die geistigen Hinterfruende der sozialen Frage. Band III.
    • and instruction we are not able to sense inwardly the whole human being.
    • the astral body, the etheric body and the physical body. These four members
    • development of the physical and the etheric bodies and that of the astral
    • body and ego. The outer signs of this differentiated development are
    • given here or there — by the change of teeth and by that
    • the change of teeth and the change of voice or puberty lies the period of
    • and teaching.
    • — that is, between birth and the second dentition
    • — the physical and etheric bodies have been influenced
    • strongly by the nerve-sense system, operating from above downward. The
    • physical body and the etheric body are influenced most powerfully from the
    • role — are concentrated so to speak in the head. And
    • what happens formatively in the rest of the organism, in the trunk and
    • limbs, takes place through rays proceeding from the head downward to the
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture III: Spiritual Knowledge of Man as the Fount of Educational Art
    Matching lines:
    • Speaking to the teachers at the first Waldorf school in Stuttgart, Steiner
    • asserts that the unfortunate presence of dishonesty and alienation in society
    • today cannot be addressed without a completely renewed and holistic education.
    • 'spiritual gymnast,' the 'ensouled rhetorician,' and the 'intellectual
    • Social Questions and their Spiritual Background,
    • Die geistigen Hinterfruende der sozialen Frage. Band III.
    • properly regulated. Produce supplied by the outer world can be eaten and
    • should be taken in from outside in a particular form, and acquire their
    • education. Here, the essential thing is to know what we ought to learn and
    • kinds of principles and formulated statements, that is roughly the same, in
    • But if you undertake a study of the being of man, and learn to understand
    • food in its natural form. And then, when we are giving the lesson, from out
    • teaching and education two elements interweave in a remarkable way. I would
    • hear, and the other one can be called the pictorial element, the element we
    • hand and see on the other, of course, and in certain circumstances these
    • important as seeing and hearing.
    • is essential that we really understand these processes right down to the
    • point where we understand what is actually going on in the body. You will
    • know that nowadays external science sees a difference between man's
    • or the central organ, conveying perception and mental imagery, and his
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture IV: The Art of Education Consists of Bringing Into Balance the Physical and Spiritual Nature of the Developing Human Being
    Matching lines:
    • Speaking to the teachers at the first Waldorf school in Stuttgart, Steiner
    • asserts that the unfortunate presence of dishonesty and alienation in society
    • today cannot be addressed without a completely renewed and holistic education.
    • 'spiritual gymnast,' the 'ensouled rhetorician,' and the 'intellectual
    • Social Questions and their Spiritual Background,
    • Die geistigen Hinterfruende der sozialen Frage. Band III.
    • look at man's constitution and then apply the knowledge thus gained to the
    • astrality, the ego being of man; and turning our attention to the first
    • of his body, how he gains greater and greater mastery over his organism,
    • happening in different ways, and you have so far met mainly two ways in
    • stress has been laid on the fact that that which has hitherto worked in the
    • understanding from a different point of view and it was said: with the
    • two-sided description of one and the same fact. Indeed, we gain a true
    • understanding only if we bring two such aspects to a synthesis. In
    • from different sides and then combining the different aspects to one
    • gradually organising it through and through; which means that there takes
    • place a mutual permeation of the eternal I and that which is being formed:
    • And
    • is really the musical element and all that which is being absorbed as
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Social Understanding: Lecture II: Social Understanding Through Spiritual Scientific Knowledge
    Matching lines:
    • Speaking to the teachers at the first Waldorf school in Stuttgart, Steiner
    • asserts that the unfortunate presence of dishonesty and alienation in society
    • today cannot be addressed without a completely renewed and holistic education.
    • 'spiritual gymnast,' the 'ensouled rhetorician,' and the 'intellectual
    • Social Questions and their Spiritual Background,
    • Die geistigen Hinterfruende der sozialen Frage. Band III.
    • have, and that is what we will talk about tomorrow. Today I just want to
    • connections are between these forces and man's being, they do not usually
    • supersensible worlds really fruitful in ordinary life. It can be said that
    • supersensible knowledge is becoming more and more essential to man, just in
    • our time. In that case it is vital to understand what its connection is
    • Inspiration and the third capacity the force of Intuition. The question now
    • of teeth to puberty, and from puberty till about the twenty-first year. If
    • you do not regard man purely superficially you will be struck by the fact
    • our physical body between birth and the seventh year, and this work comes
    • suspended when their purpose has been achieved and the permanent teeth have
    • within the being of man; they go to sleep within him. And they can be drawn
    • the forces that are active from the seventh year to the fourteenth year and
    • go to sleep at puberty in the depths of the body, are drawn forth and form
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Buddha and the Two Boys: Lecture I: Buddha and the Two Boys of Jesus
    Matching lines:
    • Buddha and the Two Boys of Jesus
    • Jesus children in relation to the Buddha, and how they are expressed in the
    • discussed include the mission of the Buddha and Zarathustra, and the preparations
    • for the understanding of the Christ Mystery.
    • of Nazareth and lived in it for three years, from the baptism of the Jordan
    • of Nazareth before our soul and has taken up that being, can be said more
    • must always remember, is not easy to grasp and to present so simply. The
    • without connection to a particular document. Only afterwards it is shown
    • the other to Zarathustra, and the third was embodied in the ancient Hebrew
    • abilities have partly receded, new ones have been added.
    • and moral laws, can apply his power of judgment, can recognize out of
    • have been impossible to find three thousand years ago, for example, the
    • doctrine of compassion and love. Today, an inner voice instructs us about
    • the laws of compassion and love. At that time, man would have searched in
    • vain for such a voice. There, to use an ugly word, compassion and love had
    • was for thousands of years to infuse compassion and love into people from
    • nothing of compassion and love in himself. Through their initiation,
    • bring down such teachings as that of compassion and love. There comes a
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Buddha and the Two Boys: Lecture II: The Gospels, Buddha and the Two Boys of Jesus
    Matching lines:
    • Buddha and the Two Boys of Jesus
    • Jesus children in relation to the Buddha, and how they are expressed in the
    • discussed include the mission of the Buddha and Zarathustra, and the preparations
    • for the understanding of the Christ Mystery.
    • the question that someone might ask: Yes, if so much has already been said
    • about the Gospel of John and subsequently about the image of the Christ
    • Jesus, is it possible that there is also something to be said about the
    • other Gospels, that in a certain sense one would get the same understanding
    • be taken from any document; it should not approach us as something handed
    • research. Then, afterwards, he tries to show how the same truths and
    • and the Gospel of John, that we have taken out of the enormous volume of
    • the Akashic Chronicle what can be found again in the Gospel of Luke and the
    • The Gospel of Luke, on the other hand, allows
    • and Buddhism, and we have seen how these two mighty spiritual currents meet
    • and unite precisely in Jesus of Nazareth. He appeared to us for the last
    • especially to the understanding of the outer, present physical world. Above
    • individuality. After this embodiment, the Bodhisattva Buddha did not have
    • individuality has developed forward, does not look —
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Lecture: Art As A Bridge Between The Sensible And The Supersensible
    Matching lines:
    • Art As A Bridge Between The Sensible And The Supersensible
    • aftermath of the First World War and the 'flu pandemic'
    • of 1917-1919 - a period of far-reaching constraints and
    • are hard to ignore. In these circumstances, it is all the more
    • Zukunftsimpulse im sozialen Geschehen. (Past and Future Impulses in Social Life Bn/GA/CW 190.
    • Lecture VI, 30th March 1919 in Dornach, Switzerland.
    • Sensible And The
    • historic challenge. However, at the same time, it has to be said: Our
    • existing in our time between the leading classes and social ranks and the
    • leading classes and social ranks have allied themselves with certain
    • interest groups and have neglected to cultivate a generally human
    • understanding. The proletarian masses have increasingly had to regard
    • the leading classes have essentially concocted for themselves. As regards
    • could be said to have been still more unfavorable. At that time there was
    • the large number of slaves who not only partially, with regard to their
    • as a commodity to be bought and sold on the open market. Yet it would be
    • modern times a sharp class distinction and class division has certainly
    • and precisely this is of significance
    • the egoistic interests of these leading classes has spread far and wide
    • and Pharisees, single communities that stood out, that were in possession
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Raphael's Mission in the Light of the Science of the Spirit
    Matching lines:
    • Peter Stebbing and the
    • Dornach, Switzerland. From Bn 62.9; GA 62; CW 62.
    • Thanks to a donation from Peter Stebbing, this Lecture has been made available.
    • up like a star and disappear again, actually incorporate
    • show this, one would like to say on the other hand: The
    • Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre, Vol. 1,
    • add: in a certain respect the gods of Homer, described by him
    • in such a grandiose manner almost a thousand years before the
    • And, by the same token, if we direct our gaze to the biblical
    • figures of which the New Testament tells us and then
    • in Raphael's Madonnas and similar pictures, arising from
    • biblical tradition and legends, had not been added to the
    • through humanity's development and how this shines forth quite
    • especially in such outstanding figures as Raphael. What we have
    • standpoint in regard to the development of humanity —
    • on further significance in contemplating what has been said. We
    • spirit appears again and again in repeated earth-lives
    • development. Spiritual science seeks meaning and significance
    • periods. In appearing again and again in earth-lives that
    • all that is cultivated and achieved by the common spirit of
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Leonardo's Spiritual Stature: Lecture
    Matching lines:
    • Leonardo's Spiritual Stature at the Turning Point of Modern Times
    • We can say that he [Leonardo] bore within him the whole spirit of
    • his age, and yet he was often misunderstood or out of sync with his time,
    • We can say that he [Leonardo] bore within him the whole
    • spirit of his age, and yet he was often misunderstood
    • Leonardo da Vinci: Self-Portrait, Turin
    • align="left" border="0" alt="Letter A designed by Rudolf Steiner"
    • Leonardo's name is continually brought to the attention of
    • Leonardo da Vinci? And who, knowing it, has not
    • and gestures. With each of the twelve figures their gestures
    • and bearing are so individualized that we have the impression:
    • his discourse on “Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper,”
    • to Leonardo da Vinci, we find that, in depicting the Last
    • Supper, Leonardo introduced what can be called the dramatic
    • With dramatic power, in his “Last Supper” Leonardo
    • in heart and mind from the world-famous reproductions, arriving
    • Santa Maria delle Grazie, one sees on the wall
    • after the picture had been painted by Leonardo and once spoke
    • of in such enthusiastic, exhilarating and captivating words.
