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Here are the matching lines in their respective documents. Select one of the highlighted words in the matching lines below to jump to that point in the document.

  • Title: Memória e Amor
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    • the power of the arts to make a bridge between the two worlds.
  • Title: Evil and Spiritual Science
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    • science, but in a certain way it also makes it decisive. And we
    • make clear how deeply this question has occupied the hearts and
    • same ground as the answer someone might make and says: What
    • something very positive! This image should make it fully clear,
    • make the following clear: that a human being is put together
    • comment that I will not suppress, because maybe it will make
    • God in his own inner being; and he now tried to make clear to
    • make the soul stronger and more powerful, so it can set itself
    • relation to the physical sense-world: that the latter must make
    • the soul has allowed to become strong in itself, which make the
    • Trying to make spiritual progress is not something we can allow
    • a spiritual being. Since the characteristics that can make
    • should not use the features that make you into an evil human
    • nineteenth century a spirit before us, who only did not make a
    • Seiling, in order to make a judgement about what I am saying
    • of view of the soul life, and make clear to oneself, that only
    • play, that make it possible to perform what they have to
    • human knowledge can do no more than make a halt, when it stands
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 1: Popular Occultism, Introtroduction
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    • finished things to play with. He should instead make something for himself,
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 5: Life Between Death and a New Birth
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    • of memory are impressed on the causal body, thus enriching it and make
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 7: Effects of the Law of Karma
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    • to external life-conditions. To use the word adaptation is a make-shift.
  • Title: i Spirituality: Lecture 1: Historical Symptomology, the Year 790, Alcuin, Greeks, Platonism, Aristotelianism, East, West, Middle, Ego
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    • into it. But Kant had something else which makes it inexplicable how he could become Fichte's
    • does not exclude the 'I' as in the Orient, because it is developed dimly there, but which makes
    • is valued. One does not go to the tailor to have boots made or to the shoemaker to be shaved, so
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 2: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 1
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    • the deeper forces playing in these conflicts. And although, by virtue of the whole make-up of the
    • of their evolution. Now these beings do not make use of the whole human organism but use chiefly
    • those which make it their task to cause the individual abilities in the human being to be
    • second type, who make superficiality, phrase-mongering and untruthfulness their task, seek to
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 3: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 2
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    • — which makes it possible for such beings as I described yesterday to incarnate in these
    • science. And because people were ashamed, as it were, to make a universal religion out of natural
    • make themselves felt in the world. In the East this is different. A different stream moves
    • also makes it possible for those people to be accessible to the phenomena which appear to the
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 4: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 3
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    • of soul and outwardly to free social conditions? Goethe could not make much of Schiller's
    • Grimm becomes all the greater when one finally bears in mind the following. Herman Grimm makes
    • standpoint is that one hears something, makes a note of it, and then it is over and done with,
    • rouses himself, makes a stout effort and is able to be taken hold of by that which has substance.
