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  • Title: Memória e Amor
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    • which is a seed for the life after death, the quality of love; and of
  • Title: 640
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  • Title: 640
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    • a very great purpose.
    • good; he gives to the poor. The gift calls forth great thankfulness in
    • there again. It was felt as a kind of punishment when, after death,
    • their company; when, after death, he had to pass through a period of
    • material world, but that immediately after death they could enter the
    • fought bravely and met death on the field of battle, who valued the
    • hero met with some deity or other immediately after death. Those who
    • that the man who met death on the field of battle was taken up by the
    • experienced after death, namely, direct communication with the
    • dwelling there, or of the varied parts men had to play after death;
    • for the hidden world of the spirit; they looked with great reverence
    • partakers of this lost world. The first great age of post-Atlantean
    • for the spiritual world was so great that men strove by artificial
    • In the great migration towards the East there was another group which
    • “chosen people,” had to make preparation for the greatest
    • Testament, who in their Testament possessed the greatest and most
    • feature. If one transports oneself into these ancient Mysteries one
    • feature regarding the ancient Gods and the waiting for the Christ has
    • wounded in this spot, and thus met his death. In what place was he
    • Golgotha. This legend contains a last memory of that tragic feature
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: 6640
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    • and destiny, the mystery of birth and death, the origin of evil and
    • and destiny, the mystery of birth and death, the origin of evil and
    • speak of spiritual diseases Further, the greatest errors have
    • nature. The medicines of to-day create nothing positive in this
    • idea), which exercises a great suggestive power on weak
    • works into the life body and especially through the great
    • becomes ever greater and greater. The ego also works in the
    • death. The astral body and the ego separate from the physical
    • death. In the next hours while man's being remains in the
    • etheric body, the former life passes before the soul in great
    • talents and powers all the greater and more numerous.
    • digestion and procreation. That which builds crystals could
    • Procreation ------------------------- Etheric Body.
    • heredity; but also, the procreative organs, nerve system and
    • Document created with wvWare version 1.2.9
  • Title: Evil and Spiritual Science
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    • that at the same time create a spiritual impotence, are held
    • with those features, from which one strives upwards; it must be
    • into such a kingdom that is beneath him/her: doing that is so
    • circles had created a great sensation. He too believes, that
    • absence of heat. Therefore, one cannot speak of it as something
    • truly does not go beneath the surface, and which indeed even
    • with heat.
    • matter, which from the outset creates obstacles and limitations
    • world, even though it is greatly widespread, can explain a
    • create a world, he must conform to that which is true without
    • him. So any world that he wanted to create is perforce
    • to create a world, prepare evil and wickedness along with it.
    • he must not have wanted to create it, which conflicts with his
    • a certain point create its own opposite on the surrounding
    • for it to create its own adversary. Now through taking part in
    • the being of a creature, Jakob Böhme thought, not only
    • divine being had to create necessarily as its adversary,
    • divinity for becoming self-aware. But since creatures arose,
    • and those creatures are not simply embedded in out-flowing
    • through saying this. But it should be repeated, what was once
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 1: Popular Occultism, Introtroduction
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    • death, the cause of suffering, the origin of evil, and so forth. By
    • the great law of reincarnation and karma, and also the origin of man,
    • the great truths come to expression, especially in Christianity and
    • the etheric body clairvoyantly are treated in the same way. At present
    • In plants, animals and children projects greatly by the physical head.
    • in many different ways. People who have a great deal of sympathy and
    • astral body separates itself from them. But at the moment of death something
    • of great danger, for example when a person is drowning or suddenly precipitates
    • from a great height, and afterwards regained consciousness. At such
    • memory, the memory-tableau rises up before us after death. When the
    • death, the physical body obstructs the finer influences and forces of
    • it would be of the greatest harm to him. A time will come to which the
    • This is a greatly significant
    • At the moment of death, the etheric body, the astral body and Ego separate
    • Document created with wvWare version 1.2.7
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 2: Man's Ascent into the Supersensible World
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    • by the physical world and they permeate the physical world. After death,
    • into another world, but he simply acquired a new sense. After death,
    • with also after death. If we no longer open our senses to the physical
    • The astral world greatly
    • a human life, for example, is not traced from birth to death, but from
    • in such great numbers.
    • friend has been in great danger, that he passed unscathed through some
    • Document created with wvWare version 1.2.7
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 3: The Different Conditions of Man's Life After Death
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    • astral world. To-day we shall deal with man's life after death in the
    • out of the physical body at the moment of death. Immediately after death,
    • every night during sleep. But this after-death condition greatly differs
    • from the sleeping condition. Theosophical books sometimes describe death
    • as if it were a kind of sleep. But this is not the case; soon after death
    • the proverb: Sleep is the brother of death. ... and this is justified.
    • After death the astral body is dispensed from this work indeed no longer to
    • to enjoy is physical. If a person enjoys eating, the soul needs the
    • palate for its enjoyment. After death the longing for these enjoyments
    • being freed himself from physical life before death and the easier
    • his death, the more readily will he disaccustom himself to the world
    • some accident. Such a sudden death also brings with it an avidity for
    • after death. The soul could never do this without a life in the physical
    • After death, our spiritual
    • Document created with wvWare version 1.2.7
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 4: The Devachanic World
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    • world, between death and a new birth. We should not think of this world
    • of Devachan, have a great regularity. One might compare them with the
    • the great central truth of the Vedanta philosophy resounds in this region.
    • great school leading to this degree of perfection.
    • death and a new birth perceive every pain and pleasure in the form of
    • Document created with wvWare version 1.2.7
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 5: Life Between Death and a New Birth
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    • from death to a new birth and follow how that which comes from a past
    • life implants itself in the next one. After death man leaves behind
    • after death, the whole past life from birth to death stands before the
    • But there will be hardly any dissolution after death in the case of
    • images of his life-panorama are of great importance, for they now become
    • into living life. After death Karma, the law of cause and effect, becomes
    • Our experiences at Kamaloca are of a lasting time and are great upon
    • filings in a box a magnet underneath it. The filings arranged themselves
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  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 6: Man's Return to a New Earthly Life
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    • path followed by man's nucleus after death and of his return into a new
    • earthly life. After death there arises first of all the picture-tableau
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  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 7: Effects of the Law of Karma
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    • were musicians, and they will trace this back to heredity. A great theosophist
    • clairvoyant sees a great difference in the astral body of a developed
    • far more difficult to permeate it. This impermeable quality of the etheric
    • or less larger part coming from the astral body, the greatest part coming
    • appearance he bears a far greater resemblance to the appearance which
    • A great musician will need a line of ancestors that can give him a body
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  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 8: The Evolution of Man and of the Solar System; the Atlantic Evolution
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    • greatly differed in aspect from modern man. Atlantis had a quite different
    • world upon Atlantis differed from the present one as greatly as the
    • of memory. The larger the anterior brain, the greater the intellectual
    • in plants. The vehicles of the Atlanteans were fed with grains of wheat,
    • of Nature. To him the breathing process was still something sacred and
    • mankind's evolution. The conditions of the earth then greatly differed
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  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 9: Lemurian Development
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    • are the first representatives of real men with bodies permeated by souls.
    • the will, which also had the greatest influence on the form of the physical
    • which plays a very great role to-day was then in its very first beginnings.
    • which was at that time still permeated by powerful streams of life.
    • the same measure in which man began to breathe through his lungs. He
    • actually breathed in his soul, with the air he breathed. This process
    • Creation, with the words: And God breathed his breath into man and he
    • speak of a cosmic event of greatest importance, without which the soul
    • connection with everything which one calls fecundation and procreation.
    • There was no act of fecundation and conception; procreation took place
    • the first-born of creation. He has thrown out animals, plants and minerals;
    • Document created with wvWare version 1.2.7
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 10: Paths of Occult Training
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    • inaugurator and chief guide was the great Zarathustra, or Zoroaster. The
    • itself will become creative; then the human beings will be magicians of the
    • qualities which man must have; he must be able to bear what one calls great
    • this must be overcome. All people who achieved a great deal require this
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  • Title: i Spirituality: Lecture 1: Historical Symptomology, the Year 790, Alcuin, Greeks, Platonism, Aristotelianism, East, West, Middle, Ego
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    • stipulating that history should be treated in such a way that one would not only consider the
    • in this way, then the real activity of the driving forces would lie beneath it (red). But there
    • that the ransom had been paid to Death. Thus, in a certain sense, it was a sort of redemption
    • becoming acquainted with Christianity. The ransom was paid to Death by the cosmic powers.
    • be paid to a being who really exists. But death has no reality, death is only the outer limit of
    • reality, death itself is not real and, therefore, the ransom money could not have been paid to
    • Death.
    • the facts, the view that death is not something real resembles the view which says: Cold is not
    • direction. He asks: Is death something real or not? — and objects that, indeed, death is
    • pictures, in imaginations; but pictures not permeated by full consciousness, not yet permeated by
    • this soul-life was not permeated
    • oriental was well aware that his being existed before birth, that it returns through death to the
    • passed through births and deaths. But he did not see as such that inner feeling which lives in
    • reality for him, which passes through births and deaths — was not contained in the space in
    • great difference in one's whole situation in life between having nothing and having fifty francs'
    • the creation of the world out of nothing with `nothing' seen as absolute `zero'. In the Orient,
    • `nothing' was the outer form. And thus, when the Greek spoke of death, whose causes lie in the
    • spiritual world, as something real, Alcuin could only answer: But death is nothing and therefore
    • death. And the constitution of soul which occupies itself primarily with the human being's
    • experiences between birth and death is the logical, legal one — the
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 2: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 1
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    • that, in humanity as a whole, the individual element of the human being will take on greater
    • strong egoistical forces of the consciousness-soul and, on the other, the all-the-greater
    • aegis of economic strife, for it is permeated by economic concepts, thoughts and struggles that
    • The impulses coming to expression in the Great
    • distortion exists, which occurred with the inundation of the East through Peter the Great
    • against these impulses which move through the development of humanity there is a great deal that
    • economic aims there assume a political character. The great outer failure in Eastern Europe has
    • come about because, through the tradition of Peter the Great, what arises out of a
    • East since Peter the Great, there is, fundamentally, always the spiritual tendency of Byzantium,
    • which led to the great colonizations, has arisen, in fact, through the confluence of the
    • to how, for outwardly inexplicable reasons, French merchant shipping suffered its greatest
    • Cromwell's Navigation Act. This Navigation Act was conceived and created entirely out of economic
    • same. When Cromwell, at the right time and out of economic impulses, created his Navigation Act
    • created the German navy and merchant fleet it was conceived
    • and always, to a greater or lesser extent, takes an the form of the political-legal-militaristic;
    • repeated lives on earth. In reality these are human bodies with a physical, etheric and astral
    • individuals who belong to Anglo-Saxon secret societies and who have great influence — we
    • has a great following in the West is made up of individuals of this kind. In this way a
    • everywhere and without exception human beings are subject to repeated lives on earth. This would
    • them; uses beautiful words, and all the while there is beneath it nothing, basically, but
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 3: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 2
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    • the assertion of egoism beyond death. The wish to extend one's will beyond death led to the
    • human beings who have permeated themselves to a lesser degree with the Roman element than have
    • the Anglo-Saxon race, and because of this those beings which incarnate here have far greater
    • freedom of action, far greater room to move in as it were. In the Latin countries proper they
    • has its origin in those beings who incarnate in human beings and who play such a great role in
    • tends merely to the spirit and soul was mastered in him, was permeated with this will element.