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Fairy Tales: in the light of Spiritual Investigation
    Matching lines:
    • From the contents of this lecture: 'Fairy tales and sagas are comparable
    • wanderings, to be a trustworthy comrade throughout -- offering comradeship, and
    • making life inwardly into a truly ensouled fairy tale!'
    • of a genuine and true fairy tale mood have in fact to be sought
    • second difficulty is that, in regard to what is magical
    • intellectual observations and a conceptual
    • conviction in regard to explanations and commentaries
    • in place of their subtle and enchanting qualities. These well
    • regions of the human soul remains so new, unique and
    • may be regarded as entirely natural that someone like
    • Fairy Tale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful
    • aforementioned sources from the standpoint of
    • Hence, it will only be possible today to put forward a few
    • indications and results of investigation.)
    • sources from the standpoint of spiritual research finds that
    • than do the sources of creativity and artistic appreciation
    • otherwise. This applies even with regard to the most compelling
    • threads spun in the course of the tragedy and unraveled again
    • external world. These are in many respects hard to foresee,
    • be surmised and fathomed in sensing what takes place in
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: A Mongolian Legend
    Matching lines:
    • From the contents of this lecture: 'Fairy tales and sagas are comparable
    • wanderings, to be a trustworthy comrade throughout -- offering comradeship, and
    • making life inwardly into a truly ensouled fairy tale!'
    • (“Myths and Legends. Occult Signs and Symbols.” GA
    • Mongolian sagas and stories live on. Even without as yet
    • lifting every stone and raising it to her eye, only to
    • it breaks into a thousand pieces, for she has to convince
    • child. Seizing the object, she holds it to her eye and, her
    • and over again.
    • closer to the spiritual worlds and were themselves still able
    • here on the head only gradually become closed. A different
    • to the boundaries of the human form and disappearing into the
    • of feeling and perception of humanity in those very ancient,
    • freely and unhindered into what we call the astral world. With
    • this, they could see not only bodies, but also souls, and what
    • This organ has shrunk to become the so-called pineal gland, now
    • world-spirit speaks to us profoundly through sagas and myths.
    • Only in contemplating them from the standpoint of true
    • spiritual science do we come to understand their deep
    • What human beings expressed in such grandiose truths so
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Worldview of Herman Grimm in Relation to Spiritual Science
    Matching lines:
    • and contained in the volume Ergebnisse der
    • this lecture was given at the Architektenhaus in Berlin, may be said to
    • said that for the purpose of gradually entering into the whole
    • proclaimed and of a tone-setting nature in the cultural life of
    • teachings and theories. On the other hand, whoever
    • in some degree related directions. A direction of this sort is
    • the art historian and researcher Herman Grimm.
    • was born in 1828 and died in 1901. He appears indeed as a quite
    • characteristic figure of modern life, and yet he is, at the
    • same time, so distinctive and unique as to stand apart. Today's
    • relates to Goethe, and to our own spiritual life.
    • enthroned like an Olympian, a musical instrument in his hands,
    • — a combination of poetry and truth — it still has
    • to be said: Everything in this remarkable book,
    • from youth onwards, as it were, amid personalities who stood in
    • Goethe and Goetheanism. Herman Grimm counted as having taken
    • into himself, in a direct and personal way, something of
    • appeared to him as though it lived on. And in seeking out what
    • derived from Goethe and what was compatible with him in
    • Goethe that he sought. This then became a yardstick for him in
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 1
    Matching lines:
    • The History and Actuality of Imperialism
    • These lectures are the 16th, 17th and 18th of 18 lectures in the
    • Spiritual and Social Transformations in Human Evolution,
    • Geistige und Soziale Wandlungen in der Menschheitsenticklungen.
    • Ideas for a New Europe: Crisis and Opportunity for the West.
    • Dornach, Switzerland – February 20, 1920
    • phenomenon recently, and discussed by those who are more or less
    • historical course of events, that we stand in a very definitive
    • historical evolutionary epoch and that we can only understand this
    • Basically, what is most effective today and
    • everything said about this economic imperialism is untrue,
    • said about them, a more profound observation of the historical course
    • and finally even in Germany,
    • in Switzerland, for what Woodrow Wilson is today, he was of course
    • And one must only remember a second thing.
    • peoples and so forth. All these things were not
    • was of course a question of power. And in order to understand what
    • it's about, what is said, thought and judged, it is necessary to
    • return to the realities. And when things such as imperialism are
    • official designation in England since the beginning of the twentieth
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 2
    Matching lines:
    • The History and Actuality of Imperialism
    • These lectures are the 16th, 17th and 18th of 18 lectures in the
    • Spiritual and Social Transformations in Human Evolution,
    • Geistige und Soziale Wandlungen in der Menschheitsenticklungen.
    • Ideas for a New Europe: Crisis and Opportunity for the West.
    • Dornach, Switzerland – February 21, 1920
    • historical origin of what today may be called imperialism, and you
    • will have already noticed from what I said yesterday that it is
    • far as reality is concerned. In olden times institutions and customs
    • a certain soil from which to grow, and on the other hand they are a
    • their meaning. They have passed through the stage of symbols and have
    • understand the contemporary world under such disagreeable conditions,
    • one must direct one's attention toward the birth of a new spiritual
    • to deceive themselves, and when they recognize the deception as
    • new spiritual life. And we live in the age when we will have to be
    • participants in the fall of the platitude stage and will have to be
    • participants in the rise of the [new] spiritual life. And this will
    • the traditions they have preserved from olden times and of which they
    • still speak have become platitudes, and how the reality beneath these
    • “reputable” in the third or fourth generation and
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 3
    Matching lines:
    • The History and Actuality of Imperialism
    • These lectures are the 16th, 17th and 18th of 18 lectures in the
    • Spiritual and Social Transformations in Human Evolution,
    • Geistige und Soziale Wandlungen in der Menschheitsenticklungen.
    • Ideas for a New Europe: Crisis and Opportunity for the West.
    • Dornach, Switzerland – February 22, 1920
    • When you consider what has been said here
    • necessarily justified, but understandable — later continued on
    • create certain professions for that purpose: police and military
    • professions and therefore we have something which is no longer
    • in which the people's mentality considered the ruler to be a god and
    • thus justified in expanding his domain as far as possible. This
    • will and was thus secure passed over to the second stage. In that
    • only illustrated by the persons and deeds in the physical world.
    • can hardly be considered as existing during the first stage. And the
    • heavenly facts and personalities, then one can hold the opinion that
    • what the person does who is a divine image is right, is a true image:
    • someone else could object and say that it is not a true image. That's
    • everything, thinks that to criticize and discuss was always present
    • in human history. That is not true. Discussing and criticizing are
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture I: Anthroposophy and Natural Science
    Matching lines:
    • The Impulse for Renewal in Culture and Science
    • Anthroposophy and Natural Science
    • The Impulse for Renewal in Culture and Science, and published in German as,
    • Work and the Berlin Branch of the Anthroposophical Society. It was the aim
    • Anthroposophy and the natural sciences, philosophy, pedagogy, theology, the
    • social sciences, and linguistics. He also brings to light the biological
    • differences between humans and animals from an anthroposophical perspective.
    • “Anthroposophy and Natural Science.”
    • each day regarding the course which will take place in a
    • science and of life, and with these introductory words I ask
    • brought against Anthroposophy, and it stems from a basic belief
    • that Anthroposophy's methods stand in an unauthorised, opposing
    • contemporaries find the most difficult to understand, is this,
    • development something else needs understanding, if one wants to
    • arrive at an anthroposophic understanding, than that which one
    • systems expand to other areas of the world's phenomena. So for
    • thoughts, as it stands, you now want to extend when you enter
    • phenomena in nature, in order to understand it. You would want
    • beings and in the same terms, drenching and explaining it, thus
    • causalities which you would be doing with regard to lifeless,
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture II: The Human and the Animal Organisation
    Matching lines:
    • The Impulse for Renewal in Culture and Science
    • The Human and the Animal Organisation
    • The Impulse for Renewal in Culture and Science, and published in German as,
    • Work and the Berlin Branch of the Anthroposophical Society. It was the aim
    • Anthroposophy and the natural sciences, philosophy, pedagogy, theology, the
    • social sciences, and linguistics. He also brings to light the biological
    • differences between humans and animals from an anthroposophical perspective.
    • “The Human and the Animal Organisation.”
    • hearing Dr Kolisko's lecture today, and not present it myself.
    • out what I would say and I can only hope, as a whole, to
    • came to this treatise on the basis of some anatomical and
    • physiological studies and on which grounds of his approach to
    • During the time when Goethe, already as a young student and
    • the actual difference could be between human beings and
    • and animal morphology, of the differentiation between people,
    • who should be, to some degree, the crown of creation, and the
    • animal world. Also regarding the circumstances where the
    • and animals. Goethe didn't agree. He was of the opinion that
    • man and animal were created according to their entire
    • organisation in the same way, therefore such a detail could not
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture III: Anthroposophy and Philosophy
    Matching lines:
    • The Impulse for Renewal in Culture and Science
    • Anthroposophy and Philosophy
    • The Impulse for Renewal in Culture and Science, and published in German as,
    • Work and the Berlin Branch of the Anthroposophical Society. It was the aim
    • Anthroposophy and the natural sciences, philosophy, pedagogy, theology, the
    • social sciences, and linguistics. He also brings to light the biological
    • differences between humans and animals from an anthroposophical perspective.
