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  • Title: Memória e Amor
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    • Na vida espiritual entre a morte e um novo nascimento, prevalece exatamente o oposto. Lá, realmente sabemos o que está dentro de nós. É como se aqui na Terra não víssemos árvores nem nuvens lá fora, mas olhássemos principalmente para dentro de nós, dizendo: aqui está o pulmão, aqui está o coração, aqui está o estômago. No mundo espiritual contemplamos nosso próprio interior. Mas o que vemos é o mundo dos seres espirituais, o mundo que aprendemos a conhecer em nossa literatura antroposófica como o mundo das hierarquias superiores. Esse é o nosso mundo interior. E entre a morte e o renascimento, sentimo-nos realmente ser o mundo inteiro – quando falo do todo é apenas figurativamente, mas é inteiramente verdade – às vezes cada um de nós se sente ser o mundo inteiro. E nos momentos mais importantes de nossa existência espiritual entre a morte e um novo nascimento sentimos nosso interior e experimentamos o mundo dos seres espirituais, conscientes deles. É tão verdade que lá temos consciência de espíritos do mundo superior dentro de nós quanto é verdade que aqui na Terra não temos consciência de nosso interior: do fígado, dos pulmões e assim por diante. O que é mais característico é que, na experiência espiritual, toda nossa experiência física é invertida. Gradualmente, por meio do conhecimento da iniciação, aprendemos como isso deve ser entendido.
    • Pois bem, por que descemos ao mundo físico do mundo espiritual? Vocês poderão deduzir, a partir do que eu disse aqui da última vez, que as forças que nos mantêm juntos com os seres espirituais superiores decaem. Aqui na vida física, envelhecemos porque as forças que nos mantêm em conexão com a Terra física diminuem; lá, enfraquece o que nos mantêm ligados aos seres espirituais. Diminuem principalmente as forças que permitem que nos apreendamos em meio aos seres espirituais e que nos possibilitam sermos independentes. No mundo espiritual, por um período considerável antes de descermos à Terra, perdemos a capacidade de conviver com os seres espirituais. Com o auxílio dos seres espirituais, formamos a semente espiritual de nosso corpo físico, que enviamos primeiramente; daí nos apropriamos de nosso corpo etérico e prosseguimos. Ilustrei-lhes isso em minha última palestra. Nossa capacidade de viver com seres espirituais no mundo espiritual desbota e percebemos como, por meio das forças da lua, nos aproximamos cada vez mais da Terra. Sentimo-nos como um eu, mas cada vez menos capazes de compreender as regiões espirituais, ou de nos manter nelas; tal capacidade se torna cada vez mais débil. Temos um sentimento crescente de que o desfalecimento prevalecerá sobre nós, no mundo espiritual. Isso cria uma necessidade de que aquilo que não mais conseguimos carregar conosco – o sentimento do eu – seja sustentado por algo externo, a saber, nosso corpo: surge uma necessidade de sermos sustentados por um corpo. Eu poderia dizer que, gradualmente, temos que desaprender a voar e aprender a andar. Vocês sabem que estou falando figurativamente, mas a imagem está em absoluto acordo com a verdade, com a realidade. É assim que encontramos o caminho para nosso corpo. O sentimento de solidão encontra um refúgio no corpo e se converte na faculdade da lembrança, e temos que nos empenhar para alcançar um novo sentimento de comunhão, na Terra. Isso se
    • Estudem a criança até a troca de dentes. Notarão como o poder da lembrança, da memória, gradualmente se desdobra. Inicialmente, é bastante elementar. A criança possui certa memória, mas ela se torna uma força independente apenas no momento de troca da dentição, estando completa em seu desenvolvimento quando a criança está madura para a escola. Só a partir daí que podemos começar a edificar a memória. Antes disso, ao enfatizarmos a memória, tornamos a criança rígida e criamos uma condição de alma esclerótica para sua vida posterior. Quando lidamos com crianças antes da troca de dentes, trata-se de receberem as impressões do presente da maneira correta. É entre a troca da dentição e a puberdade que podemos empreender a edificação da memória.
    • A humanidade realmente adquiriu a arte da vida religiosa. E Schiller tem razão ao dizer: “Somente no alvorecer da beleza se avança para a terra do conhecimentoâ€, que geralmente se encontra citado nos livros como “Somente através da porta da beleza se avança para a terra do conhecimento.†Se um artista comete um lapso, isso é passado para a posteridade. A leitura certa, é claro, é: “Somente no alvorecer da beleza se avança para a terra do conhecimentoâ€. Em outras palavras: todo conhecimento vem por meio da arte. Fundamentalmente, não há conhecimento que não seja intimamente relacionado à arte. É apenas o conhecimento ligado ao exterior, à utilidade, que aparenta não ter ligação com a arte. Mas esse conhecimento só pode se estender ao que, no mundo, um mero lapidador saberia sobre pintura. Assim que na química ou na física se vai além – estou falando figurativamente, mas você sabe o que quero dizer – do que a mera retificação de cores implica, a ciência se torna arte. E quando o artístico é compreendido em sua natureza espiritual da maneira correta, ele gradualmente avança para o religioso. Arte, religião e ciência eram uma coisa só, e ainda é possível termos uma noção de sua origem comum. Isso alcançaremos apenas quando a civilização e o desenvolvimento humano retornarem ao espírito; quando levarmos a sério a relação existente entre o homem aqui, em sua existência física terrena, e o mundo espiritual. Devemos nos apropriar desse conhecimento sob os mais diversos pontos de vista.
