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  • Title: Evil and Spiritual Science
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    • Thanks to an anonymous donation, this Lecture has been made available.
    • may perhaps be able to feel about such a question, that it is
    • remarkable thinkers which, following the views of Socrates and
    • being, to their previously prescribed and recognisable purpose?
    • humanity is enabled to insert itself in full clarity in the
    • Stoicism, that the development of the world was able to take it
    • weakness is not always able to perform it, so that goodness is
    • preparing to be able to build goodness thereupon. So Lotze
    • all-goodness; or he must not have been able to do so —
    • command, so as to be able to astound us, and where in details
    • says, they are completely unsuitable.
    • are unable to find the answers to significant questions such as
    • and is able to perceive in a spiritual world, then it can see
    • live in the spirit world, then he/she would only be able to
    • physical world that enables us to overcome selfishness.
    • valuable for a person who wants to penetrate into the spiritual
    • are able to live not only with ourselves alone, but with the
    • beings who perhaps higher than mankind are able to realize
    • unsuitable world.
    • science, what our time was able to tell him from its
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 1: Popular Occultism, Introtroduction
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    • Consequently these lectures are a valuable guide from the
    • are able, by their will-power, to throw out of their field of vision
    • people around him. For a child is able to feel good and evil thoughts.
    • memory, the memory-tableau rises up before us after death. When the
    • the child should be given images in parables and we should work upon
    • period we shall be able to influence the astral body by developing the
    • was looked upon as the “unutterable name”. It is the voice
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 2: Man's Ascent into the Supersensible World
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    • Consequently these lectures are a valuable guide from the
    • person is unable to cope with them and thinks that they are illusions,
    • unable to perceive what takes place astrally, because they do not have
    • sounds after certain time, he is later on able to hear the “Inner
    • is called Imagination. Imagination therefore enables one to see, whereas
    • Inspiration enables one to hear. When
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 3: The Different Conditions of Man's Life After Death
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    • Consequently these lectures are a valuable guide from the
    • being enjoys, is enjoyed by his soul, but the organ which enables him
    • be seized by an unspeakable greed for their physical body, which would
    • This enables us to shape our next incarnation, as far as the body, and
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 4: The Devachanic World
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    • Consequently these lectures are a valuable guide from the
    • human being does not possess the organs which enable him to perceive
    • life here on earth, all that enables plants and animals to grow, may
    • through clairvoyance he was able to have perceptions in Devachan, a battle
    • find all the fruitful and valuable ideas ever thought out by man. Even
    • stage in our inner development, we shall be able to recall our past
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 5: Life Between Death and a New Birth
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    • Consequently these lectures are a valuable guide from the
    • soul simultaneously, like a long series of pictures. But this memory-tableau
    • an objective tableau, a panorama of pictures.
    • influence his etheric body and are able to give man the right kind of
    • When the suitable place
    • the human being towards a suitable family and only at the moment of
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 6: Man's Return to a New Earthly Life
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    • Consequently these lectures are a valuable guide from the
    • earthly life. After death there arises first of all the picture-tableau
    • and their effects appear to begin with, in the external favorable or unfavorable
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 7: Effects of the Law of Karma
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    • Consequently these lectures are a valuable guide from the
    • far more difficult to permeate it. This impermeable quality of the etheric
    • he had during a past incarnation, because he was already able to work
    • constitution and being can give him the most suitable physical body,
    • change in the vegetable kingdom is directed from the sphere of Devachan.
    • with the transformation of the vegetable and animal kingdoms of the
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 8: The Evolution of Man and of the Solar System; the Atlantic Evolution
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    • Consequently these lectures are a valuable guide from the
    • The animal and vegetable
    • The Atlantean and was able
    • which enabled them to rise from the ground and soar above it. But these
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 9: Lemurian Development
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    • Consequently these lectures are a valuable guide from the
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 10: Paths of Occult Training
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    • Consequently these lectures are a valuable guide from the
    • The human soul is capable of
    • Persias were already able to harmonize spirit and matter and. began to work
    • imagination. In future all human beings will be able to perceive as
    • qualities which man must have; he must be able to bear what one calls great
  • Title: i Spirituality: Lecture 1: Historical Symptomology, the Year 790, Alcuin, Greeks, Platonism, Aristotelianism, East, West, Middle, Ego
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    • might wish to find ideas as the driving forces of history would never be able to prove that ideas
    • it is indeed quite noticeable that it is not the concept of redemption itself that is discussed.
    • into decadence. In Plato, if we are able to understand him properly, we find the last offshoots,
    • it, too, takes on different forms, different metamorphoses, but all of which have a recognizable
    • remarkable writings which are ascribed to
    • unfathomable regions of the human soul. Here again the 'I' does not appear.
    • truly scientific must follow from this `I am'. One should be able, as it were, to deduce, to read
    • same as me. It is so inexplicable to Fichte that Kant thinks differently from him, that he says:
    • proof! Kant's writings are remarkable also in this respect. He wrote his
    • into it. But Kant had something else which makes it inexplicable how he could become Fichte's
    • One will only be able to come to an understanding
    • magnificent could have come out of it. For, with what Hegel was able to think, with what Fichte
    • was able to think, one would have been able — had one remained within the legal-political
    • soul which in a remarkable; quite natural way was in accord with what these individuals
    • absolutely call for the qualities that may arise in individuals who are able to penetrate the
    • Waldorf Schools the culture has proved to be capable of bringing light into primary education.
    • the pedagogical spirit which rules in the Waldorf School. We have to be able to extend this
    • school until we are able to move into higher education of the kind we are hoping for here. For
    • to it, and be constantly able to support that which is necessary in order to work here; to be
    • not be able to found a World Fellowship of Schools simply by creating a committee of twelve or
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 2: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 1
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    • to how, for outwardly inexplicable reasons, French merchant shipping suffered its greatest
    • of the new age, political affairs, even if they take an unfavourable course, do not
    • essential task to be able to take up a stand towards life from this point of view.
    • inclination towards, a feeling for the elemental forces of the earth and are thus able to sense
    • impulse that is of the greatest conceivable importance for humanity's evolution. And in order to
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 3: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 2
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    • that in the Roman Empire the untenable situation arose which always arises when these three human
    • has something in which the human element is submerged and which is capable of touching it.
    • favourable, then this situation
    • enabling them to incarnate into the human being. But particularly favourable for this incarnating
    • those whom we call the Latin peoples. Thus there is a far more malleable balance present here in
    • who are now lost but who have passed their language on. The Germanic people would not be able to
    • would never be able to leave it behind as a heritage. This language can only continue to live as
    • suitable for such beings to incarnate into, as was the case in the West. But they could
    • characteristic personality from the civilization of the Centre and one will be able to touch
    • the Westerner; he suffused it with what also came from the East. Hence the more malleable
    • unable to survive. And in the East we have nothing but — the dying spirit of ancient times
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 4: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 3
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    • to have been able to take works such as these purely as study material, so, of course, he could
    • it would no longer have been applicable to real life but would have risen above and beyond it. It
    • shape. But the images are too frail a structure to enable one to act strongly and effectively in
    • imaginative? Neither of them had spiritual science; otherwise Schiller would have been able to
    • reality from the spiritual world and would have been able to penetrate to the forms of the social
    • — was not yet able to go any further. For, in order to penetrate
    • lifeless and would found a spiritual life that is incapable of reaching into the immediate
    • really able to understand something like
    • between rational knowledge and revelation is attributable to the working of the spirits of the
    • should give way and to give way where resistance is called for. The remarkable forgetting of what
    • element completely submerged what little the Germans had been able to bring in.
    • no longer able to distinguish between what is speaking of realities and what writes whole books,
    • rouses himself, makes a stout effort and is able to be taken hold of by that which has substance.