    • as a young man, comforts himself with what after all also contains a great deal of the West: the
    • at the time when he came to his great ancient wisdom. And coming to the 1780s we see how he can
    • treated by psychology presented in the third part of Hegel's philosophy. But what comes out of it
    • is nothing other than what the human being lives through between birth and death, which is then
    • entering into an existence before birth or after death. Nor can its justification be found
    • lives here between birth and death, consists of body, soul and spirit. For the human beings of
    • it is all permeated with coquetry, one nevertheless sees how the whole nature of his existence
    • and permeates him in a living way.
    • will see that a great question arose for the spirits of later Central-European Scholasticism,
    • everything — indeed, had great geniuses of organization. But it wanted to also take over
    • mingled with the deluge from the West, from the Centre, in the measures of Peter the Great with
    • Pan-Slavism, in Slavophilism. And it led finally to the creation of the present conditions from
    • Peter the Great or by Lenin, what wishes to come from the West galvanizes the corpse of the
    • Eastern spirit. Salvation lies in clearly seeing that a new spirit must permeate humanity.
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  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 4: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 3
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    • of aesthetic enjoyment and aesthetic creation, in which the human being can come to true
    • whole treatise arose out of the same European mood as did the French Revolution. The same thing
    • conditions are created through
    • philosophical treatise. This way of presenting concepts, of developing ideas, was not unfamiliar
    • to Schiller that he did not want to treat the problem, this whole riddle, in such a
    • philosophical, intellectual form, but more pictorially. Goethe then treated this same problem in
    • permeated here with feeling and soul, is permeated by the whole human being. Now there is a
    • the spirits of their myths. When, however, it was a matter of deciding something of great
    • advance to the point of permeating his concepts in a spiritual-scientific way and he would then
    • what is ingested is also finally destroyed. We cannot simply go on eating but must also excrete;
    • which Schiller took, though in his case he went only as far as the still-personal outbreathing of
    • decline. A great deal of the resignation which Goethe felt in his later years is based, without
    • imbues itself with reality only with great difficulty. It was this semblance-nature of Central
    • breath of this tragic element which is betrayed by the whole history of the German, the Central
    • Grimm becomes all the greater when one finally bears in mind the following. Herman Grimm makes
    • absorbed a great deal of Goethe, but not Goethe's real and penetrating quality — for
    • truth is not decided according to truth itself, but in which the great lie walks among men so
    • congregation at Konstanz on 'Rudolf Steiner's Anthroposophy'. He repeated this lecture on 19
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  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 5: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 4
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    • great turning-point of modern history. People do not consider this. But one could easily imagine
    • since the middle of the fifteenth century. And even when we consider the great philosophers of
    • not just there for knowing. This is the greatest error to which the human being can give himself:
    • established by Peter the Great who destroyed the remains of the oriental constitution of soul on
    • which were permeated by the divine-spiritual. People did there in the economic life what arose as
    • technology from the West permeated this economic life that the new age arose. The life of this
    • transition came. Man created machines as an addition to nature. These he regards for the time
    • only in the economic sphere. But he will notice more and more in what he himself creates that it
    • through repeated lives on earth. One will have to be aware of what a human being brings when he
    • Orient in more recent times by the Petrinism of Peter the Great on the one hand and Turkey on the
    • permeate what is gained by sense-knowledge.
    • life be permeated with spirituality. It must come about as a flower of the Anthroposophical
    • of creating something alive is carried into this economic life.
    • This today is still the characteristic feature of
    • say: 'In this Anthroposophical Society everyone only repeats what one man has said. But in
    • reality they do not repeat at all; everyone just says what he thinks so that the one man can
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  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 6: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 5
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    • create a preparatory understanding for the course that the Christ-idea, the image people have had
    • perception; a clairvoyance which was dim and dreamlike. And we have, on repeated occasions,
    • States. But the first great Empire
    • was actually the secularized ecclesiastical 'Empire of the Church', permeated by Roman judicial
    • was everywhere permeated by dialectical-legal forms. The clergy were the bureaucracy. They held
    • which extends over the greater part of Europe.
    • conflicts, and how these conflicts really form a great part of medieval history. But one must
    • was entirely permeated by the spirit, by the old instinctive clairvoyance, and all that this
    • of the great mass of people those were chosen in whose blood it lay to have such vision. Thus one
    • Gospels to the great mass of the faithful, the faithful would straightaway be confronted with
    • produced the great confusion; the frightful chaos in which we are now living.
    • authority-principle in the ancient Orient applied only to the immediate environment. The greater
    • years of life. This was not of such great importance in all earlier times for it is connected
    • only with what man experiences between birth and death and had nothing to do with what is the
    • the influence of Peter the Great from anything oriental. But what continued to hover before the
    • threateningly since only a kind of rhythmic balance existed between revelation and reason. What
    • the great Scholastics of the Middle Ages had sought to hold apart — a rational grasp of the
    • Centre were simply not there — of the great conflict that lies ahead between Japan and
    • nineteenth century. And what people tried to create as political structure out of the upheavals
    • Document created with wvWare version 1.2.9
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 7: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 6
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    • in a few brush-strokes as the great spiritual battle between East and West, in which the true
    • one of its most distinguishing features is that it is incapable of comprehending the human being.
    • or others. It demonstrates the evolution of the living creature from the simplest to
    • scientific thought of today and thus he presents an ever-greater riddle to himself. Only a very
    • developing in recent centuries — and is so still today — this intellect creates a
    • this kind before one's life on earth has no very great value, but a lively feeling for
    • it is worth a great deal; it is something of the greatest value to feel that what has been
    • gathered strength during recent centuries and then came to a climax in our own day. The great
    • characteristics of the nations. All that has resulted from this is that peace treaties have been
    • consciousness try to transform him even as regards his external sheaths — his astral body,
    • will create a mood to which the cosmos responds. Just as the physical Christ appeared at the time
    • development of recent centuries has created the conditions which make me appear as an
    • as it were, killed off at least once. The most recent of these death-blows was the one dealt by a
    • development. And now that this mess has been created, we hear people from that corner saying: For
    • and our comprehension of Anthroposophy is in many respects very sleepy. This is the great pain
    • guarantee for one's longing for life after death. There is today a terrible gap between what is
    • unaware of how deeply in untruth it lives. How great is the contrast between what is necessary
    • expectation, develops an understanding for the great experience of the twentieth century that is
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  • Title: Abbreviated Title: Lecture I:
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    • being, the process of death, creates the consciousness which we possess
    • during the time after death. Through the fact that our soul-spiritual
    • the process of death, our soul-spiritual creates the power to be able to
    • have processes of perception between death and a new birth. The saying of
    • Jacob Böhme “Thus death is the root of all life”
    • human soul passes between death and a new birth?’ It has
    • body between birth and death. The period of time between death and a new
    • of time between death and a new birth. But, in the case of people who have
    • between birth and death in a normal way, the period passed between death
    • birth and death is, in reality, filled with everything into which we are
    • life between birth and death. But if you also take into consideration what
    • their turn, have received a great deal from their ancestors, and from
    • between birth and death; and if we pursue it still further back, we come to
    • destruction in the time between death and a new birth; and, when the
    • erosion of our physical existence, so there must occur, between death and a
    • Earth. And what creates our consciousness at the moment of death, when we
    • moment of death, at this beholding of destruction; this beholding of the
    • death and a new birth.
    • concern themselves with the fact that they will also be eaten; that does
    • then the mouths here in the next year would have nothing left to eat. If the
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  • Title: Talk To Young People:
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    • the world as it is today must get a new foundation underneath it.
    • the world as it is today must get a new foundation underneath it.
    • unconsciously guided by creative spiritual forces that led our souls
    • century rebellion? Imagine! It was followed by the greatest amount of
    • regard I put greater value on the mind than on feelings).
    • death of a workman killed in the 1848 revolution. As I listened to
    • underneath did not rise to the surface. Rather than appear in
    • movement today, for this had to be created entirely free from
    • as it is today must get a new foundation underneath it. This is
    • described as the great task of the century, the spur to action of the
    • and pedantry will be infinitely greater in our century than that
    • your coat; it makes you sweat, wearing your coat, and you don't even
    • Document created with 3.0.1
  • Title: "Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will not pass away"
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    • — the means to create intuitions. Hence: The Saturn man in his
    • are created by the sphere harmony and drawn out by light.
    • alone to permeate the world in the future, there could arise only a
    • relation to materialistic science. That will make a great many more
    • the death of an animal or man, to say nothing of plants. Death is, by
    • When death comes to a man, it comes to a being who has behind him the
    • evolutions; therefore is the death of an animal a very different
    • phenomenon than that of men. When one considers death in the animal and
    • “death”.
    • But we must permeate
    • down under his feeling of defeat. That is the idea. What its completion
    • the features of the Christ, Lucifer, and Ahriman. Should anyone attempt
    • perception; each separate form must be artistically created — I
    • The great task is to
    • relationship between great world-discussions and the simple idea! One
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  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture I: Tree of Life - I
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    • When we come into the spiritual scientific world concept, great life
    • Now, one of the greatest riddles
    • prefers, new aspects of this great riddle.
    • this great problem. And I beg you to be entirely clear that only
    • conception upon this greatest riddle of man's earthly existence, nor
    • announced that now men had eaten of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good
    • might not eat also of the Tree of Life. The Tree of Life was to be
    • of the eating of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil on the one
    • hand and the eating of the Tree of Life on the other hand, there lies
    • Roman age like a last great light from the stream flowing from
    • plays so great a role in the education of youth even up to our own
    • how Roman thought is at great pains to seize with its ideas what lay
    • great and significant personality — but one sees
    • of what men have eaten in Paradise. It is a part of the Tree of the
    • Middle Ages, when Scholasticism flourished, the greatest efforts of
    • utterance: Men shall not eat of the Tree of Life.
    • an eating of the Tree of Life. But this was forbidden, after the
    • ‘Ye shall not eat of
    • eat of the Tree of Life.’
    • 3:3 — The creation of man
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  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture II: Tree of Life - II
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    • distinguish good and evil, because they have eaten of the Tree of the
    • Knowledge of Good and Evil, they shall not eat of the Tree of
    • What does it really mean: Not eat of the
    • reasoned way the meaning of ‘to have eaten of the Tree of the
    • having eaten of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, it will
    • not-being-allowed to eat of the Tree of Life. Had we been allowed to
    • eat of this Tree then something similar would have come to pass for
    • moment that man was punished by being forbidden to eat of the Tree of
    • Life, Lucifer was condemned to eat of the Tree of Life perpetually.
    • death, utter a very common absurdity; for the ego, as man experiences
    • ordinary outer physical plane, because all death is allotted to him.
