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  • Title: Memria e Amor
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    • Hoje, gostaria de falar sobre como a vida do homem na Terra é, em certo sentido, uma imagem inversa dessas experiências. A vida humana terrestre é compreendida apenas quando suas manifestações particulares podem ser relacionadas aos seus complementos no mundo espiritual, onde o homem passa a maior parte de sua existência.
    • Gostaria, primeiramente, de falar sobre algumas das maneiras pelas quais a alma humana se expressa durante a vida terrena, na medida em que podem ser relacionadas a experiências no mundo espiritual. A partir das minhas duas últimas palestras aqui, vocês terão percebido que as experiências da alma humana entre a morte e o renascimento diferem essencialmente daquelas entre o nascimento e a morte. Aqui na Terra as experiências de um homem são todas mediadas por seu corpo, seja o corpo físico ou o corpo etérico. Nada do que ele experimenta na Terra pode se dar sem o apoio da natureza corpórea. Poderíamos facilmente imaginar, por exemplo, que o pensar é um ato puramente espiritual e que, da maneira como sucede na alma humana terrena, não se relaciona a existência em um corpo. Em certo sentido, é assim. Mas espiritualmente independente como o pensamento humano é, ele não poderia seguir seu curso aqui na existência terrena se fosse incapaz de receber o suporte do corpo e de seus processos. Posso me valer de uma comparação que usei muitas vezes aqui em ocasiões semelhantes. Quando um homem está caminhando, o solo em que caminha certamente não é a parte essencial de sua atividade – a parte essencial está dentro de sua pele –, mas sem o apoio do solo ele não poderia obter êxito.
    • Ocorre o mesmo com o pensamento. Em essência, o pensamento certamente não é um processo cerebral, mas sem o suporte do cérebro ele não poderia ter seu curso terrestre. À luz dessa comparação, obtém-se uma concepção correta da espiritualidade, bem como das limitações físicas do pensamento humano. Em suma, meus queridos amigos, aqui na vida terrena não há nada no homem que não dependa do corpo como sustento. Carregamos nossos órgãos dentro do corpo - pulmão, coração, cérebro e assim por diante. Com saúde normal, não temos percepção consciente de nossos órgãos internos. Nós os percebemos apenas quando doentes, e ainda assim de maneira muito imperfeita. Nunca podemos afirmar que possuímos conhecimento de um órgão por lhe termos olhado diretamente, a menos que estejamos estudando anatomia – mas aí não estamos estudando um órgão vivo. Nunca podemos dizer que temos a mesma visão de um órgão interno que temos de um objeto externo. É característico da vida terrena não conhecermos o interior de nosso corpo por meio da consciência comum. Ainda menos um homem conhece do que ele geralmente considera de maior valor para sua existência corporal – o interior de sua cabeça. Pois quando ele começa a saber alguma coisa a seu respeito, via de regra, o conhecimento se mostra deveras desagradável – dor de cabeça e tudo o que a acompanha.
    • Na vida espiritual entre a morte e um novo nascimento, prevalece exatamente o oposto. Lá, realmente sabemos o que está dentro de nós. É como se aqui na Terra não víssemos árvores nem nuvens lá fora, mas olhássemos principalmente para dentro de nós, dizendo: aqui está o pulmão, aqui está o coração, aqui está o estômago. No mundo espiritual contemplamos nosso próprio interior. Mas o que vemos é o mundo dos seres espirituais, o mundo que aprendemos a conhecer em nossa literatura antroposófica como o mundo das hierarquias superiores. Esse é o nosso mundo interior. E entre a morte e o renascimento, sentimo-nos realmente ser o mundo inteiro – quando falo do todo é apenas figurativamente, mas é inteiramente verdade – às vezes cada um de nós se sente ser o mundo inteiro. E nos momentos mais importantes de nossa existência espiritual entre a morte e um novo nascimento sentimos nosso interior e experimentamos o mundo dos seres espirituais, conscientes deles. É tão verdade que lá temos consciência de espíritos do mundo superior dentro de nós quanto é verdade que aqui na Terra não temos consciência de nosso interior: do fígado, dos pulmões e assim por diante. O que é mais característico é que, na experiência espiritual, toda nossa experiência física é invertida. Gradualmente, por meio do conhecimento da iniciação, aprendemos como isso deve ser entendido.
    • Esse processo rítmico constantemente repetido pode ser comparado com duas coisas diferentes aqui na existência física terrena. Pode ser comparado com a inspiração e a expiração, e também com o sono e a vigília. Na existência física na Terra, ambos são processos rítmicos – ambos podem ser comparados com o que venho descrevendo. Mas com os processos que ocorrem no mundo espiritual entre a morte e o renascimento, não se trata de saber algo de uma forma puramente abstrata, ou – devo acrescentar – para a satisfação de curiosidade espiritual; trata-se de reconhecer a vida na Terra como uma imagem do supraterrestre. E surge necessariamente a questão: o que acontece na vida terrena que se assemelha a uma faculdade de memória não possuída pelo homem em sua consciência comum, uma faculdade que pode ser possuída por seres das hierarquias, arcanjos? O que há na vida física que é como uma memória de se viver no mundo dos seres espirituais, ou como uma memória de se experimentar a si mesmo lá?
    • Ora, meus queridos amigos, se entre a morte e um novo nascimento não tivéssemos a experiência de olhar para dentro de nós mesmos e de encontrar o mundo do espírito, aqui na Terra não haveria tal coisa como moral. O que retemos dessa experiência dos seres no mundo espiritual, quando entramos na vida terrena, é uma inclinação para a vida moral. A força dessa inclinação se dá proporcionalmente à clareza com que, entre a morte e o novo nascimento, o homem experimentou a convivência com os espíritos do mundo superior. E qualquer um que, em um sentido espiritualmente correto, examine essas coisas, sabe que os homens imorais, como resultado de sua vida anterior na Terra, tiveram uma experiência muito embotada dessa existência espiritual. Mas, se entre a morte e um novo nascimento, pudéssemos experimentar apenas o que nos torna um com os seres do mundo superior, e nunca pudéssemos experimentar a nós mesmos, então seria impossível alcançarmos, na Terra, a liberdade, consciência da liberdade, consciência da nossa personalidade, que é fundamentalmente idêntica à consciência da liberdade. Assim, quando, na Terra, desenvolvemos moralidade e liberdade, elas são memórias do ritmo que experimentamos no mundo espiritual entre a morte e um novo nascimento. Ao direcionarmos nosso olhar à alma, podemos falar mais precisamente sobre o que nela ecoa: por um lado, tornar-se um com os seres espirituais e, por outro, nossa experiência da consciência espiritual do eu. O que durante a vida terrena permanece em nossa alma como um eco de nos tornarmos um com os seres do mundo espiritual é a capacidade para o amor. Essa capacidade para o amor está mais intimamente relacionada à vida moral do que se pensa.Pois sem a capacidade para o amor, não haveria vida moral aqui na Terra; tudo isso surge da compreensão com que nos depar
    • Durante nossa vida na Terra, entre o nascimento e a morte, nossas memórias são extraordinariamente fugazes; apenas imagens permanecem. Reflita sobre quão pouco essas imagens retêm dos eventos vivenciados. Basta se lembrar da indescritível tristeza sofrida diante da morte de alguém muito próximo, e imaginar intensamente o estado interior da alma a isso associado; e então observar como isso aparece como uma experiência interior quando, depois de dez anos, você a evoca. Tornou-se uma sombra pálida, quase abstrata. Assim é a nossa capacidade de recordação: pálida e abstrata, em comparação com o pleno vigor da vida imediata. Por que nossa lembrança é tão fraca e sombria? Ela é, de fato, a sombra de nossa experiência do eu entre a morte e um novo nascimento. Compreendida nessa experiência do eu está a faculdade de lembrar, de modo que ela realmente nos confere a nossa existência. Aquilo que nos dá carne e sangue aqui na Terra nos confere, entre a morte e um novo nascimento, a faculdade da memória. Lá a memória é robusta e vigorosa – se é que posso usar tais expressões para o que é espiritual – depois ela incorpora carne e enfraquece. Quando morremos, durante alguns dias – tenho frequentemente descrito isso –, o último resquício de memória ainda fica presente no corpo etérico. Se, ao atravessarmos o portão da morte, voltamos o olhar para nossa vida passada na Terra, a memória se esvai. E dessa memória desabrocha o que a força do amor na Terra nos deu como força para a vida após a morte. Assim, a força da memória é a herança que recebemos de nossa vida pré-terrena, e a força do amor é a semente para o além-morte. Eis a relação entre a vida terrena e o mundo espiritual.
