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  • Title: Memória e Amor
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    • This lecture by Rudolf Steiner was given in Stuttgart a few weeks
    • the power of the arts to make a bridge between the two worlds.
    • Stuttgart, 4 de dezembro de 1922
    • ministrada em Stuttgart, algumas semanas antes de o primeiro Goetheanum - o edifício ao qual
    • morte - a qualidade do amor; e do poder das artes em ligar os dois mundos.
    • Também conhecida como Arte em sua Natureza Espiritual [em inglês, Art in its Spiritual
    • Nature], é uma palestra dada por Rudolf Steiner em Stuttgart, em 4 de dezembro de 1922,
    • palestra é a décima quarta das dezesseis em uma sequência intitulada Relações Espirituais
    • Stuttgart, 4 de dezembro de 1922
    • É para mim motivo de grande satisfação poder falar-lhes hoje, ao passar por Stuttgart, e gostaria de fazer desta uma oportunidade para discutir vários assuntos relacionados com as duas últimas palestras que aqui me foi permitido proferir. Falei então sobre a relação do homem com o mundo espiritual, na medida em que tal conhecimento pode ser avançado por trazer à tona os processos que acontecem durante o sono sem que tenhamos consciência deles, e pela luz que a ciência espiritual lança sobre as experiências sofridas pelo homem no mundo espiritual, entre a morte e um novo nascimento.
    • Hoje, gostaria de falar sobre como a vida do homem na Terra é, em certo sentido, uma imagem inversa dessas experiências. A vida humana terrestre é compreendida apenas quando suas manifestações particulares podem ser relacionadas aos seus complementos no mundo espiritual, onde o homem passa a maior parte de sua existência.
    • Gostaria, primeiramente, de falar sobre algumas das maneiras pelas quais a alma humana se expressa durante a vida terrena, na medida em que podem ser relacionadas a experiências no mundo espiritual. A partir das minhas duas últimas palestras aqui, vocês terão percebido que as experiências da alma humana entre a morte e o renascimento diferem essencialmente daquelas entre o nascimento e a morte. Aqui na Terra as experiências de um homem são todas mediadas por seu corpo, seja o corpo físico ou o corpo etérico. Nada do que ele experimenta na Terra pode se dar sem o apoio da natureza corpórea. Poderíamos facilmente imaginar, por exemplo, que o pensar é um ato puramente espiritual e que, da maneira como sucede na alma humana terrena, não se relaciona a existência em um corpo. Em certo sentido, é assim. Mas espiritualmente independente como o pensamento humano é, ele não poderia seguir seu curso aqui na existência terrena se fosse incapaz de receber o suporte do corpo e de seus processos. Posso me valer de uma comparação que usei muitas vezes aqui em ocasiões semelhantes. Quando um homem está caminhando, o solo em que caminha certamente não é a parte essencial de sua atividade – a parte essencial está dentro de sua pele –, mas sem o apoio do solo ele não poderia obter êxito.
    • amos com a alma de outrem, e do esforço para realizar o que fazemos a partir dessa compreensão. Comportarmo-nos abnegadamente com os demais e agirmos moralmente no amor são essencialmente ecos de nossa vida em comunhão com seres espirituais, entre a morte e o renascimento; e isso permanece conosco depois da nossa experiência do que se poderia chamar de solidão – pois é sentida como solitária a experiência do nosso eu no mundo espiritual quando, por assim dizer, expiramos. A inspiração é como uma experiência de seres espirituais; a expiração é como uma experiência do nosso eu. Mas sentir-se solitário – bem, esse sentimento tem seu eco aqui na Terra na nossa capacidade para a lembrança, nossa memória. Como seres humanos, não teríamos memória se ela não fosse um eco do que descrevemos como um sentimento de solidão. Somos indivíduos reais no mundo espiritual porque – não posso dizer que seja porque nos retiramos para dentro de nós mesmos – mas porque somos capazes de nos libertar dos espíritos superiores dentro de nós. Isso nos torna independentes no mundo espiritual. Aqui na Terra somos independentes porque somos capazes de lembrar nossas experiências. Pense no que seria de sua independência se, em seus pensamentos, você tivesse que viver sempre no presente. Seus pensamentos lembrados são o que possibilita que você tenha uma vida interior. Lembrar nos torna personalidades aqui na Terra. E lembrar é o eco do que descrevi como a experiência de solidão no mundo espiritual.
    • Pois bem, por que descemos ao mundo físico do mundo espiritual? Vocês poderão deduzir, a partir do que eu disse aqui da última vez, que as forças que nos mantêm juntos com os seres espirituais superiores decaem. Aqui na vida física, envelhecemos porque as forças que nos mantêm em conexão com a Terra física diminuem; lá, enfraquece o que nos mantêm ligados aos seres espirituais. Diminuem principalmente as forças que permitem que nos apreendamos em meio aos seres espirituais e que nos possibilitam sermos independentes. No mundo espiritual, por um período considerável antes de descermos à Terra, perdemos a capacidade de conviver com os seres espirituais. Com o auxílio dos seres espirituais, formamos a semente espiritual de nosso corpo físico, que enviamos primeiramente; daí nos apropriamos de nosso corpo etérico e prosseguimos. Ilustrei-lhes isso em minha última palestra. Nossa capacidade de viver com seres espirituais no mundo espiritual desbota e percebemos como, por meio das forças da lua, nos aproximamos cada vez mais da Terra. Sentimo-nos como um eu, mas cada vez menos capazes de compreender as regiões espirituais, ou de nos manter nelas; tal capacidade se torna cada vez mais débil. Temos um sentimento crescente de que o desfalecimento prevalecerá sobre nós, no mundo espiritual. Isso cria uma necessidade de que aquilo que não mais conseguimos carregar conosco – o sentimento do eu – seja sustentado por algo externo, a saber, nosso corpo: surge uma necessidade de sermos sustentados por um corpo. Eu poderia dizer que, gradualmente, temos que desaprender a voar e aprender a andar. Vocês sabem que estou falando figurativamente, mas a imagem está em absoluto acordo com a verdade, com a realidade. É assim que encontramos o caminho para nosso corpo. O sentimento de solidão encontra um refúgio no corpo e se converte na faculdade da lembrança, e temos que nos empenhar para alcançar um novo sentimento de comunhão, na Terra. Isso se
    • Assim, entre ir dormir e acordar, o homem experiencia de fato uma espécie de repetição ao contrário do que realizou no decorrer do dia. Não é que simplesmente entre ir dormir e acordar – o sono pode ser bastante curto, e então as coisas são condensadas –... não é que simplesmente entre ir dormir e acordar o homemtenha uma visão retrospectiva de suas experiências durante o dia – uma visão inconsciente, pois naturalmente deve ser inconsciente. Não; quando a alma, durante o sono, se torna realmente clarividente, ou quando a alma clarividente relembra na memória as experiências entre ir dormir e acordar, vê-se que o homemrealmente experiencia no sentido reverso o que havia vivenciado desde a última vez que despertou. Se ele dorme a noite toda da forma usual, ele retrocede no que fez durante o dia. O último evento ocorre imediatamente após seu adormecer, e assim por diante. Todo o seu sono funciona de uma forma maravilhosamente reguladora. Só lhes posso falar sobre o que pode ser investigado pela ciência espiritual. Quando vocês adormecem por quinze minutos, o início do sono sabe quando acabará, e nesse quarto de hora vocês experimentam, na ordem inversa, o que trouxeram desde a última vez que acordaram. A tudo é dado a proporção correta – por mais maravilhoso que isso possa parecer. E pode-se dizer que essa experiência retrospectiva reside entre a realidade e a aparência.
    • Se alguém tem uma imagem na memória de algo experimentado na vida física vinte anos antes, uma pessoa saudável e reflexiva não a considerará uma experiência presente; é da natureza da própria imagem da memória que a relacionemos a uma experiência passada. Quem olha de forma clarividente para o que a alma vivencia durante o sono, em ordem inversa, não conecta isso ao presente; mas ao futuro após a morte. Assim como qualquer pessoa percebe que sua lembrança de algo vivido vinte anos antes se refere àquele tempo passado, também quem vê o estado de sono por meio da clarividência sabe que o que enxerga não tem significado para o presente, mas prenuncia o que deverá ser experimentado após a morte, quando tivermos que percorrer, ao reverso, tudo o que tivermos feito na Terra. É por isso que essa imagem do sono é meio-realidade, meio-aparência: está relacionada ao futuro. Logo, para a consciência comum, é uma experiência inconsciente daquilo por que o homem tem de passar, que chamei em meu livroTeosofia de mundo da alma. E a consciência intuitiva e inspirada, descrita em meu livroO conhecimento dos mundos superiores, reúne, a partir da observação do sono, o que o homem tem que passar durante o primeiro estágio após a morte. Essas coisas não são meras fabricações; são claramente observadas, uma vez que o dom da observação tenha sido adquirido. Portanto, desde ir dormir até despertar, o homem vivencia, sem o seu corpo, o que fez com ele quando acordado.
    • Estudem a criança até a troca de dentes. Notarão como o poder da lembrança, da memória, gradualmente se desdobra. Inicialmente, é bastante elementar. A criança possui certa memória, mas ela se torna uma força independente apenas no momento de troca da dentição, estando completa em seu desenvolvimento quando a criança está madura para a escola. Só a partir daí que podemos começar a edificar a memória. Antes disso, ao enfatizarmos a memória, tornamos a criança rígida e criamos uma condição de alma esclerótica para sua vida posterior. Quando lidamos com crianças antes da troca de dentes, trata-se de receberem as impressões do presente da maneira correta. É entre a troca da dentição e a puberdade que podemos empreender a edificação da memória.
    • Hoje a ciência da fisiologia não atingiu o ponto em que pode descrever detalhadamente o processo que acabamos de desenhar. A ciência espiritual é capaz disso e a ciência fisiológica certamente alcançará tal entendimento, pois essas coisas podem ser descobertas a partir da observação atenta da natureza humana. Pode-se dizer que, quando emitimos um som ou uma nota, primeiramente, a cabeça é acionada. Mas da cabeça procede a mesma faculdade que, interiormente, na alma, confere a memória, que sustenta o som e o tom: isso vem de cima. É inconcebível alguém poder falar sem possuir a faculdade da memória. Se sempre nos esquecêssemos o que está contido no som ou no tom, nunca seríamos capazes de falar ou de cantar. É precisamente a memória incorporada que perdura no tom ou som; por outro lado, no que concerne ao amor, mesmo em seu sentido fisiológico – no processo respiratório que dá origem à fala e ao canto – tem-se um testemunho claro no pleno volume interior do tom que chega ao homem na puberdade, quando o amor encontra expressão fisiológica durante o segundo período importante da vida: isso vem de baixo. Aí estão os dois elementos juntos: de cima, o que está na base fisiológica da memória; de baixo, o que está na base fisiológica do amor. Juntos, eles formam o tom na fala e na canção. Aí está sua interação recíproca. De certa forma, é também um processo de respiração que percorre toda a vida. Assim como inspiramos oxigênio e expiramos dióxido de carbono, temos unidas em nós a força da memória e a força do amor, encontrando-se na fala, encontrando-se no tom. Pode-se dizer que falar e cantar, no homem, são um intercâmbio alternado de permeação pela força da memória e pela força do amor.
    • Mas, meus queridos amigos, o fato é que quando passamos do mundo espiritual para o físico, passamos pelo grande esquecimento. Quem, com consciência comum, vê aqui, na força fraca e sombria da memória, o eco do que éramos como “eu†no mundo espiritual? Quem ainda reconhece na fala, na parte vinda da memória, a pós-vibração do eu? Quem reconhece na formação plástica do discurso, no canto e na fala, um eco dos seres das hierarquias superiores? Ainda assim, não é verdade que quem aprende a ouvir o discurso sem levar em consideração o significado, quem dá ouvidos ao que os tons expressam por sua própria natureza, tem uma sensação – principalmente se tiver inclinação artística – de que mais é revelado na fala e no canto do que a consciência comum percebe? Por que então transformamos a fala comum que temos aqui na Terra como uma faculdade utilitária – por que a transformamos em canção, despojando-a de sua função utilitária e fazendo-a expressar nosso próprio ser em declamação, em música? Por que a transformamos? O que estamos fazendo em tal caso?
    • Obtemos a ideia acertada disso se dissermos: antes de descerem à Terra vocês estavam no mundo espiritual e viviam lá, conforme descrito. O grande esquecimento veio. No que sua boca profere, do que sua alma se lembra, em como sua alma ama, vocês não reconhecem o eco do que eram no mundo espiritual. Na arte, entretanto, recuamos alguns passos da vida, por assim dizer, e nos aproximamos do que éramos em nossa vida pré-natal e do que seremos em nossa vida após a morte. E se formos capazes de reconhecer como a memória é um eco do que tínhamos na vida pré-terrena, e como o desdobramento do amor é a semente do que teremos após a morte; se por meio do conhecimento do espírito imaginarmos o passado e o futuro da existência humana, na arte invocamos ao presente – na medida do possível para o homem em sua organização física – invocamos o que nos une ao espírito.
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  • Title: Evil and Spiritual Science
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    • particular way: Spiritual Science does not only open that
    • usually thrown up, when one is at the start of striving for
    • make clear how deeply this question has occupied the hearts and
    • to take part in the spiritual: this entity he called Ri.
    • permits the bodily to take part in everything through which is
    • Ki. And from the particular juxtaposition of Ri and Ki
    • mankind is partly made of Ri and of Ki. But, because the human
    • He saw in the world around him, part evil, part human
    • characteristics of human nature in particular: Hermann
    • of education. In particular he drew attention to the fact that
    • for it to create its own adversary. Now through taking part in
    • life, but take part in the adversary, evil and wickedness have
    • one really follows this path, in order to become a participant
    • is martyrdom in a certain sense, and it is so precisely on the
    • soul-spiritual from the bodily and takes part in the spiritual
    • one must say: a certain seriousness of life starts, when one
    • what it has experienced in previous earthly lives, in order to
    • evil starting from the physical world, because it is a misuse
    • animal world shows us also, that apart from humanity other
    • refer to Schopenhauer or to Eduard von Hartmann,
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  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 1: Popular Occultism, Introtroduction
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    • of the Earth and of the solar system. Moreover, of the way in which
    • the hidden beings, looks upon man in such a way that the visible part
    • The second part or member
    • body. We may therefore say: in the upper parts of man's being, the etheric
    • form in the lower parts. A blind-born person considers the description
    • the elementary part of occultism. To-day it is not possible to teach
    • The third member or part
    • as it appears to us as the soul-part of man. The astral body is designated
    • in the child during his seventh year, for a part of the etheric body
    • body. Something similar takes place when a part of the body “falls
    • life on Earth.
