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  • Title: Memória e Amor
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    • Ocorre o mesmo com o pensamento. Em essência, o pensamento certamente não é um processo cerebral, mas sem o suporte do cérebro ele não poderia ter seu curso terrestre. À luz dessa comparação, obtém-se uma concepção correta da espiritualidade, bem como das limitações físicas do pensamento humano. Em suma, meus queridos amigos, aqui na vida terrena não há nada no homem que não dependa do corpo como sustento. Carregamos nossos órgãos dentro do corpo - pulmão, coração, cérebro e assim por diante. Com saúde normal, não temos percepção consciente de nossos órgãos internos. Nós os percebemos apenas quando doentes, e ainda assim de maneira muito imperfeita. Nunca podemos afirmar que possuímos conhecimento de um órgão por lhe termos olhado diretamente, a menos que estejamos estudando anatomia – mas aí não estamos estudando um órgão vivo. Nunca podemos dizer que temos a mesma visão de um órgão interno que temos de um objeto externo. É característico da vida terrena não conhecermos o interior de nosso corpo por meio da consciência comum. Ainda menos um homem conhece do que ele geralmente considera de maior valor para sua existência corporal – o interior de sua cabeça. Pois quando ele começa a saber alguma coisa a seu respeito, via de regra, o conhecimento se mostra deveras desagradável – dor de cabeça e tudo o que a acompanha.
    • Há, entretanto, um processo essencial – ou grupo de processos – relacionado a essa convivência interior com os seres das hierarquias superiores. Se, no mundo espiritual, percebêssemos interiormente apenas o mundo das hierarquias superiores, nunca nos encontraríamos. De fato saberíamos que vários seres estariam vivendo em nós, mas nunca nos tornaríamos plenamente conscientes de nós mesmos. Portanto, em nossa experiência entre a morte e um novo nascimento, há um ritmo. Consiste na alternância entre a contemplação interior em que vivenciamos o mundo dos seres espirituais descritos na literatura antroposófica, e a atenuação dessa consciência. Fazemos o mesmo com o espiritual em nós, quando, na vida física, fechamos os olhos e ouvidos e vamos dormir. Nossa atenção, digamos, se afasta do mundo dos seres espirituais dentro de nós, e começamos a perceber a nós mesmos. Certamente, é como se estivéssemos fora de nós mesmos, mas sabemos que este ser fora de nós é o que somos. Assim, no mundo espiritual, percebemos alternadamente a nós mesmos e o mundo dos seres espirituais.
    • Estudem a criança até a troca de dentes. Notarão como o poder da lembrança, da memória, gradualmente se desdobra. Inicialmente, é bastante elementar. A criança possui certa memória, mas ela se torna uma força independente apenas no momento de troca da dentição, estando completa em seu desenvolvimento quando a criança está madura para a escola. Só a partir daí que podemos começar a edificar a memória. Antes disso, ao enfatizarmos a memória, tornamos a criança rígida e criamos uma condição de alma esclerótica para sua vida posterior. Quando lidamos com crianças antes da troca de dentes, trata-se de receberem as impressões do presente da maneira correta. É entre a troca da dentição e a puberdade que podemos empreender a edificação da memória.
    • A humanidade realmente adquiriu a arte da vida religiosa. E Schiller tem razão ao dizer: “Somente no alvorecer da beleza se avança para a terra do conhecimentoâ€, que geralmente se encontra citado nos livros como “Somente através da porta da beleza se avança para a terra do conhecimento.†Se um artista comete um lapso, isso é passado para a posteridade. A leitura certa, é claro, é: “Somente no alvorecer da beleza se avança para a terra do conhecimentoâ€. Em outras palavras: todo conhecimento vem por meio da arte. Fundamentalmente, não há conhecimento que não seja intimamente relacionado à arte. É apenas o conhecimento ligado ao exterior, à utilidade, que aparenta não ter ligação com a arte. Mas esse conhecimento só pode se estender ao que, no mundo, um mero lapidador saberia sobre pintura. Assim que na química ou na física se vai além – estou falando figurativamente, mas você sabe o que quero dizer – do que a mera retificação de cores implica, a ciência se torna arte. E quando o artístico é compreendido em sua natureza espiritual da maneira correta, ele gradualmente avança para o religioso. Arte, religião e ciência eram uma coisa só, e ainda é possível termos uma noção de sua origem comum. Isso alcançaremos apenas quando a civilização e o desenvolvimento humano retornarem ao espírito; quando levarmos a sério a relação existente entre o homem aqui, em sua existência física terrena, e o mundo espiritual. Devemos nos apropriar desse conhecimento sob os mais diversos pontos de vista.
  • Title: Evil and Spiritual Science
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    • comes desire. Thus, the human soul in its life is involved in
    • the involvement of humanity in matter. Precisely this comes to
    • is taken up in human life, and which can become the most
    • fearsome burden, come to meet us everywhere in the animal
    • against evil, and had come to the view that this world, even if
    • we come up against step by step in life; and even as Lotze
    • him, as he said — we must first of all become accustomed
    • surroundings, we become aware of ourselves. In general, a human
    • necessary for the divine being, in order to become self-aware,
    • to become self- aware. Therefore, we cannot speak of evil and
    • upon the fact that something could come out of the objects
    • then comes to meet us, when we truly try to walk along this
    • one really follows this path, in order to become a participant
    • to soul-spiritual worlds, in order to truly come out of the
    • obstacles on his/her path. The most difficult hindrances come
    • basis that in the moment in which one comes out into the
    • and now knows: you bear these imperfections with you as a comet
    • does this come from? When we look closer to see where it comes
    • Basis of Human Life.” Basically, all human evil comes
    • from the bodily: the common essential feature, that comes from
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  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 1: Popular Occultism, Introtroduction
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    • the great truths come to expression, especially in Christianity and
    • becomes free, and for this reason we should now begin to exercise an
    • it would be of the greatest harm to him. A time will come to which the
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 2: Man's Ascent into the Supersensible World
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    • or become initiated, the same thing happens as in the case of a blind-person
    • world, the senses of the astral world disclose themselves. When we become
    • explained. Every lust, every passion, becomes a demon. And an untrained
    • so to speak, in flesh. But on the astral plane we also come across Beings
    • forms. There are Beings to whom man's thoughts offer a welcome occasion
    • in person during sleep when he gradually becomes clairvoyant? The night
    • the beginning of clairvoyance; the regular forms that become more and
    • world is to begin with, silent. The time comes when these pictures begin
    • for the orbit of a star becomes a sound to a clairvoyant. Goethe also
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 3: The Different Conditions of Man's Life After Death
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    • verse: unless ye become like little children, ye cannot enter the kingdom
    • out of our earthly life becomes interwoven with the soul, with the spirit.
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 4: The Devachanic World
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    • engraved there and may be read. But we come across a still larger writing
    • man gradually overcomes the feeling of importance which he attributes
    • he becomes a degree less selfish. The first region of Devachan is the
    • look upon them objectively, recognize their full significance. We come
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 5: Life Between Death and a New Birth
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    • from death to a new birth and follow how that which comes from a past
    • etheric body then becomes the second corpse which the human being leaves
    • images of his life-panorama are of great importance, for they now become
    • which does not become our own experience. Here we must apply this sentence:
    • into living life. After death Karma, the law of cause and effect, becomes
    • active. The intention that leads to vivisection comes less into consideration.
    • into us and become capacities. In a subsequent earthly life all the
    • then be added. The astral substance seems to come shooting along of
    • conception the astral body becomes enveloped with the etheric body.
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 6: Man's Return to a New Earthly Life
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    • comes flying towards them in accordance with the inner force-streams
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 7: Effects of the Law of Karma
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    • The actions of past lives come to expression in the present life as
    • begins to work into the astral body. The astral body and thus becomes
    • the more he becomes what is cllled a religious, wise person.
    • do not accumulate of their own accord and become a house, so the animal
    • conditions he may become an idiot, because his etheric body rebels against
    • the descending into the physical body, so that its center of power becomes
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 8: The Evolution of Man and of the Solar System; the Atlantic Evolution
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    • you will feel that the critic in you becomes a mere apprentice.”
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 9: Lemurian Development
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    • and have become the apes of to-day. The apes are therefore the degenerated
    • substance. But life comes from the spirit. The spirit is consequently
    • the lower always comes from higher.
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 10: Paths of Occult Training
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    • is called. "Saturn". Then comes the "Sun", followed by Moon"; "Mars" and
    • A time will come when the
    • human being will have overcome bi-sexuality. Lower forces, sexual instincts
    • itself will become creative; then the human beings will be magicians of the
    • training come from a deeply-founded knowledge. There are two fundamental
    • this must be overcome. All people who achieved a great deal require this
  • Title: i Spirituality: Lecture 1: Historical Symptomology, the Year 790, Alcuin, Greeks, Platonism, Aristotelianism, East, West, Middle, Ego
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    • also drawn to the fact that, with regard to this last question, one can only come to clarity
    • But we come to clarity concerning these things only
    • come to us which, precisely for a discerning judgement of the situation of modern humanity, will
    • comes as a symptom to the surface and can be judged discerningly from the
    • the fact that what is otherwise hidden comes here to the surface. Thus we can say: Here, in a
    • particular phenomenon, which must only be properly evaluated, it was possible to become aware of
    • and had come to the concept of redemption. He put the question: To whom, in the redemption
    • latecomer, found its
    • by what lives in the human being when he becomes clearly conscious of his 'I' and his own being. The
    • soul-and-spirit nature in a physical body, comes the inner comprehension of the 'I'. This is why
    • Centre, another aspect arises. At the end of the eighteenth century something comes to the fore
    • of nature and cannot come to terms with it. Knowledge of
    • There must be something preventing him here. Then comes Fichte, a pupil of Kant's, who with full
    • too, would have to come to the 'I am'. And Fichte expresses this even more clearly by saying: I
    • important thing was not to come truly to a spiritual reality. Kant therefore rejected it —
    • into it. But Kant had something else which makes it inexplicable how he could become Fichte's
    • teacher. And yet he gives Fichte a stimulus, and Fichte comes back at him with the strong
    • emphasis of the 'I am'; comes back, indeed, not with proofs — one would not look for these
    • happened with Kant who was the bridge? Now, one comes to the significant point when one traces
    • of the 'I', but they talk about thoughts which come together by association. People talk about
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  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 2: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 1
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    • what comes from the spiritual world and plays into our physical world will take such a course
    • comes to expression particularly strongly in the broad masses of the proletariat which has come
    • theory of life has found little external expression in the West. Where it has come to
    • come about because, through the tradition of Peter the Great, what arises out of a
    • that is spiritual Byzantine religiosity, and so on. The individual phenomena of history become
    • brilliant rise of commerce, trade and industry which has come out of modern science, everything
    • everything which comes from Central Europe and is conceived not out of economic points of view,
    • conception and birth, we come into physical existence — and to turn human beings more or
    • life and to absorb everything into the life of economics. In the West the people who come into
    • heritage and, on the other, there is also working in him that which comes out of the present
    • sense, the human being cannot become a full human being; that hard on the heels of this Eastern
    • this kind who come over him during the night.
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 3: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 2
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    • take the trouble to confront and come to terms with the external physical world of the
    • element that when it comes up against a foreign language element — and there is always a
    • much as in the ancient Mystery truths — which have become abstract and which, in the
    • ceremonies and ritual of the Western societies, have become more or less empty forms — one
    • one-sided elaboration of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution come from?
    • It comes from the fact that, in
    • moving to the South in order to absorb there what can come from the other side. This is just what
    • treated by psychology presented in the third part of Hegel's philosophy. But what comes out of it
    • to imaginations is natural and, even if they do not come to consciousness, they nevertheless
    • his soul everything that comes to him by virtue of a kind of revelation. Reason — even when
    • and has thus come to the human being.