    • everywhere, and yet humanity will not take a stand. Until it makes a stand in all three spheres
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 5: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 4
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    • abstract. But he will very soon make a certain discovery. Strange though it may still seem to the
    • declare spiritual science a heresy. This is what makes difficulties for our Anthroposophical
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 6: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 5
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    • spiritual constitution of soul. A dialectical soul-constitution can make nothing of them. It was
    • makes known about the predestination of Czechoslovakia, because they have no idea of the
    • present conditions. They make innocent women dance naked before them and then thrust bayonets
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 7: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 6
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    • development of recent centuries has created the conditions which make me appear as an
    • talk of spirituality, was fundamentally a lie. Deep need will have to make human beings' search
    • prepared to look where things are lacking, we will not make progress. All declaiming about social
    • make themselves mature and ready for the Christ-event of the twentieth century. But everything
  • Title: Abbreviated Title: Lecture I:
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    • in order to make amends, in order now really to live with the conditions
  • Title: Talk To Young People:
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    • things will get sour. We have to make sure that when we have to plan
    • more flexible. We must find the way to make use of this supersensible
    • hearts will burn out like this if we can lay hold of them and make
    • your coat; it makes you sweat, wearing your coat, and you don't even
  • Title: "Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will not pass away"
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    • relation to materialistic science. That will make a great many more
    • analogy causes them to make this assert. But it is no more logical than
    • And now I shall make
    • doubt make use of the old materials, and that would be wrong, for the
    • has been able to make towards that end. Of course, it would be entirely
    • confirm ourselves in those feelings and perceptions that we can make
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture I: Tree of Life - I
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    • What is it, then, that makes such
    • to discard knowledge to make way for Faith. Faith, for which
    • February, March, April, May, etc. The Romans could make something of
    • He who was at pains to make these names
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture II: Tree of Life - II
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    • If I wished to make a drawing of the
    • out of our ego. Philosophers who make the ego the basis of philosophy
    • and then say: We can make the ego the foundation of philosophy
    • what judgments we make, what we differentiate, what we combine in the
    • claims for himself, and so, in other words, makes the concepts dry
    • world make itself concrete, woven through with the spirit. By reason
    • world but it does not make itself concrete for us. Above all, what we
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture III: The Power of Thought
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    • humanity to make acquaintance with these spirits, who falsify
    • tendency to make thoughts inwardly formative and alive.
    • welded together plastically in the one figure we make musical,
    • inasmuch as we make it a kind of melody:
    • from the Mystery of Golgotha. It is very difficult today to make
    • make use of concepts to which people are little accustomed today, if
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture IV: Harmonizing Thinking, Feeling and Willing
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    • to make a sketch of what this denotes we could perhaps
    • and makes us believe that what we ought to look upon as lighting up
    • make use of the senses for other purposes, they try to grasp
    • makes use of it for registering external impressions.
    • true occultist as we know has no other desire than to make valid that
    • suppose that such a man II had a desire of power, and wished to make
    • way the world concept that he wished to make dominant the following
    • responsibility for it. And only he who makes it clear though the type
    • makes it intelligible and obvious that he, as personality, standing
    • ejected, otherwise we shall really not make progress in the sphere of
    • course make a very fine story!  But what is instigated through
    • makes them appear before the world in a false form.
    • no one would make a special impression if he were to say:
    • to me as an Angel.’ Anyone speaking thus would make no
    • leave out the first part, he would make a strong impression. It is
    • possible for imposters to appear who want to make propaganda for some
    • one-sided world concept and make use of a mediumistic personality in
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture V: Tree of Knowledge - I
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    • makes itself a world-conception. In the picture that it devises as
    • makes for himself, never a word is to be found about the existence of
    • completely opposite: men makes researches into what their senses see;
    • to make Man possible, as he is on earth. Just as the processes of a
    • plant's root- and leaf-building happen in order to make possible the
    • processes, happen in order to make possible our life on earth; they
    • ‘I cannot do it’ ... But if he makes
    • spiritual in order to make it possible to show how historical events
    • space-condition which makes us think and visualise in space and time.
    • gathers it again, makes it wither and fade.
    • its roses, the grief when the wild boy, the sun-ray comes and makes
    • cosmos is placed. And we need not make assertions and think it out,
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture VI: Tree of Knowledge - II
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    • adapted for making perceptions as the human being makes perceptions
    • make progress if we let Ahriman transform for us something that we
  • Title: World Downfall and Resurrection
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    • of the Earth. He must make himself a companion of I he
    • that will make the bloodshed of wars more and more terrible.
    • alone can help us to make anything of it.