    • inside life. All that philosophers from time immemorial have sweated
    • fact that they felt: Beneath what we can grasp in concepts lies the
    • we also combine ideas, but between birth and death we always couple
    • this whole great cosmic event of the descent of the Christ to Earth,
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  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture III: The Power of Thought
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    • in the first place a great difficulty which has sprung from the
    • speaking, until our death. Thought is thus at the same time a
    • breathing — though for the most part it is no
    • longer noticed — that the breath spreads out in
    • him, and that breathing has something to do with his re-building and
    • great significance, as you can gather from
    • figure, constitutes the greatness in the works of Homer and
    • Greece has created. The reason why the sculptured gods of Grecian
    • of its kind is hardly to be enhanced, to be brought to greater
    • human form in order to epitomise it. That is the unending greatness
    • great skittles-ball with which mechanical forces have moved skittles
    • As the Republic went on and great
    • a stage lying beneath the threshold of consciousness because men had
    • mystery-wisdom, which contained a much greater store of wisdom than
    • Document created with wvWare version 1.2.7
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture IV: Harmonizing Thinking, Feeling and Willing
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    • creating, and activity. We saw how through this fact man comes to the
    • production of certain spheres of ideation on the basis of those
    • beg you to pay great attention to this, for it is full of importance,
    • shall know that what, in general, is subject to death, is derived
    • created (I have already referred to this in other lectures),
    • Jesus boy; something which had not entered into death, or passed
    • through the illusion of earthly death, which in the course of earthly
    • death, — through the Maya of death, in a different
    • genuine Spiritual Science recognises it as the greatest imaginable
    • gradually accomplished, more and more, it will create an accord
    • part of man, which is at the same time the seat of the world of lower
    • the Luciferic rumblings or egotism, do not become too great. Through
    • it was a great question among occultists as to whether they should
    • sure they brought to light very many things. But in far the greater
    • he is drawn in still more, the deception becomes still greater. What
    • shrouding in the magic breath of mystery (although it really proceeds
    • Document created with wvWare version 1.2.7
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture V: Tree of Knowledge - I
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    • were a worm or some little creature, that lives and burrows under the
    • these plants. Naturally, as this creature never comes out above the
    • when this worm is creeping about underneath, up above, caused by
    • that what he himself underneath has had as perceptions of
    • soul, we see what stands behind of great importance: we note how
    • worlds permeate our world, for the way other worlds allow themselves
    • between birth and death, but only between birth and death, shut in by
    • Between birth and death time goes on, from falling asleep to
    • we not see how beneath the spatial and temporal earth-existence the
    • lives in man after death ‘flowing
    • plucks the little rose on the heath? It is the sunbeam, which
    • on the heath, but then when it sees it, when it is there, quickly
    • the expression of the grief of nature in contrast to Nature's great
    • a great truth: — when the true poet goes beyond
    • a rose on the heath, which yet speaks so deeply to our hearts, it is
    • Heath
    • on the Heath
    • heather.
    • heather.
    • heather!
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture VI: Tree of Knowledge - II
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    • obscura, where the objects from outside create their images as in a
    • photographic apparatus, and what is created within is then seized
    • really feels its skin as a kind of enclosing sheath and pays
    • Document created with wvWare version 1.2.7
  • Title: World Downfall and Resurrection
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    • create something for which the books should be only a
    • different from what it came to be later on. A great and
    • consisted to a far greater extent in an exercising of the
    • the Logos, therefore, is the creator of the things of the
    • of St John's Gospel — is not regarded as the creator of
    • Son, is conceived as the creator. This doctrine has persisted
    • literally and maintain at the same time that the creator of
    • Teachings of religious wisdom permeated the whole of antiquity.
    • first three sections of the great work of John Scotus Erigena,
    • lives the Father God — creating but not created —
    • and the other Divinities who both create and are
    • themselves created. These other Divinities are the Beings
    • he visible world spread around the human being is created and
    • does not create, and man is to look forward to a world wherein
    • creating nor created but receiving all things into himself.
    • This fourth section treats of soteriology and eschatology. It
    • put it in these words: In Nature, in the created world around
    • Nature Spirits, nor from the Father God who worked creatively
    • Father God sent forth in order that He (the Logos) might create
    • created by the Father God. The Father God sent forth the Son,
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Lecture: Philosophy and Anthroposophy
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    • of the soul, create an impression of dissatisfaction with life. Such
    • Science with its wonderful achievements and great expansion, and to certain
    • Anthroposophy. (I have dealt at greater length with this tendency of all
    • repeatedly happens that the adherents and followers of some particular
    • case, but Aristotle states the reverse, and I have greater faith in
    • particularly strong impulse in the direction given by the great
    • reader will find the question adequately treated in my
    • of far greater interest to us at the present moment is this web in the
    • The latter are forms created by the subjective mind of man and imposed upon
    • lengthy exposition to treat exhaustively of these concepts and all they
    • “Think,” he said, “how a wolf, after eating nothing but
    • secondly as permeating the single thing with life and activity; thirdly,
    • this experience will be indicated in the course of this treatise. At this
    • sound theory of knowledge; secondly (and this is of great importance), the
    • great philosophers who lived and worked after Kant would not have been so
    • thinkers. But he finds such treatises deficient in a point of vital
    • the greatest philosopher in the world being understood. People will only by
    • create not only form, but together with form its material reality? As soon
    • as the possibility is given of a simultaneous creation of form and matter a
    • to the “I,” for pure thought is the creator of the
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  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture I: The Pedagogy of the West and of Central Europe: The Inner Attitude of the Teacher
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    • nonetheless it will become clear to you. I should have to say a great deal
    • education. Among these principles is one on which he lays great emphasis:
    • if we had entered the classroom each morning in great trepidation, without
    • and growth, but it is incomplete. Indeed, it will not be until our death
    • thing in particular is of great importance, however, and that is that we
    • soul's mood something akin to in and out- breathing in the bodily
    • exactly the same as an inbreath for the organism, the same as filling the
    • we drive the astral out of our facial features; it is nothing else but an
    • astral out- breathing. Only we must have a certain sense for dynamics, if
    • soul being imprisoned by the serious, the breathing between the two soul
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture II: The Three Fundamental Forces in EducatioN
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    • death and our new birth. We acquire the reverence we need in our teaching
    • divine-spiritual, when it permeates my teaching, is actually a
    • human being is basically up to the seventh year permeated more by the
    • proceeding from the head and having there its seat, and the
    • human organism, the counter pressure is greater. For this reason they must
    • in the organism by a higher guidance. The human being is permeated longer
    • are preparing what will work beyond death, what man carries with him beyond
    • death. In essence it is to this we are contributing through everything we
    • after death. We gain a certain enthusiasm for our teaching by this, knowing
    • of greater importance than this, that we are able as teachers to develop in
    • death a man still bears his astral body for a time; as long as he does so,
    • there still exists in man after death a kind of recollection TIT is no more
    • during his life works on after death as a musical memory, and endures
    • after death the earthly music is transformed into the music of the spheres
    • soul-organism after death. This is fashioned during the period of kamaloca.
    • memories of musical experiences during the time after death when he still
    • remains in vibration; some thirty years after death it is still there. A
    • word, as such, we lose relatively soon after death; only its spiritual
    • spoken word can be of great benefit to us after death, particularly if we
    • after death. But we need to describe things the way I do in lectures on
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture III: Spiritual Knowledge of Man as the Fount of Educational Art
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    • properly regulated. Produce supplied by the outer world can be eaten and
    • terms of education, as choosing to eat food already partly digested by man.
    • understand, because we breathe.
    • understand at a pinch, because he is breathing all the time and therefore
    • have to understand in great detail.
    • pronounced in man's inner world, and that cosmic music moves beneath the
    • surface in the outer world, whereas beneath the surface of sound in man
    • have an effect on you. You see, if for instance you eat a piece of bread
    • place nevertheless, and is of great importance to your general well-being.
    • creative remembering which is at one and the same time a receiving from the
    • of it out of the spirit. This means teaching creatively from out of the
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture IV: The Art of Education Consists of Bringing Into Balance the Physical and Spiritual Nature of the Developing Human Being
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    • of his body, how he gains greater and greater mastery over his organism,
    • place a mutual permeation of the eternal I and that which is being formed:
    • true artistic treatment in education we can avoid that even in a man with
    • education one has to create an artistic balance. Because if one does not
    • child draw geometrical forms we create a force which works counter to the
    • treatment of history makes a special contribution towards the child's not
    • must permeate history with ideas, must show the great connections. Thus,
    • the individual treatment of events or personalities of history protects the
    • child from his ego being sucked into the body too strongly; the permeation
    • separate from each other between birth and death: in a certain way they are
    • constantly united between birth and death. On the other hand, the physical
    • at one moment in our body, at another outside it; we breathe in, we breathe
    • out. This in and out breathing reveals in a delicate way the difference
    • matters of great importance the subtle differences are often more
    • is the continual and mutual permeation of the vibrations of the astral body
    • are shared by the physical body. Fundamentally, in the morning man breathes
    • in his ego and his astral body and on falling asleep he breathes them out
    • is in a way a large breathing process which we can compare with the small
    • breathing process. In truth, with every falling asleep we leave our
    • are then directly in the air. When we are awake we direct our breathing
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Social Understanding: Lecture II: Social Understanding Through Spiritual Scientific Knowledge
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    • see what a great impact on a person's everyday life these particular truths
    • this still happens today — the forces that create organs
    • same force that transforms the food we eat into the kind of substances our
    • body can make use of. If you eat a piece of bread and this bread is
    • I would now like to bring something of very great importance. When people
    • supersensible. Here a kind of balance is created between the subsensible
    • connection with the breathing and so on between the seventh and the
    • blood has grown weaker. And the great turning-point when human blood began
    • of the visual aids used in primary school education, and they attach great
    • education still plays a great part, that is, the kind of education that
    • cannot eat before we have understood this; for we do not eat in a
    • plate, and he carefully puts a piece of meat on the scales to find out how
    • much it weighs, for he may only eat a piece of meat of a quite specific
    • physiology is not part of the eating process but covers other aspects, and
    • that a person can eat without having studied physiology, the physiology of
    • of extremely abstract dimensions. People long for a great deal, but nothing
    • mentality based on the life of the state or the life of economics creates
    • clerks and officers. But the sort of mentality we need creates human
  • Title: Buddha and the Two Boys: Lecture I: Buddha and the Two Boys of Jesus
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    • prehistory we have very complicated relations before us. The greatest, one
    • great teacher of humanity. This latter gradually takes on other capacities
    • was created for mankind to experience the same in the future. Since then,
    • of the great Buddha, to lead an appropriate life that crystallizes the
    • to it as a bodhisattva. In this way The great Christ event was also
    • physical corporeality to bring humanity a great step forward by means of
    • experience the great Buddha himself. Asita, that was the name of the sage,
    • child the great Zarathustra of the past was incarnated. That Zarathustra,
  • Title: Buddha and the Two Boys: Lecture II: The Gospels, Buddha and the Two Boys of Jesus
    Matching lines:
    • earth. This is a great achievement, that an individuality does not need to
    • however, he also needed the great endowments of the ego carrier, the great
    • individuality of Moses? What the Buddha brought is rightly called the great
    • especially creative abilities at a certain age. But one would not like to
    • which are creative forces, which otherwise would have been
    • then strips off. Then he is still surrounded by the astral sheath, which he
    • man appear before forty-two judges of the dead after death.
  • Title: Lecture: Art As A Bridge Between The Sensible And The Supersensible
    Matching lines:
    • — in which the great proletarian masses are unable to
    • — this has retreated more and more. Hence people
    • between birth and death, and the supersensible world. The greater part of
    • lives between birth and death, and the world in which he lives between
    • death and a new birth?
