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  • Title: Memória e Amor
    Matching lines:
    • Uma palestra de
    • Esta palestra de Rudolf Steiner foi
    • completamente destruído por um incêndio. Nesta palestra ele fala sobre a herança trazida da
    • Nature], é uma palestra dada por Rudolf Steiner em Stuttgart, em 4 de dezembro de 1922,
    • palestra é a décima quarta das dezesseis em uma sequência intitulada Relações Espirituais
    • publicada em alemão como Geistiger Zusammenhaenge in der Gestaltung des Menschlichen
    • Graças a um doador anônimo, esta palestra está disponível a
    • É para mim motivo de grande satisfação poder falar-lhes hoje, ao passar por Stuttgart, e gostaria de fazer desta uma oportunidade para discutir vários assuntos relacionados com as duas últimas palestras que aqui me foi permitido proferir. Falei então sobre a relação do homem com o mundo espiritual, na medida em que tal conhecimento pode ser avançado por trazer à tona os processos que acontecem durante o sono sem que tenhamos consciência deles, e pela luz que a ciência espiritual lança sobre as experiências sofridas pelo homem no mundo espiritual, entre a morte e um novo nascimento.
    • Gostaria, primeiramente, de falar sobre algumas das maneiras pelas quais a alma humana se expressa durante a vida terrena, na medida em que podem ser relacionadas a experiências no mundo espiritual. A partir das minhas duas últimas palestras aqui, vocês terão percebido que as experiências da alma humana entre a morte e o renascimento diferem essencialmente daquelas entre o nascimento e a morte. Aqui na Terra as experiências de um homem são todas mediadas por seu corpo, seja o corpo físico ou o corpo etérico. Nada do que ele experimenta na Terra pode se dar sem o apoio da natureza corpórea. Poderíamos facilmente imaginar, por exemplo, que o pensar é um ato puramente espiritual e que, da maneira como sucede na alma humana terrena, não se relaciona a existência em um corpo. Em certo sentido, é assim. Mas espiritualmente independente como o pensamento humano é, ele não poderia seguir seu curso aqui na existência terrena se fosse incapaz de receber o suporte do corpo e de seus processos. Posso me valer de uma comparação que usei muitas vezes aqui em ocasiões semelhantes. Quando um homem está caminhando, o solo em que caminha certamente não é a parte essencial de sua atividade – a parte essencial está dentro de sua pele –, mas sem o apoio do solo ele não poderia obter êxito.
    • Na vida espiritual entre a morte e um novo nascimento, prevalece exatamente o oposto. Lá, realmente sabemos o que está dentro de nós. É como se aqui na Terra não víssemos árvores nem nuvens lá fora, mas olhássemos principalmente para dentro de nós, dizendo: aqui está o pulmão, aqui está o coração, aqui está o estômago. No mundo espiritual contemplamos nosso próprio interior. Mas o que vemos é o mundo dos seres espirituais, o mundo que aprendemos a conhecer em nossa literatura antroposófica como o mundo das hierarquias superiores. Esse é o nosso mundo interior. E entre a morte e o renascimento, sentimo-nos realmente ser o mundo inteiro – quando falo do todo é apenas figurativamente, mas é inteiramente verdade – às vezes cada um de nós se sente ser o mundo inteiro. E nos momentos mais importantes de nossa existência espiritual entre a morte e um novo nascimento sentimos nosso interior e experimentamos o mundo dos seres espirituais, conscientes deles. É tão verdade que lá temos consciência de espíritos do mundo superior dentro de nós quanto é verdade que aqui na Terra não temos consciência de nosso interior: do fígado, dos pulmões e assim por diante. O que é mais característico é que, na experiência espiritual, toda nossa experiência física é invertida. Gradualmente, por meio do conhecimento da iniciação, aprendemos como isso deve ser entendido.
