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  • Title: Evil and Spiritual Science
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    • that this significant question must be addressed in a wholly
    • stoical world view. But one point at least must be raised, that
    • see what must often be raised here, as the first step on the
    • so its wisdom must also reach up into the flowing of cosmic
    • permit wisdom, (which humanity must assume, if it wants to
    • must be offered to him/her also not to strive.
    • Freedom must reside in striving for the ideal of wisdom. But
    • with this it must be allowed, that one can also remain behind
    • with those features, from which one strives upwards; it must be
    • removed: but if he/she can drag himself out of it, but it must
    • soul must plunge down with its Ri into Ki in its experience,
    • wickedness must be there in life; since only through learning
    • put the idea of education about evil and wickedness? One must
    • we must work our way out of the worst, at the same time as
    • create a world, he must conform to that which is true without
    • connected with wickedness and evil. So, he must, if he wanted
    • then one must say: according to general laws, according to
    • wickedness. If we observe the world, we must say at once, that
    • wickedness contravenes real freedom; so it must be from
    • he must not have wanted to create it, which conflicts with his
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 1: Popular Occultism, Introtroduction
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    • first of all, they must deviate their attention completely away from
    • the physical body, they must — so to speak — suggest it
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 2: Man's Ascent into the Supersensible World
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    • supersensible worlds. For this purpose we must cast a glance into what
    • they were used to seeing, that they must first grow accustomed to the
    • Why must some people pass
    • through such experiences to-day? The cause for this must be sought in
    • forces in work, etc. He grows tired, his forces must be restored. This
    • body. In order to do this work of restoring the balance, it must go
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 3: The Different Conditions of Man's Life After Death
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    • of God. — Little by little the human being must free himself from
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 5: Life Between Death and a New Birth
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    • his astral body. First you must live through his whole past life backwards,
    • experience every smallest action in all its details. He must halt before
    • which does not become our own experience. Here we must apply this sentence:
    • The vivisector must experience in himself the results of his deeds. In
    • kamaloka he must now endure and live through every pain which he inflicted
    • another person, we must experience this injury ourselves in Kamaloca;
    • fact that a returning human being must surround himself with new astral
    • consists of the Ego and of the causal body, and he must now form himself
    • The new etheric body must
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 7: Effects of the Law of Karma
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    • an acquisition of later incarnations. Everything in life must first
    • An occultist must not only know
    • must feel attracted towards parents whose physical qualities most closely
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 9: Lemurian Development
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    • In this connection we must
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 10: Paths of Occult Training
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    • qualities which man must have; he must be able to bear what one calls great
    • loneliness, and he must gain a certain fundamental mood of devotion. In
    • this must be overcome. All people who achieved a great deal require this
    • development must first be below and feel that they are there below.
    • expression of one and the same initiation, but the forms of initiation must
  • Title: i Spirituality: Lecture 1: Historical Symptomology, the Year 790, Alcuin, Greeks, Platonism, Aristotelianism, East, West, Middle, Ego
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    • particular phenomenon, which must only be properly evaluated, it was possible to become aware of
    • thoughts, feelings and will-impulses occur. The oriental was fully aware that one must go beyond
    • soul-forces of ordinary life are active. One must enter a completely different world; that world
    • There must be something preventing him here. Then comes Fichte, a pupil of Kant's, who with full
    • truly scientific must follow from this `I am'. One should be able, as it were, to deduce, to read
    • in which he is actually asking: `How must the world be so that things can be proved
    • in it?' Not 'What are the realities in it?' But he actually asks: 'How must I imagine the world
    • common understanding, must spread equally over all humanity. How can this come about?
    • must really consider the threefold aspect also in social life; in this case (as a three-foldness)
    • follow from spiritual-scientific training. And we stand here at a point where we must say: In
    • the individual must find completely within himself the source of what he has to find and which he
    • place between these two. People must see this! Everything else is already decadent. Whoever looks
    • with an open mind at the conditions in which we are placed, must conclude that it is essential
    • brought this building to this stage. We must have contributions from the countries of the former
    • Entente. Understanding must be developed here for what is to become a unified culture containing
    • spirit, politics and economics. For people must get away from a one:sided tendency and must
    • will have to realize that something else must evolve in addition to the special gift they will
    • associations has so far been applied at the wrong end, i.e. in the field of Psychology. What must
    • to see what the Purpose of this building is! It is necessary for us to consider What must be done
    • like wildfire that a World Fellowship must arise to provide the material means for the spiritual
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 2: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 1
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    • increasingly educated for freedom, must also take up a conscious stand more and more to what
    • which, from our point of view, must have deep inner foundations. This must take shape despite the
    • necessity of founding a social life consciously. And we must take a conscious stand towards
    • finds expression in the East. This shows itself so strongly that one must say: It is natural for
    • but out of political-legal-militaristic ones must succumb to them. We have a crude example of
    • such an utterly, even absurdly, untruthful document — must be accounted to the pupilship of
    • sense, wishes to work for the spread of this threefold impulse must be aware that he has also to
    • powers on which one must call when one wants to bring something new into the development of
    • attention to individual human beings through whom these beings incarnate, in the East one must
    • idea of how one must equip oneself in order that the opposing powers — whether from the
    • know how one must act with regard to these things one must be equipped with an armour of
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 3: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 2
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    • between the West and the East one must look more closely into the underlying spiritual conditions
    • would be extremely constricted. Above all, however, one must be clear that what can then manifest
    • areas. But we must keep the characteristic branches in mind.
    • by nature not the slightest understanding for what one must refer to as the relation of the
    • Eastern spirit. Salvation lies in clearly seeing that a new spirit must permeate humanity.
    • Orient but only in the Occident, must put economic life, political life and spiritual life side
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 4: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 3
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    • he sought to answer the question: What must the human being do in himself in order to become a
    • truly free being? In the West they asked: How must the external social conditions be changed so
    • that the human being can become free? Schiller asked: What must the human being become in himself
    • — of the fact that the outer structure of human society must not be monolithic but must be
    • fairy-tale figures — and one must then portray the interplay and interaction of these
    • round into a lemniscate (blue). But it cannot go on like that — there must, if evolution
    • that we must find through spiritual science concerning the threefold nature of the human being as
    • the gods of the myths that can determine the matter; here something real must come to light. And
    • We modern human beings must certainly also endeavour to lift ourselves up to inspiration; an
    • ascended to inspirations — so we, too, cannot stop at imaginations but must rise up to
    • further, there is something quite definite that must first be realized. People have to see what
    • what is ingested is also finally destroyed. We cannot simply go on eating but must also excrete;
    • intellect must evolve. We could not come to the development of the consciousness-soul in the
    • there also has to be a balance. For this reason we must have an economic life that is one part of
    • the spiritual life, and uniform States like these must of necessity lead to destruction. And
    • when, like Lenin and Trotsky, one founds a State purely out of the intellect it must lead to
    • have to come. This is where the spiritual life has to intervene; capital must be transferred via
    • destructive element which must, therefore, be continually counterbalanced by the constructive
    • course, destroys itself. This is how we must look at things. Thus we must see how at the end of
    • the eighteenth century there stood Goethe and Schiller. Schiller said to himself: I must pull
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 5: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 4
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    • how different the soul-constitution in Europe must have been which, over large areas, inclined
    • one, then this must be the increasing ascendancy, the increasing intensity of the human power of
    • at present only in the small circle of anthroposophically-striving human beings but which must
    • is still engulfed in the intellectual life — is precisely what must now carry this
    • me recently: 'yes, the new age has brought us machines, and with them urban life; we must take
    • of transition. And now try and grasp a thought which, however strange it may seem to you, must be
    • these people are not interested in the spiritual life. For them the spiritual life must be an
    • demonic beings; so, too, must the human being of present times learn to see demonic beings in
    • must be looked for in the
    • in order that he can again work into nature, Imagination must be added to this intellect;
    • everything must be added to it which supersensible research is seeking to find.
