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  • Title: Memória e Amor
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    • loving work as architect, sculptor, and painter, was completely
    • completamente destruído por um incêndio. Nesta palestra ele fala sobre a herança trazida da
    • Organismus. Ela está contida no volume número 218 da Edição Centenária Completa [em
    • inglês, Complete Centenary Edition] dos trabalhos de Rudolf Steiner.
    • Chegamos agora a um conceito extraordinariamente sutil. Pense em como, de fora, temos que viver nossas ações novamente com nosso ego e com nosso corpo astral. A capacidade de fazê-lo é adquirida na proporção do grau de amor que desenvolvemos. Esse é o segredo da vida, no que diz respeito ao amor. Se um homem é realmente capaz de desprender-se de si mesmo no amor, amando ao próximo como a si mesmo, aprende o que precisa durante o sono para experienciar, ao contrário, plenamente e sem dor, o que deve ser vivenciado dessa forma. Porque, nesta hora, ele deve estar completamente fora de si mesmo. Se um homem é um ser sem amor, surge uma sensação quando, fora de si, ele tem que experimentar as ações que realizou sem amor. Isso o retém. Pessoas sem amor dormem como se – para usar uma metáfora – tivessem falta de fôlego. Assim, tudo o que somos capazes de cultivar em nós por meio do amor se torna verdadeiramente frutífero durante o sono. E o que é assim desenvolvido entre irmos dormir e acordar atravessa o portão da morte e subsiste no mundo espiritual.  Aquilo que se perde entre a morte e o renascimento, quando vivemos junto aos os seres espirituais dos mundos superiores, é recuperado por nós como uma semente, durante a vida terrena, por meio do amor. Pois o amor revela seu significado quando, com seu ego e corpo astral, o homem, dormindo, está fora de seu corpo físico e corpo etérico. Entre ir dormir e acordar, seu ser essencial se amplia, se ele está cheio de amor, e se prepara bem para o que lhe acontecerá depois da morte. Se ele não tem amor e está mal preparado para o que lhe acontecerá após a morte, seu ser se estreita. A semente para o que acontece após a morte repousa preeminentemente no desdobramento do amor.
    • Estudem a criança até a troca de dentes. Notarão como o poder da lembrança, da memória, gradualmente se desdobra. Inicialmente, é bastante elementar. A criança possui certa memória, mas ela se torna uma força independente apenas no momento de troca da dentição, estando completa em seu desenvolvimento quando a criança está madura para a escola. Só a partir daí que podemos começar a edificar a memória. Antes disso, ao enfatizarmos a memória, tornamos a criança rígida e criamos uma condição de alma esclerótica para sua vida posterior. Quando lidamos com crianças antes da troca de dentes, trata-se de receberem as impressões do presente da maneira correta. É entre a troca da dentição e a puberdade que podemos empreender a edificação da memória.
  • Title: Evil and Spiritual Science
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    • meaningful philosophical works for the nineteenth century. Let
    • themselves to be completely blunt against such an enigma, which
    • says, they are completely unsuitable.
    • the former its own task completely. If a human being could only
    • So now let us assume that a human being comes through birth
    • of the physical sense world, and let the soul be penetrated by
    • It would be a complete travesty of what has been said. This is
    • world. So let us not try and conceal from ourselves here: why
    • Salvation,” but only the reasonably small booklet by Max
    • Goethe let something be said in his “Faust,”
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 1: Popular Occultism, Introtroduction
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    • first of all, they must deviate their attention completely away from
    • away completely. Suggestion, hypnotism, abnormal soul-conditions, a
    • body with our hands. Let us now leave aside the etheric body. Where
    • Let us now study the child
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 2: Man's Ascent into the Supersensible World
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    • of his being are concerned. Let us now consider man's ascent into the
    • we are not surrounded by a new, completely different world, but the
    • Let us now consider the
    • our materialistic age. Let us look back into the 13th or 14th century
    • changes completely for such a person. Ordinary people lose consciousness
    • Let us suppose a person
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 5: Life Between Death and a New Birth
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    • Let us once more cast a
    • Other beings dwell in his three bodies and are active within them. Man is completely
    • incarnated human being completely fits into his physical body. Many disharmonies
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 6: Man's Return to a New Earthly Life
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    • found a path leading to the embryo. A complete connection of the etheric
    • Let us now discuss how karma
    • works in the individual human being. Let us envisage man deeds: this
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 7: Effects of the Law of Karma
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    • Let us continue our considerations on
    • attitude and mentality. Let us study the mood of the
    • rather that the parents resemble the children. Let us throw light upon
    • the Ego. Francis of Assisi for example had completely transformed and
    • and marked, resemblance is slight. Let us take a human nucleus with
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 8: The Evolution of Man and of the Solar System; the Atlantic Evolution
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    • speak. They completely harmonize with the investigations of natural
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 9: Lemurian Development
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    • Let us first consider the structure of the Lemurian continent and the
    • may be considered as obsolete, for it is based upon a false train of
    • itself from the earth, the plants turned completely around and again
    • Man made a complete turn, so that he is a reversed plant, even as the plant
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 10: Paths of Occult Training
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    • calls for a complete submission of the pupil to his Guru. The Rosicrucian
  • Title: i Spirituality: Lecture 1: Historical Symptomology, the Year 790, Alcuin, Greeks, Platonism, Aristotelianism, East, West, Middle, Ego
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    • Let us suppose that this is a flow of historical facts (see diagram). The driving forces lie, for
    • Let us assume that this (see diagram) took place in
    • some year of world history, let us say around 800 AD What was significant for Europe, let us
    • method would be in complete accord with Goetheanism. For
    • So let us take this year 800 AD We can point here
    • on speaking in the way he had just done, but moves the whole problem into a completely different
    • views are clashing here which arise out of completely different constitutions of soul. And,
    • metamorphosis, Aristotelianism sets in which, fundamentally, presents a completely different
    • constitution of soul from the Platonic one. Aristotelianism represents a completely different
    • soul-constitution was completely different from that of later humanity when, for an understanding
    • then completely. What was this nothingness for the oriental? It was something real for him. He
    • soul-forces of ordinary life are active. One must enter a completely different world; that world
    • something very real when, instead of simply an empty wallet, he has twenty-five or fifty francs
    • thoughts concerning the course of the world. This was completely alien to the oriental way of
    • proven: `Away with everything else! The devil take the reality of the world — just let me
    • thoughts. In the West the 'I' is completely omitted because it is absorbed — soaked up by
    • full demand of the 'I'; letting it, however, sink down into the thinking, feeling and willing
    • place. People went completely amiss when they started applying
    • obsolete by the world catastrophe
    • the individual must find completely within himself the source of what he has to find and which he
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 2: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 1
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    • comes to expression particularly strongly in the broad masses of the proletariat which has come
    • differentiated, the social views of, let us say, the proletariat, which then, however, colour
    • Anglo-Saxon proletariat that the impulses of socialism arose.
    • Bolshevism has a strong religious element which, however, is completely materialistic. It works
    • Anglo-Saxon. And, in its basic instincts, this 'Anglo-Saxondom' moves completely with the
    • a completely economic way of thinking, out of the impulses of economic ideas. This is why
    • all individual phenomena, how this, let us say historical threefoldness, really does exist; in
    • spirituality that is now completely decadent. This has to be borne by the spiritual world, and it
    • in the completely usual way, an individuality that was there in an earlier life, and then again
    • completely different spirituality is working into present-day human beings and it will be an
    • towards the West. The West takes on this form because it lives completely in the most fundamental
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 3: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 2
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    • spiritual life is, in fact, completely decadent. This spiritual life is of such a nature that it
    • faith, completely estranged from the world, has secured itself a place alongside worldly
    • In the Orient even completely worldly aspirations
    • whole civilized world. Rome ended in complete decadence, brought about essentially by the fact
    • Let me state expressly that what I am talking about
    • But let us suppose that something else happened.