    • Obtemos a ideia acertada disso se dissermos: antes de descerem à Terra vocês estavam no mundo espiritual e viviam lá, conforme descrito. O grande esquecimento veio. No que sua boca profere, do que sua alma se lembra, em como sua alma ama, vocês não reconhecem o eco do que eram no mundo espiritual. Na arte, entretanto, recuamos alguns passos da vida, por assim dizer, e nos aproximamos do que éramos em nossa vida pré-natal e do que seremos em nossa vida após a morte. E se formos capazes de reconhecer como a memória é um eco do que tínhamos na vida pré-terrena, e como o desdobramento do amor é a semente do que teremos após a morte; se por meio do conhecimento do espírito imaginarmos o passado e o futuro da existência humana, na arte invocamos ao presente – na medida do possível para o homem em sua organização física – invocamos o que nos une ao espírito.
    • Esta é a glória essencial da arte: ela nos leva, por meios simples, ao mundo espiritual, no presente imediato. Quem é capaz de olhar para a vida interior do homem dirá: de modo geral, o homem se lembra apenas das coisas que vivenciou no curso de sua vida terrena atual. Mas a força pela qual ele se lembra dessas experiências terrenas é a força enfraquecida de sua existência como um eu na vida pré-terrena. E o amor que ele é capaz de desenvolver aqui como um amor universal da humanidade é a força enfraquecida da semente que frutificará após a morte. E assim como no canto e na fala declamatória aquilo que um homem é deve estar unido, pela memória, àquilo que ele pode dar ao mundo por meio do amor, assim também é em toda arte. Um homem pode experimentar uma harmonia de seu eu com o que está fora, mas a menos que seja capaz de mostrar externamente o que está dentro dele – seja no tom, na pintura ou em qualquer outro ramo da arte –, a menos que mostre na superfície o que ele é, o que a vida fez dele, qual é o conteúdo essencial de sua memória, ele não poderá ser um artista. Tampouco é um verdadeiro artista aquele que é acentuadamente inclinado a ser egotista em sua arte. Somente aqueles dispostos a se abrir para o mundo, os que se tornam um com seus semelhantes, os que desdobram o amor, são capazes de unir esse desdobramento do amor intimamente a seu próprio ser. Altruísmo e egotismo se unem em uma única corrente. Confluem naturalmente e mais intimamente nas artes sonoras, mas também nas artes plásticas. E quando, por meio de um certo aprofundamento de nossas forças de conhecimento, nos é revelado como o homem está conectado a um mundo suprassensível, no que diz respeito ao passado e ao futuro, podemos também dizer que o homem tem um antegosto presente desse vínculo, no criar e fruir artístico. Na verdade, a arte nunca adquire todo o seu valor se não estiver, em certa medida, de acordo com a religião. Não que tenha d
    • A humanidade realmente adquiriu a arte da vida religiosa. E Schiller tem razão ao dizer: “Somente no alvorecer da beleza se avança para a terra do conhecimento”, que geralmente se encontra citado nos livros como “Somente através da porta da beleza se avança para a terra do conhecimento.” Se um artista comete um lapso, isso é passado para a posteridade. A leitura certa, é claro, é: “Somente no alvorecer da beleza se avança para a terra do conhecimento”. Em outras palavras: todo conhecimento vem por meio da arte. Fundamentalmente, não há conhecimento que não seja intimamente relacionado à arte. É apenas o conhecimento ligado ao exterior, à utilidade, que aparenta não ter ligação com a arte. Mas esse conhecimento só pode se estender ao que, no mundo, um mero lapidador saberia sobre pintura. Assim que na química ou na física se vai além – estou falando figurativamente, mas você sabe o que quero dizer – do que a mera retificação de cores implica, a ciência se torna arte. E quando o artístico é compreendido em sua natureza espiritual da maneira correta, ele gradualmente avança para o religioso. Arte, religião e ciência eram uma coisa só, e ainda é possível termos uma noção de sua origem comum. Isso alcançaremos apenas quando a civilização e o desenvolvimento humano retornarem ao espírito; quando levarmos a sério a relação existente entre o homem aqui, em sua existência física terrena, e o mundo espiritual. Devemos nos apropriar desse conhecimento sob os mais diversos pontos de vista.
  • Title: Evil and Spiritual Science
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    • existence to our sight which cannot be reached by external
    • expression: that evil and real wickedness hardly exist, but
    • to deny its existence. How have we attempted to answer the
    • with that which exists in the world, in the way for example
    • world, where evil exists and the wicked reigns, this would be
    • rooted in the underground of the world and of human existence.
    • of existence. This is set out here solely in order to show to
    • circles of existence. And the world between death and rebirth
    • outer existence, in the acts and thoughts of the physical world
    • of existence, that a human can bring down what it necessarily
    • Other beings must also exist — and a glance onto the
    • beings must exist, which in the region, where humanity cannot
    • matter, based upon material existence, because the soul is
    • involved in a material existence. No, evil arises precisely
    • must lead us deep into the secrets of human existence, if one
    • appearance of the alpha and omega of world existence. But such
    • world existence which must be portrayed as evil — and
    • divine spirit existence, that our soul was within a divine-
    • spiritual existence, and that the divine existence from a
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 1: Popular Occultism, Introtroduction
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    • muscles, bones and nerves exist in the physical body, there are also
    • Seen from the outside, the astral body does not exist at all as far
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 2: Man's Ascent into the Supersensible World
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    • which existed in the Middle Ages! The religious yearning may suddenly
    • indicated above. For everything which exists in the physical world as
    • quite well that there exists a Spirit of the Sun.
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 3: The Different Conditions of Man's Life After Death
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    • man grows conscious of the astral world. Nevertheless there exists in
    • This new state of existence is called life in Kamaloca.
    • of the physical body, but now it is free and exists in the form of consciousness.
    • continues to exist, whereas the organs no longer exist. The soul yearns
    • This state of existence
    • the Kamaloca-existence takes up about one third of the duration of earthly
    • it enters the Devachan state of existence.
    • is a far more real state of existence than earthly life.
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 4: The Devachanic World
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    • a vacuum, existing in the first region of Devachan. This constitutes,
    • to his own body. He learns to compare his physical existence in a selfless
    • way with every other form of physical existence. With every incarnation
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 5: Life Between Death and a New Birth
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    • only existed as a germ. He took it along until the next incarnation.
    • his further states of existence.