    • in economics. In the future it will be the association. And people must stand together in an
    • comes in — an economic life that is growing demonic. And the human being must also now be
    • he is fit and capable one has to take account of the following. One must realize that the first
    • will be able to do later in the social life -— he must only be made fit and capable in a
    • etheric body is developed, the human being must first of all be recognized. What has to be
    • to say the means of production. A completely new spiritual concept must arise which, on the one
    • other, can perceive what role must be played by cultural life; how cultural life must give
    • these really must exist in an anthroposophically-oriented spiritual science. For this reason such
    • life be permeated with spirituality. It must come about as a flower of the Anthroposophical
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 6: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 5
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    • conflicts, and how these conflicts really form a great part of medieval history. But one must
    • through legal justification, by formal, legal right. Men must now command, since the gods no
    • from this or that view, since it must always be seen from different sides. I have often said that
    • And one must grasp what hatred developed within
    • masses. One must grasp the hatred that became ever stronger and stronger and especially in
    • to understand this on the basis of the development of European humanity. One must, for example,
    • social authority principle. One must only understand how deeply this has penetrated into the
    • of spiritual science to prepare for this faculty which humanity must take hold of again. Not the
    • faculty. But this new vision is rising up as a necessity which must take hold of humanity. And it
    • if no spiritual comprehension is given to the Gospels they must radically destroy the Christian
    • Golgotha itself. And preparation must be made so that this Mystery of Golgotha may shine forth
    • must look in the growing child towards what will emerge. When a child reaches the age of fifteen
    • and training we must look to what emerges from the child when he is in the fourteenth, fifteenth
    • and which he cannot receive through authority but must really draw out of himself. And in order
    • that he may draw it out of himself rightly we must take care that the child has the right
    • everywhere; people cite it as something which they pretend to understand and must pass judgment
    • And what is the meaning of this that must come to
    • some time: the approach of the Christ in the form in which He must be seen from the twentieth
    • century onwards. For, before the middle of this century has passed, the Christ must be seen. But
    • before that, all that remains of the old must be driven into nullity, the clouds must gather. The
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 7: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 6
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    • must be absolutely correct. But what must be regarded as imminent is what I characterized for you
    • came about in ways other than is expected among philistine circles; so, too, what one must call
    • outlook we must Say, from what we have been able to indicate of this, that the human being knew
    • another feeling entirely. And there is something important here which must be looked at. More and
    • understand that this has to happen. He can already embrace the thought that it must
    • my consciousness-soul. As a human being, I must learn to live inwardly in the way that I shall
    • stage of evolution. And I must prepare for these future conditions, at least inwardly, while
    • still in earthly existence. I must prepare myself, in germ, inwardly so that in the future I
    • being is growing into states of consciousness of which he must say that they are really of such a
    • to himself: 'I must pass through the rest of earth-evolution continually feeling that I am
    • something much higher than anything I can realize externally. I must bring something quite
    • different to the world. I must bring something quite different into the social structure,
    • But the human being must sense the inner schism
    • towards the cosmos -that one day it must reveal what cannot come from the earth — all this
    • answer because He is not in some indefinite place but must be recognized as a Being from beyond
    • upon them from which they feel: 'I must regard myself as an earth-being. The intellectual
    • said, will take possession of the popular consciousness with tremendous speed that something must
    • But awareness must all the more be directed towards
    • must be kept in view completely impartially. Almost every day at the moment spiritual science is,
    • the Gospels has come up with, to stand there and say: Our salvation for eternity must come from
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Abbreviated Title: Lecture I:
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    • must be destroyed by the soul-spiritual if consciousness is to arise in the
    • of consciousness must come from destructive processes. And I have shown
    • their ancestors' friends and relations, and so on. Human beings must
    • erosion of our physical existence, so there must occur, between death and a
    • destruction. And new conditions, a new surrounding must be there, into
    • process of annihilation must take place in earthly conditions between our
    • with which he must live in order to learn to understand their gradual
    • When we look upon our present time, we must say that on the one hand we
    • But we have to realise that we must repeat in all possible forms to our age
    • would say, must draw back in fear and trembling from the necessity to
  • Title: Talk To Young People:
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    • the world as it is today must get a new foundation underneath it.
    • the world as it is today must get a new foundation underneath it.
    • belong at all to the 20th century; sometimes we feel we must have
    • unconsciously, has never before been experienced. And one must say,
    • must
    • Sometimes this is necessary in life — but at the same time one must
    • as it is today must get a new foundation underneath it. This is
    • seen anything different but what is written there: the world must be
    • movement must be able to find its way to unite with what I have
    • remained in the cosmos; now human beings must rise up and win back
    • costume. But this it certainly is not. We must realize that the
    • spirit is alive and real; we must learn how to deal with it. We have
    • a clear gulf between them. We must be able to sleep in the right way
    • more flexible. We must find the way to make use of this supersensible
    • lazily. We have to be quite clear about it: spiritual science must
    • from within, the flames from outside, the two flames must strike
  • Title: "Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will not pass away"
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    • Moon-stage. And we must remind ourselves of the fact that, in a certain
    • We must, of course, not
    • must visualize him as the surmounting head; the Sun man has certain
    • something additional is necessary, — we must evolve something
    • anything more as earth man — when he must aspire to things beyond
    • and something new must evolve. But whence will this “something
    • as the physicist sees them. Instead, we must think of these atoms as
    • most complicated manner. Think for a moment that this atom must evolve
    • their inner nature, but must be content with the outer fact. Very
    • Spiritual Science into the human evolution on earth. We must not ignore
    • the key, like Mephistopheles. But we must develop the Faustian attitude
    • But we must permeate
    • ourselves entirely with this idea. We must not expect that we can carry
    • earnestness in our devotion to it. Therefore must all flowers gained
    • lectures I mentioned something relative to the idea — which must
    • perception; each separate form must be artistically created — I
    • Spiritual Science. But one must take time, and not work further with
    • only very gradually. A beginning must be made; if we are not conscious
    • from the wrong angle. A very long time must elapse before the
    • Science will, in his turn, carry also the earthly man in him. We must
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture I: Tree of Life - I
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    • must be added if the spiritual scientific-movement is really to
    • become the living thing it must be, in accordance with the general
    • feeling must be added, a certain perception that the more one strives
    • an extraordinary sense this Christ-riddle is a riddle. We must not
    • and Evil they must be banished from their present abode, so that they
    • Now we must distinguish two things in
    • Mystery of Golgotha. But none the less we must realise that there are
    • must be something of a soul-nature that the Gods have laid within
    • Suevi, the Langobardi, the Ostrogoths, etc.? we must give as answer:
    • of affairs. That is what must be known regarding the primeval Bible
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture II: Tree of Life - II
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    • on the other, the life-element which at a certain time must unite
    • It must strike most people, if the
    • they were when awake. The majority of men must on awaking have said
    • — of this one must be clear —
    • Tree, then a different knowledge must needs have been there from that
    • and physical bodies what is weaving and living there in sleep. I must
    • body. You must not be horrified that it is Lucifer who weaves with us
    • quite false if people think they must be on their guard against
    • comes in which we must unfathom if we would understand the necessary
    • else, however, happened, so we must draw the state of affairs which
    • things, as must be self-evident to you, through our ego. It is a
    • Lucifer — we must
    • intimately connected with Jesus of Nazareth. That is to say, one must
    • therefore had to go through the Mystery of Golgotha. We must be clear
    • respect of what happens in the world through man, then it must be
    • in the human being. Man must confront this working together
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture III: The Power of Thought
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    • ourselves must be inserted, for we are continuously losing something,
    • in a high degree that one must seek for this feeling of an inner
    • Now you must be clear whence all that I
    • in thinking one must seek for the inwardly forming, shaping of the
    • applying thinking to outer things. Lucifer must of course cooperate
    • sometimes to the other. There must be the swinging out, but one must
    • world-conception, and one must imagine that the thoughts have no
    • You must, however, inscribe in your
    • must only not struggle against this giving back. One can really cling
    • Him. And we must give back the truths to the cosmos from the centre
    • means to know that we must strive towards a musical element, that we
    • dare not recapitulate the old plastic element, but must strive
    • way that one must actually say: this Building always stimulates one
    • present: something new must being (diagram Page 109 (a)). This
    • then, under the influence of the Roman Republic. One must in fact
    • world, the Consuls must be divinely inspired men, they must bring
    • We cannot go on any further like this! We must now call upon another
    • the accomplishment of this fact. You must remember that in early
    • this viewpoint. One must understand that he felt, through the whole
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture IV: Harmonizing Thinking, Feeling and Willing
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    • that (Drawing 1, yellow) must certainly go out to a
    • We must,
    • has therefore come to this dual partition and must experience it as a
    • nature of that which he must undergo during the Earth-evolution? I
    • equally conclusive proofs. They must be there, because the one point
    • the entire reality of which man must first of all accept in himself,
    • must inwardly experience :Not I, but Christ in me.
