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Here are the matching lines in their respective documents. Select one of the highlighted words in the matching lines below to jump to that point in the document.

  • Title: Memria e Amor
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    • Chegamos agora a um conceito extraordinariamente sutil. Pense em como, de fora, temos que viver nossas ações novamente com nosso ego e com nosso corpo astral. A capacidade de fazê-lo é adquirida na proporção do grau de amor que desenvolvemos. Esse é o segredo da vida, no que diz respeito ao amor. Se um homem é realmente capaz de desprender-se de si mesmo no amor, amando ao próximo como a si mesmo, aprende o que precisa durante o sono para experienciar, ao contrário, plenamente e sem dor, o que deve ser vivenciado dessa forma. Porque, nesta hora, ele deve estar completamente fora de si mesmo. Se um homem é um ser sem amor, surge uma sensação quando, fora de si, ele tem que experimentar as ações que realizou sem amor. Isso o retém. Pessoas sem amor dormem como se – para usar uma metáfora – tivessem falta de fôlego. Assim, tudo o que somos capazes de cultivar em nós por meio do amor se torna verdadeiramente frutífero durante o sono. E o que é assim desenvolvido entre irmos dormir e acordar atravessa o portão da morte e subsiste no mundo espiritual.  Aquilo que se perde entre a morte e o renascimento, quando vivemos junto aos os seres espirituais dos mundos superiores, é recuperado por nós como uma semente, durante a vida terrena, por meio do amor. Pois o amor revela seu significado quando, com seu ego e corpo astral, o homem, dormindo, está fora de seu corpo físico e corpo etérico. Entre ir dormir e acordar, seu ser essencial se amplia, se ele está cheio de amor, e se prepara bem para o que lhe acontecerá depois da morte. Se ele não tem amor e está mal preparado para o que lhe acontecerá após a morte, seu ser se estreita. A semente para o que acontece após a morte repousa preeminentemente no desdobramento do amor.
    • A humanidade realmente adquiriu a arte da vida religiosa. E Schiller tem razão ao dizer: “Somente no alvorecer da beleza se avança para a terra do conhecimento”, que geralmente se encontra citado nos livros como “Somente através da porta da beleza se avança para a terra do conhecimento.” Se um artista comete um lapso, isso é passado para a posteridade. A leitura certa, é claro, é: “Somente no alvorecer da beleza se avança para a terra do conhecimento”. Em outras palavras: todo conhecimento vem por meio da arte. Fundamentalmente, não há conhecimento que não seja intimamente relacionado à arte. É apenas o conhecimento ligado ao exterior, à utilidade, que aparenta não ter ligação com a arte. Mas esse conhecimento só pode se estender ao que, no mundo, um mero lapidador saberia sobre pintura. Assim que na química ou na física se vai além – estou falando figurativamente, mas você sabe o que quero dizer – do que a mera retificação de cores implica, a ciência se torna arte. E quando o artístico é compreendido em sua natureza espiritual da maneira correta, ele gradualmente avança para o religioso. Arte, religião e ciência eram uma coisa só, e ainda é possível termos uma noção de sua origem comum. Isso alcançaremos apenas quando a civilização e o desenvolvimento humano retornarem ao espírito; quando levarmos a sério a relação existente entre o homem aqui, em sua existência física terrena, e o mundo espiritual. Devemos nos apropriar desse conhecimento sob os mais diversos pontos de vista.
  • Title: Evil and Spiritual Science
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    • Something had already surfaced within Stoics, which even today
    • they are simply something negative in that they are the
    • something positive; but in the end a human being in his/her
    • something positive, as little as the shadows that are cast
    • forth by the light, need to be explained as something positive.
    • nothing positive, but are simply something negative. We do not
    • then is cold? Cold is only something negative, namely the
    • absence of heat. Therefore, one cannot speak of it as something
    • something very positive! This image should make it fully clear,
    • its appearance up to the point where he felt something like a
    • are not something simply negative, but are in a certain way
    • Jakob Böhme saw the divine being as something, that in
    • hit up against something. Basically, each morning in waking up
    • something like the following. Lotze is of the view, that there
    • upon the fact that something could come out of the objects
    • which are in our daily lives; something that could rise above
    • from that which one must look back upon as something imperfect.
    • and now knows: you bear these imperfections with you as a comet
    • the other, so that it may be something of value for the larger
    • Trying to make spiritual progress is not something we can allow
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  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 1: Popular Occultism, Introtroduction
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    • methodical-didactic aspect.
    • finished things to play with. He should instead make something for himself,
    • astral body separates itself from them. But at the moment of death something
    • before his memory and goes past him. Sometimes this may happen in moments
    • body. Something similar takes place when a part of the body “falls
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 2: Man's Ascent into the Supersensible World
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    • methodical-didactic aspect.
    • past, there were few books, but in those few books one could find something
    • indicate something connected with the sympathetic side of life wereas darkly
    • murder. Matters namely stand as follows: Whenever you relate something,
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 3: The Different Conditions of Man's Life After Death
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    • methodical-didactic aspect.
    • from the sleeping condition. Theosophical books sometimes describe death
    • describe it as a life in purgatory. And old painter sometimes depicted
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 4: The Devachanic World
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    • methodical-didactic aspect.
    • world is found in Devachan as something resplendent, radiant and resounding.
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 5: Life Between Death and a New Birth
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    • methodical-didactic aspect.
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 6: Man's Return to a New Earthly Life
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    • Processes of metamorphosis of the moral forces.
    • methodical-didactic aspect.
    • Processes of metamorphosis of the moral forces.
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 7: Effects of the Law of Karma
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    • methodical-didactic aspect.
    • the method of working upon the astral body, but also that of working upon the
    • the earth only when he can learn something new. The events on the physical
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 8: The Evolution of Man and of the Solar System; the Atlantic Evolution
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    • methodical-didactic aspect.
    • the evolution of the whole solar system. Also with the methods of an
    • is the misty land of Atlantis. “Nibelungen-land” is a metamorphosis
    • of Nature. To him the breathing process was still something sacred and
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 9: Lemurian Development
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    • methodical-didactic aspect.
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 10: Paths of Occult Training
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    • methodical-didactic aspect.
    • requirement is devotion, the capacity to look up to something with feelings
  • Title: i Spirituality: Lecture 1: Historical Symptomology, the Year 790, Alcuin, Greeks, Platonism, Aristotelianism, East, West, Middle, Ego
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    • really do anything because they are nothing of real substantiality, and only something of
    • substantiality can do something. Spiritual science points to real spiritual forces that are
    • something which otherwise is at work everywhere, but which does not show itself in such a
    • method would be in complete accord with Goetheanism. For
    • the facts, the view that death is not something real resembles the view which says: Cold is not
    • something real, it is just a decrease in warmth, it is only a lesser warmth. Because the cold
    • something that isn't real. But we will leave that aside. We want rather to take the argument
    • direction. He asks: Is death something real or not? — and objects that, indeed, death is
    • In Plato there was still something
    • metamorphosis, Aristotelianism sets in which, fundamentally, presents a completely different
    • it, too, takes on different forms, different metamorphoses, but all of which have a recognizable
    • Areopagite and of that which the oriental spoke of as something self-evident to him? This fades
    • then completely. What was this nothingness for the oriental? It was something real for him. He
    • something.
    • something real. The oriental sensed something in contrast to the phenomena of the world which the
    • When a European has fifty francs he has something.
    • something very real when, instead of simply an empty wallet, he has twenty-five or fifty francs
    • in debts. In the real world it also signifies something very real if one has debts. There is a
    • be something there when one has debts. The debts that one has oneself may still seem a very
    • but of the world, the opposite side of zero from the credit side is truly something very real.
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  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 2: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 1
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    • is utterly unimportant. And anyone who does not see, in the most intense sense, something of
    • political conception. But a political conception is something that projects from earlier times
    • the East, but in a decadent form today, something which points back to ancient times of Eastern
    • evolution and has a spiritual character; in the Centre something which today is also antiquated
    • that is so popular nowadays. For it is a problem pointing indeed to something that is a
    • the metabolic system of these Western human beings. Of the three members of the human nature they
    • use the metabolic system and do so in such a way that, through these human beings, they work into
    • the metabolic system of certain people, work into the world and seek out a field of action
    • human being, namely in the metabolic system. But they also work in the trunk, in the rhythmic
    • who incarnate in this way through the metabolic system of different people of the West.
    • other people around them, amongst whom something like this spreads like an epidemic, a certain
    • economic life is, as it were, the ground and soil from which something like this can spring up.
    • powers on which one must call when one wants to bring something new into the development of
    • This, too, is an egoistic sentiment. This is something that can be called, paradoxically, an
    • Europe, in a way which I shall relate tomorrow — can be met by the threefold idea with an
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 3: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 2
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    • something which then streamed northwards in three branches (see diagram).
    • that Germanic peoples force their way into the Roman element and that something then arises there
    • has something in which the human element is submerged and which is capable of touching it.
    • prejudice at the results of Darwin's research will understand that something was present there
    • But let us suppose that something else happened.
