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- Title: 640
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- objects by no means with the same sharp outlines he does now,
- other lectures that sleep is by no means unnecessary for man; it serves
- no longer rise by means of his dim clairvoyant consciousness, could no
- kind of people were these, and what do we mean when we say they were
- the most advanced? It means those least able to see into
- people by means of myth and legend, they found some who understood
- In primeval ages man experienced God by means of an image. Now the
- culture was founded under the influence of Initiates by means of
- means to regain contact with the Spirits and Gods which they had lost.
- Being with the least content of anything sensely. Meanwhile in
- Title: Evil and Spiritual Science
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- in the development of the world, recognises in the meaning of
- meaning of evil, already resided in ancient Stoic wisdom; and
- the meaning of evil in the world; and he came to a singular
- regard to the question of the meaning of evil, can be set out
- meaningful philosophical works for the nineteenth century. Let
- selfishness is universally present. We find the true meaning of
- appears in its meaning for the physical-sense world, since this
- would not get very far. But what does that mean? It means: one
- how to become an unselfish person using the means of the
- into physical being. In that case, it means, that if that being
- That means, that we are led by the knowledge of where the
- to give its meaning to evil and to the wicked. If this world is
- Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 1: Popular Occultism, Introtroduction
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- with theosophy as it is meant here. Those who develop their higher soul-forces
- of the word “Jahve” (meaning “I”), and a shudder
- Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 2: Man's Ascent into the Supersensible World
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- one, the spiritual world or Devachan. Deva means God in Chan means field
- or habitation. Devachan therefore means the spirit of God. In so far
- them. To speak of morality in the occult meaning, does not mean to preach
- mean? — My friend — he thinks — is in New York, and
- that Goethe meant this symbolically. But after a certain development,
- spoke of Imagination, they meant this gift.
- Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 3: The Different Conditions of Man's Life After Death
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- from the astral body and the Ego. In the occult meaning we therefore
- Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 7: Effects of the Law of Karma
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- the meaning of these words.
- with the best organ for his musical activities. This is the meaning contained
- continually enters new incarnations is not devoid of meaning and purpose,
- Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 8: The Evolution of Man and of the Solar System; the Atlantic Evolution
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- meaning, thus reaching again a literal understanding of the words. For
- There is a deep meaning and ancient truths in legends and fairy-tales.
- of the word “Nifelheim-Nebelheim” — meaning land of
- Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 9: Lemurian Development
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- manner and he knew the meaning of the single images, thus recognizing
- Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 10: Paths of Occult Training
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- regard to the first, the loneliness of a few minutes each day is meant,
- Title: i Spirituality: Lecture 1: Historical Symptomology, the Year 790, Alcuin, Greeks, Platonism, Aristotelianism, East, West, Middle, Ego
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- But what was meant by the nothingness one finds in Dionysius the
- it that had meanwhile entered in to European civilization since Plato, particularly through the
- Above all we need the means. For everything which,
- the Hague or some such place, if a basis can be created, and by other means if the friends who
- like wildfire that a World Fellowship must arise to provide the material means for the spiritual
- Fellowship of Schools is necessary, it is just that there are no means for it.' What we are
- Please see what is meant by this Fellowship in all
- Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 2: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 1
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- will take place in the sign of this development of the individuality. This, however, means that
- mean that we do not attribute to external semblance the quality of semblance. To face the truth
- means even in cases like these, to seek truth; to seek reality where outer appearance is so
- Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 3: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 2
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- Europe. This means that in Central Europe the language is indeed not bound particularly strongly
- — I mean the elder, who was more orientated towards the West — and you
- where the Germanic element is meant to be shown with its dualism, you see the
- Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 4: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 3
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- Let us show diagramatically what might be meant
- from imagination to inspiration, but an inspiration which they attained by means of outer nature.
- have just this task of bringing the intellect into the economic life. What does this mean? We
- the spiritual life to those who are engaged in its administration. This is the inner meaning of
- person, we now go and listen to someone else. This means that, for the modern human being, it is
- Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 5: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 4
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- by means of these other
- to the place he is meant to be. Here the educational factor becomes a specifically social one. It
- to say the means of production. A completely new spiritual concept must arise which, on the one
- something that needs watching. It is by no means intended as a criticism or as a reference to the
- Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 6: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 5
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- soon as people begin to debate something it means they no longer understand it. What lives in the
- And what is the meaning of this that must come to
- expression In the most frightful way in coming decades? What is its Meaning? On the one hand it
- Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 7: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 6
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- established a certain discipline that is necessary if one means to enter into discussions on
- This is what will come in the next decades: as though with outstretched arms — I mean this,
- article; it is meant as a force for life and people will have gradually to accustom themselves to
- means goblin, brownie or imp. Steiner plays on this here in connection with the name of
- Title: Abbreviated Title: Lecture I:
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- these conditions we mean of course average conditions. Exceptions are
- Title: Talk To Young People:
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- deeply indeed, the inner meaning of these youth movements. We all
- narrow-minded man on the street will understand what you mean when
- everything. The word itself will then reach its true meaning. The
- Title: "Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will not pass away"
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- Then comes a mean (or middle) period, a time of equalization, of which
- awaking and falling asleep, — by these ‘contents’ we mean
- life on earth, we experience by means of our physical earth-man, but we
- — the means to create intuitions. Hence: The Saturn man in his
- evolution. And you will realize that, if this is the fact, we, by means
- means of the highest and purest conceptions of earth man, in the
- no means, the same process in the human kingdom as in the animal world.