    • what a man must really understand to comprehend Christology. Why do
    • must grasp something that contradicts his ideas of reality. Now to
    • which is inanimate has once been alive. Men must find the transition
    • died,’ men must really grasp the fact that all inanimate
    • must take pains, always take pains to replace an understanding
    • trend of modern science must disappear, since its only aim is to
    • science must disappear. In its place must arise an understanding of
    • at the present time, it must be realised that in the past it too was
    • It must be
    • of the dead into the living; that must be an active, true goal
    • foreign and hostile to such an aim. We must not deceive ourselves
    • extraordinarily central phenomenon of earthly evolution must, however
    • be understood, must be really grasped, as standing outside everything
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture V: Tree of Knowledge - I
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    • actually speak only in Imaginations, and we must remain conscious
    • the meanings of the words. We must not take contemporary conceptions
    • about in space and who, if it wishes to arrive at realities, must
    • come out of space. Then it must also get accustomed to viewing things
    • a certain meaning to what goes on around us, we must as it were see
    • meaning of life on earth must in some way have prepared itself. The
    • forming of space and time must have so come about that then the
    • must connect all this with the Luciferic temptation.
    • must reflect about something, if we wish to grasp aright such a
    • what is given. One must reflect upon something; In developing for you
    • said, here one must summon self-reflection, for everyone can object:
    • sun's must first come in from outside, must harness sense-perceptions
    • something like this that I have just expounded must be transformed
    • theoretical concept. One must change it into a feeling, one must
    • this it is which must be consistently felt by a human soul felt by a
    • background of Nature, lies something which she must continually
    • infinitely simple images. Therefore one must count
    • thou must think of me eternally); he must think of Nature forever,
    • The human being must atone for his having come out of permanence and
    • must therefore at least think of it eternally, it must be
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  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture VI: Tree of Knowledge - II
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    • We must grasp the matter thus
    • must be drawn in this way, with something left outside the
    • In a similar way I must then draw the
    • must draw it so.
    • ego I must do it schematically in the following way. This ego would
    • and we must be clear that if we did not sketch it as a diagram, but
    • from outside one must so draw it that Lucifer thrusts forward and
    • And one must not give oneself up to the
    • unintentional untruthfulness. We must never flatter ourselves that
    • One must be clear that with regard to
    • Above all things we must be quite clear
    • that as we advance in the spiritual scientific self-training, we must
    • must take is a diverting of the world from us. We thereby confront
    • regards those people who, one must say, unhappily cannot yet see that
    • where such things must be known.
    • to belong to us, whereas in reality we must perceive what we think in
    • diagram — MISSING). You must not imagine this
    • human head occultly, one must not draw it so, but in the negative,
    • You see how we must take in hand an
  • Title: World Downfall and Resurrection
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    • moment of reading he must, out of the depths
    • now we must try to understand the kind of thinking in which such
    • spiritual world that had survived from ancient paganism. We must
    • it must be remembered that the forces working in the body of
    • must be led through the wire. But the current must be
    • Men have taken possession of it and it must be given back again
    • from physical, earthly things, man must behold the Divine in
    • blood. But now man must seek for the Divine in acts of purely
    • spiritual contemplation. He must regard the things visible
    • an indication to men that their conceptions of the Divine must
    • anything. Your own forces and your own forces alone must lead
    • creative in earthly existence. And this must be done through
    • of the Earth. He must make himself a companion of I he
    • against which he must protect himself. The early Christians
    • in their hosts invisibly around the human being who must guard
    • must be known in the Supersensible and to Whom men must aspire
    • that the Logos must be found in the Spirit and not in the
    • come about and the new era is upon us. But the new era must be
    • recognised and understood. It must be realised that in very
    • Christian writings. We must realise that the conceptions of men
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  • Title: Lecture: Philosophy and Anthroposophy
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    • obstacles which must be overcome if the soul would avoid being swept like a
    • appear in a natural way upon the path of human life. But they must be
    • When confronted by them, we must still retain sufficient detachment to be
    • cognitive value. We must not shrink from really experiencing their nature;
    • first advancing beyond them. We must seek access to both methods of
    • organization. Efforts in this direction must be accepted as the rightful
    • feeling of reality. We must inwardly experience how the results offered us
    • of Natural Science should give us occasion to make this experience. We must
    • must have an altogether different significance — a significance for
    • human life, into which we must inquire. Knowledge of true reality does not
    • forthcoming in ordinary consciousness, but must be developed. With true
    • experience of Natural Science and Mysticism, we must admit that another
    • form of knowledge must be sought in addition to these — a knowledge
    • that a new consciousness must be developed, issuing from ordinary
    • are in a position to name the period when it originated (and must have
    • is to be substantiated by a purely conceptual process, this must be done
    • wisdom which has been revealed. This portion of the Wisdom must be accepted
    • subjective cognitional nets; it must have its roots in faith. There had
    • must be attained by objective conviction, and, on the other hand, whatever
    • thrusts into the things he must also extract from them. Of the
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture I: The Pedagogy of the West and of Central Europe: The Inner Attitude of the Teacher
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    • should be drawn: the teacher must really have a deep feeling for the nature
    • people today, we must always bear in mind that we are working on the
    • feelings, the ideas, the will impulses of the next generation. We must be
    • these reveal themselves quite simply in the choice that must result when
    • must come about through the individual's ability, i.e.
    • through his predetermined karma, the laws of destiny. This must follow from
    • It must never be the result of an elementary school curriculum designed to
    • teacher training, whereas the two must be different, through and through.
    • what we cannot sufficiently bear in mind: an art of education must proceed
    • mankind to do as a community, and this must be so, if there is to be
    • must have the discretion to keep this in those circles capable of
    • understanding it. We must know how to guard it, with a certain confidence,
    • people, if we want to be effective. Above all we must be clear that we
    • must know that we have nothing whatsoever to hope for from that quarter for
    • regard we must as teachers become artists. Just as it is quite impossible
    • at them as we went along. I must put this in the form of a paradox. Your
    • becoming — this is what must sustain the teacher, for
    • must quickly cast off our narrower, personal selves like a snake's skin,
    • around with us. As teachers we must train ourselves to lay aside these
    • astral out- breathing. Only we must have a certain sense for dynamics, if
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture II: The Three Fundamental Forces in EducatioN
    Matching lines:
    • unfold in quite different ways. We must distinguish accurately between the
    • the female organism) must also be given our close attention in education
    • not retarded before the fourteenth year. This you must not take to mean
    • human organism, the counter pressure is greater. For this reason they must
    • — these are the two hidden, fundamental forces that must
    • this they must have, or they would remain imperfect, not perceiving the
    • would like to draw your attention to a fact that must have our particular
    • from within man, what must be warded off continuously, what is damned back
    • that man may become Man. We must naturally keep in mind that the teachers
    • is rising up out of man, what must first be transformed to become human.