    • geologist Suess makes this statement in his book Decline of
    • failed, the Renaissance came as a kind of makeshift. Greek
  • Title: Lecture: Philosophy and Anthroposophy
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    • of Natural Science should give us occasion to make this experience. We must
    • everyday consciousness. This true and genuine Man makes his presence felt
    • Aristotelianism had to be handled in such a way as to make it evident that
    • was such that it became inadvisable to make common cause with the
    • empirical science was bound to make a clearance of this false
    • external physical world are concerned. Why? Let us make it clear how pure
    • The seeker after knowledge must make the attainment of this insight the
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture I: The Pedagogy of the West and of Central Europe: The Inner Attitude of the Teacher
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    • to make it fully understandable, but it will become clearer if to begin
    • when we make something. On the contrary what is living, what is
    • out of this diffidence a new and imponderable power, which will make you
    • quality of what you are able to make out of the children will not be much
    • we are able to make individualities out of those we teach, individualities
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture II: The Three Fundamental Forces in EducatioN
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    • year, which I make use of when he learns drawing or writing
    • or paint, etc. has its origin. This is what makes the art of painting one
    • within would make our eyes bulge, give us the goitre, make our nose puff
    • which this swelling is counteracted. And if we make no more than a line
    • the kinds of movement the hand tends to make, if you have a child in a
    • eurythmy class contour these forms or movements that he wants to make of
    • tendency to become rachitic in soul, to make his limbs rachitic, to become
    • this formative activity best when we follow the way a child makes a form
    • sense how unsatisfactory it must always be to make use of conventional
    • For that reason I wanted to make this final point.
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture III: Spiritual Knowledge of Man as the Fount of Educational Art
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    • thinking into the brain, if we make invisible eurythmy visible. If we did
    • of eurythmists, the eurythmic movements make their physical organisms
    • and educator of you. Just as the metabolism makes you a living person, this
    • meditative digesting of a true study of man makes you an educator. You
    • works in us and makes us teachers, comes into being through our working
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture IV: The Art of Education Consists of Bringing Into Balance the Physical and Spiritual Nature of the Developing Human Being
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    • becoming fanciful, then I will rather make him take up recitation, rhythm
    • treatment of history makes a special contribution towards the child's not
    • body and thus make it fanciful , but the antidote is at once at hand: one
    • makes such a child that has become fanciful through too much drawing or
    • a Rosetta I make him think about it, or when he writes I lead him to admire
    • too deeply into the organism, which means that we can make good use of it
    • unravelling a human being's development, his soul make-up, from his bodily
    • within itself, you would have to retreat and make room for the head
    • and ask yourself what you as a teacher can possibly do to make everything
  • Title: Social Understanding: Lecture II: Social Understanding Through Spiritual Scientific Knowledge
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    • body can make use of. If you eat a piece of bread and this bread is
    • understanding are supersensible, that is, everything we make use of for
    • earth's interior, then make a study of everything going on in the child up
    • whereas now it has to be brought to consciousness. It certainly makes a
    • understand it properly, you will find an opportunity to make use of the
    • to give them the sort of thing that makes them become teachers and
    • essential thing is to make the sort of arrangements that allow for human
    • of education that makes human beings of people also enables them to
    • that everything must stay exactly the same when it changes. Make no mistake
  • Title: Buddha and the Two Boys: Lecture I: Buddha and the Two Boys of Jesus
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    • it, if he would make his contribution as Buddha. He therefore lowered
  • Title: Buddha and the Two Boys: Lecture II: The Gospels, Buddha and the Two Boys of Jesus
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    • developed these qualities to perfection in an inner way, he had to make use
    • Imagine that someone wants to artificially make a human being develop
    • inner being until then. It is therefore this cover that makes man belong to
  • Title: Lecture: Art As A Bridge Between The Sensible And The Supersensible
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    • earthly human being. If we make concretely clear to ourselves, in detail,
    • attempt would be uncongenial. And the more the modern human being makes
  • Title: Raphael's Mission in the Light of the Science of the Spirit
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    • Indeed, this Rome into which Raphael was transposed makes a
    • something altogether different in fact make its appearance?
    • humanity, namely, that life and nature make no leaps. However,
    • in many respects life and nature make leaps all the time. We
    • to make the internalizing possible that we see in St. Augustine
    • This makes it clear that that age was differently constituted.