  • Title: Evil and Spiritual Science
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    • path, through which one can gradually approach a solution to
    • individual thinkers as a satisfactory answer to this major
    • some individuals have already drawn it —, that this world
    • individual can only find his/her salvation in the rise of world
    • this, what spiritual science is for individual souls, it can
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 1: Popular Occultism, Introtroduction
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    • from the physical body. The etheric body and astral body gradually dissolve,
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 2: Man's Ascent into the Supersensible World
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    • therefore gradually learns to read on the astral plane and he learns
    • in person during sleep when he gradually becomes clairvoyant? The night
    • a human face, but a distorted one, which gradually begins to resemble
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 3: The Different Conditions of Man's Life After Death
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    • to see, he at first simply perceives through his eyes. Gradually spiritual
    • physical world. Similarly, sensual love gradually leads to the highest,
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 4: The Devachanic World
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    • man gradually overcomes the feeling of importance which he attributes
    • gradually enter human life. When we incarnate again, we still have a
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 5: Life Between Death and a New Birth
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    • behind. The etheric body gradually dissolves in the universal ether of the
    • arranges itself in a way which corresponds to his individual nature.
    • who, to begin with, have nothing to do with man's individuality. They
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 6: Man's Return to a New Earthly Life
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    • different individualities. Their whole character is contained in these
    • works in the individual human being. Let us envisage man deeds: this
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 7: Effects of the Law of Karma
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    • plane the human spirit gradually formed communities and states out of
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 8: The Evolution of Man and of the Solar System; the Atlantic Evolution
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    • gradually entered further into the head. The ancient Atlantean did not
  • Title: i Spirituality: Lecture 1: Historical Symptomology, the Year 790, Alcuin, Greeks, Platonism, Aristotelianism, East, West, Middle, Ego
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    • since the 15th century. I consciousness and individuality have emerged as
    • leading individual personalities are the principal driving forces in this development or whether
    • individual facts which can be outwardly observed in the physical world but, out of an
    • And we are directed, by looking at these two individuals, to that fluctuation which took place on
    • So, when it is not just a matter of the individual
    • Those individuals did not, of course, think in this
    • ancient times we see individual personalities, we see them expressing in their words what was the
    • soul which in a remarkable; quite natural way was in accord with what these individuals
    • absolutely call for the qualities that may arise in individuals who are able to penetrate the
    • human reason. Thus there will come a culture in which the single individual, with his ever-deeper
    • listen carefully to what individuals know concerning one thing or another. Nor has there been a
    • whether the individual or the masses have significance. In other times this was not important
    • because the masses and the individual were in accord with one another; individuals were, in a
    • the individual must find completely within himself the source of what he has to find and which he
    • against this validity of the individual and an ever larger and larger number of individuals. One
    • individual, to convince possibly hundreds and hundreds of people, why should one not be able in a
    • to have an effect on many people as a single individual, so that if one came to the Hague a few
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 2: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 1
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    • since the 15th century. I consciousness and individuality have emerged as
    • civilized humanity of the Northern Hemisphere, in which the human individuality began to develop
    • will take place in the sign of this development of the individuality. This, however, means that
    • that, in humanity as a whole, the individual element of the human being will take on greater
    • importance. For it is not simply a matter of individual human beings thinking in an egotistical
    • way, 'we are individuals': it is rather a matter of the whole development of humanity taking such
    • a course that the individual human element can work into it.
    • individuality. These characteristics are impressed into human evolution through the particular
    • because of the separateness that we see in the individual human being today when the
    • individuality is developing — when I-consciousness is developing fully, when the
    • evolution. And the human being who, through the development of his individuality is being
    • that is spiritual Byzantine religiosity, and so on. The individual phenomena of history become
    • all individual phenomena, how this, let us say historical threefoldness, really does exist; in
    • setting up the individuality — the individuality in the West in a Western way, in an
    • economic way; the individuality of the Centre in the already antiquated political-militaristic
    • way; the individuality of the East in an antiquated way, in accordance with the ancient
    • in the completely usual way, an individuality that was there in an earlier life, and then again
    • individuals who belong to Anglo-Saxon secret societies and who have great influence — we
    • has a great following in the West is made up of individuals of this kind. In this way a
    • those which make it their task to cause the individual abilities in the human being to be
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 3: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 2
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    • since the 15th century. I consciousness and individuality have emerged as
    • individualization of the human being in the fifth post-Atlantean epoch is guided by spiritual
    • beings: how, on the one side, certain beings interfere through individuals of the West —
    • in individual, personalities depends an configurations of folk psychology such as these. Although
    • at the moment concerns only certain single individuals who are scattered amongst the mass of
    • but only to single individuals who, however, have an extraordinarily strong position of
    • would really be cultivated. We could then imagine that, in such a crude way, some individual
    • human constitution of those peoples who have gradually asserted themselves in the centre of
    • individuals of the West. They cannot have the same effect here, but nevertheless give