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 2: Man's Ascent into the Supersensible World
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    • as man is a spiritual being, he participates in the spiritual world.
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 3: The Different Conditions of Man's Life After Death
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    • the whole earthly life unfolds itself in every detail before the soul
    • of the departed in the form of pictures. This process lasts for about
    • the astral world. Upon the Earth, this force was used for the reconstruction
    • the Kamaloca-existence takes up about one third of the duration of earthly
    • compensated in Devachan. When the soul has laid aside its earthly desires,
    • meadows to seek honey and bring it back to the hive. Here on earth the
    • The Earth is not a valley of tears, it is a gathering place and the
    • out of our earthly life becomes interwoven with the soul, with the spirit.
    • earthly life is the expression of what we worked out for ourselves.
    • Earth. In Devachan everything appears in a stronger light. We do not
    • is a far more real state of existence than earthly life.
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 4: The Devachanic World
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    • applies to objects of Nature, whereas artificial forms made by man appear
    • including the mineral parts of plants, animals and men, is a negative,
    • life here on earth, all that enables plants and animals to grow, may
    • is known on Earth as feeling and sensation. There, the currents of pain
    • may be felt like the winds which blow on the Earth. Every calamity that
    • as the starry sky surrounds us here on Earth, so in this fourth reason
    • back to a new earthly life enriched by this observation, this experience
    • earthly lives. This is only a question of development. Everyone will
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 5: Life Between Death and a New Birth
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    • his physical body and hands it over to the Earth as a corpse. If etheric
    • Earth. There, our experiences were linked up with feelings and soul-impressions, the
    • parts: as physical, etheric body, astral body, and Ego. The causal body
    • physicians in particular, were still clairvoyant and they could therefore
    • through this experience, we are warned for subsequent earthly life.
    • into us and become capacities. In a subsequent earthly life all the
    • experiences which we had during our proceeding earthly life appear
    • What thus streamed into us is the spiritual counterpart of the feeling
    • to tread the path that leads him back to the Earth. It is very interesting
    • to observe clairvoyantly these souls that return to the Earth. The clairvoyant
    • at home and soul master only in the fourth part of his being, in his
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 6: Man's Return to a New Earthly Life
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    • earthly life. After death there arises first of all the picture-tableau
    • and his Ego return to the earthly sphere. The human germs arise, described
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 7: Effects of the Law of Karma
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    • upon the astral body there is in every human soul a part still filled
    • by lower instincts and passions, and a part spiritually elaborated by
    • elaborated his astral body. That part of the astral body which has been
    • body is in part man's own work, in so far as it is the result of former deeds,
    • but in part it is also the work of other higher Beings who were active when the
    • Chela grows conscious of his past earthly lives.
    • The part of the physical body over which the human being gained control,
    • or less larger part coming from the astral body, the greatest part coming
    • the earth only when he can learn something new. The events on the physical
    • earth. Man also cooperates in this, when he lives in Kamaloca and Devanchan.
    • he has a foresight of his coming earthly life. (Karma) If this life
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 8: The Evolution of Man and of the Solar System; the Atlantic Evolution
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    • we shall deal with the evolution of man and of the earth itself, with
    • occult inner training, particularly with the difference between the
    • was adapted to the conditions of the earth which existed at that time,
    • was quite different from those which followed. Particularly in the earlier
    • mankind's evolution. The conditions of the earth then greatly differed
    • Atlantis the human soul already lived upon the earth. But before, there
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 9: Lemurian Development
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    • outside the body, it soared above it and drew it with it to an earth
    • course of development. But the ape-like forms have partly degenerated
    • could never have incarnated. This is the exit of the moon from the earth.
    • The moon severed itself from the earth and formed a secondary planet.
    • Formally, moon and earth were one planet. Thus the evolution of the
    • Earth and the evolution of man are closely connected. What the astronomer
    • the earth with all its forces, with its whole aura, or its astral part.
    • eliminated from the earth, which had given man the possibility to bring
    • eliminated through the exit of the moon. At that time earth plus moon
    • earth-moon planet, for it does not turn around its own axis as does
    • the earth. Even as the moon of to-day always turns the same side to
    • the earth, its “sun” and never the back side, so at that
    • time the earth-moon planet always turned the same side to the sun.
    • also inhabited by beings. In a still earlier time, sun, moon, and earth
    • itself from the earth, the plants turned completely around and again
    • when the moon left the earth.
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 10: Paths of Occult Training
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    • development, its present state may be changed by training, particularly by a
    • truths concerning our earth: The earth too is a being subjected to
    • Planets", through which the earth passes in its development. The names of
    • past or future conditionof the earth. But these conditions are related to
    • the planets after which they are named. The first incarnation of our earth
    • Mercury" are the designations for the first and second half of the earth's
    • These seven incarnations of the earth are intimately connected with man's
    • imprints on matter the Wisdom of things. This is how works of art arise. In
    • earth. This is the Germanic-English-American culture; its chief task is the
    • Every epoch has its particular
  • Title: i Spirituality: Lecture 1: Historical Symptomology, the Year 790, Alcuin, Greeks, Platonism, Aristotelianism, East, West, Middle, Ego
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    • several things were mentioned which, particularly at the present
    • approach which was then particularly developed, and that it was not the ideas in history that
    • particular phenomenon, which must only be properly evaluated, it was possible to become aware of
    • Greek, who was naturally at home in the particular soul-constitution of the Greek peoples which
    • quiet note, for much of Greek culture was still alive in him. It develops then with particular
    • a particular culture, or the first hints of it, was being prepared alongside that which lived on
    • it that had meanwhile entered in to European civilization since Plato, particularly through the
    • Eckhart,
    • way in which it arises in Eckhart, Tauler and other mystics, and then more and more distinctly
    • battles of which I spoke, in part, in my lectures on the limits to a knowledge of
    • beyond birth and death. It confines everything in world history, religion, art and science solely
    • have the art of proving! What's it to me what reality is; if I can't prove it I shan't trouble
    • read John Stuart Mill
    • the Central region of the earth's culture still set itself against this with all force in Fichte,
    • place. People went completely amiss when they started applying
    • than the economic life. There it is great, is of genius. And had Spencer, John Stuart
    • Mill, from the Western culture which is particularly suited for the economic life.
    • had been distributed over the earth, but in an instinctive way that is no longer of any use
    • encompassing the whole earth. Spiritual science, however, cannot be extended through natural
    • separate areas. The unity of human beings all over the earth is due to the fact that they combine
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  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 2: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 1
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    • course of human evolution developed some particular quality, just as now it is that of
    • individuality. These characteristics are impressed into human evolution through the particular
    • action of spiritual powers working into the physical life of humanity on earth. But precisely
    • comes to expression particularly strongly in the broad masses of the proletariat which has come
    • it touches the social question, in the first part of my
    • the areas stretching towards the East, to those parts of Europe which begin to take on the
    • economic instincts. Today it has been wiped off the face of the earth because it was planned and
    • repeated lives on earth. In reality these are human bodies with a physical, etheric and astral
    • everywhere and without exception human beings are subject to repeated lives on earth. This would
    • deceptive that beings other than human beings are incorporated in human form, in a part of the
    • particular attraction to what, in a sense, are the elemental forces of the earth; that have an
    • inclination towards, a feeling for the elemental forces of the earth and are thus able to sense
    • how, in any particular place, colonization could be carried out in accordance with the conditions
    • of the climate and any other conditions of the earth, or how a trading connection can be
    • with the elemental nature of the ground of the earth, of the climate and so on, the second kind
    • has a particular tendency to breed a certain superficial, untruthful element, and the third type
    • development are prematurely here an the earth and who, therefore, attract particular followers or
    • three kinds of forces, of beings at this particular stage of development, is encouraged by the
    • This is all the more subtle in the way it is so frequently found in people, particularly of the
    • which, however, is in fact a particularly subtle form of self-seeking, a particulary subtle
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  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 3: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 2
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    • Eastern human beings, be it more or less consciously, by virtue of the particular
    • a kind of earth-boundness has, in a certain sense, been prepared in such human beings as I
    • described yesterday, who are dispersed there, and who take leading positions, particularly in
    • existed in Greece, primarily as artistic beauty but also as a certain insight; and how already in
    • what happens here on earth. This shows itself most strongly in Anglo-Saxon Puritanism, in which a
    • in which Rome developed to particular splendour and in which the Roman Empire arose — were
    • chaotically with one another. It can truly be said that the Roman Empire and particularly the
    • Spain, over present-day France, and also over a part of Britain. These were Roman people who
    • diagram) and formed the Spanish, the French and also a part of the British population — is
    • And other things, too, were preserved apart from
    • Now, if other conditions are particularly
    • enabling them to incarnate into the human being. But particularly favourable for this incarnating
    • certainly, is not engaged here — only part of man's being is engaged through the
    • body and soul, and not the spirit, were particularly
    • soul in the way they are represented particularly in Darwin's descriptions and simply put an
    • artificial head on top as spirit, in the materialistic way of thinking that arises out of
    • that an 'artificial head' of natural-scientific concepts be superimposed on the bodily-soul
    • consider body and soul; which outwardly did not use science for this but rather the external part
    • Europe. This means that in Central Europe the language is indeed not bound particularly strongly
    • the whole human being a certain tendency. It is particularly the case in human beings of the
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  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 4: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 3
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    • artistic nature, but in the 1780s and the beginning of the 1790s he was strongly influenced by
    • science was not yet present on the earth he could not go further than to the web of imaginations
    • blossoming of oriental culture; in Greek art as he construed this for himself from Italian works
    • of art. It can therefore be said that there was something quite unique in this bond of friendship
    • there also has to be a balance. For this reason we must have an economic life that is one part of
    • further along that path I would come into a condition that is not on the earth, that does not
    • not stop at Goethe but also share the development in which Goethe himself took part since 1832. I
    • in a particular place in my
    • side by side of the spirits of the West and the spirits of the East is particularly evident. I
    • the destruction of the economic life. In the eighteenth century that part was destroyed which
    • in himself? Americanism! For what he had in his style, in his thought-forms, apart from Goethe he
    • It is characteristic, for instance, how a newspaper of Eastern Switzerland carried articles on my
    • Spiritual Science. And now, in the town where the newspaper is published, Arthur Drews
    • Eduard von Hartmann,
    • anything more than rehash Eduard von Hartmann, the philosopher of the unconscious.
    • In the case of Hartmann it is interesting. In the case of the rehasher it is, of
    • particularly like to emphasize this — confront these things? Well, we have listened to one
    • Hartmann, Arthur Drews, has something against Anthroposophy or not is not the important point
    • willing to engage themselves absolutely whole-heartedly for spiritual science, nothing beneficial
    • furnished university philosophy with the Arthur Drews's who, however, are actually represented
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 5: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 4
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    • which, since that time, have become particularly important. But if, from the many characteristics
    • human system of ideas; but only, if I can put it so, artistic elaborations of it. In neither
    • — particularly not in Hegel — do we find a proper
    • from the fact that it is just in this time that we find the particular development and
    • It was a particular characteristic of oriental
    • divine-spiritual. Later on there developed in the central regions of the earth that which came
    • ancient times in which the oriental rose to the attainment of wisdom, what was of particular
    • already in Greece but then particularly also in Rome, by which Central Europeans were beginning
    • based on nature-produce. The early part of the Middle Ages was, basically, short of money; and
    • developed, and with it a particular type of professional soldiery. All this came about because,
    • could no longer take part himself in distant campaigns of war. Thus this dialectical-legal
    • element grew up in a kind of agricultural economy based on barter, and it was only when
    • particularly among those who pride themselves on being practical, who, for example, go into
    • government department. Such `governing practicians', such 'practical men in government' —
    • machines do if their work on the earth were to be done by people.
    • how, for the ancient oriental, the relationships of the blood line were of very particular
    • counterpart of this maya element (Scheinhafte) in the world, what gave the human being
    • through repeated lives on earth. One will have to be aware of what a human being brings when he
    • belong to an artistic pedagogy and didactics to be able to discern that one child is suited for
    • that, when one speaks about these former embodiments of the earth, it strikes no chord in them.
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  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 6: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 5
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    • the earth, there were still strong remnants of the ancient clairvoyance existing in many people.
    • of an intellectual development. This was particularly so in the Romans. And one can therefore say
    • particular characteristic of the ancient oriental peoples and existed essentially in its last
    • remnants above all in these peoples. And Christ Jesus, too, did, after all, walk on the earth
    • come to pass on the earth. And in order that there could be a perception through an 'eyewitness'
    • of the soul there arose in St Paul, through a particular enlightenment which came to him at a
    • particularly in Rome and which can be seen as the wave that prepared the later intellectuality
    • which extends over the greater part of Europe.
    • conflicts, and how these conflicts really form a great part of medieval history. But one must
    • birth and had an instinctive memory of it in this life on earth. And they were sought out by the
    • the kings and other princes — were ascribed with a certain authority on earth, and ascribed
    • dissolve it. The intellect can either only wipe it from the world with its art of philology or
    • judgement arose. All that was developed for the affairs of the religious life, the artistic life
    • still entirely restricted to the earthly economic, human reason that wishes to occupy itself only
    • the great Scholastics of the Middle Ages had sought to hold apart — a rational grasp of the
    • the modern age arose. And we see this mutual interlocking particularly in the first half of the
    • part, people go on with life as though nothing were happening in the world at all. And thus, one
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 7: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 6
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    • that ever since the Mystery of Golgotha, and particularly in recent centuries, all that can
    • able to develop. And we have already pointed out how the particular constitution of soul that is
    • youth of today has been depicted again and again, particularly by poets; and if people did not
    • humanity through modern scientific thought. But for the most part there is a terrible dishonesty
    • disposition, as aspiration, and remained with him through the whole of his life on earth. In
    • this kind before one's life on earth has no very great value, but a lively feeling for
    • characteristics. Anyone who is able to view this impartially sees how the human being-today
    • experiences before. his life on earth. On the contrary he feels in himself the characteristics
    • child has it as a result of this or that particular experience in the spiritual world. People
    • not merely as a theory but as a feeling, a feeling of dependence on purely earthly inherited
    • of the spiritual world but merely a child of characteristics inherited in the course of earthly
    • This is merely the social counterpart of the
    • earth-planet, upon which the human being has to experience his present destiny, is the
    • embodiments so that our earth, schematically, is in a midway state.
