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- Title: Memória e Amor
Matching lines:
- publicada aqui em português com a permissão da Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung. Esta
- Title: 640
Matching lines:
- gewöhnlichen Bewußtsein dadurch herauszulassen,
- derselben Form, in der wir sie heruntergelassen haben in das
- die Planeten um die Sonne herumkreisen lassen. Man weiß,
- daß sich die Geisteswissenschaft Zeit lassen kann, bis die
- gelassen, um nicht zu sagen gleichgültig,
- und webt. Denn wahr bleibt das Wort des Heraklit — lassen
- Title: 6640
Matching lines:
- Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung,
- Title: Evil and Spiritual Science
Matching lines:
- Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung,
- Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 2: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 1
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- side with materialism or was directly produced through the materialism of other classes. This
- stereotype, a copy of their nation, their race. This last class of beings incarnates in the West
- Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 3: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 2
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- this duality — which is so classicially, so magnificently, portrayed in Schiller's
- Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 4: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 3
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- Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 6: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 5
Matching lines:
- classes of the people. And for dialectics one could not simply give out a fourfold mutually
- Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 7: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 6
Matching lines:
- have taken universal hold, right down to the least educated classes. Certainly there are many who
- Title: Abbreviated Title: Lecture I:
Matching lines:
- the lecturer, published by permission of the Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung.
- Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung,
- Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung.
- Title: Talk To Young People:
Matching lines:
- Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung,
- the sort of middle-class narrow-mindedness and pedantry that came
- If today's youth cannot do this, the middle-class narrow-mindedness
- Title: "Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will not pass away"
Matching lines:
- Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung,
- Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture V: Tree of Knowledge - I
Matching lines:
- picture will emerge, which classifies all the processes under the
- Title: World Downfall and Resurrection
Matching lines:
- Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung,
- permission of the Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung, Dornach.
- Title: Lecture: Philosophy and Anthroposophy
Matching lines:
- Nachlassverwaltung, Dornach, Switzerland.
- coloured glass; we receive them into ourselves, grouping them according to
- Schopenhauer in his classical formula; “The world is my
- Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture I: The Pedagogy of the West and of Central Europe: The Inner Attitude of the Teacher
Matching lines:
- class, among his students, among his colleagues, and he is poked fun at.
- first class. Now our teaching will be bad every time, will never have
- fulfilled its purpose, if after working for a year with this first class we
- if we had entered the classroom each morning in great trepidation, without
- stand in our classroom, conscious of the fact that it is a good tiling we
- for the teaching of a first class, a second and third class, etc., so that
- will. Consider that you have gone once through all the classes of an
- again, say from the eighth to the first class. Yes, now it might be
- you have the good fortune to begin again with the first class, you will
- in the widest sense. We cannot have the same class twice over and send out
- enters his classroom with this conviction in his heart achieves something
- hearts before we enter the classroom.
- when we go into the class. The teacher may (since he is 'only human', as is
- sorts of things in the time between the end of class on one day and the
- class to tragedy or sentimentality or humour. If we are able to do this,
- Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture II: The Three Fundamental Forces in EducatioN
Matching lines:
- retarding its influence. For this reason our drawing classes will have
- eurythmy class contour these forms or movements that he wants to make of
- Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture III: Spiritual Knowledge of Man as the Fount of Educational Art
Matching lines:
- of initiation science we have to challenge this classification. There is
- Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture IV: The Art of Education Consists of Bringing Into Balance the Physical and Spiritual Nature of the Developing Human Being
Matching lines:
- happen. Those who are standing in front of a class will be enormously
- Title: Lecture: Art As A Bridge Between The Sensible And The Supersensible
Matching lines:
- existing in our time between the leading classes and social ranks and the
- leading classes and social ranks have allied themselves with certain
- the leading classes have essentially concocted for themselves. As regards
- the division into classes, the situation in ancient Greece, for example,
- modern times a sharp class distinction and class division has certainly
- the egoistic interests of these leading classes has spread far and wide
- life, they gave in the same way to all classes of people. Class division
- Title: Raphael's Mission in the Light of the Science of the Spirit
Matching lines:
- Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung,
- Title: The Worldview of Herman Grimm in Relation to Spiritual Science
Matching lines:
- to say, an “older” class of beings wandering on the
- has an older and a younger class of humanity play into one
- over of real effects of a class of beings that had lived
- Title: Imperialism: Lecture 1
Matching lines:
- categorized according to classes — is no more than empty
- Title: Imperialism: Lecture 2
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- light shining through the stained glass windows of the churches. The
- lodge to social class and other differences. In the correct lodges
- Title: Imperialism: Lecture 3
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- “brothers,” meaning not to let social class or an
- Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture III: Anthroposophy and Philosophy
Matching lines:
- one would more or less consider this classical time of German
- Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture IV: Anthroposophy and Pedagogy
Matching lines:
- classroom, to be designed through education.