    • “Anthroposophy and Philosophy.”
    • and its laws. Yet when we speak about “philology”
    • content. Because our feeling regarding philosophy is not as
    • sure as in those cases when philosophy, on the one hand was
    • aims, and on the other hand with something which points to
    • and philistine expression — the philosophic zealot of the
    • fifties, sixties and seventies of the nineteenth century,
    • era of the Fichtes, Schellings, and Hegels; surrounding you
    • there had been a world of the educated and the scholars, a
    • world which this philosophic era thoroughly dismisses and which
    • Schelling, one admires the energy and force of Fichte's
    • the striving of the “power/force and matter/substance
    • who lean towards the former idealistic philosophy. There were
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture IV: Anthroposophy and Pedagogy
    Matching lines:
    • The Impulse for Renewal in Culture and Science
    • Anthroposophy and Pedagogy
    • The Impulse for Renewal in Culture and Science, and published in German as,
    • Work and the Berlin Branch of the Anthroposophical Society. It was the aim
    • Anthroposophy and the natural sciences, philosophy, pedagogy, theology, the
    • social sciences, and linguistics. He also brings to light the biological
    • differences between humans and animals from an anthroposophical perspective.
    • “Anthroposophy and Pedagogy.”
    • view understandable, it is always accused of having its ideas
    • and results as based on research by people who first need to be
    • can't be verified from the outset by anyone and that nevertheless
    • every single person is to be immediately directed towards
    • ordinary human understanding and ordinary healthy logic. In any
    • steps towards supersensible research must be striven for, and
    • understanding. One of these areas in which results can really
    • penetrate. This was only possible in a limited area — and also
    • only to a small degree — when Emil Molt founded the Waldorf
    • through the founding of the Waldorf School did it become
    • possible to apply these things in practice, and since this time
    • are simply verified through healthy human understanding, is not
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture V: Anthroposophy and Social Science
    Matching lines:
    • The Impulse for Renewal in Culture and Science
    • Anthroposophy and Social Science
    • The Impulse for Renewal in Culture and Science, and published in German as,
    • Work and the Berlin Branch of the Anthroposophical Society. It was the aim
    • Anthroposophy and the natural sciences, philosophy, pedagogy, theology, the
    • social sciences, and linguistics. He also brings to light the biological
    • differences between humans and animals from an anthroposophical perspective.
    • “Anthroposophy and Social Science.”
    • say regarding today's task, I want to limit myself to essential
    • theoretical standpoint. Today — I mean at this very present
    • added something which I set out in my
    • question. Yes, most people at present can hardly sense that the
    • the same facts and indications acquire their form only
    • according to economic principles, economic opinions and
    • contradiction. Only, this book is not to be regarded as a
    • a direct encouragement for practical activities — practical
    • entire social life and consists in our social life being in the
    • free way from the organised legal and state life as well as
    • those who stand within it, formed out of their personal actions
    • and initiatives. However, we presently live at a time in which
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture VI: Anthroposophy and Theology
    Matching lines:
    • The Impulse for Renewal in Culture and Science
    • Anthroposophy and Theology
    • The Impulse for Renewal in Culture and Science, and published in German as,
    • Work and the Berlin Branch of the Anthroposophical Society. It was the aim
    • Anthroposophy and the natural sciences, philosophy, pedagogy, theology, the
    • social sciences, and linguistics. He also brings to light the biological
    • differences between humans and animals from an anthroposophical perspective.
    • “Anthroposophy and Theology.”
    • handed to me; a notice in “Christian World,” a
    • publication I don't know and obviously have not thought about.
    • on Friday is now an unequivocal challenge of Steiner and his
    • followers to the theologians ...” and so on.
    • misunderstood in the most profound sense, if it is regarded as
    • lectures and introductory observations in this university
    • of misunderstandings will again be linked to what I have to say
    • new misunderstandings to arise; I will renounce some of them in
    • been my intention to challenge theology and from their starting
    • so far, and really from me it has happened as little as
    • place, and sometimes people — not me particularly but
    • Towards the end of the previous century one had a certain
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Impulse of Renewal: Lecture VII: Anthroposophy and the Science of Speech
    Matching lines:
    • The Impulse for Renewal in Culture and Science
    • Anthroposophy and the Science of Speech
    • The Impulse for Renewal in Culture and Science, and published in German as,
    • Work and the Berlin Branch of the Anthroposophical Society. It was the aim
    • Anthroposophy and the natural sciences, philosophy, pedagogy, theology, the
    • social sciences, and linguistics. He also brings to light the biological
    • differences between humans and animals from an anthroposophical perspective.
    • “Anthroposophy and the Science of Speech.”
    • some remarks and so I will introduce today's work in a certain
    • course to a smaller circle regarding the items I want to talk
    • about today and it became clear to me that one really needs a
    • When speech is the subject and when one sets the goal to treat
    • Certainly one can discuss to what a degree observation lies at
    • However, this is then a discussion which happens purely within
    • life. Something strikes upward from these subconscious regions
    • and what rises, connects to conscious elements which gradually,
    • Goetheanum regarding pedagogical didactic themes. This lecture
    • place, people from other countries in western and middle
    • Europe, namely Switzerland, also gathered to listen to the
    • in the large auditorium of the Goetheanum, but could only be
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  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 1
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    • Science at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland.
    • which our movement — which is daily being endangered and
    • friends. And I would like to emphasize that in this School
    • derives, and the Center can be seen by those who wish to be
    • card, to begin in a way that will make you conscious of the
    • full responsibility towards the spirit revealed to our times
    • throughout the centuries and millennia, but revealed in each
    • epoch in a special way. And this spirit will only give to
    • towards what the sense-world has accomplished for humanity when
    • humanity and this fact should not cause us to undervalue those
    • at the outset — much prejudice and obstinacy, which is
    • own obstinacy, which hinders understanding what the School
    • matter itself demands this. And on the other hand, we must
    • follow a difficult path in face of the opposition and
    • first and foremost thing to be observed in this School must of
    • will however be demanded of the members of the School that they
    • accompany us on the difficult path strewn with obstacles and
    • is Happening in the Anthroposophical Society, and have also
    • Anthroposophical Society and this School. And it is necessary
    • First of all, I would like to present to your hearts and to
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  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 2
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    • Science at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland.
    • will relate what is said today to the previous lesson, partly
    • to preserve the thread, and partly because there are members
    • being. And we want to first develop this sensation before
    • being. We shall therefore develop this theme. And although the
    • directed towards something else, something beyond the exterior
    • Your bodily existence from earth and air and light:
    • can now observe and feel in our souls the beauty, the greatness
    • and the sublimity of the external world, but we also realize
    • again and again gives the soul the impulse and the strength
    • Therefore on the border between the sense-world and the
    • spiritual world that guardian stands who earnestly warns people
    • against crossing over into the spiritual world unprepared. And
    • mind the fact that the Guardian stands before the [entrance to]
    • beings. And we must therefore be quite clear about the
    • real knowledge and insight.
    • sensation which over and over again tells us how we must
    • approach the Guardian:
    • And
    • Yet forming you into a deeper parable,
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  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 3
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    • Science at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland.
    • us begin, my dear friends, with the words the Guardian speaks -
    • the Guardian.
    • From the tread of time's onward course
    • spiritual world. And we should not say that when someone
    • experiences in thought - if he honestly and earnestly lives in
    • world to those who are striving to be initiates and stand with
    • their souls in the spiritual world as people stand in physical
    • leads to the spiritual world, and provided the thinking is not
    • superficial, he will experience and feel fully what it means to
    • intellect can grasp, and enter the spiritual world.
    • and not merely for those who already seek the transformation
    • their thoughts. And that includes all of you, else you wouldn't
    • Therefore the following must be said: When man makes his
    • observation to action, and when he lets the combination of such
    • observations and actions have an effect on his feelings, he
    • stands to a certain extent on firm ground, for this process has
    • birth and death. Wherever he doesn't have this firm ground, he
    • outward experience. He stands on firm ground because he says to
    • held in the hand. The world, the world order itself, provides a
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  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 4
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    • Science at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland.
    • Guardian of the Threshold. And we must understand this meeting
    • with the Guardian of the Threshold is the first thing one
    • and earnestly takes place. A relationship with the spiritual
    • world cannot take place without this understanding of the
    • meeting with the Guardian of the Threshold, because the
    • completed the preliminary stages. And when he had achieved a
    • communications from the spiritual world - the teacher said to
    • What I have to say to you are the gods' thoughts, and these
    • Your memory. And I will be satisfied if you do not hold in your
    • tomorrow you forget what I have said today. Because what you
    • usually call your memory, and what others call your memory, is
    • only meant for earthly things, and not for godly things. So,
    • when you appear before me again tomorrow, and when I again
    • speak to you, appealing to your thinking, feeling, willing, and
    • and freshly vital the next day, and the day after, and every
    • said that I do not appeal to your memory, to your capacity for
    • remember nothing of what is said to you today. But you should
    • not preserve it in your memory alone. You should wait and see
    • is said to you today. For you see, memory, that capacity for
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  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 5
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    • Science at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland.