    • which he took in during his Kamaloca existence, everything engraved upon
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 6: Man's Return to a New Earthly Life
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    • to live for a time in an existence of its own and then it is absorbed by
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 8: The Evolution of Man and of the Solar System; the Atlantic Evolution
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    • which exists since the time of St. John, the author of the Gospel of
    • “Akasha Chronicle”.]. Atlantis always existed
    • was adapted to the conditions of the earth which existed at that time,
    • being existed even at that time. This leads us to the relationship of
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 9: Lemurian Development
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    • It was the same connection which now exists during sleep: the soul was
    • were one body, and everything which now exists in the form of human
    • a kind of plant-existence. Animal forms and human forms arose much later,
    • for at that time everything still stood at one stage of planned-existence.
    • aspect, the whole process of development exists for the sake of man.
  • Title: i Spirituality: Lecture 1: Historical Symptomology, the Year 790, Alcuin, Greeks, Platonism, Aristotelianism, East, West, Middle, Ego
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    • be paid to a being who really exists. But death has no reality, death is only the outer limit of
    • human being as the spiritual. But it existed in a — I beg you not to misunderstand the word
    • and not to confuse it with usual dreaming — it existed in a dreamlike, dim way, so that
    • oriental was well aware that his being existed before birth, that it returns through death to the
    • spiritual world in which it existed before birth or conception. The oriental gazed on that which
    • is still spoken of there as a reality, and the existence of the external world, in the way one
    • which, for the external existence of time and space, is a nothing but which, nevertheless, is
    • organism in such a way that it can exist in harmony before their eyes. This, however, can only
    • inauguration of this World Fellowship of Schools when the idea of it already exists. It is simply
    • portray the striving of an idea to attain existence in reality. For it is not always that it
    • producing what does not already exist, but by forming out of his own inner strength that
    • varieties of supersensible ideas; the sum-total of existence, more or less, is the object of
    • nothing existing in itself, and thus cannot receive anything, no payment can be paid to it.
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 2: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 1
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    • life, are emerging ever more strongly from the depths of existence. On the one side we have the
    • distortion exists, which occurred with the inundation of the East through Peter the Great
    • longer existed. But the economic connections remained intact.
    • all individual phenomena, how this, let us say historical threefoldness, really does exist; in
    • — are actually the bearers of premature existences of this kind which, through
    • conception and birth, we come into physical existence — and to turn human beings more or
    • allow themselves to be convinced a little of the existence of the causes!
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 3: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 2
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    • differentiation that exists among the peoples of the present civilized world. I indicated how the
    • existed in Greece, primarily as artistic beauty but also as a certain insight; and how already in
    • the modern anthroposophically-oriented spiritual science, everything that exists in Western
    • science, there remained, as an external appendage, leading an abstract existence of its own, what
    • entering into an existence before birth or after death. Nor can its justification be found
    • it is all permeated with coquetry, one nevertheless sees how the whole nature of his existence
    • unreality of Puritanism, exists only in the form of natural science. In the Centre we have had an
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 4: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 3
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    • threefold social order does not yet exist but Goethe gives the form he would like to ascribe to
    • an economic life which, whether existing alone or mixed with the other limbs of the social
    • intimate context what exists in a less refined form in external culture at large. A crude
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 5: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 4
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    • idea of what had previously existed as a longing for knowledge.
    • What then is needed here? It is that which exists
    • importance were the abilities, the forces, brought by the human being into physical existence
    • that you were born, that you exist, is not what matters!' This did not interest him. It was the
    • birth certificate or the christening certificate that had to exist; that was the important thing.
    • when existence before birth had been forgotten a recognition of the life before birth still lived
    • these really must exist in an anthroposophically-oriented spiritual science. For this reason such
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 6: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 5
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    • still strong remnants of this old clairvoyant condition of humanity existing at the time of the
    • the earth, there were still strong remnants of the ancient clairvoyance existing in many people.
    • particular characteristic of the ancient oriental peoples and existed essentially in its last
    • look at the immense difference that exists between the whole social structure of the Middle Ages,
    • to many difficult conditions. Take the fact that the existing accounts concerning the Mystery of
    • accounts, as they existed, come into the hands of the faithful. Thus the strict forbiddance for
    • of the belief in authority than exists among those who accept modern official science as the
    • still exist. Human beings can still just about understand it. They set down this understanding in
    • threateningly since only a kind of rhythmic balance existed between revelation and reason. What
    • This also signifies something of immense profundity. And when the decadent element existing in
    • idealistic philosophy of Central Europe. It has ceased to exist since the middle of the
    • Schelling, Hegel — in reality no longer exists in public life. And when it tries to assert
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 7: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 6
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    • man be able to raise himself to an existence worthy of the human being: that he should be able to
    • existence through conception and birth, in a spiritual world. He knew that he brought with him
    • physical existence. To be aware theoretically that one has passed through a spiritual life of
    • worthlessness of human existence. This will arise more and more: that the human being will feel
    • his existence to be worthless if he cannot feel it to be anything other than the sum total of
    • physical existence.
    • to say to himself: 'It is true that, during earth-existence, I cannot attain spirit-self in my
    • still in earthly existence. I must prepare myself, in germ, inwardly so that in the future I
    • nature that, during the period of earth-existence, they cannot emerge fully. These states of
    • between his dwarf-like existence on earth and the experience that lights up within him of himself
    • has ever arisen in earth-existence; the disharmony between the human being's feeling as an
  • Title: Abbreviated Title: Lecture I:
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    • were, out of nothing and attains a perceptible existence. Thus people speak
    • Picture to yourselves that when we enter physical existence we are born
    • physical existence is dependent on preceding causes, on what took place
    • ‘When I enter physical existence, and during my education, I
    • existence. Just as, in the second half of our life, our life is a kind of
    • erosion of our physical existence, so there must occur, between death and a
    • Science prepare themselves to appear in earthly existence again as soon as
    • Earth-existence busy, themselves with something which has a significance
  • Title: "Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will not pass away"
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    • Jupiter begins to exist, these Spirits of Personality advance to the
    • impossible to exist upon such a Jupiter, for the hidden Saturn man
    • equivalent to our vegetable kingdom shall come into existence,
    • Saturn man in you the mineral Jupiter comes into existence. So true is
    • exists of this parent fowl but a tiny germ within the egg — so
    • nothing exists upon the earth as a basis for the future Jupiter than
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture I: Tree of Life - I
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    • problems, the existence of which we hardly guessed before, first
    • conception upon this greatest riddle of man's earthly existence, nor
    • natural, has made use of already existing ideas in asking itself:
    • philosophy which existed at the time of the Mystery of Golgotha could
    • existed in many, many shades and nuances, and these sought in their
    • sufficiently to grasp in them the living life existing in the Mystery
    • There exists in Europe a legend
    • characteristic feature is not that this legend exists, but that it
    • The very great difference that exists
    • remark the very great difference that exists between the two Creation
    • ask this. In a certain respect they no longer exist as nations, but
    • what they possessed as life exists, exists somewhat in the following
    • France, somewhat more of the original population exists,
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture II: Tree of Life - II
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    • of the different one-sided elements in world-existence in order to
    • finely spiritualised existence.
    • which exists under the present ‘normal’
    • circumstances, where Lucifer works within our existence.
    • exists: Ahriman experiences in our physical body Lucifer's
    • world under the circumstances of our earthly existence. But the
    • really gained in the sphere of existence which we know to be assigned
    • weave, but we live and weave and have our existence in Ahriman's
    • impossibility of arriving at the basis of existence, rests upon the
    • experiences, since this exists by virtue of what Lucifer has effected
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture III: The Power of Thought
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    • expressed exists in a high degree. At least the consciousness exists
    • general not much consciousness exists there of these living, forming
    • longing for the Moon existence. They were out of place, they were not
    • at home in the existing evolution; they felt themselves to be
    • compared with what had already existed in Western civilisation till
    • Mysteries were still in existence at that time, but the feeling
    • existed for only a short time, and, like a shadow of the old times,
    • schools were still in existence; in these was taught the old
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture IV: Harmonizing Thinking, Feeling and Willing
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    • made this step of sharing in the Moon existence, they are now going
    • through, in as much as they take part in our earthly existence. They
    • willing from the outer cosmic existence. They confine this feeling
    • and existence it remains unknown, does not enter the consciousness.