    • Let us suppose that what lives on in language — what lives on in the spiritual world of
    • disregarded. The human being of the West lives in language in a completely different way —
    • the world-view of science. You can sense this if you let the — albeit rather coquettish
    • Letters an Aesthetic Education
    • has entered even into psychology. It has been adopted there completely. And it is there that
    • more of God than the fairy tale of a generalized, completely abstract, cosmic first cause.
    • understanding at all for what is called rational in the West? Let us be under no illusion here.
    • which a new spirit wishes to arise, for the old is completely decadent.
    • been completely absorbed by the economy and that the spiritual element, if one disregards the
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 4: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 3
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    • Aesthetic Letters
    • Aesthetic Letters
    • certain middle mood between one possibility in the human being — his being completely given
    • being cannot come to freedom. For if he has completely surrendered himself to the world of the
    • is unfree. But he is also unfree when he surrenders himself completely to the necessity of
    • Aesthetic Letters
    • Aesthetic Letters
    • and Schiller lays the Aesthetic Letters before Goethe.
    • Aesthetic Letters
    • this work of Kant's which was abstract, but in a completely different sense. And just as he seems
    • Aesthetic Letters.
    • Aesthetic Letters
    • Aesthetic Letters:
    • Aesthetic Letters
    • stops just short of something into which humanity later fell completely.
    • Let us show diagramatically what might be meant
    • which he would have come completely into a fantastic red. Thus he adds that element which is
    • Schiller would have had either to become completely intellectual or would have had to take
    • Aesthetic Letters.
    • Aesthetic Letters
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 5: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 4
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    • become since the beginning of the fifteenth century. People do not consider the completely
    • good deal since then; but it is impossible, when one looks completely without prejudice at the
    • already completely entangled in the state of affairs that has arisen through the
    • Let us suppose the human being in ancient times had
    • Let us look at it from another side. Out of the
    • life. If one could do this for a time — this initial experiment will not work, but let us
    • in the letter-patent of nobility or similar documents, something that is already showing itself
    • blood will no longer be of importance. The letter-patent of nobility and similar papers will have
    • to say the means of production. A completely new spiritual concept must arise which, on the one
    • perceptions naturally then appear as something completely different from what the human being can
    • for it is in this area that fine beginnings are apparent — would remain incomplete. One
    • realms. But it would only be something incomplete and therefore unable to aid our declining
    • With these comments I shall have to let it rest for
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 6: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 5
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    • has nothing more of the Christ. Jesuitism already contains in itself a complete rebellion against
    • spiritual was completely lost — in which theology, in wishing to be a modern theology,
    • taken up through external symbolism which could be explained. It was then impossible to let these
    • of a completely different constitution of soul. The Gospels can only be understood through a
    • gradually eliminating the figure of Christ completely.
    • Jesuitism was developed into a complete system — a hatred for Gnosis. And even today we
    • continuation of what, in a completely different form, was present in the spirit world before
    • develop the astral body in the right way. Education and training take on a completely new
    • a completely decadent form. A sense for revelation is there still. The intellectual, the purely
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 7: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 6
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    • properly be called experience of the Christ has fallen into complete decadence. We saw, too, that
    • completely lost by science; man is left out.
    • complete void in man, so to speak, as regards his perception of self. And yet, on the other hand,
    • And now let us look at the way the evolution of the
    • his being. And let us now consider from a spiritual-scientific standpoint the counter-image of
    • must be kept in view completely impartially. Almost every day at the moment spiritual science is,
    • we spoke about medicine and truly excluded all dilletantism about magnetic
    • — the modern Scribes and Pharisees — have denied him completely.
    • instead, one sees how people just let life run its course; how they look at those who direct life
    • perverted spiritual life which has gradually gone very deep into untruth but is completely
  • Title: Abbreviated Title: Lecture I:
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    • experiences the complete dissolving and separation of the physical and
    • particular. Let us suppose that we become familiar with a movement such as
    • harmony with what surrounds it, when it is completely alien to its
    • grains let themselves be distracted from preparing those of the next year,
  • Title: Talk To Young People:
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    • of the century there has been a completely new impulse entering our
    • there in the subconscious that wants to be completely honest and
    • our old habits. Let us try to divide our sleeping and waking, to keep
    • found to have become an empty pouch, completely dried up, burned
    • this should not be just a phrase. Let us be awake to the fact that
    • friends! It should overpower us so completely that we keep our coats
    • let our physical heart remain behind as an empty pouch, for we have
  • Title: "Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will not pass away"
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    • So, let us once again
    • And let us be quite sure
    • to a third person. But let us also suppose that A has been standing
    • be realised if we are to complete our Bau —of the Group to be
    • down under his feeling of defeat. That is the idea. What its completion
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture I: Tree of Life - I
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    • which could not have been at man's disposal if, let us say, an
    • only the remains of the Latin heritage. Let us envisage the question
    • way. My dear friends, let us consider first the Italian peninsula,
    • let us consider it still occupied by the descendants of the old Roman
    • population. Let us further imagine that on this old Italian peninsula
    • impossible not to admit that only incredible dilettantism could
    • they would have faced the danger of completely losing the power of
    • Century, the wave of Latinism drew completely over
    • Italian peninsula, though in this last completely inundated by the
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture II: Tree of Life - II
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    • produce a complete and harmonious whole. And I have already pointed
    • completely forgotten in the moment of waking.
    • Let us now consider the ordinary
    • it, is extinguished every night. So let us hold these facts before
    • consequences for our human life of these facts. Let us first examine
    • Now let us take the other case. What
    • comprehension of Christ and the Christ Impulse. Let us suppose that
    • the waking state. Let us suppose this stream became strongly
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture III: The Power of Thought
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    • being, let us say a papier-mâché copy. The
    • of the last lectures. And it is they who will not let the
    • Occidental. The Oriental would have fallen completely into rigid
    • Socratic world-conception on the other. It is a unity, one complete
    • let us say, like a modern philosopher
    • that which has undergone a certain completion in Greece, with the
    • receive what the gods wish to let flow into human
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture IV: Harmonizing Thinking, Feeling and Willing
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    • here in the interior (violet), they radiate only within us and we are
    • Christ-impulse to live, not only in feeling and willing, but to let
    • Christianity, full of content, which will then be completely one with
    • whole nerve- let me say -of Christology, — take
    • Christ-Being remains completely untouched by all that is in the earth
    • let us say — a person in
    • physically completely veiled as regards the head. Man carries the
    • complete cosmos. He can now experience a whole Cosmos, which Consists
    • For let us suppose that a second man meets the first man, a second
    • Now let us
    • Now let us
    • particular aims in the world. Let us suppose that this man belonged
    • such a world conception; and let us suppose that he had special,
    • which can benefit all men; he has no lust of domination; but let us
    • over, passes them on and lets them work upon other people through
    • the embodied person, was really furthered. The mediums completely
    • there on the physical plane, takes complete responsibility for his
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture V: Tree of Knowledge - I
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    • Let us
    • Now let us
    • comprehends. And let us suppose the worm were not an ordinary
    • completely opposite: men makes researches into what their senses see;
    • see from this how the much vaunted inner completeness of a
    • correct and complete in itself, there need be no logical error in it,
    • it can be a world-conception completely tenable inwardly. You will
    • still remain — well — let us
    • say: worm-world-conceptions. When we let this really work upon our
    • of entering into those other worlds. For no matter how complete in
    • immediate past; they are worm-conceptions. They are complete in
    • with what was brought to completion in those worlds as ... well, let
    • us say, as the forms of the letters of the alphabet have to do with
    • space, everything that we bring to consciousness and let arise
    • like a letter of the alphabet.