    • economy, jurisprudence and political life coming to an end, and a spiritual life which has come
    • Peter the Great or by Lenin, what wishes to come from the West galvanizes the corpse of the
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 4: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 3
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    • being cannot come to freedom. For if he has completely surrendered himself to the world of the
    • of aesthetic enjoyment and aesthetic creation, in which the human being can come to true
    • he sought to answer the question: What must the human being do in himself in order to become a
    • that the human being can become free? Schiller asked: What must the human being become in himself
    • wished to answer the question: How can the human being come inwardly to a free inner constitution
    • further one would come into the intellectual mechanism that is realized in the usual science of
    • being has no more significance. It thus becomes a matter of no importance whether Professor A or
    • just at that point at which the personality is not lost. Thus, this did not become blue but, on a
    • have come into wild, fantastic daydreams. The subject would no longer have had definite contours;
    • would have become rapturous fantasy. One could say that Goethe had to avoid the other chasm, in
    • which he would have come completely into a fantastic red. Thus he adds that element which is
    • Schiller would have had either to become completely intellectual or would have had to take
    • and nothing more one would never come to an impetus for actual outer action. Goethe was at the point
    • of overcoming mere revelations. In Rome he did not become a Catholic but raised himself up to his
    • imaginations. But he stopped there, with just pictures. And Schiller did not become a
    • follows this line of investigation, that one comes to an important point in Greek
    • the gods of the myths that can determine the matter; here something real must come to light. And
    • And we come here to another point which is
    • becomes of the world if one continues along Schiller's path up to the full elaboration
    • the organism. And the intellectual is that which — and here comes a complication — as
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  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 5: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 4
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    • become since the beginning of the fifteenth century. People do not consider the completely
    • which, since that time, have become particularly important. But if, from the many characteristics
    • there as a longing for knowledge has become less and less comparable with what has been emerging
    • thus also takes on the configuration of this technology. What then is the cause of this? It comes
    • gradually prepared for. The last traces of the old clairvoyance had long since become extremely
    • become more and more general. Nature's manifestations spoke to ancient human beings in such a way
    • in Imaginations, will inspire him, with whom he will become united intuitively and whom he will
    • us, out of ourselves, to open the doors again to the spiritual world; to come to a perception of
    • new civilization, which has become so fragile, has arisen in the fifth post-Atlantean epoch
    • In fact, people become reactionaries in a grand
    • become the bearers of demons.
    • they can become free. They have to develop a faculty that has absolutely nothing to do with
    • comes in — an economic life that is growing demonic. And the human being must also now be
    • comes into consideration when the real soul-and-spiritual core of the human being is to bring him
    • to the place he is meant to be. Here the educational factor becomes a specifically social one. It
    • becomes the content of his skills; that he will be able through this spiritual life to satisfy,
    • in associative cooperation, an economic life that becomes more and more dynamic. Such thoughts as
    • which has become generally popular — is of no use for the future. The spiritual world is
    • life be permeated with spirituality. It must come about as a flower of the Anthroposophical
    • strange way on certain accusations which come from many sides, shows itself most clearly. They
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 6: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 5
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    • come to pass on the earth. And in order that there could be a perception through an 'eyewitness'
    • found. Had the Mystery of Golgotha come during the full flowering of the intellect it would, of
    • inborn faculties of such a nature that they were able to come to this instinctive perception. Out
    • in the Middle Ages, then there also already comes to expression in the human being that which is
    • to come in the future: inner protest against authority. This inner protest against authority came
    • the time had not yet come. In fact, one could only give onself up to the illusion that one
    • accounts, as they existed, come into the hands of the faithful. Thus the strict forbiddance for
    • Gospels were to become known among the broad mass of the faithful. For the Gospels originate out
    • the Gospels everything that was contradictory. And what the Gospels have now become is, in the
    • that it has been stated by someone who has been to grammar school and university, has become a
    • The monastery schools have become universities. Everything that was taught had to have the stamp
    • experiences. Then, from the seventh Year, from the change of teeth up to puberty, comes the
    • child comes into the world as an imitator. In the ancient oriental social life it also came into
    • someone or other who comes from Paris and holds forth to them brilliantly, as one says, on the
    • And what is the meaning of this that must come to
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 7: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 6
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    • culture of Middle Europe, as we have come to know it in recent weeks, will be wedged.
    • called the Christ-experience soon to come.
    • the Christ-experience of the first half of the twentieth century will come in an unexpected way.
    • fifteenth century the constitution of people's souls has become quite different from what it was
    • last decades, ideas which have become familiar through nineteenth-century scientific development
    • materialistic mood will become stronger and stronger. And if sufficient preparation has been
    • point where man himself becomes comprehensible. There is no place for the human being in the
    • properly conducted elementary education. The children will come out of properly conducted
    • we hear the demand that man should stand solely on the basis of his own being. This comes forward
    • growing and developing in one's soul since childhood comes from the spiritual world.
    • onwards, comes from those depths in which is rooted that which he received from his spiritual
    • look instead to see whether it comes from the grandmother or grandfather, and soon.
    • characteristics — the more oppressive and dreadful will it gradually become. And this
    • a sense, and it will then become an oppressive characteristic in the feeling-life of civilized
    • You have only to think of the demands that have arisen as the outcome of a gigantic piece of
    • accordance with characteristics inherited through the blood because they have come more and more
    • feelings of today - when humanity comes to feel disgust at the thought of purely inherited
    • This is what will come in the next decades: as though with outstretched arms — I mean this,
    • rising up from a fundamental experience. In the decades to come, even before we reach the middle
    • towards the cosmos -that one day it must reveal what cannot come from the earth — all this
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  • Title: Abbreviated Title: Lecture I:
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    • consciousness. Whenever we become conscious of something, these processes
    • of consciousness must come from destructive processes. And I have shown
    • between birth and death; and if we pursue it still further back, we come to
    • which we are born. And then at last we come in the spiritual world to the
    • before for types who come more quickly to earthly incarnation.
    • there comes a time in historical evolution when we are no longer able to
    • so in the grandchildren and so on until a time comes when nothing more can
    • incarnations have been destroyed, the moment comes when we re-enter earthly
    • particular. Let us suppose that we become familiar with a movement such as
    • could come along and say that the only important thing is the arrow which
    • impulse, to pass over into the next year, in order to become there a grain
    • who become materialists follow the mouths that only look at this arrow
  • Title: Talk To Young People:
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    • You have come to this Youth Conference
    • even say that events in these last two decades have become even
    • between what comes to the surface in response to this inner
    • “We are helpless. Even to come to a primitive kind of appreciation
    • general stuck inside that young man,†and this he really did become
    • our time this was changing. The sunrise has become flaming red. Out
    • guilty of untruthfulness — for it has become altogether different. In
    • Out of the flames comes a summons to active, fervent spirituality.
    • after Rousseau. If today's youth can become enthusiastic about what
    • the real spiritual world that is here, then Michael's time will come.
    • body. Our physical heart has become hard, but our etheric heart is
    • come alive in our hearts. And the hearts of young people are
    • found to have become an empty pouch, completely dried up, burned
    • this very seriously the youth movement will become something like a
    • members in their welcome called me “Papaâ€; in the youth group there
    • enthusiasm. It comes down to this: we should not only learn to sit
    • need today to overcome our heavy, sticky tiredness. It is actually
    • lazy to insist on “being clear.†There may well be no time to become
    • to become enthusiastic — for enthusiasm will be able to accomplish
    • through, you yourself will have to become a flame. The only thing not
  • Title: "Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will not pass away"
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    • intuitions become dense Cosmic impulses, and later — Jupiter
    • — (or the dreamer in man) become, with aid of the Angeloi,
    • indicated how a question such as this can only come from uneducated
    • Then comes a mean (or middle) period, a time of equalization, of which
    • become evolved in the human being that which we now call the earth man;
    • physical part, and that these processes become a kind of reflective
    • becomes ideas for the Angeloi Beings, and they change these to
    • deep sleep becomes intuition of the Spirit of Personality. (original
    • Then will the intuitions of the Spirits of Personality become more and
    • these intuitions become denser. The earth will pass away, but these
    • during the earth-age now become actual forms; and because they are
    • period these intuitions become densified cosmic impulses and later,
    • forms. (Jupiter) (Diagram III.) And when they become forms upon
    • equivalent to our vegetable kingdom shall come into existence,
    • conceptions into inspirations, which will become more and more
    • but that this harmony of the spheres definitely becomes growth of
    • We therefore come to this
    • and become conscious of the aim of Spiritual Science; we will learn to
    • Moon man (or the dreamer in man) becomes for Jupiter condensed
    • will then come to pass will produce the germ which will enable the
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  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture I: Tree of Life - I
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    • become the living thing it must be, in accordance with the general
    • riddles actually become more numerous for the human soul than they
    • were before, and in a certain respect they become also more sacred.
    • When we come into the spiritual scientific world concept, great life
    • becomes still more difficult. Other things will emerge that bring new
    • beginning of the Bible, after the Fall had come about. The words
    • What has actually come about with the Mystery of Golgotha, what has
    • of a more philosophic character; then we come to what lived in the
    • how something withered comes to expression in the far-spread Roman
    • substance of what comes to expression in the Mystery of
    • become thin and poor. They are so thin that in the middle of the
    • been parched and withered. People would have come to have
    • come up from below — one can only do something
    • with what comes down from above as original life-without-knowledge.
    • at one time to overcome this dying knowledge. I should like to give
    • to the earth with the Mystery of Golgotha cannot come to full harmony
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture II: Tree of Life - II
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    • come before his soul that at the moment of waking he, as soul-being,
    • Luciferic temptation had not come to pass. This is exactly what the
    • — such as it has become — that
    • eat of this Tree then something similar would have come to pass for
    • sleep is overcome, when it is possible through a spiritual-scientific
    • that weaving and living in an etheric element, then we become aware
    • come to our consciousness (because Lucifer claims it for himself) has
    • possession of it, it comes about that something predestined for men
    • comes in which we must unfathom if we would understand the necessary
    • development of life that should come today through the world-concept
    • come into our etheric body and physical body when we wake. For what
    • out, what it lives through and experiences, ought to come into our
    • Luciferic temptation at that time, has not come about. Something
    • then the experience of the astral body really only comes into the
    • bargain and settle their pact with one another, something comes to
    • becoming obscured in our ego. It becomes obscured in our ego as soon
    • Whence does that come? This knowledge is
    • through which one feels one always stays outside life, never comes
    • what comes into us from our night experiences. That would produce a
    • page 5a). There it remains in the etheric body, it does not come to
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  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture III: The Power of Thought
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    • the feeling that because he sees the trees etc. concepts come to
    • the time to become man, or, better said, to form the human
    • But unless we come to a feeling of such
    • experience of thought. Hence comes the inclination of the Oriental
    • become known to us during meditating. Therefore we find in the Orient
    • thinks, but one becomes at home in the fashioning forces of the
    • yet to speak — is eminently fitted to become at
    • doing, it comes into a dying element, into a network of abstract,
    • world-conception becomes at home in a reflection of the life of
    • thought. One should become at home in the thought-world as if one
    • and Japanese religions, does not become at home in the living being,
    • have just analysed actually comes. You will all remember the account
    • and he then further shares in what comes about as Earth evolution.