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 5: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 4
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    • faculties in his soul which enabled him to achieve a relationship to nature — a
    • there as a longing for knowledge has become less and less comparable with what has been emerging
    • then be able to relate again to the phenomena of nature. Thus one can say: In ancient times the
    • in turn, be able to relate this to nature.
    • intellect would not be able to cope with all the economic demands that would surge up! Just as
    • the economic life, something will be able to arise which can replace the blood-line and the
    • he is fit and capable one has to take account of the following. One must realize that the first
    • will be able to do later in the social life -— he must only be made fit and capable in a
    • belong to an artistic pedagogy and didactics to be able to discern that one child is suited for
    • hand, is capable of perceiving the economic life in its inner spiritual vitality and, on the
    • man. One will then be able to relate this spiritual life back to nature. But once one has found
    • it, one will also be able to develop this spiritual life in such a way in the human being that it
    • becomes the content of his skills; that he will be able through this spiritual life to satisfy,
    • realms. But it would only be something incomplete and therefore unable to aid our declining
    • formidable slanders. Here one sees what one is up against, arising in the form of slanders and so
    • noticeable. One can say that it is particularly in this area that what sheds light in such a
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 6: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 5
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    • truth, of the genuine nature, of the Mystery of Golgotha. What St Paul was able to relate out of
    • Intellect itself, however, was not able to penetrate the Mystery of Golgotha.
    • inborn faculties of such a nature that they were able to come to this instinctive perception. Out
    • memories of experiences before birth or conception were the suitable pupils for the Mysteries.
    • They were able to comprehend and see, or, rather, were able through comprehending vision to
    • beings such as these who were the first ones able to speak about the Mystery of Golgotha. One can
    • that this Christ-force was able to stream into the physical world for the believers was subject
    • irreconcilable with a common knowledge of the Gospels. For the Gospel in its true form actually
    • the most comfortable way, in the way they learnt in their youth — if people knew that in
    • their comfortable way of comprehending things — then we would get much further in rejecting
    • only for a comfortable life. For those, however, who strive for truth the path today leads
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 7: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 6
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    • that, for many who would rather go through the coming times in a comfortable sleep, with a
    • sleeping soul, there is a very disagreeable awakening in store. I do not say — I mentioned
    • demand to be able to receive and read the Gospels — an experience of Christ has not been
    • able to develop. And we have already pointed out how the particular constitution of soul that is
    • And this experience will have a clearly definable connection with the modern outlook on life
    • one of its most distinguishing features is that it is incapable of comprehending the human being.
    • considers man only so far as to be able to say that any organ, any structure in man, derives from
    • world-views. But this science has not been capable of raising man's power of understanding to the
    • man be able to raise himself to an existence worthy of the human being: that he should be able to
    • outlook we must Say, from what we have been able to indicate of this, that the human being knew
    • characteristics. Anyone who is able to view this impartially sees how the human being-today
    • Point of becoming unbearable, for it is connected with another feeling, a certain feeling of the
    • of spirit-self, life-spirit and spirit-man will be able to evolve; for we shall have to wait for
    • shall be able to shape my outer form in the way which it is my task, even now, to
    • culture, people are still not able to solve the riddle of man. Man is missing from what can be
    • quite unworkable. Through all such things modern civilization is heading towards impossible
    • but is experienced by individual human beings whose karma enables them to grow beyond the trivial
    • thought out in connection with this spiritual-scientific endeavour that enables the human being
    • be found to the degree in which human beings are able to feel the Christ-impulse in their souls.
    • anthroposophical literature this man would be able to answer this. Those mental pictures which he
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Abbreviated Title: Lecture I:
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    • Thanks to a donation by Brane Žilavec, this Lecture has been made available.
    • further course of our considerations, in order to enable you to find your
    • the process of death, our soul-spiritual creates the power to be able to
    • our thoughts to continue, we may say that we are also able to pursue a
    • there comes a time in historical evolution when we are no longer able to
  • Title: Talk To Young People:
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    • Thanks to a donation from Brane Žilavec, this Lecture Series has been made available.
    • youth experience in their subconsciousness but are not able to
    • who were not able to grow into the traditional professions awaiting
    • shame. Young people were not able to reveal what they felt. What was
    • be able to accomplish very much with our Youth Section.
    • anthroposophical movement, we will be able to achieve everything I
    • this old world steering towards? If we're comfortable in it, we're
    • seems to be becoming more and more fashionable (and one has to get
    • movement must be able to find its way to unite with what I have
    • a clear gulf between them. We must be able to sleep in the right way
    • not to be able to live with the rest of the world, it is because we
    • it is important to be able to admit this about oneself. The flames
    • to become enthusiastic — for enthusiasm will be able to accomplish
  • Title: "Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will not pass away"
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    • Thanks to an anonymous donation, this Lecture has been made available.
    • the earth-period and emit Cosmic impulses for Jupiter's vegetable
    • has head organs now scarcely discernable.
    • concepts of Spiritual Science. If we consider all we are able to think
    • body, so that in our waking life on earth we are able to perceive
    • also have in us the Moon man. This Moon man is incapable of serving us
    • the old dreamlike perceptions; but today he is unsuitable to form the
    • of everything we may develop in this direction, will be able to evolve
    • equivalent to our vegetable kingdom shall come into existence,
    • can transmute his dim, sleeping, vegetable-like sensations and
    • should produce a vegetable kingdom; in the depths of their souls they
    • would merely prove to be a dead slagheap, quite incapable of sustaining
    • production of the equivalent of our vegetable kingdom — is
    • already is found to be very uncomfortable. It will be something which
    • adding, upon the mineral and vegetable foundation, another kingdom, the
    • will then come to pass will produce the germ which will enable the
    • by man at the end of the Atlantean period to enable them to inaugurate
    • at a higher stage where he will no longer be able to contribute
    • absorb the fundamentals of Spiritual Science, however uncomfortable
    • has been able to make towards that end. Of course, it would be entirely
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture I: Tree of Life - I
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    • understandable, one might even say justifiable. But something else
    • say, it would be conceivable, for the Mystery of Golgotha, that is,
    • remained unknown to men, that no single person would have been able
    • able to attain to the fine crystallisation of the Latin knowledge.
    • this Latin knowledge would have been able to pour itself out over the
    • it has even done so. It is hypothetically conceivable, but it could
    • would not have been able to unite with the forces which kept mankind
    • conceivable, but it could not really have taken place. What really
    • remained Romans they would have faced the danger of never being able
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture II: Tree of Life - II
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    • conditions are favourable, that they do not awake from sleep as if
    • no longer appear to you so inconceivable if I now bring before you a
    • of Spiritual Science. When in specially favourable moments one is
    • lived through in the night. We should not be able to have the sort of
    • very considerable alteration in all that we experience during the
    • should have experienced him in the night, we should be able to
    • man's quite justifiable feeling that he will keep within normal life,
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture III: The Power of Thought
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    • immeasurable advance in the evolution of humanity when the Being who
    • extraordinarily remarkable figure of Augustus, if you assume that he
    • be able to evolve if they could only do so as the blood willed, that
    • What was received from them was of immeasurable significance, a
    • immeasurable significance was approaching; the Mystery of Golgotha,
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture IV: Harmonizing Thinking, Feeling and Willing
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    • yesterday we were able to show how the intellect, all that is
    • and the Moon-Picture. We ought to be able to hold them apart; the
    • genuine Spiritual Science recognises it as the greatest imaginable
    • honourable, but who could work precisely through Madame-Blavatsky.
    • These persons concocted things which were not always irreproachable;
    • and regulations of conduct are inseparable from it.