    • corresponds only to the human countenance with its features. The human
    • countenance with its features is an expression of the soul-life. With
    • human being between birth and death. The further attempt was, as it were,
    • being. They see the earth as a great unified organism and the
    • karma, the human being lives in repeated earth lives. It wants to teach
    • and supra-physical world. And only in permeating ourselves with such
    • greater extremes arising from the same cultural life. If one then wants
    • great extent within the most immediate boundaries of their
  • Title: Raphael's Mission in the Light of the Science of the Spirit
    Matching lines:
    • fated to die early. Whose death all Rome mourned. When the works of Raphael
    • themselves into cultural life as a whole, as into a great
    • Raphael's creations worked on after his death like a living,
    • his death, reaching to the present. If Herman Grimm was able to
    • expression of Raphael's creations. Thus, what Homer brought
    • something would at once be lacking for us if the creative power
    • him joins with his own creative activity to form an organic
    • concerning the repeated earth-lives of the human being — takes
    • spirit appears again and again in repeated earth-lives
    • natural outcome of considering Raphael's creative activity from
    • contemplating Raphael's creations from many points of view —
    • creations of the Greeks appear as fully permeated with
    • taking effect as an ever greater internalizing of the soul.
    • still greater chasm will loom between everything that goes on
    • creations.
    • of expression. On account of Raphael's towering greatness, the
    • development and evolving brilliant creations. And when Raphael
    • unfinished next to his deathbed, the
    • historian's mind is of a warrior subjugating the enemy beneath
    • greatest and most significant pictures in the development of
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Leonardo's Spiritual Stature: Lecture
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    • heartbeat of the twelve figures must have come to expression.
    • the picture. They found the door too low that led underneath
    • the head of Christ: in short, the picture was treated in the
    • painted them. In thus getting to know Leonardo's creations,
    • just as little remains to us of this magical creation once
    • features that betray much of what Leonardo must have felt in
    • year he went about with the greatest artistic intentions, with
    • recognized his great gifts and wanted something from him.
    • wanted to create and then begin making studies. But how was it
    • feature interested him. He would invite all kinds of people of
    • their features in connection with the most diverse emotional
    • Drawings by him exist in which he sketched a particular feature
    • students, there are still a great number from his own hand.
    • features of an animal or of the human being. If a battle scene
    • — though never actually arriving at the kind of creating
    • Leonardo soul, too great in itself ever to be able to manifest
    • its own greatness.
    • the creation of an equestrian statue of the duke's father. We
    • way with this or that painting project or theatrical event, but
    • said, sought to investigate world secrets in creating a work in
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Fairy Tales: in the light of Spiritual Investigation
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    • sources lying at greater depths of the human soul than is
    • than do the sources of creativity and artistic appreciation
    • disposition frequently creates something for
    • eating. The toad, however, only likes the milk. The child
    • wants the toad to eat some of her bread as well. The mother
    • still find a bite to eat flavorful, so it is possible to know
    • really a great magician, such as the human soul itself
    • greatest skill. It can grant you wings, enabling you to see an
    • time, of the creatures that might have been externally
    • and of the life-body which permeates it. But that does not
    • and Quatl have been created, Quatl begins to create the
    • present world. In this world he created, a difference
    • of the periods of European life in which the great heroic
    • great heroic sagas. It need not surprise us to hear that it
    • every age, from their first to their last breath. It need not
    • soup. He finishes eating the milk-soup, leaving the flies. Then
    • things bears like to eat. Then he approached them and
    • the soul. These events are such that we can know a great deal
    • great deal, Goethe wanted to say in pictures what he felt
    • life there is no greater art than that which completes the path
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: A Mongolian Legend
    Matching lines:
    • ceaselessly through the world, repeating this procedure over
    • vicinity. This power will begin to permeate the current nature
    • wither away. Human beings are called upon, however, to permeate
    • Document created with wvWare version 1.2.9
  • Title: The Worldview of Herman Grimm in Relation to Spiritual Science
    Matching lines:
    • elemental spiritual breath of Goethe. Thus, he felt himself as
    • death [in 1832J, rather than one who had “studied”
    • death. So much else of immediate everyday concern stood in the
    • meantime profoundly permeated German life. They listened to the
    • on form to become a creation, of Goethe's phantasy. How, he
    • of creative phantasy — a new experience?
    • sum of spiritual impulses. This breath of the spiritual
    • realm of “creative phantasy,” as Herman Grimm
    • creations of “folk-phantasy.”
    • encompassed by what he termed creative phantasy. Proceeding
    • creative folk-phantasy at work in western culture — a
    • of as an expression of the being of creative phantasy. Again
    • creations had their place within the unbroken flow.
    • creative phantasy. For Herman Grimm this was especially
    • Madonna, or one of the creations of Leonardo da Vinci, or.
    • of creative phantasy — over three millennia.
    • soul-forces has to become greater. Deeper soul-forces are to be
    • courage and boldness are required to a greater extent than in
    • feeling her entire guilt in the death of this man, she sees him
    • to death. For her, the deceased, to whom she was so closely
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 1
    Matching lines:
    • they had become something greater than ordinary people. They were
    • character. Remember that it goes back to Karl the Great
    • But Karl the Great was crowned by the Pope in Rome.
    • Ages did not worship Karl the Great and Otto I as gods, which was the
    • the way some others were. The Muslims were content to defeat the
    • great upheaval occurred in England as a result of which everywhere in
    • bohemians. That's how the colonial empire is created. That is the
    • kingdom is not of this world!” That is the great
    • Document created with wvWare version 1.2.9
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 2
    Matching lines:
    • still speak have become platitudes, and how the reality beneath these
    • greatest talent for this truth. All the prerequisites for the dawning
    • was created, but based on a false premise. The title
    • and beneath its surface something else appears [blue]. When the first
    • of the present. The state of affairs which existed beneath the
    • beneath the surface. What was Russian tsarism in the 19th century in
    • societies which possess great power in the English-speaking
    • secret societies. In Great Britain there are 1,354 lodges, in the
    • in the economy do not work because you can't eat them, or at least
    • beneath the platitudes of today. That is why it is impossible to find
    • Document created with wvWare version 1.2.9
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 3
    Matching lines:
    • create certain professions for that purpose: police and military
    • creative element, the force which acts and lives. The transformation
    • or ordinary judgments. We try to create images, to present things
    • priest to feel greater than Christ, because he can force him to be
    • You know that a great enmity existed between
    • west still suffer under a great illusion. Woodrow Wilson would no
    • economic imperialism of Great Britain and even a certain idea of
    • in Great Britain see in the state something that can well have a will
    • on earth includes death and that we are aware that the institutions
    • we create must of necessity also cease to exist, because the death
    • some kind of super-sensible forces will be present. When we eat, when
    • such meaninglessness plays a much greater role than you imagine. It is a
    • and must be continuously transformed, must pass through death and be
    • church, not some state, not some economic empire can create this empire.
    • spiritual/cultural life can create this empire.
    • whose visit has pleased us greatly — especially to our English
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  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture I: Anthroposophy and Natural Science
    Matching lines:
    • I have in mathematics, when I created a concept of function. It
    • when concepts are created.
    • created, which are equal to the other two angles in the
    • as an inner creation. If you then have an outer triangle you
    • senses harmony within the experience of creating mathematical
    • not to create a rationalistic world of atoms.
    • having been created in the same way as inorganic nature.
    • foundation for a discussion can be created. Anthroposophy never
    • wants to keep the route free from the creation of thought
    • sphere and now needs to be created for other areas of nature.
    • great clarity. Whoever now, equipped with such a scientific
    • inner image permeated by experiences and will impulses of the
    • movement of the stars, in the creation of minerals, plants and
    • animals, then one enters in the spiritual creation of the outer
    • Document created with wvWare version 1.2.9
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture II: The Human and the Animal Organisation
    Matching lines:
    • come under scrutiny, namely in his treatise entitled:
    • came to this treatise on the basis of some anatomical and
    • who should be, to some degree, the crown of creation, and the
    • man and animal were created according to their entire
    • evolution created the possibility to make space for what is
    • than the animal. However, every being is created out of the
    • Let's take the process of seeing. We could create divisions
    • creates the other pole of what had been observed. For instance,
    • we create mathematics and we believe we have a purely a-priori
    • the bridge, we have created the sense of balance through maths
    • can create an entire construction in thought, a
    • created an organ for abstract thinking.
    • speech and the organism becomes capable of creating speech.
    • Document created with wvWare version 1.2.9
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture III: Anthroposophy and Philosophy
    Matching lines:
    • into question when philosophy was created, that only words were
    • philosophy's blossoming, you look back at the great philosophic
    • create something within his thoughts, which originate in
    • into clear scientific forms with which to create his world
    • out of it was interest created to observe the world in its
    • other; here the human soul faces the great, meaningful problem:
    • Consider Hegel's logic — he wanted to return repeatedly
    • Logos, must be penetrated with the creative principle of the
    • world. The Logos must be “God before the creation of the
    • creation as the content of the divine” could have been
    • there? This is abstract logic, the demand of the creative, the
    • experience of something misty, mystical; an overheated element
    • in the mist but through the way with which he treats religious
    • and wrestle in the centre with the problem of how to create a
    • separate sciences should create the totality of teaching. This
    • does the development happen in biology? Goethe created an
    • the impartial person, because it turns into the great world
    • this comes to a question and out of the West a great question
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  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture IV: Anthroposophy and Pedagogy
    Matching lines:
    • are being created out of an anthroposophical source, this is
    • ideas, acquire greater power, greater urgency and so on. This
    • and teaching of our children. In the present it is repeatedly
    • great educators of humanity on pedagogical principles.
    • Anthroposophy fully acknowledges the existence of great,
    • before anyone in the recognition of the great educators. Only,
    • you have to admit nevertheless, with all great educational
    • the social areas. It breeds in relation to ideation actually
    • influence. Only when these principles are permeated through
    • have been brought to such a great blossoming, we must take up
    • that point had been quite neat and tidy, had suddenly stolen
    • From the money the little boy had bought treats which he didn't
    • permeated by the cosmos, just like in the physical world his
    • against great pedagogic accomplishments but that it will be the
    • assistant to the great one, if we are not to remain stuck in
    • Document created with wvWare version 1.2.9
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture V: Anthroposophy and Social Science
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    • contradiction is namely nothing other than what permeates our
    • anthroposophical grounds, created with anthroposophical methods
    • treaty, a time in which value relationships in central and
    • created into the thought structures of the
    • repeated about the social question, if you question
    • I repeated in conclusion of lectures which I held in the end of
    • grasp spiritually permeated social relations. I would like to
    • the one hand you have the economic theorists who created axioms
    • connection with the permeating social connection that they
    • life. Only when conditions are created which for instance the
    • created among people will they develop something of a real
    • have been established as socialization, and can be created
    • out. When we want to deal with things abstractly, we can create
    • features and childish qualities. Twenty years later I look at
    • the concept which you had created in one place is no longer
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  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture VI: Anthroposophy and Theology
    Matching lines:
    • the greatest possible triumphs — I don't mean in a
    • scientific methods, and in relation to the treatment of the
    • different area being discussed. In the treatment of the purely
    • the creation of ideas and concepts, which are needed for
    • be created out of the senses, only the mind itself can't be
    • created out of the senses.