    • Centre that over the course of centuries it was barely possible for any individual who attained
    • their will, and crippled it. When these individuals slept, when the astral body and the 'I' were
    • equilibrium in the Centre; but hence also the inner strife, the duality in the individualization
    • this duality — which is so classicially, so magnificently, portrayed in Schiller's
    • that of Nature and that of Reason — points clearly to this duality. But one can point to
    • in the Middle Ages people could only bring them together by feeling the split, the duality in
    • where the Germanic element is meant to be shown with its dualism, you see the
    • elements of this duality clashing against one another in the red-yellow and the black-brown
    • second decade of the twentieth century there was not a single individual left who wrote about
    • A presentation of the individual motifs of the small cupola can be found in
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 4: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 3
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    • since the 15th century. I consciousness and individuality have emerged as
    • to be in any way criticized because, for him, what he perceived and felt about the individual
    • side. They live anyway, so to speak, in every significant Central-European individuality but in
    • immediate and essential aims and problems of the individual human being and of the way human
    • vacillation between the two sides of this duality, which arises in the swirling, to and fro
    • that in recent years individual nations have only found to be true what comes from them and have
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 5: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 4
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    • since the 15th century. I consciousness and individuality have emerged as
    • gradually prepared for. The last traces of the old clairvoyance had long since become extremely
    • nature, they sensed, they perceived, how spiritual elemental beings worked in the individual
    • individual things and phenomena or in the whole of nature, as the all-encompassing
    • money was gradually lost and the dialectical-legal culture spread in Europe as a kind of economy
    • he constructed and made them, they nevertheless gradually take on a life of their own
    • past will count. To ask 'why' was not possible when the gods still determined an individual's
    • discussion ceases, for only the factual is left, the actuality of what an individual has
    • things an individual has saved for himself will simply be taken away. There is no other way to
    • will again develop a kind of group-soul, taking in hand what the individual at present cannot
    • decide alone. In the Middle Ages, in the age of the intellect, it was the individual that ruled
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 6: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 5
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    • since the 15th century. I consciousness and individuality have emerged as
    • one individual these came less; in another, more. With the blood, so to say, echoes from the
    • wise men of the Mysteries, by the priests, to be placed before humanity as individuals who could
    • — that is the Roman Popes and, by extension, the individual vassal princes of the Popes,
    • gradually eliminating the figure of Christ completely.
    • it had to be approved by Rome was gradually lost but the thought that it had to be approved by
    • after puberty — although of course in a personal, individual way, different from the way it
    • withdrawl from the authority-principle asserted itself — the principle of individual
    • there nevertheless stands before the soul of individual people the following: a decadent clinging
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 7: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 6
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    • since the 15th century. I consciousness and individuality have emerged as
    • this chaos, individual souls can emerge who will have a very strong sense of something which I
    • another. It has given way, both in the individual and more especially in the social life, to
    • The more this emerges in individual people —
    • characteristics — the more oppressive and dreadful will it gradually become. And this
    • organizing mankind according to the will of its individual nations. It was indeed in our recent
    • but is experienced by individual human beings whose karma enables them to grow beyond the trivial
    • perverted spiritual life which has gradually gone very deep into untruth but is completely
    • article; it is meant as a force for life and people will have gradually to accustom themselves to
  • Title: Abbreviated Title: Lecture I:
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    • reality in the same sense when they look upon the gradual withering and
    • has no interest in following their gradual erosion, but returns very soon
    • with which he must live in order to learn to understand their gradual
  • Title: Talk To Young People:
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    • others; it is also necessary that the individual leaders within the
  • Title: "Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will not pass away"
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    • this ‘dual’ man, the matter stands thus, for example: That,
    • this our fifth post-Atlantean age mankind has gradually replaced the
    • only very gradually. A beginning must be made; if we are not conscious
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture I: Tree of Life - I
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    • gradually to have an enhanced feeling in what a lofty sense, in what
    • gradually to reach an understanding of what had happened through the
    • understanding and which then gradually dried up and withered into
    • received through this knowledge would gradually have led to men's
    • gradually flows away towards the North. If one would speak correctly,
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture II: Tree of Life - II
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    • the wrong duality, of faith without knowledge, and knowledge without
    • in the gradually dying knowledge. There were certain peoples of the
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture III: The Power of Thought
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    • difficulty of being understood among the individuals whom we
    • — and this is effected by every individual in
    • gradually to the cosmos. We can picture this quite concretely, this
    • all that would gradually in the course of human evolution result from
    • in this way. More and more, individuals came forward who said: That
    • individuals who felt this way was the sixth century Byzantine emperor
    • of philosophy, and had gradually to work towards the growth and
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture IV: Harmonizing Thinking, Feeling and Willing
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    • has therefore come to this dual partition and must experience it as a
    • only slowly and gradually can the Mystery of Golgotha in its depths
    • quite slowly and gradually can that come about. And inasmuch as it is
    • gradually accomplished, more and more, it will create an accord
    • effect of this duality of human nature can appear in yet another way.