    • is answerable, as much as when teachings are circulated. He who
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture V: Tree of Knowledge - I
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    • arable land, meadow, or what you will (a drawing was made), and
    • it can be a world-conception completely tenable inwardly. You will
    • able or not able to prove something with the instruments of the world
    • of materialistic thought (I will suppose what is most favourable for
    • time the possession-concept, the possession-concept is not separable
    • already shows you that our present existence is inconceivable without
    • depths of his art. Something quite remarkable it has become: in every
    • this mystery — this being able to look out from
    • the ancient Sun existence — and were able to feel
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture VI: Tree of Knowledge - II
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    • processes which have acted on man from the cosmos have become capable
    • lecture was unfortunately only available in a much abbreviated
    • be able to recognize the eyes, the ears, etc., as physical organs. To
    • — none of this should we be able to do. If Lucifer
    • do not appear very agreeable (liebevoll). ... as regards these people
  • Title: World Downfall and Resurrection
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    • Thanks to am amonymous donation, this Lecture Series has been made available.
    • unmistakable indication of the fact that what was previously
    • human reason was in any way capable of explaining these
    • begin with, men would be capable of understanding them.
  • Title: Lecture: Philosophy and Anthroposophy
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    • normal conditions of life and development, is liable to encounter two
    • knowledge is liable to encounter when it would enter more deeply into the
    • able to say to ourselves: neither method can lead our soul whither we would
    • of Nature. With genuine Natural Science this ideal is justifiable. It may
    • devote all suitable faculties to the pursuit of Natural Science is a sound
    • finally proves to be some effect of an unknown being; we remain incapable
    • genuine knowledge, neither Natural Science nor mere Mysticism is capable of
    • original texts were not obtainable; but thinkers had become familiar with
    • we speak purely objectively, it is highly probable we shall be
    • it is only in so far attainable as thought is capable of elucidating the
    • Scholastic, therefore, pronounces the technique of thinking to be suitable
    • for instance, were applicable to the highest regions, and which could have
    • entirely beyond the compass of human thought and to be unattainable by
    • was such that it became inadvisable to make common cause with the
    • incapable of comprehending the Actual, the “thing-in-itself.”
    • definition (which, for him, was indisputable), to the effect that
    • real understanding of Aristotle enables us to find that an entirely
    • of thinking, was able to elaborate true concepts capable of transcending
    • single thing. This spiritual reality enables us to recognize difference
    • thought which have developed under the questionable influence of the
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture I: The Pedagogy of the West and of Central Europe: The Inner Attitude of the Teacher
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    • intended during the time I am able to spend here to give a kind of
    • during this time, that I am hardly able to say whether we shall get further
    • to make it fully understandable, but it will become clearer if to begin
    • ideas considered reasonable in Central Europe today, you would find their
    • capable of bringing their souls into the way of thinking and feeling that
    • Central European this the peoples of the West will not be able to
    • must have the discretion to keep this in those circles capable of
    • which is indeed indispensable for some branches of modern civilization. We
    • argued are indispensable. We have here the example of an eminent and
    • nature of the growing child. If we as teachers were able to engage
    • learned the most? It is I, the teacher! If on the contrary we are able to
    • we entered it; we have learned to do what we were incapable of doing when
    • secret lies hidden. If we had really been capable, at the beginning of the
    • year, of everything we were able to do at the year's end, then our teaching
    • you known at the beginning what you have learned at the end. A remarkable
    • finishing a work: only now are you able to do this. I don't consider a man
    • have learned, now I shall be able to do it right, now I shall be an
    • out of this diffidence a new and imponderable power, which will make you
    • quality of what you are able to make out of the children will not be much
    • we are able to make individualities out of those we teach, individualities
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture II: The Three Fundamental Forces in EducatioN
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    • and instruction we are not able to sense inwardly the whole human being.
    • it, then you will be able to say: with what you permit to resound in the
    • pictures that are capable of translation into feelings. For nothing will be
    • of greater importance than this, that we are able as teachers to develop in
    • child wants and also not what I want, but the product of both. If I am able
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture III: Spiritual Knowledge of Man as the Fount of Educational Art
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    • digested by us in a suitable way; but we would not be feeding ourselves
    • teaching and education two elements interweave in a remarkable way. I would
    • able to
    • organism, that these things intertwine in such a remarkable way. Our
    • remarkable way, and to help you understand it fully perhaps I may remind
    • arrive at something remarkable. When we speak it is, as it were, the sound
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture IV: The Art of Education Consists of Bringing Into Balance the Physical and Spiritual Nature of the Developing Human Being
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    • able to bring the child's ego back into his organism.
    • tightly linked that they could not be separated and we would never be able
    • movement we would never be able to enter into the physical world. We are
    • nearer to us. For there is a secret which is truly remarkable. You can, if
    • learn remarkable things, if we get to know children in this manner, if we
    • are able to free ourselves from such behaviour and to direct our
    • not be pleasurable for children but that they will have to experience them
    • but pleasure, the child would be unable to develop a feeling for duty,
    • when we are able to create the right relationship between teacher and
    • We will only be able to gather once more for a teachers'
  • Title: Social Understanding: Lecture II: Social Understanding Through Spiritual Scientific Knowledge
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    • This wanting to remember but not being able to remember entirely, arises
    • will not be able to draw enough forces away from it to remember certain
    • materialistic nor idealistic, but are capable of following up the ideal
    • conception is hot being able to say ‘Over there is base materialism, which
    • considerable difference in this respect in the first, second and third
    • were unable to draw on their youthful forces, if there were no means of
    • is able to release from the depths of his soul; he can understand the thing
    • able to release from his mature mind. You know, these are the most valuable
    • have studied aesthetics of colour very well, but he will not be able to
    • of it with children, a remarkable thing will happen: Let us suppose you are
    • manifests as his soul and organises his body. The same force which enables
    • us to take an interest, and I am not saying now that it enables us to have
    • supersensible occult powers, but the same force that enables us to take an
    • and do not see any real humanity in one another, they will never be able to
    • and such a way people would be able to lead a social existence.
    • of education that makes human beings of people also enables them to
    • And the realm in which supersensible knowledge is most indispensable is in
    • spiritual level. Not until we are capable of bringing down on to a material
    • level what we think of as being spiritual shall we be able to grasp the
    • be set up on its own basis. Then thought life will be able to give
  • Title: Buddha and the Two Boys: Lecture I: Buddha and the Two Boys of Jesus
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    • certain people have been able to recognize this and, following the example
    • Bodhisattva individuality, because it has become Buddha, is no longer able
    • deep inwardness and soulfulness soon became noticeable, a lively mental
    • hundred years, the sage saw what he had not been able to see
    • prominent. For example, this child was also able to talk right from birth,
    • some time in the environment suitable for him and to revive the impressions
    • the twelve-year-old Jesus in the temple. It was inexplicable to his parents
  • Title: Buddha and the Two Boys: Lecture II: The Gospels, Buddha and the Two Boys of Jesus
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    • reality, you have to be able to point to the concrete event where the
    • understandable for the writer of the gospel of Matthew, who added the
    • able to deepen his beingness so much. Therefore, in the twelfth year he
    • incapable of certain powers coming out later. I therefore want to wait
  • Title: Lecture: Art As A Bridge Between The Sensible And The Supersensible
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    • could be said to have been still more unfavorable. At that time there was
    • — in which the great proletarian masses are unable to
    • human beings became less and less capable of understanding each other in
    • in being able to pose the question once again: How can a true
    • gained from the spiritual world, on the other hand, is a valuable
    • if in this context we feel able to take up everything with the same love,
    • in the whole world is what one is able to think and feel about oneself
    • we are capable of seeing the world, as no other person can. Another
    • result of diligence. However, one has to be capable of gaining belief in
    • every thought that one would be unable to do whatever it is one ought to
    • that one would be incapable of doing something, merely because making the
    • say is available, my dear friends, at least in regard to certain
    • elementary matters. It is available for the human soul. One need only
  • Title: Raphael's Mission in the Light of the Science of the Spirit
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    • Thanks to a donation from Peter Stebbing, this Lecture has been made available.