    • created out of the sense world. One remains true to that which
    • I've heard for years and now a seated person here has also said
    • observe people in earthly life between birth and death where
    • find that for example in the presentations of the great
    • Document created with wvWare version 1.2.9
  • Title: Impulse of Renewal: Lecture VII: Anthroposophy and the Science of Speech
    Matching lines:
    • When speech is the subject and when one sets the goal to treat
    • easy to have speech as an object for scientific treatment as it
    • already great variations in the inner experience of the conduct
    • within the human soul. Not a clearly delineated mental picture
    • — which permeates our inner being, we say that as its
    • the I like a sphere of water, with air permeating this sphere
    • greater part in the establishment of phonetics, in the
    • much more bodily nuance came about. One had a far greater
    • abstract-imagery-life have made greater progress. If we want to
    • water something is created like ice floes, like when something
    • “theory of creative synthesis/invention”
    • Creator. Dr Geyer already dealt with this yesterday; currently
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  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 1
    Matching lines:
    • Life is manifest in creation;
    • repeat it:
    • Life is manifest in creation;
    • evermore repeat to ourselves: what we feel as our innermost
    • grandeur and greatness and power of nature. And the question
    • greatness and the sublimity of nature is, at first, spiritual
    • Resounds his ur-potent creative words:
    • the yawning abyss. The earnest messenger entreats us to be
    • which finds expression in creating,
    • which finds expression in creating,
    • march of time as creative action, and how all that is revealed
    • and in health on his journey between birth and death, and what
    • between death and a new birth.
    • earthly existence between birth and death — and the
    • Your fear of creative spiritual being
    • Your creative knowledge must make it yield.
    • when you've defeated the three
    • Your fear of creative spiritual being
    • Your creative knowledge must make it yield.
    • when you've defeated the three
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 2
    Matching lines:
    • Life creative manifests itself;
    • can now observe and feel in our souls the beauty, the greatness
    • person who seeks the spirit, it is necessary to repeatedly feel
    • Rings forth the ancient power of his creator-word:
    • Which finds in creating its very activity,
    • In the cosmic-creative powers
    • Your fear of creative spiritual being
    • Your creative knowledge must make it yield.
    • thinking. When we create with ordinary consciousness we create
    • arbitrarily, we create what is not real. When, however, we
    • correctly prepare ourselves for creative thinking, the
    • spiritual world streams into our creative thinking. And then,
    • to creative knowledge, we are truly standing in the spiritual
    • harms one's self and others greatly by playing at spiritual
    • to be defeated: thinking, the thought - phantom; feeling -
    • death, when the animating soul is invisible to external
    • In you and chooses death,
    • will repeat it:
    • In you and chooses death,
    • died in thinking during this time on earth. The death of
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 3
    Matching lines:
    • Which finds in creating its very activity;
    • in the cosmic-creative forces
    • only a reflected ideation.
    • birth and death. Wherever he doesn't have this firm ground, he
    • life between birth and death - he differentiates between truth
    • between birth and death in a way that you could never really
    • to the overt security which life between birth an death
    • spiritual world between your last death and your present earth
    • Feeling is no longer permeated by thoughts, for the thoughts
    • whom you pass your life between death and a new birth on earth.
    • earth-lives, takes over, the person meets a great difficulty in
    • Your fear of creative spiritual being
    • In you and chooses death,
    • And creates an empty life
    • The will's evil creative power,
    • that we eat and drink , that we see and hear, must something be
    • Plunge beneath the semblances:
    • sense-world between birth and death, he feels to be within his
    • that his breathing awakens life. He commits himself to this
    • breathing, blood circulation and the movement of the members
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 4
    Matching lines:
    • you reflect on this, my dear friends, it will be of great help
    • your memory and permeate your feelings. When you are together
    • such characters in real life, I would feel great antipathy
    • Plunge beneath the semblances:
    • With creative self it rises up;
    • Creative cosmic power in the spirit-I.
    • created by the earth, which would drag us down below the human
    • the breath, which also belongs to what encircles the earth. And
    • earth. We consider breath and light as things that have no
    • spiritual importance. But gods live in breath and light. And we
    • And they creating, wisdom weaving
    • spheres, so that when he passes through the gates of death, he
    • The will's evil creative power,
    • earth with the steaming sunlight and with every breath breathes
    • in and breathes out of the human soul, and who gazes skywards
    • In you and chooses death,
    • And creates an empty life
    • And they creating, wisdom weaving
    • The will's evil creative power,
    • caused a great misfortune. I mention this here because I wish
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 5
    Matching lines:
    • have seen how through his will man is greatly influenced by
    • Something truly great happens to a person when he becomes aware
    • great. Something which has been expressed since ancient times
    • We can become aware of how an irregularity in our breathing
    • purely natural overheating of a room can give a kind of moral
    • element lie deep beneath what people experience.
    • What is closer to man is his breathing process, which is
    • dependent upon the air. So it is from the breathing process
    • breathing process contains the air element, in which we
    • abnormalities in the breathing process. When the breathing
    • cold because we are creatures of warmth, because warmth is our
    • greater degree in respect to warmth. As we are one with the air
    • as great as the universe. His thoughts are as wide as the
    • developed consciousness the sun in heaven is the great tempter
    • sunlight, is now threatened in darkness by loneliness, by being
    • Such is the great experience before the Guardian of the
    • warmth. It is a feeling of pleasure, and a great enticement. It
    • capturing his whole being, as though tearing him apart in great
    • which sustains our breathing. One does not suspect how closely
    • related human will is to the air which we breathe, for our will
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 6
    Matching lines:
    • bodies. And when we lift our gaze from the ground beneath our
    • breathes.
    • shall call that great chemicality of the cosmos
    • environment are of great importance for him, but none more
    • - is nothing other than a refined breathing. Thinking is
    • refined breathing. The thoughts in which we live are absolutely
    • a refined breathing process. On one side, the breathing-in
    • stream, holding the breath, and breathing out act, in a more
    • breath circulating there is known as thinking in the physical
    • world; sublimated breathing is thinking.
    • of the breath in the brain; he feels how the breath spreads
    • out. When the breath expands in this way, then ceases, the
    • a refined breathing process which weaves and waves within us
    • When one feels: I inhale, I draw the breath up to the brain, I
    • sound, as clang, lives in me as thought. I let the breath
    • inner language of breathing which acts as representations in
    • thinking. When breathing, completely refined, strikes the sense
    • organs it creates my mental pictures [representations]. But
    • breather, so to speak, then one feels that this
    • refined-to-thinking breathing process is like an organized
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 7
    Matching lines:
    • have repeatedly spoken - also outside [Dornach] - about what
    • are not less, but every week greater, that what I say is well
    • as cosmic music. When we hear the human heart beating it seems
    • as if this human heart were only beating as a result of the
    • human organism's interior processes. In reality what beats in
    • we must let the Guardian's next words work upon us with great
    • Document created with wvWare version 1.2.9
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 8
    Matching lines:
    • nonsense which keeps being repeated must cease, because with
    • resounds in the human soul, in the human heart, as the great
    • Create the Word, feeling foreign
    • between birth and death, during his earthly existence, he is
    • star, cloud on cloud, creatures of the kingdoms of nature which
    • is the creator of my form. We speak of the clouds more of less
    • man uses on earth between birth and death is a corpse. It does
    • brain is not thinking's creator, but the product of pre-earthly
    • this will, which we become aware of as thinking, is creative
    • As cosmic-thought-creating.
    • As cosmic-thought-creating.
    • creating” [these words are underlined] are arranged here
    • for us to look into cosmic-thought-creating, we can also look
    • perceive cosmic-thought-creating in the spiritual cell behind
    • Therein is contained the secret of human will, which creates
    • As cosmic-thought-creating.
    • Document created with wvWare version 1.2.9
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 9
    Matching lines:
    • Create the Word, feeling foreign
    • itself to create it, then it will be able, through this
    • circling directly affect the earth's wind and weather. And when
    • we again create a picture in our hearts of all this, the
    • a great extent when we were children. As children we are almost
    • inwardly. When we feel our breathing, for example, we will
    • breathing and of the air. We would be helpless children if we
    • weren't continually nurtured by the forces of breathing flowing
    • attentive to our own fulfilling warmth which is in breath,
    • through what is air-forming in us is our warmth created.
    • created entities within you. You achieve this with thought. Now
    • physical, but permeated with the etheric.
    • beings who are in the air are permeated with morality.
    • man, retain in your spirit's creativity
    • man, recreate yourself through celestial wisdom.
    • again and again to these lessons it will be with greater
    • understanding, that is, with ever greater cosmic experience
    • Create the Word, feeling foreign
    • O man, retain in your spirit's creativity
    • Document created with wvWare version 1.2.9
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 10
    Matching lines:
    • corporeality or not which determines such a great divergence
    • I drag myself through life from birth till death in order to
    • work in order to eat. They do not realize that in the plants
    • they eat cosmic forces from the distant boundaries of the
    • far greater thoughtfulness we can imagine ourselves into the
    • love, which you can repeatedly meditate on, then it is the path
    • darkness of the earth creates longing in
    • speech of the gods is creating to me.
    • [5] The darkness of the earth creates longing in me,
    • [8] The speech of the gods is creating for
    • darkness of the earth creates longing in me.
    • of the gods is creating for me.
    • The darkness of the earth creates longing in
    • The speech of the gods is creating for me,
    • The darkness of the earth creates longing in me,
    • The speech of the gods is creating for me,
    • soul, then this means of creating a relation to the spiritual
    • from pre-earthly existence, from life between death and a new
    • darkness of the earth creates longing in me;
    • them during the period between death and a new birth. We sense
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 11
    Matching lines:
    • themselves to the School with great diligence, Miss Maryon
    • of the Mysteries had already passed when the greatest Mystery
    • brothers, if we are permeated with the will to understand
    • us. We treat it as a call, but a call that excites us,
    • the rhythm of breathing which by its very nature reveals that
    • represented by the sun — in our breathing, in our blood
    • other planets in our breathing and in our blood circulation
    • As humanity's creative force.
    • does the human creative evolutionary force live by means of
    • As humanity's creative force.
    • As humanity's creative force.
    • Creator's luster of love!
    • “resound”, here we must “create”.
    • Create in the body's limbs
    • Creator's luster of love!
    • Create in the body's limbs
    • Creator's luster of love!
    • Creates in the body's limbs
    • “resounds”, “creates” —
    • [creates is underlined.]
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 12
    Matching lines:
    • Create the Word, feeling foreign
    • peace is not what works best, but rather to create solitude
    • in which other beings speak to us that creates the condition
    • in earth-distant fields of creation
    • in earth-distant fields of creation
    • in earth-distant fields of creation
    • Feel in your breath life awakening.
    • The one speaks who wants to create
    • Feel in your breath life awakening.
    • The one speaks who wants to create
    • Feel in your breath life awakening.
    • 3.) The one speaks who wants to create
    • Feel in your breath life awakening.
    • The one speaks who wants to create
    • mantras or create an inner connection with them, so that we do
    • It is a great hindrance to progress on the esoteric path
    • and will be repeated now at the end:
    • Create the Word, feeling foreign
    • Document created with wvWare version 1.2.9
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 13
    Matching lines:
    • Create the Word, feeling foreign
    • earth-distant fields of creation
    • Feel in your breath life awakening.
    • The one speaks who wants to create
    • Kyriotetes, An inner connection is created between the
    • feeling sphere – breathing and blood circulation
    • created between everything in our humanity and the beings of
    • consciousness offers us at first is maya, the great illusion.
    • The great illusion does not only include what we observe
    • this consciousness is created in a less than perfect
    • make a great discovery. And at some point humanity must make
    • act throughout the universe, he makes the great discovery
    • it is a great, mighty encounter when man, through intuition,
    • is the greatest personal discovery anyone can make.
    • Sensibly through death and birth,
    • breathe again in contemporary times.
    • lightning down with heat. And in this interweaving heat from
    • (seats).
    •       Sitze  (seats)
    • (heat)
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 14
    Matching lines:
    • I will repeat what has been considered in the previous lessons
    • When the difference between these states of mind appears, great
    • on the solid earthly elements. The ground is beneath our
    • We breathe the air. The airy or gaseous element is all around
    • And air: it ceases being the formative breathing force in us.