    • towards the East (see diagram). But we will first look at something that goes out from ancient
    • pass on their language. The Germanic people have their language as something living in them and
    • in their true nature we can say: When they were awake there was working in them something of the
    • West where a new element of economics establishes itself as something especially appropriate for
    • something much deeper. You see, when one looks to the West one finds primarily a certain
    • like something that has nothing
    • to do with real outer life — something that one locks away, as it were, in one's soul house
    • — something one does not allow to be touched by outer culture.
    • he says the word, copying it from Western human beings — is something of which he
    • slightest understanding for this. For this is something quite different from what is given
    • through reason. It is something which, going out from the spirit, takes hold of the human being
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 4: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 3
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    • difference between some dry, average, professional philistine presenting something on the human
    • stops just short of something into which humanity later fell completely.
    • of art. It can therefore be said that there was something quite unique in this bond of friendship
    • was still something at work which can be perceived also in ancient times and most clearly, for
    • social questions were met by remaining in the images of the myths. And it is here, when one
    • the spirits of their myths. When, however, it was a matter of deciding something of great
    • the gods of the myths that can determine the matter; here something real must come to light. And
    • have found: something much more real in his three soul-conditions than the three abstractions in his
    • further, there is something quite definite that must first be realized. People have to see what
    • at school, something is given to us; something is sent down from the spiritual world. We take
    • hold of this in education — this is something spiritual — and incorporate it into the
    • take hold with any effect on life itself. I would leave the economic life below me like something
    • really able to understand something like
    • Goethe sensed something of the tragedy of Central European civilization — certainly not
    • and in numerous other comments by Goethe — that if something like a new impulse from the
    • civilization and would like to arrive at something through it, one is everywhere met by the
    • beings. But he has something else in him, not just Goethe. And what is it that Herman Grimm has
    • Hartmann, Arthur Drews, has something against Anthroposophy or not is not the important point
    • standpoint is that one hears something, makes a note of it, and then it is over and done with,
    • But people today do not want to be taken up with having to go into something properly. This is
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  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 5: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 4
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    • longing to experience something from the Orient — people did experience something of this
    • geometry, mechanics. With these he constructs his machines and regards them altogether in the
    • There is something else involved here. I related
    • in the letter-patent of nobility or similar documents, something that is already showing itself
    • the economic life, something will be able to arise which can replace the blood-line and the
    • perceptions naturally then appear as something completely different from what the human being can
    • realms. But it would only be something incomplete and therefore unable to aid our declining
    • of creating something alive is carried into this economic life.
    • is to have something on the lines of this lecture-course, which
    • could provide something tangible out of the realm of practical life itself, and which could stand
    • hold back this evolution of humanity. Sometimes they do so in a truly grotesque manner, like that
    • area one can definitely speak of an inner opposition, sometimes quite unintentional, against what
    • something that needs watching. It is by no means intended as a criticism or as a reference to the
    • past but is something necessary for the future. Nevertheless, I would of course not have referred
    • Anthroposophy even though one is perhaps trying to help it. So I am not referring to something
    • that has already happened but to something that is necessary for the future. It is necessary to
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 6: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 5
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    • which led to the Mystery of Golgotha through Jesuitism was nevertheless to be something founded
    • about, with its culmination in the nineteenth century, in which the Christ-impulse as something
    • something to be understood as one understands things of the physical plane. After all, with an
    • genuine places in the Gospels are those where someone is not praised, where something
    • that something has been 'scientifically proven'. They know nothing more about this proof than
    • try sometime to hold in mind for yourself everything that people accept nowadays as being true,
    • something remained. And thus there remained the principle of authority even in those who no
    • soon as people begin to debate something it means they no longer understand it. What lives in the
    • it will be necessary to develop in himself something which cannot be developed of itself. The
    • to build upon something which, with a certain necessity, developed out of the still quite
    • This also signifies something of immense profundity. And when the decadent element existing in
    • everywhere; people cite it as something which they pretend to understand and must pass judgment
    • on. Something is developing into nullity which a century ago was still radiant spirit-life. And
    • desire of spiritual science to prepare him for it. This is something of which one may not say
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 7: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 6
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    • I tried yesterday to describe to you something of
    • this chaos, individual souls can emerge who will have a very strong sense of something which I
    • Science has developed scrupulous methods. It has
    • from the spiritual world something that was still in him, something that came out in childhood as
    • it is worth a great deal; it is something of the greatest value to feel that what has been
    • another feeling entirely. And there is something important here which must be looked at. More and
    • back upon something entirely devoid of spirit — on blood relationship, on the blood-related
    • to be the normal thing for a human being to say: 'I see the being of man as something which, in
    • something much higher than anything I can realize externally. I must bring something quite
    • different to the world. I must bring something quite different into the social structure,
    • something that is recognized as coming from spiritual heights. I cannot entrust myself to the
    • said, will take possession of the popular consciousness with tremendous speed that something must
    • One experiences something in this area today which
    • occur. The methods of knowledge in spiritual science are referred to here by a man whose
    • Christology. This man says, about the methods used to gain knowledge in anthroposophical science,
    • as the methods of knowledge for coming to Imagination? Is it possible to speak here about
    • And he knows nothing of the methods of spiritual science other than what, in accordance with his
    • constrained mental pictures — people are supposed to imagine something here like mental
    • conscience and a twisting of everything that is portrayed in my books as the methods of knowledge
    • says something in answer to the problems of our times — something for a social healing of
  • Title: Abbreviated Title: Lecture I:
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    • something external, our soul-spiritual has to bring about destructive
    • consciousness. Whenever we become conscious of something, these processes
    • when something quite new has emerged. Of course, there are exceptions in an
    • something which we are born into, but something which we have to work at,
    • concern themselves with something which is not, so to speak, the culture of
    • people of the present time; that they concern themselves with something
    • Earth-existence busy, themselves with something which has a significance
    • not bother them at all. That is a side effect, something that arises by the
    • such a very plausible thought will be met again and again with the foolish
  • Title: Talk To Young People:
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    • it necessary to be honest, what is needed above all? Courage! Something
    • it necessary to be honest, what is needed above all? Courage! Something
    • belong at all to the 20th century; sometimes we feel we must have
    • in human evolution. Sometimes you can observe this quite intensely,
    • to begin something our High School doesn't have, a publication for
    • we have had to see souls maturing alone into something quite wild.
    • Sometimes this is necessary in life — but at the same time one must
    • met in the 1880s, giving vent to his enthusiasm in an oration on the
    • Newssheet] concerning youthful sagacity, something that should not be
    • however, is very much needed in the world, is something that I could
    • tradition. Even the smallest link to something from the past would
    • honest, what is needed above all? — Courage! Something one learns
    • anthroposophy is not given first place but is rather something
    • something new or get something done, we don't fall asleep sticking to
    • shadow. What should we do? — not think out something to be done one
    • this very seriously the youth movement will become something like a
  • Title: "Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will not pass away"
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    • periods, is something quite new. Therefore, only since about the middle
    • organization — yet contain something of repetition. The real
    • further to something that can be depicted by diagram, which this time
    • or feelings. Imaginations are something very real, inspirations
    • something still more real. For, inspirations do not remain pent up
    • something additional is necessary, — we must evolve something
    • else beyond the earth man. And this is nothing else then something that
    • from Spiritual Science, the Sun man in us can really do something. He
    • Spiritual Science and reach out to something that will constitute
    • something new, as spiritual Science of to-day is something new in
    • already is found to be very uncomfortable. It will be something which
    • And finally, something
    • into a future where we can sense something very wonderful. That which
    • it will be something entirely new.