    • whom I was able to speak here last time, attempted to trace
    • Raphael's own age, up to our own day. He was able to show that
    • his death, reaching to the present. If Herman Grimm was able to
    • looking back into pre-historic times, if we were not able to
    • often been able to emphasize from a spiritual scientific
    • to be able to experience something new each time. Thus, we can
    • veritable “spring-time birth,” undergoing an inner
    • is remarkable how Raphael advances in cycles of four years. And
    • to realize itself in figures such as Raphael alone was able to
    • tongue, lashing out against the deplorable state of affairs, the
    • from what Savonarola had been capable of. Taking account of the
    • us inwardly, this enables us to forget all legendary ideas from
    • large-heartedly as possible what we are able to feel in regard
    • were only human pictures; in memory, their beautiful forms palpable
    • it is remarkable, what is to be found in following up the
    • literature of those able to express something of a profound
    • remarkable impression.
    • in which Christianity is able to speak
    • lived in him. Is it not then reasonable to suppose: In the
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Leonardo's Spiritual Stature: Lecture
    Matching lines:
    • Yet, for a considerable time this has no longer been evident on
    • painting, an indescribable magic emanates from it. In spite of
    • These studies proceeded from going into every conceivable
    • their original state no longer fully recognizable — we
    • richly endowed to be able to fully conclude what it undertook
    • Leonardo soul, too great in itself ever to be able to manifest
    • was able to promise the duke entirely new war-machines,
    • see Leonardo supporting the court in Milan in every conceivable
    • could not see why a painter should not be able to paint such a
    • the greatest imaginable contrasts. These could not be painted
    • already, whether he would be able to finish it at all. And then
    • lived in his soul and what he was able to bring onto the
    • was unable to reveal outwardly to humanity — for which
    • have been able, without further ado, to paint to his
    • satisfaction the greatest conceivable work he undoubtedly
    • the external light, but that we are able to believe: the soul
    • given the means available. Though in later centuries no human
    • explicable only if we assume wise guidance in the historical
    • able to blossom, had the old clairvoyance remained. This older
    • reason is able to comprehend by means of sense perception.
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Fairy Tales: in the light of Spiritual Investigation
    Matching lines:
    • From the contents of this lecture: 'Fairy tales and sagas are comparable
    • and listened to those who were able to relate the
    • in fairy tales, one has to a considerable extent the feeling
    • up from seemingly unfathomable sources of the folk-spirit or of
    • productive mood. For, whoever is able to arrive at the
    • from how a particular food tastes, no one is capable of
    • favorable circumstances, one may have the feeling:
    • in which something has happened in the deep, unfathomable
    • capable of initial experiences in the world of spiritual beings
    • into the unfathomable spiritual connections within which the
    • states between waking and sleeping, human beings were able to
    • constitution people were able — in sensing the hunger
    • palpable connection between what expresses itself in
    • fairy tales and these unfathomable experiences of the
    • human soul does indeed feel how little it is capable of
    • limitless future. You will be capable of accomplishing
    • only gain a relation to it. You have really only to be able to
    • a planet in the cosmos, comparable to human lives that
    • factor I should like to add here. I am able to establish
    • able to investigate in this way in the spiritual
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: A Mongolian Legend
    Matching lines:
    • From the contents of this lecture: 'Fairy tales and sagas are comparable
    • 101. Not currently available in English.
    • closer to the spiritual worlds and were themselves still able
    • primeval times. At that time, had one been able to see in the
    • primeval times, with which human beings were able to look out
    • bear this ancient organ, with which they were able to
    • because she no longer sees what she was once able to see when
  • Title: The Worldview of Herman Grimm in Relation to Spiritual Science
    Matching lines:
    • had brought out Goethe's remarkable exchange of letters with a
    • Goethe she was able (like few others) to enter into Goethe's
    • to be said: Everything in this remarkable book,
    • passed after the meal, he said, in his inimitable, humorous and
    • able to contribute to it. At the beginning of the seventies of
    • the nineteenth century, he was able to hold his famous Goethe
    • getting hold of it as a young person, and able to find the
    • external documents, one is least of all capable of providing a
    • enable one to understand the Greek world. Yet what the Greeks
    • comparable to what is contained in the existing documents.
    • humanity, so as to be able to say: The epochs of western
    • this reason, he was unable to arrive at what recent spiritual
    • of speaking the spiritual constituents that become explicable
    • the work of art, there emerges for us something like a tableau
    • the kind of person he was. Herman Grimm was never able to reach
    • becomes understandable that such a spirit had to struggle in
    • a tableau before us in contrasting two spiritual entities,
    • of Raphael. It is as though Herman Grimm were never able to
    • Herman Grimm's Homer book may seem intolerable. All the many
    • expect remarkable things of him in considering the way viewed
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 1
    Matching lines:
    • English friends, who will soon be going home, to be able to take as
    • unbelievable, but it is so. We can learn from Assyrian documents how
    • physical reality, something like this would have been unthinkable.
    • In fables and other lore where the events of
    • that doesn't make them respectable, they are still adventurers,
    • is it possible to realize what a fable convenue so called
    • It will roll on in the words. You can find innumerable expressions
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 2
    Matching lines:
    • understand the contemporary world under such disagreeable conditions,
    • “reputable” in the third or fourth generation and
    • the economy is the only reality, we will not be able to admit what it
    • became noticeable — even the Habsburgs realized it by then
    • accepted in most lodges, only lords and others who are amenable to
    • became the group's official title. So the honorable Liberals acquired
    • many men together in the lodges under such laudable viewpoints? It
    • certainly remarkable that just in the age of platitudes which reign
    • express remarkable things. The Habsburgs, for instance, came from
    • Hungary. But in this journey from west to east, the remarkable thing
    • arrives at some remarkable things. When you look into the origin of
    • codex you find remarkable sentences. For example: What is justice?
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 3
    Matching lines:
    • necessarily justified, but understandable — later continued on
    • were once justified or explicable, but no longer are.
    • indisputable power factor. In public life there was in reality
    • rights concept as such, because it is applicable to the symbolic
    • new spiritual life. And it is therefore understandable that it is
    • world always have only an individual meaning, are only applicable
    • Gregory VII emerged. Therefore Roman Catholic dogma enables the
    • threefold nature. It is just those whose favorable economic position
    • which case the fall of earthly civilization is the inevitable result
    • is to be able to spread the teachings about the spiritual life in a
    • that telling the truth nowadays is not a comfortable thing, for the
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture I: Anthroposophy and Natural Science
    Matching lines:
    • metamorphosis, and how they often become unrecognisable from
    • simplest, which possibly have the most manageable facts —
    • something inexplicable. If he was literate he would
    • mathematical thinking. It is quite understandable that Du
    • admits to all which is within justifiable boundaries. It
    • whether it is justifiable, out of the totality of phenomena, to
    • only workable way with regard the organic sphere.’ — In this way
    • qualitative. Then one is able to reach higher areas of nature's
    • existence through inner examination just as one is able to
    • side of Anthroposophy is always able, what Goethe calls being
    • accountable, to all, even the most diligent mathematician. This
    • able to give as a sketch, it will point out how Anthroposophy,
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture II: The Human and the Animal Organisation
    Matching lines:
    • senses. The one which is the most dependable is of course the
    • speech and the organism becomes capable of creating speech.
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture III: Anthroposophy and Philosophy
    Matching lines:
    • personality who is capable of penetrating thoughts with the
    • spirit and building a bridge between what is acceptable
    • the West, and which is also capable of lifting science into the
    • is able like no other philosopher, to become gradually more the
    • extraordinary uncomfortable feeling. He is reminded of an
    • is not able to soar up into self-owned terminological
    • concepts in the West simply were not available and simply got
    • sustain a skeleton. Soloviev was able to develop it in flesh,
    • Anthroposophy. If Anthroposophy becomes capable of inward
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture IV: Anthroposophy and Pedagogy
    Matching lines:
    • view understandable, it is always accused of having its ideas
    • able to accomplish more.