    • Luciferic enthusiasm that alone is acknowledged today. In sum, we must come
    • must work more out of an inner disposition, the musician more out of a
    • must express this more drastically than it really is, but in this
    • that something, striving to manifest in the etheric body of man, must be
    • exposed to things from which we must actually be shielding him through our
    • sense how unsatisfactory it must always be to make use of conventional
    • is something we must learn. We have to learn to carry in us something of
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture III: Spiritual Knowledge of Man as the Fount of Educational Art
    Matching lines:
    • that becomes the property of our soul because we have eyes. We must now
    • organism upwards. And you must now combine this with what I said in the
    • certain healthy balance must be maintained. If you have too much of it, the
    • must now do this or that with Johnnie Smith' — or 'This
    • You have to understand these things. But you must also understand that the
    • that can throw light on the whole of life, must take place in miniature in
    • must take in the study of man, understand the study of man through
    • spirit; the art of education comes about. It must, be a conviction, a frame
    • must see the human being in such a way that you constantly feel these three
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture IV: The Art of Education Consists of Bringing Into Balance the Physical and Spiritual Nature of the Developing Human Being
    Matching lines:
    • melody in a single tone. You must characterise it from different sides.
    • means, for example, that the ego must not enter the physical body, etheric
    • body and astral body too deeply, but that on the other hand it must neither
    • organisation. That we must avoid. Through our education we must try to
    • — then one must strive to prevent this tendency to
    • recollect music, his musical, memory. These are the means we must use when
    • singing, then we must try to guide him to practise more spontaneous
    • and metre in the language. As a teacher one must acquire this as an art and
    • which we must acquire, we have gained the impression that through an
    • bubble over a little in this way, then we must try something different. And
    • all this must be integrated within the curriculum. One must start at the
    • must permeate history with ideas, must show the great connections. Thus,
    • himself. And they must be part of all that we relate to by becoming aware
    • nature. It must be admitted that embryological science is rather
    • other. But it must always be interesting to us to study in a child the
    • place within the head, you must approach them with the feelings of a
    • the rest of the organism undergoes, you must feel yourself a musician doing
    • must take note of the change in the child's manner of moving. These
    • ) and one must
    • fashion, but even in a less radical form we as teachers and educators must
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Social Understanding: Lecture II: Social Understanding Through Spiritual Scientific Knowledge
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    • or spiritual realm we must speak of subsensible as well as supersensible
    • forces. So we must imagine that there are also subsensible forces here
    • must not take these things in a purely theoretical way, of course. As
    • with the practical matter of the evolution of mankind. They must be put
    • the children to do all kinds of sums by counting balls. Nothing must go
    • the child afresh each time, how he has to be taught; it must be man's own
    • must pay attention to the way things have to be said, to the way things
    • too, has to be replaced by more consciousness. People must achieve the art
    • that everything must stay exactly the same when it changes. Make no mistake
    • must change where their comfort is concerned.
    • absolutely pertinent to life. What we must realise is that we have
  • Title: Buddha and the Two Boys: Lecture I: Buddha and the Two Boys of Jesus
    Matching lines:
    • must always remember, is not easy to grasp and to present so simply. The
    • special beings, which must be formed in such a way that the currents could
    • one can get the right information why the two genealogies are and must be
    • of the same in himself. One must not believe that it is the same Jesus of
  • Title: Buddha and the Two Boys: Lecture II: The Gospels, Buddha and the Two Boys of Jesus
    Matching lines:
    • compassion and love. If we want to understand this, we must tell ourselves
    • We must not be short-sighted like today's science, which believes that the
    • Anything that happens in human evolution must
    • develops from the earlier, but fertilization occurs. Something else must
    • the most manifold circumstances and currents must now flow
    • ancestors must lie in such a way that all these individual members express
  • Title: Lecture: Art As A Bridge Between The Sensible And The Supersensible
    Matching lines:
    • purpose that exists for the human beings of the future. We must strive
    • for this “hastening.” We must strive for it
    • simply in order to gain a feeling for true social life. We must learn to
    • rights-genius. We must learn to stand within what is encompassed by the
  • Title: Raphael's Mission in the Light of the Science of the Spirit
    Matching lines:
    • must appear outwardly so frightful for us, resurrects inwardly
    • to be gained from forces connected only with the earth. We must
    • approach of the human being. To speak metaphorically, we must
    • in natural existence, we can come to feel how something must be
    • its whole disposition, — one that must have gone through epochs
    • Entering in feeling into the way in which Raphael himself must have
    • What must a soul feel in creating in this manner? It cannot be
    • feelings must first have arisen in the soul. Even so, what has
    • painter Raphael we have a soul that must already have brought
    • together, so must the various Time Spirits work together,
    • the other wall we see the picture that must remain
    • future — this internalizing must necessarily also progress
  • Title: Leonardo's Spiritual Stature: Lecture
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    • What must indeed at one time have spoken to human beings from
    • heartbeat of the twelve figures must have come to expression.
    • features that betray much of what Leonardo must have felt in
    • sum total of life forces must have belonged to this human being
    • anything — how must he have taken leave of the
    • Leonardo must have gone from this picture with the bitter
    • No, we cannot view such a soul in this way! We must
    • regard to the evolution of humanity we must at all times feel
  • Title: Fairy Tales: in the light of Spiritual Investigation
    Matching lines:
    • spiritual research often described by me must follow
    • processes, it must be said, are connected with one's own being.
    • “knowing” self. It is your loyal helper. You must
    • also be coming into my land, and you must help me against them
  • Title: The Worldview of Herman Grimm in Relation to Spiritual Science
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    • investigation, how closely allied to him must those feel who
    • seek paths to the spirit! What kinship to him must they feel,
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 1
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    • And one must only remember a second thing.
    • century — we must realize that they are the recent products of
    • must find the spirit in the symbols.
    • transubstantiation at the altar, Jesus Christ must be present in the
    • Sanctissimum, in the Host. The transubstantiation must really
    • ago, we must go back, not to the times of the second imperialism, but
    • Nevertheless, the spiritual must be present here in the physical
    • world. That means that spiritual reality must exist alongside
    • physical reality. The human being must move around here within the
    • physical reality, and recognize a spiritual reality, must speak of it
    • which must be established among us.
    • which has nothing of the old in it, can find room. The old must first
    • speech thrown overboard, and something completely new must enter,
    • on earth. For in that empire a reality must exist: “My kingdom
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 2
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    • beings amongst the visible people on earth. First must come the age
    • of platitudes which must, however, be recognized as such. Then the
    • one must direct one's attention toward the birth of a new spiritual
    • This knowledge must dawn especially on the peoples of the west. The
    • moment of realization must come when we can no longer defend all that
    • That moment of truth must dawn.
    • at present we must be immersed in the element of the platitude.
    • peoples. But once again we must keep the historical context in mind.
    • when realities must be closely observed and revealed.
    • people under a more or less unified faith, must always reinforce its
    • which it arose, but must cease now.