    • Pois bem, por que descemos ao mundo físico do mundo espiritual? Vocês poderão deduzir, a partir do que eu disse aqui da última vez, que as forças que nos mantêm juntos com os seres espirituais superiores decaem. Aqui na vida física, envelhecemos porque as forças que nos mantêm em conexão com a Terra física diminuem; lá, enfraquece o que nos mantêm ligados aos seres espirituais. Diminuem principalmente as forças que permitem que nos apreendamos em meio aos seres espirituais e que nos possibilitam sermos independentes. No mundo espiritual, por um período considerável antes de descermos à Terra, perdemos a capacidade de conviver com os seres espirituais. Com o auxílio dos seres espirituais, formamos a semente espiritual de nosso corpo físico, que enviamos primeiramente; daí nos apropriamos de nosso corpo etérico e prosseguimos. Ilustrei-lhes isso em minha última palestra. Nossa capacidade de viver com seres espirituais no mundo espiritual desbota e percebemos como, por meio das forças da lua, nos aproximamos cada vez mais da Terra. Sentimo-nos como um eu, mas cada vez menos capazes de compreender as regiões espirituais, ou de nos manter nelas; tal capacidade se torna cada vez mais débil. Temos um sentimento crescente de que o desfalecimento prevalecerá sobre nós, no mundo espiritual. Isso cria uma necessidade de que aquilo que não mais conseguimos carregar conosco – o sentimento do eu – seja sustentado por algo externo, a saber, nosso corpo: surge uma necessidade de sermos sustentados por um corpo. Eu poderia dizer que, gradualmente, temos que desaprender a voar e aprender a andar. Vocês sabem que estou falando figurativamente, mas a imagem está em absoluto acordo com a verdade, com a realidade. É assim que encontramos o caminho para nosso corpo. O sentimento de solidão encontra um refúgio no corpo e se converte na faculdade da lembrança, e temos que nos empenhar para alcançar um novo sentimento de comunhão, na Terra. Isso se
    • Prova abundante disso reside na maneira como a arte se desenvolveu. Originalmente era uma com a vida religiosa. Nas eras primitivas da humanidade, ela era imbuída nos cultos religiosos. As imagens que os homens formavam de seus deuses eram a fonte das artes plásticas. A título de exemplo, recordemos os Mistérios da Samotrácia a que alude Goethe na segunda parte de Fausto, onde fala dos Cabiros. [Vide ciclo de palestrasGoetheanism as an impulse for man's transformation,Dornach, janeiro de 1919.] Em meu estúdio em Dornach tentei fazer um desenho desses Cabiros. E o que resultou disso? Foi algo muito interessante. Simplesmente me propus a desvendar intuitivamente a maneira como os Cabiros teriam aparecido nos Mistérios da Samotrácia. E imagine só: cheguei a três jarros, mas jarros, é verdade, moldados plástica e artisticamente. A princípio fiquei pasmo, embora Goethe tenha realmente falado de jarros. O assunto ficou claro para mim apenas quando descobri que esses jarros ficavam sobre um altar: então, algo semelhante a incenso era colocado neles, as palavras sacrificiais eram cantadas, e pelo poder das palavras de sacrifício – que nos tempos mais antigos da humanidade carregavam uma força de estímulo vibratório bastante diferente de qualquer coisa possível hoje – a fumaça do incenso era formada na imagem desejada da divindade. Assim, no ritual, o cântico imediatamente se expressava plasticamente na fumaça do incenso.
  • Title: Evil and Spiritual Science
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    • concealed, we now see that this spiritual world stands in
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 1: Popular Occultism, Introtroduction
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    • him with the aid of fairy tales and beautiful stories. During this period
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 2: Man's Ascent into the Supersensible World
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    • concealed to us until then.
    • power vision. But they are not inventions nor fairy-tale characters:
    • To a clairvoyant a man's inner life is not concealed. When you acquire
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 4: The Devachanic World
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    • pale reminiscence of this streaming life which pervades everything.
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 5: Life Between Death and a New Birth
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    • in the form of capacities and talents. A feeling of unrestrained bliss
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 8: The Evolution of Man and of the Solar System; the Atlantic Evolution
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    • There is a deep meaning and ancient truths in legends and fairy-tales.