    • they have no real idea that one can also come into connection with
    • the books in the world could not contain will come to pass. We have
    • will become more and more musical. And to know how man is rightly
    • one day it becomes more perfect, will always stand there in such a
    • to overcome it as such, in order to come out through its form into
    • it overcomes its own boundaries; all that forms walls really wants to
    • come in through the walls. Here, with our Building, one will
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  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture IV: Harmonizing Thinking, Feeling and Willing
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    • creating, and activity. We saw how through this fact man comes to the
    • link between these two centres in us does not actually come to our
    • come if one extended what tries to go out in the cosmos from the one
    • ‘Here, one does not come to anything at all. The
    • has therefore come to this dual partition and must experience it as a
    • we consider these matters still more closely, we come to an important
    • hierarchy of the Angels who, through what they had become, did not
    • become insoluble contradictions, contradictions which cannot be
    • really born for us, a Christened cosmology. We come to learn what the
    • stone and rock was alive during the Moon age and has died, has become
    • conditions, could that which cannot die, cannot become dead, enter
    • three years with the body of Jesus of Nazareth, one comes to realise
    • that which comes through the Christ into the spatial-temporal is
    • comes again into our whole human race, how again the sun-nature, lost
    • quite slowly and gradually can that come about. And inasmuch as it is
    • the Luciferic rumblings or egotism, do not become too great. Through
    • ordinary human life. These instincts and impulses have to become
    • imaginations. Then man becomes clairvoyant, that is to say, he his
    • essentially the process of self- mediumship. The medium who becomes a
    • before mankind, what is now presented comes out in quite a different
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  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture V: Tree of Knowledge - I
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    • earth and has its home under the earth and never comes above the
    • these plants. Naturally, as this creature never comes out above the
    • certain time comes in this creeping about of the caterpillar,
    • that the sun comes and the shoots spring forth —
    • become different, and also that in the part of the earth lying round
    • whether it becomes damper, becomes warmer ... To be sure he does not
    • know, this worm, whence this warmth comes ... That it becomes warmer,
    • effect and say: Now the earth becomes somewhat warmer from above
    • the sun shines, and the plants come out, and through this the
    • That is, that the sun comes with its warmth and light and brings
    • he does not come up above the surface of the earth.
    • worm should suddenly come out and see the sun, he could discover that
    • something comes into the sense-world which cannot be perceived under
    • unless you first come to understand where these proofs originate. For
    • to become manifest. Certainly, this is difficult. For truly,
    • Earth-existence, and Time has actually only become meaningful since
    • come out of space. Then it must also get accustomed to viewing things
    • forming of space and time must have so come about that then the
    • developments, he would still have to overcome the next step, which
    • that we have to do with separations so that our Earth could come into
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  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture VI: Tree of Knowledge - II
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    • processes which have acted on man from the cosmos have become capable
    • gradually comes to an end. Children are primarily interested in their
    • have come when it will also be realised that Lucifer was somewhat
    • possible, something else has become possible. It is only because
    • that it has become possible for the normally progressive gods to
    • this intermingling arises what has become hypocrisy, intentional or
    • others, and what the others did to them. They did not become more
    • earth-existence. One cannot escape them but can only come to the
    • alone becomes conscious. The hatred or antipathy presses outwards,
    • sense-periphery, my dear friends, we come to thinking, to the
    • the Sun. The thought nature, as we men can grasp it, comes from the
    • can only advance as far as the real extends and there one comes up
  • Title: World Downfall and Resurrection
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    • Indeed, this understanding can only come from Spiritual
    • as a matter of fact, the thoughts become genuinely
    • outside us, that have become earthly, do not proceed from these
    • blood but in the bread before the bread becomes flesh,
    • the Moon; turn your minds to what comes from the Sun! For we
    • and the time had now come when it was possible to say to them:
    • come to an end. Man was not, nor could he be henceforth, a son
    • Spiritual Being Who had come down to the Earth — of the
    • sources, had come to an end. Nobody who has ever really
    • superstition because it did not come to pass. In the form in
    • come to pass. The early Christians would have regarded the
    • the events of Earth, there had come the supersensible Logos Who
    • in the days to come — there is again the same mood of
    • world downfall will become more and more widespread.
    • come about and the new era is upon us. But the new era must be
    • Angel; when he becomes conscious in his own true being, he is
    • conscious as an Archangel. The spiritual world has come down
    • come to an end. The world of the Godhead at rest — the
    • beings continue to come into existence through propagation. But
    • world ending has come to pass and that the new Jerusalem is
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  • Title: Lecture: Philosophy and Anthroposophy
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    • obstacles which must be overcome if the soul would avoid being swept like a
    • fear of these feelings obsesses us. If we could overcome this anxiety we
    • knowledge; once we have found them, the way of escape from them becomes
    • sum of natural operations. It may become an ideal of knowledge to
    • by Natural Science become increasingly foreign to all our inner experience
    • press on far enough to destroy the force of illusion, we become aware that
    • Thus the cognitional process becomes for Anthroposophy a real inner
    • absolute, and not as something which was bound to come into existence,
    • original texts were not obtainable; but thinkers had become familiar with
    • content of personal research and revelation becomes united in an objective,
    • necessity was provided by historical evolution. Aristotelianism had become
    • could be the consistent outcome of Aristotelianism — a Pantheism
    • thinking should also become the victims of this breach occasioned by
    • Aristotelianism had become the very bane of knowledge.
    • him.” The followers of Aristotle had, in fact, become a grievance;
    • whose influence the nineteenth century has become entangled in a web from
    • become entangled. Let us examine how this came about. Kant was especially
    • become so predominant in the course of time that all writers on the theory
    • intellectualistic undergrowth which is the outcome of Kant's influence. We
    • lamb — and yet this wolf never becomes a lamb!” This argument,
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture I: The Pedagogy of the West and of Central Europe: The Inner Attitude of the Teacher
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    • nonetheless it will become clear to you. I should have to say a great deal
    • to make it fully understandable, but it will become clearer if to begin
    • in which it is today? Mankind has come into such misery because it has for
    • that come from the West. If you were to trace back all the educational
    • pedagogy, in the art of education, what has become the rule there, is
    • school about minerals, plants, animals, etc. and become then proper
    • way that, if pursued further, the child could become a botanist or
    • become botanists or zoologists, we would then be closer to the mark than if
    • we were to follow the Spencerian axiom. For nobody should become a botanist
    • become a botanist or zoologist solely because of his special gifts, and
    • means, if his gifts predispose him to be a botanist, he can become one; if
    • he has the natural ability to become a zoologist, he can become one. This
    • must come about through the individual's ability, i.e.
    • happened of late. It has come about, sad to say, that it is the scientists
    • If the teacher becomes a scientist, if he gives himself up in the narrow
    • they have become the caricatures they are today. People usually go so far
    • culture comes a pedagogy with a scientific, even a natural-scientific
    • of developing this pedagogy. There is much that will become possible for
    • regard we must as teachers become artists. Just as it is quite impossible
    • being is in reality, what he becomes as he develops through the stages of
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture II: The Three Fundamental Forces in EducatioN
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    • become a sculptor.
    • from within, these forces come now from outside and proceed from there down
    • linear, of the sculptural, this comes from within, proceeding from the
    • configuration of tones or the content of language, this comes from outside.
    • however, the activity of music and speech becomes particularly strong in
    • comes to visibility at puberty. The difference that exists between male and
    • as medium for the tones to become physical; the air in the larynx in turn
    • a concert; you will become aware that you have experienced the whole
    • that man may become Man. We must naturally keep in mind that the teachers
    • is rising up out of man, what must first be transformed to become human.
    • Luciferic enthusiasm that alone is acknowledged today. In sum, we must come
    • tendency to become rachitic in soul, to make his limbs rachitic, to become
    • live with the child — then the best will come of it. If
    • also come to its best expression.
    • body, only when your knowledge assumes an artistic form, do you become a
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture III: Spiritual Knowledge of Man as the Fount of Educational Art
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    • that becomes the property of our soul because we have eyes. We must now
    • the rhythmic system is connected with understanding, understanding becomes
    • intimately connected with the organs of speech, understanding only comes
    • about when the speech process unfolds from within. But it comes about in a
    • of speech that comes to life first within man. Indeed, the element of sound
    • But we experience the same thing when we become aware of the sound of
    • subtle colour nature in its various sounds, that comes to expression more
    • you properly understand the marvellous organism that comes forth from man
    • play of forces in the astral body that come to external expression in the
    • processes. This had to come. Only now we have to go up again; what has to
    • be added to these processes is that man raises himself up to what comes
    • receptive to the spiritual world, for the movements want to come down from
    • the results of a real, anthroposophical study of man. What we become, what
    • works in us and makes us teachers, comes into being through our working
    • — what comes to you out of the spirit can stretch out in
    • meditation, then remember the study of man, and the remembering will become
    • work; namely, following in the wake of meditative understanding comes a
    • of man, then comes an understanding, a meditative understanding of the
    • received by the whole of our rhythmic system; and then comes a remembering
    • spirit; the art of education comes about. It must, be a conviction, a frame
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  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture IV: The Art of Education Consists of Bringing Into Balance the Physical and Spiritual Nature of the Developing Human Being
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    • the spiritual worlds comes into this one, I should like to say on wings of
    • organism, if the ego unites with them too intensively, man becomes too much
    • will be entirely dependent on his organism, in short he will become too
    • the person becomes a dreamer or follows fancies, or becomes altogether
    • receiving a special musical training, we notice that he becomes too
    • dependent on his organism, that a certain heaviness becomes apparent in his
    • over years. If one sees that a child becomes too fanciful, gets a bit out
    • makes such a child that has become fanciful through too much drawing or
    • and drawing, by observing what he has drawn or written he comes into
    • speaking, our head organisation becomes a carriage in which we ride into
    • the physical world, but which comes to a halt when it has arrived and
    • the ego which was prenatally in constant movement, has come to rest once it
    • carriage which is then to carry a passenger: they come towards each other
    • being in each other's way and that therefore the movements become abnormal,
    • instance, someone wanting to become a composer thought he could learn to
    • hoped thereby to become a painter. He will not turn into a painter, he will
    • only become a painter if he learns to use colours, the actual handling of
    • become a sculptor only through grasping the forms of an organism. It is
    • to become a painter through using a manual on aesthetics. Nothing will come
    • in so many other fields, and especially in this one, one can overcome the
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Social Understanding: Lecture II: Social Understanding Through Spiritual Scientific Knowledge
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    • our physical body between birth and the seventh year, and this work comes
    • organisation during the first seven years of his life, become, as it were,
    • come from? They are the same forces as the forces of the planets, that is,
    • earth. The forces of understanding come to us from the world's periphery,
    • are active in the earth come to manifestation in the work they do in the
    • seven and fourteen. Then comes the most important stage of all, from
    • draw on what comes from the earth and its planetary system in the way we
    • were to come when human beings completely lost hold of their youth, and
    • re-experiences it. He has become mature now, and he can understand what he
    • what comes to meet you from outside, but you re-experience what you took in
    • with the passing years, and neither joy nor enthusiasm will come from it
    • —, that you can already come across a thing like this:
    • paint because of that. The ability to paint comes from an entirely
    • to teach comes from an entirely different quarter from the study of
    • to give them the sort of thing that makes them become teachers and
    • educators in the same way as people become artists or botanists. It is that
    • will come about as a matter of course if people steer their thoughts in the
    • become social if they really meet one another in life, and something passes
    • come to expression in our bodily nature. For the capacity is terribly
  • Title: Buddha and the Two Boys: Lecture I: Buddha and the Two Boys of Jesus
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    • Christ event will then come to us in a completely different light in such a
    • bring down such teachings as that of compassion and love. There comes a
    • time, however, when humanity has become mature enough to find for itself
    • Buddha who had become man, namely the eight-part path, which is a more
    • experienced at that time, has this matter become the own and proper concern
    • will have become proper to humanity. Then a new event will come and bring a
    • activity, he becomes a Buddha, who then just fulfills a certain mission to
    • Bodhisattva individuality, because it has become Buddha, is no longer able
    • mere forces have become here special entities. This system of entities is
  • Title: Buddha and the Two Boys: Lecture II: The Gospels, Buddha and the Two Boys of Jesus
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    • us to become acquainted with those significant events which made it
    • Such a Bodhisattva becomes a Buddha in a very
    • Man will once become ruler over these; he is afterwards a trinity, one
    • when he becomes visible, as a multiplicity, as a host of entities. It is of
    • Nazarene child Jesus. It is he who becomes the inspirer, who instills all
    • more this present state of consciousness becomes a dreamlike, twilight
    • there as the Buddha. The time had come when people could gradually gain
    • Buddha was there. Therefore, the Bodhisattva had to become
    • come.