    • This must however be prepared in the correct
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 3
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    • involved must remain. They want to continue to exercise their
    • him. That is what must be striven for, to take the facts into
    • spirituality must penetrate into the depths of human life. And
    • situation in life one must do this or that. They generalize. But it
    • to in the second stage, must not continue into the third stage. People
    • But we must perceive that this concept of
    • the state must take the same road the concept of the Church has
    • traveled. It must be realized: If we retain this concept of the state
    • visible institution, that the essence of religion must take root in
    • therefore it must remain forever. The feminist movement thinks like
    • human evolution. Now I come to what I mention before about what must
    • and fraternity. What must accompany them is the awareness that life
    • we create must of necessity also cease to exist, because the death
    • and must be continuously transformed, must pass through death and be
    • mired in platitudes must be to see the social organism as something
    • the cultivation of a true spiritual life must be poured into this
    • longer has any meaning, we must absorb real substantial content into
    • our psychological and social life. We must be clear about the fact
    • that this either/or must be decided by each individual for him or her
    • self and that each must participate in this decision with his most
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture I: Anthroposophy and Natural Science
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    • science must submit. We are experiencing a fruitful time of
    • up for me specially, and it must surely find an image which all
    • mathematical understanding to it. Here one must differentiate:
    • phenomena; this is the only world and this must also be the
    • Anthroposophy must see an important evolutionary principle in
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture II: The Human and the Animal Organisation
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    • must be pointed out in particular how the present
    • we have a sense of hearing. In other words, we must, if we
    • had been spoken as well as hearing inarticulate sounds. We must
    • quite different. Further, we must speak about a sense of
    • call it movement or rest. Likewise, we must speak about a sense
    • about. It is believed, for instance, that Anthroposophy must
    • the spiritual; it is believed that Anthroposophy must from this
    • Haeckelism must be changed out of natural scientific
    • we must try to clarify the problem from the other side, what
    • animal must experience equilibrium in quite a different way
    • must — for anthroposophy it is a definite but here I want to
    • present it more as a hypothesis — we must see in the human
    • hand we must regard thoughts of a particular imaginative form,
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture III: Anthroposophy and Philosophy
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    • must be won by natural science.’ So we see how Spencer searched
    • Logos must be something which is not merely something thought,
    • Logos, must be penetrated with the creative principle of the
    • world. The Logos must be “God before the creation of the
    • content of our own philosophic striving, who must now become so
    • embracing must spread over all of mankind — to find
    • is what the science in the Middle must basically come to after
    • believes this then it is a misunderstanding. However, I must
    • bridge between West and East, and this task must stand before
    • This gives Anthroposophy the following task. How must we,
    • side, which must encompass all of reality, and that which we
    • call science on the other side, which also must encompass the
    • entirety of reality? Briefly, the problem must be raised
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture IV: Anthroposophy and Pedagogy
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    • steps towards supersensible research must be striven for, and
    • is what must be especially treasured in the pedagogic didactic
    • school, for the educational institute or its equivalent, must
    • Here it must be stressed again: while Anthroposophy doesn't
    • insight into the whole human being must prove in practice.
    • which are common practice in science must — obviously
    • must be introduced in a growing way, that it can gradually be
    • of a soul-spiritual nature we give the child must also contain
    • powers of growth, powers of transformation; that means we must
    • have been brought to such a great blossoming, we must take up
    • the adult and the child's world must be discovered again, and to
    • about these means which have entered in modern times; they must
    • than any other art. This works on a subconscious level. We must
    • must have the courage to say: ‘Thank goodness that these
    • account that music must appear early in education while this
    • you must first examine what the child has actually done because
    • place. Therefore, we must obtain a completely different way to
    • must be transformed in the pedagogic-didactic experience so the
    • teacher, standing in front of the children, must say to
    • unravel, which I must level out in the path of my life.
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture V: Anthroposophy and Social Science
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    • must speak about the threefold divisions of the social organism
    • misunderstandings are phenomena of our time. However, I must be
    • not historical and one must say: the conditions in the
    • civilised world fall into chaos. Obviously one must express
    • utopianism already in its third potency, but one must be clear
    • how labour and suchlike must be formed; I gave at most some
    • older, into which new impulses must flow, of which the
    • they believe these ideas must always have the same validity. It
    • Today it must again be grasped that a new understanding must be
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture VI: Anthroposophy and Theology
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    • researcher confronts natural science, he must say to himself,
    • if he is sufficiently unprejudiced: everything in the mind must
    • through the ordinary, healthy human mind, because this must
    • Anthroposophy must free people, because it claims that
    • to listen and this people don't want these days, so one must
    • With Catholics I must say: Obviously it is possible for a good
    • must be of help with its methods. I can only briefly
    • godly-Father experience, then he will realise he must go
    • the supersensible but that religion must remain preserved, that
    • which he must give a spiritual content; yet he remains with
    • Movement has already anticipated what after all must enter into
    • how you present it. We must add that you speak to people
    • development; all of that must first be searched for and
  • Title: Impulse of Renewal: Lecture VII: Anthroposophy and the Science of Speech
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    • speech scientifically, then one must be clear that it is not as
    • when sensing his human dignity, must say to himself: you must
    • obey a law which penetrates you, you must devote yourself to
    • today, it was essentially something different. We must clearly
    • must first make this experience lively if you want to
    • understand the content of older words. We must realise that
    • live in the German language today we must live into those forms
    • you must observe it in such a way that you live within the
    • scientific character which assumes that first of all one must
    • possible, then it must be answered: Certainly it is apparent
    • that Anthroposophy in the course of its evolution must stick
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 1
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    • undermined — must be imbued, especially in this School.
    • But a center must exist from out of which this deepening
    • must be clear from the very beginning that it is not animosity
    • of the spirit. We must also clearly recognize that the
    • received with all earnestness. For this — I must say it
    • School. This must be gradually corrected. For it is only
    • matter itself demands this. And on the other hand, we must
    • All this, my dear friends, must be kept in mind.
    • first and foremost thing to be observed in this School must of
    • information about many divine aspects of the world. So we must
    • what we might feel to be a kind of privation, we must
    • and sternness: We must first make ourselves truly human, warm
    • revelation can rise in us. We must say to ourselves: If we
    • speaks, telling us how we should be and what we must set aside
    • darkness for human knowledge, from which the light must be born
    • which tells us what we are and were and will be; then we must
    • know that the first thing to come from the darkness that must
    • must be clear to us that we must take seriously all that comes
    • existence must be fathomed from all that acts and works in the
    • real knowledge must be fathomed from what is revealed in the
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 2
    Matching lines:
    • world, we must also bear in mind that the person of normal
    • it is the case, my dear friends, that we must always keep in
    • beings. And we must therefore be quite clear about the
    • attitude of soul. Therefore we must deeply feel the second
    • sensation which over and over again tells us how we must
    • which is to become light-filled, which must become light to us
    • you must beware of the abyss;
    • must be quite clear, my dear friends, that bravery in acquiring
    • Your burning thirst for knowledge must subdue him.
    • weak and cannot rise to enthusiasm. True knowledge must outgrow
    • Your creative knowledge must make it yield.
    • must find the courage and the fire to bring activity to our
    • Such sensations can lead to feeling what we must activate in
    • But the humor must then be serious. When we compare earnestness
    • we will only be able to recognize what must be cultivated in
    • human figure. You must imagine this related to thinking. A
    • is true, and esoteric knowledge must hold to the truth.
    • lost. Thinking has become dead. And we must heed the message of
    • you must beware of the abyss;
    • we want to enter the spiritual world this feeling must rise up
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 3
    Matching lines:
    • Therefore the following must be said: When man makes his
    • illusion. Therefore the first thing one must learn in order to
    • what is experienced in the physical world. One must acquire
    • is quite different in the spiritual world. You must first grow
    • into the spiritual world. For the spiritual world you must
    • wants to follow feeling one must ask: Where are you now? When
    • almost imperceptible. So one must achieve the ability to
    • strongly before the soul's inner vision. And this honesty must
    • Upon entering the spiritual world we must have become
    • is and what they must become for us to be able to step across
    • that we eat and drink , that we see and hear, must something be
    • physically, he must also commit with his soul to the leading
    • Just as I must say that for physical health your blood must
    • circulate in the correct way, your breathing must be in order, I
    • must also advise the person who wishes to stand correctly in
    • the spiritual world, that his soul must follow, be sustained
    • Thus, you have the manner in which you must stand within the
    • mere semblance. We must submerge in this semblance fully
    • you wish to make it into a true mantram however, you must take
    • third element we must plunge into is willing. And the Guardian
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  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 4
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    • Guardian of the Threshold. And we must understand this meeting
    • gods' thoughts are imparted to you by human words. But it must
    • soul. You must meet the words which I direct to you on behalf
    • willing. You must receive these words with all your soul's
    • enthusiasm, all its inner warmth, all its inner fire. You must
    • must be taken seriously is that in the moment that we accept
    • in order to be a true esotericist one must also be able to do
    • esoteric is said, it must be possible to separate thinking from
    • must develop feelings and will-impulses apart from those
    • of feeling, must come from somewhere else if it does not come
    • we must be clear about the fact that when one speaks correctly
    • words. The esotericist must also use words, for he must speak.