- the inner significance or meaning of it, belongs not only all that has
- Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture I: Tree of Life - I
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- means of the knowledge which men had before the Mystery of Golgotha.
- By this Roman age I mean the time that
- the sense of the ancient revelation was not to serve as a means of
- meaning for the original life of the soul when one said: January,
- Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture II: Tree of Life - II
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- What does it really mean: Not eat of the
- reasoned way the meaning of ‘to have eaten of the Tree of the
- mingled in his earthly life. This means: in our earthly life we
- two-fold utterance implies. It means that the knowledge we obtain of
- Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture III: The Power of Thought
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- This means: what Christ has to reveal to
- the Christ revelation means: to acquire light upon the world from
- means to know that we must strive towards a musical element, that we
- misunderstand what is meant when I speak about it. It is of course
- not meant that anything at all of what floats before us as distant
- not mean it at all as absolute depreciation, absolute blame, but that
- any sense, which had true meaning in the time of the Roman Republic,
- but was now without meaning: therefore he abolished the rank of
- Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture IV: Harmonizing Thinking, Feeling and Willing
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- one observes by means of the senses. People endeavour, however, to
- suppose that such a second man, by means of various processes of
- means that he appeals to those who show the whole method of entry of
- Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture V: Tree of Knowledge - I
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- world-conception means nothing for its correctness. One who can set
- something with the means offered by the world in which he dwells.
- are only constructed with the means of the worlds in which man
- the meanings of the words. We must not take contemporary conceptions
- Space only has meaning for that which evolves within the span of
- Earth-existence, and Time has actually only become meaningful since
- awakening time goes on. The comparison is by no means a bad one, when
- a certain meaning to what goes on around us, we must as it were see
- this meaning already present, in the old evolution of the Moon, the
- meaning of life on earth must in some way have prepared itself. The
- meaning of the earth-life was added to it like a kind of flower. Now
- opened.’ He means that all senses shall be opened
- order to grasp what this means: 'the senses are opened' or 'the
- rightly know which facts are meant to be spiritual. Something that
- myth. The myth seeks to lift itself above space and time. This means
- in ourself. Thus time becomes there a means of deception and illusion
- that arise, endure. Our possession-concepts are enduring. This means
- Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture VI: Tree of Knowledge - II
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- Sun. This means that Luciferic spirits thrust their influence from
- aware of it. This means: Lucifer has given man to the world, he has
- employing every means in order to escape Lucifer and Ahriman: he is
- whole meaning of the separation of the Old Moon from the Sun-Earth
- This means, we stand there, we see the
- diagram p.l2a). This means that where the painter generally lays on
- Title: World Downfall and Resurrection
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- early centuries, even among men who were by no means learned
- today connect the telegraphic apparatus in station A by means
- man is nourished. He takes bread into his body. It is a means
- world is at hand. They meant the downfall of that Earth from
- only a question of understanding the real meaning of the
- Title: Lecture: Philosophy and Anthroposophy
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- of the means of ensuring inner security and our true alignment in the order
- Mysteries” a wisdom is meant which flourished in ancient times, and
- do not mean that men had Aristotle's philosophy before them as a system, as
- investigation of the outer world by means of his senses, or be it due to
- revelation by means of divine Grace, as through Christ Jesus, these things
- the very instrument by means of which Christianity would be really
- concepts which man can evolve from himself. By such means a break in man's
- means, say by pressure or by electric current, a perception of light is
- on the theory of knowledge I could by no means agree. To qualify human
- only given us by means of conceptions, it follows that we have no reality
- must, above all things, realize that Aristotle, by means of his technique
- difference between form and matter by means of an illustration which may,
- wolf, but in all wolves. Thus we find form by means of a concept expressing
- should induce us to accept this conception. That experience is meant,
- definitions in the Scholastic writings. We must understand what is meant
- experience. Imagine Kepler evolving, by means of pure constructive thought,
- sun in the focus, and then observation, by means of the telescope,
- means for attaining reality in the most objective manner possible.
- point of indicating a way into reality by means of pure thought. If this
- not possible except by means of pure thought. As far as ordinary human
- Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture I: The Pedagogy of the West and of Central Europe: The Inner Attitude of the Teacher
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- a valid sense for what is meant by the esoteric. We believe today that what
- meaning of such a statement is not particularly clear to begin with;
- means, if his gifts predispose him to be a botanist, he can become one; if
- organism with air. Tragedy means that we are trying to contract our
- astrality over the redness, pass over into it. Laughing simply means that
- can always find the ways and means in our teaching to prevent the childish
- Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture II: The Three Fundamental Forces in EducatioN
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- not retarded before the fourteenth year. This you must not take to mean
- physical strength or weakness; meant is the answering pressure that is
- that these are the means by which we weave the future.