- closes the classroom door behind him, when he steps in front of
- ability, which must become an instinct, meets his class in the
- Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture V: Anthroposophy and Social Science
Matching lines:
- the old class system will not be recalled. It won't be people
- branching into an educational class, a defence class and a
- nutritional class, but the modern human being has moved into
- Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 1
Matching lines:
- Lectures to the First Class, part 1
- Its eye is glassy, posture slouching,
- Its eye is glassy, posture slouching,
- the abyss with cloven muzzle, dull glassy eyes, slouching
- approach the spirit in dreamy lassitude, but receive the spirit
- Its eye is glassy, posture slouching,
- the next lesson of the First Class.
- Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 2
Matching lines:
- Lectures to the First Class, part 1
- Its eye is glassy, posture slouching,
- every member who has requested acceptance in the Class; and it
- wish to belong to the Class ask themselves: Isn't there
- every individual who belongs to the Class. For thereby it would
- be possible for the Class to continue without being burdened by
- routine burdens the progress of the Class. It is perhaps not
- beginning of work within the Class. For only with this notion
- can we find the strength to cooperate here in the Class with
- Its eye is glassy, posture slouching,
- third beast's glassy eye,
- third beast's glassy eye,
- when we are placed in this tribe, in that class, in that
- third beast's glassy eye,
- third beast's glassy eye,
- third beast's glassy eye,
- Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 3
Matching lines:
- Lectures to the First Class, part 1
- Its eye is glassy, posture slouching,
- third beast's glassy eye,
- point the first lessons of this class also become practical in
- Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 4
Matching lines:
- Lectures to the First Class, part 1
- third beast's glassy eye,
- the other verse directs us to “ The third beast's glassy
- When you see the third beast's glassy eye, stand firm and feel
- Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 5
Matching lines:
- Lectures to the First Class, part 1
- Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 6
Matching lines:
- Lectures to the First Class, part 1
- intention to give theories during these Class Lessons, my dear
- required of all members of this class, without which no one can
- Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 7
Matching lines:
- Lectures to the First Class, part 1
- three classes, the same freedom must of course apply as it does
- considerations of these Class lessons, my dear friends, have
- Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 8
Matching lines:
- Lectures to the First Class, part 1
- Class today who have not been here before, so I am obliged to
- Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 9
Matching lines:
- Lectures to the First Class, part 1
- Blackboard Texts for the Ninth Class Lesson
- Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 10
Matching lines:
- Lectures to the First Class, part 2
- spiritual world is what will be provided in these class lessons
- certain time has passed the communications given in these class
- Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 11
Matching lines:
- Lectures to the First Class, part 2
- is sufficient to say that the First Class has lost a truly
- src="/Lectures/GA270/English/eLib2018b/images/class-1.jpg"
- Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 12
Matching lines:
- Lectures to the First Class, part 2
- from the spiritual world through these class lessons, my
- src="/Lectures/GA270/English/eLib2018b/images/img-class12.jpg"
- src="/Lectures/GA270/English/eLib2018b/images/img-class12.jpg"
- Thrones will be added to these in the next class lesson. But
- souls which were spoken at the beginning of the Class lesson
- Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 13
Matching lines:
- Lectures to the First Class, part 2
- this point was described in the previous class
- src="/Lectures/GA270/English/eLib2018b/images/class13-image.jpg"
- Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 14
Matching lines:
- Lectures to the First Class, part 2
- src="/Lectures/GA270/English/eLib2018b/images/first-class-14.gif"
- esoteric classes, my dear sisters and brothers, I have
- Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 15
Matching lines:
- Lectures to the First Class, part 2
- because various Class members have come today who have not
- these Class lessons are meant to be.
- Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 16
Matching lines:
- Lectures to the First Class, part 2
- Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 17
Matching lines:
- Lectures to the First Class, part 2
- of the previous Class Lesson. It was also a meditation arising
- opening of these Class Lessons, and also during the Christmas
- announce here that in the future no application to the Class will
- me. Only applications for participation in the Class Lessons
- wish. And those who are already members of the Class should make
- Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 18
Matching lines:
- Lectures to the First Class, part 2
- Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 19
Matching lines:
- Lectures to the First Class, part 2
- First Class of the School.
- these Class Lessons, it will be Michael's will to describe
- [Due to the great increase in new Class members,
- lying in the Glasshaus. Therefore, it was necessary to expel
- three members of this School directly before this Class
- them lying in the Glasshaus: so it was necessary to expel
- Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XX (recapitulation)
Matching lines:
- Lectures to the First Class, part 3
- given the first nineteen First Class Lessons (Volumes One and
- it turns out, many more friends have come to this Class Lesson
- these Class Lessons will not be a disadvantage for those
- Its eye is glassy, posture slouching,
- Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXI (recapitulation)
Matching lines:
- Lectures to the First Class, part 3
- members of the First Class, from stenographic notes not revised
- classes, it will not be possible to repeat the introductory
- Its eye is glassy, posture slouching,
- Its eye is glassy, posture slouching,
- The third beast's glassy-eyed gaze,
- The third beast's glassy-eyed gaze,
- next esoteric lesson of this First Class will be next Thursday
- Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXII (recapitulation)
Matching lines:
- Lectures to the First Class, part 3
- members of the First Class, from stenographic notes not revised
- obligations for the newly participating members of the Class. I
- Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXIII (recapitulation)
Matching lines:
- Lectures to the First Class, part 3
- Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXIV (recapitulation)
Matching lines:
- Lectures to the First Class, part 3
- Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXV (recapitulation)
Matching lines:
- Lectures to the First Class, part 3
- members of this Class may possess them, no one else. If someone
- Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXVI (recapitulation)
Matching lines:
- Lectures to the First Class, part 3
- Title: The Social Question: Lecture I: The True Form of the Social Question
Matching lines:
- understanding of the classes. The middle class has difficulty
- out of economic powers, out of class clashes and out of class
- does not characterise it intensively enough: proletarian class
- consciousness. With this expression ‘proletarian class
- other classes but rather much more that the social instincts
- been transformed into a social awareness. Earlier, class
- instinct existed. Now the basis of the social movement is class
- This class consciousness, one could say, is only superficially
- indicated when one takes the wording: proletarian class
- class consciousness’ is something quite different. It could be
- hidden behind what we called proletarian class consciousness in
- humanity, the spiritual consciousness of earlier classes which
- him from a civil class, science becomes the directive as the
- Title: The Social Question: Lecture II: Comparisons at Solving the Social Question based on Life's Realities
Matching lines:
- some one-sided remark about some or other class, some or other
- a class, out of some part of the social organism, then one does
- organism by calling on yet another class which in some way or
- class, but based on the powers actually developing in modern
- some one-sided class or party position but from the side of the
- Title: The Social Question: Lecture III: Fanaticism Versus a Real Conception of Life in Social Thinking and Willing
Matching lines:
- made an understanding between different classes of humanity
- ruling class, as it has developed during the last century, the
- according to middle class thinking circles. Reports on the
- populace classes had been created and gradually had to
- marching classes favours him so that when he has power in hand
- experience their own lives, how they think about other classes
- of existence of a class of people show what is important
- example in the history of humanity that such an unused class, a
- class without decadence, with unused intellectuality, with so
- much heart and such an open soul, that such a class where there
- classes as respectfully difficult, this has entered into the
- processes, in class conflicts — this is where reality
- other classes. Whether it is through modern technology, whether
- Title: The Social Question: Lecture IV: The Evolution of Social Thinking and Willing and Life's Circumstances for Current Humanity
Matching lines:
- be called the foremost, leading social class of humanity. The
- two mentioned social classes. So it must come about as we will
- see: how prepared both the classes are in their struggle for
- classes, a struggle which throws its forces in a disastrous way
- social body into three classes: the rulers/guardians, the
- organism was one of the division of classes. The structure
- where not classes of people, layers of people exist as members
- understanding between the various classes would no longer be
- Title: The Social Question: Lecture V: The Social Will as the Basis Towards a New, Scientific Procedure
Matching lines:
- so-called ruling class, away from the development in the most
- has formed that the socially disadvantaged class can expect
- nothing from the present ruling class if they build on their
- developed a deep mistrust between the individual human classes.