    • must first live and weave wordlessly in the soul before it can
    • Therefore, in the esoteric we must go back from what words mean
    • must be aware that our humanity is split within us. Then we
    • must move close to the gods in feeling and, halfway there,
    • consciousness. Outside, they must be held together by the gods.
    • For this, however, we must enter the divine being. And we must
    • grow together with the world. We must learn to develop a sense
    • Concretely, meaning honestly, one must overcome many inner
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 5
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    • that, my dear friends, is exactly what must be made clear -
    • this chasm must be bridged. For this chasm, only the exterior
    • bridge over this must be built. We must, in a sense, merge with
    • nature. We must stop saying to ourselves: Out there is nature,
    • with these words, words which must be understood anew in every
    • age: Nature must appear as divine, and the human must be a
    • magical being. What does it mean, that nature must be able to
    • Nature must be able to appear as divine. The way it appears to
    • must see how the awakened consciousness presents nature.
    • one point, and we must hold them quite far apart in order to
    • must be very conscious of the fact that in the Guardian of the
    • beings are in the light. One must imagine that in this
    • elements of the earth's being. This is something which must be
    • see, light must, in a sense, have a moral effect. And we must
    • becomes clear that the light is real and must wage a hard
    • forces which have moral power over us. And we humans must
    • and between which one must find equilibrium, harmony, in
    • impulses which can derive from such words must be forcefully
    • received by thinking and one must learn to feel when dealing
    • Then we must do our best to understand, with spiritual
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  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 6
    Matching lines:
    • one's gaze wander over this exterior world. One must advance to
    • rather must one return to what is revealed between them.
    • and in order to use it in his own organism it must be
    • around us and at the same time within us, so that we must
    • around at the world, but we must feel, experience what is in us
    • must be transformed into the feeling of awakening to humanity.
    • Fear of animality must be transformed into the courage to raise
    • yourself to humanity. The feeling of vegetable lameness must be
    • This is the exhortation the Guardian gives to man: He must be
    • we fear our own self which, however, must be transformed into
    • Transform in courage of soul you must.
    • Transform in courage of soul you must.
    • Your selfhood's lameness must
    • Your selfhood's lameness must
    • by freezing, must inspire us to the contrary - to create
    • Must give way to spirit-fire.
    • them how man must be aware of his kinship with the three
    • must be aware of his animality and the animals in his
    • How he must be aware of his own plant nature and therewith the
    • water-element. How he must be aware of his own mineral kingdom,
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 7
    Matching lines:
    • several esoteric circles. All these esoteric circles must be
    • renewal which has taken place must be clearly grasped, my dear
    • friends, and above all it must be grasped with deep
    • three classes, the same freedom must of course apply as it does
    • must also apply for the Executive Council at the Goetheanum
    • effect of reflecting on anthroposophy in the world; and it must
    • the anthroposophical movement. The relationship must be
    • members of this School must know that they must adapt to those
    • it must be an inner obligation to consider the Executive
    • entity. This is not generally understood. So something must be
    • taking the School seriously must lead to the cancellation of
    • destructive in an occult movement. There must be no illusions
    • about this; it must be completely clear. It is not a question
    • also “human imprint”; one must translate the words
    • it is a mirror image of the heavenly universe. You must look
    • naively appears physically to be.) In looking up you must
    • thinking is only capable of understanding the earthly - we must
    • we must let the Guardian's next words work upon us with great
    • we must use the will just as we use it when moving an arm or a
    • mantric verse is built thus. And we must be aware of this inner
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 8
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    • members of our Free School for Spiritual Science must be aware
    • who have never heard it, so I must emphasize it once again.
    • Anthroposophical Society must be held strictly separate.
    • Anthroposophical Society must itself be anthroposophy. Since
    • Christmas the Anthroposophical Society must occupy itself with
    • anthroposophy. Every single act must have an esoteric
    • measure, a measure which must be thought of as coming directly
    • must be an administration. But that is not what it considers to
    • Society is therewith given. And it must be clear that from now
    • members must believe or agree to were not presented;
    • is a minor thing, but I must emphasize it: every member is
    • must also stress that it must be clear to the members - I
    • Goetheanum must really come from the Goetheanum. Therefore, the
    • Anthroposophical Society must be clearly understood by the
    • the leadership of the School must also be free to determine
    • it must be possible for the leadership of the School to either
    • is already a member, to say that his membership must be
    • revoked. This must be strictly observed in this future, so that
    • must take one step after the other and there has been much to
    • Something else to be mentioned is that the School must be
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  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 9
    Matching lines:
    • The answer to this must be: most people don't want to
    • only spiritual beings in the spiritual world, and they must be
    • desires to understand in the right way must do so inwardly.
    • understood to inner life. Whoever wishes to do this must decide
    • forces and it must find its own equilibrium, at that moment the
    • sensory-organ. But we must, if we want to experience the human
    • my warmth; one must say: I enlighten myself by thinking through
    • to our souls. For this we must not concentrate on the elements,
    • rather must we concentrate on what pulls the planets that
    • they must be again joined together. Here on the earth man does
    • strong inner determination, with our own forces, we must bring
    • doing this we must experience thinking, feeling and willing in
    • must look up to the stars and with devotion say to ourselves:
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 10
    Matching lines:
    • individual must find the way to understanding what it means to
    • its physical elements? We must deeply feel our relationship to
    • must rhythmically flow through the soul again and again, for it
    • this excursion into the outer universe. But these feelings must
    • Only you must
    • speech of the heart, we must correctly feel how, firstly,
    • earth's darkness. We must sense how a moment of extinguishing
    • esoteric path. And we must be clear that as we experience these
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 11
    Matching lines:
    • humanity must become objectively present in him in the most
    • it becomes esoteric. Therefore in meditation we must
    • the image of the cosmos. But man must be intimately conscious
    • organizations. He must be clear about what takes place in his
    • activity on earth: our thinking. And so we must imagine:
    • Therefore we must imagine that just as the sublimity of
    • It resounds majestically from all sides. That is what we must
    • Each of these verses must be felt as being threefold in
    • must be conscious of this. Just as we hear in the first verse
    • here we must answer with the deed, with what flows from the
    • will. We must not “speak”, not
    • “resound”, here we must “create”.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 12
    Matching lines:
    • been said that understanding must exist for true spiritual
    • that we must understand that the person who is able to transmit
    • such knowledge from the spiritual world must approach the
    • envisioning is only an image. It must lead to a real experience
    • mustering the intimate mindfulness necessary for perceiving
    • profile]. When speaking is sensed so that it must be moved here
    • partly must be imagined as resounding to us from out of the
    • distant universe – we must experience this situation
    • We must feel the world's weaving movement continued in the
    • Therefore the experience of this mantra must be
    • I, then we must experience it together with the beings from the
    • we must also enter the realm of the higher hierarchies. Then we
    • must hear the speech of the higher
    • attitude. We must seek this mental attitude above all. For
    • inner consecration must be there if the meditation is to
    • this – that in esoteric life truth, absolute truth must
    • path. And we must necessarily bring together everything related
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 13
    Matching lines:
    • You must, my dear sisters and brothers, adopt these
    • the earth-organization – because it must be conscious
    • What I have just said must be felt. We must learn to
    • All this we must translate into feeling. We must
    • make a great discovery. And at some point humanity must make
    • Now I must indicate something to you, my dear sisters
    • earth – a super-sensible process. We must be aware of
    • In the second part of the mantra we must be aware of
    • Something else is necessary which must be taken into
    • routine of everyday life. He must do so because between birth
    • and death he is an earthly being. He must always return to
    • But we must always remember that knowledge
    • the world of maya, will not deliver it to us, that we must
    • you must first forcefully conquer
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 14
    Matching lines:
    • physical world. He must say to himself: As wonderful as it
    • must be overcome. And in a graphic image one sees how his
    • realize ever more that the human being must become different
    • indicate how the human being must comport himself when faced
    • something of the reality of the spiritual world, he must do
    • deformities when carried to an extreme. Of course it must be
    • initiation. But he must know how, in two ways, he
    • we are a Self within the warmth. It all ends. We must meet
    • The Guardian of the Threshold must call out to him: You may not
    • fire, air. When you return to the physical world you must
    • contemptuous of ordinary consciousness. That you must not do.