    • two worlds for him; the world of the existing order and the world of
    • however, during Earth-existence, they wish to do what they did not do
    • Moon-existence and attribute the whole earthly sense world to
    • everything that exists and works and grows, appears upon the
    • foundation of the old Moon existence.
    • of thought. We should feel in connection with the past existing in
    • the shining Moon-existence a curtain, a veil, because at that time he
    • omitted to unite himself with the Sun-existence. And he deceives us
    • in us from the Old Moon-existence — that is from
    • the eternally new Moon-existence is our thought-content, which is
    • go through the world, our senses turned outwards to sense-existence,
    • shone upon by the ancient Sun and Moon-existence. And this would
    • we can say: Lucifer through his existence shuts us off from the
    • Moon behind the ordinary sense-existence, so he ought to see behind
    • should know that what we call existence is not something that
    • contains existence, but rather something out of which existence has
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture V: Tree of Knowledge - I
    Matching lines:
    • makes for himself, never a word is to be found about the existence of
    • worm-existence can give the assurance that nothing at all in this
    • Moon-existence) and Space (during the Earth-existence) first entered
    • Earth-existence, and Time has actually only become meaningful since
    • existence which is surrounded by the cosmos; we have an Old
    • Sun-existence, again surrounded by the cosmos; we have an Old
    • Moon-existence but already developing out of it a sort of
    • existence as Earth. That is to say, we were left behind on the Earth
    • certain role in the whole state of our earth existence, is the idea
    • they were inwardly united with the whole human existence. There the
    • Sun-existence; he says: ‘I Sun.’ That
    • Sun-existence. Although the first rudiments of our sense-organs had
    • the Sun-existence wished to possess anything. He does not behold
    • exists in the evolution of humanity a peculiar longing. Wherever in
    • that there lives in man's existence the longing to rise above this
    • succession of events in our space and time existence, or, if they
    • for Lucifer. The ancient Moon-existence endures and so also do things
    • existence when the Jupiter and Venus conditions are one day there.
    • like physical orders. For that is a part of Maya-existence, of
    • profoundly important foundations of our whole earth-existence. For do
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture VI: Tree of Knowledge - II
    Matching lines:
    • developed from the time of the Sun-existence and through the Moon and
    • Earth-existence. Thus, there remains, as it were, outside this
    • established him in earthly existence, he has led him out of himself.
    • Moon-existence, and in this thinking would apprehend what the
    • earth-existence. One cannot escape them but can only come to the
    • existence. For the fact that man today can at any time bring thoughts
    • progressive Saturn-Sun-Moon existence. But how is it with what
    • the physical body. It is truly the case that the Real exists
  • Title: World Downfall and Resurrection
    Matching lines:
    • existence of an ancient ancestor who had founded the tribal
    • fragments in which we read that in all material existence there
    • only in the metamorphoses of pre-earthly existence. The Earth
    • mystery of existence be fathomed. But neither Dionysius the
    • mysteries of world existence.
    • forces of the Sun. Things visible exist not through the Father
    • pre-earthly existence.
    • existence; now you are to revere the principle that is
    • creative in earthly existence. And this must be done through
    • men did not look upon their existence as earthly, but as an
    • existence within the kingdom of the Spirit after
    • beings continue to come into existence through propagation. But
    • which it exists today. It is going to pieces, falling into
  • Title: Lecture: Philosophy and Anthroposophy
    Matching lines:
    • cognitional process and an anthroposophical knowledge exist, habits of
    • absolute, and not as something which was bound to come into existence,
    • says: there exists a certain fund of supersensible truth, a store of wisdom
    • whether the thing-in-itself has any existence in space, time, or causality.
    • which pronounces the latter to exist only in the soul; but since reality is
    • pre-existent to all operation and life of the form in the single thing;
    • Universalia in re: the essential forms existent in the things.
    • a “representation” of universally existent real forms
    • in the things, thanks to their having previously existed as universalia
    • spiritual form of existence must be attributed to the universal essences
    • depths of a genuine thought-method was clearly in existence, and, had this
    • existence, void of content as far as the single, individual things of the
    • subjective notions, but are found to exist objectively in the things, it
    • matter of complete indifference to any existing circle or sphere whether
    • experience around me. The latter exists in its own accord irrespective of
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture I: The Pedagogy of the West and of Central Europe: The Inner Attitude of the Teacher
    Matching lines:
    • Nonetheless these paths exist and are to be found. And if you take the
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture II: The Three Fundamental Forces in EducatioN
    Matching lines:
    • comes to visibility at puberty. The difference that exists between male and
    • there still exists in man after death a kind of recollection TIT is no more
    • what has preceded the child's earthly existence.
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture III: Spiritual Knowledge of Man as the Fount of Educational Art
    Matching lines:
    • originally only existed spiritually in the supersensible. The Greeks, for
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture IV: The Art of Education Consists of Bringing Into Balance the Physical and Spiritual Nature of the Developing Human Being
    Matching lines:
    • to go to sleep. The connection which exists in us between etheric body and
  • Title: Social Understanding: Lecture II: Social Understanding Through Spiritual Scientific Knowledge
    Matching lines:
    • knowledge and man's everyday existence. Something similar, though, can be
    • into material existence so that material existence can be understood and
    • they despise material existence instead of understanding it and looking for
    • speak of material existence and supersensible existence they usually speak
    • of them as though material existence were spread out in the world and as
    • though supersensible, non-perceptible existence were somewhere behind or
    • above this. If you imagine you simply have physical-perceptible existence
    • on the one hand and supersensible existence on the other, you will never
    • and such a way people would be able to lead a social existence.
    • who happens to be a tailor will ask you how his existence as a tailor is
  • Title: Buddha and the Two Boys: Lecture I: Buddha and the Two Boys of Jesus
    Matching lines:
    • significant climax in his existence. It was then that Gautama became what
  • Title: Buddha and the Two Boys: Lecture II: The Gospels, Buddha and the Two Boys of Jesus
    Matching lines:
    • when it is seen — like another body, which exists as a
  • Title: Lecture: Art As A Bridge Between The Sensible And The Supersensible
    Matching lines:
    • existing in our time between the leading classes and social ranks and the
    • persisted, though it has existed more in terms of the external aspects of
    • the sort exists in nature, he then considers what art portrays as having
    • dead hears of speech and sees in the way of forms that exist for the
    • purpose that exists for the human beings of the future. We must strive
  • Title: Raphael's Mission in the Light of the Science of the Spirit
    Matching lines:
    • existed until now of Rudolf Steiner's lecture on Raphael ... perhaps my
    • to think of yourself as the centre of this eternally existing
    • spiritual in the world — this did not exist in the same measure
    • use of their bodily organs, the spiritual secrets of existence
    • did not exist in those older times. The human being beheld
    • the outer world in sensing the riddles of existence, but to
    • We have the impression that two distinct worlds coexisted in
    • human being as having an existence over and above the lower
    • spiritual science the human being existed before the animal,
    • in natural existence, we can come to feel how something must be
    • circumference and does not express the secrets of existence in
    • that fire with it into physical existence that we perceive at
    • approaching the secrets of existence presents itself to us in
    • will some day no longer exist. But, do the originals not still
    • exist in other realms?