    • body is the result of the third and fourth conditions. And now, in our present earth-evolution,
    • the 'I' is appearing. And there will appear in the future, when the earth enters its next stages,
    • this cosmic-earthly evolution can be brought to you, that during earth-evolution only the germs
    • the transformation of the earth into its three following conditions for them to appear fully. And
    • to say to himself: 'It is true that, during earth-existence, I cannot attain spirit-self in my
    • one day live when the earth has passed over, through a certain cosmic development, into its next
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  • Title: Abbreviated Title: Lecture I:
    Matching lines:
    • Intervals of the Life on Earth
    • Art and Practical Questions in the Light of Spiritual Science,
    • Intervals of the Life on Earth
    • particular age and impelled towards particular people. So we are born into
    • dwelt in the spiritual world. Many things happened on Earth during this
    • time when we were on the Earth in an earlier incarnation. When we speak of
    • before for types who come more quickly to earthly incarnation.
    • Earth by conditions; these conditions had their effects. We were surrounded
    • there in a particular time appears diminished in the children and yet more
    • incarnations have been destroyed, the moment comes when we re-enter earthly
    • new birth, a wearing-away of earthly conditions, an annihilation, a
    • Earth. And what creates our consciousness at the moment of death, when we
    • process of annihilation must take place in earthly conditions between our
    • on Earth, who is really not interested in anyone or any being but only in
    • connected with the conditions and things on the Earth. He also
    • destruction. Someone who has not lived with earthly conditions does not
    • particular. Let us suppose that we become familiar with a movement such as
    • of which we will that it should enter the spiritual development of earthly
    • opposition to Spiritual Science and of appearing again when the Earth is
    • Science prepare themselves to appear in earthly existence again as soon as
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Talk To Young People:
    Matching lines:
    • with all the questions and problems in your hearts that assail young
    • divine forces concerned with the destiny of the earth. Then we will
    • earthquake shaking human evolution. But people merely say, “It's the
    • solid realization: that an earth-shaking change
    • started.†We talked together and what he said showed clearly that
    • of them claim to be taking part in — but they, too, haven't had much
    • hearts. Today, although it's been only a short time, many of them
    • that our hearts recognize what the others are feeling. In this way we
    • agree. What is so necessary is that we fully and heartily understand
    • itself through heartfelt action and heartfelt efforts at human
    • are to relate to other people — just so or so, one particular way or
    • used to it somehow) to be invited to take part in workshops and
    • hearts, too, have changed. We have a different kind of heart in our
    • body. Our physical heart has become hard, but our etheric heart is
    • heart of ours. It then will help us to understand spiritual science.
    • come alive in our hearts. And the hearts of young people are
    • circumstances. There was an autopsy. His heart was examined; it was
    • hearts will burn out like this if we can lay hold of them and make
    • need to have a new kind of heart!â€
    • our new hearts should be aware of the world in quite a different way
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  • Title: "Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will not pass away"
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    • 'Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will not pass away'
    • “Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will not pass away”,
    • From Earth to the Jupiter Evolution.
    • “Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will not pass away”,
    • From Earth to the Jupiter Evolution.
    • “Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words
    • From Earth to the Jupiter Evolution
    • Personality. (Original force.) At the end of the Earth period these
    • the earth-period and emit Cosmic impulses for Jupiter's vegetable
    • Jupiter's animal kingdom. The concepts of earth-man develop —
    • at the end of the earth-period — and through the Soul-contents of
    • and Earth will pass away but my words
    • From Earth to the Jupiter Evolution
    • aim is to find the way, to perceive rightly any particular point in
    • evolution has arrived at the earth-stage only after passing through
    • various previous stages, and that this earth-state was preceded by the
    • therein; we can put it this way: that we are earth men, but that we in
    • part of us. We could show this in diagrammatic form thus:
    • can say: we carry with us the Earth man, but the Earth man surrounds
    • which in a specific sense, belongs to the earth, we would have to
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture I: Tree of Life - I
    Matching lines:
    • Art and Practical Questions in the Light of Spiritual Science,
    • course of evolution of earth and humanity. Above all, a certain
    • connected with the evolution of the earth and mankind is the
    • conception upon this greatest riddle of man's earthly existence, nor
    • protected, as it were, from being partaken of by men who had already
    • the evolution of earthly history, fell in the Fourth Post-Atlantean
    • of earthly evolution. It would be-hypothetically possible, one might
    • the entry of the Impulse of Christ into earthly evolution, to have
    • been enacted without any of the men on earth having understood or
    • This was not to be. Earthly humanity was
    • particular, Greek philosophy that which was developed for instance as
    • the earth, are derived from a primeval knowledge, from a knowledge
    • at its starting point have been formed by human beings themselves. It
    • part in imaginative form and which had been attenuated to concepts in
    • to include the Mystery of Golgotha? What is that? That is also a part
    • of what men have eaten in Paradise. It is a part of the Tree of the
    • through all aeons of earthly evolution with regard to certain
    • which indicates that in Europe, confronting as it were the starting
    • has been preserved longer in Europe than in other parts of the earth.
    • as one moves about on earth, one bears something divine within; in
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture II: Tree of Life - II
    Matching lines:
    • Art and Practical Questions in the Light of Spiritual Science,
    • particularly in specially clear and aware moments of waking up, can
    • place, man would obviously be in a different position in this earthly
    • mingled in his earthly life. This means: in our earthly life we
    • evolution which has entered through the partaking of the Tree of the
    • Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Had man not partaken of this
    • sleep; the part of our astral that lives during sleep outside the
    • for earthly life that Lucifer lives and weaves, from our going to
    • intention of the Jahve Divinities guiding earthly evolution, I should
    • should have entered in the course of human earthly evolution or of
    • earthly human evolution if the original purposes of the Jahve-deities
    • Ahrimanic interweaving in earthly evolution —
    • the fact that we have partaken of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good
    • knowledge that man experiences as earth-man. Man as earth-man, has
    • over from Saturn Sun and Moon, the ego has been added upon Earth. As
    • earthly man, in the ego, we experience the knowledge that is our
    • world under the circumstances of our earthly existence. But the
    • have shown in particular the share of Ahriman and Lucifer in our
    • streams to fall apart and not reckon with each other in the
    • this whole great cosmic event of the descent of the Christ to Earth,
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture III: The Power of Thought
    Matching lines:
    • Art and Practical Questions in the Light of Spiritual Science,
    • whole human construction. It already takes part in our structure
    • breathing — though for the most part it is no
    • and he then further shares in what comes about as Earth evolution.
    • an unwillingness to take part in later phases of evolution. And
    • part of the Old Moon time. To be sure, they were obliged to descend
    • descended upon our Earth naturally contained in their ranks this kind
    • abstractions — has, indeed, partly done so,
    • and Grecian art you will everywhere find how the Greek strove to
    • desire to be expressed by Socrates merely to impart knowledge of the
    • to give it form. Hence the Grecian works of art appear to us (to
    • outwards, and this became in Greece philosophy, art, sculpture. (See
    • of Greek art — that the whole preceding world is
    • the cosmos, and whom man could express in the earthly stage in the
    • the cosmos into the earth, became man, and lives on in human
    • in pre-Grecian times now came into the earth, and that which had been
    • the days until the end of the Earth period.’
    • into the Gospels what he wished to bring upon earth, but he is in
    • earthly evolution as a living Being. We can work through to him with
    • of our heart and soul.
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture IV: Harmonizing Thinking, Feeling and Willing
    Matching lines:
    • Art and Practical Questions in the Light of Spiritual Science,
    • through, in as much as they take part in our earthly existence. They
    • notion that truth is imparted to him from two sides, that he attains
    • has therefore come to this dual partition and must experience it as a
    • into the Earth-evolution, and in this evolution experiences for his
    • own part what in that earlier time he did not share? What will be the
    • nature of that which he must undergo during the Earth-evolution? I
    • however, during Earth-existence, they wish to do what they did not do
    • they wish to do during the Earth-evolution what they ought actually
    • Moon-existence and attribute the whole earthly sense world to
    • e earthly-perceived-sense world, we should then have the in us, i.e.,
    • the earth- contents, and we should not, as we do now, form concepts
    • of the Earth-content, but we should say instead; All that we have in
    • this way as earth-content, we relate to the ancient Moon,
    • surroundings of earth appear to the senses there lights up in us the
    • realisation that everything that lives and weaves upon earth,
    • earthly men.
    • cosmic, and do not work into us from the external earthly
    • world-pictures are projected through one another; the Earth-picture
    • and the Moon-Picture. We ought to be able to hold them apart; the
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture V: Tree of Knowledge - I
    Matching lines:
    • Art and Practical Questions in the Light of Spiritual Science,
    • suppose that here were the surface of the earth —
    • earth and has its home under the earth and never comes above the
    • surface of the earth, it only learns to know the roots of the plants,
    • only crawls about in the earth; it creeps from root to
    • world-conception. Thus it creeps about there down below the earth and
    • become different, and also that in the part of the earth lying round
    • which will give a proper picture of the condition under the earth,
    • effect and say: Now the earth becomes somewhat warmer from above
    • earth as cause and effect. But it would not include that fact that
    • he does not come up above the surface of the earth.
    • himself genuinely with his whole heart and soul into this
    • human being lives with his senses to the world under the earth. Show
    • Moon-existence) and Space (during the Earth-existence) first entered
    • Earth-existence, and Time has actually only become meaningful since
    • space and time, as the worm dwells down there in its earth. Space and
    • time are our boundaries, just as the earth substance is the worm's
    • today on earth in perceptions of space and time. I have already
    • contained in Saturn, Sun, Moon. So that when here on earth we assign
    • meaning of life on earth must in some way have prepared itself. The
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture VI: Tree of Knowledge - II
    Matching lines:
    • Art and Practical Questions in the Light of Spiritual Science,
    • and the Earth as far as its development has progressed. We have
    • revealed with particular clearness, when we regard the whole course
    • Earth-existence. Thus, there remains, as it were, outside this
    • through, he takes possession of the physical part of our senses,
    • established him in earthly existence, he has led him out of himself.
    • earth-existence. One cannot escape them but can only come to the
    • this particular age mankind has reached the point of its evolution
    • whole meaning of the separation of the Old Moon from the Sun-Earth
    • part of our etheric body to which one directs the trained eye of the
    • otherwise one paints where there is nothing and leaves free the part
  • Title: World Downfall and Resurrection
    Matching lines:
    • man are of the nature of the forces of the Earth. This is not
    • kingdom within it, the forces of the Earth are working
    • of the Earth as a whole. If a man lives in a region where the
    • metallic substances, his blood is influenced by the Earth.
    • the Earth. In warmer zones the human body is not the same as in
    • blood are fundamentally influenced by the forces of the Earth.
    • that the forces of the Earth pulsate in the blood. When we
    • only one part of the connection. The current of electricity
    • is done — simply by sinking plates in the Earth. The Earth
    • We presuppose that the electric current works in the Earth. In
    • blood. Standing on the Earth they knew: there is something in
    • the Earth which also lives in the blood. They did not speak of
    • electricity but of an earthly force living in their blood. We
    • no longer know that Earth-electricity is living in the blood.
    • of the Godhead with the very body of the Earth. They felt the
    • sway of the Godhead in the blood, in the body, in the Earth. It
    • forces of the Godhead. But the Earth was the medium through
    • which this Godhead manifested and the forces of the Earth in
    • Every' thing would be well if the earthly forces only
    • case. The Moon is working in the neighbourhood of the Earth. In
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Lecture: Philosophy and Anthroposophy
    Matching lines:
    • Articles Section
    • An Article By
    • A First Edition publication from 1929. An article from the
    • [ Cover | Note | Article ]
    • lecture which I gave in Stuttgart in 1908.
    • merely the starting-point of our path, for we are shown the chasm that
    • under particular conditions, in the course of the development of mankind,
    • wisdom. This, however, is only due to a particular form of dilettantism
    • from which we depart. Aristotle remains the representative philosopher for
    • quarters.] Indeed, this statement is in all essentials true of the
    • determined in dogmatic quarters. Let us rather be undisturbed by what may
    • particular feeling with regard to the perception of this primal being. He
    • enemy to Christianity sprang up in another quarter.
    • Aristotelianism. It was a certain form of philosophy, in particular of
    • the belief had grown in that quarter that nothing but a kind of Pantheism
    • which, particularly in philosophy, had evolved from a very vague
    • would have receded ever farther and upwards into the supersensible regions
    • repeatedly happens that the adherents and followers of some particular
    • not proceed from the heart, as he had mistakenly gathered from Aristotle,
    • particularly strong impulse in the direction given by the great
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture I: The Pedagogy of the West and of Central Europe: The Inner Attitude of the Teacher
    Matching lines:
    • Speaking to the teachers at the first Waldorf school in Stuttgart, Steiner
    • of artistic speech is the most important. Also the second of 15 lectures given
    • Stuttgart, September 15, 1920.
    • meaning of such a statement is not particularly clear to begin with;
    • the most part made itself dependent, dependent through and through, on the
    • — he is much farther removed from the true spiritual
    • have to admit that this is particularly true where the art of education is
    • might be developed farther. Thus what we experience today in the field of
    • pedagogy, in the art of education, what has become the rule there, is
    • life unfolds within a true art of education. Because of his talent! Which
    • would sooner take the students' part. For the direction things have taken
    • as to point to this as a particular advantage of our universities, that
    • what we cannot sufficiently bear in mind: an art of education must proceed
    • cultivate this particular pedagogy, to have so to speak, an esoteric task
    • improvement in social matters in the future. But what is emerging as an art
    • regard to what has to be given for the art of education, we have something
    • must know that we have nothing whatsoever to hope for from that quarter for
    • what we have to foster as an art of education.