    • and then, after the ages during which something new will have
    • continually been developed, will arise something which this earth man
    • But we feel that in us abides something that is the seed of the future
    • and something new must evolve. But whence will this “something
    • plants possess something akin to the animal or human soul! An outer
    • lectures I mentioned something relative to the idea — which must
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  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture I: Tree of Life - I
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    • understandable, one might even say justifiable. But something else
    • from various aspects. And so something shall here be added to what
    • concealed something which cuts deep into life. Today we will turn our
    • how something withered comes to expression in the far-spread Roman
    • something like a sort of archetypal opposition set against the
    • must be something of a soul-nature that the Gods have laid within
    • as one moves about on earth, one bears something divine within; in
    • something Luciferic within one. Something is bound up with the eating
    • men death, something that has turned all men away from the Gods and
    • Europe something was left over, as it were, like a treasured remnant
    • through with life. What they believed they knew was something that
    • happened is something very different. What really happened is that
    • come up from below — one can only do something
    • February, March, April, May, etc. The Romans could make something of
    • of Charlemagne, for he sought to introduce something which has not up
    • because Latinism is nothing that belongs to race, but something that
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture II: Tree of Life - II
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    • my soul ... I knew quite exactly: I have experienced something there
    • eat of this Tree then something similar would have come to pass for
    • methodical development to know something of what really goes on in
    • in the fine etheric element that I have indicated, is something of
    • possession of it, it comes about that something predestined for men
    • But in the moment of waking, something
    • Luciferic temptation at that time, has not come about. Something
    • bargain and settle their pact with one another, something comes to
    • living and weaving. Science seems a kind of compilation, something
    • together something that we have gone through in the day with
    • something else that we have gone through by day. If the position were
    • spiritual element is there as something weaving and living. One feels
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture III: The Power of Thought
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    • and concepts they are, as it were, learning something of the world,
    • that the images in fact reproduce something of the world. This is the
    • actuality in our inner self as man, that we do something by thinking,
    • something perceptible. But it is not recognised as a form-builder, a
    • something like a shadowy outline, a phantom, of ourselves; not
    • ourselves must be inserted, for we are continuously losing something,
    • something is being destroyed, is actually crumbling away. And what
    • him, and that breathing has something to do with his re-building and
    • yields us inasmuch as it reproduces something external; it works in
    • of the thought. That the thought accomplishes something in us should
    • into the thought, one not only has something in oneself, not only
    • but in something which may be described as a copy of the
    • peculiarity of all life; it swings out sometimes to the one side,
    • sometimes to the other. There must be the swinging out, but one must
    • Goethe they appeared so in the most eminent sense) as something which
    • to the Evangelists. The gospel is therefore not something that was
    • But you gather something else from what
    • character. If you do not forget that, in mentioning something like
    • understood that when something in the world is criticised, one does
    • present: something new must being (diagram Page 109 (a)). This
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture IV: Harmonizing Thinking, Feeling and Willing
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    • point of merely seeing images of something external in what he
    • the same time as he is conceiving and thinking, something is also
    • our inner life, we believe we are experiencing something which is
    • pronounced separation between something in us that wishes to be
    • feeling and willing, and something else which pays little heed to
    • bear something in them which is just as much derived from the cosmos
    • truth, or something like truth by observing the outer world through
    • inner being of man something thrusts up which lives in willing and
    • those are now living in our intellect, so that something Luciferic
    • earnestly you will understand that something of immense significance
    • would light up something like a connection with a star apparently
    • are only something within us, we do not realise that they contain
    • to describe as reality something which they are not otherwise
    • is to be found in a book of Haeckel's which reads something like
    • must grasp something that contradicts his ideas of reality. Now to
    • something that is founded on reality. Real science rests upon what
    • call something real, — and indeed nowadays,
    • should know that what we call existence is not something that
    • contains existence, but rather something out of which existence has
    • they cling to the inanimate, not realising that it is something that
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  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture V: Tree of Knowledge - I
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    • processes are affected when something occurs above. So we can say:
    • notices quite clearly that something is going on, that the roots
    • something is happening, and he now expresses all he knows, this worm.
    • something comes into the sense-world which cannot be perceived under
    • able or not able to prove something with the instruments of the world
    • something with the means offered by the world in which he dwells.
    • us something, anything at all, that limits, truly limits our ordinary
    • of ‘possessing something,’
    • ‘having something.’ This implies that
    • our own person unites itself with something which is outside the
    • possessing something which is outside could not be formed in us at
    • is connected with something else. Imagine an Archangel on the old
    • we see something rests upon the fact that the sun's rays or other
    • objects, we should not see them. Thus something else still is
    • The senses were on the one side, and something like the
    • must reflect about something, if we wish to grasp aright such a
    • what is given. One must reflect upon something; In developing for you
    • need to think you are spatially distant from something when you want
    • space and time concept. Indeed, something else is true: when you try
    • rightly know which facts are meant to be spiritual. Something that
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  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture VI: Tree of Knowledge - II
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    • something remains which is entirely physical. So the relationship
    • must be drawn in this way, with something left outside the
    • even true that something like etheric tentacles from Lucifer project
    • possible, something else has become possible. It is only because
    • make progress if we let Ahriman transform for us something that we
    • hand something that is to bring quite accurately to our consciousness
    • fact that something separated itself, as Old Moon, from the
    • where there is something.
  • Title: World Downfall and Resurrection
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    • create something for which the books should be only a
    • metallic substances, his blood is influenced by the Earth.
    • currents, but on the other hand they knew something about their
    • blood. Standing on the Earth they knew: there is something in
    • only in the metamorphoses of pre-earthly existence. The Earth
    • is travailing to give birth to something new. If we have eyes
    • philosophy. In our methods of ‘cramming’ and in our
  • Title: Lecture: Philosophy and Anthroposophy
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    • able to say to ourselves: neither method can lead our soul whither we would
    • first advancing beyond them. We must seek access to both methods of
    • also be admitted that an incalculably distant future will reveal the method
    • belief that actual reality, or something in the nature of unity with the
    • cognitional method of this nature can be called anthroposophical, and the
    • cognitional method in response to which the real world will reveal itself.
    • Philosophy is generally regarded by those concerned therewith as something
    • absolute, and not as something which was bound to come into existence,
    • Chaldean wisdom were entirely different, both in respect of method and
    • differed essentially from later methods of knowledge. Its origin as an
    • BC, this method of
    • the more ancient method was sustained by an instinctive logic. In the
    • however, something else happened. When the day of Scholasticism had drawn
    • Kant. He is, virtually, the last representative thinker whose methods can
    • alive to the necessity of demonstrating to what extent something absolute
    • was given us in thought, something in which there could be no uncertainty,
    • The method by which Anthroposophical Spiritual Science seeks to acquire
    • however, in addition to all that we have met with in Aristotle, something
    • depths of a genuine thought-method was clearly in existence, and, had this
    • is usually the case. A man is a “materialist” when his method
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture I: The Pedagogy of the West and of Central Europe: The Inner Attitude of the Teacher
    Matching lines:
    • last year I should like to add something about the teacher himself, about
    • sacred, hidden wealth, regarding it as something that plays a role only in
    • tasks that will have to be accomplished sometime in the future of mankind.
    • When something of this sort has been said, the question at once arises:
    • to something Spencer has written.
    • been deemed that the teacher as such has something in common with the
    • regard to what has to be given for the art of education, we have something
    • has written something of unusual interest about education. He compiles a
    • say to ourselves something like this —
    • when we make something. On the contrary what is living, what is
    • something quite different. You will say to yourself at the end of the
    • one. You will achieve something qualitatively different, not achieve much
    • more in quantity. You will achieve something different in quality, and that
    • enters his classroom with this conviction in his heart achieves something
    • physically large that counts, but sometimes it is precisely what is small,
    • Sometimes it is that perception, that feeling which we have built up in our
    • we are really able, after presenting something for which we need a certain
    • soul's mood something akin to in and out- breathing in the bodily
    • something heavy and sustained to go straight over into the humorous. But we
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture II: The Three Fundamental Forces in EducatioN
    Matching lines:
    • activity, something that can have a religious quality, if we raise this to
    • reverence is something that works on the child with enormous formative
    • in what is happening to the child at the change of teeth we have something
    • fifteen. During this time something is stirring to life in the regions of
    • something is streaming into us continuously from the outer world
    • unconsciously — something that is gradually emerging
    • into consciousness wakens to life now, something that has irradiated the
    • matters witness that in the life of the soul we have to do with something
    • musical-linguistic germ with something that, after the physical aspects of
    • — draw something — this is a
    • our consciousness: you are not letting something outside of you in, you are
    • wire, by which we constrain something that tends to destroy us from within,
    • develop their forms from these, then you have something that man's nature
    • really wills, something related to the being and becoming in human nature.
    • body a tendency to do eurythmy. This is simply something the etheric body
    • that something, striving to manifest in the etheric body of man, must be
    • teacher and educator. And if we wanted to create something externally,
    • have the feeling a supplementation is needed. Something is always there
    • is something we must learn. We have to learn to carry in us something of
    • science alone turns a man into something like a dwarf in soul and spirit.
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture III: Spiritual Knowledge of Man as the Fount of Educational Art
    Matching lines:
    • movement and the moving limb. But there is something that gives us the
    • perception of something that is principally conveyed by the organ of sight,
    • The belief is that understanding has something to do with man's nervous
    • Actually we have to see the truth of something we understand before we can
    • memory to retain it. And this third element is connected with the metabolic
    • system. Those very delicate inner processes of metabolism going on in the
    • organisation and processes of the metabolism. And we can, for example,
    • processes in his metabolism receive more stimulation. And another way of
    • metabolism. So if you let the child get too much into the habit of watching
    • the metabolism and the will, and the will is not being active enough.
    • works into the metabolism and stimulates the memory to assimilate. These
    • both worlds meet in the rhythmic system something arises in our soul
    • reality they are connected with the metabolism, and convey the delicate
    • metabolism of the head realm and bring about musical memories. In the same
    • organisation of the head metabolism, and although in its general character
    • it is also related to the will, and therefore to the metabolism, it is
    • arrive at something remarkable. When we speak it is, as it were, the sound
    • to describe it by saying that the sound is mixed with something that 'dulls
    • it down' when we speak. This is really not just a metaphor but something
    • not perceive the tone in the external colour either, but we hear something
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture IV: The Art of Education Consists of Bringing Into Balance the Physical and Spiritual Nature of the Developing Human Being
    Matching lines:
    • happening in different ways, and you have so far met mainly two ways in
    • This is what people who understood something of these matters in bygone
    • education which is geometry and. arithmetic, everything which necessitates
    • child draw geometrical forms we create a force which works counter to the
    • something which is more concerned with the meaning and the content of what
    • and metre in the language. As a teacher one must acquire this as an art and
    • bubble over a little in this way, then we must try something different. And
    • Geography which requires a more geometrical kind of thinking, we will be
    • there is yet something else which we shall have to consider. What is it
    • it previously made. This points to something of extraordinary
    • of the child, so that his organism can tell us something of the character
    • attitudes and feelings. For it would be quite the wrong method if, for
  • Title: Social Understanding: Lecture II: Social Understanding Through Spiritual Scientific Knowledge
    Matching lines:
    • knowledge and man's everyday existence. Something similar, though, can be
    • within us when, as we say, we remember something we have experienced. But,
    • as you all know, there is something peculiar about the power of memory. We
    • moment of his life to try and remember something that he cannot remember.