    • encounters the Guardian of the Threshold. And whether he or she
    • is able to approach and come to an understanding of the
    • spiritual world in any form, depends upon understanding the
    • essence of this Guardian. In particular, we have seen how what
    • undergoes a substantial transformation in the Guardian of the
    • and willing go different ways upon entering the spiritual
    • the spiritual world, in a certain sense thinking, feeling and
    • penetrates when it shines upon the earth in the morning, and
    • evening. Thinking, however, is the force which relates upwards
    • to the heavenly. So that in the moment that man stands before
    • the Guardian of the Threshold, this Guardian draws his
    • the universe occurs. For normal consciousness we stand here in
    • to human beings. So here we stand, apart, looking inwards at
    • our thinking, feeling and willing, aware that our thinking,
    • feeling and willing are somewhat separated, apart from external
    • nature. And we feel a deep chasm between our human nature and
    • threshold itself. And our being able to perceive the threshold
    • us, nor do we ask the plants, or the animals - and in this
    • And
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  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 6
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    • Science at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland.
    • be learned from the Guardian of the Threshold. And the
    • Guardian's continuous admonition is that man be aware that he
    • vegetable kingdom and the mineral kingdom. These relations
    • offer him the opportunity to admire them and to use them to
    • his external world, and with normal consciousness he is
    • hardly aware of how he has evolved out of this world, how a
    • one's gaze wander over this exterior world. One must advance to
    • a self-knowledge of belonging to this world. And when one
    • can say: our feet stand on the ground of the solid
    • [written on the blackboard]
    • And
    • animals, plants and minerals and also in our physical human
    • bodies. And when we lift our gaze from the ground beneath our
    • and in order to use it in his own organism it must be
    • And
    • around us and at the same time within us, so that we must
    • consider it as the content of the world and of ourselves. So we
    • what we designate as Air and what we designate as Warmth.
    • and
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  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 7
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    • Science at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland.
    • and I am therefore obliged to again say a few words about its
    • the Christmas Conference and the one we now have since
    • of administrative body for anthroposophical teaching and
    • friends, and above all it must be grasped with deep
    • earnestness. For a distinction exists between the
    • Anthroposophical Society in general and this Esoteric School
    • Society will, as a matter of course and according to the
    • principle of openness, not be able to demand anything more from
    • anthroposophy is and that they are in a certain sense listeners
    • to what anthroposophy says; and that they receive from it what
    • Esoteric School, which will gradually be expanded to include
    • effect of reflecting on anthroposophy in the world; and it must
    • Therefore, more and more a serious, in a certain sense strict
    • support anthroposophy. It is going to be very difficult and the
    • And
    • instituted from the spiritual world and which intends to act
    • What I will now say is within the circle of the School, and
    • what is said within the circle of the School remains within the
    • individual states of the former German Empire independent and
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  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 8
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    • Science at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland.
    • who have never heard it, so I must emphasize it once again.
    • emphasized that the anthroposophical movement and the
    • wisdom and life impulses into human civilization today which
    • can and should be obtained for our present time directly from
    • powers which guide and lead the world and affect human history
    • and life. And it had to be continually emphasized that
    • anthroposophy as such is beyond and above any societal
    • organization and the Anthroposophical Society is the exoteric
    • case. And only because the opposite is the case was I able to
    • (Vorstand) which was formed during the Christmas Conference and
    • character. The investment of the Vorstand was thus an esoteric
    • thus founded thrive. So, the anthroposophical movement and the
    • Thus, the Vorstand at Dornach is an initiative-Vorstand, as was
    • through the Anthroposophical Society and to do everything
    • position of the Vorstand at Dornach within the Anthroposophical
    • Society is therewith given. And it must be clear that from now
    • rather do the statutes describe what the Vorstand intends. And
    • issued a membership card, which is signed by me, so that even
    • not being exactly comfortable to sign twelve thousand
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  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 9
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    • Science at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland.
    • can, my dear friends, look up to the distant stars and let our
    • enhanced inner strength. And especially for the strength to
    • hold the soul separate from the body, we need to inwardly
    • direct our gaze toward the heavenly bodies. By
    • “inwardly” is meant the following: We have seen the
    • stars so often and have stored the vision in our hearts and
    • And
    • we can also observe all that radiates down and streams through
    • us from the planets which circle the earth, and in their
    • circling directly affect the earth's wind and weather. And when
    • And
    • becomes a facet of our soul, and it is the third aspect.
    • And
    • luminous, radiant, living thought derived from the stars; and
    • in movement through the cosmos itself. And thirdly, if we then
    • itself, then we will gradually and harmoniously be more and
    • world. And today everyone can make this beginning.
    • only spiritual beings in the spiritual world, and they must be
    • to the earth and make us people of the earth. Therefore whoever
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  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 10
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    • Science at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland.
    • individual must find the way to understanding what it means to
    • And to give
    • by means of the various considerations and the summarizing of
    • meditated upon according to each member's possibilities and
    • our senses and reason only in connection with the
    • understand everything offered by anthroposophy, if it exerts
    • itself sufficiently and is free of prejudice. But it is just in
    • anthroposophical truths, lets them work on him and considers
    • member, it would not be honest of them. And honesty is the most
    • penetrating the human soul and spirit.
    • common sense from physicality and the senses to be able to
    • common sense which understands anthroposophy, then at the
    • independently of corporeality. And this healthy common sense
    • esoteric striving. And we should treasure the fact that healthy
    • common sense which understands anthroposophy is the beginning
    • starts with this understanding through healthy common sense and
    • one proceeds farther and farther along the esoteric path. You
    • develop the ability to observe and study the minerals and
    • within — if only by means of thinking — and become
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  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 11
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    • Science at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland.
    • — although it is something long expected and which
    • work on her and lived with them in an extraordinarily
    • the Anthroposophical Society and through this esoteric school
    • esoteric was essential to her and she experienced it
    • said.
    • But not only that, it also depends on which physical and
    • My dear sisters and brothers, we should never give up
    • of freedom. Every individual is called to his life's task and
    • according to our time and to the future. The flowering time
    • are to be renewed, in the fullest sense of the word and in
    • the appropriate form. And once these things have been thought
    • is to renew the Mysteries. And only, my dear sisters and
    • brothers, if we are permeated with the will to understand
    • Mysteries, can we participate in the Mysteries and in the
    • Lesson, then what I have just said can live in your hearts.
    • saw how we place ourselves in the world process and how in
    • You all know, my dear sisters and brothers, what has
    • respiratory and circulatory organs are concentrated. All
    • limbs-metabolism-organization, localized downward and
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  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 12
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    • Science at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland.
    • Self-knowledge, my dear sisters and brothers, is what, in a
    • spiritual sense, can lead to cosmic knowledge. And it has often
    • been said that understanding must exist for true spiritual
    • that we must understand that the person who is able to transmit
    • threshold; that the Guardian of the Threshold stands at the
    • threshold, the Guardian who protects the person in normal
    • But it is just when one gets to know this Guardian –
    • at first by means of healthy human understanding – then
    • later in its true form, in its real essence, then the Guardian
    • spiritual world in the right way, and then to stand within the
    • It has also often been said that this living in the
    • wants something different than really standing within the
    • sense perceptible world. It is super-sensible though, and can
    • of the spiritual world. And many of you, my dear sisters and
    • attention to how the spirit acts and weaves within psychic
    • experience. It works and weaves. And it is a matter of
    • this working and weaving.
    • Therefore more and more real indications should be given to
    • sisters and brothers. And the following can be such an
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  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 13
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    • Science at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland.
    • Well, my dear sisters and brothers, in the
    • reside, so to speak: the Angels, Archangels and
    • And I also pointed out last time how this
    • something innerly and intensely in a low voice, or even out
    • loud, we feel the speaking within and we can designate the
    • And over the speaking, more toward the
    • Archangeloi; and in remembrance, under the speaking, the
    • And the mantric verse which leads us to
    • us, so to speak, and therewith the Guardian of the Threshold
    • Then, secondly, how the Guardian of the
    • And thirdly, the Guardian again admonishes
    • resounding to us, and hear the Guardian and the hierarchies
    • Guardian of the Threshold speaking to us, the ranks of the
    • picture I drew on the blackboard the last time, we gradually
    • back of the head, through which we approach the movement and
    • And so, my dear sisters and brothers, we can say that
    • was also set forth and which should also be felt and
    • feeling sphere – breathing and blood circulation
    • and where the will arises, but which is only
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  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 14
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    • Science at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland.
    • Guardian of the Threshold and have led our souls step by step
    • to see what our relation is to the Guardian of the Threshold
    • situation of standing before the Guardian in order to advance
    • regarding this situation. Man leaves the physical world in
    • as well as painful and full of suffering, it can also be majestic
    • and that he has every reason to consciously be a part
    • he merely directs his attention and his feelings to this
    • is, with all its amazing variety of colors and forms, what I
    • myself am, what my origin and being are, cannot be found in
    • And it also becomes clear that in normal life we are
    • the world which is the world of his real being. And the
    • Guardian of the Threshold is the one who protects us from
    • The Guardian of the Threshold also makes it clear to us that he
    • — the Guardian of the Threshold — is the true,
    • But the Guardian of the Threshold calls forth to him how to
    • impure willing, feeling and thinking — that they first
    • must be overcome. And in a graphic image one sees how his
    • willing, feeling and thinking appear in three animals —
    • one ghastly, one horrid to look at, and so forth.
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  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 15
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    • Science at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland.
    • events and cosmic beings, if they can truly understand with
    • inner heart and soul what certain cosmic beings and events
    • My dear sisters and brothers, my dear friends,
    • in order to grasp with full understanding what the content of
    • We have so far covered, my dear sisters and brothers,
    • world in which we live, which surrounds us here, and that
    • correctly, how this world demands our intense attention. We
    • look down at the lowest creatures and up at the glowing,
    • part of us. And we have every reason to deeply feel in our
    • hearts and souls the sublimity, the cosmic importance and the
    • majesty of all this. And participation in any kind of
    • world – and not feel their greatness, their majesty and
    • also be aware – and we can be aware of it if we put our
    • hearts and souls into the phenomena and beings and events of
    • the world in the right way – we can and should be
    • found in the sunlit shining world, despite it's grandeur and
    • perception by an abyss; and that what is beyond that abyss in
    • first as the blackest darkness. It stands like a wall before
    • The first being we encounter stands at this abyss.