- music working in man that counteracts it. Music is the means of defence
- exaggeration you will see what I mean), this force working outward from
- Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture III: Spiritual Knowledge of Man as the Fount of Educational Art
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- all this refers to experiencing the pictorial element conveyed by means of
- sound, to the more or less musical element; and I do not only mean the
- only serves as the clearest example, and applies par excellence, but I mean
- thinks with imprints in the brain; he now thinks by means of material
- of it out of the spirit. This means teaching creatively from out of the
- Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture IV: The Art of Education Consists of Bringing Into Balance the Physical and Spiritual Nature of the Developing Human Being
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- gradually organising it through and through; which means that there takes
- artistic education. What does this mean?
- means, for example, that the ego must not enter the physical body, etheric
- work in one direction or another, when we acquaint ourselves with the means
- recollect music, his musical, memory. These are the means we must use when
- something which is more concerned with the meaning and the content of what
- the meaning of things. On the other hand, should I notice that the child is
- painting understand the meaning of what he draws: when I let the child draw
- too deeply into the organism, which means that we can make good use of it
- meaningless, so meaningless that it is difficult to find common ground with
- or that the arms never know what they are meant to do because their weight
- mean well; but it is to be strictly rejected when passed on by
- Title: Social Understanding: Lecture II: Social Understanding Through Spiritual Scientific Knowledge
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- knowledge by means of certain forces in man. But what the actual
- Let us represent diagrammatically by means of this line this world that is
- neither perceive these supersensible forces by means of our ordinary senses
- nor by means of our intellect bound to our ordinary senses. We perceive
- carry out unconsciously any more by means of our blood, we have to carry
- were unable to draw on their youthful forces, if there were no means of
- every department you find well-meaning people today, who want to reform
- Title: Buddha and the Two Boys: Lecture I: Buddha and the Two Boys of Jesus
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- left the physical body? Buddha always means a final incarnation. He only
- physical corporeality to bring humanity a great step forward by means of
- Title: Buddha and the Two Boys: Lecture II: The Gospels, Buddha and the Two Boys of Jesus
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- down, but as something that can be researched with the means of spiritual
- understand Christianity in all its deep meaning, we have to realize that
- Title: Lecture: Art As A Bridge Between The Sensible And The Supersensible
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- educational development by means of literature, by means of the written
- by means of spiritual science. However, in order to experience this
- Title: Raphael's Mission in the Light of the Science of the Spirit
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- development. Spiritual science seeks meaning and significance
- development, but rather to assign an overall meaning to single
- passing through various earth-lives; an education by means of
- humanity over the last centuries is not meant as a
- by means of inner battles and conscious effort — turning not to
- to what is pre-earthly. By means of spiritual science we come
- Raphael's natural abilities by means of which, in an earlier
- to view it in its unfathomableness, is only able by means of
- fertilize the human soul that had meanwhile been imbued with a
- depicted. The other picture presents what is attained by means
- special meaning. We see how he stood before Raphael's creations
- by means of spiritual science — do we come to understand
- Title: Leonardo's Spiritual Stature: Lecture
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- can acquaint ourselves with other works of Leonardo, by means
- of reproductions, or by means of the works attributed to him in
- secrets of Nature in an original manner by means of drawing
- the external means were wholly inadequate. Should he in fact
- and again by means of studies, to investigate one secret after
- given the means available. Though in later centuries no human
- meaningful and imbued with wisdom in presupposing that things
- reason is able to comprehend by means of sense perception.
- point of a time in which it is again possible, by means of
- Copernican worldview, by means of the observations and
- discovered by means of modern spectral analysis and so forth.
- concepts were formed by means of natural science. And where
- not do so by means of sense perception, but by virtue of
- what humanity acquired by means of natural science also
- the world of sense and to think only by means of reason bound
- consequence of the technical means by which they were produced,
- of taking on form by means of art, and what he had been able to
- comes into existence externally? How meaningless and pointless
- as Leonardo's appears meaningful only when we are able to
- artist who could ultimately only work with the means available.
- Title: Fairy Tales: in the light of Spiritual Investigation
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- Such a soul conflict discovered by means of spiritual
- can be apprehended by means of spiritual
- from an external stimulus. We connect them by means
- not yet fully self-conscious, human beings were by no means as
- can mean the child begins to ail, becoming
- apparently personal tinge, though not at all meant
- They can be discovered only by means of spiritual
- about them, as much as one can come to know by means of
- this way, by means of the dissemination of spiritual science,
- Title: A Mongolian Legend
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- to see today by means of the senses. In this way, the
- meaning.