    • from sense-instincts) — all this must be gradually
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture V: Tree of Knowledge - I
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    • Light,’ but we should not separate the individual
    • reflection and meditation of each individual who wants to assimilate
    • them as I have just done with you, you gradually come out beyond the
    • secrets of art too gradually reveal themselves to us. They unfold as
    • to macrocosmos and seek gradually to learn the hidden but active
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture VI: Tree of Knowledge - II
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    • gradually comes to an end. Children are primarily interested in their
    • child's innocence only ceases because Lucifer gradually struggles
    • questioner to a gradual working himself out of the illusions of life
  • Title: Lecture: Philosophy and Anthroposophy
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    • being dualistic in nature, as many imagine, it is pure Monism. It sees the
    • unified, and monistic conception of the universe. That a kind of dualism,
    • secondary importance; this is a dualism in cognition and not a dualism in
    • which man today can but slowly and gradually ascend through the
    • our sense-perception. Sense presents to us the individual thing. When we,
    • and spirit is immediately revealed in the individual, whereas, in animals,
    • only through the species, in the totality of the individuals. Or, in
    • Aristotelian terminology with individual man the “form” finds
    • extends itself along the line of development comprising all the individuals
    • or species) in the case of animals, and of individual souls in the case of
    • individual souls of men are perceived as beings of similar kind. This
    • existence, void of content as far as the single, individual things of the
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture I: The Pedagogy of the West and of Central Europe: The Inner Attitude of the Teacher
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    • were to take shape in you gradually, if it were to develop further through
    • gradually worked out in such a way that our whole civilization has been
    • must come about through the individual's ability, i.e.
    • from an individual case. So he writes his book on education, and there we
    • nature but rather develop his individuality, etc. You know that our art of
    • him further, can develop his individuality further. Thus it is not
    • we are able to make individualities out of those we teach, individualities
    • can however turn human beings over to the world that are individually
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture II: The Three Fundamental Forces in EducatioN
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    • unconsciously — something that is gradually emerging
    • element of music and language, developing gradually from within outward.
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture III: Spiritual Knowledge of Man as the Fount of Educational Art
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    • of this knowledge of man there will arise in us, in a very individual form,
    • and working individually. For retention will not be good unless the will
    • are delicate physiological matters that spiritual science will gradually
    • evolution consists in gradually bringing down into the sense world what
    • for the Greeks has gradually imprinted itself into the brain. This is
    • kind of thing experienced by a few individuals to a high degree, in a way
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture IV: The Art of Education Consists of Bringing Into Balance the Physical and Spiritual Nature of the Developing Human Being
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    • gradually organising it through and through; which means that there takes
    • always be carried out in the light of this gradual incorporation of the ego
    • the individual treatment of events or personalities of history protects the
    • fascinated by that which takes place in individual children, because even
    • towards the child we shall develop love towards him, we shall gradually
  • Title: Social Understanding: Lecture II: Social Understanding Through Spiritual Scientific Knowledge
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    • We gradually have to release what we have put into our organism from out of
  • Title: Buddha and the Two Boys: Lecture I: Buddha and the Two Boys of Jesus
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    • great teacher of humanity. This latter gradually takes on other capacities
    • Bodhisattva individuality, because it has become Buddha, is no longer able
    • which assumes an individuality without containing the physical body, is
    • individuality, similarly as in us the faculties of thinking, feeling and
  • Title: Buddha and the Two Boys: Lecture II: The Gospels, Buddha and the Two Boys of Jesus
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    • the individuality before the embodiment of the Buddha, in which it appeared
    • specific embodiment. Thus, that individuality had reached such a stage of
    • earth. This is a great achievement, that an individuality does not need to
    • height of the development of an individuality, but also on the kind of an
    • individuality. After this embodiment, the Bodhisattva Buddha did not have
    • Henceforth, such an individuality was embodied in it. He no longer
    • individuality has developed forward, does not look —
    • individuality that descends to the embodiment in the physical body, that is
    • etheric body, in which an individuality like the Buddha is embodied, is not
    • of Matthew the individuality is to be described, which was especially
    • Nirmanakaya of the Buddha dwelt, the individuality of Zarathustra was
    • should be added. Only by this meeting could that individuality appear which
    • individuality, which was embodied in the Bodhisattva Buddha, had the task
    • same faculties were always there, which gradually developed from primitive
    • relates to love was instilled as if suggestively by the individuality
    • called the Bodhisattva, when that individuality called the Bodhisattva was
    • there as the Buddha. The time had come when people could gradually gain
    • individuality of Moses? What the Buddha brought is rightly called the great
    • hypothetically state something similar for the individual human life.
    • ancestors must lie in such a way that all these individual members express
  • Title: Lecture: Art As A Bridge Between The Sensible And The Supersensible
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    • single individuals to be sure, Mystery leaders, students of the Mysteries
    • education. This soul-duality in social life has manifested itself ever
    • only gradually be acknowledged once again in reaching the point of
    • of the animals over the earth, not the individual forms of the animals,
    • number of people, ten individuals (a sketch was made), I am one of them,
    • or another individual of the need for cultural life to be placed on an
  • Title: Raphael's Mission in the Light of the Science of the Spirit
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    • individualities, of whom one had at first assumed, they light
    • also of individuals, since a thinker of the calibre of Herman
    • moment, this cannot be done with individual pictures, though
    • which Rome emerges, built on the egoism of individuals whose
    • Raphael's works, to revere this individual in all its depths,
    • reappearing. Rome was gradually filled with relics of Greece,
    • Raphael was the individual on whom this could take effect most
  • Title: Leonardo's Spiritual Stature: Lecture
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    • and bearing are so individualized that we have the impression:
    • these figures, every manner in which an individual of whatever
    • a natural child, the son of an average individual, Ser Pietro,
    • considering Leonardo as a complete individual.