    • gliding machines were propelled by the life-forces that lie concealed
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 10: Paths of Occult Training
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    • From the very outset, this ancient primeval science revealed the following
  • Title: i Spirituality: Lecture 1: Historical Symptomology, the Year 790, Alcuin, Greeks, Platonism, Aristotelianism, East, West, Middle, Ego
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    • logical-dialectical-legal one. The Orient had nothing of a logical, dialectical nature and, least
    • A legal, dialectical element has entered into the
    • of dialectics, of logical-dialectical-legal thinking is there, in which everything is tending
    • framework of the logical-dialectical-legal element and draws from it a
    • so that logically, dialectically, I can give proofs in it?' This is the only point he is
    • spiritual life. In the Central areas something developed which was dialectical-legal, which
    • changeling of dialectical-legal thinking, or are already adopted, as was done by Spencer and
    • today. Because today it is decadent, it is dialectical-political thinking which was rendered
    • dialectics, but, also being engaged with economic impulses, have insight into the spiritual, and
    • imagination, and is therefore more properly called an intuitive faculty and a talent for
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 2: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 1
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    • (Kernpunkt der sociale Frage).
    • Die soziale Grundforderung unserer Zeit — In geänderter Zeitlage,
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 3: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 2
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    • dialectical thinking. So what came from oriental wisdom penetrated then into Western
    • most of all — the dialectical element, the element of political-legal-militaristic
    • so pale during the day that they appear only as concepts, as ideas. The same applies also to what
    • find logical dialectics as the first part of his philosophy. His philosophy of nature is merely a
    • more of God than the fairy tale of a generalized, completely abstract, cosmic first cause.
    • colour, revealed through colour, what has inspired and worked through different human cultures
    • unam animam rationabilem et intellectualem
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 4: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 3
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    • Fairy-tale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily.
    • Fairy-tale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily
    • Fairy-tale
    • fairy-tale figures — and one must then portray the interplay and interaction of these
    • Fairy-tale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily.
    • Fairy-tale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily.
    • Fairy-tale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily.
    • Fairy-tale
    • Fairy-tale
    • Fairy-tale
    • Fairy-tale,
    • as the side of the scales that would sink far down and therefore has to work destructively. But
    • (Kernpunkte der Sozialen
    • Fairy-tale
    • Fairy-tale
    • (On the Secret in Goethe's Enigmatic Fairy Tale in 'Conversations of German Emigrants)
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 5: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 4
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    • relationship to what was revealed in nature as spirit — and thereby also to achieve a
    • that they revealed the spirit to them. The spiritual spoke out of every spring, every cloud,
    • under the dialectical-legal spirit. It is out of this that intellectuality was born. Spiritual
    • it had to develop further and could only do so under the influence of the dialectical-legal life,
    • way that he could be brought to this place was replaced with another in a dialectical-legal
    • to use concepts, dialectics, to decide what justice was, was quite unknown and alien to the
    • the will of the gods. And there were no dialectics for deciding what the gods willed.
    • necessary now for humanity to also take a closer look at this dialectical-legal element. For the
    • dialectical-legal aspect. The economy was a minor element in the ancient theocratic cultures
    • primitively, became caught up, as it were, in the threads of the dialectical-legal life. For, at
    • money was gradually lost and the dialectical-legal culture spread in Europe as a kind of economy
    • could no longer take part himself in distant campaigns of war. Thus this dialectical-legal
    • dialectical-legal element in the Trotsky-Leninist system — everything is to be geared
    • dialectical-legal element. The official stamp became the most important thing. The diploma,
    • The paper substitute! So the dialectical-legal arose. This, at the same time, is also the
    • place in the world. In the dialectical-legal age it was possible to dispute this 'why'. Now all
    • on in the recognition of the blood-line. And then came the dialectical-legal element. The human
    • dialectical-legal way one only needs an abstract pedagogy which speaks of the human child in a
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 6: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 5
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    • but in which this intellectuality already lived. Dialectical-legal thinking spread out and, in
    • the dialectical-legal, development of the human soul. In the midst of everything that occurred
    • soul-constitution. People clothed it more and more in dialectics. Through Rome the Mystery of
    • Golgotha became clothed in dialectics. Out of what was Christian Gnosis, which still relied on