    • water force, from the creative force of air, from the
    • spiritual beatitude, dedicated to it and wishes to remain in
    • this state of spiritual beatitude. It overcomes him because
    • life on earth I breathed, inhaled that breath from which the
    • Father-God once created the human soul, human life. I can
    • what he has of creative divine force through his breath, he
    • great [first] World War.
    • by means of living breath and the stimulating power of air,
    • are nothing other than differentiated breathing organs. Eye,
    • ear — all are refined breathing organs. Breathing
    • breath turns to blood, it generates carbon dioxide; when breath
    • downward and outward through breath: carbon dioxide; toward
    • the senses and back from the senses to the breathing process
    • My soul breathes the air of heaven — no longer the air of
    • My soul absorbs it, that I may learn divine creation.
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 15
    Matching lines:
    • Create the Word, feeling foreign
    • look down at the lowest creatures and up at the glowing,
    • world – and not feel their greatness, their majesty and
    • Regarding what we inhale through our breathing, the
    • My soul breathes heavenly air, as long as the spirit
    • My soul respects it not in the spirit's beatitude.
    • My soul absorbs it, that I may learn divine creation.
    • astrality of the creative forces of air in us, to the
    • beatitude forever, which we should only possess during the
    • essence of animality in our astrality, in our breathing
    • repeatedly, again and again, in our souls in meditation. Then
    • third hierarchy of Angeloi, Archangeloi, Archai do not create
    • Know! the spirit's cosmic creation in the human body's
    • creation.
    • breathing system, to the rhythm that allows day to change
    • Know! the spirit's cosmic creation in the human body's
    • creation.
    • contrast, whereas the repetitions “creation”
    • “creation” and “life” “life”
    • us, creating, living, shaping; and finally to the first
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 16
    Matching lines:
    • esoteric breath flows, which has been better received than
    • Create the Word, feeling foreign
    • life, from the humblest creature to the majestic, divinely
    • when the Guardian asks us what becomes of our breathing, of
    • Learn the spirit cosmic creating in the human
    • body creating.
    • which the Jehovah-spirits once breathed into humanity its
    • us with regularity, when we have too much breath in us, or
    • connected to us. Too much breath awakens fear in the soul.
    • when we have passed through the gate of death. Once we have
    • passed through the gate of death, looking back at our earthly
    • Create the soul's atoning forces in circling waves of time.
    • through after passing through the gate of death, where we
    • through between death and a new birth.
    • Create the soul's atoning forces in
    • It held its breath within
    • being; it is divine breath in man which quietly lingers and
    • It held its breath within
    • Resounding create my I.
    • Resounding create my I.
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 17
    Matching lines:
    • Create the Word, feeling foreign
    • Create the soul's atoning forces in circling waves of
    • It held its breath within
    • Resounding create my I.
    • Let the light creating force
    • Let the light creating force
    • Let the light creating force
    • flood of colors that fill the bowl. They are breathing the colors
    • Thus we have an idea about the cosmic creation behind the sensory
    • beyond the rainbow, at first breathing in the cosmic bowl's
    • it is absorbed, breathed in by the angelic beings. Now we learn
    • spiritual domain, where it is breathed in by the beings of the
    • consciousness within the human soul of how they breathe in the
    • breathed in what they took from the sensible world, what has
    • Breathing the colors of life
    • Breathing the colors of life
    • They breathe these colors. The thoughts of the beings of the
    • third hierarchy are visible to us in this breathing of
    • We observe how these beings of the third hierarchy, permeated
    • despite all its greatness in comparison to the earth, it is a
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 18
    Matching lines:
    • Create the Word, feeling foreign
    • Let the light creating force
    • Breathing the colors of life
    • When, thinking, we create.
    • Spirit creates in matter
    • recognize the greatness, the all-pervading, weaving truth in the
    • is the great deception, the great illusion. Over there only
    • great illusion. And what is Nothing, and what we give names to
    • the greatest illusion. We must know that we are giving names to
    • was brightening for us. Now, as we stand shaken by the great truth
    • world-creation, in world-dominion, in world-illumination, and we
    • They must breathe life into feeling. And with
    • they create from the heights to the Archai for their concern for
    • warmth is created by the Exusiai and Kyriotetes, and it is given
    • creation, of which we will be witnesses in spiritual worlds, as
    • gods say in their creative concern for the world of
    • and death. Because behind the appearances in life between birth
    • and death is the reality of what we experience between death and
    • passes through the gate of death will only be able to understand
    • a person enters heavenly existence through the gate of death, and
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 19
    Matching lines:
    • Create the Word, feeling foreign
    • Let the light-creating force
    • Breathing the colors of life
    • second hierarchy, creating the world, approach our I; then
    • When, thinking, we create.
    • Spirit creates in matter
    • Spirit-Word that underlies the creation of the world. We
    • Creative spirit-flaming-speech:
    • Creative spirit-speech aflame:
    • Creative spirit-speech aflame:
    • stream from it. But the thoughts are creative; the thoughts
    • are permeated with forces; the thoughts stream; and cosmic
    • word-created cosmic thoughts. It is not mere thinking, it
    • Creative spirit-speech aflame:
    • [Due to the great increase in new Class members,
    • Volume III. Due to Rudolf Steiner's premature death in
    • Create the Word, feeling foreign
    • repeated sufficiently within this Esoteric School, have
    • often repeated, must be strictly observed. Such a School
    • earnestness by its own character, must also be treated with
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XX (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • took place in this hall, from now on an esoteric breath is to
    • said yesterday — an esoteric breath that can already be
    • coincides with the great international, cosmopolitan impulses
    • through Alexander the Great and Aristotle, which until that
    • Create the Word, feeling foreign
    • given, at all the great things we have been given. We observe
    • and can absorb their majesty and greatness and truth and beauty
    • Yes, great and powerful and majestic and glorious are the worms
    • of sensory perception, marveling at the greatness and majesty
    • Life is manifest in creation;
    • Resounds his anciently potent creative words:
    • Life is manifest in creation;
    • Resounds his anciently potent creative words:
    • Which finds expression in creating,
    • Which finds expression in creating,
    • Your fear of creative spiritual being
    • Your creative knowledge must make it yield.
    • Only when you've defeated the three
    • Create the Word, feeling foreign
    • Document created with wvWare version 1.2.9
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXI (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • classes, it will not be possible to repeat the introductory
    • Create the Word, feeling foreign
    • created by the fear of knowledge, which can only be overcome by
    • then the third beast — created in its ghostly nature by
    • itself the strength to create in one's own soul [Gemüt]
    • Your fear of creative spiritual being
    • To creative knowledge must it yield.
    • Your fear of creative spiritual being
    • To creative knowledge must it yield.
    • interweaving, creating, acting being. It was alive there. Then
    • the thinking that we have between birth and death is the corpse
    • in us between birth and death, is only half alive, how it
    • In you and chooses death,
    • And creates an empty life in it
    • It is the evil creating power
    • In you and chooses death,
    • And creates an empty life in it
    • It is the evil creating power
    • seeming and creates our own being, our own true being. We
    • creative power, which fills all space, all times, all spiritual
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXII (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • Create the Word, feeling foreign
    • descends into the will, and we feel the cosmic creating powers
    • Delve down beneath the seeming:
    • With creative actual Self it rises;
    • Creative cosmic force in the spirit-I.
    • Delve down beneath the seeming:
    • With creative actual self it rises;
    • Creative cosmic force in the spirit-I.
    • Delve down beneath the seeming:
    • Delve down beneath the seeming:
    • With creative actual self it rises;
    • Creative cosmic force in the spirit-I.
    • an action. The “Creative cosmic force” instead of
    • With creative actual self it rises;
    • Creative cosmic force in the spirit-I.
    • to west, permeating us. These are the same forces that grasp
    • strong for true, good spiritual creativity.
    • They'll create, wisdom-weaving,
    • Strong for the good, spirit creating.
    • And they'll create, wisdom-weaving,
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXIII (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • Create the Word, feeling foreign
    • that is permeated by ahrimanic Beings who would cause us to
    • warmth, the forces of heat, of fire wish to bring us, and that
    • of death. We can succumb with our willing to the powers of
    • powers of death, the latter wanting to confine us in a
    • life and death. For we may not only belong to the power of the
    • head. But it must be permeated with darkness, otherwise your
    • and brothers! Blossoming plants: they are created from light;
    • warmth and cold, and for equilibrium between life and death.
    • Thus, life does battle with death
    • Would act with spiritual creation.
    • If death's power binds you fast,
    • Thus, life does battle with death
    • Would act with spiritual creation.
    • If death's power binds you fast,
    • life and death, can find our own Self.
    • are formed as human beings out of the fluid element. It creates
    • breathe in the air. We know that if we breathe in the air in
    • if we do not breathe in the right way. The powers of air are
    • O man, preserve within your spirit's creation
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXIV (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • to repeat every time the introduction which describes the
    • Create the Word, feeling foreign
    • death in order to understand the things of the physical-sensory
    • the middle between life and death; how life would have us
    • vanish in timidity; how death would have us cramped in
    • Threshold now repeats to us.
    • breathe in the air-element, how ossified will we seem. But just
    • by feeling this death by cold that we pass through, the
    • Your own soul will threaten you
    • But self-hood's death by cold,
    • The Guardian speaks with great earnestness:
    • Your own soul will threaten you
    • But self-hood's death by cold,
    • sense real being in godly permeated willing.
    • Create the Word, feeling foreign
    • Document created with wvWare version 1.2.9
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXV (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • cannot be repeated for the new arrivals each time. Therefore, I
    • The Word create, feeling foreign
    • as it is between birth and death on earth: we grasp the world
    • humanity as it unfolds between birth and death in the physical
    • between birth and death, into the world of the spirit, then we
    • do this once we are permeated with what could otherwise be a
    • expression of our soul, does not only beat because of what is
    • breathe in the air, which is the impetus of the heartbeat, we
    • breathe it out again. The world in all its grandeur and majesty
    • participates in our heartbeat. What is sensed in our heart is
    • pulse-beat.