    • development proceeds. Development comes about through completely different
    • and finally the blossom. Now comes a point where the later no longer simply
    • until the tenth year. Then this child comes with quite different powers.
    • Then it has preserved something of youthful strength. Then forces come out
    • quality of man is to come out so that it belongs to the people, then these
    • these influences have come into the third current.
  • Title: Lecture: Art As A Bridge Between The Sensible And The Supersensible
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    • present age at the point where it has become almost impossible for one
    • in language has become, it need not surprise us that religious life,
    • expressing itself for the most part for people in language, has become
    • being is a microcosm, a little world, and only becomes comprehensible if
    • Ahriman.” You may have become aware that the attempt is to
    • that otherwise does not come to expression naturalistically in the
    • has become increasingly naturalistic in recent times. Perhaps I already
    • hardly come to any other judgment than in asking themselves,
    • reason is that people's interests have become so
    • further, in other words, in learning to overcome ourselves more and more.
    • hence they are so dissatisfied with life. We never become interesting in
    • “I” becomes interesting by virtue of giving
    • “I” becomes significant through the fact
    • become receptive for what approaches us from outside, so that we really
    • But that comes from only wanting to occupy oneself with
  • Title: Raphael's Mission in the Light of the Science of the Spirit
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    • being, for Raphael has become one of the pillars upon which the higher
    • whole — even if this becomes evident only from a later
    • become aware of the significance of the fact that the human
    • follow each other, the human soul comes onto this earth so as
    • natural outcome of considering Raphael's creative activity from
    • What has just been said becomes fully evident in considering a
    • than we are from the Reformation. Humanity's progress becomes
    • forth in his writings, with what has come down to us from the
    • comprehend the development of humanity, one has to become clear
    • ancient Greek times is what has come down to us in Raphael's
    • in sensory images. And does this not then in fact become part
    • in Raphael's soul and becomes the starting point for one of the
    • desire for splendour and lust for power. Raphael becomes the
    • come to an understanding of the characteristic soul quality in
    • them as though condenses to become the Child of the Madonna.
    • to what is pre-earthly. By means of spiritual science we come
    • in natural existence, we can come to feel how something must be
    • Christianity had become pagan and given over to external pomp
    • overcome by Greece spirituality. Thus, the Greek element lived
    • lives on in what is Roman. Rome becomes permeated through and
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  • Title: Leonardo's Spiritual Stature: Lecture
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    • marvelled at the tremendous idea that comes to expression in
    • every possible human soul characteristic comes to expression in
    • become world famous through reproductions. Looking further
    • heartbeat of the twelve figures must have come to expression.
    • himself in observing how bird flight comes about. The studies
    • was also not pleased in the end with the outcome. For, with
    • hypothesis to which anyone can come on familiarizing themselves
    • intended with the “Last Supper?” One comes to such
    • that did not finally come about. And the answer then results
    • impressions are to come to light in rendering a battle scene.
    • extent to which this lived in his soul becomes apparent
    • it becomes permissible for it to shine in contradiction to the
    • becomes comprehensible that Leonardo would unquestionably have
    • follows after the green leaves. Great individualities become
    • they continued to feel. Though this feeling had become weak,
    • modern natural science, for human beings to come to a spiritual
    • other is something that could not come about all at once and
    • has become possible only in our time. Not only do we owe to
    • become ready of themselves to feel drawn to spiritual science.
    • Humanity had first to become mature for this. The centuries
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  • Title: Fairy Tales: in the light of Spiritual Investigation
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    • That is to say, whoever seeks to come to the aforementioned
    • is human comes to meet us in the tragedy, as in other works of
    • unconscious. In sensing what comes to meet us in fairy tales we
    • a particular life situation may become involved in. It is
    • Rather, what comes to expression in the fairy tale is so deeply
    • What comes to expression in the fairy tale accompanies us
    • which the human being does actually become conscious, separate
    • state of humanity. Just as it is possible today to come to a
    • “sensible” person comes, hears the child has
    • overhears this; she comes and strikes the animal dead.
    • soul, the fairy tale then becomes something similar to the
    • into gold and is requested to have her come to the castle, so
    • she becomes queen one day, she is to grant him the first
    • child is there, and the little man comes and reminds her of her
    • only experienced, not “known,” and that come
    • in a personal sense. The essential point will become
    • his country, they too come to experience the alternating states
    • outcome of the soul's experiences. Though we are far
    • others, often simple people, we come upon accounts reminiscent
    • of the human being with giants. When all this comes to meet it,
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  • Title: A Mongolian Legend
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    • here on the head only gradually become closed. A different
    • This organ has shrunk to become the so-called pineal gland, now
    • spiritual science do we come to understand their deep
    • come to expression in a different form in a future humanity.
    • The power of spiritual seeing will come alive again in human
    • of human beings, and they will come to see not only the
    • spiritual nature in external objects. What has become merely
    • into the cosmos. The human being has not only to become one who
  • Title: The Worldview of Herman Grimm in Relation to Spiritual Science
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    • become aware that parallels can be drawn to modern cultural
    • that he certainly hoped would come, a time in which Goethe's
    • becomes apparent that with him the Goethean element has
    • on form to become a creation, of Goethe's phantasy. How, he
    • experience, did this re-arise for Goethe to become the product
    • single soul-force, e.g., reason or phantasy, becomes paramount,
    • everywhere into unmitigated spiritual life. Goethe becomes a
    • called it. Thus, he becomes a unique kind of historian. For
    • Trojan heroes? This becomes a question for him. It is indeed
    • to show that we come to purely spiritual ancestors of the human
    • of speaking the spiritual constituents that become explicable
    • not come about, it would perhaps be feasible to rework into a
    • indeed not come to such a rewriting. We had to see Herman Grimm
    • soul-forces has to become greater. Deeper soul-forces are to be
    • This becomes particularly evident when he directs his attention
    • impressions then become bold, powerful ideas — and what
    • becomes understandable that such a spirit had to struggle in
    • becomes evident that Herman Grimm responded differently to
    • come across concerning Goethe fell short. What seems like
    • how wonderfully it is composed, how what comes later always
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  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 1
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    • in which we live, come from.
    • they had become something greater than ordinary people. They were
    • because the earth had become so bad. That's been lost, what made men
    • definite, they later become ambiguous. And thus in Europe diversity
    • Now we come to the third phase of
    • remains hidden. And now we come to an important factor upon which
    • spreading imperialism to the colonies. But how do the colonies become
    • go to the colonies, become rich, then spend their riches at home, but
    • comes when everything smells very good. The empty platitudes are now
    • it becomes the protector and everything has been made honest.
    • quite terrible: about the platitude. But if the world had not become
    • a spiritual empire. Precisely because everything old has now become
    • platitudes, a space has come into being in which the spiritual
    • come from the past. It will continue to roll on like a bowling ball.
    • become empty platitude, everything that continues to roll on in
    • not become empty platitude. But in the western world, everything
    • originating in ancient times is destined to become platitude. Yes, in
    • become platitude. Therefore the responsibility exists to fill the
    • we do with what has come about. That is the situation.
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 2
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    • it has finally become a platitude.
    • preparation for something which is yet to come in human evolution. If
    • could not come into being. The new could not come if for example a
    • become mere platitudes.
    • But the more things become platitudes, the
    • beings amongst the visible people on earth. First must come the age
    • want to hold on to the old realities, even when they have become
    • platitudes; for to realize that they have become platitudes causes a
    • under their feet if such things have become platitudes. People love
    • still speak have become platitudes, and how the reality beneath these
    • But a moment will come, a moment which is
    • dealing with an economic life which only becomes
    • moment of realization must come when we can no longer defend all that
    • become ever more powerful during the fifth post-Atlantean epoch.
    • meanings. Thereby the symbols have become platitudes in symbolic
    • a matter of indifference under which viewpoints people come together
    • in communities. When people of the same confession come together in a
    • external power — dead power. But when they come together under
    • indifference, it becomes a community with particularly strong
    • all those people come together in ceremonial platitudes, which
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  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 3
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    • to one case. This way of generalizing, which we have become accustomed
    • the future. One can become disinclined towards the things which are
    • while it has become clear that the social constitution of the Church
    • shadow-image, as the constitution of the Church has become. In some
    • characteristic of life is that it comes and goes. The imperialistic
    • human evolution. Now I come to what I mention before about what must
    • Suddenly from the imperialism of platitudes comes the idea that it
    • and that can only come from knowledge of the spiritual world, of
    • spiritual life. Only by being relieved by the spirit can one become a
    • clarity? It must come. The desire for truth must grow in humanity.
    • Christ must become an invisible kingdom, a truly invisible empire, an
    • movement be overcome by the spirit meant here. It is certainly true
    • not so bad. We must expect and overcome more serious opposition. But
    • said to you here. But I believe that you have come here to hear the
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture I: Anthroposophy and Natural Science
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    • Welcome, all who are present here! It was the wish of the
    • inorganic nature you necessarily come to linking thoughts, to a
    • metamorphosis, and how they often become unrecognisable from
    • comes from — at least for me it comes from this, if I
    • of which has become obsolete, what Goethe envisaged for natural
    • misunderstandings come from — to find such phenomenology
    • come to an observation about endless fruitful things as modern
    • comes down to entering into the field of phenomena and learning
    • the plant; they only become absorbed into a higher principle,
    • natural science has validated. However, it comes down to
    • Today atomic theory has to a certain extent become
    • However even today it comes down to some spooks of the
    • claims this conceptual framework is reality, then one becomes
    • frameworks nail people down. Through them they become more
    • of relationship to thoughts themselves; one comes to the
    • a result of this one comes to perceive within the organic what
    • outer world to the soul-spiritual, we come to nothing but
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture II: The Human and the Animal Organisation
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    • Welcome, all who are present here! In this second lecture I
    • come under scrutiny, namely in his treatise entitled:
    • metabolism. These things become increasingly differentiated the
    • the ear, and then explore what becomes indirectly perceptible
    • process of judgement comes out of a perceptive process, a sense
    • of the animal. Here the most impossible misunderstandings come
    • spine is vertical. When animals come to such a state of
    • The entire human being becomes a sense organ and thus inwardly
    • walking and standing. This reflects in later life and becomes
    • as something woven out of ourselves. This is not so. It comes
    • themselves from the bondage of the sense world, they become
    • Anthroposophic viewpoint — it could still become more or less
    • changed in such a way that they become the human organ of
    • speech and the organism becomes capable of creating speech.
    • organisation of mankind, which has simply come about because of
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture III: Anthroposophy and Philosophy
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    • the second half of the twentieth century comes clearly before
    • considered correctly, comes out of the deepest philosophic
    • become something quite different, when they become alive. For
    • can hardly see what it will become and yet still carries the
    • is able like no other philosopher, to become gradually more the
    • content of our own philosophic striving, who must now become so
    • comes the striving to formulate a world view scientifically;
    • enter practical life — as it has come out of Darwinian
    • theory — to expand science in such a way that it becomes
    • is what the science in the Middle must basically come to after
    • the people become when someone tries to apply Goethe's way of
    • science does not gradually become an answer to a question for
    • this comes to a question and out of the West a great question
    • is posed to us. Where does this question come from?