- Title: The Worldview of Herman Grimm in Relation to Spiritual Science
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- personality, Herman Grimm's whole demeanour as though compelled
- meantime profoundly permeated German life. They listened to the
- page, that this book is not meant to be a contribution to Homer
- means of reading, they would prefer most of all to read such
- Title: Imperialism: Lecture 1
Matching lines:
- god. That's what a god looked like. It meant nothing more than what
- grew from clear reality. As long as the Holy Roman Empire had meaning
- more and more lost its meaning, and the local princes remained. So we
- remnants, which had already lost all inner meaning, remained as outer
- appearances; they only had meaning in those ancient times when they
- take place through the priest's power. It means that the action
- more royal than any other. To be royal doesn't only mean to have a
- “Imperial Federation League” summarizes the means of
- history really is, meaning that history which is taught in
- world. That means that spiritual reality must exist alongside
- especially in the west which have lost all meaning, but are still
- Title: Imperialism: Lecture 2
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- had their real meaning. To a certain extent they were realities.
- their meaning. They have passed through the stage of symbols and have
- people recoiled when they approached the spiritual by means of the
- which contained but little concrete meaning.
- people had a talent for mere names without meaning; that on one hand
- meaningful even until today. The real content goes back to the far
- meanings. Thereby the symbols have become platitudes in symbolic
- a real ceremonial form, meaning those which go back to the original
- people discover the meaning of the rituals; then they are expelled
- Such things are really meaningful. It is not
- power by political means. It has always been more powerful the less
- half of the nineteenth century these names were seriously meant. The
- personages as well. The principles matter. It is very meaningful that
- But what does it mean? It is
- platitudes, which has as much meaning for the external world as
- You see, to want the threefold society means
- Title: Imperialism: Lecture 3
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- did it mean? It meant that he expressed himself in the age of
- platitudes in a manner that only had meaning for the first stage. In
- account, which means also the truth.
- “brothers,” meaning not to let social class or an
- have said that it is meaningful when people get together and each
- something meant in a spiritual-scientific sense with a mere yes or no
- has only a limited meaning, for judgments given from the spiritual
- world always have only an individual meaning, are only applicable
- the imperialism of the soul as the means of mundane anointment. They
- is a shadow-image of what once existed and no longer has meaning, it
- and spiritual/cultural life is truly free, meaning that here in
- impossible to give a better example of meaninglessness than this. And
- such meaninglessness plays a much greater role than you imagine. It is a
- longer has any meaning, we must absorb real substantial content into
- This means that the kingdom of
- movement be overcome by the spirit meant here. It is certainly true
- Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture I: Anthroposophy and Natural Science
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- people means that the particular way thoughts are linked
- certain field of thought, which means the sum of linking
- meant that if one made a drawing of something like that, it had
- What did Goethe mean by this? He meant — but hadn't
- expressed it like this, he meant: ‘When I draw a triangle its
- consequence to arrive at mere phenomenology, that means not
- meant that what the outer world offered the senses were seen as
- meaning within his soul. He certainly wouldn't start with each
- meaning, by approaching the upward stroke, followed by the
- to read within their inner meaning. This would lead to a
- only want to “read”, that means, what I finally get
- themselves — just as by reading a word, the meaning is
- Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture II: The Human and the Animal Organisation
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- other, reveal a particular meaning. This meaning can exist even
- their horizontal spinal axis vertical, which means an important
- lower leg, hands and so on. Just imagine what it means that the
- Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture III: Anthroposophy and Philosophy
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- What lay ahead for the West with this? It meant that scientific
- characteristic for Middle Europe was most meaningful in what
- such a world about which one can have knowledge. This means
- other; here the human soul faces the great, meaningful problem:
- conceptual forms and means of expression which we know, from
- same time become a meaningful historical problem: to strike the
- Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture IV: Anthroposophy and Pedagogy
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- means what comes to expression in their words, their attitude,
- is meant by the power of authority is not to be misunderstood
- means not the entire education should be put down to what is
- the bodily form during the various periods of life. This means,
- meaningful educational principles and does not stand back
- powers of growth, powers of transformation; that means we must
- about these means which have entered in modern times; they must
- have been provided with something meaningful. One discovers
- inconvenient and might mean more stringent cleaning rules need
- nature and in life being meaningful. This is more important
- Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture V: Anthroposophy and Social Science
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- theoretical standpoint. Today — I mean at this very present
- because in the mean time chaos has broken into the economic
- instinctively — not meaning automatically — as exchange in
- means people gradually believed they have discovered through
- see, it first has to be explained what is meant by such things.
- intellectualised meaning which we attach to them today. These
- Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture VI: Anthroposophy and Theology
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- the greatest possible triumphs — I don't mean in a
- the experience of the mind, that means in the weaving of the
- this, that some or other suggestive means is applied, with one
- comes to this godly Father experience, this means that whoever
- through physical means because — if I might say so
- these research means pursues the way human development went
- meaning in the book by Overbeck, a friend of Friedrich
- This means finding your task in the evolution of time, and not
- Title: Impulse of Renewal: Lecture VII: Anthroposophy and the Science of Speech
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- means that through a person speaking, something is unfolding
- meaning of sound. In an unbelievable intense way one
- exercises, leading towards mental pictures about what is meant
- Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 1
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- spiritual life is to be revealed in its true meaning, so that
- of the School are by no means sufficiently attentive to this.