    • Feel the heart's cosmic beat
    • Sense the heart's cosmic beat
    • the cosmic beat can be sensed in the heart
    • Beat
    • in that the will permeates them. If we do this, we are
    • feeling here in the sensory world between birth and death. But
    • must create the feeling that we are not speaking ourselves, but
    • The Word create, feeling foreign
    • Document created with wvWare version 1.2.9
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXVI (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • Since the Christmas Conference an esoteric breath flows through
    • members' lectures will have noted how this esoteric breath
    • Therefore, the necessity arose to create a certain nucleus for
    • anthroposophical esoteric life, to create real esoteric life,
    • for the creation of such a School. For an esoteric school
    • cannot be created by human arbitrariness, nor from that human
    • esoteric school could not have been created without first
    • humanity, in the great questions of civilization before the
    • here within the School it must be repeatedly said: in
    • reserved their seats by placing on them the blue membership
    • when the other one merely repeated the mantra in thought,
    • The Word create, feeling foreign
    • humanity, where we saw what crawls beneath and flies above,
    • we saw what lives in the wind and weather, and where, knowing
    • despite all the beauty and greatness accessible to the senses,
    • creative light within it. The truth is that what you had as
    • what has this thinking accomplished? It has created everything
    • to the senses - that is light-creating essence. The brain,
    • which rests within as thinking's support, has been created by
    • the blackboard.] It is living thinking that creates the support
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture I: The True Form of the Social Question
    Matching lines:
    • clearer feeling than this: a more or less greater role is
    • life after the death of Marx and his friend Engels. I do not
    • development of the modern nature of machines, actually created
    • forceful scientific turnaround of the new time, it created the
    • social question I do not wish to repeat. However, it seems
    • created has an importance in today's social question but that
    • reflect about human dignity, urged to recreate human
    • brightening up of a self-created human consciousness out of the
    • that everything, from thought, artistic creativity and
    • falsely created image, an ideology. The actual reality is
    • recreate a science, a new way of thinking which will become a
    • Document created with wvWare version 1.2.9
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture II: Comparisons at Solving the Social Question based on Life's Realities
    Matching lines:
    • relationship with breathing, blood circulation and everything
    • system through breathing and the digestive system through the
    • the social organism, there have been repeated attempts at
    • lies, the regulating system of the breathing and heart. Only by
    • system, involved with everything which is created out of the
    • actually is so necessary for the wounds of humanity beaten from
    • of making wheat into a consumable product in the vicinity of
    • necessary to make the wheat consumable is, lightly calculated,
    • wheat, but the differences are there. Just as the economic
    • region of middle profit abilities, the sowing of wheat has a
    • return in wheat productivity is in relation to the earth, to
    • labour needed to bring the wheat in an appropriate manner into
    • to process the wheat into a consumable item in different
    • as much as possible; with the greatest degree of association
    • breathing and hart in the breast, concentrated, centralized in
    • the breathing and in the heart system. The entire human
    • circulation and consumption of goods. This is what creates the
    • thinkers who repeatedly in the course of the 19th
    • are to be created in this first social member. In the second
    • the next lectures I will create an extensive foundation
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture III: Fanaticism Versus a Real Conception of Life in Social Thinking and Willing
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    • creation of criticism about social facts of the present day are
    • populace classes had been created and gradually had to
    • result is we are repeatedly distracted, as we said; the point
    • call it a teaching on scientific stilts, a teaching permeated
    • remain abstract, they remain delineated and they don't allow
    • criticism and does not enable real impulses created out of
    • distinguished. If we neglect to create these bridges we lapse,
    • experiences is of a far greater importance than can be
    • live, who wants to be creative, with a will to create
    • needs to eat, drink and clothe himself. In order to do so he
    • What he eats, drinks, where he finds clothing, engages a whole
    • may reveal themselves. Someone might create poems, as many as
    • bridge can be created towards something different. Due to a
    • can with the greatest human ingenuity, applying the deepest
    • result of slavery and you will, even by employing the greatest
    • through creating something in life which strips away the
    • understanding or out of national economic created ingredients
    • need certain conditions in order to create a living human
    • being, so in the same way, conditions need to be created towards
    • stomach can breathe or direct the heartbeat, so little can the
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture IV: The Evolution of Social Thinking and Willing and Life's Circumstances for Current Humanity
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    • into the conscious life, clearly two streams are created,
    • to all that was created as the newer state which had gradually
    • breathing and heart system, both are limited and mutually
    • consumerism, it all comes down to a corresponding creation of
    • value. This creation of value is accomplished essentially by
    • which are created on the foundations of the economic life, to
    • the creation of an entire system of associations in this
    • social insight must take place. Whatever is to be created must
    • Just as the creation of prices and values are the essentials
    • principles and programs, but through direct life, created in
    • can eat oneself to get nourishment.
    • breathing-circulatory systems must work together, and the
    • wealth creation, like life within the political social organism
    • placing spiritual creativity in relation to its usefulness is
    • considered great in Greece and also later times, and the
    • ways. Today however I might repeat a consideration which can be
    • establishment if this establishment did not create what
    • necessary? If Proletarian Marxist educated leaders repeatedly
    • Document created with wvWare version 1.2.9
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture V: The Social Will as the Basis Towards a New, Scientific Procedure
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    • where Goethe allows his Wagner to create the Homunculus, the
    • depended on Middle Age superstitions to desire the creation of
    • they can create something called a social organism.
    • creative powers of natural existence.
    • Worker.” I need to repeatedly think how she stirred a
    • spiritual as something which is created out of itself,
    • out of the ruling classes, created out of a particular soul of
    • created.’ — I don't want to offer general remedies but I
    • our natural European region; bringing wheat from its point of
    • to wheat, roughly compares it is as one to one hundred, or the
    • relationship could be even greater than one to a hundred. So,
    • to bring wheat to the point of consumption. So we can quote the
    • create something independent of the economic life, which plays
    • Commerce, the great land owner, from the curia of the cities,
    • was, to be created and influence institutions of the legal life
    • each creating its own laws and own management. They will stand
    • life moving towards the conscious social life, are permeated
    • Just think back to the great ideals of the French Revolution:
    • It should be completely permeated with the idea, the principle,
    • political system exists, which has to permeate everything
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  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture VI: What Significance does Work have for the Modern Proletarian?
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    • because of this foundation, while the other one must create the
    • possibility to a large number of people, who had just created
    • This was created in the following way.
    • the facts threatened and no longer allowed anything else to be
    • clarity must be created in relation to the manner and way in
    • How would this great cooperative be set up? Here one must take
    • refuge in the framework which has been created in recent times
    • the endeavours of the leading circles, what they had created as
    • they were the ones who had created this world view. One could
    • refers to the angelic creation of people, nothing which points
    • breathing and heart system as carrier of the rhythmic life and
    • those laws which they have created themselves, as equals.’
    • have for the modern state because this they created according
    • the condition that work, which is necessary for the creation of
    • relation to economics, that the proper cooperation is created
    • interest. To a greater extent what had been the case in earlier
    • created. These foundations can only be created when everything
    • glance superficially at the simplest things and then create
    • accept that there is no necessity to create capitalistic
    • the worker is cheated, not cheated merely through the economy
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Lecture: Richard Wagner and Mysticism
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    • Spiritual Science lived in one of the greatest artists of our time. In
    • no need to reiterate the generalisation that ‘an artist creates
    • of the greatest possible clarity — a world where ideas shine into
    • poet as great as Goethe does not use phrases; and if there were no
    • pervade the created universe. He felt the reality of this music and
    • Beethoven): “The primal organs of creation and of nature are
    • days of creation, when as yet there was no human being to receive them
    • domains. The great riddles of the universe were presented to those who
    • greater perfection in the animal and finally to self-consciousness in
    • time had now come for a re-union of the arts, and with his great gifts
    • organs of creation, we can well understand why in his musical dramas
    • for the myths portray Beings far greater than physical man can ever
    • I shall here repeat certain teachings of Spiritual Science which will
    • is created by the ascent of the one and the descent of the other. Such
    • truths can only be expressed with the greatest delicacy. Richard
    • to soul, and when we study the fundamental features of his works we
    • wisdom it was created. But first we must consider certain things which
    • is able to speak with greater clarity of what natural science is only
    • sun's rays in the air. The air was permeated with vapours and clouds.
    • and breathe in a sphere of wisdom. This gives rise to brotherhood,
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Lecture: Spiritual Wisdom in the Early Christian Centuries
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    • ideas. The great spiritual picture to which Plato tried to lift the
    • world who are the Creators of time and of the connections between time
    • cycle, repeated visibly in the Sun, repeats itself every year. But the
    • year the cycle is repeated. If these Powers alone held sway, there
    • breast-system (breathing-process and heart) and the forty-two earthly
    • universe. Great and sublime was the wisdom presented in the schools of
    • Hierarchies, in the great structure of the spiritual universe.
    • totality, one great system — the four hundred and seventy-four
    • every remnant of ancient Heathendom — so, in the domain of
    • absorbed a very great deal from pupils of men like Iamblichus and who
    • In very creatures of nature they see the Divine-Spiritual. This is
    • destroy the heathen temples. Indeed he would have been willing to
    • the heathen temples and he also had the interests of the Christians at
    • heart. Truth and truth alone was his quest. And the great obstacle in
    • the Persian spear which caused Julian's death. It was then that the
    • this moment of death it was revealed to the prophetic vision of Julian
    • sometimes difficult to believe beneath what thick layers the history
    • away from the domain of spiritual life just as the heathen altars were
  • Title: Community Building
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    • are necessarily so great and of such a character as to be
    • Movement, ought not to have so great a cause for grieving over
    • according to all these various aspects of the great ideals of
    • course, yet nevertheless a great amount of work which we had
    • by a great number of human beings, that the Anthroposophical
    • should be permeated by the true power of the Christ, a
    • give expression to some thing to which I attach great
    • permeated by a rationalistic, intellectualistic element. That
    • persons, and I can bring this to ever greater perfection within
    • great importance — that from this direction of
    • Religious Renewal one of the greatest perils for the
    • once more create a community, and will most certainly create
    • Here is the means available for creating communities. But,
    • creating of a community, it will have to find means suited to
    • itself, if it is not to be threatened by a certain peril from
    • the ritual, especially as this has been created with this
    • second part of the way between death and a new birth: out of
    • marks the midnight hour of human existence between death and a
    • depth of the soul, but in a living picture permeated with power
    • dear friends, the power needed for this awaking can be created
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Community Building
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    • time, yet on repeated occasions to single groups among you. But
    • participated in these societies. Among the great multitude of
    • fact that a certain moral atmosphere is created in them —
    • of wrangling, the greatest abundance of occasions for
    • persons, he does not create those concepts and feelings that
    • of repeated earth lives, of karmic relationships in repeated
    • world — there exists the very greatest possibility that
    • world. In the spiritual world the soul must be permeated with
    • greater degree than is customary in the physical world. To
    • among men from the higher worlds the greatest unity, the
    • greatest possible practice of tolerance as a quality one has
    • certain individuals, to create such external establishments,
    • great proportion of the opponents are really of such a
    • be created by this loose association — I say this without
    • was greatly pleased with this description because it showed
    • that persons were present who observed what I greatly desire to
    • create communities in accordance with their karma, but one
    • is not for the spiritual-scientist greatly modified even by the
    • it was. On the other side, however, this created the other
    • was created during the period when it was a necessity in
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 1: Evolution and Consciousness, Lucifer, Ahriman
    Matching lines:
    • of evolution, a course during which the earth repeatedly
    • particular feature of the present age is that
    • mind. He saw himself no more isolated from the great
    • of the pulses beating throughout the universe. Our
    • forming ideas on the basis of thought. Within the great
    • people try and create an image in their minds of anything
    • ideas of the West have a great deal of human
    • our creative artistic work, they are constantly trying to
    • times. Our thinking is still greatly influenced by
    • habits humankind has acquired put up great resistance to
    • knowledge of the heavens came with the great increase in
    • Document created with wvWare version 1.2.9
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 2: East, West, and the Culture of Middle Europe, the Science of Initiation
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    • the great culture which had grown out of the soul and
    • that was truly great at a time when the Mystery of
    • nurture spiritual science. They will have to create an
    • ideas one was not in the sphere of death but in the
    • came to be submerged beneath other things in the second
    • thoughts of those great minds, not in an external way but
    • words repeated parrot-fashion in the churches that no one
    • Once again the great difference between the Latin and the
    • even greater significance where a more profound view is
    • initiate unless you can see your own ideas repeated by
    • am not going to repeat your ideas. That implies some
    • Document created with wvWare version 1.2.9
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 3: Political Empires
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    • can go to great lengths to explain that one should not
    • conditions regularly created through the mystery cult.