    • there so that we can develop on Earth as we do. Let us be quite clear
    • and now let their activity shine in from outside upon the earth. That
    • only in time, letting no real spatial concept, intermingle ... we can
    • the heart of man. And let us imagine that there arose in a human soul
    • with chaste heart, and every misconstruction would show a complete
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture VI: Tree of Knowledge - II
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    • Let us remember that the human being was built up in
    • doing!’ ... and then he let himself go about the others.
    • make progress if we let Ahriman transform for us something that we
    • this danger is not a slight one. One is, of course, not to let
    • body and produces movement. Let us suppose that someone says,
    • higher beings, Angels, Archangels, let their thoughts flow into him
  • Title: World Downfall and Resurrection
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    • through the centuries and completely contradicts the
    • conceptions were relics of the ancient era of paganism. Let me
    • world downfall, albeit in their lethargy and indifference men
  • Title: Lecture: Philosophy and Anthroposophy
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    • the world should retain, and therefore lapses into dilettantism.
    • following exposition will prove how little this reproach of dilettantism
    • wisdom. This, however, is only due to a particular form of dilettantism
    • determined in dogmatic quarters. Let us rather be undisturbed by what may
    • refutation of Christianity. Now let us imagine what the Scholastics felt in
    • to its close, there occurred in course of time a complete rupture along the
    • become entangled. Let us examine how this came about. Kant was especially
    • completely misunderstood in accepted philosophical circles. Kant was
    • that man is unable to penetrate into the “thing-in-itself?” Let
    • again remove it. There can be no doubt, I take it, that the seal being, let
    • complete survey of the subject we must new touch upon another point. We
    • external physical world are concerned. Why? Let us make it clear how pure
    • senses. Let us imagine we wish to form the conception of a circle. We can,
    • matter of complete indifference to any existing circle or sphere whether
    • attainable wherein the complete convergence of the 'real' and the
    • of the soul thus becomes completely transformed. It becomes the life of a
    • method, anthroposophy cannot but appear as dilettantism, and this reproach
    • philosophers can undertake to agree that anthroposophy is no dilettantism.
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture I: The Pedagogy of the West and of Central Europe: The Inner Attitude of the Teacher
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    • today cannot be addressed without a completely renewed and holistic education.
    • precisely the opposite of what it ought to be. Let me draw your attention
    • leading philosopher of the present time, in complete contradiction with
    • teaching to begin with, let us say, the six or seven year old children in a
    • and growth, but it is incomplete. Indeed, it will not be until our death
    • moods and to let what we say be determined solely by the content of what we
    • surrendering ourselves completely to the subject. The important thing
    • extraordinary importance for the souls of the children. And if we can let
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture II: The Three Fundamental Forces in EducatioN
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    • today cannot be addressed without a completely renewed and holistic education.
    • Let us
    • dentition is completed, to introduce the child to drawing and painting,
    • modified our organs, as deeply as into the skeletal system. A person who
    • views a human skeleton with a true psycho-physical eye (and not with the
    • differentiation between a male and female skeleton, will see in the
    • skeleton an incorporated musical achievement, played out in the interaction
    • between the human organism and the outer world. The human skeleton can be
    • arrangement of forms in the human skeleton! This would also demonstrate for
    • skeletal form of the animal we have a musical imprint too, but it is such
    • that a musical coherence would be provided only if various skeletons were
    • himself ... is fit for treason, murder and deceit ... let no such man be
    • our consciousness: you are not letting something outside of you in, you are
    • children draw eurythmic gestures and then let drawing and finally writing
    • to do this — to improve what the child lets happen
    • have to let the child grow slowly into the outer world; we dare not let
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture III: Spiritual Knowledge of Man as the Fount of Educational Art
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    • today cannot be addressed without a completely renewed and holistic education.
    • Let us
    • let the child listen too much. He will manage to perceive, and he will also
    • metabolism. So if you let the child get too much into the habit of watching
    • and listening do not let him do enough work by himself, you will not be
    • calls the red-yellow side of the spectrum warm and the blue-violet side
    • cold, let us recall how he brings the perception of colour and the
    • of the spectrum 'sounds' different from the blue-violet side, as it were,
    • is of special interest to let these things that I have spoken to you about
    • lives as human beings the important thing is to let inner and outer things
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture IV: The Art of Education Consists of Bringing Into Balance the Physical and Spiritual Nature of the Developing Human Being
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    • today cannot be addressed without a completely renewed and holistic education.
    • mistake, that one does not let the ego sink deeply enough into the
    • is too strongly dependent on the body, we let the child draw the forms
    • which are otherwise grasped more through thought. The moment we let the
    • painting understand the meaning of what he draws: when I let the child draw
    • the letters, the forms of the letters, to which I have drawn his attention.
    • transition from the spiritual to the physical world, it completely changes
    • dilettante tirades through a deeper understanding of the human being. Even
  • Title: Social Understanding: Lecture II: Social Understanding Through Spiritual Scientific Knowledge
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    • today cannot be addressed without a completely renewed and holistic education.
    • are not merely confined, let us say, to our jaws or their neighbouring
    • of growth are completed.
    • Let us represent diagrammatically by means of this line this world that is
    • complete picture of what is actually there in the world if you imagine that
    • were to come when human beings completely lost hold of their youth, and
    • of it with children, a remarkable thing will happen: Let us suppose you are
    • still call 'Utter madness'. A few days ago I got yet another letter from
    • going to be affected when things change. And another person, who is, let us
  • Title: Buddha and the Two Boys: Lecture I: Buddha and the Two Boys of Jesus
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    • Christ event will then come to us in a completely different light in such a
    • So once the Buddha let
    • “Lord, now let your servant depart in peace, for my eyes
  • Title: Buddha and the Two Boys: Lecture II: The Gospels, Buddha and the Two Boys of Jesus
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    • as if one had let the deepest Gospel, the Gospel of John, work on
    • a closed spatial unit. It is a multiplicity of non-contiguous members. Let
    • Let us also think about what we have regarded as the essence of the Buddha
    • that man was in a completely different state of consciousness in the past.