- from the visible universe; it is meant to remind us how the
- knowledge. For only by means of this awareness can true
- these spirits. And conjuring them away doesn't mean that they
- really go. We must find the ways and the means — and this
- meant to indicate laughter, but lies, because to mock is to
- friends, by means of this first introductory lesson, with which
- Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 2
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- is neither meaningless nor unimportant to ask yourselves such a
- That is the meaning of the Guardian of the Threshold's words.
- according to its inner meaning. And they can become a guide on
- Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 3
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- superficial, he will experience and feel fully what it means to
- the intellectual meaning to commitment to the rhythm, from that
- only using the words whose meanings apply to the physical
- Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 4
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- only meant for earthly things, and not for godly things. So,
- remembering. That does not mean that tomorrow you should
- meant to express come to us because they are contained in the
- But he uses words only as a means to show how the spirit flows
- Therefore, in the esoteric we must go back from what words mean
- an unstressed one. It was meant to instill in us a kind of
- meaning of words, but that we also grasp what lies in the
- Words whose meanings alone are grasped leave us unto ourselves.
- Abstractly, meaning dishonestly, this is easy to achieve.
- Concretely, meaning honestly, one must overcome many inner
- is, by means of our own courageous soul-force:
- to the meaning of the words, which remain earthly, but to the
- say here again that what was meant in the Christmas Meeting has
- Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 5
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- magical being. What does it mean, that nature must be able to
- be sufficient that I have indicated what air and warmth means
- increase of warmth means that the spirits which are active in
- This means becoming aware of the duality in which one is placed
- Knowledge means that we are aware of this.
- an age when, if human beings are not made aware of the meaning
- these torments mean? They mean the ever increasing prevalence
- learning process, nor a mere theory; rather it means to accept
- Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 6
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- meaningful processes. The universe has opened its doors, so to
- the etheric form which he then observes. I don't mean that he
- meant to be experienced by the whole human being. If we look at
- live in Cosmic Life means to experience death as an individual
- Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 7
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- not only cultivated, it is also carried out; meaning that
- which is responsible for this School. In this case, it means
- it will be successful, but if not, we will find other means to
- movement, that means that it is taken very seriously indeed.
- therefore, they choose sharp, strong rather than weak means [to
- what it means to be outside the physical body with the human I
- which can then fly over the abyss with the means indicated in
- now meaningful words sound out again from the Guardian of the
- of your souls, then you will have an inkling of what it means
- Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 8
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- which was founded at Christmas. I can explain what this means
- other relationships will be even more human, but by this means
- Goetheanum. This means that nothing by way of formulations and
- spiritual world has been obtained with the means which are
- whether by means of clairvoyant consciousness or through
- Just as we can look at the human head and it becomes a means
- Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 9
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- “inwardly” is meant the following: We have seen the
- merge with what the planets say to us meaningfully from space
- to understand inwardly means to transfer more and more what is
- about how by means of an intimate exercise you can become more
- means of the will.
- does not know what it means to feel his whole being as a
- meaning in the stars. We unite with the universe when we do
- Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 10
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- individual must find the way to understanding what it means to
- meditative exercises, mental exertions meant to affect the
- by means of the various considerations and the summarizing of
- the body — if only by means of so slight a jolt that you
- within — if only by means of thinking — and become
- the end of which we can feel the cosmic Imaginations by means
- meaningful language when we do not observe it from the earth
- dialog and in strengthening the recollection by means of the
- soul, then this means of creating a relation to the spiritual
- correct meaning:
- is in a process, it is a seed which will have meaning once I
- Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 11
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- circumstances. This doesn't mean that the head is really the
- Just as the human being lives on the earth by means of
- does the human creative evolutionary force live by means of
- “sensory deeds”, which means: deeds
- present when the meaning dissolves into situation and
- understand what the content of this esoteric school is meant to be.
- Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 12
Matching lines:
- at first by means of healthy human understanding – then
- world – for knowledge is meant to flow to you directly
- but at the same time within it, purely by means of your inner
- means that for the senses the sun shines and the senses do not;
- are meant to speak to the deepest levels of our being. Together
- and our memories, but we are now meant to hear how we are being
- now it is appropriate to clarify the meaning of the
- Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 13
Matching lines:
- Not meant is our everyday thinking, but
- By means of this verse we imagine how at
- by means of this mantric verse we come in contact with the
- Of course this does not mean, my dear sisters and
- seriously. Then they are effective, as they are meant to be.
- Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 14
Matching lines:
- water. We could not float in it, for that would mean that we
- itself. And what it means when
- mantric verses is innerly certain and meaningfully formed.
- by means of living breath and the stimulating power of air,
- Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 15
Matching lines:
- these Class lessons are meant to be.