    • works down into the thought; but one couldn't come as far as
    • skeletal system then something comes about which can be lived
    • and in others. Here one develops what really can become a conceptual
    • same time become a meaningful historical problem: to strike the
    • Anthroposophy. If Anthroposophy becomes capable of inward
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture IV: Anthroposophy and Pedagogy
    Matching lines:
    • degree become an anthroposophical researcher — simply out of
    • because this proof can simply come through a healthy human
    • through the founding of the Waldorf School did it become
    • theories. The one tries to come from the soul-spiritual and
    • comes to such an approach of observation which is fully
    • fullest sense of the word, comes from his surroundings, with
    • acquires a certain introspection and becomes gradually more
    • means what comes to expression in their words, their attitude,
    • principle comes under scrutiny in a certain phase of life. This
    • the corresponding value to such observations then things become
    • child's soul now come to be expressed outwardly. This is hidden
    • the warmth in a body is hidden and can become free under
    • only becomes free later. After the seventh year of life the
    • beings of people, could these principles become practical.
    • mind, but it comes down to the teachers working through
    • that during the school year the child becomes even more
    • a result, we come again to something which needs to be
    • overcome, needs to be conquered in pedagogy and didactics in
    • actually even later, becomes suitable to progress towards
    • cultural impulse, something which should only come into
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture V: Anthroposophy and Social Science
    Matching lines:
    • from the spiritual life, so that the economic life becomes, for
    • can bring about a contradictory turn; it could only come from
    • as a social futuristic organism, but it comes down to people
    • other thing you could come across would be that at first those,
    • Now it has come about that what
    • late!” has come to the fore to a large degree today. We
    • actually become the ruling principle: wait until something
    • first become independent of human thinking, developed
    • constitution of humanity has become something different. If we
    • where thoughts could only come from intellectualism, all
    • economic observations would become thoroughly one-sided, so
    • practitioners with their old practices which had become a
    • theoretically thoughts — come to an actual solution for the
    • impulses work which come out of production and consumption of
    • What exists externally as an arrangement simply comes from the
    • flow. The social organism is something which becomes young, and
    • be said doesn't come from one person in one such a single
    • associations, up to what doesn't come from legislation, also
    • to another, through to entirely what has become necessary now
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture VI: Anthroposophy and Theology
    Matching lines:
    • course which didn't come out of my initiative. I'm least
    • trivial but in a deeper sense — have come to human
    • writings should not be applied, but it comes down to quite a
    • work it has become, in the strictest sense of the word,
    • Intuition, in his higher senses becomes a more free person than
    • everyone, who wants to live into it, will not merely become
    • life and circles of commitment have come. Because Anthroposophy
    • my preference, that what comes out of the supersensible world
    • Someone who honestly says what he sees, knows how polemic comes
    • Anthroposophic Movement, but it will only come into one single
    • beliefs come to Anthroposophy, it is natural that simply in our
    • his own activity he comes to the conclusion culminating in a
    • may use this expression again — comes to a Father-godly
    • comes to this godly Father experience, this means that whoever
    • through Anthroposophical research you can say: To not come to a
    • person follows only this route then he will come to a
    • if he becomes aware what shortcomings live in his soul, if he
    • only comes to this Father-god experience, he becomes aware that
    • pursuing it, come to a Christ experience, which is initially
    • comes to seeing before his own eyes, the Mystery of Golgotha,
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Impulse of Renewal: Lecture VII: Anthroposophy and the Science of Speech
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    • one touches an impulse through these words which comes out of
    • where speech comes from, which lies deeper than what is
    • first examine the process of consciousness in order to come to
    • unconscious substance which in speaking only partly comes to
    • which comes into expression as speech in the vocal organism. It
    • evolution. If one becomes serious about such an observation,
    • for instance come across in humanity in earlier times, when the
    • become the object of linguistics. Now, one finds that in
    • The dialects still lets our soul become immersed in a far more
    • language, out of these causes it has come about that Hegel is
    • when we come towards the east, one finds this process in a
    • appeared. Ideas about language have in many cases become
    • theories, it becomes apparent that these theories can't
    • reality can actually become inward experiences. As we saw
    • to really behold and earnestly study the results, when it comes
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 1
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    • to come to the frontier of the sense-world, where the spirit's
    • spirit comes upon us at once, then, because we have not yet
    • know that the first thing to come from the darkness that must
    • must be clear to us that we must take seriously all that comes
    • knowledge be acquired. He doesn't have to become clairvoyant,
    • although knowledge from the spiritual world comes by true
    • one abyss. For if we wander out into space so far that we come
    • away in order to come to true spiritual knowledge.
    • in all times. In all times the people have had to overcome this
    • Knowledge bravery alone will overcome it.
    • Knowledge bravery alone will overcome it.
    • spirit of the times to become an enemy of knowledge, this beast
    • Knowledge bravery alone will overcome it.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 2
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    • What you are, what you were, or will become.
    • which is to become light-filled, which must become light to us
    • Knowledge bravery alone will overcome it.
    • life. Inner enthusiasm, inner fire which becomes a burning
    • thirst for knowledge; that is what overcomes the second
    • When you have overcome all three
    • human being entered into earthly existence. Then it becomes a
    • lost. Thinking has become dead. And we must heed the message of
    • only be overcome by the courage of knowledge. So the Guardian
    • my dear friends, each stanza will become a mantram for you,
    • according to its inner meaning. And they can become a guide on
    • will become your guide, my dear friends, on the path past the
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 3
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    • where does this come from? You see, when you confront the outer
    • immediately becomes a triple being. His thinking goes its own
    • really something which comes very close to the threshold of the
    • you have become 50 years old, then you have gone back in time
    • which happens immediately, dear friends, when you really come to
    • stream out into cosmos space. At the same time they become
    • Upon entering the spiritual world we must have become
    • is and what they must become for us to be able to step across
    • point the first lessons of this class also become practical in
    • becomes the weaving of our own thoughts.
    • realize that it has become serious as we plunge into the
    • rhythms, let them act in your soul and you will come near to
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 4
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    • of feeling, must come from somewhere else if it does not come
    • meant to express come to us because they are contained in the
    • memory. Then our capacity comes into play, to what extent we
    • even when we hear beyond the words, before we come to terms
    • it's again different when we come to the will. To do so, we
    • growing together with the world, that we more and more come out
    • Concretely, meaning honestly, one must overcome many inner
    • decades ago - have become if I didn't have the hand? It is
    • necessary for all I have become. But the tree: it is as it
    • the earth; it comes from afar, it goes afar. We look up at
    • earthly forces man can become evil; but not so easily through
    • illuminates the earth changes for good; sunlight becomes the
    • shining garments. And what we experience from the light becomes
    • in a field looking up at a star-bedecked sky. It becomes
    • way, then narrow selfhood ends and becomes selfless, for it is
    • come before the Guardian of the Threshold. Living
    • inner disposition. And this disposition, this mood, comes both
    • spirit” ossifies us. We become warm if we are freed from
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 5
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    • is able to approach and come to an understanding of the
    • willing become separated. The will, now living much more
    • Something truly great happens to a person when he becomes aware
    • We can become aware of how an irregularity in our breathing
    • When we go even higher we come to a region - which we will
    • light comes to him from outside himself.
    • brings him near to the Guardian of the Threshold, he becomes
    • for normal consciousness, we can become aware of our
    • become one with the whole life and being of the element of air
    • are ourselves within the element of warmth - we become more
    • human, and with the lessening of warmth we become less human.
    • we come to the light, in which we live and act. But we don't
    • of your skin into a divine-spiritual being - you become one
    • becomes clear that the light is real and must wage a hard
    • battle with the forces of darkness. Light and darkness become
    • the moment of crossing the threshold one becomes aware of these
    • But when we become aware of how enticing the sunlight is, we
    • dehumanizing force of darkness. Light and darkness become moral
    • together in one, where light and darkness become realities. And
    • we meet him with our thinking, which has become independent and
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  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 6
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    • advances spiritually when he becomes conscious of his true
    • become conscious of his true relation to the world, he first
    • from warmth, which is already etheric, we come to the
    • most evident influence on man comes from the middle element,
    • becomes aware of his relationship with the earth, then he will
    • becomes aware enough to say: In reality you are related to the
    • if one becomes aware of his relationship with the air, he feels
    • which comes from the innermost being of the animals is revealed
    • is like this: when we become aware that our human form exists
    • case nowadays, but also feel it, we become fearful that at any
    • when we become aware of how we live in the air-element, then we
    • when one becomes aware of this, becoming a thinker and a
    • becomes conscious, man transforms himself from a human to an
    • will exactly become an elephant or a bull, but something like
    • where the will is heading, we become aware of our animality and
    • overcoming of something that drags us down. When we overcome
    • courage, then it becomes an impulse toward a higher humanity.
    • if we really descend consciously, becomes a wakening in
    • Threshold directs to those who come to the threshold by showing
    • light. But when we become aware that thinking, this having
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 7
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    • become members of this School declare that they want to be true
    • thus, willing becomes thinking,
    • Come in
    • You will become
    • Come in
    • You will become
    • Come in
    • You will become
    • a human being; I recognize that I will become one through
    • where I am now in order to become a true human being.
    • not a true human, in order to become a true human being.
    • to become a true human being through knowledge. And then you
    • come to an end. Now it is up to you to make human hearts open
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 8
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    • consider it right that spiritual light, which can come through
    • Anthroposophical Society have now become identical.
    • obtained. In the same sense, when something comes from the
    • possible, only concrete ones. Anything said to come from the
    • Goetheanum must really come from the Goetheanum. Therefore, the
    • membership. One who becomes a member of the Anthroposophical
    • those which come to the heart and soul from anthroposophy
    • of the anthroposophy which comes given from the Goetheanum.
    • then people will come to us - they generally don't - would be
    • new people come, we would never get anywhere. Of course, one
    • can still become a member, but only members who have attended
    • this wisdom. If one wishes to become an esotericist, if he
    • we become aware of how the three fundamental impulses of our
    • one gradually comes to feel himself outside his body; and he
    • comes to regard the world as self, and what self was, as world.
    • like human beings; we say, as we become inwardly aware: this is
    • spiritual universe, then the reverse consciousness comes about.
    • difficulty will be overcome.
    • by the physical body, now becomes threefold. And we learn to
    • again and again with inner strength and we come to the
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 9
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    • becomes a facet of our soul, and it is the third aspect.