    • could find it within their own souls. Moses brought a law in a completely
    • development proceeds. Development comes about through completely different
    • a completely different current had to unite. Under certain circumstances
    • try that! Then a child would have to be developed completely differently
    • teaching. Then, when completely different forces had been developed, at
    • Matthew lets the Zarathustra be born into the forty-second member after
  • Title: Lecture: Art As A Bridge Between The Sensible And The Supersensible
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    • proletarian masses. In the course of recent historical developments, the
    • understanding. The proletarian masses have increasingly had to regard
    • — in which the great proletarian masses are unable to
    • relegating the worker to only a proletarian education. One need but think
    • proletarian, universally-human feeling, an upper stratum emerged in
    • earth in human physical bodies. Let us remind ourselves as before, of
    • let us remind ourselves again and again, that it is actually quite absurd
    • Finally, natural science lets nothing count as valid other than sensible
    • theosophical societies. There one remains completely in words, in
    • Let us say there are a
  • Title: Raphael's Mission in the Light of the Science of the Spirit
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    • do they attain a certain completion in the powerful visual
    • of his development, let us turn our attention for the moment
    • [1504], as a completely
    • Having thus considered Raphael's inner nature, let us turn to
    • otherwise than that Raphael let this scene work on him. What
    • Let
    • completeness such a soul is self-evidently mature in the
    • given moment, Raphael's creations appear fundamentally complete
    • and completeness — if Christian fire had been altogether
    • he could be so inwardly serene, so inwardly complete, that this
    • completed life”
    • devoting itself in a prior life completely to such
    • letting one or another of Raphael's creations work on us, in
  • Title: Leonardo's Spiritual Stature: Lecture
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    • align="left" border="0" alt="Letter A designed by Rudolf Steiner"
    • refectory of the Dominicans, was completely under water on one
    • contributed to the overall problem: the billeting of troops in
    • reproductions. Letting the picture re-arise for us in this way,
    • considering Leonardo as a complete individual.
    • Leonardo would first of all let the idea arise of whatever he
    • Letting all this work on us, we get the impression that things
    • of completing the picture, but rather to get to know specific
    • characterize Leonardo and to comprehend him completely, it
    • over a period of many years he completed the model for the
    • — having to forsake it completely without achieving
    • Letting his “Last Supper” work on us, there are two
    • picture in Milan, one has the impression, Judas is completely
    • let us consider Leonardo. He enters an age having, in an
    • Let
    • Let
    • see Leonardo in good health, so complete in himself that it
    • — a complete human being, an exemplary human being. He is
  • Title: Fairy Tales: in the light of Spiritual Investigation
    Matching lines:
    • the fairy tale ought to make in simply letting it work on one,
    • Letters Concerning the Aesthetic Education of
    • human soul. The soul has a deep-rooted need to let the
    • Let
    • let us take another fairy tale. — Please do not take it
    • as a further example, let us take a peculiar
    • fairy tale, let us remind ourselves that, as shown by spiritual
    • Let
    • gained as soul-spiritual knowledge. Let us regard it as
    • let us compare all this, proclaimed by spiritual science as the
    • lark and let it fly off, saying to the giants: “Your
    • life there is no greater art than that which completes the path
  • Title: The Worldview of Herman Grimm in Relation to Spiritual Science
    Matching lines:
    • had brought out Goethe's remarkable exchange of letters with a
    • spirit. Even if some things as presented in the letters are
    • [Goethe's Exchange of Letters with a Child],
    • and complete. In taking up the works of Herman Grimm, we
    • acquires its “skeleton,” however, its necessary
    • Immersing oneself in them, letting the Greek spirit affect one,
    • to send its impulses into the rivulets and streams of western
    • with the same subtlety of ideas, Herman Grimm does venture,
    • letting such a sentence duly affect one, Herman Grimm's
    • would humbly stand aside to let him pass; if Raphael came by, I
    • to his own satisfaction in uniting himself completely with the
    • to fetch this person his friend adheres to so completely. She
    • to her — continuing right up to her final letter to the
    • or of “karma,” but in simply letting the facts
    • beyond, speak to the soul. I would render something incomplete
    • to touch herself, but not a limb obeyed her. All was completely
    • silent, completely dark; no thoughts could be grasped in this
    • if he does not share the same standpoint completely, we do
    • arrive at the thought — let us call it for that matter a
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 1
    Matching lines:
    • how in these times realities are completely different from what is
    • complete truth — that in America they are thinking of declaring
    • true, for what was behind them was something completely different, it
    • of a region, let's say an empire, and what we today would call the
    • describes the complete hierarchy, from the deacons, archdeacons,
    • pastoral letter was written by a Central-European bishop —
    • perhaps he was an Archbishop. In that pastoral letter he more or less
    • thing which, as I said, appeared in a pastoral letter a few years
    • written in that pastoral letter is of course an impossibility for the
    • feelings towards responsibilities. Let's now consider the other side.
    • Let's consider such an ancient empire. In people's minds it was an
    • speech thrown overboard, and something completely new must enter,
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 2
    Matching lines:
    • not-to-be-completely-understood. It had the character of colored
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 3
    Matching lines:
    • justification was no longer there in all the subsequent empires. Let
    • completely lost: that the spiritual kingdom shines through into the
    • such a thing let alone write it down. But it is in the book I spoke
    • incentive for achievement of complete national unity was brought
    • “brothers,” meaning not to let social class or an
    • special attention to this, let's take something quite banal, quite
    • complete person, after having been constipated with platitudes. What
    • our evolution. How could people let themselves be deceived by
    • I would like to read part of a letter to you
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture I: Anthroposophy and Natural Science
    Matching lines:
    • scientific movement is completely monistic right though the
    • of which has become obsolete, what Goethe envisaged for natural
    • What is it that lets us finally arrive at a true perception of
    • not dependent on outer perception but it is completely observed
    • to let organic science be developed and introduce such methods
    • which she more or less has completely achieved completely.”]
    • “idea”, because he found complete resonance in the
    • Let's imagine someone is confronted with a written word. What
    • letters. No, he would read — and not search for the
    • intends sinning against legitimate methods in a dilettante
    • revealed from within the letters. If I lovingly remain standing
    • in imagination to let it rise to the form of the plant and to
    • imagery. Let's hold on to this firmly: outwardly there's the
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture II: The Human and the Animal Organisation
    Matching lines:
    • it, and not let it appear as something completely unauthorised
    • sense of seeing. Let us be clear about this. When we speak
    • the starting point is from a human angle of a complete
    • but what matters is in the relationship to the situation, let's
    • this can also be translated into a completely precise
    • Let's take the process of seeing. We could create divisions
    • Let's take everything that lives in the inner image
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture III: Anthroposophy and Philosophy
    Matching lines:
    • Let's look at the West: Herbert Spencer. If I want to be
    • Let's go now from Herbert Spencer to what we meet with Hegel.
    • exactly had appeared in Hegel. Let's look at Hegel. Already in
    • live completely in a thought itself. For Hegel Goethe's
    • because Hegel's life went completely — if I might use the
    • externally leave him empty completely, but which can only be
    • Nicaea. It places us completely back in the first three post
    • Let's look, for example, at everything which has arisen from
    • observation of the given elements, we don't fathom its complete
    • sustain a skeleton. Soloviev was able to develop it in flesh,
    • skeleton was missing. As a result, he took Hegel's concepts,
    • those of Humes and others, and built in a foreign skeletal
    • skeletal system then something comes about which can be lived
    • into a skeletal system which could as a result be descriptive.
    • skeletal system, but live spiritually and prepare oneself
    • inner skeleton within spiritual experiences; one develops the
    • through the anthroposophical experience you let the blood of
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture IV: Anthroposophy and Pedagogy
    Matching lines:
    • “in himself”, but completely absorbed his soul-life
    • his whole being. This alters completely with the development at
    • withdraw completely out of the bodily, yet it does to a high
    • during one period of life as completely in the physical — this
    • child's age and regard them as something complete and force
    • and 12th Century for instance, are of a completely
    • different to what they are today. Take for example the letters:
    • place. Therefore, we must obtain a completely different way to
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture V: Anthroposophy and Social Science
    Matching lines:
    • decades. Because this book strives to be completely realistic,
    • misinterpreted what had been said completely, wanting to turn
    • entered into but only completely trivial generalities are
    • quite abstract: this is intended in a complete realistic way
    • been dealt with — has shown itself as completely incapable of
    • basis of these principles on which they built a complete
    • instinctively and as a result it fell into complete chaos.