    • to remember something. Looking at memory is the best way to understand how
    • I would now like to bring something of very great importance. When people
    • child absorbs something that reaches beyond his understanding, purely
    • but you can only speak about them by pointing to something alive, something
    • too was done by the blood in earlier ages of history. When people met in
    • become social if they really meet one another in life, and something passes
    • these things, something very strange transpires. They will admit quite
  • Title: Buddha and the Two Boys: Lecture I: Buddha and the Two Boys of Jesus
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    • spiritual currents that met in the Christ event. One is linked to Buddha,
  • Title: Buddha and the Two Boys: Lecture II: The Gospels, Buddha and the Two Boys of Jesus
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    • Jesus, is it possible that there is also something to be said about the
    • be taken from any document; it should not approach us as something handed
    • down, but as something that can be researched with the means of spiritual
    • something different than in the Gospel of John. The Gospel of John begins
    • this personality, which met us as a child in the Nathanian Jesus child, the
    • But when something like this is said, it is necessary to listen very
    • itself. It is different to bring the teaching of something than to bring
    • develops from the earlier, but fertilization occurs. Something else must
    • hypothetically state something similar for the individual human life.
    • Then it has preserved something of youthful strength. Then forces come out
  • Title: Lecture: Art As A Bridge Between The Sensible And The Supersensible
    Matching lines:
    • lay in something quite different than it does today. The content of
    • one that points to something barely approached by the average person
    • something like this? Because in our time the endeavor has to take hold
    • something invisible, something imperceptible. And only if you begin to
    • symmetrical face — as faces generally are not, but how
    • also for supersensible beings in being asymmetrical, in especially
    • emphasizing asymmetry, that is, in containing something of a soul nature
    • bronze or in another material, people have to experience something or
    • “Is that in accordance with nature, is there something
    • addition to nature. It represents something new placed into this world.
    • same way we do for something on the physical plane, then only do we gain
    • these abstractions as something grandiose, while remaining stuck in
    • something in just a few words! They are pleased if they can encompass
    • for Hegel having said, the state in the end is something like a kind of
    • for Hegel the state was something like an ever-changing earth-god, for
    • Stirner the state was worthless trash, something to be negated. The two
    • are right. If we sense the approximate arithmetical middle of all this,
    • can take up something new. People do not reject spiritual science because
    • to read something. Having thus given the matter a thought, the gesture of
    • that one would be incapable of doing something, merely because making the
  • Title: Raphael's Mission in the Light of the Science of the Spirit
    Matching lines:
    • founding of Christianity, would lose something for us, in
    • something would at once be lacking for us if the creative power
    • to be able to experience something new each time. Thus, we can
    • one bears something of a total impression in one's soul. And
    • welled up as it were in the Greek soul as something inwardly
    • separate, but as something felt in directing the senses out
    • Raphael brought forth something that distinguishes itself as
    • something is created out of his soul by which the Christian
    • approach of the human being. To speak metaphorically, we must
    • feel how something floats toward the earthly — in turning our
    • in natural existence, we can come to feel how something must be
    • literature of those able to express something of a profound
    • something altogether different in fact make its appearance?
    • into the Roman world, something else came, impressing its
    • Something was now to speak to humanity, not as had the external
    • — the expression is permissible — something awkward and
    • is the most exalted mystery to be met with in the outer world.
    • At his point I should like to say, one senses something in
    • Raphael, to put forward something like what has been said. For,
    • having experienced something “Savonarola-like” in
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Leonardo's Spiritual Stature: Lecture
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    • this wall as something of an artistic miracle, not only in
    • the painting method made use of earlier [fresco] insufficiently
    • something that had not been done before in painting murals. A
    • increasing by leaps and bounds. But we find something else. In
    • recognized his great gifts and wanted something from him.
    • the details as described. Then something in particular began to
    • another — attempting to bring something to realization
    • not proceed on the basis of spiritual science, only something
    • other is something that could not come about all at once and
    • something quite different. This has already been pointed out.
    • created something like this have proceeded in the manner of
    • is something that is brought to bear in a living manner in
    • souls achieve something of significance with regard to
    • Something takes place parallel to the sense-perceptible stream,
    • view that this soul still has something to sort out in
    • existence mysteriously, having something of greater importance
    • facial features express indeed in the first place something of
    • able to accomplish. And this is connected with something with
  • Title: Fairy Tales: in the light of Spiritual Investigation
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    • at deep levels of the human soul. The methods of
    • Even so, with the methods of spiritual science it proves
    • explanation remains something that touches the source so
    • the sources of existence, in having something to communicate of
    • experiencing something tragic, one has the feeling, in
    • find something altogether different from what a human being in
    • experience, but of something lying so deep, and so
    • life, in a certain situation, encounters something of the kind.
    • Applying the methods of spiritual research that have been
    • in which something has happened in the deep, unfathomable
    • forces. The human soul has something like a yearning to
    • Something else that takes place in the depths of the soul and
    • experience something of spiritual worlds. Thus, even if
    • conscious life of day. Something is nonetheless there in
    • just as one needs something to satisfy hunger, so one
    • needs something to satisfy this indefinite mood deriving
    • perhaps to elaborate something of the kind oneself.
    • disposition frequently creates something for
    • “friends” are there when something happens that
    • soul can sense something re-echo of what it experiences
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: A Mongolian Legend
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    • knowing the wisdom inherent in it, is there not something
    • surroundings. One would have observed something like a
  • Title: The Worldview of Herman Grimm in Relation to Spiritual Science
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    • education, Herman Grimm absorbed something of an immediate,
    • into himself, in a direct and personal way, something of
    • physiognomy, his gestures, in his conduct, there was something
    • something innate, “Now, my dear Doctor, I wish graciously
    • Herman Grimm's whole lifework bears something of the same
    • undergone something of the development of German Romanticism.
    • one-sidedness, had something else not played a part,
    • have to stress something further by which he appears harmonious
    • encounter something of his adaptability — a capacity to
    • “hardness,” by reason of something else that
    • Herman Grimm, history was, so to say, something altogether
    • However, something else has arisen in the cultural life of
    • development became something always handed on from one
    • something new into the general development of humanity. The old
    • something like an undertone in his manner of characterizing the
    • it. Out of this something quite unique arises. That is his
    • the work of art, there emerges for us something like a tableau
    • However, that is not something he considered in a theoretical
    • eye as something so beautiful, so colossal, so magnificent that
    • then stands before us with such boldness that we are sometimes
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 1
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    • be done tomorrow perhaps — I would like to say something about
    • as its name is concerned, it has shown itself to be something new:
    • true, for what was behind them was something completely different, it
    • reality — not something called a physical reality, but it
    • they had become something greater than ordinary people. They were
    • physical reality, something like this would have been unthinkable.