  • Title: Leonardo's Spiritual Stature: Lecture
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    • was to be painted, he went to the riding school to make studies
    • to make an equestrian statue, a miraculous work of sculpture,
    • as though of itself: here the painter strove to make evident,
    • He wanted to make clear that this Christ countenance stands
    • understood quite differently than otherwise. We can make clear
    • are quite especially suited to make this possibility clear to
  • Title: Fairy Tales: in the light of Spiritual Investigation
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    • number of things make it seem precarious to speak about fairy
    • the fairy tale ought to make in simply letting it work on one,
    • the underlying sources, he makes use of the fairy tale once
    • into the particular make up of the individual. Still, they can
    • immerses itself, so as to make use of the senses and of
    • Here it is as though all theoretical words one might make use
    • transcends your personal self, and makes you in a certain
    • make its way into the body again in the morning, seeing itself
  • Title: The Worldview of Herman Grimm in Relation to Spiritual Science
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    • But the occasional observations he makes show that he would as
    • everywhere at how the manifold Christ impulse makes itself
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 1
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    • the conditions which are known historically make it possible to see
    • others and make them their subjects, just as it was in older times
    • that doesn't make them respectable, they are still adventurers,
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 2
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    • adherence to creed. For in society in general to make religion the
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 3
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    • try to judge whether this will was justified or not makes no sense.
    • in preparation; for a parliament only makes sense when it is possible
    • discussion arises, which is what makes the civil rights concept
    • we prepare our food, when we make our clothing, it is all reality.
    • is activated against us. I feel myself obliged to make these things
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture I: Anthroposophy and Natural Science
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    • might make a personal remark — from the Goethean
    • sense for observing the outer material world, will make the
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture II: The Human and the Animal Organisation
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    • evolution created the possibility to make space for what is
    • while by contrast, humans in the course of their life make
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture III: Anthroposophy and Philosophy
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    • foundations, and which make it possible for us to characterise
    • makes the effort to allow one's inner soul to enter into it, to
    • experience, but he also finds that Soloviev makes use of
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture IV: Anthroposophy and Pedagogy
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    • case this doesn't make it unnecessary that at least the first
    • person, this makes love more intense, transforms human vigour.
    • in which we make the effort not to lecture Anthroposophy but to
    • make our teaching more and more alive.
    • knowledge makes it possible to deduce everything from the
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture V: Anthroposophy and Social Science
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    • which makes it possible for a spiritual life to develop out of
    • interested in economics make decisions about questions of the
    • This is what makes it possible that on an anthroposophical
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture VI: Anthroposophy and Theology
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    • is learnt from natural existence when you make an attempt to
    • When you make this attempt in earnest then the rest is a direct
    • conceived by me. Those individuals — and they make a very
    • will make them inwardly mobile and powerful, and this empowered
    • thinking makes a person more free.
    • characterise this. It makes the entire human cognitive work
    • at all to make an imagination of the outer world? — By
    • people who have come to Anthroposophy: to make it
  • Title: Impulse of Renewal: Lecture VII: Anthroposophy and the Science of Speech
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    • the English than for the Germans because I needed to make an
    • must first make this experience lively if you want to
    • warmth — to make a comparison — streaming out on
    • everything possible’ — but if one wants to make progress
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 1
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    • card, to begin in a way that will make you conscious of the
    • it makes clearer to us that the animal life that frolics in the
    • And it should also make us conscious of that fact that although
    • and sternness: We must first make ourselves truly human, warm
    • These words can make it clear to us how the secrets of
    • Your creative knowledge must make it yield.
    • Your creative knowledge must make it yield.
    • make the whole world a movie, because then no one is required
    • And the Guardian of the Threshold makes it quite clear to the
    • make us earthbound.
    • Your creative knowledge must make it yield.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 2
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    • first sensation should make us aware of how the human being, in
    • Your creative knowledge must make it yield.