    • we must resolve to live in the world, be it the earthly, be
    • willing, we must pay attention to what extent earthly inclinations
    • It must be perfectly clear that the human being may not carry
    • the state of mind applicable to this side. Rather must he
    • one. For he must feel: the inner self tends to waver to
    • Lucifer, and to Ahriman. One must keep this in mind during
    • For the earth element the meditation must therefore contain:
    • The Human heart must answer. If it is motivated by Christ, it
    • elements. All that we consume for nourishment must first
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 15
    Matching lines:
    • nobility; that we must seek it in a world separated from our
    • humanity; we are really within it, that must be emphasized.
    • that as long as we are earthly beings we must always return
    • We must let such things resonate in our souls so that
    • We must let what is active in the soul be what is
    • possible for the soul. We must not only expose ourselves to
    • Ahriman. In meditation we must imagine ourselves in this
    • Today we must review this situation again. We must
    • standing among the three kingdoms of nature. We must also
    • kingdoms of nature. Just as we must learn to be physical
    • beings among other physical beings, so must we learn to be
    • be among them. When we are in the spirit-soul world, it must
    • the magical force of the Guardian's voice, must resound
    • process”? We must feel each word exactly if a mantric
    • Seraphim, we will not sense how a force must awaken in our
    • gradually gets lighter. That is how it must be. We must try
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 16
    Matching lines:
    • present, I must say at least a few words about the meaning of
    • I will put it briefly. This School must be
    • must be regarded as serious in the highest degree.
    • reciprocity. The leadership of the School must be free to
    • And I must again emphasize that this measure will have to be
    • We must never despise the grandeur and awesome
    • beauty of all that surrounds us, which we must acknowledge;
    • we must go forward step by step in the world and be able to
    • must say to yourself: the inner source of my being is to be
    • before us. We must cross over this abyss. The Guardian stands
    • there warning us that we must be mature in order to cross
    • the following procedure must be observed: not the person who
    • everywhere. We must recognize it as the all-pervading
    • element. We must immerse ourselves in it as the all-pervading
    • us. In order to live we must generate a certain amount of
    • speak, then the reminding words must resound together from
    • We must feel ourselves completely within this
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 17
    Matching lines:
    • which one must first attain for true knowledge of the
    • sisters and brothers, and you must put yourself correctly in the
    • We must pass through such images. And if they work deeply into
    • My dear friends, I must remind you of something I said upon the
    • outside and be organized in a different way. Therefore, I must
    • What has been the rule from the beginning must be continued. The
    • managed must be maintained. Again and again letters are arriving
    • letters must be regarded as containing their own rejection.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 18
    Matching lines:
    • And then — impelled from within — we must turn our
    • heart may resonate with it, we must feel ourselves to be within
    • the greatest illusion. We must know that we are giving names to
    • They must breathe life into feeling. And with
    • the good forces of the deep must be drawn up high, so all the
    • sensory being must be heard by means of initiation-science. Human
    • beings must experience it. And soon the time will come —
    • must feel deeply.
    • You must first forcefully seize
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 19
    Matching lines:
    • We must be aware that the true “I
    • if we wish to say “I am” worthily, we must
    • am” within us, we must hear the Cosmic-Word. So we
    • must listen to the Guardian of the Threshold's question:
    • The cosmic Spirit-Word must speak. Thoughts
    • We must form a picture which is otherwise
    • often repeated, must be strictly observed. Such a School
    • earnestness by its own character, must also be treated with
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XX (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • for the first time, the meaning of the School must be explained
    • of the Anthroposophical Society must be the Esoteric School.
    • they must be realized with utmost earnestness. In this way,
    • follow it, but not that everyone must follow it, rather
    • existence: O man, know thyself! Yes, this desire must awaken.
    • We must seek: Where are the sources of what lives in the human
    • first, we must observe the surroundings that have been given
    • us. We must look around at all the little things we have been
    • answer must come to the question: O man, know thyself!
    • the abyss unprepared. We must follow his admonitions if we wish
    • being and that we must seek beyond the yawning abyss of
    • we must wait until it becomes dark here in the sunlit radiant
    • human being the true darkness; that we must seek there, in the
    • must first recognize this before we can become aware, in real
    • Yes, you must beware of the abyss;
    • Your flame for knowledge must subdue him.
    • Your creative knowledge must make it yield.
    • However, in each case permission to pass on these words must be
    • not a mere administrative measure, but must be the basis for
    • every passing on of the words that permission must be granted
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXI (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • words. Therefore, I must insist that if the new members receive
    • conditions for membership in the School. So now we must
    • in earthly life must become dark in order for the light which
    • we must pass through knowledge of that self, which is the
    • Yet you must beware of the abyss;
    • Your burning thirst for knowledge must subdue him.
    • To creative knowledge must it yield.
    • Yet you must beware of the abyss;
    • Your burning thirst for knowledge must subdue him.
    • To creative knowledge must it yield.
    • must place what this thinking really is before our souls in
    • must have first transfigured it. The corpse lies in the coffin.
    • must see and feel how normal feeling, which we believe is alive
    • must also say that the verses, which are given as mantric
    • permission must be requested in each case from either Dr.
    • movement must be based on reality from now on. And this
    • occult axiom, which must be observed.
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXII (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • self-knowledge, and which must be followed if the exhortation
    • must live in these words, which are mantrically united in this
    • must carry this out, as the Guardian of the Threshold indicates
    • want to localize our will. We must feel ourselves one with the
    • our feeling. We must feel the divine godly powers, who send
    • vertical, feel it bound below and freed above, we must be able
    • However, in all that streams through us we must be loving. The
    • below, the Word is above. We must be inwardly courageous to
    • must look above if our thinking wants to unite itself with the
    • where we must feel ourselves to be if our feeling wants to
    • we must look to insert our earthbound willing, which we should
    • is special Being. We must feel it. The Guardian of the
    • hardness, the hardening cold. We must find the path between
    • must seek for the path. The Guardian urges us to do so. It will
    • Guardian once more points out how we must seek the path to
    • points out the ways we can go astray — which we must know
    • now we must again consider, looking back at earthly life
    • — which we must do every time we enter the esoteric
    • which must be felt so that the gestures are understood as:
    • one who gives them. This must be said as a foregone
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXIII (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • time, and I must remind the members who are to give the
    • must to do so under the conditions which I will mention at the
    • thinking is rooted above. We must know it to be so rooted if we
    • find that we must remain erect. And we must know that we are
    • But we must seek the state of equilibrium between them —
    • then when we consider our feeling, we must see — in that
    • lose our Selves in the cold. We must find the equilibrium
    • the ahrimanic powers wish to seduce us with coldness. We must
    • Then, when we observe our willing, we must look below. There is
    • use our will forces in the cosmos. We must hold our Self erect,
    • ourselves in the substance of darkness. We must strive for what
    • head. But it must be permeated with darkness, otherwise your
    • but the powers of darkness must press up from the soil so that
    • is found, so must the human being strive psychically for it in
    • border of the dark realm, into which we must go so that there
    • human being must learn to feel in this way in respect to the
    • spirit-soul organism of the world. We must connect in the right
    • way to the spirit-soul organism of the world and must know that
    • we must learn to feel that our bodily nature — for it is
    • is isolated from fluid, as ice is from water.  We must
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXIV (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • a member of this School must necessarily know.
    • feeling and thinking. It must be a shattering experience for us
    • the spiritualized person must have existed beforehand in what
    • if we devote ourselves unilaterally to it, how we must seek our
    • nothingness; that we must find willing in the Middle Way.