    • do so. But his right rested more or less on something ideal, which
    • have in the Holy Roman Empire something which gradually had its inner
    • And something also remained of the first
    • — one cannot say a decoration exactly, but rather something
    • What I have just described is something
    • rest of the world, has penetrated public affairs. I have even met
    • as something real, super-sensible, invisible, but which exists,
    • I have spoken about something
    • speech thrown overboard, and something completely new must enter,
    • responsibility. It's not important how something came about, but what
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 2
    Matching lines:
    • preparation for something which is yet to come in human evolution. If
    • that is, into something existing yet illusional, then the new reality
    • historical happenings something appears [draws on blackboard in red];
    • and beneath its surface something else appears [blue]. When the first
    • talented people do get to the bottom of the symbols. And sometimes a
    • blind chicken finds a kernel of corn. Sometimes especially talented
    • but that doesn't work well in the economy. Now comes something about
    • economic basis of physical life, something which animals do without
    • are using our reason to accomplish something which the animal does
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 3
    Matching lines:
    • something that was felt to be part of a mission — not
    • professions and therefore we have something which is no longer
    • justified by the circumstances. Something develops which, although
    • rights will have noticed that there is something shimmering in the
    • special attention to this, let's take something quite banal, quite
    • but nothing about the tree has been painted. And when something of
    • green,” you are painting something dead. The way we combine
    • something and the color green, whereas the color green is itself the
    • something meant in a spiritual-scientific sense with a mere yes or no
    • contains something like a sham or a shadow of the first stage of
    • human evolution, which sometimes solidifies into a kind of spiritual
    • in Great Britain see in the state something that can well have a will
    • ones. They think: Today we instituted something, it is good,
    • something, it begins with us, everything waited for us until we
    • spiritual principles, something which in practically no other place on
    • formed anew, pass through metamorphoses, then all that will be
    • mired in platitudes must be to see the social organism as something
    • something for himself, for his soul. Of course he can have that, but
    • be so important, they will have something on which to base their
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture I: Anthroposophy and Natural Science
    Matching lines:
    • anthroposophical research method is the opposition,
    • that Anthroposophy's methods stand in an unauthorised, opposing
    • anything other than that the methods used by natural science
    • development something else needs understanding, if one wants to
    • metamorphosed idea need to be contained, so that if you want to
    • metamorphosis, and how they often become unrecognisable from
    • view its monistic and methodical character, it's the manner and
    • concepts, concepts which are metamorphosed from earlier
    • science was the following: The methodical, the way of thinking
    • back to the application of mathematical methods because even
    • geometry which proves that the three angles of a triangle
    • a mathematical proof you have simultaneously something which is
    • of their blossoming friendship, had led regarding the method of
    • they had heard was a very fragmentary method of observing
    • meant that if one made a drawing of something like that, it had
    • gained something from within which fits the totality of my
    • to let organic science be developed and introduce such methods
    • something inexplicable. If he was literate he would
    • principles are adhered to, nature itself presents something
    • metamorphosed concepts. We need to research how the inorganic
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture II: The Human and the Animal Organisation
    Matching lines:
    • only about the metamorphosed animal organisation within the
    • metamorphosis, then one has to, if you are looking for
    • metabolism. These things become increasingly differentiated the
    • organisation to find something which does not have a sensory
    • it, and not let it appear as something completely unauthorised
    • we merely hear something, the function of the human organism is
    • there is something in the external space shaped like a nose,
    • corresponds to something special within them which can be
    • self, because for one own Self it is dependent on something
    • movement, because it is something quite different, whether we
    • methodology, so Anthroposophy doesn't need to argue here
    • something then we don't separate the imagery from the vision.
    • geometric relation of finding oneself upright in relationship
    • within, which corresponds to the geometry in outer life.
    • balance is what we translate into mathematical geometric
    • as something woven out of ourselves. This is not so. It comes
    • something which emerges from the organism itself as is found
    • with the animals, but it is something formed within the human
    • equilibrium position so that in the human something appears
    • metamorphosed forms. This can also simply be anatomically
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture III: Anthroposophy and Philosophy
    Matching lines:
    • aims, and on the other hand with something which points to
    • examination the present will produce something special.
    • philosophy as something subdued.
    • Besides this is the endeavour to develop something out of
    • create something within his thoughts, which originate in
    • Logos must be something which is not merely something thought,
    • become something quite different, when they become alive. For
    • Here we see how actually this method of thinking, found mostly
    • down on, is something against which the truth and knowledge he
    • experience of something misty, mystical; an overheated element
    • we are obliged today — because science as something
    • something which can lift it above these various philosophic
    • skeletal system then something comes about which can be lived
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture IV: Anthroposophy and Pedagogy
    Matching lines:
    • real human power; this is something which passes into the whole
    • metamorphosed in corresponding manner — also be taken up
    • teeth is something which penetrates the entire human life
    • regarding educational practice, educational methods; the most
    • Anthroposophy, the pedagogical didactic methods employed in
    • child's age and regard them as something complete and force
    • consider a child's organism as something coming into being,
    • frequently taught from a young age as having something like
    • a result, we come again to something which needs to be
    • cultural impulse, something which should only come into
    • Reading and writing were in earlier times something quite
    • they are something abstract, strangers in relation to life
    • actually. If we go even further back, we find something in the
    • be related to. We can only take something which can reach the
    • as an artistic soul principle, something more pure and splendid
    • the lessons. It needs to be metamorphosed, transformed
    • have been provided with something meaningful. One discovers
    • colours from very early on. Even though it is also sometimes
    • something. I asked: “How old is the child?” The
    • himself: The super-sensible worlds have given me something to
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture V: Anthroposophy and Social Science
    Matching lines:
    • added something which I set out in my
    • anthroposophical grounds, created with anthroposophical methods
    • Basically, something quite different has happened. On the one
    • actually become the ruling principle: wait until something
    • I want to apparently — only apparently — introduce something
    • humanity became something quite different. I've already said
    • constitution of humanity has become something different. If we
    • it should be something like that.
    • conditions out of which they are negotiated, to do something
    • created among people will they develop something of a real
    • moment be given as something self-contained, while the social
    • flow. The social organism is something which becomes young, and
    • time I had met as his real being, then I'll be making a
    • method of social thinking in a realistic way, perhaps exactly
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture VI: Anthroposophy and Theology
    Matching lines:
    • place, and sometimes people — not me particularly but
    • scientific direction, certain scientific methods, an attitude
    • and method, out of the foundation of which we have already
    • established a method and attitude which people apply to the
    • methods which are applied to natural science; the difference of
    • a factual sphere made scientific methods inapplicable in
    • epistemologically clear in what sense the scientific methods or
    • philosophic methods had to apply. Practice lapsed into
    • its own working methods. On the one hand it wants to take into
    • methods of science, and on the other hand the human needs for
    • scientific methods, and in relation to the treatment of the
    • not in the sense of scientific methodology not to be developed
    • world of ideas live, there is something which goes beyond the
    • research methods in the supersensible world, will be told and
    • Movement will be forced in any way to participate in something
    • help which can be acquired through anthroposophical methods.
    • must be of help with its methods. I can only briefly
    • important fact of the earthly life of humanity, as something
    • Catholicism as the only authority. Today something can be said
    • this they both replied: “Yes, but we noticed something,
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Impulse of Renewal: Lecture VII: Anthroposophy and the Science of Speech
    Matching lines:
    • means that through a person speaking, something is unfolding
    • life. Something strikes upward from these subconscious regions
    • speakers; because when people want to hear something about
    • to them. I thought this was something through which its
    • their activity and actions they are steered to something which
    • effort to live into the mood of my audience. Something similar
    • something — which I want to say verbatim — is
    • “Pflicht.” Something quite different lives in the
    • we arrive at something else, namely, during the various stages
    • for “manas”: spirit, mind, mindset, sometimes also
    • today, it was essentially something different. We must clearly
    • still be grasped inwardly in a vital way, when something
    • This is something which can certainly be understood and
    • there was still something like a dreamlike imagination living
    • something is expressed in the word “manas”. With
    • ‘a’ something resembling human inwardness is sensed. If one
    • language. We sense our “I” today as something which
    • something which had to be carried; one didn't feel as if you
    • Sanskrit word “aham” shows it is something around
    • completely. It is something quite different to feel yourself
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 1
    Matching lines:
    • know about that purification and metamorphosis of his being,
    • against spiritual knowledge. It is sometimes dressed in clever,
    • sometimes in sly, sometimes in foolish logical rules. Never,
    • nowadays can be compared to someone who wants to pick something
    • want to grasp something from the floor. We must activate our
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 2
    Matching lines:
    • directed towards something else, something beyond the exterior
    • number of our friends were to undertake something in this
    • is good if it relates to something which exerts a strong
    • something I can do - now that the Anthroposophical Society has
    • introduce something new into my life as an anthroposophist?
    • something new?
    • color something because of vanity, but what has been colored
    • are the scoffers. They are sometimes embarrassed to express the
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 3
    Matching lines:
    • looks for it. When he is expected to believe something, he
    • something in ordinary life which is not proven by this or that
    • know whether something that confronts you is truth or illusion.
    • could not differentiate between something happening to you
    • something which should be borne in mind especially by those who
    • really something which comes very close to the threshold of the
    • spiritual world. Let's say you experienced something ten years
    • in time, back to your previous earth lives. That is something
    • Also, one judges people not only because they have something
    • that we eat and drink , that we see and hear, must something be
    • something which assures us of true being:
    • something else into consideration. Read the first verse:
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 4
    Matching lines:
    • something about her and your memory is stimulated. If you had
    • is recalled. If you had wanted to undertake something together
    • so in real life. At the moment when something derived from the
    • then we will understand something else. Yes, my dear friends,
    • holiness-preserving silence is connected with something else,
    • causes in us, we should remember: something exists in us,
    • describes our humanity within a circle. Thus, something begins
    • dear friends, it is necessary to add something, because the
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 5
    Matching lines:
    • external objects take on something foreign to their nature.
    • Something truly great happens to a person when he becomes aware
    • of the abyss which exists between himself and nature: something
    • great. Something which has been expressed since ancient times
    • air as something external, natural. He also feels warmth as
    • something that touches him from without, and he also feels that
    • is enclosed within his skin - something which is no more than a
    • elements of the earth's being. This is something which must be
    • real. And then something occurs to the person which makes him
    • temptingly. And we first realize that there is something
    • psychically - that anyone can plummet psychically to the right
    • become related to death you begin to consider it as something
    • If I ask that, it is about something I'd rather not know.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 6
    Matching lines:
    • us, something which normal consciousness isn't very aware
    • metamorphosis that salt and sugar undergo in his organism, how
    • vegetable kingdom. There is something in you that is as sleepy
    • the mineral element within him. He feels something filling him
    • there is something else. One feels fear of one's self. This is
    • closed concepts arise, closed ideas. If it encloses something
    • This is an unconscious process. Every time we will something,
    • will exactly become an elephant or a bull, but something like
    • overcoming of something that drags us down. When we overcome
    • something which drags us down, like this fear of our own
    • It's something we need to advance spiritually.