    • makes no impression on the spiritual world. The unvarnished
    • makes you human, even when it is dead in the present age.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 3
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    • Therefore the following must be said: When man makes his
    • you wish to make it into a true mantram however, you must take
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 4
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    • what your memory makes of it. What should lead you to me
    • you see, if we want to make our feelings warm in the right way,
    • They want to make us into beings who live among them. The deep
    • to a depth, spatial and heights-consciousness, if you make the
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 5
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    • real. And then something occurs to the person which makes him
    • thinking, make him one with the light, rend him from all the
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 6
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    • we develop this feeling in the right way, we will make a
    • its true elemental nature, does not make us human, it makes us
    • to another, when we make the effort. But we are not used to
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 7
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    • their hearts, their souls can make of it.
    • Roman Church will do everything in their power to make the
    • the soul, to make the senses subdued, close the eyes, hear
    • come to an end. Now it is up to you to make human hearts open
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 8
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    • be its principal task, but rather to make anthroposophy flow
    • Step by step we will try to make arrangements so that those who
    • School's activities. We were able to make a beginning with a
    • This makes clear how serious membership in this School should
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 9
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    • bodies in order to make the powerful image of the star-embedded
    • more able to make a beginning at entering into the spiritual
    • world. And today everyone can make this beginning.
    • to the earth and make us people of the earth. Therefore whoever
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 10
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    • makes me into a human being, engenders me as an existing human
    • our soul really makes the journey back to the previous
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 11
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    • world-foundation itself. It is what makes us earth-people.
    • to make meditation something in which we don't merely think,
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 12
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    • makes known to us the admonishments if we wish to enter the
    • that makes an impression on me relative to the present: Can I
    • And now you proceed, my dear sisters and brothers, to make
    • we do not make it into a mere bloodless theory. In order that
    • does as usual in profane life. That happens when we make these
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 13
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    • make a great discovery. And at some point humanity must make
    • act throughout the universe, he makes the great discovery
    • is the greatest personal discovery anyone can make.
    • not make it easy for us to see them. They are more hidden
    • in it. By feeling that meditation makes us into something
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 14
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    • The Guardian of the Threshold also makes it clear to us that he
    • Warmth ceases to enkindle us to an I, and make us feel that
    • He goes more within, what is within makes him objective:
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 15
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    • all liquidity which forms us, which makes us grow, from which
    • can really make the spiritual element our own.
    • will hold to the orientation which makes it possible to make
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 16
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    • light. In this weaving, moving light we make our way to the
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 17
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    • distance at the rainbow. The Guardian instructs us to make
    • wish. And those who are already members of the Class should make
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XX (recapitulation)
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    • makes us aware of how this, our Self, which wills and feels and
    • Your creative knowledge must make it yield.
    • “Ex deo nascimur” by this sign [makes the gesture
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXI (recapitulation)
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    • makes us spiritually hollow. Thinking is dead, and feeling is
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXII (recapitulation)
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    • line to indicate the complete reversal we make when rising from
    • souls, he makes us aware of how we should integrate ourselves
    • down, which bind our will to the earth if we don't make
    • earth's gravity, feel drawn by the earth and make the effort to
    • make free above, into the cosmic realms. Everywhere —
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXIII (recapitulation)
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    • speak; the darkness wants to make us lose ourselves in matter.