    • gradually with all that can be known about the picture. This
    • a spiritual-scientific view, such a unique individual can be
    • follows after the green leaves. Great individualities become
    • dual significance. On the one hand, it is to bequeath to
    • encounter him there as a lonely individual who cannot actually
    • This is an individual in whom much takes place; an infinite
    • does the soul-life of such an individual as Leonardo appear
    • result in asserting: this individual may be viewed only in
    • could come to outer expression. Thus, individuals such as
    • over treasures from earlier times, individuals such as Leonardo
  • Title: Fairy Tales: in the light of Spiritual Investigation
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    • the individual human soul-disposition. It is really as though
    • individual. The shock-waves of tragedy derive from this
    • into the particular make up of the individual. Still, they can
    • undertaking actually to examine individual fairy tales in
    • follow one upon the other. Just as the individual human being
    • gradually comes to feel that in all conscious artistic
    • rather glossed over by civilization, individuals such as
    • residual faith reaching back into ancient times, expressing
    • individual, a true friend of fairy tales, often said in
  • Title: A Mongolian Legend
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    • here on the head only gradually become closed. A different
    • Human evolution will evolve as a gradual ascent into the
  • Title: The Worldview of Herman Grimm in Relation to Spiritual Science
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    • said that for the purpose of gradually entering into the whole
    • life. He can be called a spirit who, in an individual manner,
    • pathos is mitigated everywhere by the individual, human element
    • individual in contemplating Goethe's work. In the end, we are
    • same way he had done, individually, with regard to Goethe. The
    • to leading individualities, undergone a spiritual
    • such that everything he wrote appears to one as individual
    • be said that for the purpose of gradually entering into the
    • as corresponds to spiritual research, we see him gradually
    • house, the individual concerned shoots himself.
    • play into this. The individual identifying himself with
    • marriage, the count is shot down by this individual.
    • gradually becoming infirm. It is entirely characteristic of his
    • perhaps a matter of residual abstraction, to that extent it can
    • beings and individualities.
    • life; how mild — and yet how individual! How little can
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 1
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    • and competent enough to subdue the individual angel-symbols, the
    • have in the Holy Roman Empire something which gradually had its inner
    • certain individuals were representatives of God is Protestantism
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 2
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    • is that people of all confessions are embraced, and individual
    • powerful when it attaches no importance to individual beliefs.
    • “people” is thought to be a mere sum of individuals. But
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 3
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    • times the will of the individual who was seen as divine was the
    • Gradually all that which was based on divine
    • individual's religion play a part in the lodges, in a certain sense
    • world always have only an individual meaning, are only applicable
    • detail how this enmity has gradually increased over time. But one
    • that this either/or must be decided by each individual for him or her
    • Only the will of the individual who lives in a liberated
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture I: Anthroposophy and Natural Science
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    • the aim of Anthroposophy fructifying the individual branches of
    • thoughts is a foundation, in order to gradually arrive at a
    • gradually conceptualising the sphere of the living beings
    • monistic but a dualistic character.
    • characteristics that one could find it in all individual
    • Anthroposophy and its methods will gradually gain an opinion
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture II: The Human and the Animal Organisation
    Matching lines:
    • organ formation were transformed and then gradually through its
    • and of an animal, and gradually observe how the human being
    • of sight, one could call it, in a dualistic way. First being
    • this duality which is found in the observation perceptibility
    • psychology the duality is there for instance in the sense of
    • earth organisation. What we express as individualized thoughts
    • result from our human organisation having an individual
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture III: Anthroposophy and Philosophy
    Matching lines:
    • “Thought,” as it operates in the human individual
    • handed over to the singular faiths of individuals, and that
    • spirituality, which gradually casts its shadow images on a
    • is able like no other philosopher, to become gradually more the
    • more than a summary of the individual sciences. From inorganic
    • natural science and what it gradually in the course of the
    • science does not gradually become an answer to a question for
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture IV: Anthroposophy and Pedagogy
    Matching lines:
    • every other individual can prove it for themselves, simply with
    • acquires a certain introspection and becomes gradually more
    • gradually to not only being able to observe the transformation
    • must be introduced in a growing way, that it can gradually be
    • which characterises each individual child and that he simply
    • “nearly satisfactory” and so on for the individual
    • individual you will once again find that these syllabi which
    • and gradually leads over into the intellectual. We take into
    • foundations which is gradually revealed in childish movements,
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture V: Anthroposophy and Social Science
    Matching lines:
    • develops its individual branches from out of its own
    • individual personalities immediately appeared who in their way are
    • the course of human development gradually enabled us to arrive
    • synthesis between economic thinking — which has gradually been
    • means people gradually believed they have discovered through
    • During 1917, by contrast, I tried to show individual central
    • but when in a healthy social organism each individual sphere is
    • negotiations among individual branches of the social
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture VI: Anthroposophy and Theology
    Matching lines:
    • conceived by me. Those individuals — and they make a very
    • world, in order to gradually observe their own past actions and
    • actually diminished gradually and were no longer there the
    • place in leaps. Individuals preserved, though perhaps
    • How this can individually be imagined, can only be discussed
    • an instinctive insight among some individuals, so that the
    • this diminished gradually; we see it completely fade in the
  • Title: Impulse of Renewal: Lecture VII: Anthroposophy and the Science of Speech
    Matching lines:
    • and what rises, connects to conscious elements which gradually,
    • I would today again speak in front of individuals who listen in
    • nuances became gradually less recognisable — and in
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 1
    Matching lines:
    • the original school was only for a relatively few selected individuals,
    • School. This must be gradually corrected. For it is only
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 2