    • nature but rather develop his individuality, etc. You know that our art of
    • regard we must as teachers become artists. Just as it is quite impossible
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture II: The Three Fundamental Forces in EducatioN
    Matching lines:
    • Speaking to the teachers at the first Waldorf school in Stuttgart, Steiner
    • of artistic speech is the most important. Also the second of 15 lectures given
    • Stuttgart, September 16, 1920.
    • particularly active through the years in which imitation plays such a major
    • the earthly projection of the music of the spheres. In truth, a tone of
    • however, the activity of music and speech becomes particularly strong in
    • The voice levels of a man and woman coincide only in part; the voice of the
    • an apollonian element as we teach the plastic arts, painting and drawing.
    • impart to the child in the way of music and language during the elementary
    • that the musical element is at home particularly in the astral body. After
    • than a memory) of earthly music. Thus it is that the music a man absorbs
    • after death the earthly music is transformed into the music of the spheres
    • person takes in here on earth plays a powerful role in fashioning his
    • spoken word can be of great benefit to us after death, particularly if we
    • have taken it in often in the form I now frequently describe as the art of
    • describing the art of recitation I say that these things cannot be grasped
    • would like to draw your attention to a fact that must have our particular
    • concern in an art of education and can be worked on there. In the struggle
    • mystery knowledge. Thus I have always been particularly moved by the words
    • imparted to pupils in the ancient mystery schools: what acts as an attack
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture III: Spiritual Knowledge of Man as the Fount of Educational Art
    Matching lines:
    • Speaking to the teachers at the first Waldorf school in Stuttgart, Steiner
    • of artistic speech is the most important. Also the second of 15 lectures given
    • Stuttgart, September 21, 1920.
    • properly if we were to imbibe produce that had already been partly digested
    • should be taken in from outside in a particular form, and acquire their
    • same thing applies at a higher level also, for example in the art of
    • terms of education, as choosing to eat food already partly digested by man.
    • the art of education itself. This has actually to be invented by the
    • because the rhythmical process regulated by the heart and the lungs
    • for as teachers we have particular reason to know about them. Notice what a
    • memory of visual perceptions. It is based on a particularly delicate
    • you of Goethe's theory of colour. Quite apart from the fact that
    • aspect of tone experience. You can find this in those parts of his
    • asleep, and this restlessness in the soul would be the counterpart of
    • where everything points to the fact that there is no part of our body
    • part has the urge not to remain separated from physical experience. And it
    • it consciously to start with; yet if you subsequently meditate on it, an
    • spiritual world. Thus we start with a receiving or perceiving of the study
    • spirit; the art of education comes about. It must, be a conviction, a frame
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture IV: The Art of Education Consists of Bringing Into Balance the Physical and Spiritual Nature of the Developing Human Being
    Matching lines:
    • Speaking to the teachers at the first Waldorf school in Stuttgart, Steiner
    • of artistic speech is the most important. Also the second of 15 lectures given
    • Stuttgart, September 22. 1920.
    • — as I have indicated in my article on the artistic
    • artistic education. What does this mean?
    • earthly, the ego will have been too strongly absorbed by the bodily
    • true artistic treatment in education we can avoid that even in a man with
    • education one has to create an artistic balance. Because if one does not
    • however, when we notice that a child is becoming too earthly, that the ego
    • and metre in the language. As a teacher one must acquire this as an art and
    • — that the child's inner life, his feeling participates
    • becoming too earthly. But if through insight into the child's development,
    • all this must be integrated within the curriculum. One must start at the
    • rightly when we develop it truly out of art. It is essential that we really
    • with a child who is in danger of becoming too earthbound; we will lead such
    • altitudes on earth, or by introducing anything into our teaching of
    • man through his physical body here on earth? He is a being who lives in
    • in which the ego participates and the vibrations of the ether body which
    • environment just as when in a mixture the heavier parts fall to the bottom,
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Social Understanding: Lecture II: Social Understanding Through Spiritual Scientific Knowledge
    Matching lines:
    • Speaking to the teachers at the first Waldorf school in Stuttgart, Steiner
    • of artistic speech is the most important. Also the second of 15 lectures given
    • truths in particular that I would like to develop for you. We shall then
    • see what a great impact on a person's everyday life these particular truths
    • capacities have any part to play in the rest of man's life?
    • does man himself, as an ordinary person, belong? The part of him you see
    • the part of man that belongs to the line. Man is the result of
    • from our point of view, the forces of the earth. Yes indeed, the forces of
    • the earth are perpetually working into man. And it is our forces of will
    • earth. The forces of understanding come to us from the world's periphery,
    • forces of our own planet earth live within us. The moment we enter birth
    • the forces of planet earth are active within us.
    • till the age of seven it is the forces of the earth's depths that are
    • earth's interior, then make a study of everything going on in the child up
    • till the age of seven, for these are the forces from within the earth. To
    • delve down into the earth to find the forces of the earth's interior would
    • be absolutely wrong. You would only find earth substances. The forces that
    • are active in the earth come to manifestation in the work they do in the
    • forces that still belong to the earth, to the earth's atmosphere. These are
    • and supersensible. Now the forces of the earth's whole solar system work at
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Buddha and the Two Boys: Lecture I: Buddha and the Two Boys of Jesus
    Matching lines:
    • without connection to a particular document. Only afterwards it is shown
    • abilities have partly receded, new ones have been added.
    • ascended to Buddha, that is, in that particular incarnation in the 6th
    • in his own being, but on the whole earth in general. At that time, the
    • Buddha who had become man, namely the eight-part path, which is a more
    • as invisible, one has two unconnected, but still belonging together parts.
    • developed slowly at first. Outwardly it showed no particularly outstanding
    • “Lord, now let your servant depart in peace, for my eyes
  • Title: Buddha and the Two Boys: Lecture II: The Gospels, Buddha and the Two Boys of Jesus
    Matching lines:
    • any document. Without taking into account any document, he starts his
    • earth. This is a great achievement, that an individuality does not need to
    • to go through any more earthly-fleshly embodiment. He then no longer
    • embodied himself in an earthly-fleshly body, but only in that, as the
    • physical body on earth. What we see as a physical body with an
    • the age of twelve. Such abilities could be given to him in particular by
    • being on earth, that this teaching was brought through the Buddha. But
    • again it was necessary that this power of love manifested itself earthly
    • Imagine that someone wants to artificially make a human being develop
    • compassion and love. Only at one point of the earth's development, where
  • Title: Lecture: Art As A Bridge Between The Sensible And The Supersensible
    Matching lines:
    • Art As A Bridge Between The Sensible And The Supersensible
    • Art As A Bridge Between
    • the large number of slaves who not only partially, with regard to their
    • participate. One need really only consider how little the cultural life
    • between birth and death, and the supersensible world. The greater part of
    • expressing itself for the most part for people in language, has become
    • earth in human physical bodies. Let us remind ourselves as before, of
    • perceive, in so far as they perceive anything of our earth.
    • On the earth we first of
    • as they are called. Basically, of the earth element the dead see only
    • crystal forms and those of the earth's formations that
    • earth's plant world is like a vast body, but they do
    • being. They see the earth as a great unified organism and the
    • of the earth — for the plants are spiritualized.
    • of the animals over the earth, not the individual forms of the animals,
    • just a few parts. They perceive the soul, the spiritual, but the outer
    • as a human figure appears on the earth, this figure would be quite
    • people see them — of such a so-called work of art the
    • But call to mind how art
    • — we were talking about artistic monuments
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Raphael's Mission in the Light of the Science of the Spirit
    Matching lines:
    • the eminent art historian, of
    • evolution, just as a limb is an integral part of an
    • concerning the repeated earth-lives of the human being — takes
    • spirit appears again and again in repeated earth-lives
    • periods. In appearing again and again in earth-lives that
    • follow each other, the human soul comes onto this earth so as
    • passing through various earth-lives; an education by means of
    • However, it will not be possible to enter into particular works
    • who is barely separated farther in time from the advent of Christianity
    • new phenomenon in the whole of art history, that cannot be set
    • in regard to the art of painting — an inwardness that had
    • in sensory images. And does this not then in fact become part
    • in Raphael's soul and becomes the starting point for one of the
    • who had died a martyr's death not long before Raphael arrived
    • acts of cruelty on the part of the Church, against secularization,
    • with his companions to the martyr's pyre. From the gallows he
    • them, including artists, the words of Savonarola still echoed
    • on. After Savonarola had suffered a martyr's death, a painter
    • [Fra Bartolomeo, who became a Dominican in 1500.]
    • its isolation (joining other artists and painters working in
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Leonardo's Spiritual Stature: Lecture
    Matching lines:
    • in heart and mind from the world-famous reproductions, arriving
    • this wall as something of an artistic miracle, not only in
    • heartbeat of the twelve figures must have come to expression.
    • wartime and so forth. All these things took their toll on the
    • In this way part of the picture was devastated. [The feet of
    • partly the painting as such; it is also the idea that
    • of the Dominicans in Milan with quite particular feelings. For,
    • picture, in making the final brush-stroke, depart from it
    • year he went about with the greatest artistic intentions, with
    • frequently followed a person for a whole day when a particular
    • single parts of the human figure have, he enlarged a single
    • Drawings by him exist in which he sketched a particular feature
    • the details as described. Then something in particular began to
    • to be borne in mind that it is partly a matter of copies
    • of the duke's father, Francesco Sforza. He studied every part
    • and he took the artist to task. Leonardo replied that Christ
    • painting as an art is set forth — how perspective and
    • been written on painting otherwise. The principles of the art
    • art of representation as it was at the time, to bring this to
    • course of many earth-lives. Born into a particular age, a soul
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Fairy Tales: in the light of Spiritual Investigation
    Matching lines:
    • Goethe who attempted, alongside his artistic
    • than do the sources of creativity and artistic appreciation
    • works of art — the most moving tragedies for instance.
    • since for the most part we penetrate only with difficulty
    • into the particular make up of the individual. Still, they can
    • one way or another, a particular soul is entangled
    • in a particular destiny, as this is presented to us.
    • tragic, as well as other forms of artistic expression, results
    • instance at a particular age, a particular period of life
    • destiny as a result of particular inner experiences. We sense
    • us in the tragedy with their particular sets of
    • art.
    • a particular life situation may become involved in. It is
    • We cannot say, a particular human soul at a particular age of
    • aesthetic, artistic enjoyment of the fairy tale may
    • when we partake of food is removed from the
    • from how a particular food tastes, no one is capable of
    • works of art, in tragedies, are relatively easy to
    • in particular, namely that people not only dream when they
    • the course of humanity's development on the earth, the
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: A Mongolian Legend
    Matching lines:
    • been transplanted as far as the eastern part of Europe, where
    • farthest to the east, which still knew of ancient Atlantis, of
    • take hold of it and press it lovingly to their hearts. They
    • in a flash. Were human beings not to want to participate in
  • Title: The Worldview of Herman Grimm in Relation to Spiritual Science
    Matching lines:
    • Die Weltanschauung eines Kulturforschers der Gegenwart, Herman Grimm, und die Geistesforschung
    • narrow-hearted sense, seeing in it nothing more than a sum of
    • the art historian and researcher Herman Grimm.
    • same time, so distinctive and unique as to stand apart. Today's
    • grew in a heartfelt manner
    • With inner participation, Herman Grimm experienced the
    • starts out from whatever stimulated him, that furthered the
    • Grimm stood somewhat apart in his relation to cultural matters.
    • soulful participation. This contributes to the wonderful
    • one-sidedness, had something else not played a part,
    • asks, in forgetting everything of a particular life
    • life. Herman Grimm goes no farther than he can go as an
    • led by Herman Grimm to the point where the work takes its start
    • transformed it artistically, who have utilized it for cultural
    • experienced has found its rebirth in the works of Greek art,
    • Starting out from this urge, he turned his attention early on
    • earth. Even if Herman Grimm, in his more realistic way, sees
    • before human beings stepped onto the earth. However, he does
    • particularly in the oldest periods. Even someone like
    • “Künstler und Kunstwerke” [Artists and Works
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 1
    Matching lines:
    • to judge. We have experienced how at first in various parts of Europe
    • being God who really physically appeared on earth, the son of heaven
    • who physically appeared on earth, who was even the father of heaven.
    • earthly churchly hierarchy is mirrored what God is with his
    • ancient times on earth; “Roman” indicates the provenance,
    • the physical earth was no longer reality. The people of the Middle
    • ancient times in the Orient men lived on the physical earth who were
    • rather they thought that such gods could no longer live on the earth
    • because the earth had become so bad. That's been lost, what made men
    • consciousness that earthly men were representatives of God was lost.
    • the remnant of the consciousness that those who rule on the earth are
    • recognized by his subjects goes back, at least partially, to the
    • second form of imperialism: What was on the earth was the sign, the
    • part of the empire? Think back on real cases. Adventurers who no
    • earthly reality; the priest-king came from the mysteries. The second
    • was no longer earthly reality, it was symbolic. It is a long way from
    • on earth. For in that empire a reality must exist: “My kingdom
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 2
    Matching lines:
    • beings amongst the visible people on earth. First must come the age
    • participants in the fall of the platitude stage and will have to be
    • participants in the rise of the [new] spiritual life. And this will
    • participates in physical life as though it were the only reality.