    • understanding which enables him to grasp the most varied of
    • gradually to not only being able to observe the transformation
    • position where you are able to recognise a real relationship
    • faithful continuator of the justifiable scientific thinking of
    • remain abstract, they can't obtain any kind of favourable
    • never really capable of differentiating between “nearly
    • way into education, even working through unfavourable
    • actually even later, becomes suitable to progress towards
    • tone is set towards grown adults, we are actually unable to
    • attributes to the pedagogical-didactic imponderables, when he
    • capable of doing the same. The child is an imitator. Each
    • only become applicable when the change of teeth has taken
    • them, can imitate them right into the imponderable thoughts
    • Therefore, we need to look into even the imponderables in
    • body is connected to the physical world. We become able to see
    • Here are a few indications which I was able to give; they could
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture V: Anthroposophy and Social Science
    Matching lines:
    • course of modern time mixed up, chaotic; only viable if it
    • lead to a significant, acceptable ascent which from then on and
    • the course of human development gradually enabled us to arrive
    • been dealt with — has shown itself as completely incapable of
    • negotiated in comfortable Vienna with a stroke or two of the
    • pencil and fantastic words across a white tablecloth. That is
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture VI: Anthroposophy and Theology
    Matching lines:
    • a factual sphere made scientific methods inapplicable in
    • example by one of those present here today, a very honourable
    • personality: ‘It is actually remarkable that you even get a
    • which is considered popular, which we call understandable. You
    • right, say: Anthroposophy is suitable for directing people in a
    • he becomes incapable of accessing the supersensible worlds. It
    • recognisable by the intellect, and what people could not attain
    • than simply to express what exists and is available through
    • and who are unable to fulfil them through current declarations,
    • bring to the children what is suitable to the stage of their
    • understandable why Catholicism has become Catholic, Protestants
  • Title: Impulse of Renewal: Lecture VII: Anthroposophy and the Science of Speech
    Matching lines:
    • experienced consciously, will actually be unable to obtain a
    • thus able to research it. To consider speech it is necessary to
    • nuances became gradually less recognisable — and in
    • meaning of sound. In an unbelievable intense way one
    • inner inclusion of oneself in outer things is available when
    • indicate symbols, you would be totally unable to be impressed
    • This is still noticeable today. When for instance you compare
    • in reality not translatable into a western language, because
    • as you are unable to rise up to such inner observations of
    • will be unable to penetrate the actual living object of
    • longer acceptable. Further down his list is the “theory
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 1
    Matching lines:
    • you will be able to consider this School as an institution
    • humanity what it is able to receive.
    • Yet also a parable of you,
    • though he were a mere parable of man. He warns that without the
    • impertinence of modern man is able to suppress the fear. But
    • and comfortable to activate his thinking. Humanity's thinking
    • Yet also a parable of you,
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 2
    Matching lines:
    • senses, which however he is not able to identify with his own
    • Yet forming you into a deeper parable,
    • noticeable, but true nevertheless. In esoteric life there is no
    • we will only be able to recognize what must be cultivated in
    • Ahriman, has not yet been able to kill feeling in the same way
    • Therefore the ahrimanic spirit, unable to exert influence on
    • before our souls. We must be able to include feeling in the
    • being, we must be able to know what kind of persons we are as
    • first beast is surely capable of revealing in a mirror-image
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 3
    Matching lines:
    • in the physical world, you would never be able to know whether
    • attention to what is palpable, to what can only be seen by
    • will gradually be able to differentiate between truth and
    • the floor, but are able to sit safely on the chair, you know
    • said about the difficulty in being able to to differentiate
    • depths, everything you are capable of perpetrating. But the
    • and what he is therefore capable of. Man's lower nature appears
    • is and what they must become for us to be able to step across
    • we have two stressed syllables.
    • and spondee rhythms. At the moment, we are able to move on from
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 4
    Matching lines:
    • yourself: Am I able to exclusively think about certain
    • despicable characters in Shakespeare's works? If I were to meet
    • in order to be a true esotericist one must also be able to do
    • are capable of hearing beyond the words. And it is good for our
    • trochaic, beginning with a stressed syllable and descending to
    • syllable and rises to a stressed one. We should feel it:
    • two stressed syllables:
    • able to withstand the separation of thinking, feeling and
    • able to realize that what I call the outer world is much more
    • Then we will be able to not only look downward in our
    • feeling selfless in his selfhood, is soon able to also develop
    • But, my dear friends, you will only be able to correctly
    • verse is already able to lead us far away from the beast whose
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 5
    Matching lines:
    • is able to approach and come to an understanding of the
    • threshold itself. And our being able to perceive the threshold
    • magical being. What does it mean, that nature must be able to
    • Nature must be able to appear as divine. The way it appears to
    • us in spirit-land: Light's enticements will not be able to
    • darkness will not be able to bury you, as soul, in the earth;
    • you will be able to hold yourself above the effects of the
    • and he therewith is able to acquire the strength necessary for
    • creative spiritual powers and finally not being able to join
    • and our willing will be able to understand and to grasp the
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 6
    Matching lines:
    • vegetable kingdom and the mineral kingdom. These relations
    • a part of ourselves. We do differentiate a table or a chair
    • Then, when we have advanced to Imaginative life, we are able to
    • vegetable kingdom. There is something in you that is as sleepy
    • we should not be human, but vegetables. And our feelings, which
    • feelings have a continuous tendency to be vegetable-like. Just
    • consciousness, like a vegetable - sleeping, dreaming. But this
    • yourself to humanity. The feeling of vegetable lameness must be
    • are able to internalize this capture of carbon dioxide by
    • abstract forms. Whoever knows spiritual life is able to feel
    • kingdoms of nature if he wishes to be knowledgeable. How he
    • is quite different from the comfortable, bourgeois earthly
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 7
    Matching lines:
    • principle of openness, not be able to demand anything more from
    • School - in the sense of objective truth, will we be able to
    • thinking is only capable of understanding the earthly - we must
    • You're able to will it;
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 8
    Matching lines:
    • case. And only because the opposite is the case was I able to
    • not being exactly comfortable to sign twelve thousand
    • School's activities. We were able to make a beginning with a
    • able to participate in the work of the School. Things will
    • understand that [the leadership of] the School must be able to
    • the spiritual world nor imparted by those who are able to
    • head into the limbs in order for the will to be able to act in
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 9
    Matching lines:
    • itself to create it, then it will be able, through this
    • more able to make a beginning at entering into the spiritual
    • for example a table from the spiritual world were to approach
    • them. But there are no tables in the spiritual world, there are
    • in us more and more, be able to feel and experience our whole
    • by vague generalities, not by vague sensations are we able to
    • if we are able to grasp thinking in such a way that thoughts
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 10
    Matching lines:
    • not able, according to their karma, to sufficiently separate
    • common sense from physicality and the senses to be able to
    • to the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms around us. And
    • end physical life once my organism is no longer able to process
    • written — if we are able to read it.