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  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 16
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    • Science at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland.
    • from the cosmos near and far, which can be heard by everyone
    • who correctly understands the world. But before doing so,
    • the School and what is brought to human souls are to be
    • From this you will understand that membership in the School
    • must be regarded as serious in the highest degree.
    • to be receivers of anthroposophical wisdom. And, of course,
    • and revealed from here in the Goetheanum. Such a condition
    • And the fact that no one is obliged to be a member of the
    • leadership of the School and those who wish to be
    • it considers necessary because of certain events. And, my
    • And I must again emphasize that this measure will have to be
    • strictly adhered to in the future, regardless of the
    • And now the words will be spoken which are
    • events and beings of the world to all those who have the
    • heart to understand them: the admonition to self-knowledge,
    • in meditation we imagine the being standing at the abyss of
    • and the waves, the thunder and lightning. We see everything
    • We must never despise the grandeur and awesome
    • we must go forward step by step in the world and be able to
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  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 17
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    • Science at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland.
    • understanding of the universe, resounds to human hearts from all
    • that is and all that is becoming as a call to self-knowledge,
    • Man's path to the abyss of existence, at which the Guardian of
    • the Threshold stands, appeared before our souls. We heard the
    • teachings the Guardian gives to those who cross the threshold. We
    • heard how the person who arrives on the other side of the
    • threshold at first feels himself to be within light, and
    • the Guardian says, but also what the beings of the higher
    • hierarchies are saying. In the last dialog the Guardian asks a
    • question and the Angeloi, Exusiai, Thrones; Archangeloi, Dynamis,
    • and reveals itself to be a moral element on the other side of the
    • We saw how the Guardian then speaks to the I, asking three
    • questions which penetrate deeply into the human being, and the I
    • words as in a deeply intimate conversation with the Guardian.
    • The Guardian speaks:
    • The Guardian:
    • And may its presence now
    • The Guardian:
    • And may their harmonies
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  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 18
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    • Science at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland.
    • objectively pays attention to all the beings and events in nature
    • and spiritual life, will pass before our souls again at the
    • my dear sisters and brothers, we have followed the path leading
    • to the Guardian of the Threshold, to the abyss of being. We have
    • progressed to where the Guardian of the Threshold instructs us so
    • that what was previously dark and gloomy — although we knew
    • that it contained the source of our being — expanded and
    • became light. And then, in the increasing light, we heard the
    • Guardian's call:
    • And the voices of the Angeloi, Archangeloi, Archai are
    • And turn, by the world inspired
    • And we see how through the flooding light in the
    • third hierarchy illuminate and are illuminated; we see the
    • Kyriotetes; and we are witnesses to how the Exusiai, Dynamis,
    • And then — impelled from within — we must turn our
    • live and move.
    • And now we come to a truth, which is perceived where
    • their beauty, where their spiritual acts take place. And we
    • And now we realize that spirit, in which we now
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  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 19
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    • Science at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland.
    • that is, was in the past and will be in the future, calls
    • My dear sisters and brothers, we have let
    • force, contain the path into spirit-land, first passing the
    • Guardian of the Threshold into what is at first a dark,
    • And finally we have been able to move on to the cosmic
    • beings of the first hierarchy speak. And now we are able to
    • The Guardian brings it to our attention; we
    • After the Guardian reveals to us this
    • Angeloi, Archangeloi and Archai we hear resound:
    • And turn, by the world inspired,
    • And once we have heard how the beings of the
    • Thrones, Seraphim and Cherubim:
    • Now we stand within the Spirit-Word, the
    • The Guardian is there in the distance. We had
    • spirit-ear from afar. The Guardian speaks:
    • My dear sisters and brothers, if we wish to
    • fleeting thoughts understand as “I am” is only
    • first enter the realm of the Seraphim, Cherubim and
    • must listen to the Guardian of the Threshold's question:
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  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XX (recapitulation)
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    • Science at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland.
    • given the first nineteen First Class Lessons (Volumes One and
    • Furthermore, much new and valuable material is introduced,
    • and probably will to the next lessons as well —
    • these Class Lessons will not be a disadvantage for those
    • that it works again and again on the soul. Therefore, for those
    • And
    • the advantages of their continued striving, in that again and
    • that sense. And so for the members of the School who are here
    • beforehand.
    • said yesterday — an esoteric breath that can already be
    • leadership of the Anthroposophical Society, and thus had to
    • worlds. And it has often been declared among anthroposophists
    • nineteenth century. And it was made known that this guidance
    • has a very special significance for the spiritual life and
    • substance of the planetary system, to which the sun, earth and
    • about three to four centuries. And when we consider the
    • stands, when we consider Michael, we have the Archangelos who
    • and supports.
    • And
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  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXI (recapitulation)
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    • Science at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland.
    • y dear sisters and brothers,
    • resound from all the beings and events of the world to
    • unbiased hearts and minds [Gemüte]. Everything in the
    • following words was said to human beings in the past, is said
    • to then in the present, and will be said to them in the
    • from all the things of the world and from all the events of the
    • sensory world and enter into the world beyond the yawning abyss
    • truly solve the riddle of humanity, what shines and is radiant
    • And
    • and feeling, the figure of the Guardian of the Threshold
    • We heard him speaking: for everything spoken here resounds from
    • Michael School. And he also spoke about human self-knowledge.
    • Guardian calls us to stand close to him. He looks at us with
    • earnest countenance. And he shows us how our willing, our
    • time, in order to press forward to true self-knowledge.
    • by the Guardian by letting the first of the beasts, which
    • Then, raising his hand and pointing to the yawning abyss of
    • And
    • and tepidity in respect of knowledge, yes, hate of knowledge
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  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXII (recapitulation)
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    • Science at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland.
    • y dear sisters and brothers,
    • dear sisters and brothers, we will again begin by letting our
    • in the present and will hear in the future, which allow them to
    • dear sisters and brothers, the description of the path to
    • knowledge has led us to the Guardian of the Threshold. Once the
    • Guardian of the Threshold, at the edge of the abyss of being,
    • Beings of the spiritual world; after the Guardian has shown us
    • they are inwardly observed, but that these forces appear to the
    • us by the Guardian of the Threshold; after the Guardian of the
    • shows us the path forward, which leads to ennoblement in
    • self-knowledge, and which must be followed if the exhortation
    • After he first showed us how we should stand in respect to our
    • thinking, feeling and willing, he shows us — in the
    • we are then interwoven out in the cosmic ether and are at least
    • feeling being and seeming are united, how there our being
    • strength; how, however, we should understand that not only what
    • is perishable and seeming in our being arises, but also the
    • descends into the will, and we feel the cosmic creating powers
    • These were the Guardian of the Threshold's words at the edge of
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  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXIII (recapitulation)
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    • Science at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland.
    • y dear sisters and brothers,
    • introduction about the task and meaning of the School and about
    • time, and I must remind the members who are to give the
    • spoken by all the Beings and processes of the world to the
    • human being who wishes to be worthy of the name, and who has an
    • world. And we are exhorted from all sides, from all the Beings
    • of all the kingdoms of nature and all the kingdoms of spirit to
    • path to world-knowledge. Thus, all the Beings of nature and of
    • present, and will exhort humans in the future. These exhorting
    • all sides, from the east and the west, from the south and the
    • north, from above and below, may also today begin to describe
    • have seen how the seeker of knowledge approaches the Guardian
    • which show the true nature of his present willing, feeling and
    • world — how he is gradually lifted up by the Guardian of
    • And
    • we have already heard what the Guardian of the Threshold speaks
    • to the one he wants to lift up, how he points, on the one hand,
    • above, where a battle is taking place between the light and the
    • streams into our humanity. The Guardian of the Threshold thinks
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  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXIV (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • Science at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland.
    • y Dear Sisters and Brothers,
    • duties and meaning of this Michael School. Therefore, I ask the
    • so in the manner I will describe at the end of the Lesson, and
    • And
    • enough, from all the kingdoms of nature and the hierarchies of
    • words sounded forth to man from all the stones and plants,
    • clouds, stars, from the sun and the moon, from the springs and
    • dear sisters and brothers, in the description of the path of
    • knowledge we have reached the place where we stand before the
    • Guardian at the abyss of being. The Guardian of the Threshold
    • of nature, what on and from the earth lives and moves, what
    • shines and speaks from the realm of the stars — to the
    • extent we can perceive it with the senses and with our reason
    • this living and interweaving which is so grand and powerful, so
    • beautiful and magnificent in the outer world, remains dark and
    • Then it was described how we approach the Guardian little by
    • Then we reached the Guardian of the Threshold. He showed us
    • what the true shape of our willing, feeling and thinking is
    • fainthearted and having fear of knowledge lives in us, as hate
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXV (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • Science at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland.
    • y dear sisters and brothers,
    • character and the responsibilities connected with the School
    • must request that those of you who were already here and have
    • him from all the kingdoms of nature and from all the spiritual
    • own being, and also exhort him to recognize, through his own
    • from all that interweaves and lives in the earthly depths, in
    • water and air, in warmth and light, from what lives in the
    • mountains and springs, in rocks, in the plants and animals, in
    • dear sisters and brothers, the description of the spiritual
    • all that creeps and flies, in all that our senses perceive in
    • must find the way past the Guardian of the Threshold, who has
    • become bright there, and in this brightness the light arises to
    • illumine before the eyes of our soul our own being, and
    • therewith the being and essence and interweaving of the
    • must be clear to us that in the moment — and we have come
    • abyss of being, past the Guardian of the Threshold, in that
    • us look, my dear sisters and brothers, at our human existence
    • as it is between birth and death on earth: we grasp the world
    • willing. But thinking, feeling and willing are interwoven in
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXVI (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • Science at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland.