    • characteristics, but must metamorphose into the positive
    • beautiful, something which causes enormous delight and
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 7
    Matching lines:
    • entity. This is not generally understood. So something must be
    • presently reigning spiritual powers; something which has been
    • saying something like the following. Certain influential
    • something to what has already been considered.
    • willing, something which is also perceptible for normal
    • now we see that willing is something quite different from what
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 8
    Matching lines:
    • obtained. In the same sense, when something comes from the
    • Goetheanum and is then used as something esoteric, the use is
    • Something else to be mentioned is that the School must be
    • the Christmas Conference something real has happened and for
    • something else, this will be accepted readily and gladly. Those
    • the heart is, streaming through something which from the cosmos
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 9
    Matching lines:
    • grasp something, my dear sisters and brothers. It presses on
    • be constituted as something continually crumbling away. The
    • physician comes with a thermometer; he measures warmth from
    • to the stars, something of feeling and willing; to feeling,
    • which is circling with the planets, communicate something of
    • something of thinking and feeling. This something we indeed can
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 10
    Matching lines:
    • according to the usual methods and called to this or that work
    • instinctive clairvoyance. But we can do something else. With
    • still in Plato's time one felt something special about the
    • seeing as follows: When I look at a person something leaves my
    • something streams out of the eye and encompasses the object.
    • grasp something I know that I am connected to my hand until
    • clairvoyance people knew that something etheric goes out from
    • it's like when in the physical world someone writes something
    • you receive it as something which you can revere, which you can
    • as best we can, something powerful takes place in the
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 11
    Matching lines:
    • — although it is something long expected and which
    • limbs-metabolism-organization, localized downward and
    • And least of all does the limbs-metabolism-organization show
    • the breast; and through the metabolic-limbs-system. It is
    • metabolism — then we do not hear the trumpet calls from
    • we do not merely have something vague in our thoughts, but
    • to make meditation something in which we don't merely think,
    • around us, and from all this something steps back into the
    • our meditation is not something that only lives in us, in our
    • What do I sense arching over me? It is something; it is
    • anthroposophy and those around Rudolf Steiner. Maryon met Rudolf Steiner in
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 12
    Matching lines:
    • wants something different than really standing within the
    • spiritual world. One wants something which is similar to the
    • therefor not lead to envisioning something similar to what is
    • something, due to someone talking to me or some other event
    • really feel it, then you have grasped something spiritual,
    • to feel that human self-knowledge is something solemn, earnest
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 13
    Matching lines:
    • something innerly and intensely in a low voice, or even out
    • needs to feel something like resistance when it comes into
    • Now I must indicate something to you, my dear sisters
    • and brothers, something you all know, for normal
    • Something else is necessary which must be taken into
    • sometimes overlook it, but we feel that it is there. We can
    • feel something similar when we have been embraced by the
    • in it. By feeling that meditation makes us into something
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 14
    Matching lines:
    • something of the reality of the spiritual world, he must do
    • breathing difficulty, angst. Warmth is something in which the
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 15
    Matching lines:
    • – as when we grasp something – the Angeloi live
    • from the hierarchy of the Angeloi feels something. The
    • Angeloi touch something when you think. When you are feeling,
    • something. When you are willing, while your willing is
    • something. Human thinking, human feeling, human willing, are
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 16
    Matching lines:
    • us to where we now feel something like a mild weaving, moving
    • life a person is whispering something confidential
    • Thus after having experienced the metamorphoses
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 17
    Matching lines:
    • imagination, something tremendously majestic which the person,
    • with the spirit's eye something else taking place. We have
    • that we do not see the spiritual light around us, something
    • My dear friends, I must remind you of something I said upon the
    • something else, my dear friends, which is especially grave now
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 18
    Matching lines:
    • cosmic bowl, which we met in the last lesson, the beings of the
    • spirit is, Is something.
    • Everywhere where spirit is, is something, and where there is no
    • Something. And we call the Nothings the kingdoms of nature. That
    • seems to indicate that this means sometime in the future.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 19
    Matching lines:
    • For body is not dead, it is not something finished. Body
    • is something which is active at every moment, mobile, alert,
    • something that “bodies” [“leibt”].
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XX (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • something else: it means an acquaintance with the beginning of
    • entrust those who wanted to try something, to let them try. In
    • in imaginations. We direct our gaze to the distance. Something
    • something in our heart tells us: Not here, where the sun
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXI (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • world is something abstract, something shadowy, something
    • long as we consider thinking as something living, we are not
    • continually consumes and kills something in us, how in fact it
    • something unclear in it, and it is also never firm: seeming and
    • anyone has written down something other than the verses
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXII (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • be light in our feeling. Then something goes through our
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXIII (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • which is in the human being — something also known by
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXIV (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • arrives at something like a memory-wall, then it returns again
    • occult school that a real action precedes something like this.
    • Whoever copies something other than the mantras may keep it for
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXV (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • our human earthly existence. If we want to carry out something
    • then we see something further down. We have the feeling —
    • we can do something else, recalling the Guardian of the
    • willing becomes something different)
    • multi-forming heaven-weave”, so feeling becomes something
    • someone makes notes of something else, other than the verses,
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXVI (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • this esoteric school be the body for something which flows out
    • nineteenth century has been guiding human affairs - something
    • for the anthroposophical movement. But when something is done
    • before you something like a gray outline of what you saw over
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture I: The True Form of the Social Question
    Matching lines:
    • something which thinking humanity has been occupied with for
    • how something appears in the social question which all members
    • question are promoted in these conquered countries, something
    • placed before the life of the human soul. Something
    • day humanity. Something on which humanity has been preparing
    • itself for such a long time, now met only those who one would
    • something completely different to what is spoken about.
    • this placement something is awakened in these people that are
    • Just as a single human organism becomes something different
    • before, just so the human social organism has become something
    • class consciousness’ is something quite different. It could be
    • and their aesthetic needs. This work itself gave something to
    • them something personal, something towards personal joy,
    • and its brilliant methods, at its endless conscientious
    • that it neither has the corresponding methods nor the
    • that something can come out of it as a most true, inner
    • the spiritual evolutionary basis, something rose up and today
    • proletarian question was something far more real than what is
    • produces methods which are only suitable on the one side for
    • was a purely scientific method, firmly established, which could
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture II: Comparisons at Solving the Social Question based on Life's Realities
    Matching lines:
    • recognise all the organs whose actions relate to metabolism. In
    • nutritional organs. In relation to scientific methods we have
    • the natural organism that this method, this way of sensing can
    • — here it involves something becoming, something which
    • laws in the crudest system, the metabolic system.
    • certain way, just like the metabolic system is at variance with
    • actually do something to make it a reality in actual life, each
    • course of events is meant here, not something which
    • implemented or left undone, but involves recognising something
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture III: Fanaticism Versus a Real Conception of Life in Social Thinking and Willing
    Matching lines:
    • today something which lie relatively far into the future. The
    • disappear to make place for something new to come into
    • this view of life as something which must emerge, as something
    • This calls for something which is deeply decisive in life at
    • sides by fanatics who see themselves sometimes as good
    • someone points to something as practical and necessary as daily
    • satisfied or something or other. Basically, even when such
    • was an attempt at something having nothing to do with life,
    • arises, which is an incentive to make spirit something real out
    • spirit is alive as something real, full of life, but that they
    • exists.’ However, something steams up in the human soul, it
    • and this scares today's individuals away as if it is something
    • we call ‘the state’ today can be made into something quite
    • this particular sphere, something can be achieved. I would like
    • now something else comes into consideration. It is the
    • bridge can be created towards something different. Due to a
    • soul, the play of something totally spiritual. This real
    • through creating something in life which strips away the
    • way, you may combine something out of ingredients of
    • living body which must simply be something different than human
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture IV: The Evolution of Social Thinking and Willing and Life's Circumstances for Current Humanity
    Matching lines:
    • the later times of man's evolution, something appears which can
    • Because this indicates something hidden and masked in the newer
    • considers the social organism as something which allows itself
    • being something which has to have life, which must live through
    • this reason it is necessary to express something which probably
    • could, if you wanted to bring something more or less concretely
    • it market or something else — has it ready for
    • is sometimes masked in the social question and much of it
    • result could be something which again and again enters into
    • certain relationship of people to something, to a thing, a
    • cause or something similar, or a collection of causes, with the
    • has the right to something they lay their eyes on? Still, when
    • activity of something or its causes or collection of causes
    • relationship to something, or to someone else, where the need
    • their gaze hypnotized by the state, it has become something
    • already pointed out that something else needs to be added to
    • Here is something, I might say, like a difficult nightmare
    • science, observable in their admirable methods, but the real
    • to humanity, or something of this sort. This cannot be sought
    • itself decide about something which was deeply rooted in
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture V: The Social Will as the Basis Towards a New, Scientific Procedure
    Matching lines:
    • other side, having something sneaking into this social will,
    • wrapping of something from quite another time when
    • something out of mere theory, mere outer dry and sober facts
    • assimilated in the human mind into something with being,
    • something thought up which becomes alive. The impossibility of
    • taking abstractions drawn from outer life and forming something
    • me as a metamorphosis, one could say, in all the impulses and
    • they can create something called a social organism.