    • deeds, become capable of hearing in a spiritual way the
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 11
    Matching lines:
    • objective way, then will he be able to follow that intimate,
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 12
    Matching lines:
    • that we must understand that the person who is able to transmit
    • enable you to feel how the human soul lives in the spiritual
    • easily be able to sense the thinking which is directly induced
    • thinking. Then you will be able to touch, touch internally that
    • as described in the mantras, then these things will be able to
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 13
    Matching lines:
    • clairvoyance? We are able to move, I said, in physical life
    • he is capable of perceiving what happens during sleep, he
    • and willing. And it is always necessary that we be able to
    • power of meditation. We should always be able to say to
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 14
    Matching lines:
    • be such a terrible shock that we would not be able to lead a
    • otherwise in the future you will be an unstable person in the
    • world, from beyond the threshold, one becomes an unstable,
    • able to return, because before he does so he will become
    • over to this side the state of mind applicable to beyond the
    • the state of mind applicable to this side. Rather must he
    • be able to intuitively hear it. Therefore, we meditate these
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 15
    Matching lines:
    • enable us to understand our situation once we have flown over
    • enables us to be human beings within the earthly realm.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 16
    Matching lines:
    • we must go forward step by step in the world and be able to
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 17
    Matching lines:
    • world which the rainbow had made. For it is remarkable, my dear
    • Then we see how the remarkable secret of the cosmos works. We see
    • What is remarkable is this: first we were witnesses to a
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 18
    Matching lines:
    • This stands before our souls as unshakable, all-pervading truth:
    • we are witnesses of the events in the mineral and vegetable
    • passes through the gate of death will only be able to understand
    • incomprehensible sounds instead of the understandable words of
    • person who passes through the gate of death will only be able to
    • We have traveled the path. Three tablets stood
    • speech. On the first tablet, long before we arrived at the abyss
    • Then we approached the Guardian. The second tablet
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 19
    Matching lines:
    • And finally we have been able to move on to the cosmic
    • beings of the first hierarchy speak. And now we are able to
    • souls again what – if we are capable of absorbing it
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XX (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • Furthermore, much new and valuable material is introduced,
    • Yet also a parable of you,
    • Yet also a parable of you,
    • soul to come near to the spiritual world, if they are able to
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXI (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • the future of the earth under their power. If they were able to
    • ever further, into the immeasurable cosmic ether, in which one
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXII (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • able to revere those guiding beings [1] who lead us from
    • is perishable and seeming in our being arises, but also the
    • spiritual world. Each line begins with a stressed syllable,
    • followed by an unstressed syllable. So, we have in the first
    • are placed above the first syllables of each line and then
    • to being. Here [the first syllable] we are below: here [the
    • second syllable] we strive upward to being: The unstressed
    • are placed over the first two syllables of each line, and it
    • will. We stand alongside being. Two high-toned syllables
    • first two syllables of each line on the blackboard and the
    • first not distinguishable according to its place, whereas in
    • vertical, feel it bound below and freed above, we must be able
    • able to have them here, it is necessary to ask either Dr.
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXIII (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • want to be knowledgeable in the battle between light and
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXIV (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • — through thinking, which, however, is capable of
    • hardships and problems — that will enable us to gradually
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXVI (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • be able to recognize who belongs to the School and who does
    • unable to attend a lesson during which mantric verses are
    • was able to give mantric verses to a number of people; I also
    • claiming that he was unable to avoid it. Of course, if someone
    • But I've chosen this example because it is the least applicable
    • from all that lives in the mineral, vegetable and animal
    • the dark cell that enables you to think, my sisters and
    • thoughts. These creating cosmic thoughts enable us to have
    • one is able to keep inner calm, one sees the moon in the
    • Steiner was unable to continue because of illness. He died on
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture I: The True Form of the Social Question
    Matching lines:
    • comfortable but inaccurate claims that Nature makes no jumps,
    • souls and worked out of human souls. These instincts enabled a
    • research, so suitable at penetrating the phenomena of nature,
    • produces methods which are only suitable on the one side for
    • spiritual scientific research is available as a basis —
    • and catastrophes lately. If they are able to economise further
    • out of the spirit, strive out of reality towards viable
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture II: Comparisons at Solving the Social Question based on Life's Realities
    Matching lines:
    • manageable by doing a number of lectures.
    • general statement and in a way, make it desirable for the
    • One must be able to distinguish between the natural human
    • this side to be healed and thus enable people and communities
    • point of origin and be made into a consumable product at a
    • making bananas into consumables for the community with the work
    • of making wheat into a consumable product in the vicinity of
    • necessary to make the wheat consumable is, lightly calculated,
    • to process the wheat into a consumable item in different
    • production lines made consumable within the economic sphere of
    • of nature into consumables for the community, all these
    • foundations up to consumables, all these processes, and only
    • the social organism is only achievable through nationalization
    • various systems!’ Whoever speaks in this way, unable to
    • of life one is able to figure out the real gesture of the
    • single one of the three members can achieve its applicable
    • would mostly have an uncomfortable effect. For this reason, they
    • humanity, will enable this terrible course of events to take on
    • so I say to some — where reason is acceptable. After that
    • relations in a desirable way for the Proletariat.
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture III: Fanaticism Versus a Real Conception of Life in Social Thinking and Willing
    Matching lines:
    • available; not much of their actual view on life and their
    • bring a solution to the modern social order which enables it to
    • thought habits of today, are not able to grasp the reality of
    • criticism and does not enable real impulses created out of
    • able to lead into the future. Everywhere this thinking breaks
    • present. Whoever is, in full earnestness, able to understand
    • take on power and result in unspeakable evil by his fanatical
    • able to work back into the economic life, then it remains an
    • unable to experience a certain impetus, a certain momentum
    • unable to introduce any positive impulses into the modern
    • confronting people when they are too comfortable to turn
    • unreasonable way.
    • which has just been newly reprinted, perhaps in a favourable time,
    • It must be able to reveal itself in full freedom, as a result
    • of innumerable causes has led to our present catastrophe, the
    • national economic judgement is able to do for economic and
    • will be for a long time still, the comfortable thinking habits
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture IV: The Evolution of Social Thinking and Willing and Life's Circumstances for Current Humanity
    Matching lines:
    • Perhaps the lectures which I have been able to give here during
    • able to understand their position within the human community
    • before. It is necessary to take the comfortable but often
    • distinguishable from the former, which we today describe as the
    • explored as the social organism, describable as the actual
    • one will touch on some riddles of life and be able to find
    • order to make it understandable, say the following: in economic
    • take place. Approaches to this are available but a penetrating
    • science, observable in their admirable methods, but the real
    • organism capable of life, one which has vital forces of life
    • forces. Just like a really viable organism can be of help to
    • develop the soul, so in a comparative way can a viable social
    • foreseeable future. One could say that before this terrible
    • able to reach relative independence beside one another, the
    • within an inseparable member of the social organism the dormant
    • has been made available for this appeal. I mention this because
    • — that it is uncomfortable in the highest levels of
    • out of reformed thoughts will a healthy social organism be able
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture V: The Social Will as the Basis Towards a New, Scientific Procedure
    Matching lines:
    • intolerable, is to replace it with a feasible social
    • always been available in the subconscious. As a result, at the
    • in a remarkable contrast with the challenges and social
    • scientific way of thinking. The old-world view was capable of
    • Proletarian is, as paradoxical as it sounds, as unbelievable as
    • Proletarian found it unbearable that his labour was bought and
    • social organism three independently applicable systems need to
    • then you have something which is capable of life inserted into
    • thoughts, through their will, a viable social organism is
    • result in making the social organism capable of life. In this
    • which renders the bananas consumable is nothing in comparison
    • biggest variables within the economic area which exist in
    • in future, when the social organism should be viable, also have
    • which has not originated from some non-profitable spinning of
    • able to determine laws, then they will work in the right
    • organism viable which is destined to determine the economic
    • invite complications, make the people uncomfortable; but it is
    • the one and only way to make a healthy social organism viable
    • What is important is for the social organism to be workable,
    • multiplication tables; a person is considered uneducated if he
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture VI: What Significance does Work have for the Modern Proletarian?
    Matching lines:
    • mouths and they are no longer able to swim in this sea. They
    • search for a rescue boat; they would not be able to find such a
    • comfortable living in this capitalist economic order. One hears
    • foundation, it is inconceivable; it thrives from this
    • they feel comfortable or at least feel satisfied in modern
    • the foundation for this modern civilization, to be able to
    • insight any more but it enabled them to pose this question in
    • hand, hardly an understandable word can be heard in response.