- By this means we become aware that in our
- By means of these mantras, we should become aware
- consider to best meet the requirements of his meaning.
- Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 16
Matching lines:
- present, I must say at least a few words about the meaning of
- the world necessarily means that whatever he or she does in
- means that the leadership may also place conditions on
- holy mysteries meant that the student was being guided to the
- Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 17
Matching lines:
- universe does not only have a physical meaning; it has a
- spiritual-inner meaning. And the magical ether-rainbow cannot be
- which contains the sentence: I consider no answer to mean yes
- Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 18
Matching lines:
- sensory being must be heard by means of initiation-science. Human
- seems to indicate that this means sometime in the future.
- Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 19
Matching lines:
- between the two German words which mean “body”:
- earnestness would mean more to those who have already heard
- here what this School means. One of them loses the verses
- Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XX (recapitulation)
Matching lines:
- for all those who are here for the first time it means
- something else: it means an acquaintance with the beginning of
- for the first time, the meaning of the School must be explained
- point was brought to humanity by means of the Greek mysteries
- when we let the meaning and the spirit of these words work in
- our true humanity flows. To really understand these words means
- understand the inner meaning of the esoteric path. This
- That is what the signs mean.
- Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXI (recapitulation)
Matching lines:
- means of conception and birth into a physical human earthly
- measure, but means that everything in our anthroposophical
- only has meaning when the Michael stream flows through it, not
- Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXII (recapitulation)
Matching lines:
- means to do so.
- — that is, by a means other than verbally — the
- meaning here seems also to be plural. [trans.]
- Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXIII (recapitulation)
Matching lines:
- introduction about the task and meaning of the School and about
- what this Michael-School should mean:
- will be light within by means of the force which we ourselves
- finger. The finger loses its meaning when separated from the
- inner meaning with which we should unite ourselves in
- meditation we must also sense the inner, meaningful structure
- (which means: make yourself existent)
- and that means:
- Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXIV (recapitulation)
Matching lines:
- duties and meaning of this Michael School. Therefore, I ask the
- earth, that means in the spiritual element of the earth; we
- first gesture means:
- Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXV (recapitulation)
Matching lines:
- told us so much about the meaning of the spiritual world, over
- “gloria”. The glow here means gloria.
- we know, this first gesture means [beside the lower gesture is
- second gesture means [beside the second gesture is
- third gesture means:
- Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXVI (recapitulation)
Matching lines:
- that what membership in this School means be taken with the
- anthroposophical movement - well, I don't mean to say that
- meaningful words spoken by the Guardian of the Threshold on
- The first gesture means:[3]
- The second gesture means:
- The third gesture means:
- Thus, today's Michael affirmation is confirmed by means of his Sign
- Title: The Social Question: Lecture I: The True Form of the Social Question
Matching lines:
- the question: What am I as a human being? What meaning do I
- towards a means of production in a communal business or else a
- Title: The Social Question: Lecture II: Comparisons at Solving the Social Question based on Life's Realities
Matching lines:
- take these four lectures as a unit. This means the content of
- I don't mean anything other than a support of human
- evolution of knowledge. This means however that our thinking
- — would prove that the real spirit within the meaning has
- the state. Meanwhile economic life involves the business of
- meaning in the words, brotherhood, equality, and freedom.
- course of events is meant here, not something which
- foundation of the entire meaning and intention which I want to
- Title: The Social Question: Lecture III: Fanaticism Versus a Real Conception of Life in Social Thinking and Willing
Matching lines:
- does this modern proletarian point of view actually mean within
- Essentially the spiritual scientific world view means it is not
- The concept of ordinary faith actually loses its meaning
- way,” which means, the details, the individual measures
- meaning, in order to orientate their configuration in a certain
- needs some income, capital. What does it mean to say: ‘He
- consumes a certain amount of capital?’ It means nothing other
- — what this means for single individuals — is
- a far more reality based meaning than theories, observations
- inner being this also means the modern proletariat: ‘Naturally
- This means that human labour becomes the dominant element in
- comes a spiritual scientist who wants to by means of an
- Title: The Social Question: Lecture IV: The Evolution of Social Thinking and Willing and Life's Circumstances for Current Humanity
Matching lines:
- plays with so much meaning into the current situation of
- the widest sense, legal- or political life which means state
- mean, that even in the light of consciousness the social
- That holds no truth, it is hidden through social relation means
- meaning of the renewal of the old platonic idea of dividing the
- continuation of politics by other means,"
- marriage through other means.”
- with real meaning, it is brought out of thoughts from reality.
- to not only speak up about it but need to apply all means to
- bring this, as it is always meaningful not to remain abstract
- to look the social problem in the eye. To do so would mean
- Title: The Social Question: Lecture V: The Social Will as the Basis Towards a New, Scientific Procedure
Matching lines:
- opinions, they want it carried out themselves, which means,
- themselves. If I want to briefly express what I mean, I must
- Purely considering the concept, I actually meant to say: The
- realistically what is actually meant by this.