    • This phenomenon is particularly
    • go so far back that we can say that the time they started was during
    • indifference, it becomes a community with particularly strong
    • This is a particularly important reality in
    • century there were two opposing parties in the English parliament
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 3
    Matching lines:
    • something that was felt to be part of a mission — not
    • the earth as the ruler. That was, if I may say so, a secure
    • state which exists here on earth, but which is really an image of
    • individual's religion play a part in the lodges, in a certain sense
    • people's hearts. But this degree of human development has not yet
    • not think about the future. This is part of the present-day approach
    • on earth includes death and that we are aware that the institutions
    • social order is tripartite, threefold: The economy is auto-
    • tripartite organism, this social organism? We have an economy in
    • which the living physical earth is predominant. In this sector the
    • earth would be possible. But one can only organize the things
    • generation a new spiritual/cultural life appears on earth. It's
    • which case the fall of earthly civilization is the inevitable result
    • case what was intended for earthly evolution will be achieved. I
    • self and that each must participate in this decision with his most
    • inner force of soul. Otherwise he does not participate in the affairs
    • here kindle a fire in the hearts of those who belong to the
    • we would have been much farther along. But perhaps what is done in
    • I would like to read part of a letter to you
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture I: Anthroposophy and Natural Science
    Matching lines:
    • particularly from the philosophic-natural scientific side
    • exponentially in the last century, particularly the
    • people means that the particular way thoughts are linked
    • — particularly if I may express it as the field of
    • subscribe to artificial theories. The blue of the sky is a
    • the 19th Century how certain parties of science in a certain
    • was not particularly talented in his time to solve mathematical
    • Goethe in his total being had particular patience to solve
    • is this particular kind of mathematics which Goethe regarded as
    • As they departed from
    • about a triangle, doesn't have a particular triangle in mind
    • present there, does it involve a need to start with the
    • meaning within his soul. He certainly wouldn't start with each
    • particularly in the 19th Century and how people were
    • anyone to start a fight against this. However, in the course of
    • When you position yourself in this particular way
    • which has a particular abstract character, a pictorial
    • liver, heart and so on. The inner organs are, when you look at
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture II: The Human and the Animal Organisation
    Matching lines:
    • must be pointed out in particular how the present
    • a separated bone, made people believe that this part of the
    • take part in the subconscious? Why should — I say this as a
    • partially a fact of outer science — not only in the usually
    • had been spoken as well as hearing inarticulate sounds. We must
    • of life — ordinary science already speaks partly about
    • the starting point is from a human angle of a complete
    • other, reveal a particular meaning. This meaning can exist even
    • the axis of their backbone is parallel to the earth's surface
    • the animal the bondage with the earth organisation and we have
    • earth organisation. What we express as individualized thoughts
    • position from the earth, so the human thoughts extricate
    • hand we must regard thoughts of a particular imaginative form,
    • relevant — will see how the human being's particular
    • earth's bondage to which the animal is bound, but which is
    • in our institute in Stuttgart. In any case before these methods
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture III: Anthroposophy and Philosophy
    Matching lines:
    • “Sophia”; one could call it a particular, if not
    • drama during a time-consuming work of art, to which no finality
    • world (which the West wanted to simply refer to as part of the
    • How does one find during earthly life the bridge between belief
    • at one of the three parts of his philosophy, namely his
    • the Logos on the other side? He starts with “being”
    • cares for it and plants it into the soul's earth through
    • important to us because we allow the particularities of his
    • particularly what we have to do in Central Europe, where the
    • form a concept of grasping a reality, quite apart from
    • with impartiality — somewhat like a western researcher
    • the impartial person, because it turns into the great world
    • constituted as such, as we already were before and take part in
    • — we find that part which is living in us, is missing in
    • with particular devotion; however, it only provides a number of
    • today at the start of our consideration, which I believe you
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture IV: Anthroposophy and Pedagogy
    Matching lines:
    • life, where they felt themselves particularly ready to actually
    • School in Stuttgart, whose office was given to me. Already
    • circumstances and start with the children in the
    • taking up a power which is as part of him or her, as growth
    • big and important events particularly during the
    • — in a particular hostility towards life, especially in
    • implementation of the art of education and art of instruction,
    • have to particularly stress that as far as religious
    • present it as is required at that particular age of the child.
    • at a particular human age out of its latent position and in the
    • as an artistic soul principle, something more pure and splendid
    • than any other art. This works on a subconscious level. We must
    • continue this way and try to find forms of a particular nature,
    • through which the child in an artistic way can be active in his
    • total being in the artistic form of writing which can evolve
    • artistic way. Out of pedagogic-artistic principles it commences
    • discover that through this art of movement, the soul and spirit
    • herself into the art of movement in a similar way as a small
    • Working from an artistic basis results in the child handling
    • way, in order for the art of education to become a real
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture V: Anthroposophy and Social Science
    Matching lines:
    • should be judged according to whether they fit into old party
    • sentences — I came across the article “Postponing the
    • Smith or John Stuart Mill — and who now develop systems on the
    • self-contained mentality (Geistesart). On the other hand, the
    • points, however with the exclusion of a large part of the
    • individuation and will not be divided into some particular
    • in the artificially impaired world economy. One can therefore
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture VI: Anthroposophy and Theology
    Matching lines:
    • been my intention to challenge theology and from their starting
    • in which I participate as well, never attempted to set them
    • apart within the work, with today's theology. This has happened
    • place, and sometimes people — not me particularly but
    • entire development of recent times and particularly apply to
    • Movement will be forced in any way to participate in something
    • instance follow currents in parties and are influenced by all
    • start. Those people who first entered into the Anthroposophical
    • also take part in the Anthroposophical Movement.
    • Catholic to take part in what Anthroposophy has to offer
    • would like to say that Catholics may obviously take part in the
    • impediment, taking part practically in the most important
    • avoid it because otherwise one can't participate in the
    • observe people in earthly life between birth and death where
    • right or wrong, this is particularly important here. If a
    • spirit of the Old Testament has particularly and successfully
    • through honest observation of the human evolution on earth,
    • the Christ-Spirit was not united with the earth in the time
    • We see how the point of origin for earthly mankind's
    • perception — not earthly — of the world, to which
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Impulse of Renewal: Lecture VII: Anthroposophy and the Science of Speech
    Matching lines:
    • is no easy task at present. Once in Stuttgart I gave a short
    • This is not the case in spoken language. A large part of speech
    • what is present as we speak, that is only partially the actual
    • the child can be guided in these steps inwardly in its earthly
    • applied to the other days but on this day, it was particularly
    • unconscious substance which in speaking only partly comes to
    • really existed and how the life of speech played its part.
    • like we have today was part of man, but a life in pictures, in
    • greater part in the establishment of phonetics, in the
    • the start of “manas” because this enclosed the
    • for whom the mental images are particular to him and yet it is
    • also quite connected to a particular element within the
    • enumerated them in his theory of language and picked them apart
    • talk starts to develop about “decline”. This is
    • elements which have a partial authorisation because it is based
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 1
    Matching lines:
    • Lectures to the First Class, part 1
    • First of all, I would like to present to your hearts and to
    • on earthly ground, color on color
    • Where from earthly matter, form on form,
    • derive from earth and air and light.
    • on earthly ground, color on color
    • Where from earthly matter, form on form,
    • derive from earth and air and light.
    • divine is manifested in what is lifeless in earthly matter, in
    • we are also a part, remain dim and silent?
    • Heard by your heart, giving strength
    • From the depths of heart-felt feeling
    • From the depths of heart-felt feeling
    • of the world in the human heart must be revealed by the soul's
    • earthly existence between birth and death — and the
    • space, the secrets of time, the secrets of the human heart
    • is there; if we enter into the heart itself, the abyss is
    • the human heart, so deep that we can only fathom ourselves:
    • must find the particular obstacles that emerge from each
    • earthly civilization, and are implanted in his nature by that
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 2
    Matching lines:
    • Lectures to the First Class, part 1
    • will relate what is said today to the previous lesson, partly
    • to preserve the thread, and partly because there are members
    • present who were not here last time. We shall therefore start
    • on earth-foundations, color upon color,
    • Where from earthly substance, form on form,
    • Your bodily existence from earth and air and light:
    • The solemn spirit-word your heart can hear.
    • From the depths of the feeling heart
    • To which your heart desires
    • consistently and wholeheartedly living in it.
    • pre-earthly existence. Just as you imagine, dear friends, that
    • the human being lives on the physical earth animated by his
    • human being entered into earthly existence. Then it becomes a
    • continues. And the words which resound in our hearts are
    • which before it's earthly life
    • which before it's earthly life
    • soul's being. By entering into an earthly existence we have
    • died in thinking during this time on earth. The death of
    • pre-earthly existence. The Greeks felt that vitality, as did
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 3
    Matching lines:
    • Lectures to the First Class, part 1
    • From the depths of the feeling heart
    • former does not actually participate in what is revealed to the
    • been implanted in him as a physical being on earth between
    • pushes through the memory, as though he goes farther than the
    • memory reaches. In any case he goes farther back than his
    • memory of physical earthly life can reach. He goes back beyond
    • farther than 50 years; you have gone back 70 years, 100 years,
    • willing, if you take it seriously, leads you ever farther back
    • in time, back to your previous earth lives. That is something
    • of the skin; one feels split into parts.
    • spiritual world between your last death and your present earth
    • earth life.
    • whom you pass your life between death and a new birth on earth.
    • earth-lives, takes over, the person meets a great difficulty in
    • heads during earth life and are now cosmic thoughts, because of
    • on earth to do so, which is conceded to us with the words:
    • Is the evil counterpart
    • which before it's earthly life
    • Before earthly existence.
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 4
    Matching lines:
    • Lectures to the First Class, part 1
    • gods' thoughts are imparted to you by human words. But it must
    • only meant for earthly things, and not for godly things. So,
    • practice this with a correct grasp of art. You could ask
    • towards them. When artistically presented, however, I can
    • such excellent villains. This is possible in the artistic area,
    • possible to separate thinking from feeling in the artistic
    • must develop feelings and will-impulses apart from those
    • hearts.
    • grasp earthly things with these thoughts.
    • Ancient Moon - grown out of the whole earth organism. What was
    • for my present earthly existence. The tree is necessary in
    • down at the earth. We feel dependent on this earth; it gives us
    • the earth; it comes from afar, it goes afar. We look up at
    • how the earth's depths
    • Feel how the earth's depths
    • us to the earth with our own humanity. We look down at the
    • earth, knowing that crystals are formed in it, knowing that it
    • attracts the stone that falls to earth, knowing that it
    • belong to the earth. When we look down and ask what the earth
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 5
    Matching lines:
    • Lectures to the First Class, part 1
    • essence of this Guardian. In particular, we have seen how what
    • which usually prevail for earthly consciousness.
    • earthly conditions. At the moment when the person approaches
    • much more related to the forces which attract man to the earth.
    • in the periphery of the earth through which the light
    • penetrates when it shines upon the earth in the morning, and
    • will the earth, through his feeling the periphery, through his
    • to human beings. So here we stand, apart, looking inwards at
    • feeling and willing are somewhat separated, apart from external
    • of the earthly element. We have a relationship of the human
    • this relationship of the human physical body with the earthly,
    • one point, and we must hold them quite far apart in order to
    • in which we exist as earthly beings. Whereas we always carry
    • environment which encircles the earth, so are we also one with
    • the warmth which encircles and penetrates the earth. [Two white
    • to the earth from another planet, he would speak to people in
    • quite a different way than how people of the earth address each
    • other. He would say: The light which envelops the earth is
    • earth-light, in the light that surrounds the earth, that weaves
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 6
    Matching lines:
    • Lectures to the First Class, part 1
    • earth.
    • Earth
    • what the solid earth consists of is also present in the
    • earth has developed in such a way that he only senses this
    • “earth” is written]
    • solid as such, in the earthly, we can only say that we live in
    • it. We are too closely related to the earthly to specifically
    • a part of ourselves. We do differentiate a table or a chair
    • or heart within us as having clear boundaries. Only when they
    • extent, related to the elements. We live in earth, we live in
    • have what we designate as Earth, what we designate as Water,
    • he lives on the earth, is not equally related to all of these
    • part of you. The difference between warm and cold affects you
    • as being part of himself. When it is warm, he is warm; when it
    • Man's relation to the earthly elements lies even deeper in the
    • “Earth”.]
    • What does man know about his relation to the earthly element?
    • to the earthly element. But about the processes of
    • Water and Earth on one hand, and on the other hand of Cosmic
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 7
    Matching lines:
    • Lectures to the First Class, part 1
    • their hearts, their souls can make of it.
    • founded. I wish today to speak from the heart to those who
    • consider their membership in this School with heartfelt
    • himself as a tripartite being. He sees himself as a tripartite
    • When you in earthly life
    • When you in earthly life
    • Feel the heart's cosmic pulse
    • In earthly being live.
    • When you in earthly life
    • Feel the heart's cosmic pulse
    • In earthly being live.
    • head, heart and limbs, and the Guardian of the Threshold says:
    • anywhere on the earth.
    • “Feel the heart's cosmic pulse”
    • as cosmic music. When we hear the human heart beating it seems
    • as if this human heart were only beating as a result of the
    • the heart is the counterpoint of the cosmic rhythm which has
    • at the words “Feel the heart's cosmic pulse”, and
    • feel what works in the heart upward as well as downward.
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 8
    Matching lines:
    • Lectures to the First Class, part 1
    • Society feels the inner heartfelt need to learn and live what
    • those which come to the heart and soul from anthroposophy
    • cannot take part in the continuing work of the School in
    • Dornach can partake in some manner. We can only take the fifth
    • through which those who reside elsewhere can participate in the
    • able to participate in the work of the School. Things will
    • present who had not yet participated in the School. And this is
    • participate. So, I ask those who wish to attend in the future
    • resounds in the human soul, in the human heart, as the great
    • planetary movements reveal the heart and feeling content.
    • on the earth and in which we partake through our skin, through
    • acts in our bodies - earth, water, fire, air - through them the
    • Who speaks so deeply heartfelt?
    • the spiritual world nor imparted by those who are able to
    • earth - it is all sublime, grand, beautiful, full of wisdom.
    • between birth and death, during his earthly existence, he is
    • obliged to absorb his strength from the forces of the earth,
    • earth.
    • although it is true that man must really participate in all the
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  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 9
    Matching lines:
    • Lectures to the First Class, part 1
    • Who speaks so deeply heartfelt?
    • stars so often and have stored the vision in our hearts and
    • us from the planets which circle the earth, and in their
    • circling directly affect the earth's wind and weather. And when
    • we again create a picture in our hearts of all this, the
    • then when we are conscious of all that binds us to the earth,
    • words what lives in us as a feeling of being bound to the earth
    • then when we merge with the path of our earth in the universe,
    • feel ourselves bound to the earth by the force of the earth
    • to the earth and make us people of the earth. Therefore whoever
    • forces of the earth. And it is really wonderful how the growing
    • earth forces as long as this sensory-being is especially vital
    • about is when its movements become susceptible to the earth's
    • to bottom on the earth and feel the earth under the soles of
    • yourselves as human beings standing amidst the earth's forces.