    • vision, there took shape the pure dialectical theology which went hand in hand with the
    • forms. Many external facts show how this dialectical-legal, political thinking, in which the old
    • was everywhere permeated by dialectical-legal forms. The clergy were the bureaucracy. They held
    • dialectical-legal age? It could only be founded on authority — the authority claimed above
    • dialectical-legal Roman element also bore in its bosom, as it were, its other side. It bore the
    • of the oriental clairvoyance. Jesuitism took up only the intellectual-dialectic element and
    • Golgotha were taken up by the Roman principle into a purely juristic dialectics; that they were
    • spiritual constitution of soul. A dialectical soul-constitution can make nothing of them. It was
    • therefore impossible for those times, in which the intellect and dialectics were prepared, to
    • not stand in a spiritual relation; they stood in the sign of dialectics right into the lowest
    • classes of the people. And for dialectics one could not simply give out a fourfold mutually
    • Christianity. An intellectual-dialectical age could only remain within Christianity by
    • prohibiting the Gospels. With the Gospels a dialectical-legal age could only have the effect of
    • dialectical-legal mode of thinking, calumniates everything which resists being fitted into the
    • the Gospels. Christianity moves westwards and it taken up by Rome in the dialectical spirit. It
    • very last traces of understanding for the Last Supper were gone — the play of dialectics
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 7: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 6
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    • becoming prevalent in modern civilization will again lead to experience of the Christ, just as
  • Title: Talk To Young People:
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    • not living in the three dimensions revealed by the threefold nature
    • Carlyle, who impresses many people with his talent for enthusiasm.
  • Title: "Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will not pass away"
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    • this Jupiter possesses as yet nothing equivalent to our plants, animals
    • equivalent to our vegetable kingdom shall come into existence,
    • production of the equivalent of our vegetable kingdom — is
    • equivalent of the animals. And we say: The dream conceptions of the
    • upon much that has, during the last few years, revealed itself before
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture I: Tree of Life - I
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    • concealed something which cuts deep into life. Today we will turn our
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture III: The Power of Thought
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    • our souls, and he then reveals himself to us as he revealed himself
    • all this is revealed to us by Him. It is the continuous revelation of
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture IV: Harmonizing Thinking, Feeling and Willing
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    • outside, lives in itself. And the Jahve-God has concealed in a world
    • twofold nature lies concealed. In the first place, the connection of
    • one can so regale oneself on one's own arrogance)
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture V: Tree of Knowledge - I
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    • very many things lie concealed) — then we can say:
    • Not only that fairy tales — the most elementary
    • what is revealed from the senses. So the next line is inserted with
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture VI: Tree of Knowledge - II
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    • revealed with particular clearness, when we regard the whole course
  • Title: World Downfall and Resurrection
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    • This truth — which can only be revealed today by
    • ‘new Jerusalem’. Only they would have said: We hold
    • world ending has come to pass and that the new Jerusalem is
    • if we really understand them and shake off Alexandrian
  • Title: Lecture: Philosophy and Anthroposophy
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    • revealed, to an unprejudiced insight, to be an illusion. A normal feeling
    • true and genuine Man (anthropos) is held to be concealed behind the
    • “man” revealed by Natural Science and the inner life of
    • pale of ordinary consciousness.
    • presentations we find that a beginning is made with Thales, and the course
    • first thinker to be considered in this sense is, in fact, Thales.
    • philosophers, beginning with Thales; we need not dwell on Anaxagoras,
    • Mysteries; in the case of Thales and Heraclitus, for instance, this could
    • revealed. During the sixth century
    • attitude, prevalent even in philosophical circles, towards the conception
    • which was revealed to mankind; human thought with all its technique falls
    • content of the highest revealed wisdom. The early Scholastic appealed to a
    • wisdom which has been revealed. This portion of the Wisdom must be accepted
    • forward up to a certain boundary where revealed wisdom meets him. Thus the
    • and spirit is immediately revealed in the individual, whereas, in animals,
    • the above distinction becomes equivalent to a perceived reality, we have
    • object of inner, spiritual exertion. The habits of thought prevalent in our
    • being of our “I” which, in ordinary life, is concealed by the
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture I: The Pedagogy of the West and of Central Europe: The Inner Attitude of the Teacher
    Matching lines:
    • Soziales Verstaendnis aus Geisteswissenschaftlicher Erkenntnis.