    • secrets of existence spoke to the eyes of human beings. The age
    • guide in going through earthly existence in ever new epochs. It
  • Title: Leonardo's Spiritual Stature: Lecture
    Matching lines:
    • execution. — The drawing still exists in which he
    • Drawings by him exist in which he sketched a particular feature
    • understood on the basis of the existing lighting, but not the
    • enters into existence with an inner spiritual estate deriving
    • earlier existence, belonged among those initiates who had
    • how this is to be brought to consciousness in a new existence
    • had assimilated in an earlier existence of inner thoughts,
    • natural scientific worldview does not yet exist. He stands
    • contemplation, immersed in the secrets of existence. We
    • what he felt to be the primal foundation of existence, capable
    • him! How does it stand with the economy of existence, if we
    • comes into existence externally? How meaningless and pointless
    • being stands within supersensible existence. We can say, such
    • supersensible existence, while what they leave to the world is
    • the sensible and the supersensible. The existence of such souls
    • accept the existence of a supersensible realm in which they are
    • supersensible existence. We can then say to ourselves: We
    • soul had to undergo, in that “Leonardo existence,”
    • existence mysteriously, having something of greater importance
    • cosmic existence — but alone, forsaken, not understood,
  • Title: Fairy Tales: in the light of Spiritual Investigation
    Matching lines:
    • the sources of existence, in having something to communicate of
    • background of existence. Though apparently similar to
    • existence, such as we face in external life in being helplessly
    • itself existentially, the soul has now to unite itself with the
    • inherently is, the whole way it is attuned to existence.
    • a purely spiritual existence between falling asleep and waking
    • the urge to reach either for an existing fairy tale, for
    • The human soul felt a kinship with spiritual existence. Without
    • a kind of “Moon” existence before beginning its
    • “Earth” existence, and prior to this a kind of
    • “Sun” existence. Thus, we may speak of a
    • Sun-existence, a planetary predecessor existence of our
    • Earth-existence, as having been present in a primeval
    • those existed that had developed to the stage of the
    • experiences the fact that it has undergone an existence,
    • in sleep, it leads an existence in direct connection with
    • human being is thus related to the sun-existence. Indeed,
    • an unspoilt way with the whole of existence, with the whole of
    • rooted in the depths of existence.
    • roots of existence to act upon it. As the child still has to
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: A Mongolian Legend
    Matching lines:
    • relation to the external world existed among human beings in
  • Title: The Worldview of Herman Grimm in Relation to Spiritual Science
    Matching lines:
    • exist concerning this Greek age, but these are insufficient to
    • comparable to what is contained in the existing documents.
    • “With what existential joy did this human being stand in
    • words: With what existential joy did Herman Grimm stand in
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 1
    Matching lines:
    • oriental imperialism as it once existed is not recognized. However,
    • did not exist for the people of the ancient orient. Everything
    • The concept of a really existing godly empire,
    • Therewith royal dignity became a symbol, so that what existed here on
    • eleventh and twelfth centuries in Europe the consciousness existed
    • Of all the things which once existed, only
    • relation which existed between the symbol and reality. So the
    • world. That means that spiritual reality must exist alongside
    • as something real, super-sensible, invisible, but which exists,
    • on earth. For in that empire a reality must exist: “My kingdom
    • the kingdom of Christ will propagate, there will exist much that has
    • become platitude. Therefore the responsibility exists to fill the
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 2
    Matching lines:
    • that is, into something existing yet illusional, then the new reality
    • exist that prevent the illusions from being seen through so thoroughly,
    • to exist because no sense could be found behind the symbols. And the
    • the people; but in Germany a name existed which presumed that the
    • a talent for cultivating platitudes existed and on the other hand for
    • exist in Central Europe. And in order to understand what happened in
    • of the present. The state of affairs which existed beneath the
    • cherished, is the state of affairs which exists today in reality.
    • substantial content of what actually exists within these lodges, for
    • happens? What is basically already in existence? An independent
    • for physical existence, then we are prostituting our reason, then we
    • serious names for what really existed could not be found. And that's
    • existing in public life today. And do you know the title of this
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 3
    Matching lines:
    • no longer exists, the professions continue to exist. The people
    • can hardly be considered as existing during the first stage. And the
    • described really existed. But if one only saw an image of the
    • state which exists here on earth, but which is really an image of
    • imperialism exists. People observe things very superficially. When
    • green,” which presupposes that a relationship exists between
    • Catholic Church is a relic, a shadow-image of what existed in the
    • You know that a great enmity existed between
    • is a shadow-image of what once existed and no longer has meaning, it
    • boundaries which exist as the result of the war [First World War
    • exists and it will continue to exist forever. It's as though I have
    • we create must of necessity also cease to exist, because the death
    • exist forever, do not consider being permanent. Of course under the
    • obligation exists to allow one's own spiritual substance to flow into
    • spoken, the responsibility exists to introduce true spirituality into
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture I: Anthroposophy and Natural Science
    Matching lines:
    • conception” of the entire natural world existence.
    • quite somewhere else, but this doesn't exist; we have developed
    • experience of how phenomena already exist within the laws of
    • existence through inner examination just as one is able to
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture II: The Human and the Animal Organisation
    Matching lines:
    • other, reveal a particular meaning. This meaning can exist even
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture III: Anthroposophy and Philosophy
    Matching lines:
    • bridge to a trans-subjective reality existing outside human
    • but exist in what the sense world presented to them, simply
    • “becoming” to “existence.” He arrives
    • — nothing — becoming — existence.
    • existence to the spiritual world.
    • arise in natural existence. We see the inclination to the
    • it leads to a shadowed existence because it didn't manifest
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture IV: Anthroposophy and Pedagogy
    Matching lines:
    • Anthroposophy fully acknowledges the existence of great,
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture V: Anthroposophy and Social Science
    Matching lines:
    • situation of the economic life existing in the civilised world
    • such a situation doesn't exist, in which the economic life
    • discovering and understanding: real problems exist here,
    • according to today's relationships, still existed in pure
    • What exists externally as an arrangement simply comes from the
    • in Ernst Muller. People don't recognise what exists when one
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture VI: Anthroposophy and Theology
    Matching lines:
    • is learnt from natural existence when you make an attempt to
    • less exists as an elementary inner soul experience — we
    • experience, as an independent experience, exists beside the
    • time in which the Christ event took place there still existed
    • than simply to express what exists and is available through
  • Title: Impulse of Renewal: Lecture VII: Anthroposophy and the Science of Speech
    Matching lines:
    • existed when it was quite clearly and inwardly experienced, not
    • understand that human evolution already existed as a deep
    • really existed and how the life of speech played its part.
    • existed which I would like to call the experience of the
    • sympathies and antipathies within their most inner existence
    • character than what exists in civilisation's current language;
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 1
    Matching lines:
    • But a center must exist from out of which this deepening
    • Warm themselves in joy of existence;
    • Warm themselves in joy of existence;
    • world and delights in its own existence and the warmth of its
    • existence — that all that is divine-spiritual revelation.
    • Who experience existence in light,
    • The undulating existential words:
    • Who experience existence in light,
    • The undulating existential words:
    • existence must be fathomed from all that acts and works in the
    • he will also have to use on that other existential journey
    • earthly existence between birth and death — and the
    • spiritual fields, a yawning abyss exists, cannot achieve true
    • exists as a warning at the yawning abyss of the secrets of
    • to recognize the ground of existence in knowledge.