    • dear Sisters and Brothers,
    • the whole Anthroposophical Society. And those members of the
    • now, and should do so in the future.
    • and therewith the necessity arose to build a bridge to the
    • the course of time this will of Michael again and again
    • world. And when we look back in the evolution of time, we find
    • Mystery of Golgotha, in the time of Alexander in Greece through
    • the Chthonian and Celestial mysteries, and which was to spread
    • to Asia and Africa. Where the Michael-Will reigns, there is
    • most important influence, related to Aristotle and to
    • Alexander, which was under the impulse of Michael, was followed
    • by that of Oriphiel, and after Oriphiel came the Anael impulse,
    • the 19th century. And since the seventies of the
    • manner - what can be clear to you, my sisters and brothers,
    •    And everything connected with the Christmas
    • inspired and guided by Michael. It therefore rightfully exists
    • supersensible community, whose guide and leader is Michael
    • And
    • utmost earnestness. It is really necessary, my dear sisters and
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture I: The True Form of the Social Question
    Matching lines:
    • Winter of 1919 at Zurich, Switzerland. Here Steiner profers ideas to
    • solve the social problems and necessities required by life, by studying
    • the life sciences and social life, and the living conditions of the
    • particular and its correlation to humanity's mobility in the
    • history of more recent times I need to address in my upcoming
    • lectures various things which are connected to the cause and
    • on the one hand and under complete misunderstanding of some
    • leading personalities regarding the social question, on the
    • other. Things would have developed in a different way if this
    • fear and misunderstanding were not there. Then again, in the
    • within the social movement, call for hope in themselves and
    • others to activate the actual possibility towards restoring
    • to take a stand towards the social question and to intervene in
    • the social demands appearing in the history of this time.
    • Just at this moment when, as we said, solutions to the social
    • looking at the spiritual efforts, at literature and anything
    • and in discussions with the intention of relating them to the
    • the social demands are apparent in life itself. Despite all
    • viewpoint of theoretical science, nor out of mere notions and
    • social life which has come forward. Much has been heard in
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture II: Comparisons at Solving the Social Question based on Life's Realities
    Matching lines:
    • Based on Life's Realities and the Necessity for a Scientific
    • Winter of 1919 at Zurich, Switzerland. Here Steiner profers ideas to
    • solve the social problems and necessities required by life, by studying
    • the life sciences and social life, and the living conditions of the
    • Social Question Based on Life's Realities and the Necessity
    • one lecture is not to be taken as independent and judged this
    • properly observed evolutionary forces of humanity and in
    • pronounced at present and valid for the near future of
    • question through the aspirations or the demands of a state, of
    • our time here, it is relevant to reveal and substantiate my
    • technical operation of economic life and its relationships and
    • observe this modern technology and modern capitalism as they
    • economic life supported by technology and modern capitalism
    • have worked in a natural self-evident way and brought order
    • awareness towards technology and capitalism, the awareness was
    • understanding in order to orientate it towards the healing of
    • works incorporating the nerves and senses. One could call the
    • most important member of this system where the nerves and
    • a real understanding of this organism it is necessary to
    • relationship with breathing, blood circulation and everything
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture III: Fanaticism Versus a Real Conception of Life in Social Thinking and Willing
    Matching lines:
    • Thinking and Willing.
    • Winter of 1919 at Zurich, Switzerland. Here Steiner profers ideas to
    • solve the social problems and necessities required by life, by studying
    • the life sciences and social life, and the living conditions of the
    • Thinking and Willing.”
    • social situation, particularly where restrictions and
    • made an understanding between different classes of humanity
    • thinking and willing. One could say an abyss exists between
    • thought habits and what I characterized last week, this having
    • available; not much of their actual view on life and their
    • and social soul wisdom than you actually realize, on both
    • leaders on the one side and on the other the soul impulses of
    • the up-and-coming Proletarians, know how big the cleft is
    • between them, how difficult understanding is; this failure to
    • understand is both a world historic and also a social fact of
    • other, and vice versa. For this reason, it is also so difficult
    • Proletarians and to those things which are the actual main
    • in true reality hardly be considered.
    • many, will stand out, that the modern Proletarian, considered
    • be found just like economic- and community building in the old
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture IV: The Evolution of Social Thinking and Willing and Life's Circumstances for Current Humanity
    Matching lines:
    • The Evolution of Social Thinking and Willing and Life's
    • Winter of 1919 at Zurich, Switzerland. Here Steiner profers ideas to
    • solve the social problems and necessities required by life, by studying
    • the life sciences and social life, and the living conditions of the
    • “The Evolution of Social Thinking and Willing and Life's
    • this week and last week, proves from a certain point of view
    • thinking and social will have been adapting in the course of
    • more and more. It will become the determining factor towards
    • the powers of the most individual behaviour. People are hardly
    • able to understand their position within the human community
    • which heaves and pulses with social impulses under examination,
    • thinking and social willing. As a result, the continuation of
    • found towards understanding such things by doing what one
    • usually does, by taking history as a straight line and
    • regarding it as cause and effect in order to always reach a
    • course of events, or rather better said: of the presence of
    • corresponding way by observing time and again how in the course
    • order to really understand the history of life. As much as
    • current humanity is averse to such observation and listening,
    • understanding of life and to point out such things with radical
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture V: The Social Will as the Basis Towards a New, Scientific Procedure
    Matching lines:
    • 1st Public Lecture added to the 4 lectures on the Social Question
    • The Social Will as the Basis Towards a New, Scientific Procedure.
    • Winter of 1919 at Zurich, Switzerland. Here Steiner profers ideas to
    • solve the social problems and necessities required by life, by studying
    • the life sciences and social life, and the living conditions of the
    • added to the 4 lectures on the Social Question
    • “The Social Will as the Basis Towards a New, Scientific
    • “The social will as a basis towards a new, scientific
    • I consider necessary with regard to the facts which the social
    • movement has brought into the present, and is expressed far
    • more clearly than what formerly had been discussed and
    • negotiated regarding the social question in the course of the
    • over a long time, up to our present times and to notice how the
    • social impulses in their aims tend more and more to the one or
    • part of Goethe's “Faust” and come to the scene
    • something out of mere theory, mere outer dry and sober facts
    • taking abstractions drawn from outer life and forming something
    • me as a metamorphosis, one could say, in all the impulses and
    • instincts of many of our contemporaries who want to address the
    • social will and allow some superstitions to dominate. One can
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture VI: What Significance does Work have for the Modern Proletarian?
    Matching lines:
    • 2nd Public Lecture added to the 4 lectures on the Social Question
    • Winter of 1919 at Zurich, Switzerland. Here Steiner profers ideas to
    • solve the social problems and necessities required by life, by studying
    • the life sciences and social life, and the living conditions of the
    • added to the 4 lectures on the Social Question
    • concluded that now again an understanding needs to be
    • addressed, an understanding so strongly yearned for which has
    • confusion, and those in it notice that the water is up to their
    • mouths and they are no longer able to swim in this sea. They
    • has actually happened and what is going on at present, for
    • those who are searching for such an understanding, it is so
    • of the entire development of modern times and out of the last
    • saying they lived in a capitalistic economic order and felt
    • countries and continents but over world oceans they could
    • quickly come to an understanding; how far humanity has come
    • through a certain education and taken part in what they called
    • soul sensitivities had to let the call be heard: ‘Does modern
    • foundation as their labour, towards a social order in which
    • come to such a frightening expression for those who understand
    • the most intensive way: ‘Can we have a dignified human
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Lecture: Richard Wagner and Mysticism
    Matching lines:
    • Richard Wagner and Mysticism
    • shorthand report unrevised by the lecturer and published by kind
    • Philosophisch-Anthroposophischer Verlag, Dornach, Switzerland.
    • Richard Wagner and Mysticism
    • shorthand report unrevised by the lecturer and published by kind
    • Philosophisch-Anthroposophischer Verlag, Dornach, Switzerland.
    • into the culture of the present and immediate future. It will begin to
    • speaking of Richard Wagner, I certainly do not mean to imply
    • people say: ‘You tell us all kinds of things about Richard Wagner, but
    • impulse of which we shall speak lived in Richard Wagner in the form of
    • and try to discover the laws underlying its growth and life? Is not
    • this the very thing that helps him to understand its nature? And will
    • which help us to understand the achievements of an artist need not be
    • Another stumbling-block which may crop up now-a-days, is connected
    • for he admitted that very much remains obscure and nebulous in the
    • nebulous and vague. But true Mystics have never done this. Precisely
    • to-day we hear it said in academic circles: ‘To such and such a point
    • clear cognition can attain; from that point onwards, however, we grope
    • blindly among the secrets of Nature with vague feelings, and Mysticism
    • the depths of existence with a light as radiant and clear as that of
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Lecture: Spiritual Wisdom in the Early Christian Centuries
    Matching lines:
    • A lecture given at Dornach, July 16th, 1922. From a shorthand report
    • Philosophisch-Anthroposophischer Verlag, Dornach, Switzerland.
    • A lecture given at Dornach, July 16th, 1922. From a shorthand report
    • Philosophisch-Anthroposophischer Verlag, Dornach, Switzerland.
    • I HAVE said on many occasions that at the time when medieval culture
    • I have described as knowledge through revelation and knowledge
    • cognition and must in every case be accepted as traditions of the
    • be the guardian of this kind of knowledge.