    • that was a feature of earliest imperialism still comes up
    • created among humans were a symbol of what existed in the
    • that Dante, who after all must be considered a great
    • but the institutions created on earth had to be an image,
    • That is what has happened to the great, far-reaching
    • repeatedly described what it meant, to people who were
    • our inner life by considering the great events of world
    • trodden to death, a memory reaching back to things that
    • that People today have been given great tasks and yet
    • Document created with wvWare version 1.2.9
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 4: Western Secret Societies, Jesuitism, Leninism
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    • realization; or in other words that there is a great deal
    • Ages. That was a great and significant way of thinking,
    • similar creatures made this invention very much earlier,
    • a natural death in the triumphant progress of a clear,
    • a natural death in the triumphant progress of a clear,
    • would treat us as a harmless sect, as odd characters, and
    • death and the birth process that brought us into our
    • everything that happens to your soul between death and
    • the greatest opposition to this idea? The greatest
    • creates a soul in the spiritual world, a soul that then
    • connects with what is created between two people in the
    • when two People copulate the spirit very kindly creates a
    • unite with the physical body which has been created, and
    • millenia — that it pleases God to create souls for
    • human beings procreated here on earth. What their egotism
    • does i not allow them to accept is the thought that death
    • you all know what life after death is like. I do not need
    • who cannot bear the thought of death being the end of it
    • unclear, of course—what happens after death. They
    • created for every newly generated human body and unites
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 5: How the Material Can Be Understood Only through the Spirit
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    • by a great many people, namely that the heart is a kind
    • the major factors being breathing, hunger, thirst and so
    • People anywhere to know about repeated earth lives and so
    • church or the dogma of repeated earth lives. Real
    • as ‘historical materialism’ plays a great
    • something and create a potential basis at the Worker's
    • were and still are as great in the socialist movement as
    • also have to eat and drink--would be compared to the
    • definitely not the case, however. I have repeatedly
    • theories that now threaten to spread through the whole of
    • death and decay into the progress of history; rather than
    • generating everything else it brings about the death of
    • everything. This element of death constantly has to be
    • help the world to its death. The only possible outcome of
    • proceeding in this way is to help the world to its death,
    • for the simple reason that the laws of death are inherent
    • getting a great deal more serious than people are
    • cannot create materialism, just as you cannot create a
    • organism. In the same way everything created here on a
    • Document created with wvWare version 1.2.9
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 6: Materialism and Mysticism, Knowledge as a Deed of the Soul
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    • eaten its way into everything spread about by way of
    • perceive through the senses if we treat it as a
    • create some kind of physical reality, in spite of the
    • Feeblemindedness is a constant threat and we only remain
    • form to the brain of a child is far greater than the
    • petrified. A child still has a great deal of the spirit.
    • Document created with wvWare version 1.2.9
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 7: Materialism, Mysticism, Anthroposophy, Liberalism, Conservatism
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    • flesh, creating a physical Image of itself that consists
    • the spiritual brain, and this image creates an image,
    • Document created with wvWare version 1.2.9
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 8: The Opposition of Knowledge and Faith, Its Overcoming
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    • individuals created a certain schism between human
    • given great emphasis. It simply has to be admitted that
    • and repeat it; they merely repeat it. What is all this
    • Protestant element, and Rome will continue to make great
    • it may happen that having created such a material image
    • called Christ. This happens a great deal nowadays and it
    • Protestant clergyman who had travelled a great deal. [
    • travelled a great deal. To stop you from developing
    • i.e. after death, for that is an idea that can be
    • our last death and our birth into the present life, needs
    • what will happen after death, however. It is easy to
    • preach on what people may expect after death, therefore,
    • create new social forms, has many enemies. You can guess
    • greater degree than has been the case until now.
    • had created a threefold order some time ago. (The lady
    • to a great many people about the threefold order in
    • question.) This lady, then, is said to have created a
    • Document created with wvWare version 1.2.9
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 9: East, West, and Middle
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    • an even greater extent when we are fully asleep. The way
    • world around them and focus it on the great illuminating
    • the organs perceptible to the senses are created. Human
    • word we use to express that death is not the end of life,
    • the word 'immortality', deathlessness. We do not have a
    • The great
    • and death. In ancient times the people of the Orient were
    • death. Orientals had no real interest in this in the
    • way they are between birth and death. It was left to
    • death. It was left to a culture which I should like to
    • and death. It went through preliminary stages in the late
    • nature of those great minds and you will see that I am
    • Fichte, Schelling, even Goethe. What made them great?
    • Their greatness and significance has to do with
    • perception of the human being between birth and death.
    • example. You will find that great emphasis is put on the
    • lives between birth and death-Hegel never considered the
    • death. You will find nothing about the intervention of
    • death and rebirth. It is as if all this had been erased
    • from that great culture, for its mission was to emphasize
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 10: Transition from the Luciferic to the Ahrimanic Age and the Christ Event to Come
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    • permitted to take the great disaster that has happened in recent years as
    • they call it a ‘war’ behind us; a much greater war than any
    • another great event [ Note 68 ] took place
    • Belgium together had 35 million horse power years available. Great
    • position of Great Britain those 98 million horse power years could not
    • reached the front lines indirectly. Those energies were opposed by Great
    • characteristic features of the present age. I have merely given the most
    • been reached in Germany where fertile human brains had created something
    • as a horse would have done. That is the characteristic feature of modern
    • forces with their own objective activity that human beings have created
    • human soul life in those past times when the great struggles in which
    • in the whole world of technology created by the human race. Nor will they
    • immediate conscious awareness of the will. The great danger is that the
    • great problem of our time is that people slide into the ahrimanic sphere
    • heathen virtues and vices play a role, but there can be no such a thing
    • created. This mood will emerge more and more over the next few decades,
    • has also existed in earlier ages, but it will happen to a much greater
    • of these young people. A great longing is going to come, a kind of
    • have a science that I have taken to great heights; have a life in the
    • what I am.' This mood will be the great question mark of the age, a
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 11: Modern Science and Christianity, Threefold Social Order, Goetheanism
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    • be achieved by creating some particular social
    • the work of creative artists and in aesthetic pleasures.
    • When we look at something beautiful or create something
    • Goethe's way was to create a picture composed of twenty
    • breath of an individual spirit in them. Knowledge was
    • intention was to present the creative potential of the
    • we create the first beginnings for an evolution of the
    • now become lecture theatres for modern literature and are
    • concentrated on the great task. I feel it really has to
    • Anthroposophical Movement today. But let me repeat once
    • a serious Anthroposophy that is considering the great
    • That of course is the great evil in our time, that people
    • patent-leather boots like Count Keyserling — it
    • start repeating the rubbish literary hacks have been
    • won't create any awkwardness — just let it slip
    • Document created with wvWare version 1.2.9
  • Title: Life Between Two Incarnations
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    • place with man between death and a new rebirth. This is one of the most
    • like to begin immediately by describing the life of man between death
    • human body the same physical processes appear, but there is a great
    • destroyed at death by its own law of physico-chemical substances, and
    • science now shows us that in the state between birth and death, that
    • death this life body separates from the physical body. Man has this
    • life body in common with every other living creature; the animal has
    • out through the name "I." All great religions also felt this, that in
    • the fact that man can say: "I am", that is the crown of creation. This
    • among the beings that are visible in the earthly creation. Therefore,
    • between life and death. If it was shown earlier that as soon as sleep
    • certain exceptional cases, which will be mentioned later. Only in death
    • take place for the first time. Now, in death, not only does the astral
    • develop at death. Well, if you have followed yesterday's public
    • death. And for every human being means are open and ways are offered to
    • know what the human being experiences when he passes the gate of death.
    • has passed through death, he first has a feeling that he is growing
    • into all things. At the moment immediately after death you do not feel
    • occurs, which stands before you with all its details like a great
    • the human being experiences just now. In death, however, as was
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture I
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    • great and far-reaching events of world and human
    • times, attend with so great care to such outward things of
    • certain connection between the recent great events throbbing
    • great events throbbing through our time.: Out of such feelings
    • may say without hesitation that the great movement of the
    • the opportunity to create, as has been done here, something for
    • great and revolutionary impulses occurring in the earthly path
    • in so far as he goes through his existence between death and a
    • have felt and experienced this great revolution, which, of
    • always had to live according to karma, the great law of
    • Race, the consciousness of repeated Earth-lives sprang
    • great achievement in the education of the future. A social
    • attitude must be created, built up upon a spiritual relation to
    • previous incarnation. To hold the theory, of repeated
    • have taken the trouble to find out a great deal about what is
    • karma, of repeated earth-lives and the
    • prefer to sleep, to sleep so soundly that in mid-Europe great
    • Document created with wvWare version 1.2.9
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture II
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    • great importance that it forms, and always must form, a
    • existence of the soul after death” — that is, the
    • extinction at death, so that a certain response is always to be
    • found in man's soul when “life after death” is
    • mentioned. The treatment generally given to-day to the idea
    • not to die as souls at physical death. Naturally, the soul's
    • continued existence after death will be assumed in all
    • existence of the soul after death is very far from being
    • should not only speak of life after death, but also of that
    • and death. For as you know, this life is also a
    • passed between our last death and that birth through which we
    • something of a religious impulse permeating the whole of life
    • youth, but through its whole span between birth and death. For
    • feeling had permeated men that their doings in the day were in
    • to regard this life between birth and death as a
    • we stand at the beginning of the greatest conflicts, the
    • greatest spiritual conflicts of the civilized world, and
    • Increasing opposition is threatened in the soul-attitude of
    • decades we have heard repeated in socialist circles holding the
    • (I have discussed this at greater length in the first chapter
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  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture III
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    • evolution men are confronted with great tests, though for the
    • consciousness. The great obstacle to be overcome is the desire
    • really important feature of our post-Atlantean age is
    • feeling, everyone could realize that a great, important and
    • — became fainter and fainter. This great Mystery,
    • mankind, will be as wreaths of vapour. These differences lie in
    • is felt, how men avoid approaching the great knowledge or
    • must be drawn to it. The physical body of man is permeated
    • during his existence between birth and death by the soul;
    • death are added to the earth and go their way according to the
    • emphatically not without significance, that from birth to death
    • birth to death of a being, man's soul and spirit, which before
    • even what we relinquish to the Earth at our death is important
    • the gate of death and leaves his body behind him, he releases
    • body to the earthly world at death.
    • interesting to see the most important features of the day from
    • five years. The great thing in all these things is to prepare,
    • entire life between birth and death. At birth we take over the
    • back into the spiritual world at death.. There they accompany
    • presents itself the fruit we carry through the gate of death
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  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Main Features of the Social Question and the Threefold Order of the Social Organism
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    • Main Features of the Social Question and the Threefold Order of the Social Organism
    • became possible, and at this point occurred a great historical
    • place about us might have become the great instructors of
    • great imperial states, the affairs of these states had acquired
    • say was a great contrast to what at that time, and indeed even
    • life. Opposed to these circles stands the great mass of the
    • course of years, various things have eaten into the feelings of
    • would be no share for each worth having. I repeat, it is
    • although in social questions he falls into great errors
    • in Berlin no theatres, no high schools, no public school,
    • felt: here is a spiritual life created by what we produce, by
    • men who were divided by a deep golf from the great masses to
    • religion and theology. Proudly it is asserted and repeated:
    • very distinguished scientist, for whom I have great respect (I
    • That is only one example of what might be repeated a
    • bring about the death of all culture. We must look not only
    • control. That is one of the great objectives we must specially
    • of education, who were creative spiritually. But to-day we have
    • created out of the spirit, to satisfy the demands of education,
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.

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