- healthy involvement in the social organism which means a
- means that those who use people in the economic process, should
- can develop, then it will be a humane development. I mean, if
- meaningful fact, that the middle-class thinking methods will be
- meant, that criminal law as such should not be given out of
- Title: The Social Question: Lecture VI: What Significance does Work have for the Modern Proletarian?
Matching lines:
- with its numerous illiterates. It meant that of the
- meaning into the Proletarian soul — this development was
- production into a goods production through private means of
- cooperative, a cooperative which means that one's production
- doesn't really have meaning, the only meaning it has is that
- That means that in future the management of the spiritual life
- contents of the one or the other meaning, one could perhaps
- time whether one denies one or other meaning but that one
- meaningful events in modern times.
- arrives with a different meaning, but when he expresses what is
- meant only in a different form because he believes it is
- me it is important that the meaning of what I say is the truth
- Title: Lecture: Richard Wagner and Mysticism
Matching lines:
- speaking of Richard Wagner, I certainly do not mean to imply
- that he was fully conscious of this impulse. It is so meaningless when
- this simply means that they have never taken the trouble to understand
- they could work only by means of commandments and decrees. When Wotan,
- that to ask about his birth, name, rank or calling, is meaningless. To
- name means I am the I am, and the latter the Luciferic
- the cross All other interpretations are meaningless.
- Title: Lecture: Spiritual Wisdom in the Early Christian Centuries
Matching lines:
- revelation, in its more scholastic form, was by no means a body of
- have been at a loss to know what was meant. It would have been
- man could unfold higher faculties of knowledge and that by these means
- the time of the Mystery of Golgotha men were trying to answer by means
- could still have been discovered by means of the old
- Title: Community Building
Matching lines:
- means must we strive to set up for eternity in our hearts this
- — not without the sun, in the appropriate meaning of the
- Anthroposophical Movement. This does not mean that things
- and more conscious. I hit becoming more conscious does not mean
- becoming more intellectualistic. Becoming more conscious means
- I mean to say, whose nature seems to our feeling similar to
- mean to say, we have a form of community which nature herself
- sets before the eye of the mind. By means of language, and
- with the language and its genius are by no means taken into
- Here is the means available for creating communities. But,
- creating of a community, it will have to find means suited to
- rich in pictures, full of significance and manifold in meaning,
- meanings.
- can reach it when, by means of the living power which we embody
- supersensibly present by means of our inner soul mood, in the
- meantime has gone through a different experience and advanced
- You cannot evoke the Anthroposophical community by means of
- the right Anthroposophical consciousness. No external means can
- be given. If such means are described by anyone, he is
- not mean this in the least in a critical sense, but only in the
- Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
- Title: Community Building
Matching lines:
- common with him. For what he is experiencing there is no means
- become an Anthroposophist does not mean simply to become
- of spiritual research by means of actual investigation.
- Anthroposophy — and they are aware that the best means
- interchange, even if only by means of news sheets or something
- sense. That meant to build a home for the productions of
- that time the scholars, the scientists, were by no means in our
- the scholars who had in the meantime come in so gratifying a
- are not by. any means very familiar with any science have
- something, he must prove it.” And they mean by this a
- Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 1: Evolution and Consciousness, Lucifer, Ahriman
Matching lines:
- need to consider what it truly means when an organism
- real idea of what it meant to connect one's life to the
- Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 2: East, West, and the Culture of Middle Europe, the Science of Initiation
Matching lines:
- ordinary terms this means that the soil of Europe had a
- the truth about these things — even if it means
- Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 3: Political Empires
Matching lines:
- take it to mean today. The idea of the ruler of an
- back as far as ancient Egypt, meaning the earlier, partly
- means. No, they were present in the mysteries as the
- meaning. The awareness of the godlike nature of the ruler
- longer has any meaning, since mankind progresses and does
- older times and have lost their meaning in the present
- into human minds. They have become just as meaningless as
- meaning in an earlier age. On the other hand we see how
- meaning.
- of divine spirits lost its meaning. The word
- life its meaningless, conventional character. Things we
- can become empty phrases and lose all meaning, as is the
- relation to reality, like a word that is meaningless
- today but once had sacred meaning and substance to
- repeatedly described what it meant, to people who were
- external life. It would have meant going to prison or
- what it would mean for the inner soul life of someone of
- Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 4: Western Secret Societies, Jesuitism, Leninism
Matching lines:
- principles that mean progress for the world. Certain
- were. There have been well-meaning people who have said
- them—must make it clear to them—I mean
- Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 5: How the Material Can Be Understood Only through the Spirit
Matching lines:
- now has been alive inside them. It would mean teaching
- be compared with the metabolism. This means that economic
- this means we have accepted the obligation to follow this
- of course mean that I have many requests made to me. The
- what Dornach means to the world. I had to explain to our
- had happened in the meantime — people will
- understand what I mean if they want to — could be
- the way we are going would mean that the institutions
- think at least some of you will understand what I mean.