    • about how by means of an intimate exercise you can become more
    • about is when its movements become susceptible to the earth's
    • we can come to the fourth, if we feel inner warmth, and are
    • physician comes with a thermometer; he measures warmth from
    • formations and become like a celestial script to us. If we
    • become aware of our own spirituality, that spirituality which
    • will to the earth we become one with the earth through our
    • lungs belong - I will become as one with the entire planetary
    • when I become aware of how, through this mantric formula, I am
    • come to feel myself as a human being outside my body in the
    • mantric words is clearer and clearer to you, then when you come
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 10
    Matching lines:
    • comes to meet us. But as long as we confine ourselves to using
    • within — if only by means of thinking — and become
    • it becomes a plenitude of imaginations. You know the old
    • can come to a sense of veneration for what is expanding out
    • becomes an Imagination for us. But only then, when the
    • star-filled sky becomes an Imagination for us, do we feel
    • star-filled sky becomes for us the grand open page of the
    • feeling comes to us: When you are here on earth you are in the
    • deeds, become capable of hearing in a spiritual way the
    • stimulate in you the feelings which can come quite naturally by
    • get out. Then the brilliance of the stars becomes the comforter
    • sleep overcomes consciousness, and how upon awakening, at the
    • am becomes clear to me when my earlier earthly existence
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 11
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    • course how far one or the other comes along this path depends
    • When the right time has come, we will surely find what has
    • Nevertheless, the time has now come when the Mysteries
    • humanity must become objectively present in him in the most
    • it becomes esoteric. Therefore in meditation we must
    • yellow]. And he should become aware that when he speaks his I
    • It becomes an echo in
    • However, when we come to the third element of man —
    • most important temples have no place, have no time. One comes
    • appears. The temple, which I only sensed at first, becomes
    • When we become aware that we are finding the temple, then we correctly
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 12
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    • First let us recite the verse which reminds us of what comes from the cosmos
    • try to sense how the reciting reacts within you. Try to come to
    • When this becomes an intimate experience for you, when you
    • it hears three sounds. The first sound comes from the distant
    • universe; the second from the Guardian. And the third comes
    • the spiritual existence we receive from him as a gift comes
    • contribute to initiation. And this inner consecration comes
    • the universe, from the cosmic distances, comes to us like
    • which comes from the Guardian of the Threshold; and that then
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 13
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    • come to sense the thinking above the place of speech in the
    • by means of this mantric verse we come in contact with the
    • Likewise do we come into contact with the beings of
    • Thus we come into contact with the Exusiai, Dynamis,
    • simply not true. Here we come to a subject where normal
    • needs to feel something like resistance when it comes into
    • I-organization may be conscious of itself and come into
    • way, because our legs are also heavy, so we not only come
    • because the movement becomes conscious through the physical
    • becomes aware that during sleep he is in contact with a
    • cosmos comes an urgent voice like thunder, then the Guardian
    • – that comes from the mysterious depths of our souls
    • can come into contact with the field of the Cherubim and
    • of ache which becomes chronic, we will always feel it. We can
    • different, we should have become a different person. Having
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 14
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    • And it also becomes clear that in normal life we are
    • knowledge, he comes to an abyss, which at first seems bottomless.
    • must be overcome. And in a graphic image one sees how his
    • determined to overcome the beasts. To enter the spiritual world,
    • realize ever more that the human being must become different
    • ice melts in warm water, for we have become one with the
    • separate element in the blood vessels, but our blood becomes
    • this state of spiritual beatitude. It overcomes him because
    • world, from beyond the threshold, one becomes an unstable,
    • able to return, because before he does so he will become
    • paralyzed, he more or less becomes an instrument of
    • become liquid, from which the organs are formed. All our
    • so can a human being become a feeling being through the
    • to usurp for itself the fire element that comes from the sun,
    • He then becomes more objective in that what is in him refers to
    • “I” was said. Now the “I” becomes
    • the gods. They become completely objective. It is characteristic.
    • words correctly, which have come to you here today as mantric
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 15
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    • because various Class members have come today who have not
    • We become aware, if we perceive the world around us
    • activate in us, can come from Christ: then it will be the
    • right answer. It can come from Lucifer: then it will be the
    • wrong answer. It can come from Ahriman: then it will again be
    • spiritual world; when we come back we should live as real
    • each question a threefold answer comes from us: Christ's
    • What becomes of the earth's solidity, which supported
    • What becomes of the earth's solidity, which
    • What becomes of water's formative force, which
    • By this means we become aware that in our
    • By means of these mantras, we should become aware
    • What becomes of the water's formative force, which
    • What becomes of air's stimulating force, which
    • What becomes of the air's stimulating force, which
    • warmed self becomes the shining-element, so that what was
    • previously dark for us becomes light.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 16
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    • This seriousness has only become possible
    • However, a moment comes as you look around at the expanse of
    • first night-bedecked, gradually becomes lighter. At first we
    • darkness becomes lighter. The Guardian speaks to us, after he
    • Threshold asks what becomes of the earth's solidity.
    • what becomes of the water's formative force, which acts
    • when the Guardian asks us what becomes of our breathing, of
    • What becomes of the earth's solidity, which supports you?
    • What becomes of water's formative force,
    • What becomes of the air's stimulating
    • What becomes of fire's purification, which
    • fire. But now the answer does not come from one hierarchy or
    • from a rank of one of the hierarchies, but the answer comes
    • by the hierarchies — come from all sides: first
    • comes to us from the cosmos.
    • What becomes of the fire's purification,
    • What becomes of fire's purification, which
    • Our inner self becomes warm when the Guardian of
    • understood?” Our inner self becomes warm. It
    • become aware of how these forces, which from outside appear
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  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 17
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    • What becomes of the fire's purification, which enkindled
    • light. Gradually it becomes not only felt light, but a kind of
    • becomes magically illuminated by the cloud formations and the
    • moment when it becomes light enough for perception there in the
    • And the Guardian reminds us that the one who has come over to the
    • becomes a powerful bowl, a cosmic bowl. And we no longer see a
    • rainbow as the cosmic bowl, it becomes clear to us how the light,
    • thoughts are taken from the illusion of the senses and become
    • resurrecting world comes into existence through the workings of
    • becomes filled with a soft, mild light.
    • rings out. We become aware, now that the voices of all nine
    • humanity, it becomes light in the spiritual world. The mild light
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 18
    Matching lines:
    • And now we come to a truth, which is perceived where
    • And we hear, in that it becomes our experience:
    • spiritual world surround us. And we become witnesses to what the
    • beings must experience it. And soon the time will come
    • from death in the spirit-land. For death soon comes in the
    • the gods, because we have been overcome by the soul's death
    • words, Rudolf Steiner says: “And soon the time will come
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 19
    Matching lines:
    • felt, which then becomes light for our spiritual
    • From the realm of the first hierarchy comes the answer:
    • am” does not come from us in the earthly realm, that
    • have passed him long ago – and the answer comes from
    • Again the answer comes to us from the realm of
    • They are the thoughts that come from all the
    • the answer comes to us:
    • the star-flames speak the words. The glow that come from
    • question comes from the first hierarchy:
    • can come from the spiritual worlds pass through us. They
    • been observed in a strange way by many who have become
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XX (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • it turns out, many more friends have come to this Class Lesson
    • going further back we come to the centuries in which a kind of
    • When we go even further back we come to the era in which a
    • the Venus forces in his impulses. Then we come to the time when
    • Then we come back to the previous reign of Michael, that
    • and would come again to Michael. And we would find that after
    • does not take on further responsibilities when one becomes an
    • senses and becomes our perception: beauty, truth, purity,
    • answer must come to the question: O man, know thyself!
    • Then we go, hesitating, towards the black darkness and become
    • cloud formation taking shape, it becomes human-like, not
    • we must wait until it becomes dark here in the sunlit radiant
    • realm of sensory light and it becomes light for us there, where
    • darkness, that darkness becomes light, so that humanity,
    • And from out of the darkness comes light,
    • And from out of the darkness comes light,
    • What comes now is an intermediate clause.)
    • the darkness comes light” continues.)
    • indicates the feelings and sensations which can come anciently
    • as his gaze becomes even more earnest, as he stretches out his
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXI (recapitulation)
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    • in earthly life must become dark in order for the light which
    • being, comes from what appears at first as black, night-cloaked
    • created by the fear of knowledge, which can only be overcome by
    • only be overcome by the right enthusiasm for knowledge, for the
    • roots, and which can only be overcome if knowledge awakens in
    • after we have come quite close:
    • Your fearless knowledge alone overcomes it.
    • Only when you have overcome all three
    • Your fearless knowledge alone overcomes it.
    • Only when you have overcome all three
    • this corpse. As it is now, it can never have come into being in
    • struggle upward to overcome the ghostly form of the third
    • would become problematic for the gods to whom it has belonged
    • order that we come ever and ever closer to self-knowledge, for
    • close to our being. We come deeper into our own being when we
    • get outside and thereby become ineffective. It is a fundamental
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXII (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • comes to them from the entire universe — which is the
    • night-cloaked darkness is still before us, which is to become
    • which only becomes dark because we cannot find our actual being
    • we then “understand”, where we gradually come
    • have now come farther. It is no longer
    • ourselves and let our body become the whole world. Then will
    • wants to receive the powers of thought in what comes with grace
    • and darkness to come to the Self. That is what lies in the
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXIII (recapitulation)
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    • previous mantras to the newcomers in the usual way, that they
    • look up to that realm from which our thinking comes, where
    • our will comes for our earthly life. For the earth does not
    • belong with our senses, become darker and darker as it becomes
    • have become bolder in confidence that through the Guardian's
    • it is necessary that we become one with the world, that we have
    • souls and our whole being become warm when we feel warmth from
    • it is mechanical and exterior. It will become more inward, but
    • become one with the air-elements, we rise to the level of
    • O man, become yourself...
    • O man, become yourself through the cosmic orbits.
    • mantric verses come to you, my sisters and brothers, with the
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXIV (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • members have again come to this School today. It isn't possible
    • ourselves: This corpse could never have come into being the way
    • our thinking when we become aware of its deadness, and realize
    • night-cloaked, cold darkness. Out of it warmth must come to us,
    • out of it must come light which illumines our own Self, which
    • must, my dear sisters and brothers, come to the point where we
    • the fear will give birth to its opposite and become the courage
    • sculptor, as we have seen. And it is just when we become
    • spiritual fire will come to us, which we need in order to
    • as a mirror is a boundary. What comes to us from without
    • — we become aware of our own powerlessness —
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXV (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • which leads us to where we become aware that, when we seek our
    • humanity, that it becomes gloomy when we look here for our
    • become bright there, and in this brightness the light arises to
    • must be clear to us that in the moment — and we have come
    • as our willing comes towards us over the abyss of being. The
    • the threshold; our will becomes fire; our feeling becomes
    • willing becomes something different)
    • be different. Just as willing becomes “the senses'
    • multi-forming heaven-weave”, so feeling becomes something
    • Look: thinking, the spirit's head, becomes the will; feeling
    • This line must read as follows: “And feeling becomes your
    • And feeling becomes for you
    • And feeling becomes for you
    • beside ourselves. Then the will's thinking becomes the thinking
    • And thinking becomes
    • And willing becomes for you
    • And feeling becomes for you
    • And thinking becomes
    • by Michael and his force. Now we have come to the important
    • [Michael-sign (in red)Come in, the door has opened, you will
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  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXVI (recapitulation)
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    • world, from where the revelations come which should live in the
    • overcome during the Michael age.
    • what is personal, that for instance if someone comes here to
    • our friends come to Dornach, a will to sacrifice is involved,
    • Come in,
    • You will become
    • the attitude we must have when we come over after the gate has
    • not come walking with earthly feet, where one flies with the
    • gloom, about which you had to say that it will become inner
    • become lighter, at first most gently. You feel now the first
    • return to our earthly duty. For we may not become dreamers and
    • that then arises we should consider as what comes over from
    • announced that the gate has opened, that we can become true
    • familiarization with what forcefully comes over from previous
    • movement so that it becomes will: this becomes clear in
    • earthly man, sinks down into the limbs. Then it becomes light
    • in him. The will becomes bright. It wakes up. When we first see
    • thinking on the will. It is magic. Now we become aware of it.
    • people who come early to a function to place a paper, notebook,
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture I: The True Form of the Social Question
    Matching lines:
    • decades, occupied because this question has not only become
    • urgent for the evolution of humanity, but it has become a
    • movement becomes increasingly pertinent?’ Much which has
    • wants to become familiar with present day habits, can gather
    • question as it comes to the fore in its true form today when
    • in just these areas always come to light. Perhaps the following
    • social life which has come forward. Much has been heard in
    • Regarding any kind of event in life, no can one come to a
    • played by the subconscious, undeclared elements than what comes
    • more closely then it becomes obvious how the actual nerve, the
    • have come to expression to such an extent. However intensively
    • Just as a single human organism becomes something different
    • before, just so the human social organism has become something
    • to become free of the spirit, into this time came the
    • that something can come out of it as a most true, inner
    • spiritual life of the modern Proletarian become an ideology?
    • him from a civil class, science becomes the directive as the
    • develop in such a way as to finally become a full human right.