    • continued routine and as a result let the economic life of the
    • look at Ernst Muller. He is small with completely childish
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture VI: Anthroposophy and Theology
    Matching lines:
    • — it dwells in the subtleties of the human organisation.
    • this way one can say to oneself: indeed, a completely healthy
    • this diminished gradually; we see it completely fade in the
    • practical way out of Anthroposophy we still completely avoid
    • have within them a Being who through their destiny will let
  • Title: Impulse of Renewal: Lecture VII: Anthroposophy and the Science of Speech
    Matching lines:
    • Let's take for example a familiar word: “manas”. If
    • is completely drawn to a single point, a central point to which
    • completely. It is something quite different to feel yourself
    • The dialects still lets our soul become immersed in a far more
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 1
    Matching lines:
    • appropriate warning. Therefore, let this Spirit-Messenger's
    • words resound in our souls, and let the Spirit-Messenger's
    • Therefore, let us now hear the earnest watchful Messenger of
    • to really grasp the spirit as spirit, not merely letting
    • closing, let us review once more the beginning, middle and end
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 2
    Matching lines:
    • striving, by not being completely earnest about it.
    • often have I completely forgotten about it after a short time?
    • especially today they let this unconscious feeling dominate in
    • complete conscientiousness do we lift ourselves up, do we lift
    • lies completely in the unconscious.
    • Let
    • friends, and let us listen often to the Guardian's words:
    • “hollows out”: then what completely eliminates
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 3
    Matching lines:
    • Let
    • should not say: Let's leave gaining entrance into the spiritual
    • observation to action, and when he lets the combination of such
    • completely new capacities for distinguishing between reality
    • physical eyes; in our times, when people are completely attuned
    • spiritual world. Let's say you experienced something ten years
    • 150 years. Feeling leads you completely out of the time in
    • Because when you dedicate yourself completely to meditation,
    • Let
    • Let
    • Let
    • Let strive in you with thrust of will:
    • rhythms, let them act in your soul and you will come near to
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 4
    Matching lines:
    • completed the preliminary stages. And when he had achieved a
    • normal consciousness. Let's say you know someone, anyone, with
    • enemy without letting the animosity towards him arise. One can
    • potatoes and let everything pass over us with indifference, we
    • Let
    • look downward, I look out afar, I look upward. But let us do
    • this with intensive consciousness, let us do it as indicated in
    • even less through the light which the sun lets encircle the
    • Godly forces let their spirit-light
    • let us go on to the second beast and take what rescues us from
    • completely different. In one the gruesome description of the
    • Godly forces let their spirit-light
    • will be alert and will take the School seriously. Let us bear
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 5
    Matching lines:
    • a completely exterior point of view. One needs only to look at
    • are beings of air, that what we hold within us we let out
    • say to himself: If in my thinking I merge completely with the
    • of me and say: You, human, we will not let you out of the light
    • humans stand below and let the sun shine on us; for the more
    • illuminated darkness as violet and blue. Yellow and red say to
    • wrest you away from the earth. Violet and blue say to us: The
    • is needed to let a finger be cut off, but none is needed to
    • man - that he does not let the abyss be seen until his own
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 6
    Matching lines:
    • However, one cannot feel this relationship by merely letting
    • Let
    • lives in a completely intimate relationship with the element of
    • from our watery element to dry outer air. Dry air lets us feel
    • more human. Watery air lets us feel our dependence on the
    • let it strike my ear, and one feels: what I hear as tone, as
    • sound, as clang, lives in me as thought. I let the breath
    • thinking. When breathing, completely refined, strikes the sense
    • And if man lets them work with deep feeling on his sensibility
    • beings. If we completely fill ourselves with inner dedicated
    • friends. The intention is to let the spiritual word itself
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 7
    Matching lines:
    • about this; it must be completely clear. It is not a question
    • say - we will need to completely destroy from the roots up the
    • completely destroy from the roots up the most resisting, the
    • you should then try, after letting these mantric verses work on
    • we must let the Guardian's next words work upon us with great
    • we have a complete reversal. Whereas normally we consider
    • Thus, we have the complete reversal in the spiritual world as
    • congruence, and also aware that if we let this mantric verse
    • which the Guardian of the Threshold lets resound at the moment
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 8
    Matching lines:
    • arranged to the extent possible. We will have a newsletter
    • newsletter that Dr Wegman sent to the physicians who were thus
    • can therefore let this cosmic word, which rings out to
    • become conscious of all this when we let the following mantric
    • Let flow through your soul's force
    • - one must become strong in the soul to let normal sensory
    • Let
    • but must let them live in feeling as meditation. And these
    • Let in sleep through the tranquil heart
    • void through strength of soul, now we let the dreams of feeling
    • feelings' dreams completely dissolve in sleep, when individual
    • Let
    • [in the second verse] we need complete tranquility, for the dreams
    • Let in
    • Let human will transform itself
    • Let human will transform itself
    • Let
    • letting the mantric words flow through the soul.
    • Let flow through your soul's force
    • Let in sleep through the tranquil heart
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 9
    Matching lines:
    • First - without taking notes - let us be reminded of the
    • can, my dear friends, look up to the distant stars and let our
    • Thus, we let the first stage of this inner experience work in
    • Everything in these eight lines can be summarized by letting
    • man, let act in the depths of your soul
    • Therefore, if you let the words work on your soul, they are a
    • O man, let act in the depths of your soul
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 10
    Matching lines:
    • for those who could be here — will have a complete
    • anthroposophical truths, lets them work on him and considers
    • important aspect of esoteric life — complete truthfulness
    • themselves, where the gods not only let us read, but
    • with inner devotional feeling, secondly with complete soul and
    • deletes me
    • completely independent of all corporeality. If we cannot yet
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 11
    Matching lines:
    • developed here, but she also let the exercises given here
    • school of a completely different nature before she discovered
    • made the complete transition to anthroposophy quickly. The
    • which the godly beings themselves speak, and should let
    • completely shaped according to the earthly forces: the arms
    • The temple is complete.
    • us with the soul's senses. The temple is complete, and the
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 12
    Matching lines:
    • First let us recite the verse which reminds us of what comes from the cosmos
    • short, when you are completely outside of the world's tumult,
    • by the soul – let alone externally – when they are
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 13
    Matching lines:
    • Let us take first where the will is most evident in
    • I-organization [violet]. We don't walk with the physical
    • experience if we let it work upon us in this situation as we
    • Therefore, we will let the third part of this mantra
    • lets the clear spirit-rays from God's
    • lets the clear spirit-rays from God's
    • lets the clear spirit-rays from God's
    • lets the clear spirit-rays from God's
    • willing; rather that we completely forget ourselves and feel
    • as if we were walking completely naked along a street crowded
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 14
    Matching lines:
    • so with a completely different state of mind.
    • So let us imagine, my dear sisters and brothers, that you are
    • human being feels completely immersed. He accompanies his
    • the gods. They become completely objective. It is characteristic.