    • This is something which wide circles of humanity still need to
    • at all see this belief as something unfounded — a belief
    • met with one final important trust and they, not out of their
    • basis of this scientific orientation which he sometimes had to
    • something which can be experienced as an ideology. This is
    • spiritual as something which is created out of itself,
    • clearly being experienced: ‘We have met the bourgeoisie with a
    • social will from belief that somehow something spiritual could
    • which our world view or something similar can bring salvation,
    • This is something which blows and runs quietly though our
    • state we must see as something which in recent times has grown
    • expression of the authorization of something which one
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture VI: What Significance does Work have for the Modern Proletarian?
    Matching lines:
    • the entire process, admittedly something else also developed.
    • this education, the Proletarians developed something which has
    • circulation has tried to accomplish something: there were
    • union, cooperative and also political life, yet something else
    • Proletarian's work, something which was full of seeds for the
    • This was something which the earlier ruling classes didn't want
    • the frightening and sometimes cruel events out of the world of
    • economic process, because in reality something is added which
    • something. The value of human labour can never be compared with
    • has been driven into something which not he, but the earlier
    • relate something to you.
    • diametrically opposed? Power is diametrically opposed by law,
    • the metabolic system as carrier for metabolism and this
    • This is always regarded as contrary, as something radically
    • something quite different will develop compared to the economic
    • separated from the political life, something will rise as a
    • social organism. It is not something which can only be judged
    • something uninteresting. No, it must be judged in such a manner
    • can only mention fleetingly as something which I've apparently
    • What is correct? Is money a commodity or something which arises
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Lecture: Richard Wagner and Mysticism
    Matching lines:
    • lead us too far, but a comparison will show that our method of
    • associated ‘Mysticism’ with all ideas about which there is something
    • stated it in words. On another occasion he said something similar in
    • is something at this point which had perforce to remain unexpressed,
    • for between this action and that action there is something in the
    • human heart which acts as a mediator, something that cannot pass over
    • one of Wagner's earliest works. Do we not feel that something is
    • being was felt to lie within himself, and, when he met another
    • upon it took something of the Eternal into themselves.
  • Title: Lecture: Spiritual Wisdom in the Early Christian Centuries
    Matching lines:
    • says something like this: Plato did not admit the existence of a
    • to say about Indian wisdom. Nevertheless, if we ask for something
    • nothing down was because they held that wisdom must be something
    • man, in direct personal intercourse. Something else — again not
    • metabolism).
    • still knew something of the spiritual universe reaching down into
    • sometimes difficult to believe beneath what thick layers the history
  • Title: Community Building
    Matching lines:
    • every molded form, was something that responded, that spoke
    • Society is not something that we can, let us say, found anew
    • possible to begin today something which began two decades ago.
    • Anthroposophical Society is something which has produced
    • fact. In that case, something would disappear, something very
    • illusions.” I say that something disappears from these
    • something abiding. This would remain even if the occurrences
    • But, my dear friends, there is something even profounder than
    • human language, though it is certainly less often to be met
    • with in life. Human language is something, after all, which
    • moments something besides language of a community-building
    • nature, something that goes beyond language. And this is sensed
    • I have constructed. It is something quite different. It is not
    • of the ritual bestows something upon the human soul which
    • ritualistic forms. These forms speak to something deeper than
    • and civilization idealism is something rather threadbare. For
    • likewise, when he lifts up into the ideal something he has seen
    • able to experience something possessed of the power to awaken,
    • something which does not simply so idealize the sensible that
    • something exists other than merely the language. The language
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Community Building
    Matching lines:
    • like in connection with this to say something about the manner
    • I should like here to begin with something well known to those
    • But suppose that, by reason of something pathological, let us
    • something has really only very little sense in the higher
    • knows that the most diametrically opposite views may be
    • single fact. If he is capable of receiving the diametrically
    • with regard to something entirely different. Thus, a certain
    • obliged to force upon his soul something which plays a fully
    • fellow men with proper sense of responsibility something out of
    • as an example, something drawn from my own experience. During
    • something to do with Anthroposophy, would not necessarily have
    • responsible for something which is done in an
    • interchange, even if only by means of news sheets or something
    • example of how something proceeded directly out of
    • it, that something inorganic has really entered into the direct
    • affirm that something ought not to have been as it was.
    • ordinary methods of considering things do not suffice if one is
    • like. For there are such methods, whereby something that only
    • This is something of which the dear friends here present must
    • Therefore, something in the physical world may appear to be as
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 1: Evolution and Consciousness, Lucifer, Ahriman
    Matching lines:
    • something is thinking in us but that we ourselves do the
    • see. A plant is really something entirely beyond sensory
    • something the plant, which is not perceptible to the
    • penalties, and so on. The rewards and punishment meted
    • out for sins, i.e. for something belonging to a sphere
    • jurisprudence in them. We let the gods mete out
    • something to happen the way it did on that occasion. I
    • something is justifiable does not count. We need to let
    • five years, the final consequence of something that has
    • something about our thinking and to comply even if
    • something goes against the grain. On the other hand
    • something. Very often the kind of thing you hear people
    • say is: ‘Oh, someone said something and that was
    • saw. It is especially when people tell you something
    • human thoughts are merely something exuded by the human
    • however, it has evolved from something else, and in real
    • sometimes I also have to tell you something relating to
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 2: East, West, and the Culture of Middle Europe, the Science of Initiation
    Matching lines:
    • validity of something, except the fact that it has been
    • be given something in an external way that they cannot
    • cannot demonstrate this with the methods of ordinary
    • something that makes the seriousness that is required
    • something to be found anywhere else in human evolution.
    • Something quite special exists therefore for this Central
    • the more it becomes apparent that something new is
    • state that it is possible to learn that something we may
    • be told that anyone learning something directly from the
    • oriental, pre-Christian Indian wisdom as something new.
    • something of their initiation if they have at least one
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 3: Political Empires
    Matching lines:
    • this, however, lies something that unites human beings in
    • people's minds was however something quite different from
    • training a person or preparing them for something. You
    • all no one thinks that something objective should enter
    • into the soul of that individual, something that was not
    • something was speaking to them that had been made to come
    • When such a ruler wanted something, decreed something, it
    • have been pointless to question whether something decreed
    • there in their midst; they were not something to which
    • possible to think whether something he had done was right
    • realm were the reflection of something streaming in from
    • Something was able to evolve that was to govern human
    • view when reading something like Dante's work and realize
    • something arose for example like the possibility to
    • something in a spiritual realm next to our own realm that
    • referring to something rather serious will often become
    • were looking for something that appeared in human form,
    • be told: ‘The Kingdom of the gods cometh not with
    • say, something was taken as a matter of course, was the
    • spreads a veil over the radical metamorphosis we are able
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 4: Western Secret Societies, Jesuitism, Leninism
    Matching lines:
    • — and this is something else I have often stressed
    • spiritual science if it is made into something that
    • something or other that belongs to the past. We cannot
    • shadow image of something that was at work before we were
    • something new has come into existence. To whom do these
    • something quite different. Preachers in their pulpits
    • with it. Something taken for granted as a fundamental
    • on to something else. One element in religious beliefs is
    • other. They will provoke something that makes people go
    • say — is something terrible, something dreadful.
    • something appears in the course of a dream. The same
    • people getting sight of something that belongs to the
    • is getting closer and closer by the day is something
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 5: How the Material Can Be Understood Only through the Spirit
    Matching lines:
    • something which in a way is particularly close to my
    • is something alive. It cannot be compared with a system
    • something alive. It is kept alive by a number of factors,
    • is not a pump. It it something we might regard more as a
    • where they pass through my arms. Here we have something
    • something. And I also perceive something when I stretch
    • same drawing can also stand for something different.
    • metamorphosed and become ears, and the legs will have
    • people say today: Something else will have to take the
    • given by a few. Something that proved useless for a few
    • something that is altogether unsuitable for human beings.
    • least hope of the decline being halted and something new
    • in my public lectures that something has been achieved in
    • that is something that really comes hard, to let
    • general way of looking at it. Let me go on to something
    • something and create a potential basis at the Worker's
    • rhythmical organism and a metabolic organism, as shown in
    • course. Analogy is not the method used in Towards
    • the rights sphere in the social organism. Metabolism, the
    • most physical, material aspect — something mystics
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 6: Materialism and Mysticism, Knowledge as a Deed of the Soul
    Matching lines:
    • want above all to refer to something that can help us to
    • truth as something theoretical and not as a real deed
    • with let me use a more methodological approach to show
    • unaware of this. Characteristically, and it is something
    • course materialism most heavily disguised as something
    • transforms itself. Materialism can be metamorphosed into
    • add something new to the physical world — all
    • process, and not to be satisfied with something that is
    • things that boil and bubble in his metabolism, however
    • refined and subtle this metabolism may be. Matter as such
    • the metabolism to arise within us. Look at the way
    • metabolism. It seemed to him to work towards the central
    • heart and there to become transformed into something that
    • human being. That is the small flame metabolism ignites
    • cannot be the fruit of something inherent in the candle.