    • Die geistigen Hinterfruende der sozialen Frage. Band III.
    • life unfolds within a true art of education. Because of his talent! Which
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture II: The Three Fundamental Forces in EducatioN
    Matching lines:
    • Soziales Verstaendnis aus Geisteswissenschaftlicher Erkenntnis.
    • Die geistigen Hinterfruende der sozialen Frage. Band III.
    • accompanying sexual maturity in the male, appearing as clearly but in a
    • different way in the female. The nature of this phenomenon in the female
    • the female organism) must also be given our close attention in education
    • the soul sphere, then we have children who have no talent for drawing, for
    • This is compacted now, in the female in her entire organism, in the male
    • comes to visibility at puberty. The difference that exists between male and
    • female has another outer manifestation in the difference of vocal pitch.
    • differentiation between a male and female skeleton, will see in the
    • the later battle whose equivalent is the change of voice, a certain
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture III: Spiritual Knowledge of Man as the Fount of Educational Art
    Matching lines:
    • Soziales Verstaendnis aus Geisteswissenschaftlicher Erkenntnis.
    • Die geistigen Hinterfruende der sozialen Frage. Band III.
    • different kind of memory pale children have compared with children who have
    • strengthen the memory of a pale child if, as teachers, we are in the
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture IV: The Art of Education Consists of Bringing Into Balance the Physical and Spiritual Nature of the Developing Human Being
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    • Soziales Verstaendnis aus Geisteswissenschaftlicher Erkenntnis.
    • Die geistigen Hinterfruende der sozialen Frage. Band III.
    • one side of the scales — if the weight is too small, the
    • male parent but from the entire cosmos. In fact the human head is conceived
    • not from the seed of the male but from the whole cosmos. The germ
    • man as outlined, as we are doing here, then the pedagogical talent will
  • Title: Social Understanding: Lecture II: Social Understanding Through Spiritual Scientific Knowledge
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    • Soziales Verstaendnis aus Geisteswissenschaftlicher Erkenntnis.
    • Die geistigen Hinterfruende der sozialen Frage. Band III.
    • — You visit someone who has a scale standing beside his
    • plate, and he carefully puts a piece of meat on the scales to find out how
  • Title: Buddha and the Two Boys: Lecture I: Buddha and the Two Boys of Jesus
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    • In Palestine at that
    • be appealed to. Thus, today there are certain truths for man which would
    • Joseph and Mary, were also given a child in Palestine, with the same name
  • Title: Buddha and the Two Boys: Lecture II: The Gospels, Buddha and the Two Boys of Jesus
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    • of exploring how the event of Palestine presents itself, without drawing on
    • there was a logical thinking, if one had appealed to his conscience, to his
    • In Palestine Zarathustrism, Buddhism and then
    • also have appealed to the own soul of these people, then the people would
  • Title: Lecture: Art As A Bridge Between The Sensible And The Supersensible
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    • Zukunftsimpulse im sozialen Geschehen. (Past and Future Impulses in Social Life Bn/GA/CW 190.
    • words, leading in the end to the extreme arrogance prevalent in many
  • Title: Raphael's Mission in the Light of the Science of the Spirit
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    • at the same time. But the total works of Raphael also coalesce
    • and awakening effect on his decisive talents. A palace building
    • Pope Alexander VI.]
    • Roman popes, Alexander VI, Julius II, Leo X and the whole papal
    • female form, in our happiness or sorrow; like pictures that
    • that revealed the Greek spirit. The centuries of the first
  • Title: Leonardo's Spiritual Stature: Lecture
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    • first place. Since he showed talent in drawing early on, he was
    • talent in drawing could be exploited. The young Leonardo was
    • see him growing up in Florence, his talent in painting
    • Greek female figures, we find they are all directly felt.