    • earth, water, air and fire; then as when we let our own soul
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 15
    Matching lines:
    • be completely in the spiritual world, completely in harmony
    • We must let such things resonate in our souls so that
    • Therefore, let us imagine that we are already in the
    • We must let what is active in the soul be what is
    • three kingdoms of nature and to let them flow through us, to
    • ourselves to be complete and enclosed. We do not feel everything
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 16
    Matching lines:
    • We will again start by letting the words resound
    • Let us imagine it once more, for we cannot
    • We must feel ourselves completely within this
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 17
    Matching lines:
    • Once more let us review in our souls what summarized the contents
    • completely immersed in the cosmic context, above all in the
    • Let the light creating force
    • Let the light creating force
    • Let the light creating force
    • My dear sisters and brothers, let us place the image once more
    • let be resurrected from the dead thoughts — our thoughts on
    • Let the light creating force
    • managed must be maintained. Again and again letters are arriving
    • and those who intend to do so, to please know that every letter
    • — that every such letter can form its own answer as being a
    • negative. In the future such letters will not be answered, because
    • letters must be regarded as containing their own rejection.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 18
    Matching lines:
    • Let the light creating force
    • let stream into human souls as the cosmic-word so that the human
    • Only when in our meditation we go on to the complete
    • from the spiritual world. Let us imagine a
    • And now let us consider the path we have taken in
    • human being crosses the abyss of existence. And let us also
    • consider how the impressions there acted on our souls; let us
    • We have traveled the path. Three tablets stood
    • speech. On the first tablet, long before we arrived at the abyss
    • Then we approached the Guardian. The second tablet
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 19
    Matching lines:
    • Again we shall let the verse flow
    • My dear sisters and brothers, we have let
    • resound together. Let us now bring that to mind once more
    • Let the light-creating force
    • certain sense we have completed the first section of this
    • themselves; we have let the images and inspirations which
    • incomplete.]
    • Therefore, in conclusion let resound on our
    • again we let these words resound in us:
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XX (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • entrust those who wanted to try something, to let them try. In
    • Thus, after having completed the cycle of successive
    • Society, that it has taken on the characteristic of complete
    • middle and below. Let us look at the mute kingdom of minerals,
    • at the thinking kingdom of humanity on earth; let us direct our
    • when we let the meaning and the spirit of these words work in
    • and radiance, then can you first say with complete intensity:
    • letters, but only personally; they may not be entrusted to the
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXI (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • First, however, let our souls again hear the words which
    • by the Guardian by letting the first of the beasts, which
    • being, he lets the second beast arise, representing feeling.
    • Again pointing to the yawning abyss of being, he lets the third
    • Let us keep this picture in mind.
    • completely enmesh us in earthly existence, then we will feel
    • Let act in you the thrust of will:
    • now let us turn again to all that has spoken to the human being
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXII (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • dear sisters and brothers, we will again begin by letting our
    • Let strive with thrust of will
    • Let strive within the thrust of will
    • Let strive within the thrust of will
    • line to indicate the complete reversal we make when rising from
    • Let strive within the thrust of will
    • ourselves and let our body become the whole world. Then will
    • free ourselves from the earth's gravity if we want to let our
    • Let illuminate your psychic being.
    • Let illuminate your psychic being.
    • — so now let us again consider the admonition which was
    • by the seal-gestures, through which Michael lets the RoseCross
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXIII (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • shall begin by again letting our souls hear the words which are
    • not letting ourselves be overtaken by light, nor letting the
    • Warmth and cold are at one with us in a completely different
    • O man, let rule within your depths of soul
    • O man, let rule within your depths of soul
    • O man, let rule within your depths of soul
    • will always adhere to his admonitions, letting them run through
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXIV (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • prescribed for every esotericist in golden letters — he
    • must go through this by letting the mantric verse work on us.
    • descend from thinking to feeling in memory when we let this
    • world completely engulfs us, destructive spiritual exaltation
    • then God lets his being give impulse to us as humans, and we
    • Today, though, after this has been shown to our souls, let us
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXV (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • Let
    • of love towards the being, we let ourselves grow wings of love,
    • completely unclear to our normal consciousness. We have the
    • bluish-violet, and the bright lights of thoughts above, between
    • many earth-lives, live in our willing. Let us think of all
    • upward pointing triangle. Let us concentrate on this.
    • now let us again consider — for all real development
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXVI (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • anthroposophical movement is still grasped with complete
    • admonitions — the Guardian of the Threshold says — I let it
    • go into raptures, we must return completely to earth life.
    • after he has let us cross the threshold, and after he has
    • Let be cast, through your strength of soul,
    • Let be cast, through your strength of soul,
    • drawn here, the sickle moon with this arrow; let the mantra
    • Let in sleep through tranquil heart
    • Let in sleep through tranquil heart
    • enhanced: Here [in the first part] it involved letting flow
    • your legs and arms when you let them relax: that is what
    • Let through the soul's vision of light
    • Let through the soul's vision of light
    • and retain the picture, but not to turn around, but to let this
    • Let be cast, through your strength of soul,
    • Let in sleep through tranquil heart
    • Let through the soul's vision of light
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture I: The True Form of the Social Question
    Matching lines:
    • on the one hand and under complete misunderstanding of some
    • something completely different to what is spoken about.
    • actual foundation for the modern-day proletarian movement does
    • modern proletarian movement is, perhaps like no other similar
    • of proletarian workers. I learnt to know what lives and strives
    • in the souls of the modern proletarian worker. From this I came
    • in placing themselves into the souls of the proletarians, they
    • proletarian world. Added to this, one can express it in the
    • proletarian movement. It is to some extent the first of its
    • already indicated it — what the modern proletarian expresses
    • Many people have fiercely shown how this modern proletarian
    • the proletariat in the modern sense; how through even the
    • this modern proletarian movement. Certainly, it is important
    • the modern proletariat. Those who are familiar with a spiritual
    • Take a single example in human development. For my sake let's
    • does not characterise it intensively enough: proletarian class
    • consciousness. With this expression ‘proletarian class
    • to a necessary battle where proletarians get mixed up with
    • which lived in the souls of the proletarians earlier, have now
    • indicated when one takes the wording: proletarian class
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture II: Comparisons at Solving the Social Question based on Life's Realities
    Matching lines:
    • not an complete centralisation of the organism. These three
    • completely been adjusted to the example of the human organism
    • establishing an analogy between a natural organization, let's
    • for complete autonomy, acknowledged and applied to all the
    • actually underlies the complete freedom flowing out of single
    • completion in my coming lectures. Particularly today I can
    • relations in a desirable way for the Proletariat.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture III: Fanaticism Versus a Real Conception of Life in Social Thinking and Willing
    Matching lines:
    • of the modern Proletarians, in whom the actual origin lies in
    • views of proletarian personalities or proletarian rulers are
    • the up-and-coming Proletarians, know how big the cleft is
    • Proletarians and to those things which are the actual main
    • Whoever properly pursues the proletarian movement as it has
    • many, will stand out, that the modern Proletarian, considered
    • proletariat, through their observations, know what to say about
    • exploring insightful representatives of the modern proletarian
    • representing their opinion; the modern proletariat must impress
    • does this modern proletarian point of view actually mean within
    • in humanity. Briefly, we are distracted from the proletarian
    • question about the status of the proletarians' lives. To a
    • actual reality, given by the actual living proletariat today,
    • modern proletariat with their opportunities in life, with their
    • this modern proletarian experience themselves as the criticism
    • sense for reality based observation, that the proletariat
    • or other theoretical analysis, but out of the Proletarians
    • themselves. It is a criticism. That the modern proletarians
    • outside of the proletariat who now take it as payment developed
    • Because this is so the souls of these modern proletarians were
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture IV: The Evolution of Social Thinking and Willing and Life's Circumstances for Current Humanity
    Matching lines:
    • Proletarian world. The leading intellectual bourgeois circles
    • Proletarians. Now with the awakening in newer times the modern
    • Proletarians didn't involve themselves as much within the real
    • structure. Still, the Proletarians were driven into the
    • economic life. Thus, the social impulse of the Proletarians
    • Proletarian circles. I consider this to be the most tragic
    • Proletarians themselves, and on the other side that the
    • Proletarians want to conquer from the state the element where
    • the achievement of the complete assertion of all individuals,
    • the forces, or it will let others impose on it. If it is the
    • social organism is healthy, in such a way that it is completely
    • Proletarians with Marxist viewpoints had hoped for, would be
    • position of the Proletariat in economic life, the very nerve of
    • life of the modern Proletariat shows, particularly for himself,
    • living unconsciously in the Proletariat, it is the important
    • element which the Proletarian soul strives for, the liberation
    • this could involve hours of time — in a complete
    • demand of the modern Proletarians: disrobing the power of human
    • proletarian worker must live from the proceeds of his labour.