    • research and investigation, albeit those who stood wholly within the
    • reason could not in any sense be regarded as knowledge emanating from
    • School, for instance, that a distinction could be made between
    • knowledge acquired by reason and knowledge through revelation (in the
    • knew too that by dint of spiritual training and through Initiation, a
    • man could unfold higher faculties of knowledge and that by these means
    • the centuries when Greek philosophy came to flower in Plato and
    • Aristotle, and the kind of knowledge that made its appearance about
    • the end of the fourth century A.D. I have often referred to one aspect
    • men. And indeed there were many who applied their Initiation-wisdom
    • and were thus able, with super-sensible knowledge, to realise the
    • strained every nerve to understand how a Being like the Christ, Who
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Community Building
    Matching lines:
    • These lectures, given after the burning of the first Goetheanum and
    • 'searching of conscience' and without reservation makes an assessment of
    • encounters with others and describes how the 'reversed cultus' forms the
    • since Sylvester Eve of 1922-23, there stands out in the
    • Goetheanum for the sake of Anthroposophy, the pain and sorrow
    • are necessarily so great and of such a character as to be
    • eyes toward the spiritual, such as our Anthroposophical
    • question here was not simply, as I have often said, that a
    • of a group of self-sacrificing and devoted persons the purpose
    • the situation was that Anthroposophy stands upon a spiritual
    • humanity — the moral and religious, the scientific, and
    • an artistic way the construction of this building, and for
    • direction of every line, in every external architectural and
    • life, and Anthroposophical will. In the drawing of every line,
    • Anthroposophical Movement in the aspect of knowledge and in
    • the Eurythmy movements out of the interior architecture and
    • paintings and forms of the auditorium, and the stage was in the
    • out of the architectural and sculptural forms. If one stood on
    • the platform and spoke with one's whole heart out of the
    • been made, and one could sense this, and it is for this reason
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Community Building
    Matching lines:
    • These lectures, given after the burning of the first Goetheanum and
    • 'searching of conscience' and without reservation makes an assessment of
    • encounters with others and describes how the 'reversed cultus' forms the
    • it can flow into our daily purposes and the attitude of mind in
    • which we do our daily work. And so, I should like to give
    • yesterday in that manner in regard to the community-building
    • which is possible in the Anthroposophical Society, and I should
    • what was possible in the successive epochs of history and also,
    • determined by the character and capacities of the persons who
    • from the most serious and important down to those whose inner
    • and as a matter of necessity where certain conditions are
    • and genuine human brotherliness is striven for among the
    • statutes of such a society — and, as I have said, with a
    • statement that it strives for brotherliness on the one hand and
    • is that, within these societies based upon brotherliness and
    • dissension, for separating and founding independent groups
    • who have withdrawn, and the like. In short, what may be called
    • understanding this phenomenon. And what I have to say in these
    • the three stages of human experience as regards the phenomenon
    • awakes now simply through the natural impulses and necessities
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 1: Evolution and Consciousness, Lucifer, Ahriman
    Matching lines:
    • questions around the theme of the polarities of West and East,
    • materialism and mysticism, knowledge and belief.
    • and how these forces are trying to wrest human destiny from
    • quite clear on a number of occasions that to understand
    • evolution as a whole and also in human lives.
    • said to be taking its normal course. Spiritual science
    • serious view of these things today, but our hearts and
    • pay proper attention to the way these luciferic and
    • with the intellect, and we have come to believe that
    • people were thinking in a different way. They simply did
    • Their thinking was very much more vivid and concrete,
    • them. They were much more bound up with the feelings and
    • evolution to get a real understanding of the origins of
    • and continue to be present side by side with those that
    • and going to sleep and the world of dream images which we
    • thinking. This ancestor said — and I must translate
    • what he said into our language, for his language was a
    • and active in the cloud out there produce images in my
    • rest of the body. The human ancestor said: I am part of
    • images is the same as the power that is alive and active
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 2: East, West, and the Culture of Middle Europe, the Science of Initiation
    Matching lines:
    • questions around the theme of the polarities of West and East,
    • materialism and mysticism, knowledge and belief.
    • and how these forces are trying to wrest human destiny from
    • said on a number of occasions, and also two days ago when
    • science and grow aware of the gravity of the present
    • should like to add some further building stones to an
    • present-day tenor of the human mind and spirit and how we
    • by taking this state of mind and spirit as our basis. To
    • has by and large descended from the human race that
    • It has been said on a number of occasions that Atlantis
    • occupied an area between present-day Europe, Africa and
    • the course of its preparation and later as it proceeded
    • eastward direction, populating Europe and then Asia as
    • they moved on, and that the European and Asian peoples of
    • took the opposite route and people coming to colonize
    • and Asia, descendants of the ancient Atlantean race that
    • in conventional anthropology and it is not realized that
    • comes to expression in climatic conditions and provides a
    • habitat. You can conclude from this — and spiritual
    • difference between the populations of Asia and of Europe.
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 3: Political Empires
    Matching lines:
    • questions around the theme of the polarities of West and East,
    • materialism and mysticism, knowledge and belief.
    • and how these forces are trying to wrest human destiny from
    • few things I want to add to the points we have been
    • human beings, and therefore into real life. They are the
    • only ideas to fire the human will and human actions.
    • civic communities of towns formed a relative whole, and
    • ‘states’ — as I have said on a number
    • groups. Subsequently states developed out of this, and
    • human evolution and do not fit in with the way of
    • thinking that has become customary in Western Europe and
    • prehistoric times of ancient Egypt, or as far as Chaldea,
    • and we shall find that it was considered a matter of
    • office by the priesthood and its institutions. They felt
    • the one and only idea we have today when we speak of
    • and so on tend to be abstract to an extreme degree.
    • is the product of the natural and social life of the
    • present day. He tells me this and that, I tell him this
    • the product of the usual natural and social background
    • really almost the only way in which we behave towards
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 4: Western Secret Societies, Jesuitism, Leninism
    Matching lines:
    • questions around the theme of the polarities of West and East,
    • materialism and mysticism, knowledge and belief.
    • and how these forces are trying to wrest human destiny from
    • from the profound depths of human nature and coming to
    • going on at present. On the other hand many of our fellow
    • and pay genuine attention to the forces that shape our
    • roots mainly among the English-speaking peoples and is
    • that are understandable and indeed also justifiable. In
    • spite of their narrow-minded views and in spite of a
    • and able to be to the fore in public life nowadays
    • and the like, but still large numbers of our fellow
    • as regards the way they form ideas, present-day people
    • Ages. That was a great and significant way of thinking,
    • sensibilities and forming ideas. These are the people who
    • hold more or less socialist views, and there are many of
    • Lenin and Trotsky [ Note
    • with the help of just a few thousand. That particular
    • and we are still thinking in terms of major
    • and genuine spiritual-scientific movement. If we compare
    • aroused within a relatively short time, and with the
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 5: How the Material Can Be Understood Only through the Spirit
    Matching lines:
    • questions around the theme of the polarities of West and East,
    • materialism and mysticism, knowledge and belief.
    • and how these forces are trying to wrest human destiny from
    • number of people to fully understand the following. To
    • coming to a crest in the 19th and then tumbling over in
    • facts are rather different, however, and should be seen
    • water kept circulating with the aid of a pump. Our
    • the major factors being breathing, hunger, thirst and so
    • on. These clearly function at the level of soul and
    • primary causes, and the movement of the heart arises when
    • principle, and the heart is caught up in this rhythm. The
    • and indeed from their earliest childhood.
    • therefore has to be said that materialism has not even
    • managed to get a real understanding of the physical
    • is not a pump. It it something we might regard more as a
    • quite a difference in human life if doctors have the
    • with everything else in life, and because of this
    • dinned into us and we have become used to thinking that
    • in conventional institutes nowadays, in physiological and
    • biological laboratories, in hospitals and similar
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 6: Materialism and Mysticism, Knowledge as a Deed of the Soul
    Matching lines:
    • questions around the theme of the polarities of West and East,
    • materialism and mysticism, knowledge and belief.
    • and how these forces are trying to wrest human destiny from
    • here in recent times. Again and again the point has been
    • proper regard must be paid to the gravity of the present
    • situation. In principle everything I have said so far has
    • more and more of our members to come to feel this in
    • decline — you know about the book by Oswald
    • do people regard the search for truth within this
    • eminently practical people, regard the search for the
    • truth as something theoretical and not as a real deed
    • with will impulses, a deed in the total context of the
    • evolution of the earth and of humankind.
    • the way recognition of the truth must be seen as a deed,
    • traditional religious creeds hardly play a role in the
    • the Jesuits, by positive Protestantism and so on, would
    • however, for progressive evolution. As I have said on a
    • unaware of this. Characteristically, and it is something
    • descriptions given of the human etheric and astral bodies
    • in those circles, where these bodies were merely said to
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 7: Materialism, Mysticism, Anthroposophy, Liberalism, Conservatism
    Matching lines:
    • questions around the theme of the polarities of West and East,
    • materialism and mysticism, knowledge and belief.
    • and how these forces are trying to wrest human destiny from
    • between what I have said before and what I wish to add
    • world, our ears hear the outside world, and we come to
    • understand nature in a way when we use the intellect to
    • combine the things we see, hear and Perceive with the
    • nature. Yet we are in error if we think and believe some
    • form of science will help us to find physical matter and
    • could find physical matter and the laws of physical
    • matter, its infrastructure and essential nature, in the
    • and that they want to follow the inner mystical path to a
    • look for the nature of matter in the outside world and be
    • matter and its infrastructure, its laws. It has to be
    • other hand we must grasp a second, quite different fact.