    • remedy the dangers which one is believed to be able to see? Was
    • for them it will be noticeable that this modern Proletarian
    • what has become available to the Proletariat as a result of
    • regions where they felt comfortable, where their interests
    • economic power, which is able to compel human labour to become
    • life by the state. People were unable to see through the
    • able to satisfy these ruling circles. These ruling circles
    • — if I might use acceptable expressions — gradually
    • the misfortune of only manufacturing tables and chairs, you
    • would have to go around dragging your tables and chairs and
    • wait for someone who had vegetables. Instead you could swap
    • your tables and chairs for the money they are worth and then
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Lecture: Richard Wagner and Mysticism
    Matching lines:
    • Thanks to an anonymous donation, this lecture has been made available.
    • He regarded symphonic music as a veritable revelation from another
    • knowledge is much more reliable than any intellectual judgment.
    • phraseology, for the physical sun does not ‘sing.’ It is unthinkable
    • can tell us more about Richard Wagner than Nietzsche was able to do.
    • after certain trials and tests had been undergone? They were able to
    • of the inevitable course taken by evolution. He believed that the
    • able to express with the same inner certainty experiences which arise
    • mythological figures, for he was thus able to express cosmic laws and
    • Therefore he uses themes in which he is able to show that laws far
    • of another. These mystic threads — unfathomable by the
    • is able to speak with greater clarity of what natural science is only
    • can see how through his intuition Wagner was able to draw upon amounts
    • that parting is inevitable.
  • Title: Lecture: Spiritual Wisdom in the Early Christian Centuries
    Matching lines:
    • Thanks to an anonymous donation, this lecture has been made available.
    • unthinkable to him that if knowledge concerning super-sensible worlds
    • and were thus able, with super-sensible knowledge, to realise the
    • is usually not only scanty in the extreme but quite incapable of
    • difficult to imagine that anyone capable of writing such absurdities
    • in connection with Greek philosophy could have anything very valuable
    • intellectualism is incapable of it. Nor is it possible to understand
    • Plato was able to gaze into higher levels of the spiritual world than
    • altogether different world. He was able to assimilate some of this
    • where they were able to understand the essence and being of the
    • abstraction had crept into Roman culture, a spirit no longer capable
    • able to say: “There are indeed Initiates — of whom
    • demons Gods. Men were no longer capable of distinguishing between Gods
    • after all inevitable. Necessary as it was that for a season men should
  • Title: Community Building
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    • in these days — again, out of fully justifiable
    • Community-building! It is most remarkable that the idea of
    • understandable to anyone who knows that he can achieve that
    • time and applicable to it. Sharing together in the experience
    • Here is the means available for creating communities. But,
    • have in the dream consciousness, we are not likely to be able
    • able to experience something possessed of the power to awaken,
    • truth when we speak of the supersensible world and are not able
    • able, perhaps, to repeat it in the form of a theory —
    • theoretically even for ourselves — when we are able to
    • each other, and who have not thus far been able to take the
    • inevitable that those on one side must speak out of an
  • Title: Community Building
    Matching lines:
    • of course, according to the possibilities available as
    • the most unqualified tolerance. There one must be able to
    • tolerates it inwardly and objectively as a justifiable
    • single fact. If he is capable of receiving the diametrically
    • in the physical world, for example, a table or a chair —
    • Thus, does it become understandable, precisely from a
    • therefore, consider it justifiable that I myself require much
    • becomes a member in order to become in an honorable way one who
    • Anthroposophical circles. In this regard innumerable mistakes
    • see that the Society is in such a state as to be able to take
    • October 1920, we were able to conduct for three weeks the first
    • tableau, when one spoke out of Anthroposophy in the strictest
    • the last address I was able to deliver in the small auditorium
    • have been available, the persons who have contributed to its
    • physical plane to be clever through being able to prove a
    • applicable, it is applied by us also. But the carrying of this
    • consideration of what lies before us out of innumerable cycles
    • like a dreamer but will be able to act as a person standing
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 1: Evolution and Consciousness, Lucifer, Ahriman
    Matching lines:
    • enables us to follow its progress over extended periods
    • that we are best able to think about those external
    • than my little finger is able to think itself isolated
    • ancestor was unable to form ideas independently of the
    • able to think. The older form of thinking in images had
    • justifiable to ask in all seriousness what powers are
    • something is justifiable does not count. We need to let
    • not be able to attain to the higher worlds and the
    • highly unpalatable.
    • mineral body do the thinking. It is perfectly able to do
    • photographic print. It is able to think for itself,
    • is able to give us into the spheres that lie beyond
    • historical documents as are available. There are
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 2: East, West, and the Culture of Middle Europe, the Science of Initiation
    Matching lines:
    • remarkable aspect of Asian civilization is that the soul
    • this was able to find concepts with which to grasp the
    • itself able to take in the ideas coming from Asia.
    • physical body is able to give we will be unable to do so.
    • that the people were able to rise to a world of ideas
    • characteristics that enable them in particular to take up
    • the elegant reply the ‘Latin mind’ was able
    • the West present initiation knowledge in books available
    • seriousness concerning the truth is unacceptable. It
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 3: Political Empires
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    • enable spirits from the higher hierarchies to speak
    • so that spirits of the higher hierarchies would be able
    • training given to physical bodies found suitable for
    • Something was able to evolve that was to govern human
    • it is true to say that no one nowadays is able to
    • things which it would have been unthinkable to dispute
    • able to use to express their relationship with the realm
    • spreads a veil over the radical metamorphosis we are able
    • that enable us to ascend in our vision to the thrones
    • must become able to face truths that are deeply
    • become able to see things as they are. Sometimes we fail
    • will be able to confirm the following. Herman Grimm [
    • unthinkable for a present-day protestant Christian to
    • Anyone incapable of being horrified at these things also
    • our outer reality. We shall only be able to do this if we
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 4: Western Secret Societies, Jesuitism, Leninism
    Matching lines:
    • reasonable to say that at the present time little effort
    • that are understandable and indeed also justifiable. In
    • — enable them to hold a position of authority in
    • fact quite considerable. They are of course clever people
    • and able to be to the fore in public life nowadays
    • only suitable for the forming of ideas during the Middle
    • herd of animals, animals capable of very sophisticated
    • is Justifiable for people in some places to wish to
    • conception. Everything we human beings are able to think
    • they are able to bear the thought — for they have
    • have to choose words most liable to excite the egotism of
    • created with lies. That will be the inevitable
    • — and a respectable number of articles have already
    • kind of printing error merely showed what kind of stable
    • We shall only be able to progress in the world if in the
    • have been teaching, the inevitable conclusion simply has
    • continue our discussion of the subject when I am able to
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 5: How the Material Can Be Understood Only through the Spirit
    Matching lines:
    • something that is altogether unsuitable for human beings.
    • able to refer to the teaching of anthropology in class 5.
    • able to give.
    • with the feeling I have that I was really able to achieve
    • comparable to the waking state for the earth and winter
    • counterbalanced by what the cultural organism is able to
    • objectionable, that go by personal and heaven knows what
    • Threefold Social Organism. This has not yet been able to
    • — I have not been able, however, to pursue such an
    • my heart that I am unable to respond to almost all the
    • and ethical basis which we have been able to establish is
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 6: Materialism and Mysticism, Knowledge as a Deed of the Soul
    Matching lines:
    • be able to do their part. They would be of no account,
    • we cannot comprehend unless we are able to conceive of it
    • aspects that people find highly uncomfortable today
    • uncomfortable; yet unless we enter into them we will make
    • inevitable discomfort if we are to get from theory to
    • the situation gets uncomfortable.
