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    Query was: logos

Here are the matching lines in their respective documents. Select one of the highlighted words in the matching lines below to jump to that point in the document.

  • Title: Memória e Amor
    Matching lines:
    • Portanto, há uma genuína verdade no que é expresso nas línguas mais antigas ao denominarem Logos a soma das forças e dos pensamentos do mundo. Esse é o outro lado, o lado suprafísico daquilo que tem expressão física na fala. Não apenas inspiramos e expiramos seres superiores entre a morte e o renascimento, mas também falamos, embora essa fala seja ao mesmo tempo um canto. Na alternância entre irmos aos seres espirituais e retornarmos a nós mesmos, falamos um falar espiritual com os seres das hierarquias superiores. Quando estamos no estado de nos tornarmos um com os seres do mundo espiritual, olhamos para eles, embora estejam dentro de nós. Quando nos libertamos deles novamente e voltamos a nós mesmos, então temos o efeito posterior, somos então nós mesmos. Lá eles expressam seu próprio ser em nós, nos dizem o que são – o Logos vive em nós. Na Terra, isso é invertido; na fala e na canção, nosso próprio ser é expresso. Expressamos todo o nosso ser no processo de expiração; ao passo que quando entre a morte e o renascimento liberamos os seres espirituais, recebemos, no Logos, todo o ser do mundo.
  • Title: World Downfall and Resurrection
    Matching lines:
    • then: ‘All things were made by him [i.e.: by the Logos];
    • namely, that all things visible were made by the Logos, that
    • the Logos, therefore, is the creator of the things of the
    • Logos — rightly identified with the Christ in the sense
    • Logos. The Logos is known as the Son, but the Father, not the
    • Nature Spirits, but from the Son, from the Logos whom the
    • Father God sent forth in order that He (the Logos) might create
    • Logos is the creator of the world. Think of what was present
    • incarnate Logos. Look not upon what flows in the blood, for
    • but through the Logos — the Son. Such was the message of
    • the Spiritual, in the Logos. The Logos superseded those
    • around him as having proceeded from the Logos, not from those
    • you to the Logos, the creative principle. Hitherto you have
    • Logos, of the Christ. And so, this downfall of the world was
    • the events of Earth, there had come the supersensible Logos Who
    • that the Logos must be found in the Spirit and not in the
    • phenomena of the natural world. This finding of the Logos in
    • Logos by a more material path.
    • Logos, in spite of this, men have adhered to the Father God who
    • Logos.
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture III: Anthroposophy and Philosophy
    Matching lines:
    • expression of “Logos” into some or other younger
    • Logos” as is commonly found in the Bible. However,
    • Logos” is basically in everything which is
    • Logos, sense how a reflection of these undetermined experiences
    • the word philosophy points to a connection of the Logos to
    • to the concept of the Logos! He felt that when we actually
    • wanted to attain a true understanding of the Logos, then the
    • Logos must be something which is not merely something thought,
    • For him the Logos did not only have an abstract, logical
    • Logos, must be penetrated with the creative principle of the
    • world. The Logos must be “God before the creation of the
    • the Logos on the other side? He starts with “being”
    • logos as postulate, but as a purely human thought postulate!

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