    • mysticism of Tauler and of Meister Eckhart, one is right
    • experiencing these things and interpreting the physical
    • world of phenomena, Maya, and that inward observation
    • reveals only physical matter and its flame, we cannot get
    • a clear, true picture of the nature of the world and the
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 8: The Opposition of Knowledge and Faith, Its Overcoming
    Matching lines:
    • The Opposition of Knowledge and Faith, Its Overcoming
    • questions around the theme of the polarities of West and East,
    • materialism and mysticism, knowledge and belief.
    • and how these forces are trying to wrest human destiny from
    • well aware, it is often said today that spiritual science
    • genuine perception, and that it can only be a matter of
    • This kind of attitude then leads to a distinction being
    • made between knowledge and belief, as is the general
    • science working towards anthroposophy is that a kind of
    • level of certain and exact knowledge, to the level of a
    • distinction that is made between science and belief is
    • and explored on the basis of experiments, and that
    • certain knowledge can solely and exclusively come from
    • realm and it is said that one should never assume that
    • a science limited to the physical world, and a
    • be known with certainty and must remain a matter of
    • knowledge and belief poses a riddle which must be solved.
    • being made at the present time — and indeed have
    • the finite, transitory realm of the senses and belief in
    • point of view of spiritual science working towards
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 9: East, West, and Middle
    Matching lines:
    • questions around the theme of the polarities of West and East,
    • materialism and mysticism, knowledge and belief.
    • and how these forces are trying to wrest human destiny from
    • human beings and then make the transition to certain
    • sleeping and waking that human beings experience within a
    • twenty-four hour period and have done so from many
    • considering this alternation between sleeping and
    • nerves and senses merely have their main concentration in
    • the head and that they are in fact present everywhere in
    • the human being. Everything said in this respect applies
    • and the brain organism situated inside.
    • question is, what happens to the sensory organism and the
    • interrelations and connections that exist in our waking
    • be said, however, that whereas human beings have full
    • imageless thinking of their waking life, and are able to
    • watered-down way, as if they lack drive and will.
    • Residues of sensory and also of thought life can still be
    • we discover as we consider our dream life — and
    • our senses have ceased to act and our dream life only
    • impressions of the outside world and immediately
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 10: Transition from the Luciferic to the Ahrimanic Age and the Christ Event to Come
    Matching lines:
    • questions around the theme of the polarities of West and East,
    • materialism and mysticism, knowledge and belief.
    • and how these forces are trying to wrest human destiny from
    • understanding of current events. We must above all understand where the
    • ourselves, and work for the real progress of humankind. Unfortunately far
    • too little attention is paid to the changes which those forces effective
    • view of the disastrous events and of their consequences that continue
    • into the present and will still make themselves felt for a long time, we
    • and still are, acting in accord with the demands of earlier times and
    • thoughts that were in people's minds, and that this spectre is still
    • given rise to opinions, all kinds of measures were taken, and people had
    • no idea that really and fundamentallY something quite different was going
    • other. Unlike earlier wars, however, this war involved energies and
    • recent times and the coming of this powerful technology has changed the
    • work — labour — had taken on quite a different form to what
    • gained by processing it; energies merely channelled and controlled by
    • stepping back and directing the actual work done by machines.
    • actions and processes. The energies expended in work are measured in
    • approximately 79 million, and the energy used was 79 million horse power
    • figures. For a start I will just add the fact that in 1870, a year when
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 11: Modern Science and Christianity, Threefold Social Order, Goetheanism
    Matching lines:
    • questions around the theme of the polarities of West and East,
    • materialism and mysticism, knowledge and belief.
    • and how these forces are trying to wrest human destiny from
    • and use them as a starting point for important
    • that there are four major aspects to the human being and
    • and an ego. We also know that we can only really
    • understand human beings if we add other aspects to these
    • to be added — the spirit-self, the life-spirit, and
    • that we now have a physical body and so forth, going as
    • far as the ego, and that in time to come we shall have a
    • spirit-self, a life-spirit and a spirit-man. We know from
    • connected with the whole cosmos and with cosmic
    • astral body to the Ancient Moon, and the principle we
    • time of the Ancient Sun, and so forth, and that our ego
    • and spirit-man do not in fact have their basis in the
    • evolve into spirit-man, life-spirit and spirit-self, and
    • guide. As human beings we are part of this earth and our
    • evolution, deepening and to some extent enhancing what
    • has developed so far, and for this we shall be indebted
    • to the earth and its forces. Yet we also have to say to
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Life Between Two Incarnations
    Matching lines:
    • Answers to Universal Questions and Life Questions through Anthroposophy, published
    • Answers to Universal Questions and Life Questions through Anthroposophy,
    • Dornach, Switzerland. From Bn 108.11; GA 108; CW 108.
    • permitted to say something about the higher worlds themselves, and we
    • the supersensible worlds and take a look at the processes which take
    • place with man between death and a new rebirth. This is one of the most
    • the most fundamental facts and processes of human development, and
    • since the physical existence of man is connected and interwoven with
    • mysteries if one wants to understand the human being at all.
    • and a new birth, but in order to be able to understand what is
    • For those who have been engaged in anthroposophical matters and studies
    • the outset in order to prepare ourselves for a complete understanding
    • senses, which we can feel with our hands and which is bound to the
    • this physical body of man is only a part of his whole beingness, and
    • can look around outside in the natural world and see that everything
    • substances of which the human body is built. In the stone and in the
    • bodies and the nature of man. An external physical body, such as a
    • stone, has a form, and it retains its form until an external process,
    • physical body, on the other hand, or that of another living being, is
    • destroyed at death by its own law of physico-chemical substances, and
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture I
    Matching lines:
    • In 1919, a year marked by strong social and political upheavals, Steiner
    • subject (Towards Social Renewal: Rethinking the Basis of Society), he embarked
    • on a major campaign to publicize his 'threefold' ideas for society. In addition
    • these rooms, which are to be used for our work and discussions.
    • great and far-reaching events of world and human
    • development. So strong is their demand upon our will and
    • energy if we would understand our place as man within
    • times, attend with so great care to such outward things of
    • aims, so devoted that men can work towards them together,
    • through the world and such a dedication. The vital claims of
    • the historical development of man- kind demand that what men
    • transferred from that egoistic realm and centred more and
    • would argue a very poor understanding of the future if we
    • space and time should tend to encourage appreciation of the
    • will so develop that personality and all that has its origin in
    • the personal and individual will diminish in value by reason of
    • evolution of mankind, to regard man as a “cog” in
    • anti-social impulses and instincts. No mistake should be made.
    • men have become so anti-social in development and constitution
    • of soul. If the social sense were more natural and obvious,
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture II
    Matching lines:
    • In 1919, a year marked by strong social and political upheavals, Steiner
    • subject (Towards Social Renewal: Rethinking the Basis of Society), he embarked
    • on a major campaign to publicize his 'threefold' ideas for society. In addition
    • towards spiritual science, to those spheres of existence, of
    • I said, the middle of the fifteenth century brought with it a
    • three Hierarchies next above man, the Angeloi, Archangeloi and
    • Archai. Hitherto it has been out of their own interests and
    • worlds, out of free will and of their own accord. If we would
    • thoughts, sentiments, and impulses of will, into which
    • spiritual forces can flow. The question may and must be asked,
    • foundation on which we can rebuild onwards into the future our,
    • Hitherto they were necessary, to guide the heart and, mind to
    • great importance that it forms, and always must form, a
    • is generally handled by the creeds, that they appeal largely to
    • and death. For as you know, this life is also a
    • passed between our last death and that birth through which we
    • being, forces which have come with birth and work so as
    • between man and man. For this the important, the
    • and soul.
    • standpoint as the first and second post-Atlantean epochs.
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture III
    Matching lines:
    • In 1919, a year marked by strong social and political upheavals, Steiner
    • subject (Towards Social Renewal: Rethinking the Basis of Society), he embarked
    • on a major campaign to publicize his 'threefold' ideas for society. In addition
    • Men, as I said, can know, and must know what it means “to
    • they go: through some kind of initiation and enter it
    • feeling and willing, when they fall apart, just as they become
    • changes in the depths of human nature, and it is one of the
    • going on in humanity, the continued living in illusions and, in
    • shall get the best understanding of my subject to-day by
    • and astral body leave the physical and etheric bodies as we
    • fall asleep and return to them as we awake. That is a general
    • in a general way that on waking man returns to his physical and
    • degrees. For instance, it can never be said of a little child
    • that the ego and the astral body plunge fully into the physical
    • and etheric bodies and become completely one with them as to
    • activity. There is always something in his astral and ego which
    • does not so unite. Yes, and if we look back into earlier times
    • existed no complete immersion of the ego and astral body during
    • that soul and spirit — the ego and astral body —
    • physical and etheric, and even so, not until after the 27th or
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Main Features of the Social Question and the Threefold Order of the Social Organism
    Matching lines:
    • Main Features of the Social Question and the Threefold Order of the Social Organism
    • In 1919, a year marked by strong social and political upheavals, Steiner
    • subject (Towards Social Renewal: Rethinking the Basis of Society), he embarked
    • on a major campaign to publicize his 'threefold' ideas for society. In addition
    • is beyond doubt that the War and all its terrible
    • number of people in the way one could wish; but it is there and
    • will become more and more significant.
    • members of the classes hitherto accustomed to lead and rule
    • in dealing with the social question, to abandon limited ideas
    • and measures which deal with it piecemeal. They will be forced
    • to turn their thoughts and direct their will to the social
    • to-day and in the immediate future. While they will only
    • understand their times by adopting a wholly new conception of
    • their problem in all their thinking, feeling and willing, on
    • the other hand it will be necessary for the masses, the
    • acquiring social and socialist ideas. Unless we have gone
    • proletariat with regard to the social question. We saw what
    • least in Central and Eastern Europe, by the old ruling powers.
    • hand to building a new form of social organization. And just in
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.

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