    • was believed to have come out of economic life itself, but
    • become goods, but the Proletariat feels it may not be goods.
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  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture II: Comparisons at Solving the Social Question based on Life's Realities
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    • possibilities for the social question which do not come out of
    • organism, where awareness should have become as necessary as
    • ideals, they will soon come to the view that such observations
    • must come to an end. The examination of the social organism
    • must come into existence first — in as far as it must be
    • are actually reversed in comparison with what comes out of mere
    • socializing will not become a healing process but a fake
    • this becomes twelve times, in north Mexico seventeen times and
    • right way, in the social organism. May it come about with some,
    • Because as soon as the true sense of these three ideals become
    • within these events for a long time to come, events now having
    • worthy self-realization which will become a reality for
    • of labour from goods will only become detachable when
    • This I need to stress yet again: I am not trying to come from
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture III: Fanaticism Versus a Real Conception of Life in Social Thinking and Willing
    Matching lines:
    • disappear to make place for something new to come into
    • themselves have the answer and that it does not come from some
    • have become this way is provided by the criticism in a way
    • side, can be overcome. What remains, however, is a certain
    • those who have come out of Marxism; that in all kinds of
    • result is that this kind of thinking becomes transformed into
    • questions appear, it becomes particularly disastrous: the
    • human beings, how they can become blessed. We notice how
    • heights. Revenge becomes such that the ethical religious life,
    • Utopia appears full of criticism, it neither comes down to the
    • criticism nor to good will, but it comes down to how they place
    • which could only come out of an abstract sensing of a certain
    • world but comes down to how people feel while in this spiritual
    • goodwill. It comes down to this feeling: through the way one
    • ideology. No healing element comes out of this ideology if real
    • what comes out of life, provoked by modern instincts
    • individuality. Everything flowing into this must come from the
    • now something else comes into consideration. It is the
    • needs some income, capital. What does it mean to say: ‘He
    • his food, drink and clothing and this comes into consideration
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture IV: The Evolution of Social Thinking and Willing and Life's Circumstances for Current Humanity
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    • more and more. It will become the determining factor towards
    • two mentioned social classes. So it must come about as we will
    • leading circles want the economy to become gradually captured
    • can become a struggle for all people — a struggle having
    • become one of differing mutual interests, a struggle of the
    • become the most needed current question in relation to the
    • its own being. Whatever has come through its own content of
    • consumerism, it all comes down to a corresponding creation of
    • human labour becomes tainted with the characteristics of goods
    • only come about if the economic organism can be allowed to
    • unfolding and is being limited, becomes changed by an adjacent
    • economic life will become an associate, and becomes divided in
    • stripped off. They must become purely economic serving entities
    • always appear in practical form. One only comes to an
    • itself can become a question which considers the actual right
    • can try all kinds of ways to come closer to the impulse of the
    • to come ever closer, is to essentially search for the being of
    • so you find nothing other than that it finally comes back to
    • one takes the pains, you come to say nothing other than legal
    • one comes to the impulse which can weave and flow through the
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture V: The Social Will as the Basis Towards a New, Scientific Procedure
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    • part of Goethe's “Faust” and come to the scene
    • something thought up which becomes alive. The impossibility of
    • After long years of studying the social question it has come to
    • thinkers of today become unbiased toward the spiritual aspect,
    • This mistrust has come out of the origins, which up to now did
    • these thoughts and will impulses. What comes as challenges out
    • say: the Proletarian, the social culture has thus come about,
    • living in the soul has not come through the modern scientific
    • having become overpowered and worthless, but the answer is to
    • spiritual life, or not. It doesn't come down to that but it
    • comes down to spiritual life being experienced by the majority
    • as an ideology, and so the soul becomes desolate, remains
    • empty, the centrifugal spiritual force becomes paralysed and
    • one can correctly ask: Where has it come from and how can it be
    • become the custodian of mankind's spiritual goods. This
    • Through this we come to the true form of the second modern
    • come about through the objective laws of the economic life
    • From this the second social demand has come about in more
    • only want to say how humanity must become members of the social
    • negotiated? Then something will come about which work in a
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture VI: What Significance does Work have for the Modern Proletarian?
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    • come about yesterday. In the way one speaks about it today, it
    • up to the social question is much, much older; it has come out
    • progressed. One can hear how it has come about that humanity
    • quickly come to an understanding; how far humanity has come
    • come to such a frightening expression for those who understand
    • The words which do become audible stand in an extraordinary
    • take it that the leading classes are at cause for what has come
    • circles: through the modern economic order, labour has become
    • rewarded? How can human labour in any way come to its rights?
    • what has become available to the Proletariat as a result of
    • What it comes down to is this — now the modern
    • come about precisely because the modern worker has been
    • this economic life his labour has become goods. In this
    • come about when labour is taken out, when above all the
    • and it becomes a pure and clear question of law.
    • Through this we come to consider things in broader terms,
    • needs may come through production. Both are based on natural
    • organism becomes active, he must simply operate in the economic
    • immediately become clear about what should be clarified in this
    • economic power, which is able to compel human labour to become
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Lecture: Richard Wagner and Mysticism
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    • the universe were not the abstract conceptions they have become
    • time had now come for a re-union of the arts, and with his great gifts
    • outwards and as it becomes articulate is striving to unite that which
    • together or when one becomes dependent on another. But there are also
    • is obviously a dream which comes to a man because he is sleeping out
    • evolution we feel how the new Gods who rule over mankind have come
    • Richard Wagner's achievement was not the outcome of any conscious
    • the emissary of the ‘Holy Grail.’ He comes from the citadel of the
    • evolution is represented in the Initiates who come from mysterious
    •  Whence I have come
    • A stone falls from Lucifer's crown and this stone becomes the holy cup
    • would be purified, the substance of his body would become as pure and
    • in the higher calyx and becomes a creator in the Spirit. This
    • becomes “a knower through compassion.” And the
    • wrote: “The man who overcomes himself breaks that power which
  • Title: Lecture: Spiritual Wisdom in the Early Christian Centuries
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    • thought which had in a certain respect become estranged from the
    • certainly be advised to read Paul Deussen. Things have come to a
    • different religions, not as the outcome of vague sentiment but of the
    • Ammonius Saccas and Iamblichus have come down to us. Of many other
    • There is no telling what would have come to pass in Europe if the
    • Julian was ‘Apostate’ only in regard to what was to come after. The
    • absolutely objective standpoint, for what comes to pass in history is
  • Title: Community Building
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    • should come about to erect a building for the Anthroposophical
    • plastic shape, in every colored surface, that which comes from
    • strength and power may come in turn from another side for
    • us for Anthroposophical work are to come from experiences, not
    • sacrificial spirit, this devoted labor, have come about in the
    • expression, is that which has come into the world as the
    • community building should become especially manifest in our
    • another.” And I said to the friends who had come to me:
    • nature of man, for the reason that our life must become more
    • if that profound intimacy and depth of the soul becomes
    • manifest which may become manifest in such an ideal instance as
    • comes from the other soul as a sharing of memory, — this
    • that time to those young theological friends who had come to me
    • to come about in connection with the Movement for Religious
    • the other human being. But we must first become aware of this
    • the ideal, it then suddenly becomes alive.” It becomes
    • the ideal becomes an abstract thought but idealizes it in such
    • livingly into it, that it becomes the counterpart of the ritual
    • become the realizing of the supersensible itself.
    • “There for the first time do we become human beings so
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Community Building
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    • in which Anthroposophy can become a sort of wisdom of life, how
    • state of consciousness, that very moment the person becomes
    • person is guided solely by what he himself imagines; he comes
    • pictorial life of dreams into the daily life. Then one becomes
    • persons, so is it necessary to become aware that we cannot look
    • of mind with which we view things that come to us in the
    • number of persons come together with that within them which
    • sphere — when they come together simply to listen in the
    • become egotists among themselves in the most natural way
    • Thus, does it become understandable, precisely from a
    • become an Anthroposophist does not mean simply to become
    • one thus dreams of higher worlds, there does not then come
    • become, as has so often been said, the instrumentality for this
    • these things becomes connected with the destiny of the
    • the situation within our Anthroposophical Society has become
    • become an opponent of Anthroposophy. He really does not know at
    • all why he has to become such an opponent, but he has to do so
    • becomes a member in order to become in an honorable way one who
    • shall not at once detect that this comes from the
    • Anthroposophical point of view. It does, of course, come from
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 1: Evolution and Consciousness, Lucifer, Ahriman
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    • comes to physical manifestation. Some of those powers we
    • if the intellectual principle had not become part of
    • with the intellect, and we have come to believe that
    • waking hours come to resemble the mental activity we know
    • Earth evolution as we know it. We come to a time when the
    • Christian faith, have gradually come to look more like
    • all else. They come from the sphere of our feelings and
    • a world which becomes a luciferic world as soon as it
    • everybody still come to your church? That would show that
    • who do not come to your church to hear you speak. My
    • human beings can overcome the luciferic elements that
    • course become aware of the need to base ourselves on the
    • body. Here we come upon a truth that many people find
    • materialism come true for the human kingdom, that is,
    • choice if we become materialists. If we are strong enough
    • come true by human beings.
    • influence on human beings comes from ahrimanic powers.
    • we now come to apply this to ordinary everyday life. We
    • have become an empty abstraction nowadays. Do you think a
    • human understanding in the vertical direction to become
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  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 2: East, West, and the Culture of Middle Europe, the Science of Initiation
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    • from east to west, whilst the physical basis comes from
    • comes to expression in climatic conditions and provides a
    • to become the real instrument of intellectual
    • life we become more independent, though this independence
    • done, for example, the outcome in no way represents the
    • yet grasp in their hearts and minds. Things may come to
    • We must develop through spiritual science and come to
    • of our soul from all sides. It is necessary that we come
    • with more profound insight at what has become cultural
    • the more it becomes apparent that something new is
    • Europeans. You come across some odd things in this
    • these things have come to the fore; very often they are
    • he becomes dependent for life on the person to whom he
    • This is an attitude that has to be overcome in the new
    • spiritual way I have talked about. It will have to come
    • brothers who has come among men, with the living Christ
    • important today. So you see that exactly when it comes to
    • difference becomes even more apparent in the case of
    • here. When it comes to genuine spiritual insight one
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 3: Political Empires
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    • English-speaking peoples has come about — I have
    • thinking that has become customary in Western Europe and
    • something was speaking to them that had been made to come
    • later to become the kingdom of Egypt quite naturally
    • that was a feature of earliest imperialism still comes up
    • into human minds. They have become just as meaningless as
    • and orientation, was felt to come from that other realm.
    • that a human being could indeed become a god. At most
    • referring to something rather serious will often become
    • lost and words become empty symbols, signs without
    • be told: ‘The Kingdom of the gods cometh not with
    • earth. This has become something trivial in the
    • can become empty phrases and lose all meaning, as is the
    • must become able to face truths that are deeply
    • become able to see things as they are. Sometimes we fail
    • important thing is that human beings come to see humanity
    • come to nothing. It would be good if a sufficiently large
    • come to fruition if a new spirit is poured into human
    • people who from one side or another come to join the
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 4: Western Secret Societies, Jesuitism, Leninism
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    • edge of the abyss if they are allowed to come into
    • movement that has come together because people want to
    • fountainhead of everything that usually comes under the
    • that when it comes to their frame of mind, particularly
    • come to expression above all in a belief in authority
    • comes from what should ideally be a truly honest, sincere
    • from human instincts, human selfishness, comes to
    • this — are to become the forces that determine
    • come to life in human heads, in the heads of people who
    • genuine sincerity will however only come from this
    • empty chatter, how much conceit and inner egotism comes
    • Considering what one comes up against
    • symptom comes to expression in those lines. People do not
    • were to come true the result would be that human society
    • in every part of the globe would very rapidly become a
    • ideals expressed in those lines would then become
    • long run also come up in spiritual science working
    • humankind without bias. We must make an effort and become
    • the true Mystery of Christ comes to be known; all they
    • not fight us with the intensity we have come to
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 5: How the Material Can Be Understood Only through the Spirit
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    • has come to Europe over the last three or four centuries,
    • a pump comes up in all kinds of variations nowadays. The
    • dinned into us and we have become used to thinking that
    • that have become flesh. The same directions exist in a
    • way. As a result the legs have become fine visual threads
    • very lively way. The arms of our former life have become
    • when you come to realize that looking at the human head
    • metamorphosed and become ears, and the legs will have
    • become eyes. We must look at the physical world and
    • because it has become the materialistic view of a few
    • that so far have come about because the wrong lead was
    • lessons come to life if anthroposophy is the foundation,
    • anthroposophy to come alive in oneself first of all, and
    • that is something that really comes hard, to let
    • anthroposophy come alive in human beings. Otherwise the
    • substance, will never come to sensible conclusions.