    • uncomfortable threshold truth that it is mysticism which
    • mysticism. We should be able to develop the feeling that
    • unpalatable threshold truth. Everything that is abstract
    • uncomfortable. When you want to balance the scales you
    • be able to enter into reality. People Only grow
    • caused considerable annoyance to some people—that
    • wisdom human individuals are able to produce in later
    • this is an unpalatable truth — as we get older the
    • feel able to cope if we are open to the approach of
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 7: Materialism, Mysticism, Anthroposophy, Liberalism, Conservatism
    Matching lines:
    • have the kind of organization that enables them to
    • highly improbable and paradoxical to modern minds but it
    • of the element radium. To someone able to perceive the
    • are able to retain into ripe old age a quality of soul
    • the customary way — a way that was inevitable in
    • spiritual science. The inevitable result is that things
    • parties. You know that the most miserable, sterile
    • this battle of minds and they will use all available
    • physical world it is pernicious and abominable, because
    • the hope that people who are still capable of handling
    • unpalatable to have to listen to such things, yet that is
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 8: The Opposition of Knowledge and Faith, Its Overcoming
    Matching lines:
    • be accepted by anyone who finds it acceptable but cannot
    • honourable title ‘fighters for the material
    • bottom of our hearts, the only viable aim for spiritual
    • spirit that was no longer justifiable called themselves
    • abominable slander has been spread about all over Germany
    • been supplied with copies of some of the abominable
    • clearing the debts in reasonable time’
    • from what people generally find comfortable in the
    • way I have described today. It would be more comfortable
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 9: East, West, and Middle
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    • consider this dream life you will be able to say that it
    • imageless thinking of their waking life, and are able to
    • spiritual science will be able to establish this beyond
    • when human beings were able to use the brain as a sense
    • organ to a very considerable degree. In a way, however,
    • actually able to perceive what they experienced between
    • however unable to think whilst they were in that
    • were, before they were able to think the things that they
    • were able to remember what they had experienced during
    • daily lives in the ancient Orient they were able to
    • the ideal model of himself and was able to say to
    • be able to enter into the state of soul that people had
    • the ancient Orient you would be able to say: For him,
    • nature we experience immeasurably more than we are able
    • people have so far been able to achieve full insight.
    • century was unable to answer the question: ‘How do
    • — is capable of holding all three within him or
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 10: Transition from the Luciferic to the Ahrimanic Age and the Christ Event to Come
    Matching lines:
    • Belgium together had 35 million horse power years available. Great
    • gradually, and a to of 35 million available in Belguim, Russia and
    • were able to overcome the others, as it were, on the basis of objective
    • countries were able to field the number of horse power years I have
    • beings are capable of producing. Indirectly they are of course connected
    • years were available in Germany; that is not very much per human being.
    • intellectualism of modern science does not enable people to gain
    • The other day I was able to
    • include the human being. It is unable to perceive the nature of the human
    • It is uncomfortable to face
    • age will be able to judge what is evolving from the depths of the souls
    • in a way that is quite unthinkable.
    • looked at nature and saw the spirit; this enabled us to develop an inner
    • come alive in us it must be able to provide us with insight into the
    • independent of anything human beings were able to do? It was entirely
    • beings themselves will no longer be able to influence these elements. We
    • grow able to behold the Christ power that can become part of us and
    • shall not be able to appreciate its true value when it comes upon
    • through and through. And this independent life of the spirit will be able
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 11: Modern Science and Christianity, Threefold Social Order, Goetheanism
    Matching lines:
    • the anthroposophical literature that is already available
    • we would never be able to develop a spirit-man, a
    • give in that respect; it is only able to help us develop
    • bring light and warmth into all the ideals we are capable
    • of holding. We must be able to ask ourselves in all
    • serve as a guide?’ We must be able to experience,
    • should already be able to say to ourselves that the earth
    • Anthroposophy will be only be able to serve human beings
    • rightly if they are able to ask themselves questions like
    • Christ we are able to join our own essential nature to
    • essential human nature, when we are able to see the way
    • beyond anything the earth is able to give.
    • however, can never happen. We shall never be able to
    • to contain contradiction upon contradiction. Unable to
    • achievement they are capable of, the logical necessity
    • their abstract intellect is able to perceive by the
    • spirit, or in other words art enables us to feel that the
    • instinctive element is also spiritual. It enables us to
    • wanted to make this condition generally applicable to
    • soon be able to carry these things out into life. It was
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Life Between Two Incarnations
    Matching lines:
    • Thanks to an anonymous donation, this Lecture has been made available.
    • we were able to discuss a few things about the ways leading into the
    • and a new birth, but in order to be able to understand what is
    • able to see this. Let us assume that a man stands before us. In this
    • For the clairvoyant consciousness it is recognizable as a
    • the I there is something sacred. This is also clearly recognizable in
    • is an indispensable remedy for recovery. This is the meaning of the
    • lecture, you will understand that those people who are able to see into
    • higher spheres are also able to report about the conditions after
    • If about any facts is reported, which are not immediately controllable
    • tableau. This recollection cannot be compared with a recollection of
    • earth life, but this tableau of recollection stands there all at once
    • stood before them like a tableau, so that the vanished experiences of
    • are facts. In that moment of flashing of the memory tableau something
    • this memory tableau occurs immediately with full strength, because the
    • whole physical body is left. The duration of this memory tableau after
    • satisfaction of the desires, the physical body, is no longer available.
    • no longer possesses the instrument with which alone he was able to
    • draws him down after that period of weaning, when he has become capable
    • condense into effects in the archetypes. These are then able to live
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture I
    Matching lines:
    • first of all-gratitude to those friends who, in my unavoidable
    • nineteenth have made it seem justifiable, in the general
    • turned our thoughts to this — how valuable it is,
    • that we may hold any view if it is agreeable to us, a belief
    • judge of it as is agreeable to them, not according to its
    • B.C. The “fable convenue” usually called
    • what has been handed down to us so that we are able to judge of
    • construct abstract thoughts, unable to govern social life, and
    • in the future will take on a separable character, and will
    • events. Three syllables — I can only hint at them —
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture II
    Matching lines:
    • People in those days were as capable of development right into
    • outwardly less noticeable. In olden times this was not so; what
    • the organism and new knowledge, unattainable before, is
    • within reach. At the inconsiderable age of thirty men are
    • ashamed to make themselves capable of development, or to learn
    • to experience our life as capable of development not only in
    • should be able to experience throughout his whole life the
    • Hierarchy of the Angels, who will once more be able to interest
    • There was a remarkable example of this once, when my hearers
    • decadent. The proletariat are not so yet; they are still able
    • directly traceable from Central Europe to Ancient Rome. This is
    • to the present; that means to make ourselves capable of
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture III
    Matching lines:
    • have only recently been able to plunge entirely into the
    • It signifies that by means of it we are able to develop
    • body, educate them to be able to take the complete plunge.
    • know that at the present time there are a remarkable number of
    • Nations” and hope for something from it. It is remarkable
    • same way the Earth would not be able to develop unless it
    • ago have turned to dust, is enabled to bring to completion what
    • remarkable polarity in man's evolution. If he passes through
    • however, a remarkable arrangement in the human
    • gradually so deepening our knowledge as to become able to
    • what is given from the spiritual world to enable man to unfold
    • they usually are; so that we may be able thereby to struggle
    • remarkable positions, remarkable because so very
    • comfortable ideas. In this sphere, also, reality must be seen
    • make. All the miserable endeavours to justify themselves before
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Main Features of the Social Question and the Threefold Order of the Social Organism
    Matching lines:
    • It was itself called upon, to a considerable extent, to set its
    • remarkable thing was that those who had power to act in the
    • market.” He who will is able to see that since the social
    • impetus of these ungovernable facts had spread over the
    • should consider such things to-day, should be able to keep
    • intellectual life only capable of living within the souls of
    • But to be able to teach and educate him means learning first to
    • destiny and able to direct his forces with determination to the
    • is becoming capable of deciding, in the sphere of the free
    • capable of judgment. There has been a good deal of talk on this
    • be able, through the mutually-fixed values, to get as much
    • and Fraternity,” three ideals which were capable of being
    • able to give an outline sketch of what I meant: I know I have

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