    • touch it the sense of touch is what makes a finger, or whatever
    • We have feelings that make us fearful, that breech the
    • (which means: make yourself existent)
    • make a kind of pledge to the Guardian of the Threshold that we
    • except when exceptional circumstances make an oral
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXIV (recapitulation)
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    • makes us attentive to the yawning abyss of being before us,
    • the pledge that our soul makes, now that we are in this
    • make the request to Dr. Wegman or to me, not the one who wants
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXV (recapitulation)
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    • The Guardian makes this sign:
    • The Guardian makes this sign:
    • The Guardian of the Threshold makes the other sign:
    • seal makes us feel the first line in this gesture:
    • someone makes notes of something else, other than the verses,
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXVI (recapitulation)
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    • incarnation and form our heads, all of  which makes the
    • feeling as a dim dream. In fact, we see feeling - which makes
    • who we ourselves are. We make the picture and develop the
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture I: The True Form of the Social Question
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    • souls. It is this which makes it so difficult today to take a
    • comfortable but inaccurate claims that Nature makes no jumps,
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture II: Comparisons at Solving the Social Question based on Life's Realities
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    • today's lecture I would like to make a provisional outline for
    • general statement and in a way, make it desirable for the
    • necessary to make the wheat consumable is, lightly calculated,
    • spiritual gifts. One can make a comparison. In Germany, in the
    • Just as one can make such data for the measure of labour needed
    • could, to make myself better understood as far as it is needed
    • Century took the trouble to show how impossible it is to make a
    • presentations here: I have tried to make it clear to these
    • actually do something to make it a reality in actual life, each
    • who want to make a reality of the seed towards an inclination
    • and social life of humanity. I have already tried to make all
    • make into a reality with these lectures; it doesn't relate to
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture III: Fanaticism Versus a Real Conception of Life in Social Thinking and Willing
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    • Whoever makes the effort to penetrate the reality of life, the
    • disappear to make place for something new to come into
    • variety of areas and this makes it so difficult to allow the
    • make these statements can't actually use imagination with which
    • arises, which is an incentive to make spirit something real out
    • as a reality and to make it a reality in quite a different way
    • make so.
    • to not make myself misunderstood, I'm mentioning almost in
    • organism — and make a Homunculus as a result —
    • always suck up the capacity for work and make it goods only.
    • if I may use this trivial expression — makes the three
    • want to still make another observation. Even in relation to the
    • within it, which makes it possible to allow the three members
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture IV: The Evolution of Social Thinking and Willing and Life's Circumstances for Current Humanity
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    • misunderstood conception that nature makes no leaps in a
    • wanted to make the state ever more into the economist. This
    • existence of this abyss which makes it so difficult for an
    • prepared, and that which can make sense, even still today only
    • personality, experiencing human nature within, actually makes
    • order to make it understandable, say the following: in economic
    • and so on. The complexity of human life makes it necessary
    • of the law, in every single real case, needs to enter to make
    • argue: ‘When I am a tailor and among the clothes I make for
    • others, I also make myself a garment, then surely I'm directing
    • structure but makes humanity face the need to either re-think
    • we make the bold and powerful decision towards the progress of
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture V: The Social Will as the Basis Towards a New, Scientific Procedure
    Matching lines:
    • necessary to make the following clear, in order to understand
    • in search of a solution for the social question, it can make a
    • concepts, which in fact makes out the form of one of the
    • modern social movement makes it particularly clear that the
    • invite complications, make the people uncomfortable; but it is
    • the one and only way to make a healthy social organism viable
    • possibility to make spiritual life into an ideology is of
    • Bergson, I believe one should not make such dogmatic
    • purely political state. He will then obviously make his
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture VI: What Significance does Work have for the Modern Proletarian?