    • Obstacles to spiritual knowledge, my dear friends, have existed
    • cannot. And existence cannot be comprehended by thinking with
    • Warm themselves in joy of existence;
    • Who experience existence in light,
    • The undulating existential words:
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 2
    Matching lines:
    • Delight in the warm glow of their existence;
    • Your bodily existence from earth and air and light:
    • Before him lie the far-spread fields of sense-existence,
    • Hard by the yawning chasm of existence,
    • Who experience existence in light,
    • Weave the mighty existential words:
    • obtain on this side of the threshold of spiritual existence,
    • pre-earthly existence. Just as you imagine, dear friends, that
    • human being entered into earthly existence. Then it becomes a
    • soul's being. By entering into an earthly existence we have
    • pre-earthly existence. The Greeks felt that vitality, as did
    • Before earthly existence.
    • bodies from us during our earthly existence and therewith take
    • Before earthly existence.
    • Before earthly existence.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 3
    Matching lines:
    • Who experience existence in light,
    • Weave the mighty existential words:
    • existence with their senses. Rather should one say: When even
    • into the presently existing universe. It disperses, as it were,
    • exist in mediation. When it is there we can see what the will's
    • Before earthly existence.
    • Only our I, selfhood, does not wish to enter real existence. It
    • guide us back to pre-earthly existence - where feeling
    • themselves in joy of existence;
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 4
    Matching lines:
    • we see it in this way, the School's existence will give us the
    • present in the Ancient Moon organism could not have existed had
    • exist, I would not be thinking today. My hand is only necessary
    • for my present earthly existence. The tree is necessary in
    • causes in us, we should remember: something exists in us,
    • Selfhood can selflessly exist
    • Selfhood can selflessly exist,
    • Selfhood can selflessly exist,
    • Before your earthly existence.
    • and lift ourselves up in flame, the other verse exists -
    • Selfhood can selflessly exist,
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 5
    Matching lines:
    • of the abyss which exists between himself and nature: something
    • exist.
    • in which we exist as earthly beings. Whereas we always carry
    • mere indication that he exists. For spiritual consciousness
    • existence wish to rend human beings from the earth and
    • on the earth, you can exist in the rays of the sun, then you
    • existence worthy of humanity. And he will know why such a
    • without knowing that this enticement exists within the desire
    • and death exists. It contains the vivifying oxygen; it contains
    • Once again: if one wishes to realize what exists in
    • oxygen-spirits, what exists in the life-element when one wishes
    • stimulated to inner courageous activity, the danger exists that
    • those spiritual powers to whom we owe our existence, and
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 6
    Matching lines:
    • deep relationship to that world exists within him.
    • which exist outside of ourselves. We do not consider what is
    • elements exist, and it pertains to esoteric life to be aware of
    • existing outside of us. When, however, we recognize the
    • the plants, animals and minerals exist outside of us, are
    • is like this: when we become aware that our human form exists
    • the danger exists that we sink into animal nature. And when we
    • in this abstract thinking existing as a kind of tenuous
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 7
    Matching lines:
    • earnestness. For a distinction exists between the
    • one, the feeling one, the willing one, which exist in every
    • existence.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 8
    Matching lines:
    • the spiritual world. This anthroposophical movement exists not
    • because people like it to exist but because the spiritual
    • in fact a free cooperation exists between the School's
    • dear friends, my dear sisters and brothers, there exists no
    • between birth and death, during his earthly existence, he is
    • surrounds us in earthly existence the primal source of humanity
    • feeling and willing are conjoined in physical existence.
    • (red) extends into feeling. So, in earthly existence the Three
    • We stand here on the earth in our earthly existence: we feel
    • earthly existence: that is my heart. We speak of the moon: that
    • thoughts do not live. They lived in pre-earthly existence. They
    • existed within us.
    • applies to human earthly existence, but now no longer behind,
    • thinking, a thinking which directly grasps earthly existence.
    • grasps earthly existence through the limbs in order that in
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 9
    Matching lines:
    • How earth forces support your existence.
    • How the powers of the air nurture your existence.
    • are freed from physical existence, it is as though our thinking
    • your existence.
    • nurture your existence.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 10
    Matching lines:
    • gradually rise above our earthly existence to an experience of
    • reference to this common sense where a touchstone exists
    • existence. Perhaps they do not know much more than that they
    • blind people in the darkness of earthly existence, [white arc];
    • to the spiritual being, then yes, then the stimulation exists
    • from pre-earthly existence, from life between death and a new
    • pre-earthly existence.
    • are transported to the beginning of earthly existence. And what
    • existence.
    • existence.
    • am becomes clear to me when my earlier earthly existence
    • in me from the previous earthly existence into the present one
    • makes me into a human being, engenders me as an existing human
    • only to be in the ordinary world of physical existence —
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 11
    Matching lines:
    • Much old karmic residue may exist to be worked out which
    • that existed in the Mysteries in the past when they
    • would not exist if the star-filled sky did not arch above us.
    • During the times when such clairvoyance existed, people
    • of what exists in the far reaches of space than do the
    • spiritual world exists. I am describing, my dear sisters and
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 12
    Matching lines:
    • been said that understanding must exist for true spiritual
    • Recalls you to cosmic existence.
    • calls you to cosmic existence:
    • being thought. And it, our I, exists as a thought by a being
    • line] this I-thought is a real thought. We exist in that we are
    • the spiritual existence we receive from him as a gift comes
    • that what exists in us on earth as will is taken out to the
    • calls you to cosmic existence:
    • calls you to cosmic existence:
    • But the Self does not exist in relation to an external
    • true I exists in the same realms as these beings of the higher
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 13
    Matching lines:
    • calls you to cosmic existence:
    • legs, that the physical legs exist for walking.
    • stages of earthly existence.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 14
    Matching lines:
    • these four elements have ceased to exist. The earth is no
    • must be that way in every legitimately existing esoteric
    • awakened you? — awakened you to existence.
    • physical earthly existence, but also not to carry it over to
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 15
    Matching lines:
    • and we say: this mineral essence also exists in us. We have
    • salt in us in which the mineral element exists, and which
    • that in the physical existence within the boundaries of our
    • An exactness exists in these mantric verses.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 16
    Matching lines:
    • short time the School has existed, sixteen members already
    • existence speaking to us.
    • existence, the threshold to the spiritual world, appears
    • world, we cannot cross over the abyss of existence into the
    • existence, they have also shown us what our souls will feel
    • stands before the abyss of existence; now we are already
    • plant-like existence to sentient-feeling
    • existence.
    • plant-like existence, warmth is present. Warmth is
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 17
    Matching lines:
    • Man's path to the abyss of existence, at which the Guardian of
    • The human being beyond the threshold of existence, where the
    • it only beyond the threshold of existence, once we have heard the
    • floods of color in order that what exists here on the earth as
    • earthly life are awakened to existence by the beings of the
    • resurrecting world comes into existence through the workings of
    • We waken it to existence;
    • We awaken it to existence;
    • We awaken it to existence;
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 18
    Matching lines:
    • We waken it to existence;
    • Nothing we have wasted on the non-existent. And beings —
    • experience down below. Now beyond the abyss of existence all that
    • This is the world, existing in the holy words of
    • pre-earthly existence in the spiritual world. But he didn't
    • understand the connection between his earthly existence and that
    • existence which shone into his clairvoyant dreams. But the
    • experiencing the memories of pre-earthly existence.
    • existence has been extinguished. Initiates cannot explain the
    • connection between earthly life and pre-earthly existence,
    • pre-earthly existence. Such an explanation is not possible
    • because the cosmic memory no longer exists.