    • rebuke the antiquated forms of religion and obsolete management
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture V: The Social Will as the Basis Towards a New, Scientific Procedure
    Matching lines:
    • but because I am of the conviction that if the Proletarian
    • varied areas of Proletarianism. Between the Proletarian forces
    • of will and the non-proletarian life today lies a gap, no one
    • Proletariat — and one can as far as relationships go, not
    • important trust. You see, we are talking about the Proletarian
    • believed they could bring the Proletarian will and thinking
    • impulses which are being considered by the Proletarians
    • say: the Proletarian, the social culture has thus come about,
    • but within the proletarian feelings, within the social culture
    • of olden times. The Proletarians were the only ones who were
    • Proletarian is, as paradoxical as it sounds, as unbelievable as
    • think about what one has learnt about the Proletarian Movement
    • possibility to think with the Proletarian, with the thoughts of
    • of the Proletarian Movement. One could clearly sense what
    • orientation influenced quite uneducated Proletarians: but it
    • life on to the Proletarian.
    • contained. The modern Proletarian, she believed, originated not
    • of force such words had on the proletarian natured soul.
    • Proletarian is completely “scientifically”
    • Where did the Proletarian get this point of view? What is the
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture VI: What Significance does Work have for the Modern Proletarian?
    Matching lines:
    • What Significance Does Work Have for the Modern Proletarian?
    • Proletarian?”
    • soul sensitivities had to let the call be heard: ‘Does modern
    • capitalistic supporters at least a part of the Proletarians,
    • this education, the Proletarians developed something which has
    • modern Proletariat could to a certain extent not be excluded
    • So it came about that the Proletariat on the one hand within
    • these directions, today the modern Proletariat is not less
    • contrast to that, for long decades the Proletariat have, in the
    • Proletarian's work, something which was full of seeds for the
    • could only be fed and empowered by capitalism, the Proletarian,
    • to see, that among thousands, yes thousands of Proletarian
    • Based on the nature of these things, the Proletarian
    • economic life, because the modern life of the Proletarian was
    • meaning into the Proletarian soul — this development was
    • say today: Among the ruling proletarian personalities, among
    • those who really understand the Proletariat, not merely think
    • about the Proletariat but among those individualities who have
    • for the modern Proletariat, for as long as possible. Only when
    • That the work of the modern Proletariat was achieved, I would
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Lecture: Richard Wagner and Mysticism
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    • And now let us speak of what is really the fundamental conviction of
    • And now let us see whether we can explain these words of Wagner in the
    • And now let us briefly consider the nature of the Mysteries. What were
    • And now let us consider the time of transition from the old phase of
    • evolution to the new. — Again let it be repeated, however, that
    • And now let us think of the mystery contained in this myth as a
    • accomplished the complete turn. In chastity and purity the plant
    • In what sense has man accomplished the complete turn? According to the
    • And now let us see how this sublime ideal lived on the heart and soul
    • feeling and let the ideas in their totality stand before our souls.
    • whole and complete being, when he clothed the secret of his own soul
    • who has not these twain, let him think he has religion!”
  • Title: Lecture: Spiritual Wisdom in the Early Christian Centuries
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    • But now let us scrutinise this logic more closely. The Ideas are
    • Let me try to tell you in brief words how Ammonius Saccas spoke of
    • complete and all-embracing — was merely the lowest expression of
    • would understand the universe let us not pay heed to space, for space
    • contains merely the outward expression of the spiritual world. Nor let
    • And now let me deal with another chapter of the wisdom taught by
    • Nature, in animal and in plant. Let no man be so sinful as to believe
  • Title: Community Building
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    • completely from direct vision and according to this vision, and
    • Society is not something that we can, let us say, found anew
    • that no small number of present-day sermons are completely
    • of his life. Let us suppose there had been good human
    • love, and let us imagine what it signifies when these persons
    • exclusive of the other, but one can be in the most complete
    • world, although we may theoretically enter completely into all
  • Title: Community Building
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    • experiences, therefore, for a certain — let us say
    • let us just observe once the mingling of these two states of
    • consciousness. So long as a person is in the completely normal
    • But suppose that, by reason of something pathological, let us
    • Now, let us proceed from these two states of consciousness to
    • we are led by the natural course of external events, and let us
    • let us call it a higher state — which can awake in a
    • These things must really be viewed with complete objectivity.
    • opinion that the most complete freedom prevails. Many people in
    • of things, not a criticism — and let my glance sweep over
    • original intention with regard to everything — thus I let
    • human beings of the modern age have fallen so completely into
    • is such that we are compelled to let one conceptual link
    • completely at home? It was an anomaly! And it constituted,
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 1: Evolution and Consciousness, Lucifer, Ahriman
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    • true ancestor of modern man, was still completely
    • jurisprudence in them. We let the gods mete out
    • something is justifiable does not count. We need to let
    • everybody. But now let me ask you about the facts. Does
    • can stop at the point where as earth beings we let our
    • beings, isolate it from progressive evolution and let it
    • of mankind. Let me read you a passage from a letter that
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 2: East, West, and the Culture of Middle Europe, the Science of Initiation
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    • begin with let us refer to things which in the main are
    • in the early stages of decline. Do not let us deceive
    • say: Let us cast off the old tradition; we want to put
    • Letters on Aesthetic Education [
    • things that are much more sublime but we let them sleep
    • are the bare facts I stated in a letter to Dr Boos [
    • Note 12 ] Apart from that let me
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 3: Political Empires
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    • confusion. Instead, let us find some other, more neutral
    • term. Let us say that ‘realms’ arose. Such
    • that the individual undergoes a complete change. Above
    • there in his childhood. Eight thousand years ago, let us
    • Let me say just one thing. When you look to the West you
    • it is to bring fiery energy into their lethargic nervous
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 4: Western Secret Societies, Jesuitism, Leninism
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    • Let me take
    • we hear the bullets whistling all around. If therefore
    • more bullets whistle around our ears from certain
    • our feet if we were to go for the truth; let us therefore
    • to go into it here. But let us turn our attention to
    • Let us
    • Let us move
    • not letting it come to light. People will go on saying
    • pamphlet by the Tübingen speaker was brought into
    • the people who bring professor Traub's pamphlet into play
    • Pamphlet if immediately afterwards the reader has
    • present age our enemies are letting their bullets come
    • Let us be
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 5: How the Material Can Be Understood Only through the Spirit
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    • The material aspect in particular is completely
    • humankind is absolutely full of wrong ideas, completely
    • Let me show
    • that is something that really comes hard, to let
    • general way of looking at it. Let me go on to something
    • production. Millions of proletarians have accepted this
    • proletarian circles about the view that the modes and
    • succeeded in letting their thinking escape from the
    • and yet it is necessary to speak of them, let me draw
    • fact is — and let us be very clear about this
    • not happen a second time. It was possible to let the
    • they did not waste so much time, their work, which let us
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 6: Materialism and Mysticism, Knowledge as a Deed of the Soul
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    • with let me use a more methodological approach to show
    • referred to this a number of times, also in the pamphlet
    • of it has any materiality. Let us consider what we are
    • that other star, let us say the moon, were to look at us
    • fall down when I let go of it? The force called gravity
    • experience if some person stands here and lets a stone
    • them, endeavouring also to let each enter into the
    • occur. Let me present a picture to you of something that
    • characterize this in the pamphlet. Mr Molt took the
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 7: Materialism, Mysticism, Anthroposophy, Liberalism, Conservatism
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    • completely misunderstood by people who want to proceed in
    • we must look for its reality. Let me ask you this. Would
    • Let us first of all consider the ordinary political
    • want to withdraw completely from public life or perhaps
    • one I unite with. Let others present their affairs in
    • of nervous system, skeletal system, blood system. So we
    • if we progress from reflection to feeling, to letting it
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 8: The Opposition of Knowledge and Faith, Its Overcoming
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    • Let us
    • ways of letting their souls and spirits enter more and
    • is to let people have only sense-bound knowledge, making
    • descending completely and taking up its mission on earth.