    Matching lines:
    • the original school was only for a relatively few selected individuals,
    • every individual who belongs to the Class. For thereby it would
    • thinking had gradually been preparing itself since the year 333
    • to our doubts. Here we meet the individual's aberrations, the
    • another human being as a single individual, rather than merely
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 3
    Matching lines:
    • the original school was only for a relatively few selected individuals,
    • will gradually be able to differentiate between truth and
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 4
    Matching lines:
    • the original school was only for a relatively few selected individuals,
    • is gradually developed to hear beyond the words. And when this
    • “outer being” can gradually penetrate deeply into
    • encompasses our individual self, dissolves when we gaze up into
    • Thus we shall gradually feel our way into spiritual life, and
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 5
    Matching lines:
    • the original school was only for a relatively few selected individuals,
    • warmth circles: yellow.] Many individually differentiated
    • This means becoming aware of the duality in which one is placed
    • one gradually enters the spiritual realm.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 6
    Matching lines:
    • the original school was only for a relatively few selected individuals,
    • individual who has advanced to Imagination no longer believes
    • live in Cosmic Life means to experience death as an individual
    • man as an individual die in General Cosmic Life if he
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 7
    Matching lines:
    • the original school was only for a relatively few selected individuals,
    • gradually absorbed into this School, because with the Christmas
    • Esoteric School, which will gradually be expanded to include
    • individual states of the former German Empire independent and
    • that thinking does not belong to an individual, but to the
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 8
    Matching lines:
    • the original school was only for a relatively few selected individuals,
    • it gradually, may choose to exercise their opinion outside the
    • one gradually comes to feel himself outside his body; and he
    • gradually we learn to see through this thinking. Within the
    • This imagination must gradually stand before you, my dear
    • feelings' dreams completely dissolve in sleep, when individual
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 9
    Matching lines:
    • the original school was only for a relatively few selected individuals,
    • itself, then we will gradually and harmoniously be more and
    • body, it is also different in the individual inner organs. You
    • can direct your thoughts down to the individual organs and will
    • gradually extract our souls from our physical bodies and pass
    • When I carry out such a meditation again and again, I gradually
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 10
    Matching lines:
    • the original school was only for a relatively few selected individuals,
    • individual must find the way to understanding what it means to
    • such considerations in individual verses, which may then be
    • gradually rise above our earthly existence to an experience of
    • awesome majesty of what radiates back to us. And gradually we
    • in the soul which will gradually lead this soul onto the
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 11
    Matching lines:
    • the original school was only for a relatively few selected individuals,
    • of freedom. Every individual is called to his life's task and
    • directly into the individual's experience so that he frees
    • individual gradually frees himself from the limits of his
    • — what are the stars? What is in the individual stars
    • man always sends his I into the three individual elements and
    • the individual elements.
    • speaking”. This gradually enhances the character of the
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 12
    Matching lines:
    • the original school was only for a relatively few selected individuals,
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 13
    Matching lines:
    • the original school was only for a relatively few selected individuals,
    • picture I drew on the blackboard the last time, we gradually
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 14
    Matching lines:
    • the original school was only for a relatively few selected individuals,
    • them from each other and the individual attributes of
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 15
    Matching lines:
    • the original school was only for a relatively few selected individuals,
    • brothers, if we gradually acquire the ability to feel about
    • the universe gradually approaching us – so that by and
    • gradually gets lighter. That is how it must be. We must try
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 16
    Matching lines:
    • the original school was only for a relatively few selected individuals,
    • once we have overflown the abyss and gradually sense —
    • first night-bedecked, gradually becomes lighter. At first we
    • that in what they say not an individual entity is present,
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 17
    Matching lines:
    • the original school was only for a relatively few selected individuals,
    • light. Gradually it becomes not only felt light, but a kind of
    • darkness is gradually illuminated for the eye of the spirit. It
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 18
    Matching lines:
    • the original school was only for a relatively few selected individuals,
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 19
    Matching lines:
    • the original school was only for a relatively few selected individuals,
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XX (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • the original school was only for a relatively few selected individuals,
    • work for each individual. And the first thing is to understand
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXI (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • the original school was only for a relatively few selected individuals,
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXII (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • the original school was only for a relatively few selected individuals,
    • we then “understand”, where we gradually come
    • blackboard, we will hear the Guardian further as he gradually
    • in special cases, which must be judged individually, may the
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXIII (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • the original school was only for a relatively few selected individuals,
    • world — how he is gradually lifted up by the Guardian of
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXIV (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • the original school was only for a relatively few selected individuals,
    • gradually find the transition to living thinking, we should
    • hardships and problems — that will enable us to gradually
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXV (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • the original school was only for a relatively few selected individuals,
    • initiate gradually learns the following: What happens when
    • ask for each individual to whom he wishes to give them.
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXVI (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • the original school was only for a relatively few selected individuals,
    • be in the forefront of what humanity can gradually develop as
    • that includes the duties incumbent on each individual.