    • How earth forces support your existence.
    • itself, we are then not perceiving earth forces, but we begin
    • we only had earth forces to touch in our whole being, we would
    • cosmic ether. Only the earth has influence over what is solid
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 10
    Matching lines:
    • Lectures to the First Class, part 2
    • a way that those who have participated — it is also karma
    • gradually rise above our earthly existence to an experience of
    • karma nowadays to participate in anthroposophy.
    • belong to that group wishes to participate in a lesson as a
    • starts with this understanding through healthy common sense and
    • one proceeds farther and farther along the esoteric path. You
    • truly aware of how this earthly environment is related to us,
    • the physical substances of the earth just by being born? Why do
    • our physical environment starting from such a personal enigma.
    • starting point for esoteric life can be. Then we feel that in
    • physical earthly life we are blindly groping in the
    • have been placed in earthly life after birth and educated
    • consideration of earthly relationships one stands spiritually
    • starting point for true esoteric development.
    • the earth to the star-studded heaven — either in thought,
    • think: Well, it was arbitrary on the part of those ancient
    • inhabitants of the earth that just because the constellations
    • feeling comes to us: When you are here on earth you are in the
    • blind people in the darkness of earthly existence, [white arc];
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 11
    Matching lines:
    • Lectures to the First Class, part 2
    • news that Miss Maryon* has departed from the physical plane
    • Miss Maryon's departure from the physical plane. For now it
    • she not only participated in what is being esoterically
    • has departed from the physical plane but certainly not from
    • previous earth lives.
    • Mysteries, can we participate in the Mysteries and in the
    • Lesson, then what I have just said can live in your hearts.
    • other parts of the body as well, but more in certain areas
    • human earthly activity in both normal and abnormal
    • bearer of the clearest human earthly activity, but it seems
    • activity on earth: our thinking. And so we must imagine:
    • into the part of his humanity which is an image of the
    • And this is not a teaching given to us on the earth; it
    • in the earth-body
    • Thus you live in the earth-body
    • Thus you live in the earth-body
    • think of the lungs and the heart, the wonderful pulsation,
    • our earth — in appearance. It can therefore stand as
    • Resound in heart's center
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 12
    Matching lines:
    • Lectures to the First Class, part 2
    • Who speaks so deeply heartfelt?
    • mantras which partly ring out to us from the soul and also
    • partly must be imagined as resounding to us from out of the
    • The paths from life on earth to life
    • On earth in spirit light does speak.
    • us the path from earthly life to earthly life
    • in earth-distant fields of creation
    • The paths from life on earth to life
    • On earth in spirit light does speak.
    • in earth-distant fields of creation
    • The paths from life on earth to life
    • On earth in spirit light does speak.
    • in earth-distant fields of creation
    • part 1, “Archangeloi” beside part 2,
    • “Archai” beside part 3.]
    • The sense of spirit from earthly will.
    • Feel the earth's mighty
    • For only if we feel this mighty resistance of the earth's
    • The sense of spirit from earthly will.
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 13
    Matching lines:
    • Lectures to the First Class, part 2
    • Who speaks from depth of heart?
    • starting point, for it is more or less easy to experience
    • paths from life on earth to life
    • earth in spirit light does speak.
    • earth-distant fields of creation
    • sense of spirit from earthly will.
    • Feel the earth's mighty resistance.
    • body [red] — the part of the human etheric body that
    • the part which corresponds to the legs, and then the
    • of the earth, which are of course invisible. [drawing: arc
    • with arrows]. These gravitational forces of the earth we
    • the invisible gravitational forces of the earth.
    • contact with the earth's gravitational forces. The legs'
    • the earth-organization – because it must be conscious
    • contact with the earth-organization, the physical and the
    • consciousness of the process. During waking earth-life
    • into contact with the gravitational pull of the earth, but
    • is in contact with normal earth life through his physical
    • Therefore, we will let the third part of this mantra
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 14
    Matching lines:
    • Lectures to the First Class, part 2
    • — and that he has every reason to consciously be a part
    • is beyond the abyss. We will realize ever more: Here on earth
    • circles, and in the second part of my
    • Here on this side of the threshold we are standing on the earth,
    • on the solid earthly elements. The ground is beneath our
    • which also participates in the formation of our own bodies.
    • is solid earth there is not water; where there is water there
    • we are in earth, water, fire, air. We can no longer distinguish
    • these four elements have ceased to exist. The earth is no
    • this ending of the differentiation between earth, water, air
    • the four elements: in earth, water, air, fire.
    • love with release from the solid earth, from the formative
    • experience of dissolving into earth, water, air and fire,
    • feel the delight of bliss in dissolving in earth, water,
    • we must resolve to live in the world, be it the earthly, be
    • willing, we must pay attention to what extent earthly inclinations
    • side of the threshold because of having the earth's support,
    • can be plagued by earthly arrogance and say to himself: In
    • life on earth I breathed, inhaled that breath from which the
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 15
    Matching lines:
    • Lectures to the First Class, part 2
    • inner heart and soul what certain cosmic beings and events
    • Who speaks in depth of heart?
    • part of us. And we have every reason to deeply feel in our
    • hearts and souls the sublimity, the cosmic importance and the
    • majesty of all this. And participation in any kind of
    • feel that we are a part of the world around us. But we should
    • hearts and souls into the phenomena and beings and events of
    • have participated in these lessons, and leads to what was put
    • not originate, we have the solidity of the earth under
    • earth-element.
    • that as long as we are earthly beings we must always return
    • over the abyss as earthly beings and that we do not want the
    • earthly beings, for only with the spirit should we wish to be
    • Where is the earth's solidity, which supported
    • how we will comport ourselves in respect to the earth's firm
    • earth what we shared in the spirit-land.
    • a start in the spiritual world with the right feelings.
    • enables us to be human beings within the earthly realm.
    • ourselves the essence of plants, we have it in our earthly
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 16
    Matching lines:
    • Lectures to the First Class, part 2
    • We will again start by letting the words resound
    • in his whole being that he is a part of what is being done
    • heart to understand them: the admonition to self-knowledge,
    • Who speaks in depth of heart?
    • thoughts lead us to a wide field in which everything earthly
    • hearts are to react if we wish to cross over the abyss of
    • earth, water, air, fire — are different on the other
    • Threshold asks what becomes of the earth's solidity.
    • hearts, to the extent that we feel ourselves to be within the
    • What becomes of the earth's solidity, which supports you?
    • essence of the elements: earth, water, air.
    • everything: in the solid earth element, which supports us, is
    • We feel far from the solid earth element, though
    • we still feel the earth's support. We even feel far
    • everything which happened to us during earthly life is
    • passed through the gate of death, looking back at our earthly
    • during earthly life is recorded. It is your life's
    • its just atonement — what we have done here on earth.
    • cosmic vastness, resounding, grasping our heart — what
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 17
    Matching lines:
    • Lectures to the First Class, part 2
    • understanding of the universe, resounds to human hearts from all
    • Who speaks with depth of heart?
    • impression — if he has the heart for it. For, when he
    • — looking up from the earth
    • the word “Warte” (vantage point) is written]
    • people in a particular place are gathered from time to time
    • through the rainbow's bridge and sent farther out to the
    • floods of color in order that what exists here on the earth as
    • despite all its greatness in comparison to the earth, it is a
    • earthly life are awakened to existence by the beings of the
    • rays in earthly life — rays of the sun, of the
    • earth — which were made living by the beings of the third
    • already seen how earthly thoughts are made living ones by the
    • me. Only applications for participation in the Class Lessons
    • this clear to others who want to participate.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 18
    Matching lines:
    • Lectures to the First Class, part 2
    • Who speaks with such depth of heart?
    • heart may resonate with it, we must feel ourselves to be within
    • earth we give names to nullities, we fall with our nullities into
    • strength of our hearts has remained there, we can feel deeply,
    • moment: Below in earthly life we perceived the impression made on
    • [The first part of the mantra is written on the
    • Our spiritual view goes farther. We see the
    • [The second part of the mantra is written on the
    • [The third part of the mantra is written on the
    • kingdoms here in earth.
    • surrounds us here in the sensory earth, the choirs of the
    • elimination of what we are here on earth, and to having a feeling
    • In earlier times people living on earth had a dull, dreamlike
    • pre-earthly existence in the spiritual world. But he didn't
    • understand the connection between his earthly existence and that
    • to all the people. So they lived in the earthly world
    • experiencing the memories of pre-earthly existence.
    • Nowadays in earthly life the memory of pre-earthly
    • connection between earthly life and pre-earthly existence,
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 19
    Matching lines:
    • Lectures to the First Class, part 2
    • Who speaks with such depth of heart?
    • human being participates – usually unconsciously,
    • streaming into our hearts; we feel our whole humanity
    • They flame also in my heart.
    • The human heart finds
    • am” does not come from us in the earthly realm, that
    • Here in the earthly realm it is illusion.
    • They flame also in my heart.
    • The human heart finds
    • [The first part of the mantra is written on
    • They flame also in my heart.
    • The human heart finds
    • [The second part of the mantra is written on
    • [The third part of the mantra is written on
    • threefold “It is I” streams from the heart,
    • where it may stream from the heart; when it streams from
    • the heart in such a way that it is the echo of what
    • resounds in these hearts from the Seraphim, Cherubim,
    • They flame also in my heart.
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XX (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • Lectures to the First Class, part 3
    • members of this esoteric school who participated in the earlier
    • esoteric school, however, is not founded as an earthly entity.
    • An esoteric school can only be one if it is the earthly
    • evolution of humanity on earth.
    • substance of the planetary system, to which the sun, earth and
    • against a profound spiritual darkness on earth — under
    • only of what enters the world as an earthly institution, but as
    • at the thinking kingdom of humanity on earth; let us direct our
    • heart open, if he can listen with the ears of soul, the
    • Who speaks with such depth of heart?
    • the mute stone, the worm in the earth, we look at all that
    • humanity; it is not by despising the earthworm, the stars
    • that crawl under the earth, the stars that glitter above in
    • something in our heart tells us: Not here, where the sun
    • our hearts and delved deeply into our souls — there he
    • Where on earthly ground, color on color
    • Where from earthly matter, form on form,
    • Is shaped from earth and air and light.
    • Heard by your heart, imparting strength,
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXI (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • Lectures to the First Class, part 3
    • unbiased hearts and minds [Gemüte]. Everything in the
    • Who speaks with such depth of heart?
    • in earthly life must become dark in order for the light which
    • the Gemüt [soul, heart or mind] of all people, which can
    • right heartfelt blaze of knowledge; whereas today nonchalance
    • due to nonchalance and tepidity is in the hearts.
    • To which your heart desires to reach
    • To which your heart desires to reach
    • earthly thinking.
    • means of conception and birth into a physical human earthly
    • of the living thinking we had before descending into earthly
    • and interweaves and acts in our physical earthly body.
    • when we feel that this earthly feeling is a weak, half-living
    • completely enmesh us in earthly existence, then we will feel
    • the future of the earth under their power. If they were able to
    • Divine, and not to the Ahrimanic earthly powers, then the earth
    • Which before its earthly life
    • Before earthly existence was the soul's,
    • Which before its earthly life
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXII (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • Lectures to the First Class, part 3
    • obligations for the newly participating members of the Class. I
    • Who speaks with such depth of heart?
    • earth-life to earth-life.
    • have now come farther. It is no longer
    • when he shows us how from the depths of the earth, which draws
    • down, which bind our will to the earth if we don't make
    • ourselves free by inner striving. Our gaze goes earthward if we
    • earth's gravity, feel drawn by the earth and make the effort to
    • free ourselves from the earth's gravity if we want to let our
    • Feel how the depths of earth
    • the earth's air when it moves from east to west.
    • Feel how the depths of earth
    • we must look to insert our earthbound willing, which we should
    • earthly life. We will see later how the Guardian gives us the
    • now we must again consider, looking back at earthly life
    • Who speaks with such depth of heart?
    • it is the start of the occult act through which the verses are
    • verses up to the lesson in which they have participated. Only
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXIII (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • Lectures to the First Class, part 3
    • Who speaks with such depth of heart?
    • the realm of the earth and of gravity from which the force of
    • our will comes for our earthly life. For the earth does not
    • solid consistency — the nature of plants on earth —
    • feel for itself, feel itself to be a part of the entire human
    • only a finger as long as I am a part of the human body, when
    • organism to which it belongs and only as part of which it can
    • around us the elements earth, water, air, fire are spread, and
    • standing on the earth, on the element earth. You are standing
    • here because the earth's main property is the element of
    • gravity. You are touching the earth with the soles of your
    • room or outside on the bare earth. The point is that you feel,
    • in standing, that you are touching the earth's gravitational
    • How earthly forces support you in existence.
    • That earthly forces are our support, that the earthly element
    • formed in us by the fluid element. Just as we feel the earth as
    • feel the earth to be our support, we also feel, in that we feel
    • The water forces are our sculptors; the earth is our support.
    • the Guardian leads us farther on to the warmth element. We feel
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXIV (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • Lectures to the First Class, part 3
    • Who speaks with such depth of heart?
    • of nature, what on and from the earth lives and moves, what
    • fainthearted and having fear of knowledge lives in us, as hate
    • body, in earthly existence, is a coffin for the deceased living
    • before we descended into physical-sensory earthly
    • depths, to the earthly depths.
    • which our earthly-physical thinking is rooted — between
    • when we seek willing in the earthly depths we find ourselves in
    • which we must fly over, because with earthly feet we cannot
    • not forget that as long as you are an earthly human being, even
    • you have returned you must adhere to the laws of the earth.
    • your thoughts in the earthly environment you may fly around
    • dreaming within the earthly environment. You must reserve the
    • You climb down to the earthly element
    • As thinker you bestride the earthly realm,
    • earth, that means in the spiritual element of the earth; we
    • strong, earnest admonition, which cuts deeply into the heart.
    • earth-element. We have already heard about treading the
    • conscious that we live a plant-like existence in our earthly
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXV (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • Lectures to the First Class, part 3
    • from all that interweaves and lives in the earthly depths, in
    • Who speaks with such depth of heart?