    Matching lines:
    • economic process. Does this not make it clear that he would
    • make itself into a big cooperative through which the production
    • within the circulation of the modern economic life, what makes
    • of land and can utilise the earth, and by doing so make his
    • power, which makes labour into goods. Out of the economic life,
    • life must be determined from outside, so that it doesn't make
    • professors and supporters of historic science. Try to make an
    • make the correct claim towards healing the social organism,
    • solution or attempt to give one. I want to make you aware that
    • would like to make something like a fundamental remark. When
    • earns to make him starve, but I had to become hungry myself. I
    • conclusion, I would like to make a remark which relates to what
  • Title: Lecture: Richard Wagner and Mysticism
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    • Ego-being, he began to make claims on him. — Brotherhood gave way
  • Title: Lecture: Spiritual Wisdom in the Early Christian Centuries
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    • School arising which gathers together and makes a careful record of
  • Title: Community Building
    Matching lines:
    • 'searching of conscience' and without reservation makes an assessment of
    • sort of interpretations — makes the pain from the loss so
    • duration, — this makes a difference. Our deliberations
    • must simply make Anthroposophy true: we must make it true
  • Title: Community Building
    Matching lines:
    • 'searching of conscience' and without reservation makes an assessment of
    • some. But, when the Society makes the transition of taking
    • has to make time for his spiritual research. For this reason,
    • remain a free person, where he makes no promise but simply
    • most absolutely modern way. And I do not endeavor to make it
    • For I make it perfectly clear wherever necessary how physical
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 1: Evolution and Consciousness, Lucifer, Ahriman
    Matching lines:
    • He makes visible the forces of decline active in modern civilization
    • influence our thoughts and make them dependent on
    • evolution as human beings properly unless we make the
    • freedom is such that people are indeed free to make
    • point of having a mineral organization. They want to make
    • make themselves heard in this work — please forgive
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 2: East, West, and the Culture of Middle Europe, the Science of Initiation
    Matching lines:
    • He makes visible the forces of decline active in modern civilization
    • ourselves: European ideas do not make it easy to grasp
    • something that makes the seriousness that is required
    • make no progress in social understanding. It is no longer
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 3: Political Empires
    Matching lines:
    • He makes visible the forces of decline active in modern civilization
    • considering. They may help to make some of the ideas on
    • reality. The spiritual-scientific point of view makes us
    • say ‘I am German’ would make them criminals.
    • makes all the empty words that are flashing up all around
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 4: Western Secret Societies, Jesuitism, Leninism
    Matching lines:
    • He makes visible the forces of decline active in modern civilization
    • citizens simply cannot make up their minds to pay proper
    • from which we make paper. There you have human cleverness
    • humankind without bias. We must make an effort and become
    • principle. This makes them sit up and listen; it makes
    • them—must make it clear to them—I mean
    • all seriousness to make certain aspects of the Roman
    • other. They will provoke something that makes people go
    • the people professing those beliefs want to make
    • age is too cowardly, however, to make such admissions.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 5: How the Material Can Be Understood Only through the Spirit
    Matching lines:
    • He makes visible the forces of decline active in modern civilization
    • would be cause for general alarm. After all, it does make
    • here, (b), where we perceive sideways, it makes no
    • on. Those after all are dogmas and it makes no difference
    • very different than mere analogy would make them to be.
    • make distinction between social life and the life of an
    • and spirit have to make up for this dying process. To
    • all the time I have tried to make it utterly clear and
    • further appeal that would make it known internationally
    • that does not come off. It is important to make a careful
    • It makes me really feel good getting something organized
    • follow a particular idea. This would make it unfruitful
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 6: Materialism and Mysticism, Knowledge as a Deed of the Soul
    Matching lines:
    • He makes visible the forces of decline active in modern civilization
    • uncomfortable; yet unless we enter into them we will make
    • must make the search for truth a deed. It must be a
    • makes definitions or explains things. And this is where
    • get to know the nature of the force that makes the chalk
    • can make a discovery when we observe ourselves in the
    • therefore, we can make a discovery. Observing ourselves
    • with things that make them lick their lips when they
    • to rebut anthroposophy, and mysticism makes use of
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 7: Materialism, Mysticism, Anthroposophy, Liberalism, Conservatism
    Matching lines:
    • He makes visible the forces of decline active in modern civilization
    • but it is essential to make this point with real