    • him; but it must be for each individual case, that is, for each
    • other individual. This is not an administrative rule, it is an
    • unfold, with this picture as the marker for the gradual
    • individual dreams, but within it the whole surrounding world
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture I: The True Form of the Social Question
    Matching lines:
    • driven by instincts and human dignity for individuals in the
    • more during the gradual evolution of the old serfdom of bodily
    • way can be found of how the labour of individuals can become
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture II: Comparisons at Solving the Social Question based on Life's Realities
    Matching lines:
    • say yes, science can wait, they may gradually rush to their
    • organism which depends on the natural gift of individuals, the
    • individuals. Similar to the first system, the economic system
    • single human individuality and needing to be incorporated into
    • background. Just as each individual depends for his learning
    • foundation, for instance as in individuals in regard to
    • substantiate and prove each one individually. Adding to what
    • with everything arising out of the human individuality, on the
    • gifts of individuals. Here again an area is touched which
    • individualities develop schools, religious and spiritual life,
    • individuals which both the other members of the social organism
    • individual state and another appear quite different when a
    • terrible misfortune for every individual, for every perceptive
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture III: Fanaticism Versus a Real Conception of Life in Social Thinking and Willing
    Matching lines:
    • populace classes had been created and gradually had to
    • 14th Century gradually became so blunt, weakened and
    • individual impulses in life. For this some things are necessary
    • and this scares today's individuals away as if it is something
    • threefold way and that the three individual members work
    • way,” which means, the details, the individual measures
    • individuality. Everything flowing into this must come from the
    • centre of the human individuality and the physical and
    • — what this means for single individuals — is
    • single individual, shares with other people. This is however
    • develops freely out of the human individuality.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture IV: The Evolution of Social Thinking and Willing and Life's Circumstances for Current Humanity
    Matching lines:
    • the powers of the most individual behaviour. People are hardly
    • happens in the life of individual people. In the life of
    • individual human beings there is no straight line of
    • of an individual life, crises appear, like the crisis in the
    • fore gradually and slowly but it distinguished itself by
    • to all that was created as the newer state which had gradually
    • certain circles single economic sectors were gradually drawn
    • leading circles want the economy to become gradually captured
    • the achievement of the complete assertion of all individuals,
    • the expression of the social organism in each individual
    • expresses itself in individuals as this or that necessity to
    • natural organic life as well, a system is allowed to gradually
    • individuals.
    • will confront in an individual human relationship.
    • This fanaticism gets a hold on people if they don't gradually
    • here, in a relatively short time. Those individualities who
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture V: The Social Will as the Basis Towards a New, Scientific Procedure
    Matching lines:
    • developed a deep mistrust between the individual human classes.
    • individuals — I can't enter into this today due to our
    • out of the direct free initiatives of the human individual.
    • pushed into the structure of the state is gradually brought out
    • individuality appears to people, who is involved in criminal or
    • recent times, people are gradually not thinking like this anymore.
    • — towards a re-orientation for such a gradual detachment
    • state life. The social will must gradually develop towards the
    • with the interests of the individuals who would suffer during
    • cooperate and not develop individual small interests, which are
    • social organism in our time must gradually find its whole way
    • the individual arrangement, the free formation of relationships
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture VI: What Significance does Work have for the Modern Proletarian?
    Matching lines:
    • about the Proletariat but among those individualities who have
    • of goods gradually is directed to the production of the
    • Proletarian has been made into goods, you will gradually be
    • social organism?’ — Efforts need to be made to gradually
    • originates in the first place out of the individuality's
    • development of individual abilities, from the start of the
    • individual human capabilities, so that this free spiritual life
    • that the entire spiritual life has gradually become only a
    • originate as a result of someone, out of their individual
    • mankind. Each individual will then see the direction taken by
    • the product of their particular individual capabilities of
    • individualised branches of governmental and economic life and
    • — if I might use acceptable expressions — gradually
    • individual qualities, his spiritual traits in the right way,
    • which individual abilities can just be used by cheating the
    • individualities; to each one of you I take care to allow for
  • Title: Lecture: Richard Wagner and Mysticism
    Matching lines:
    • between Africa and America. Science itself is gradually beginning to
    • clearer and clearer, and man began, very gradually, to develop the
    • confronting them as a separate independent power in each individual.
    • all-embracing consciousness out of which individual
    • the long E flat on the organ? Do we not feel here that individual
    • individualised Ego-consciousness was of the greatest significance, and
    • lands. Spiritual Science speaks of advanced individualities and again
    • and again one is asked: Why do these individualities not reveal
    • principle of individual independence. In the age preceding that
  • Title: Lecture: Spiritual Wisdom in the Early Christian Centuries
    Matching lines:
    • certain individuals, saying that their teachings were to be avoided at
    • obliterate all that had previously been known of these individuals.
    • Ammonius Saccas gave instruction to individual pupils but left nothing
    • ancient times it was still possible for individuals here and there to
    • Initiation, the preparation of the individual for Initiation. We see a
    • historical tradition as against the strivings of individual human
    • Saccas and Iamblichus, namely, that the individual human being can
    • possibility of individual insight smothered. The ancient path of
  • Title: Community Building
    Matching lines:
    • individuality. If only I have reached a certain stage of
    • education in my individual human development, I can achieve
    • merely because of individual facts that are called up out of
    • being to another, which, out of the atomized individuals
    • nature of the other. The individual persons awake to one
  • Title: Community Building
    Matching lines:
    • in gradually expanded form as a spiritual-science, as an
    • individual things that have been taken up, and the destiny of
    • certain individuals, to create such external establishments,
    • achieve, that those who listen to an individual lecture of mine
    • individual detail on its own merits.