    • to materialism. This is done by letting them develop
    • prejudices and taking too poor a view of theologians, let
    • fake letters reputedly written by our people, cunningly
    • you want to get an idea, let me recommend this work to
    • she is writing letters to all kinds of people.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 9: East, West, and Middle
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    • completely superficial. An example are the essays
    • By now it has faded completely. A shadow image remained
    • birth and death; they completely lacked the ability to
    • into life in a different way. Let us recall — how
    • did the people of the ancient Orient let the spiritual
    • Schiller's letters on aesthetic education, for instance.
    • well as that of the physical body, and by letting clear
    • that could become sectarian, and people let this illumine
    • 'social community' in Schiller's letters on aesthetic
    • in my first mystery play. For the moment let me just say
    • that people want to stay asleep, want to let themselves
    • element has grown completely senile. It is always a great
    • that has once been great and is now completely decadent.
    • showed how the old oriental culture had grown completely
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 10: Transition from the Luciferic to the Ahrimanic Age and the Christ Event to Come
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    • civilized humanity differs from earlier times. Let me point out
    • Again let me give an
    • Let me present the major
    • you consider one of the fundamental aspects of modern technology, let us
    • from coal-mining. They did not arise from something that human beings let
    • spontaneously come forth from within them, but from completely external
    • Now let us take some other
    • million in 1912. Clearly this means a complete change in the human
    • Let me give you some more
    • through technology; energies completely independent of anything human
    • nature. These forces are completely at odds with everything that came
    • number of elemental beings — let us say demonic spirits.
    • without people being aware of it a completely new world developed in a
    • with an ahrimanic world that is growing completely independent of
    • completely lose their bearings among the demonic powers that are present
    • people come to know this Christ power, if they let it enter into them,
    • what I mean let me remind you that during the 18th century people who had
    • again!’ That can only happen' of course, if people let the power of
    • but do not let our lives be governed by the products of technology, and
    • us to understand that humanity has created a completely new world around
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 11: Modern Science and Christianity, Threefold Social Order, Goetheanism
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    • Let us
    • have to say to ourselves: Longing to become complete
    • become complete human beings — then we feel the
    • entirely of this earth and make us into complete human
    • have a dead science but to let it become inner
    • in his own way, in his letters on aesthetic education. He
    • started with completely abstract ideas. The first was the
    • all into his letters on aesthetic education which he then
    • scientific approach in writing his letters on aesthetic
    • completely excluded the personal aspect and took pride in
    • did not go as far as that in his letters on aesthetic
    • he developed. This is important. His letters on aesthetic
    • developing abstract ideas in his letters on aesthetic
    • attempted to express in abstract ideas in his letters on
    • Let us be
    • concept of ourselves as complete human beings with this
    • only come to this if they let the Christ, who is now
    • course take bread and — well, let us say
    • Imaginations at a personal level and did not let them
    • letters — except maybe at aesthetic tea parties
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Life Between Two Incarnations
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    • the outset in order to prepare ourselves for a complete understanding
    • able to see this. Let us assume that a man stands before us. In this
    • Now let us
    • not cease to be. Man keeps all this in his astral body. Let us think of
    • an ordinary desire, and for the sake of simplicity let us choose one of
    • in such a way that he comes into completely changed conditions in order
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture I
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    • half-truth becomes a whole truth when so completed, when we can
    • man, is really completed. Let this significant fact work
    • world, and this part of our task is now completed.
    • is because modern man is complete, with reference to the
    • of a body, which has now reached its completion, and develop
    • corresponds to that of the individual man, but not completely.
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture II
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    • complete change in the relation of civilized man's soul to the
    • from the most varied points of view, a young man got up (let us
    • course of daily life. Let us assume that a man has something
    • into complete fatalism, as the philosophy of Maya
    • decadent. The proletariat are not so yet; they are still able
    • complete rejection of what is really spiritual. From this
    • spiritual gains it. It is part of their task to let the spirit
    • contradictions will let loose in human nature such instincts
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture III
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    • have long been known to us. Let us recollect how the human ego
    • and etheric bodies and become completely one with them as to
    • existed no complete immersion of the ego and astral body during
    • meaning of this complete immersion in the physical body?
    • completely into the physical body and therewith learn of the
    • not penetrate into their drowsy minds. We simply must let these
    • into an age marked by this complete plunging into the physical
    • body, educate them to be able to take the complete plunge.
    • understanding be complete, really satisfying the needs of
    • this is a complete error. If you put together the various
    • completely into the physical. Again, when either by
    • ago have turned to dust, is enabled to bring to completion what
    • our cities our heart bleeds when we realize the complete lack
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Main Features of the Social Question and the Threefold Order of the Social Organism
    Matching lines:
    • proletariat, to achieve an essentially different attitude to
    • proletariat with regard to the social question. We saw what
    • fearful disaster. The proletariat found itself in a new
    • ideas to which for years the proletariat had devoted itself
    • world of affairs had arrived at the state of letting them take
    • instructive to let the facts speak: these practical men spoke
    • proletariat which has educated itself in a rigorous school of
    • merely. to look round on the proletariat to find out how they
    • thoughts which have been converted into a “proletarian
    • since the proletariat could gain no insight into the
    • poured out over the proletariat by its leaders. “In
    • when adopted as party slogans of the proletariat, have become
    • we would be honest with the proletariat, we must say that this
    • unfortunate proletariat which is raising its just claims lives
    • them: on the other, the proletariat with its acquired, abstract
    • the proletariat” if we have a feeling of the torrent
    • and that of the proletariat leads, and has led, to a deep
    • proletariat. We may understand the form of the words when they
    • refute what are the actual words of the proletarian theory is
    • proletarian theory to-day and try to refute it is
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.

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