    • humanity, what is revealed to humanity externally at Leonardo's
  • Title: Fairy Tales: in the light of Spiritual Investigation
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    • Fairy Tales in the Light of Spiritual Investigation
    • From the contents of this lecture: 'Fairy tales and sagas are comparable
    • making life inwardly into a truly ensouled fairy tale!'
    • “Old fairy tales that are an expression of the
    • Fairy Tales in the Light ofSpiritual Investigation
    • tales in the light of spiritual investigation. One of them is
    • of a genuine and true fairy tale mood have in fact to be sought
    • discovered. Genuine fairy tales originate from
    • in fairy tales, one has to a considerable extent the feeling
    • essential nature of the fairy tale itself is destroyed through
    • penetration of the fairy tale. If one has the justified
    • the fairy tale ought to make in simply letting it work on one,
    • from the human soul as do these fairy tale
    • those regions of the soul-life from which fairy tale moods
    • tales has to be sought at such profound depths of the human
    • expression oneself in the form of a fairy tale of some kind.
    • the underlying sources, he makes use of the fairy tale once
    • Fairy Tale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful
    • fairy tales that explanations cannot ultimately destroy their
    • nature of fairy tales, I would have to hold many lectures.
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: A Mongolian Legend
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    • Fairy Tales in the Light of Spiritual Investigation
    • From the contents of this lecture: 'Fairy tales and sagas are comparable
    • making life inwardly into a truly ensouled fairy tale!'
    • simple tale is found among the Mongolians in Asia, which has
    • compellingly in ancient sagas and fairy tales - as in the
    • Mongolian fairy tale of the woman with the single eye - will
  • Title: The Worldview of Herman Grimm in Relation to Spiritual Science
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    • these two collected the German fairy tales that have in the
    • sagas and fairy tales told them by simple folk, that were
    • appears to us like a kind of fairy-tale prince, it is as
    • “Her initial glance at the window, through which a pale
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 1
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    • Geistige und Soziale Wandlungen in der Menschheitsenticklungen.
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 2
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    • Geistige und Soziale Wandlungen in der Menschheitsenticklungen.
    • greatest talent for this truth. All the prerequisites for the dawning
    • especially talented — that is negatively talented —
    • people had a talent for mere names without meaning; that on one hand
    • a talent for cultivating platitudes existed and on the other hand for
    • the underlying reality of economic life. But that talent did not
    • when realities must be closely observed and revealed.
    • talented people do get to the bottom of the symbols. And sometimes a
    • blind chicken finds a kernel of corn. Sometimes especially talented
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 3
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    • Geistige und Soziale Wandlungen in der Menschheitsenticklungen.
    • titles was also “King of Jerusalem!” The Austrian Emperor
    • of Jerusalem.” It came from the crusades. It would be
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture I: Anthroposophy and Natural Science
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    • was not particularly talented in his time to solve mathematical
    • revealed from within the letters. If I lovingly remain standing
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture II: The Human and the Animal Organisation
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    • also a person, revealed outwardly through a nose, eyes and so
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture III: Anthroposophy and Philosophy
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    • try to do it through mere dialectical or external definitions,
    • experimental talents developing out of folk talents. What came
    • the Newtonian system. For this Hegel had a decisive talent — to
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture IV: Anthroposophy and Pedagogy
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    • school, for the educational institute or its equivalent, must
    • implementation, for the inner talents of teachers, to work in
    • revealed to souls during the 10th, 11th
    • foundations which is gradually revealed in childish movements,
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture V: Anthroposophy and Social Science
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    • [See Die Kernpunkte der sozialen Frage]
    • can dive into other kinds of reality, which are revealed in the
  • Title: Impulse of Renewal: Lecture VII: Anthroposophy and the Science of Speech
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    • study of dialects will enter into how the different dialects in
    • is the pure German language without the influence of dialects,
    • The dialects still lets our soul become immersed in a far more
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 1
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    • spiritual life is to be revealed in its true meaning, so that
    • which can provide for the revealed spiritual needs of our
    • full responsibility towards the spirit revealed to our times
    • — that same spirit which has been revealed to humanity
    • throughout the centuries and millennia, but revealed in each
    • understanding, and can only be revealed by the countenance of
    • real knowledge must be fathomed from what is revealed in the
    • march of time as creative action, and how all that is revealed
    • of the world in the human heart must be revealed by the soul's
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 2
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    • possibility of introducing what is so prevalent in life:
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 3
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    • former does not actually participate in what is revealed to the
    • our gaze within in order to be alert to what our thinking
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 4
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    • receive them with total alertness, to the limit of your mind's
    • to your mind's alertness, then these soul forces will be
    • will be alert and will take the School seriously. Let us bear
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 5
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    • wings of the exhaled air into the expanse of being into which
    • the exhaled air disperses. And how by inhaling we take into us
    • warnings alert him to it. That has been the secret of the
    • humanity is revealed to me? Can it be beneficial for humanity
    • these torments mean? They mean the ever increasing prevalence
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 6
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    • rather must one return to what is revealed between them.