    • molecular and atomic theory—it makes no difference
    • to speak of what draws us down in a way that makes it the
    • platitudinous mystic may on occasion do more to make the
    • know them and consider them to be fair makes no
    • is concerned: In their whole make-up human beings are
    • itself away from the brain. People must make efforts to
    • they must think those thoughts through. People must make
    • them, will indeed make use of it and try and understand
    • make It as easy as possible for others, telling them to
    • concepts makes us suffer and rejoice, when we feel lifted
    • make the substantial essence of those words come to
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 8: The Opposition of Knowledge and Faith, Its Overcoming
    Matching lines:
    • He makes visible the forces of decline active in modern civilization
    • make free decisions. As soon as their arms moved, they
    • world, to make it part of oneself, had of course been
    • us, if you make use of the power we provide in the form
    • it gradually. They said people should make certain divine
    • so on to explore the outer world of the senses and make
    • the people who deliberately make a sharp distinction
    • Protestant element, and Rome will continue to make great
    • words that make up people's names give no clue as to the
    • similar to that used to make a photographic record of a
    • bring Christ down and make Him a physical Jesus even in
    • before; egotistical reasons make them interested to know
    • in 1920. Maybe you could make amends by saying: ‘We
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 9: East, West, and Middle
    Matching lines:
    • He makes visible the forces of decline active in modern civilization
    • human beings and then make the transition to certain
    • position to make use of this sense organ in normal life.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 10: Transition from the Luciferic to the Ahrimanic Age and the Christ Event to Come
    Matching lines:
    • He makes visible the forces of decline active in modern civilization
    • into the present and will still make themselves felt for a long time, we
    • make it into a vast machine. Even human beings are trained to be like
    • products of technology on the will is going to make the unconscious react
    • is something we make part of ourselves, for it is something that was
    • human being. That is how they fulfil their destiny today. They make their
    • ourselves for the Christ event. All the mediocre stuff that makes up the
    • spiritual bedrock. And we will make no progress at all unless we become
    • unprejudiced mind will realize that these gentlemen make very fine
    • Then it will be possible to make the whole of social life Christian.
    • become barbarians. Yet it also will not help if we make the facile
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 11: Modern Science and Christianity, Threefold Social Order, Goetheanism
    Matching lines:
    • He makes visible the forces of decline active in modern civilization
    • make us into full human beings. We are on this earth and
    • makes reference to this by showing that our evolution
    • recognize Him as the spirit who will make it possible
    • entirely of this earth and make us into complete human
    • seeks to make everything it brings to revelation visual,
    • make logic the object of personal experience. Schiller
    • wanted to make this condition generally applicable to
    • would then be put together to make a thesis. Only the
    • beings, that will take us beyond this and make us into
    • really makes no difference.
    • It will be the only spirit in which we shall make progress
  • Title: Life Between Two Incarnations
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    • solemn occasions. To make this God-being sound in the soul of man by
    • I-bearer, the fourth member in the human nature, makes man the first
    • make clear what kind of state this is, you must consider that man,
    • can get an idea of it if you consider that here man makes the
    • to make experiences for his further development. The face of the earth,
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture I
    Matching lines:
    • right light to make no mistake as to their character. Yet these
    • friends have tried to make appropriate to the serious things of
    • forbearing enough to make excuses for the
    • before he makes it! The time must, come when it will not be
    • into the lives of men. Then that attitude will make itself
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture II
    Matching lines:
    • ashamed to make themselves capable of development, or to learn
    • can we make right decisions and bring right thoughts into the
    • did not make him a man, but being registered in some kind of
    • to the present; that means to make ourselves capable of
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture III
    Matching lines:
    • tasks of our age to make these changes part of our
    • Taken as earnest, that makes it impossible to take seriously
    • to make too close a connection with these forces is to be found
    • not to make proper use of the physical body, but to leave it
    • the Oriental strives to make as little use of it as
    • make. All the miserable endeavours to justify themselves before
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Main Features of the Social Question and the Threefold Order of the Social Organism
    Matching lines:
    • rank make no real difference to him between the seventh and
    • here is a man who wants to make the spiritual and
    • best make it accessible to the community. That seems natural to
    • peculiar. But we make no effort, in the case of material

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