    • methods of observation. The methods of spiritual science
    • do to some extent introduce us to the methods of genuine
    • search for truth becomes a real deed. Then something is
    • definitions or correcting our views, but something is
    • at something else. The opposite extreme is abstract
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 7: Materialism, Mysticism, Anthroposophy, Liberalism, Conservatism
    Matching lines:
    • other senses. We then think we know something about outer
    • merely a phenomenon, thinking it to be something material
    • reality of the spirit this sometimes sounds like children
    • talking about something adult minds have long since come
    • perceptiveness, to doing things, really doing something
    • reality, sometimes of course seeking it in the place
    • find matter everywhere by the methods now used in
    • mere contents of intellectual life. This is something I
    • content. This is something we have to learn. We must not
    • different combinations of those two shades. Sometimes the
    • spiritual world. There we arrive at something very
    • something that can be summed up in a manifesto, as a
    • something-ists. We base ourselves on an abstract notion,
    • is no reality to it and when we begin to follow something
    • that is real we must in fact follow something that lies
    • something that rightfully exists in the spiritual world.
    • in the physical world may be a reflection of something of
    • merely a false philosophy but something with a very real
    • effect. That is also the reason why, when something like
    • anthroposophy to the world as something real, so that
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 8: The Opposition of Knowledge and Faith, Its Overcoming
    Matching lines:
    • knowledge but merely the subjective belief that something
    • something that is infinite, permanent, supersensible. You
    • demonstrating the truth of something, were not known
    • empty, abstract thinking, or something like that, but a
    • in a certain way, still using the methods that had been
    • something into human evolution that now presents itself
    • intention is to pretend to human minds that the methods
    • that if one wishes to achieve something in the world that
    • angles, sometimes more in their material aspect and at
    • different, but putting them together one sees something
    • point is not that something or other is called the Christ
    • happens in such a way that people sometimes have a
    • who had travelled widely and seen something of the world,
    • telling you something — this is something I am
    • Elisabeth Mathilde Metzdorff-Teschner, [
    • only did this in Mrs Elizabeth Metzdorff-Teschner's
    • something very different, and people find it quite easy
    • plenty more — so that you can see the methods that
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 9: East, West, and Middle
    Matching lines:
    • complex of experiences also led to something else. It
    • of something that once presented itself to the soul as
    • something of which we must take special note if we want
    • not a substitute but something quite different—a
    • come something that came to the people of the Middle only
    • element became something entirely abstract, something
    • something of the heavenly human being hanging down, as it
    • longer had any feeling for something of the divine human
    • because there will always be something that went before
    • and something that follows. Yet in a plant the calyx is
    • This reappearance of the Christ is something I hinted at
    • from instinct, but it is something that will certainly be
    • realized one day. Here something arises from the crude
    • something grown old, and has to be studied as something
    • historical that has grown old — something of no
    • Tolstoy. There we see a concentrated form of something
    • us — and this is something spiritual science
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 10: Transition from the Luciferic to the Ahrimanic Age and the Christ Event to Come
    Matching lines:
    • war started, something like a spectre from prehistoric times lived in the
    • no idea that really and fundamentallY something quite different was going
    • from coal-mining. They did not arise from something that human beings let
    • the relative size of something that had really been taken out of the
    • the war the situation then was that objective force met objective force
    • something occurred that in the past would have taken quite a different
    • been reached in Germany where fertile human brains had created something
    • that the people of the past used those names to describe something real,
    • machines, with human labour made into something quite separate from the
    • something very concrete and positive when we refer to this event that is
    • other side we have something that is much to the fore in the social
    • Christian. Something else emerged from this, however. Whether they stood
    • been mere theory in many respects, merely something we know, that human
    • come up with feelings that their elders never had. Something like this
    • longing for something that is lacking. Initially, theories could not be
    • prepare the eye of the soul so that it may perceive something that is
    • something is restlessly astir in us that I have called a great longing, a
    • longing for something that is lacking. We have been human beings who
    • we do something about it this will form the basis for future earth lives
    • powers to take over! Machines create something in us that will be the
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 11: Modern Science and Christianity, Threefold Social Order, Goetheanism
    Matching lines:
    • this means that we have something in us that needs to be
    • earth must be seen as something that cannot in itself
    • give. This is something we must feel, something that must
    • must progress to something for which this earth cannot
    • something united with this earth that came from outside,
    • something within this earthly realm that will take us
    • something in us that can only be taken further by a
    • say that the Gospels tell us something or other about the
    • exist when logic has to be used to analyze something, for
    • When we look at something beautiful or create something
    • society—social life where people met face to face.
    • and the beautiful Lily shone forth in his mind. Something
    • Metals who collapsed in a heap. He did not, however, get
    • Mixed Metals. It had to be shown that the social life of
    • to develop the ego yet further. This earth is something
    • something that effects one personally. Personal
    • be met when they came to mind after those few hours. The
    • something alive in the configuration of the German Empire
    • brotherhood or companionship must become something real.
    • something as sublime and spiritual as the spirit-man,
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Life Between Two Incarnations
    Matching lines:
    • permitted to say something about the higher worlds themselves, and we
    • has been mentioned so far? Oh, there is something more in it than bones
    • exactly that something more is in it. This something more, that is the
    • sum of his suffering and his pleasure; this something everyone knows,
    • and here something quite different, something divine begins to sound
    • the I there is something sacred. This is also clearly recognizable in
    • to such a shock sometimes tell that for a few moments their whole life
    • are facts. In that moment of flashing of the memory tableau something
    • which has given rise to the shock, something occurs, which the
    • clairvoyant can see. Not always, but sometimes, the part of the etheric
    • sometimes occurs, and we are wont to denote this feeling by saying that
    • something else occurs. What happens then is that a kind of second
    • get used to after death. Only as long as man still has something that
    • man do something else in this hereafter? Oh, he is very active in this
    • always learn something new, the earthly conditions have always changed
    • the conditions have changed in such a way that man can learn something
    • something wrong or unjust. This is perhaps sometimes the good thing,
    • absolutely flesh of her flesh, because there is something about this
    • child that is not of her, thus something foreign. But these bonds which
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture I
    Matching lines:
    • the opportunity to create, as has been done here, something for
    • faith to have said something which does not correspond with
    • what has really happened, or to ask by what method of
    • spiritual investigation, will become something in our human
    • foundation of something like a real art of teaching and
    • fallen to 2.15 centimes, but I have not yet met anyone who sees
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture II
    Matching lines:
    • from the spiritual world, unless they admit something entirely
    • something of a religious impulse permeating the whole of life
    • change of teeth; through another metamorphosis when puberty
    • the soul-spiritual within themselves, of experiencing something
    • course of daily life. Let us assume that a man has something
    • again we must observe something. The creeds speak much about
    • really mean? Surely something of which a vague
    • all that will happen of itself. Something fatalistic has
    • and then by a natural metamorphosis all that is
    • about something which annoys people terribly to-day.
    • were greatly vexed by something I said in a lecture in a South
    • we must take into account something very important.
    • hear something which passes from man to man in speech, going
    • the world, and in that outer world to perceive something
    • metamorphosed into Romanism. Compared with the Greeks the
    • State archives. This sometimes appears to-day in grotesque
    • himself of a pension as well as an income — something
    • addition to this, however, there is something which could
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture III
    Matching lines:
    • consciously; but something like it — naturally not to-day
    • activity. There is always something in his astral and ego which
    • renewal of educational methods? In giving man, who is entering
    • “broken” natures to be met with, natures unfitted
    • men imposed on humanity by the various creeds. Something
    • there is as a hope from this new Christ-Impulse, something we
    • for humanity, something which is actually being sought in other
    • Nations” and hope for something from it. It is remarkable
    • something from the body which serves the Earth as a ferment in
    • from 28 to 35 on Earth, he gives the spiritual world something
    • something to the super-earthly world, just as we relinquish our
    • unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and reserve something
    • reality as something concrete, as concrete as
    • need such a force. We must grasp something essentially
    • something new.
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Main Features of the Social Question and the Threefold Order of the Social Organism
    Matching lines:
    • something extraordinarily tragic.
    • as a result of such facts something grew up of which the fruits
    • just like having a thermometer in a room to indicate the
    • expedient of tampering with the thermometer we do not occupy
    • a classroom word — “indices” of something
    • lying much deeper. Just as a thermometer indicates the
    • generally taken to mean something of this sort: the proletariat
    • took them to be something which only concerned those classes, a
    • “thermometer” language about surplus value. They
    • Something different is demanded. Let us take an example not so
    • When a thing like this is mentioned, we are met by all sorts of
    • when he feels there is something repellent about democracy. And
    • their words as a social thermometer. There is a remark of Karl
    • something I can only indicate by an analogy. Socialist doctrine
    • but usually regarded by philosophers as something highly

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