    • live on earth appears on the other side of the yawning abyss of
    • as it is between birth and death on earth: we grasp the world
    • our human earthly existence. If we want to carry out something
    • our head for our earthly vision.
    • should then intensely feel how our heart, the physical
    • breathe in the air, which is the impetus of the heartbeat, we
    • participates in our heartbeat. What is sensed in our heart is
    • many earth-lives, live in our willing. Let us think of all
    • When you in earthly life
    • Feel the heart's cosmic beat
    • which crosses in the heart.
    • In earthly being live.
    • When you in earthly life
    • Sense the heart's cosmic beat
    • the cosmic beat can be sensed in the heart
    • In earthly being live.
    • dear friends, when we are standing here in earthly existence
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXVI (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • Lectures to the First Class, part 3
    • Anthroposophical Society who have taken part in the general
    • always cosmopolitanism. What differentiates people on earth is
    • don't merely belong to an earthly community, but to a
    • certificates, which gives them the right to participate in the
    • these things must live in the members' hearts. And worthiness,
    • hearts and souls of all who are sitting here now could not
    • After that introduction, I would like to start with the verse
    • under and on the earth as worm-life, from what speaks in rocks
    • Who speaks with such depth of heart?
    • souls and hearts have been exposed to the important, weighty,
    • not come walking with earthly feet, where one flies with the
    • and turns around and looks back, he sees himself as an earthly
    • there in the part of his being that he has left behind and
    • which now lies in the earthly sphere. He observes his own human
    • spirit-soul. The earthly environment is over there now. He
    • only world in sensory earthly existence.
    • the earthly man, which we ourselves also are during earthly
    • return to our earthly duty. For we may not become dreamers and
    • go into raptures, we must return completely to earth life.
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture I: The True Form of the Social Question
    Matching lines:
    • burning question. In particular, one may say that the terrible
    • particular and its correlation to humanity's mobility in the
    • already at the war's starting point, it is clear how the social
    • like tragedy is stored in the largest part of civilised
    • not from one sided party views in the last decades, those would
    • development of modern technology in particular, through the
    • takes on a particular characteristic, expressed in a word which
    • always approached from one or other party. Whoever considers
    • started, the time of machines, when modern capitalism found
    • about customs, morality, art, religion, even about science
    • of ideals. This is the most moving. In particular, it is most
    • that everything, from thought, artistic creativity and
    • thought. Why have art, customs, morality, religion and the
    • to such a science; the economic life. He now started to believe
    • this is impartially considered and not penetrated and radically
    • processes in the lung-, heart- and circulatory systems are the
    • an independent member of the human organism. The lung and heart
    • in all party directions, misfortunes will not come to an end
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture II: Comparisons at Solving the Social Question based on Life's Realities
    Matching lines:
    • particular those evolutionary forces which are the most
    • a class, out of some part of the social organism, then one does
    • particular form is experienced through expressions
    • characteristic, particular form of the social question coming
    • each work in a particular independent way which indicates it is
    • systems each have a particular relationship to the outer world;
    • social organism — at least must take part in the work of
    • lies, the regulating system of the breathing and heart. Only by
    • Regarding this particular point the assumption must be clear in
    • process if the human heart, the soul does not have insight with
    • understandably also start on the side of the spiritual life but
    • for now we will start on the economic side as this obviously
    • This economic life, we will partly today and partly in the
    • Economic life has in our modern time taken on particular forms.
    • beings to a particular part of nature. Here one needs to really
    • instance, you can imagine how in various parts on earth,
    • thirty-five times. For different regions of the earth the
    • return in wheat productivity is in relation to the earth, to
    • the yield of the earth. This actually affects the measure of
    • breathing and hart in the breast, concentrated, centralized in
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture III: Fanaticism Versus a Real Conception of Life in Social Thinking and Willing
    Matching lines:
    • social situation, particularly where restrictions and
    • last decades up to the present, has its particular thought
    • habits, particular inner impulses forming a basis for its
    • world view, perhaps particularly during the first years when
    • certain extent not talk nor statements but the particular kind
    • particularly open to embark on an abstract teaching, one can
    • much heart and such an open soul, that such a class where there
    • questions appear, it becomes particularly disastrous: the
    • which started at the turning point of the 14th,
    • fanaticism — one must always speak freely from the heart
    • science, morality, religion, art. This gives a superstructure
    • spiritual participation, like spiritual science wanting to
    • view, where one part of it grew into a member of the real
    • state enterprise forces the three living members apart rather
    • included in religious life, all that is artistic, literary and
    • this particular sphere, something can be achieved. I would like
    • everything from educational to artistic life need to be
    • how through economic life a particular active impulse in the
    • relationships, still work today, work particularly strongly in
    • stomach can breathe or direct the heartbeat, so little can the
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture IV: The Evolution of Social Thinking and Willing and Life's Circumstances for Current Humanity
    Matching lines:
    • and willing, a change started to take place towards a more
    • thinking earned quite a particular form as a result, in these
    • which has partly already happened, is partly still being
    • particular relationship, to focus on really making the social
    • impulse starts according to spiritual presuppositions
    • particularly state laws do not need involvement in economic
    • partial solutions. What sounds the most plausible, most
    • breathing and heart system, both are limited and mutually
    • life of the modern Proletariat shows, particularly for himself,
    • public law, no particular clarity has been reached? Many
    • law. Particularly in our time when so much is being discussed
    • general humanity this nation in particular will be the best at
    • it in the sphere of art, or in some or other spiritual sphere,
    • still today, for those who have participated in Austrian life,
    • will see this as well, that the innermost life of science, art
    • way, there will develop out of the whole of mankind a particular
    • life also lives in, for instance, technical participation,
    • as a farmer and at the same time belong to a party of the
    • This fanaticism appears in the most varied parties. It is even
    • They have started already and will show themselves in other
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture V: The Social Will as the Basis Towards a New, Scientific Procedure
    Matching lines:
    • part of Goethe's “Faust” and come to the scene
    • alive with them, was Goethe's concern in particular. The Middle
    • could call, the unconscious part of modern humanity. It is only
    • the consideration of spiritual life involves me in particular,
    • start of our more recent times, the bourgeois working class has
    • the world is dissected: art, religion, science, ethics, law and
    • as part of the state, of schools, of folk schools becoming part
    • together is not without participation of becoming an ideology
    • relevant in religious convictions, all artistic life, all which
    • out of the ruling classes, created out of a particular soul of
    • the tendency started of economic life being ever more drawn
    • modern social movement makes it particularly clear that the
    • lung-heart system and circulation system, the heart-lung system
    • yield of the earth, other relationships and so on; these things
    • time needed to produce that particular work, which is however
    • confessional inclined party, which the last German Reichstag
    • that people, in their starting from the old instinctive social
    • the biggest part of today's humanity has experienced as
    • labour organisations which are partly production companies or
    • actually were not far from the most intimate particulars of the
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture VI: What Significance does Work have for the Modern Proletarian?
    Matching lines:
    • through a certain education and taken part in what they called
    • capitalistic supporters at least a part of the Proletarians,
    • the part in their employ, had to be educated. As a result of
    • the awareness of his or her class, brought into a particular
    • servant, could be validated. Partly in this school, partly in
    • world-historical moment only started when the Proletariat began
    • the capitalistic world order particularly in the most recent
    • breathing and heart system as carrier of the rhythmic life and
    • of land and can utilise the earth, and by doing so make his
    • will stand through his particular relationship towards the
    • necessarily be seen how there has to be a peeling apart on both
    • artistic life, a certain ethical life — what the
    • development of individual abilities, from the start of the
    • the artistic, right into the ethical life, yes, right into
    • particular position in the social order, but instead it has
    • the product of their particular individual capabilities of
    • into every part of life. If one considers the development of a
    • which it can participate in the circulation.
    • workers in this community truly showed what particular
    • taken from the starting point of the modern proletarian
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Lecture: Richard Wagner and Mysticism
    Matching lines:
    • Anthroposophy - A Quarterly Review of Spiritual Science.
    • A Quarterly Review of Spiritual Science
    • Spiritual Science lived in one of the greatest artists of our time. In
    • no need to reiterate the generalisation that ‘an artist creates
    • which help us to understand the achievements of an artist need not be
    • point of view, indicating thereby that to him music or art was far
    • our interpretation of these words will be put down as inartistic
    • into his heart.”
    • certain extent Wagner was aware of his particular mission in art. He
    • was not one of those artists who think they must ‘out’ with everything
    • when as yet art had not divided into separate branches.
    • alike of religion, science and art, they were the source of new
    • realise the union of religion, art and science — which in the
    • and art arose. Truth was expressed in the form of art, in
    • such a way that men's hearts and souls were attuned to piety and
    • Mysteries, religion, science and art were one, so were the arts which
    • representation were part of one whole, and when Wagner looked back to
    • primeval times he realised that although the arts had once been
    • time had now come for a re-union of the arts, and with his great gifts
    • an “all-comprehensive work of art.” He felt that all true
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Lecture: Spiritual Wisdom in the Early Christian Centuries
    Matching lines:
    • Anthroposophy - A Quarterly Review of Spiritual Science.
    • A Quarterly Review of Spiritual Science
    • before the Mystery of Golgotha had not been united with earthly
    • evolution, had passed into an earthly body and linked Himself with the
    • His descent to the earth — such were the questions which even at
    • earthly Powers. — Iamblichus also said to his pupils: The three
    • breast-system (breathing-process and heart) and the forty-two earthly
    • Powers with the purely earthly system in man (e.g. digestion,
    • taught how the organism of man is related to the forty-two earthly
    • be composed of earthly substances, in the time of Iamblichus he was
    • Powers, seventy-two planetary Powers, forty-two earthly Powers —
    • highest of these Gods, the God who came down to earth at a definite
    • through Jesus of Nazareth into His earthly activity.
    • knowledge of this spiritual universe was imparted only to those who
    • seventy-two planetary Powers and the forty-two earthly Powers. In
    • heart. Truth and truth alone was his quest. And the great obstacle in
  • Title: Community Building
    Matching lines:
    • part of the history of the Anthroposophical Movement. Steiner calls for a
    • sort of religious or scientific or artistic movement, but that
    • the artistic. Thus, it was quite impossible that the purpose
    • an artistic way the construction of this building, and for
    • that of art. For example, the friends who have seen Eurythmy
    • the platform and spoke with one's whole heart out of the
    • set it up, in a certain sense, as a memory in our hearts.
    • the more intensely seek for a spiritual home in our hearts to
    • means must we strive to set up for eternity in our hearts this
    • artistic sensibilities. Yet in the background of all the work
    • remains this terrible flame, into which all the parts of the
    • it consumed, not a part of living spiritual Anthroposophy, of
    • especially if it takes root in the hearts of our
    • the reason that — apart from their being so deeply graven
    • on our hearts — they direct our attention to one of the
    • impulses came from the hearts that were filled with enthusiasm
    • If we are to participate in the deliberations here, we must
    • the depths of the human heart and soul.
    • experience. But particularly on the basis of Anthroposophy we
    • which is obvious to all, which indicates in all parts of the
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Community Building
    Matching lines:
    • part of the history of the Anthroposophical Movement. Steiner calls for a
    • order to present the counterpart of what I spoke of yesterday,
    • participated in these societies. Among the great multitude of
    • of repeated earth lives, of karmic relationships in repeated
    • earth lives. Indeed, it is now possible to carry the whole
    • our ordinary science, and that which must be imparted by
    • all, but, when he has finished a quarter of his sentence, the
    • paths, which I have partly described in the volume
    • particular nature of this Society, in which everyone should
    • An article appeared in an English journal beginning somewhat as
    • therefore, before this article appeared — I once made an
    • have been made in recent years — influenced in part by
    • Society. This requires, however, a living interest on the part
    • Goetheanum possessed a very definite artistic style, born out
    • artistically appropriate style. This became the Goetheanum. At
    • Anthroposophy. For such things, the right artistic style had to
    • most part things take place which he would not in the least
    • weekly magazine Das Goetheanum, how as regards the art
    • to the artistic style; and in the case of the Anthroposophical
    • part only to copy me. But what is needed is to develop a
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 1: Evolution and Consciousness, Lucifer, Ahriman
    Matching lines:
    • the active participation of human beings. He presents with profound
    • Stuttgart,
    • the powers that intervene in the course of earth
    • beings we are part of an ongoing evolution that may be
    • of evolution, a course during which the earth repeatedly
    • serious view of these things today, but our hearts and
    • know, a new era in human evolution started during the
    • particular feature of the present age is that
    • process of education in the course of Earth evolution.
    • Part of it is this training of the intellect. Human
    • if the intellectual principle had not become part of
    • century, particularly in this respect. We tend to take
    • Earth evolution as we know it. We come to a time when the
    • earth had taken a physical form in the cosmos that
    • the Old Moon evolution. Human beings were part of this as
    • evolution, i.e. the time when the earth materialized in a
    • ancestor felt that he could not exist apart from the
    • rest of the body. The human ancestor said: I am part of
    • of nature, and we are part of that nature. For the human
    • nature. We say the earth attracts the bodies that are on
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 2: East, West, and the Culture of Middle Europe, the Science of Initiation
    Matching lines:
    • the active participation of human beings. He presents with profound
    • Stuttgart,
    • The difference is that particularly during the earliest
    • the whole of our evolution, particularly in
    • particularly suited to be the vehicle for the
    • them through life on earth. The life of the mind was
    • part of the whole cosmic organism. The human body
    • yet grasp in their hearts and minds. Things may come to
    • Earth evolution, were still perceived gnostically. It
    • tradition. They had to bring their particular
    • following happened, particularly in Europe: In early
    • and should be alive in everything connected with art,
    • hearts and minds with the realization that new insight
    • particularly in Central Europe even more austere.
    • 19th century particularly in Central Europe you really
    • characteristics that enable them in particular to take up
    • came to be widely known particularly in French-speaking
    • Note 12 ] Apart from that let me
    • representatives in particular, should not be
    • appeared particularly in America — to have a
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 3: Political Empires
    Matching lines:
    • the active participation of human beings. He presents with profound
    • Stuttgart,
    • particularly in Central Europe. It needs the point of
    • realms were ruled by individuals, or by particular
    • stages of earth evolution.