- anthroposophical movement, and this means that everybody
- to nurture the spirit. It means that above all the moral
- doing such things, but it does not mean that you have a
- Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 6: Materialism and Mysticism, Knowledge as a Deed of the Soul
Matching lines:
- since a departure from the right way means sickness, the
- this means that it is indeed on the road to
- give, they reject outer materiality; it means nothing to
- All words acquire a different meaning, and we might say
- it means that one has failed to progress. The language of
- Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 7: Materialism, Mysticism, Anthroposophy, Liberalism, Conservatism
Matching lines:
- things right essentially means that we must no longer
- what it really means to experience gravity. Concrete
- necessary to grasp what I mean, and to do so with the
- means that a certain childlike quality persists in the
- There words have entirely different meanings. Gravity,
- to refute Oswald Spengler's ideas. That is by no means
- no effective opposition, for it merely means playing with
- means. It is therefore pointless to join battle by
- Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 8: The Opposition of Knowledge and Faith, Its Overcoming
Matching lines:
- time, meant to induce a dreamy, visionary state of
- all possible means to push humanity into the physical
- or 'There comes the smith', meaning a real blacksmith.
- except that that name already has another meaning,
- Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 10: Transition from the Luciferic to the Ahrimanic Age and the Christ Event to Come
Matching lines:
- What does this really mean?
- his side. This means that the inhabitants of Germany did so much work in
- million in 1912. Clearly this means a complete change in the human
- mean by ‘ahrimanic’ and ‘luciferic’.
- what I mean let me remind you that during the 18th century people who had
- take account of spiritual science. Just think what it means that there
- not help humanity to progress; it will only mean regression. Progress can
- mean the events of war. Step outside and you will see the factories that
- Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 11: Modern Science and Christianity, Threefold Social Order, Goetheanism
Matching lines:
- mean when we say that we relate to the ego we bear to the
- present earth? It means that inherent in the elements of
- this means that we have something in us that needs to be
- would mean taking out yet another book. The whole thing
- they must become followers of the Brazen King. This means
- ‘the spirit’, which in fact means in abstract
- This means,
- mud at us from the outside — for that would mean
- Title: Life Between Two Incarnations
Matching lines:
- "Yahweh" meant nothing other than "I" or "I am." That the God himself
- expresses himself in the human being, it should mean. And only that
- is an indispensable remedy for recovery. This is the meaning of the
- death. And for every human being means are open and ways are offered to
- arises for us, what is the meaning of the astral body, with which the
- in the physical body. However, this Kamaloka time is by no means always
- physical life has no meaning in this spiritual world. If in life bonds
- embrace parents and children are by no means subject to chance and
- Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture I
Matching lines:
- person mean this? Had he not the best intentions? Did he not
- enough to say of a man “he meant well” when he has
- the next generation and the one after that — which means
- We must become conscious, in the most serious meaning of the
- Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture II
Matching lines:
- abstractions. Old age, nowadays, means the limit up to which a
- really mean? Surely something of which a vague
- what it means to a man's soul. Men talk of “God”
- and of “Christ,” but all the time they only mean
- of The Threefold Commonwealth). This means that a view
- meaning, knows that the words “Maya” in the East
- and “Ideology” in the West mean one and the same
- wait until the means of production are sufficiently developed,
- to understand what is meant by the spiritual world. But the
- means.
- same time we build in our souls the means of acquiring feelings
- pensions them off. It means a great deal when a man can assure
- together and must be separated means to extend one's interest
- to the present; that means to make ourselves capable of
- Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture III
Matching lines:
- Men, as I said, can know, and must know what it means “to
- meaning of this complete immersion in the physical body?
- It signifies that by means of it we are able to develop
- there entered into human evolution what gives meaning to the
- Christ must arise. It can only come if sought by the means
- supersensible means may discover what can only be
- how they long to understand reality by means of abstractions.
- trivial speech. The Earth acquired its own meaning in relation
- time has come when this meaning must be grasped in a different
- body to the earth, it means to present-day science no more than
- ferment. By their means the Earth, which would otherwise long
- Jesus of Nazareth spoke them, these words meant “render
- Title: Problems of Our Time: Main Features of the Social Question and the Threefold Order of the Social Organism
Matching lines:
- experience and honestly meant can be sufficient illustration of
- no meaning in the clamour “produce only for
- generally taken to mean something of this sort: the proletariat
- But to be able to teach and educate him means learning first to
- short: the subject of teaching was presented by means of
- That means that these two impulses, democracy and socialism,
- judgment when he is of age. What is the meaning of the demand
- for democracy? It means that, as a matter of history, humanity
- we pay for labour-power by means of wages which are the price
- of capital, of land, of means of production (which incidentally
- national-economy and world- economy. By means of the
- tendency to become too expensive: that means that it is too
- minor improvements in social conditions, means to
- establishment of a common organization of the means of
- communal, property” — mere unmeaning words,
- affairs. Yet they might have a meaning — which I can
- able to give an outline sketch of what I meant: I know I have
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