    • what is revealed between the things. We see the three kingdoms
    • which comes from the innermost being of the animals is revealed
    • When one feels: I inhale, I draw the breath up to the brain, I
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 7
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    • revealed to us by the Guardian of the Threshold. Whereas we
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 8
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    • is revealed [Drawing: white arrow pointing downwards]; here we
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 9
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    • feeling, my dear sisters and brothers, will now be revealed to
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 10
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    • communications from the spiritual world, will coalesce in such
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 13
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    • revealed by the spiritual hierarchies – with which the
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 14
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    • knowledge of the spirit will be revealed to him.
    • cross with the congealed formative forces of water. If so, he
    • life on earth I breathed, inhaled that breath from which the
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 15
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    • Regarding what we inhale through our breathing, the
    • everything in us which is airy, the inhaled air. The Guardian
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 16
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    • and revealed from here in the Goetheanum. Such a condition
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 18
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    • spirit revealed to our souls. Over there we did not see what is
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 19
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    • is something which is active at every moment, mobile, alert,
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XX (recapitulation)
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    • through Alexander the Great and Aristotle, which until that
    • and spirituality, and was then brought by Alexander over to
    • — you in image-shape revealed —
    • — you in image-shape revealed,
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXI (recapitulation)
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    • do it, if we were not alert enough to dedicate our will to the
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXIII (recapitulation)
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    • clear to us that our real being is not revealed by all of
    • foundations. And if esoteric mantric verses are revealed in an
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXIV (recapitulation)
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    • Sign, and sealed by the Michaelic Rosicrucian-School for your
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXV (recapitulation)
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    • Threshold had revealed them to be illusory. They are bright and
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXVI (recapitulation)
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    • Mystery of Golgotha, in the time of Alexander in Greece through
    • Alexander, which was under the impulse of Michael, was followed
    • look into the matter, which revealed why the mantra became
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture II: Comparisons at Solving the Social Question based on Life's Realities
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    • appeared by Aleray,
    • which can be thought of as analogous to laws of human talents,
    • natural spiritual and physical talents coming from single
    • this side to be healed and thus enable people and communities
    • and his education on the talents of his spiritual and physical
    • organs, on those gifts and talents given to him, likewise
    • talents in reality dependent on the natural origin, so the
    • talents for their expression, so also the chosen public and
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture III: Fanaticism Versus a Real Conception of Life in Social Thinking and Willing
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    • tendency towards ideology needs to be healed and therefore are
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture IV: The Evolution of Social Thinking and Willing and Life's Circumstances for Current Humanity
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    • equivalent, I don't in truth work for myself but put myself
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture VI: What Significance does Work have for the Modern Proletarian?