    • stomach, liver and spleen. We then come to see that
    • help the world to its death. The only possible outcome of
    • intended has come to fruition.
    • idea has come up in Dornach, for example, of issuing a
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 6: Materialism and Mysticism, Knowledge as a Deed of the Soul
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    • more and more of our members to come to feel this in
    • come to the realization that the search for truth is a
    • deed accomplished by the human soul. We must come to
    • spread about like this, irrespective of whether it comes
    • in the things that come to us through sensory perception.
    • come across therefore are definitely not material
    • phenomena; they come and go out of another reality that
    • impresses itself on the senses. You will come to see this
    • need to develop this feeling further. Here we come to
    • because they come very close to the experience we know
    • constitution of the human individual. We must become
    • point things come very close to the insights to be gained
    • theory comes to an end, the intellectual mists clear and
    • anyone wishing to become a spiritual scientist it is
    • When it comes to mysticism, people think that by
    • 44 ] They think they will come upon the revelation of
    • endeavours. It is important to realize what comes to life
    • in us when we become mystics, what is active in us when
    • we become mystics. You can find out about it from the
    • find materiality active in us when we become mystics.
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  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 7: Materialism, Mysticism, Anthroposophy, Liberalism, Conservatism
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    • world, our ears hear the outside world, and we come to
    • we become one-sided, abstract mystics. The contents of a
    • another time in our lives — to become inwardly
    • matter that merely comes to expression in mystical
    • our thinking if the decline is to become an upward
    • doing so comes to observe matter; the way it turns into a
    • become outer ones. The outside world of those times has
    • talking about something adult minds have long since come
    • inner mysticism, failing to realize that when he comes to
    • rightful place in the human sphere is genius, becomes
    • concern about the things one would like to see overcome.
    • show how it can be overcome in a real and concrete way.
    • ImPortant for the overall outcome of world evolution that
    • spiritual science working towards anthroposophy must come
    • said that when it comes to abstract ideas the physical
    • century onwards have become standard in Western
    • to become active in the search for truth. This saves the
    • would encourage materialism to become real and not mere
    • theory. We do not have to overcome materialism because it
    • overcome it because it is right and we must fight against
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 8: The Opposition of Knowledge and Faith, Its Overcoming
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    • certain knowledge can solely and exclusively come from
    • a long way in human evolution we come to a time when
    • human beings. Human beings had to become independent,
    • told people: 'You will come to materiality if you follow
    • Science has nevertheless come about, for sufficient
    • come about. It has taken the road I have often
    • attitude when it comes to the inner life of human beings.
    • to come. It was however in the interests of these people
    • be the outcome if the group of people to whom we are
    • numbers of easily led people who come across the diatribe
    • to indicate clearly that Rome will overcome the
    • would not expect to see someone come through the door
    • ‘Richard Smith’ to come straight from shoeing
    • recall people saying ‘There comes the miller’
    • or 'There comes the smith', meaning a real blacksmith.
    • has been the most dreadful tragicomedy of human
    • people come and ask for word definitions more or less the
    • Words have more and more come away from the original
    • necessary for human beings to come away from words and
    • with human evolution. The outcome has been that
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 9: East, West, and Middle
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    • basis for dreaming — it has come to resemble a
    • sense organ. It has become more of a sense organ than it
    • waking and sleeping. If the brain becomes more like a
    • the brain always becomes a sense organ between going to
    • in their brains, which had become sense organs. They were
    • see into life eternal as it comes to revelation before
    • kind of life that will evolve in times to come, when a
    • spiritual Principle that is free of the body will come
    • come. Today we have merely the early signs, the
    • time will come when the unconscious contents —
    • come something that came to the people of the Middle only
    • of view. I have said that the human head is the outcome
    • aspects will come to full awareness, whereas the people
    • inclined towards materialism. In time to come, the spirit
    • of this the Western world is tending to become extremely
    • become spiritualism. Only this spiritualism will have
    • human awareness in time to come. The early signs of this
    • culture is to come, and the first signs are there, but at
    • yet become subject to the superficiality of modern
    • a point where they become perceptions.
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  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 10: Transition from the Luciferic to the Ahrimanic Age and the Christ Event to Come
    Matching lines:
    • have not yet become fully aware of what has come upon us. They have been,
    • therefore, that in recent times human work has come to consist more in
    • spontaneously come forth from within them, but from completely external
    • were able to overcome the others, as it were, on the basis of objective
    • they influence human destiny we perceive the power that we have come to
    • world has become for modern humanity and how quickly this has come about,
    • intellect and comes to realization as it takes form in the products of
    • people come to know this Christ power, if they let it enter into them,
    • that come from the ahrimanic powers which are now in the ascendant. The
    • when it comes to perceiving the nature of the human being. Science mostly
    • become deposited on the human soul. The influence of the external
    • come up with feelings that their elders never had. Something like this
    • of these young people. A great longing is going to come, a kind of
    • difficult to describe but will nevertheless come to be the new Christ
    • evident. Outer want will become an inner want for the soul, and out of
    • great need in the souls of people in the decades to come. This need in
    • the human intellect, they inevitably become contradictory, full of
    • come to the earth from outside through the essential Christ who is about
    • develop in our souls the strength that comes from the Christ. Otherwise
    • Christ event that is to come in the first half of the 20th century.
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 11: Modern Science and Christianity, Threefold Social Order, Goetheanism
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    • far as the ego, and that in time to come we shall have a
    • hold of the whole human being; if we come to feel the
    • need to become full human being.’ There must be a
    • has come to earth from spheres beyond the earth.
    • have to say to ourselves: Longing to become complete
    • realm and look to the principle that has come into the
    • has come to redeem our humanity. We must come to
    • we thus come to see Christ as the One who will redeem our
    • this world is made and come to feel there must be
    • become complete human beings — then we feel the
    • power of Christ within us. And we really must come to
    • spirit again when new life comes into it through vision;
    • have a dead science but to let it become inner
    • coffined in the tombs we must come to recognize as the
    • This comes clearly to expression in the conclusion of the
    • fairytale figures. The time had not yet come when ideas
    • thing had to be made much more real. The outcome was the
    • yet come when things which had to be presented in subtle
    • was being written the time had indeed come when one would
    • images. He had the feeling that the time had not yet come
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Life Between Two Incarnations
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    • this; only out of him, out of his own deepest inner being can it come,
    • astral body comes out with the ego-body, while the physical body,
    • night's sleep comes from, and from this it can be seen how important a
    • explained earlier, the etheric body, the bearer of memory, becomes
    • corpse comes out. Man now leaves behind the etheric body, but he
    • rid of his desires. It depends on how a person has already become
    • draws him down after that period of weaning, when he has become capable
    • a gruesome or unpleasant one. In any case, man becomes more independent
    • things, the easier this Kamaloka time will be for him. He becomes freer
    • through it, so that man becomes grateful for this Kamaloka time. The
    • feeling of deprivation in the physical life becomes bliss in the
    • one has learned to gladly do without in life becomes enjoyment in the
    • separated from the physical bodies in sleep, and from this come certain
    • attached during his life continue to have an effect. But man becomes
    • freer and freer after death, because he becomes a preparer for the
    • and why he comes back to this earth at all, if he can also be active in
    • in such a way that he comes into completely changed conditions in order
    • death. But just as surely there will come a time for man when he will
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture I
    Matching lines:
    • kind of living is to come into being, that whatever occurs in
    • men have become so anti-social in development and constitution
    • the moment comes when an immense impression is made by the
    • and, if uncountered, it will become more dominant. Nor is there
    • before he makes it! The time must, come when it will not be
    • time to come our age will be envisaged in a quite peculiar way.
    • half-truth becomes a whole truth when so completed, when we can
    • certain sense come to a conclusion. Among the many activities
    • instinctive originality and genius in man's soul had come from
    • has become abstract, dwelling in us in such a way that, through
    • spiritual investigation, will become something in our human
    • enough. The theory must become so practical that it forms the
    • We must become conscious, in the most serious meaning of the
    • standing before us, but as souls which have come over from
    • view becomes “Life” is it what man needs for the
    • in physical life work chaotically into each other, become
    • not imagine that what is to become effective as the Threefold
    • most intimate knowledge of human evolution, of what must come
    • the spirit become, especially as abstract “Laws of
    • disappointment has come over what we looked forward to with
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  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture II
    Matching lines:
    • this connection has come to an end. They have for the moment no
    • being, forces which have come with birth and work so as
    • has come up to the surface in these last four or five years is,
    • view. The sea of human life has become unquiet — What is
    • marry the love of his youth. He had become engaged at eighteen,
    • everything of this sort which we come across in ordinary life.
    • already abstract, but will become more so under socialist
    • himself of a pension as well as an income — something
    • orders; it has become “official,” it is
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture III
    Matching lines:
    • feeling and willing, when they fall apart, just as they become
    • consciousness. The great obstacle to be overcome is the desire
    • and etheric bodies and become completely one with them as to
    • is man's duty to-day to become aware of these things. At our
    • regarded, until in our times it has become possible to take as
    • Christ must arise. It can only come if sought by the means
    • Whence is to come the impulse, working through the peoples,
    • time has come when this meaning must be grasped in a different
    • come from within, arising from the deepest impulse, the
    • most important thing that we come upon-again when in the
    • and more deeply into the physical body, we come into inner
    • released from them when we consciously overcome the force of
    • overcome the forces which are active in them. I once mentioned
    • weight of the brain is overcome. Thus we overcome much.
    • not come into immediate contact with them. The temptation
    • gradually so deepening our knowledge as to become able to
    • this sense we must come to understand race-psychology. In the
    • impulses which come from our pre-natal life. All that belongs
    • reality. I did not come here to say these things from any
    • directions. From the spirit the truth will come. Wisdom lies in
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Main Features of the Social Question and the Threefold Order of the Social Organism
    Matching lines:
    • will become more and more significant.
    • noticed what changes have come about inside the ranks of the
    • place about us might have become the great instructors of
    • their own course. Their thoughts and ideas had become so
    • have become inadequate for the developing facts, yet men will
    • inadequate men's thoughts have become, that they are no longer
    • when adopted as party slogans of the proletariat, have become
    • from a spiritual point of view, the outcome of the dominant
    • so bad in the recent past as they must become, if such State
    • the time has come when intellectual and spiritual life must
    • the taxes. What becomes of independence then? How can we refuse
    • of income?” I could only reply that it seemed strange to
    • not in future come out of the pockets of the “poor
    • education, etc., must become independent, so on the other
    • that people have come to realize the contradiction between that
    • become different.
    • Associations which will come into being to suit the
    • tendency to become too expensive: that means that it is too
    • that this unitary picture must become threefold for the health

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