    • a person enters heavenly existence through the gate of death, and
    • human being crosses the abyss of existence. And let us also
    • of existence, resonated:
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 19
    Matching lines:
    • We waken it to existence;
    • does not exist in German or English. Here Rudolf Steiner
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XX (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • that fact that since the short existence of this School in
    • existence: O man, know thyself! Yes, this desire must awaken.
    • grows and exists and lives around us in the kingdoms of nature.
    • existence in the realms of night-cloaked, black darkness; that
    • Warm themselves in joy of existence;
    • Warm themselves in joy of existence;
    • Who experience existence in light,
    • The undulating existential words:
    • before the terrible abyss of existence from the mouth of the
    • Who experience existence in light,
    • The undulating existential words:
    • to the yawning abyss of existence, the Guardian of the
    • departure. There exists everything before the soul that all
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXI (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • night-cloaked darkness. But the hope exists that in order to
    • completely enmesh us in earthly existence, then we will feel
    • Before earthly existence was the soul's,
    • Before earthly existence was the soul's,
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXII (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • In you exist the cosmic-psychic forces;
    • In you exist the cosmic-psychic forces;
    • In you exist the cosmic-psychic forces;
    • In you exist the cosmic-psychic forces;
    • rightfully existent Michael-School penetrates our soul, then we
    • burn it. What is communicated here in the rightfully existing
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXIII (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • How earthly forces support you in existence.
    • coherence of our existence. Just as the water element shapes
    • How powers of air are your caregivers in existence.
    • are our true helpers in physical existence. The Guardian of the
    • How fire-powers are helpers in your existence.
    • How earthly forces support you in existence.
    • How powers of air are your caregivers in existence.
    • How fire-powers are helpers in your existence.
    • (which means: make yourself existent)
    • Every moment our spiritual existence is a creation of our Self.
    • At every moment our spiritual existence is a creation of our
    • natural and spiritual existence. But now the phrase: “O
    • How earthly forces support you in existence.
    • How powers of air are your caregivers in existence.
    • How fire-powers are helpers in your existence.
    • should even the hint of bureaucracy exist. Everything must be
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXIV (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • descended to physical-sensory existence. He showed us how our
    • body, in earthly existence, is a coffin for the deceased living
    • the spiritualized person must have existed beforehand in what
    • existence.
    • conscious that we live a plant-like existence in our earthly
    • physical existence. Then, when we have willingly descended into
    • earthly existence. We must learn to remember our existence
    • before we descended to earthly existence. 
    • find support for experiencing existence in thought.
    • exists in the world's life. But if we only retain it by
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXV (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • us look, my dear sisters and brothers, at our human existence
    • our human earthly existence. If we want to carry out something
    • feeling is darker and less clear. We are closer to existence in
    • existence is warmth, which is fire when our own will meets us
    • dear friends, when we are standing here in earthly existence
    • form of thoughts during earthly existence. 
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXVI (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • inspired and guided by Michael. It therefore rightfully exists
    • fact that this Esoteric School exists under the direct force of
    • existing esoteric school. And the earnestness from this
    • exist in the necessary degree.
    • only world in sensory earthly existence.
    • existence, and to which we must continually return, into which
    • earthly existences.
    • world lives in our feeling. The world's existence is within
    • his body lives at first in his half-existence. The human being
    • existence from the spiritual world, our etheric body has been
    • existing School. His presence is confirmed by his sign, which
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture I: The True Form of the Social Question
    Matching lines:
    • possibility exists for the understanding, the mutual
    • instinct existed. Now the basis of the social movement is class
    • existed in earlier times lost the impact and human
    • not centralised but exist beside one another and work freely
    • structure of the social organism. The two systems need to exist
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture II: Comparisons at Solving the Social Question based on Life's Realities
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    • — needs to pay attention to the existence of three
    • exists, what the tissues could be and so on! Recently a book
    • must come into existence first — in as far as it must be
    • laws of human sense and nerve existence but the spiritual life
    • which needs to exist for humanity to relates and regulates the
    • outer world, the second system which must exist in the social
    • exist in our production line also, under the production line
    • system must exist and that is the relationship between one
    • pointed out how many variations exist in the amount of human
    • In the spiritual sphere, where again it has to exist
    • cannons and such like, or offer nothing through existing
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture III: Fanaticism Versus a Real Conception of Life in Social Thinking and Willing
    Matching lines:
    • thinking and willing. One could say an abyss exists between
    • existence.
    • of existence of a class of people show what is important
    • future social structure, but in it exist a real criticism of
    • being directed to a return to the spirit but that spirit exists
    • reality but exist in lifeless abstraction. Still, we have
    • belief exists. This belief however, can just as easily steer
    • exist in the modern proletarian view of life is such that they
    • say: ‘The only thing that exists in the spiritual realm is
    • ideology. Reality only exists in economy, in financial
    • exists.’ However, something steams up in the human soul, it
    • swear words of an old Roman writer. Such things really exist as
    • which exists in certain areas, it is certainly important, but
    • Spiritual life must exist in a relative independent way, must
    • exists the circulation of goods. The modern Proletarian has
    • organisation but that the economy determines, the existence of
    • then, when these three members exists side by side, when you
    • empire state a certain representation of nations exist, only in
    • economic impulses existing in this representation. This
    • political life to exist side by side and so solve the labour
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture IV: The Evolution of Social Thinking and Willing and Life's Circumstances for Current Humanity
    Matching lines:
    • existence of this abyss which makes it so difficult for an
    • existence in confrontation. The essential fact in this fight,
    • own existence, that they both work adjacent to one another and
    • still existed in state life within these associations has to be
    • coalitions which essentially exist on the understanding of the
    • spiritual member which exists relatively independently, and
    • where not classes of people, layers of people exist as members
    • life of future humanity will have to exist, that in each
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture V: The Social Will as the Basis Towards a New, Scientific Procedure
    Matching lines:
    • creative powers of natural existence.
    • dignity. There existed a connection between what a person was
    • through their purely outward existence, predestined to take
    • state, today, has always existed in this way. That is
    • if, despite economic life, there would exist a foundation which
    • biggest variables within the economic area which exist in
    • struggled with the logic within the contradiction which exist
    • political system exists, which has to permeate everything
    • solved. No, the social question exists as something which has
    • question as something existentialistic. In my youth, I became
    • basis of the purely democratic state, that a link exists
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture VI: What Significance does Work have for the Modern Proletarian?
    Matching lines:
    • life give us what our human existence is worth? Why have we
    • existence? How can we acquire a dignified human existence?’
    • the economic life strived for a dignified existence and on the
    • life that it exists in the production, circulation and
    • existence, which is lived through in recent times as an
    • exists: only we are not inclined today to examine this
    • admit that a single centralized system exists in the human
    • existed in many areas between the economic life and political
    • labour law can come into existence. What will happen then?
    • inner connections exist between the spiritual life in the
    • coexistence with the leaders to what degree his work, through
    • foundation. That strange relationship which exists between the
    • that it only exists in the economic process, is how the capital
    • acknowledged that everywhere where such a longing exists, this
  • Title: Lecture: Richard Wagner and Mysticism
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    • the depths of existence with a light as radiant and clear as that of
    • more than a mere adjunct to existence, was indeed the most essential
    • world, a revelation by which the threads of existence are elucidated
    • existed in Egypt, Chaldea, Greece and many other regions. As centres
    • artist, Richard Wagner recognised and knew of their existence.
    • admit the existence of a continent there in the far past — a
    • to the struggle for existence.
    • they did not live a physical existence.