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    • talents, taking the lead in some or other venture. Just as he
    • only, when in this way the social organism is healed, then only
    • organism be healed. The question today is a fundamental one,
    • healed? It needs to be taken in hand, it is sick, this social
    • healthy reality becomes revealed in any case in its necessary
  • Title: Lecture: Richard Wagner and Mysticism
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    • his eyes, colour and light are revealed to him. It is possible for the
    • the experiences of those to whom the hidden teachings were revealed
    •  All that pervades the hills and vales,
    • not be compared with the human head. The flower, with its male and
    • female organs of fertilisation, corresponds to the sexual system in
    • in the future. Possessed of clear, alert consciousness, his being
    • early spring flowers. The sight of the young plants revealed to him
  • Title: Lecture: Spiritual Wisdom in the Early Christian Centuries
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    • he would enter a world where super-sensible truth would be revealed to
    • restore the temple of the Jews at Jerusalem. His desire was to restore
    • this moment of death it was revealed to the prophetic vision of Julian
    • of human evolution lies concealed. Thick indeed are the layers spread
  • Title: Community Building
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    • of the pastorale, there was within them most of all the impulse
  • Title: Community Building
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    • experiencing of that which is revealed in theory out of the
    • within the Anthroposophical Society with alert consciousness.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 1: Evolution and Consciousness, Lucifer, Ahriman
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    • universe in which the cloud revealed its essential nature
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 2: East, West, and the Culture of Middle Europe, the Science of Initiation
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    • event of Golgotha. The event that happened in Palestine
    • tales in a Swiss-Belgian journal, saying that it was of
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 3: Political Empires
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    • fictitious tale we call ‘history’. This
    • being put beyond the pale in some other way if one had
    • fabricated tale written in our handbooks and taught in
    • anthroposophical movement truthfulness and alertness are
    • necessary, real alertness. Modern civilized society has
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 4: Western Secret Societies, Jesuitism, Leninism
    Matching lines:
    • is born. It pleases two people, a male and a female
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 6: Materialism and Mysticism, Knowledge as a Deed of the Soul
    Matching lines:
    • equivalent of kicking one's legs in the air in one's
    • uncomfortable. When you want to balance the scales you
    • to put into both scales what is needed to maintain
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 8: The Opposition of Knowledge and Faith, Its Overcoming
    Matching lines:
    • people in a way that appealed to their vanity.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 9: East, West, and Middle
    Matching lines:
    • wisdom that was revealed in the ancient Orient. Looking
    • a culture based on law, dialectics and intellectual
    • right into the Middle Ages. This dialectical and
    • death will be revealed and brought to conscious awareness
    • will be revealed out of physical human substance. Because
    • the one hand we have the clear dialectical thinking of
    • those in Goethe's Fairy Tale of the Green Snake and
    • in the Middle a certain dialectical and intellectual
    • through dialectically. Political life — the state
    • ‘Tale’ of the Green Snake and the
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 10: Transition from the Luciferic to the Ahrimanic Age and the Christ Event to Come
    Matching lines:
    • the field of technology that is was equivalent to every individual having
    • point. Yet the things that happened there on a gigantic scale — we
    • cannot merely say on a large scale, because it was gigantic —
    • happen on a smaller scale in every day of the life we are given, for we
    • caused grand-scale confusion. Pierre Bayle [
    • social sphere it proved impossible to include human gifts and talents in
    • the fate of that disastrous war was sealed by ahrimanic forces quite
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 11: Modern Science and Christianity, Threefold Social Order, Goetheanism
    Matching lines:
    • them. Instead, the ‘tale’ of the green Snake
    • defining the images he presented in his 'tale' of the
    • ‘tale’ of the green snake and the beautiful
    • time when such delicate fairytale figures could be
    • fairytale figures. The time had not yet come when ideas
    • ‘tale’ of the green snake and the beautiful
    • fairy-tale images could be transformed into the real
    • same riddle, hinted at in his ‘tale’ of the
    • — nor with ‘fairy-tales’. At most one
    • that Goethe presented in fairy-tale images of a Golden, a
    • heap in the tale and certain persons came and licked up
    • about fairy-tale images of a Golden, a Silver, and a
    • in view of the efforts now being made on a large scale,
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture I
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    • small scale. So the highest festival we can hold is to consider
    • decline prevalent in all spheres of life. If with due
    • have been prevalent in the world during the last four, five, or
    • regard to these things. An idea is prevalent that it is easy to
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture III
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    • prevalent since the days of Galileo and Copernicus. For these
    • saw, for our lips were sealed) that men of absolute
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Main Features of the Social Question and the Threefold Order of the Social Organism
    Matching lines:
    • with his faculties and talents at the work, not when he is cut

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