    • back to prehistoric times, times that only partly extend
    • earthly realm came very close to what people knew to be
    • those early partly prehistoric times. We need only go
    • back as far as ancient Egypt, meaning the earlier, partly
    • this, particularly when the population at large came to
    • on earth in human form. In this respect the earliest
    • earth. In this world, where human beings walked the
    • earth, not only ordinary human individuals were walking
    • humankind during that partly prehistoric period it would
    • everything that happened on earth. Those hierarchies were
    • the sublime power of the earth-born ‘priest
    • descended from cosmic heights and walked on the earth in
    • merely made them marvel that a god could walk on earth in
    • evolution on the civilized earth the ruler was God. At
    • realm close to the earthly realm — flowed into him,
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  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 4: Western Secret Societies, Jesuitism, Leninism
    Matching lines:
    • the active participation of human beings. He presents with profound
    • Stuttgart,
    • particular fact, a fact we have been discussing here a
    • particularly energetic representatives of the different
    • particularly taken into account however is connected with
    • that when it comes to their frame of mind, particularly
    • with the help of just a few thousand. That particular
    • heart and mind — that if spiritual science is to
    • on earth, getting rid of everything that has evolved by
    • this kind of thing in a newspaper article pull up short
    • reflect on what would happen on this earth if these words
    • in every part of the globe would very rapidly become a
    • in the wider interest of humanity on this earth. It must
    • quarters. Nothing goes more against the grain for
    • experience. Within the two schools, quite apart from the
    • certain quarters that we want the truth. There is no
    • has a profound interest in absolute clarity, particularly
    • present life on earth. When we are thinking here and now,
    • the present earth life. Just think that there you have
    • earth life, I am continuing the life I had before birth
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 5: How the Material Can Be Understood Only through the Spirit
    Matching lines:
    • the active participation of human beings. He presents with profound
    • Stuttgart,
    • something which in a way is particularly close to my
    • heart, to discuss some of the things that really need to
    • paradoxical, particularly if one fails to realize the
    • by a great many people, namely that the heart is a kind
    • through the organism. This idea of the human heart being
    • primary causes, and the movement of the heart arises when
    • principle, and the heart is caught up in this rhythm. The
    • processes relating to the heart in the human organism.
    • The material aspect in particular is completely
    • Material things in particular have found no explanation
    • whatsoever under the influence of materialism. The heart
    • the world outside. Basically the heart is a sense organ
    • the nature of the human heart. Of course, if doctors had
    • the wrong idea about the nature of the human heart that
    • right or the wrong idea about the heart.’ But this
    • about it, it is part of my ordinary conscious life.
    • cosmic sphere, knowledge of the way the earth relates to
    • previous earth life, and that the rest of our present
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 6: Materialism and Mysticism, Knowledge as a Deed of the Soul
    Matching lines:
    • the active participation of human beings. He presents with profound
    • Stuttgart,
    • evolution of the earth and of humankind.
    • be able to do their part. They would be of no account,
    • must be evolved by people who are alive in and part of
    • progress of humankind we must develop a particular basic
    • even commemorative coin. Some scientists are particularly
    • starting point or whether you consider the idea of such
    • since a departure from the right way means sickness, the
    • has been made to outline one particular aspect, to
    • Meister Eckhart spoke. [ Note
    • are harsh people and out-and-out materialists. They start
    • Meister Eckhart spoke of God with such depth and
    • heart and there to become transformed into something that
    • in the heart.
    • ground, the cloud formations, brown or grey earth and so
    • on that we see around us on this earth. The stars and
    • so on? No, the earth is far too far away for that.
    • Pointing a telescope at the earth the moon would be
    • looking into your stomachs, hearts and so on. That is the
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 7: Materialism, Mysticism, Anthroposophy, Liberalism, Conservatism
    Matching lines:
    • the active participation of human beings. He presents with profound
    • Stuttgart,
    • discussed the last time I was here. It is particularly
    • found within ourselves. We shall find it particularly if
    • mysticism of Tauler and of Meister Eckhart, one is right
    • earth from Mars, for instance, none of these would
    • earth through some instrument or other — we may
    • observe the earth — would perceive nothing of the
    • skin of the human beings living on earth. Everything else
    • material world of the earth. When we grow aware of a
    • matter of the earth. This form of self-perception takes
    • particular philosophy. That is not the case. We are far
    • processes that carry the affairs of the earth from one
    • earth's surface up to AD 140 has since disappeared and no
    • which exerts a downward pull here on earth, exerts an
    • person who produces it even believes to be a particularly
    • are to get them clear in our minds. Consider the parties
    • parties. You know that the most miserable, sterile
    • cliches are to be found in party politics. Yet to some
    • extent we are all part of this, willy-nilly, unless we
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 8: The Opposition of Knowledge and Faith, Its Overcoming
    Matching lines:
    • the active participation of human beings. He presents with profound
    • Stuttgart,
    • arose in their hearts and minds that was not the power of
    • descended to earth from the world where it had existed as
    • a human being was indeed like the earthly home of a god
    • who who descended to earth to take up his abode among
    • all over the globe, the path to earthly and human
    • ancient divine knowledge and into earthlY and human
    • from the far reaches of the earth to look for a way in
    • the divine knowledge of the ancients to human and earthly
    • knowledge. Thus there was a time in earthly history when
    • divine knowledge of the ancients to human and earthly
    • purpose the aim was to strike at the root of earthly and
    • activity to descend as far as the earth, as it were.
    • earth. The individuals concerned were the spiritualists
    • world, to make it part of oneself, had of course been
    • conquerors of all that this earth holds for you; you will
    • conquer the earth quickly and easily when you have a
    • leaders of certain parts of humanity gave themselves the
    • primeval times. Certain confessions have started to
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 9: East, West, and Middle
    Matching lines:
    • the active participation of human beings. He presents with profound
    • Stuttgart,
    • the part where the main concentration lies, i.e. the
    • being sense organs to a state partly similar to that of
    • particular attention to these words. When an individual
    • earthly human being. They were therefore less interested
    • in the earthly human being than they were in the heavenly
    • they had been before they became earthly. That is the
    • into physical existence on earth. Their conviction of
    • earth and had descended from a spiritual world into the
    • presented life on earth as a continuation of life in
    • word to express that the beginning of an earth life is
    • life on earth did not merit much attention, for it was
    • walking around on this earth was merely the image of a
    • earth was illumined by insight into the spiritual
    • still there in his writings, which in part are of
    • himself as soul and spirit, part of a whole cosmos of
    • impotence also formed part of oriental nature. This is
    • of the Middle first appeared during the latter part of
    • spread through the late Greek and then, particularly, the
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 10: Transition from the Luciferic to the Ahrimanic Age and the Christ Event to Come
    Matching lines:
    • the active participation of human beings. He presents with profound
    • Stuttgart,
    • my starting point. This will lead us to the event I referred to in just a
    • war started, something like a spectre from prehistoric times lived in the
    • in earlier wars — energies deriving from the particular nature of
    • figures. For a start I will just add the fact that in 1870, a year when
    • 90 million by the Central Powers [Germany and Austria]. A large part of
    • sphere of human activity determined the fate of this [part of] human
    • particularly the most recent achievements of technologY, have been
    • produced. Humans are dependent on the earth's productivity where these
    • involved in those, and this still held true when the Tartar hordes
    • earth, the Christ who will represent the power that once walked on earth
    • this earth. It was considered a virtue to rise to a life that was not of
    • concerned with earthly matters. ‘There can be no such thing as a
    • them. Apart from anything else, therefore, modern people are in the
    • This atmosphere will cause a particular mood to develop. Until now it has
    • that age. Then another novel called Siegwart [
    • the Siegwart fever' of the second half of the 18th century. Those were
    • as they are today already have a whole number of earth lives behind them.
    • We live through repeated earth lives. In earlier earth lives we ourselves
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  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 11: Modern Science and Christianity, Threefold Social Order, Goetheanism
    Matching lines:
    • the active participation of human beings. He presents with profound
    • Stuttgart,
    • and use them as a starting point for important
    • earliest embodiment of this earth, which we call Ancient
    • call our I or ego relates essentially to the earth as it
    • present earth? It means that inherent in the elements of
    • the earth, the forces of the earth that are known to us
    • bound up with the forces of the earth.
    • relates to the present earth. This immediately suggests
    • earthly realm. As human beings we have the potential to
    • developed to go beyond this earthly realm; we will have
    • to develop it without taking the earthly realm as our
    • guide. As human beings we are part of this earth and our
    • The forces of the earth, the intrinsic nature of the
    • earth, served as our guide in developing the ego to the
    • continue with this development for the rest of Earth
    • to the earth and its forces. Yet we also have to say to
    • ourselves that if we were entirely dependent on the earth
    • life-spirit and a spirit-self. The earth has nothing to
    • earth must be seen as something that cannot in itself
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  • Title: Life Between Two Incarnations
    Matching lines:
    • this physical body of man is only a part of his whole beingness, and
    • there is a fourth member in the human being, the crown of the earthly
    • particularly solemn occasions, at particularly solemn services, and
    • priest was allowed to pronounce Yahweh, the holy name, on particularly
    • among the beings that are visible in the earthly creation. Therefore,
    • knows. If, however, on the part of the ignorant, the reproach would be
    • earth life, but this tableau of recollection stands there all at once
    • body was still in the physical body during its existence on earth, it
    • clairvoyant can see. Not always, but sometimes, the part of the etheric
    • body which fills the region of the head emerges wholly or in part from
    • observe a partial exit of the etheric body on other occasions. When you
    • the corresponding part of the life body is lifted out of this limb for
    • a while. The clairvoyant can then perceive the lifted-out part of the
    • example, in the case of a fall, the corresponding part of the etheric
    • and why he comes back to this earth at all, if he can also be active in
    • always learn something new, the earthly conditions have always changed
    • to make experiences for his further development. The face of the earth,
    • new. Follow the centuries, how the face of the earth is changed, torn
    • reshaping and reworking the face of the earth, in order to create for
    • speak, the astral substance shoots up to him from all parts, and
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture I
    Matching lines:
    • have hitherto sought in the form of beauty, artistic
    • which runs through our earthly civilization as artistic
    • I speak, as from you all, to thank our friends most heartily
    • in our hearts thoughts deeply concerned with human evolution,
    • expression in the spoken word stands far apart from truth and
    • everything “commanded by headquarters” was
    • great and revolutionary impulses occurring in the earthly path
    • that, as man, he has his position within the Earth's history,
    • in so far as he goes through his existence here upon earth. In
    • physical organization of earthly man. We enter physical
    • finished; we have set man as physical man into this earthly
    • world, and this part of our task is now completed.
    • the bringing forth of the picture of humanity on Earth.
    • men. There is little “genius” on Earth now, for the
    • earthly form as man passes through the remainder of our
    • Earth-evolution; the body itself can contribute nothing more to
    • Race, the consciousness of repeated Earth-lives sprang
    • previous Earth-lives, that he should have, in contact with his
    • that in another Earth-life. Now it is of moment — the
    • Among the things we have tried to set up as a part of the life
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  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture II
    Matching lines:
    • the higher Hierarchies as the Earth evolution proceeds. The
    • Hitherto they were necessary, to guide the heart and, mind to
    • emphatically. Man simply cannot bear — apart from
    • example: a short time ago, in Stuttgart, at a meeting of the
    • man can develop. Up to a particular age a person can absorb all
    • developing farther. Seldom nowadays do we find people with grey
    • consciousness and human curiosity has no part in it.
    • have never before existed among us in this particular form. We
    • Marxian theory, that everything man experiences as art,
    • conceptions of art, religion, custom, science, law, morality,
    • and what displayed itself as science, art or religion was like
    • parties especially in those places where the first Revolution
    • that part of the brain which is not yet physical that is the
    • farther West we go as regards language, the more we find in
    • spiritual gains it. It is part of their task to let the spirit
    • up within earthly humanity as a result, of these antitheses. We
    • into men of other times. Say to a man to-day: “to partake
    • worked long enough then the Church goes one bit farther; it
    • Stuttgart, I have had to look at the various School
    • interest for these things, an impartial interest in how the
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  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture III
    Matching lines:
    • most part what these tests bring goes on - in
    • feeling and willing, when they fall apart, just as they become
    • tasks of our age to make these changes part of our
    • particular phase of evolution. In the extended span of time
    • whole Earth-development — the Christ-Impulse, the
    • to unite Himself with that body for earthly activity. Through
    • a part of the soul more on the surface than that which to-day,
    • League, announced at a time when America was not taking part in
    • present-day man in no way partakes with his soul in what is
    • trivial speech. The Earth acquired its own meaning in relation
    • scientist of the day, what the evolution of the Earth would be
    • if man had taken no part in it. Thinking logically on the basis
    • man were absent, the Earth would develop without him, bring
    • Earth would have developed without man, just as it has done
    • particular way: the ego and astral body plunge
    • body to the earth, it means to present-day science no more than
    • death are added to the earth and go their way according to the
    • give the corpse over to the earth in a form and condition which
    • birth (or conception) lived in the spiritual world. The Earth
    • when bread was baked (nowadays the thing is more artificial) a
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Main Features of the Social Question and the Threefold Order of the Social Organism
    Matching lines:
    • with its heart's blood proved inadequate when realization
    • matter is the historical fact that in their heart and soul lies
    • when adopted as party slogans of the proletariat, have become
    • into their hearts. It is this sinking-in that matters, not the
    • with the human spirit; since that, for the most part, is really
    • people who cannot directly participate in it.
    • the spiritual needs and longings of the proletariat. Art,
    • over it at the art, science, religion, ethics, which had been
    • exist as a self-dependent part of the social organism
    • “Einheitsschule” in Stuttgart. In connection
    • have no authority within the spiritual part of the social
    • organism save that of those who take some active part in it,
    • thrust into each other's company and a party was even founded
    • more and more participate in industry. Post office, railways,
    • one-quarter of the truth: because the laws effective within the
    • actual conditions. Say that some particular article shows a
    • If some article is too cheap, factories must close down and the
    • forces outside it. The Associations, on the other hand, as part
    • of the Threefold Organization, would aim particularly at
    • is easy enough to see clearly if we think impartially. We have
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.

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