- start of our more recent times, the bourgeois working class has
- context of life. Here nothing other rose out of these classes
- old classes didn't need to apply this scientific way of
- thinking still has been extensively accepted in middle-class
- circles.’ — If you consider intelligent middle-class
- classifications according to the old ruling classes and this is
- classification was based on some or other form of prejudice.
- it as the inheritance of the middle-class people. It developed
- out of an old viewpoint of life, from within middle-class
- Proletarians took in from the middle-class was a result of the
- carry it though. The middle classes didn't bring this; only
- point which I've indicated already. The ruling class at the
- out of the ruling classes, created out of a particular soul of
- the middle classes becoming educated. To the state this
- middle-class viewpoint and way of thinking.
- bourgeois classes found in the developing modern state. They
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: The Social Question: Lecture VI: What Significance does Work have for the Modern Proletarian?
Matching lines:
- hitherto leading class of mankind was opposed. So one can say
- to then, leading classes?
- the awareness of his or her class, brought into a particular
- While the ruling classes were amassing their luxuries, which
- This was something which the earlier ruling classes didn't want
- from the leading, up to then ruling classes.
- take it that the leading classes are at cause for what has come
- ruling classes has made of the social organism. He has been
- that the almost forgotten (Ferdinand) Lassalle's famous
- what the ruling classes had to give him because they didn't
- ruling classes up to now — what have they done? In the
- order for those who, out of their class consciousness, want to
- classes of people have developed out of circumstances, so
- association for the working class as they would not have
- classes but would be understood by the Proletariat.
- Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 5: How the Material Can Be Understood Only through the Spirit
Matching lines:
- able to refer to the teaching of anthropology in class 5.
- class and point of view suggested to them. Now at last it
- Title: Life Between Two Incarnations
Matching lines:
- Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung,
- Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture I
Matching lines:
- in the past, when only the better-endowed classes could devote
- be more “formal” (classical) or
- Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture II
Matching lines:
- which had been developing amongst the middle classes for the
- which, but for their timid dislike of facts, the middle classes
- the middle-class world. This is the view which, forming in the
- the leading classes of the present day have a decadent
- the leading classes are not only menaced with a decadent brain,
- present-day humanity must learn that also. Our educated classes
- they included what had to be studied in each class, the aim and
- classical education. It may have been mere coincidence that a
- (I beg their pardon!) to the effect that a classical education
- Title: Problems of Our Time: Main Features of the Social Question and the Threefold Order of the Social Organism
Matching lines:
- members of the classes hitherto accustomed to lead and rule
- They showed that the hitherto ruling classes had, during the
- former leading and dominant class has the practical experience
- — on the one side the attitude of the ruling classes who
- contrast between the attitude of soul of the dominant classes
- a classroom word — “indices” of something
- developed out of the experience of the ruling middle classes.
- the spiritual culture and education of the ruling classes and
- produced by the leading classes, did not understand them, and
- took them to be something which only concerned those classes, a
- they held aloof. The tragedy of it! The ruling classes discuss
- since then, not, through any merit of the ruling classes but
- real knowledge of the growing human being. Social class and
- effect of which the ruling classes can hardly form any idea.
- ruling classes, and extend “Corporations” over the
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