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    Query was: fellowship

Here are the matching lines in their respective documents. Select one of the highlighted words in the matching lines below to jump to that point in the document.

  • Title: i Spirituality: Lecture 1: Historical Symptomology, the Year 790, Alcuin, Greeks, Platonism, Aristotelianism, East, West, Middle, Ego
    Matching lines:
    • to what I expressed here a few days ago, in the words 'World Fellowship of Schools'
    • question of depending on them for this 'World Fellowship'. It depends on those who, as friends,
    • who are still sitting here now — that they understand these words 'World Fellowship of
    • not be able to found a World Fellowship of Schools simply by creating a committee of twelve or
    • fifteen or thirty people who work out nice statutes as to how a World Fellowship of Schools of
    • this World Fellowship — well, we shall not be able to go to London for some time — in
    • conviction that there has to be a World Fellowship of Schools. It ought to go through the world
    • like wildfire that a World Fellowship must arise to provide the material means for the spiritual
    • Fellowship of Schools is necessary, it is just that there are no means for it.' What we are
    • inauguration of this World Fellowship of Schools when the idea of it already exists. It is simply
    • utopian to set up committees and found a World Fellowship — this is pointless! But to work
    • utopian founding of the World Fellowship of Schools, but would always be of the opinion that this
    • World Fellowship can only come about when a sufficiently large number of people are convinced of
    • proved to be so from our course here — can happen. This World Fellowship of Schools must be
    • Please see what is meant by this Fellowship in all
    • whom we have the hope and the wish that they carry it out into the world. The World Fellowship of
    • the World Fellowship of Schools, in accordance with the conviction you have been able to gain
    • Steiner suggested the founding of a World Fellowship of Schools during an assembly of teachers
  • Title: Community Building
    Matching lines:
    • spirit, but to fellowship with the spirit. Then, however, this

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