    • of the kind, between individual circles of the Anthroposophical
    • into the ear of each individual member of the Society. Indeed,
    • duty is most urgent that the individual branches of science
    • rebirth of the individual sciences out of Anthroposophy. This
    • other as content and vehicle — even for the individual
    • gradually proves, in its most extreme representatives, that the
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 1: Evolution and Consciousness, Lucifer, Ahriman
    Matching lines:
    • by every individual human being today. I have made it
    • the way individuals need to face those challenges we must
    • could never have been raised to be truly free individuals
    • that are active between individual component elements in
    • Christian faith, have gradually come to look more like
    • in earth life. The luciferic spirits aim for the gradual
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 2: East, West, and the Culture of Middle Europe, the Science of Initiation
    Matching lines:
    • thinking, but then this body gradually began to die.
    • have a poor translation of it. It gradually came about
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 3: Political Empires
    Matching lines:
    • realms were ruled by individuals, or by particular
    • that the individual undergoes a complete change. Above
    • into the soul of that individual, something that was not
    • individuals who have been raised to the highest spheres
    • human individual thanks to the preparation and training
    • through these individuals, using them as their
    • earth, not only ordinary human individuals were walking
    • The institutions and human individuals in the earthly
    • gradually people ceased to believe in the validity of
    • spiritual things. For the spiritual content is gradually
    • there was no longer any awareness of individuals being
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 4: Western Secret Societies, Jesuitism, Leninism
    Matching lines:
    • individual on this earth, to come together and God
    • act of begetting. That is how the human individual comes
    • to terribly egotistical individuals who simply cannot
    • until the individual died and then for all eternity
    • only one individual stood up among those present, a
    • impose restraints on his individuality, and that an
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 5: How the Material Can Be Understood Only through the Spirit
    Matching lines:
    • give human individuals a kind of subconscious perception
    • intend to lead up gradually to what I really want to say.
    • individual human being. It is of course too much of an
    • individual person.
    • the left side of this individual will have the most
    • individuality. The other pole, the other extreme, of
    • into a human individual, to go deeply into the life
    • same time to talk to individuals. The membership in the
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 6: Materialism and Mysticism, Knowledge as a Deed of the Soul
    Matching lines:
    • no individual point of view, but an actual deed infused
    • constitution of the human individual. We must become
    • of the spiritual world, with one individual on one side
    • wisdom human individuals are able to produce in later
    • This gradually evaporates. I may be permitted to use the
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 7: Materialism, Mysticism, Anthroposophy, Liberalism, Conservatism
    Matching lines:
    • individual events. Believe me, the old methods of combat
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 8: The Opposition of Knowledge and Faith, Its Overcoming
    Matching lines:
    • gradually faded and the divine heritage grew less and
    • It has to be said that the individuals concerned were
    • physical, but these individuals wanted to keep theft)
    • earth. The individuals concerned were the spiritualists
    • more deeply into physical bodies. The individuals of whom
    • individuals. The impulse to descend into the material
    • individuals of post-primeval times certainly could not
    • individuals created a certain schism between human
    • it gradually. They said people should make certain divine
    • up against the individuals whose real aim was to strike
    • individuals suggested that human beings would gain
    • the supersensible world an area where every individual
    • individuals in post-primeval times did in their way. In
    • individual who calls himself by a particular name. The
    • nature of the individual on an analysis of the name
    • way the real idea of the Christ has gradually disappeared
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 9: East, West, and Middle
    Matching lines:
    • particular attention to these words. When an individual
    • birth. And we also see the gradual decline of what
    • full of life and luminosity. Gradually it darkened and
    • in an individual such as Tolstoy. We must take our stand
    • which human individuals should come to realize are the
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 10: Transition from the Luciferic to the Ahrimanic Age and the Christ Event to Come
    Matching lines:
    • shows that on average every single individual in Germany had a horse by
    • the field of technology that is was equivalent to every individual having
    • the same effect as if every individual had a horse to work for him. When
    • gradually, and a to of 35 million available in Belguim, Russia and
    • with ideas thought up by human individuals and so on. The things people
    • outside themselves that did the same amount of work for every individual
    • gradually evolved had the Christ spirit in them. They cannot be
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 11: Modern Science and Christianity, Threefold Social Order, Goetheanism
    Matching lines:
    • tradition. It gradually came to be diluted more and more
    • is the same for every individual, so that there is no
    • breath of an individual spirit in them. Knowledge was
    • individuality. Schiller's abstract ideas therefore still
    • outer physical individual would actually be involved in
    • would be a terrible situation. Human individuality would
    • individuality. We must carry it in us. Help will come
    • spiritual can only be brought close to human individuals
    • individuals today. We have found dedicated people in many
    • individuals in some other fields — but it is simply
    • very sorry that I am quite unable to talk to individuals
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture I
    Matching lines:
    • the personal and individual will diminish in value by reason of
    • Atlantean age. The Beings of these higher Hierarchies gradually
    • corresponds to that of the individual man, but not completely.
    • humanity, not the individual, but humanity in, general, and the
    • individual together with the totality of human beings. What
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture II
    Matching lines:
    • gradually to form the being of man as time goes by. In a sense
    • being, gradually emerging. I have referred to ancient times of
    • have gradually woven into our economic life the Greek life of
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture III
    Matching lines:
    • independent in the individual who passes the Threshold of the
    • what each man, merely as a personal individual being, can
    • gradually so deepening our knowledge as to become able to
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Main Features of the Social Question and the Threefold Order of the Social Organism
    Matching lines:
    • when the destiny of the individual is so closely bound up with
    • initiative of the individual will be maintained as much as
    • the individual, for we get the best result when he is present
    • individuals, who have shown themselves expert and competent,

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