    • brotherhood into the struggle for existence among human kind. The
    • existence. — Such is the deeper truth underlying the myth of the
    • whose mission is to proclaim the mysteries of existence is so sublime
  • Title: Lecture: Spiritual Wisdom in the Early Christian Centuries
    Matching lines:
    • says something like this: Plato did not admit the existence of a
    • the tradition which exists in regard to Plotinus — the so-called
    • although it no longer exists in that form to-day, indeed cannot do so
    • remnants of the ancient wisdom still existed in Roman civilisation.
  • Title: Community Building
    Matching lines:
    • passes through in his pre-earthly existence, when he is on the
    • marks the midnight hour of human existence between death and a
    • the occurrences, exist those real entities which are actually
    • memories of the pre-earthly existence. This experience emerges
    • real idealism exists only when the human being can be conscious
    • something exists other than merely the language. The language
    • to the higher existence — then does the real Community
    • Anthroposophical community life. On the one hand, there exists
    • him. Inner spiritual reasons are there existent. This must come
    • foundations out of existence. We must inform ourselves as to
    • the prerequisites for their existence now that they are here.
    • taking into itself the foundations which have existed since
    • 1919. Otherwise, those foundations have come into existence
    • the case, since they do exist. The questions are of the utmost
  • Title: Community Building
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    • many societies in the world which base their existence upon an
    • world — there exists the very greatest possibility that
    • Anthroposophical Society existed, it is likely that there would
    • existence of a society such as ours was up to 1918. But this
    • the Anthroposophical Society existed, after all, and had
    • about? It came into existence through the fact that a number of
    • that which then existed in a restricted sense for Anthroposophy
    • in the Anthroposophical Society — did not yet exist. What
    • exist for me but for the Anthroposophists.
    • Naturally, there existed a necessity that all this became what
    • life. Thus, these cycles existed. As regards these cycles the
    • again and again. In the special fields, there already existed
    • School even if there had never existed an Anthroposophical
    • of lectures shows us that the human being as such cannot exist
    • existence the cosmic ritual in which
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 1: Evolution and Consciousness, Lucifer, Ahriman
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    • ancestor felt that he could not exist apart from the
    • of the existing world. In ordinary life we are not aware
    • be bound up with the existing world; he knew that this
    • existing world contained more than just abstract forces
    • impulses similar to those that existed in pre-earthly
    • the ancient Egyptians and Chaldeans felt to exist between
    • course taken by the world that exists outside us. Those
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 2: East, West, and the Culture of Middle Europe, the Science of Initiation
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    • If you want to show up the clear difference which exists
    • Something quite special exists therefore for this Central
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 3: Political Empires
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    • consideration of things that existed during the past in
    • separate spiritual world. The spiritual world existed in
    • of the past, things that existed in historical and
    • exist side be side with the earthly realm, one that has
    • created among humans were a symbol of what existed in the
    • ideas until quite recent times. After all there existed
    • existed at the first stage of empire development now held
    • in our external life, exist because they once had
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 4: Western Secret Societies, Jesuitism, Leninism
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    • specifically human, and all the aptitudes that exist
    • of this kind that exists within the whole animal kingdom,
    • exists between nature as she actually is now and the
    • thinking, the existence we had before birth influences
    • something new has come into existence. To whom do these
    • afraid of is that there is such a thing as pre-existence
    • to its true form when the pre-existence concept, of a
    • tremendous difference which exists between true
    • exists. According to it the faithful must regard their
    • that really exists and has also been quoted in many other
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 5: How the Material Can Be Understood Only through the Spirit
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    • that have become flesh. The same directions exist in a
    • established in the work of many years really exists.
    • situation that exists for the whole of civilization. The
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 6: Materialism and Mysticism, Knowledge as a Deed of the Soul
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    • aims are merely to prove the material existence of the
    • right to exist in its one-sidedness as materialism has,
    • existence on the star in question. In the same way, if
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 7: Materialism, Mysticism, Anthroposophy, Liberalism, Conservatism
    Matching lines:
    • understood that all that exists in the outside world is
    • just as it does not exist in a rainbow. Everything
    • physicists know that the radium which existed on the
    • may be said that all the parties that now exist are
    • thing exists, however, and the question is why it exists.
    • the non-physical world. What is it that exists in the
    • which exist in physical life are therefore caricatures of
    • something that rightfully exists in the spiritual world.
    • exist beyond the threshold.
    • exists even before we are conceived, before we are born.
    • opportunity that still exists of tearing the element of
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 8: The Opposition of Knowledge and Faith, Its Overcoming
    Matching lines:
    • descended to earth from the world where it had existed as
    • primal knowledge existed all over the globe in the early
    • be taken by the divine knowledge that had once existed
    • have the reverse picture of what existed in those
    • judge the existing world by other criteria.
    • world into physical existence.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 9: East, West, and Middle
    Matching lines:
    • interrelations and connections that exist in our waking
    • into physical existence on earth. Their conviction of
    • conviction that they had existed before they came to
    • enter properly into the existence we have between birth
    • pre-birth existence of a heavenly and divine human being.
    • rescued soul and spirit, accepting their existence as
    • wisdom. Political life as we know it did not yet exist.
    • existence in the physical, sense-perceptible world; a
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 10: Transition from the Luciferic to the Ahrimanic Age and the Christ Event to Come
    Matching lines:
    • around them, that did not depend on them for its existence. The modern
    • when 79 million were used. This is a world that did not exist before.
    • forces and energies also exist and take effect independent of human
    • has also existed in earlier ages, but it will happen to a much greater
    • about the economic situation, and no bridge exists to words that take
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 11: Modern Science and Christianity, Threefold Social Order, Goetheanism
    Matching lines:
    • a certain connection which exists between the way
    • exist when logic has to be used to analyze something, for
    • not exist in that case.’ The second idea in
    • life of the spirit exists only where it is strong enough
  • Title: Life Between Two Incarnations
    Matching lines:
    • since the physical existence of man is connected and interwoven with
    • body was still in the physical body during its existence on earth, it
    • pulls him towards the physical existence - lower pleasures - so long he
    • the relationship that exists between mother and child. The love of a
    • There he led a kind of angelic existence, not interrupted by such
    • lives and once existed in kinship and friendship ties. These bonds of
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture I
    Matching lines:
    • in so far as he goes through his existence between death and a
    • in so far as he goes through his existence here upon earth. In
    • existence, at birth and grow therein: the pattern or image of
    • existence so that this revolution in our inner life may be
    • in aims of the deeper questions of existence.
    • continuing in existence at a time when they should have
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture II
    Matching lines:
    • towards spiritual science, to those spheres of existence, of
    • confessions, the creeds, existing among civilized people.
    • existence of the soul after death” — that is, the
    • continued existence after death will be assumed in all
    • existence of the soul after death is very far from being
    • the experiences of the night did not, alas! exist. If the
    • consciousness, at least, exists in the soul of man. After
    • have never before existed among us in this particular form. We
    • because his community doubted his existence. Years before, the
    • identity. My friend assumed that his existence was proved by
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture III
    Matching lines:
    • existed no complete immersion of the ego and astral body during
    • understanding of the Event of Golgotha which existed in the
    • during his existence between birth and death by the soul;
    • what a cosmic wonder exists in the organization of man. We are
    • existence into the physical sense-world. These forces continue
    • existing between death and a new birth; what is developed here
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Main Features of the Social Question and the Threefold Order of the Social Organism
    Matching lines:
    • vigour and mutually destructive force. The existence of such a
    • real existence as Rathenau, for instance,
    • exists in life. Then, too, we can see the essential problem of
    • exist as a self-dependent part of the social organism
    • existence unworthy of a human being when a worker must sell his
    • circumstances existing between the various branches of
    • exist at all. We must not in the future allow ourselves to be
    • equality rules, neither freedom nor fraternity can exist. These

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