    • — which the human being must tread if he wants to follow
    • into the living essence of thinking. For this we must be
    • must only seize the gold — which the Guardian of the
    • which we must fly over, because with earthly feet we cannot
    • night-cloaked darkness is still before us. But we must enter
    • night-cloaked, cold darkness. Out of it warmth must come to us,
    • out of it must come light which illumines our own Self, which
    • you have returned you must adhere to the laws of the earth.
    • dreaming within the earthly environment. You must reserve the
    • You must practice deep, inner, intimate modesty, always wanting
    • The fear you feel of self you must
    • must go through this by letting the mantric verse work on us.
    • We must, if we wish to enter into the essential element of the
    • must, my dear sisters and brothers, come to the point where we
    • realize that our thinking is at first animal-like. We must
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXV (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • Once again, I must say that the introduction about the
    • must request that those of you who were already here and have
    • must find the way past the Guardian of the Threshold, who has
    • must be clear to us that in the moment — and we have come
    • must have the courage to expand and intensify the Self, the I,
    • three lines must be strengthened by concentrating on these
    • to cross over the abyss of being, we must endeavor to
    • when we walk or stand, when our will pervades us. We must
    • thought, as though it were being pushed out. We must sense the
    • we must also bring the feelings to the heart when we are in the
    • which must be conceived of in a way that we can say —
    • at this point we must get used to concentrating on a line in
    • This line must read as follows: “And feeling becomes your
    • must, my dear sisters and brothers, by practicing this, try to
    • must create the feeling that we are not speaking ourselves, but
    • happens permission must be received either from Dr. Wegman or
    • other person, permission must be obtained from Dr. Wegman or
    • them should ask. So, if one wants to have the verses, he must
    • they must be burned. We must really observe the occult rules.
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXVI (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • arbitrariness called “human ideals”; rather must
    • reign. It is in its beginnings. But Michael's impulses must
    • be rightful members of this School must accept this in their
    • lives with the deepest sincerity. They must feel that they
    • School must be taken.
    • here within the School it must be repeatedly said: in
    • and at least the esoteric members of the Esoteric School must
    • whether this is the case or not must lie with the School's
    • freedom. The School's leadership must also have its freedom and
    • must be agreed upon. In no other way could esoteric development
    • These are things which must be considered in connection with
    • the firm structure that this School must have. Therefore, these
    • things must be said, because if they are not observed, one
    • these things must live in the members' hearts. And worthiness,
    • profound worthiness must reign in all that is bound even in
    • him; but it must be for each individual case, that is, for each
    • person to whom the verses are to be given, that permission must
    • valid.  But permission must again be requested for each
    • occult rule that must be strictly adhered to. For every act of
    • the School must be connected to the School's leadership: and
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture I: The True Form of the Social Question
    Matching lines:
    • enter our present time in full consciousness, it must be
    • from the nature of goods. People must realise — and here
    • but will spread out immensely. The real life-practitioners must
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture II: Comparisons at Solving the Social Question based on Life's Realities
    Matching lines:
    • social organism — at least must take part in the work of
    • must be a natural threefold organism.
    • must come to an end. The examination of the social organism
    • must come into existence first — in as far as it must be
    • Regarding this particular point the assumption must be clear in
    • to the social organism. The social organism must be considered
    • One must be able to distinguish between the natural human
    • a third member which must be placed independently from the
    • outer world, the second system which must exist in the social
    • member of the social organisation must be — I will in the
    • system must exist and that is the relationship between one
    • separate branches of life, which must step in between economic
    • political laws of life must be acknowledged for their need to
    • must be active in order for cooperation within economic life,
    • separate, and private law and criminal law must be included in
    • That sounds radical today. Such radicalism must be expressed as
    • not yet clear. I must say I can understand every objection
    • This must take place in relation to the real understanding of
    • evolutionary elements in humanity must take this up, not as an
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture III: Fanaticism Versus a Real Conception of Life in Social Thinking and Willing
    Matching lines:
    • things introduced into the present where their solutions must
    • this view of life as something which must emerge, as something
    • representing their opinion; the modern proletariat must impress
    • must have seen how even the most difficult, seen from other
    • fanaticism — one must always speak freely from the heart
    • to spiritual culture must develop; as a second independent
    • independent basis, must be placed alongside the rest of the
    • social organism. It must be placed by itself, it must be placed
    • member of the social organism must have its centre in the free
    • individuality. Everything flowing into this must come from the
    • spiritual faculties must have free evolutionary possibilities
    • but must however be withheld from influencing the remaining
    • in the real life than: Many, many people must work for him.
    • Spiritual life must exist in a relative independent way, must
    • not submit only to one's inner freedom but must stand within
    • spiritual element must be born in the human soul in the light
    • It must be able to reveal itself in full freedom, as a result
    • must be considered precisely, against economic life. The result
    • into it, in order for a social organism to be lively; it must
    • human events and so on, of profession and trade, so must on the
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture IV: The Evolution of Social Thinking and Willing and Life's Circumstances for Current Humanity
    Matching lines:
    • two mentioned social classes. So it must come about as we will
    • must be addressed in these lectures. Among these various ways
    • being something which has to have life, which must live through
    • order to be a reality, must have oppositions within itself.
    • the state life on the other side, which must be joined by the
    • as possible. Goods must be offered for consumption if the
    • based on this. On this the healing of the social organism must
    • stripped off. They must become purely economic serving entities
    • Beside the economic life the political life must stand, which
    • which must be based more on democracy because the state life
    • social insight must take place. Whatever is to be created must
    • democratic common wealth which must orientate the exchanges of
    • only be performed for others. What other people produce must be
    • proletarian worker must live from the proceeds of his labour.
    • retains the function it must get according to the truthful
    • Judicial life must always refer to the natural altruistic
    • breathing-circulatory systems must work together, and the
    • absorbed, so there must be cooperation, a mutual interaction of
    • their judge in connection with criminal and private law must be
    • conclusion that each of these areas must have a certain
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture V: The Social Will as the Basis Towards a New, Scientific Procedure
    Matching lines:
    • nature of development it must prepare the form of the social
    • certain extent one must be allied in one's own will with the
    • learn. They must learn to think that they actually can't
    • proceed if they think: ‘What must happen in order to withdraw
    • of the social question, that the spiritual aspect must take a
    • themselves. If I want to briefly express what I mean, I must
    • must surely allow the observer to notice that within this
    • one must ask oneself.
    • member of the social question, one must say: The tendency of
    • development for the spiritual life must be denationalized in
    • direction belongs directly to what must be considered
    • — it must also happen here or there on a daily basis
    • state we must see as something which in recent times has grown
    • state life. The social will must gradually develop towards the
    • near future. Today however we must ask: How can labour be
    • this is how it must be done when the power of labour is to be
    • I say to you: ‘We must place people in such a division in the
    • only want to say how humanity must become members of the social
    • must orientate the formation of prices, which has actual worth
    • circles of the legal life. The life of rights must develop
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture VI: What Significance does Work have for the Modern Proletarian?
    Matching lines:
    • because of this foundation, while the other one must create the
    • world must consider regarding dignity?’
    • Isn't it typical that those who know about these things must
    • clarity must be created in relation to the manner and way in
    • must be raised which in any case rises out of the Marxist
    • intense manner. It must be asked: Can human labour ever really
    • One can add further: it must be in such a way that human labour
    • each item of goods must have the possibility through its value,
    • That a remedy must be found, as everyone with insight must find
    • How would this great cooperative be set up? Here one must take
    • — that of the modern state. The modern state itself must
    • of view than what is habitually done: one must look at it from
    • power of labour must be adhered to by all people.
    • last remnants from Barbarian times must not be allowed to
    • place. It must be realised that when a person in the economic
    • organism becomes active, he must simply operate in the economic
    • exactly the opposite direction it must be considered, not
    • economic organism must be established on an associative
    • must be decisive, first in the natural foundations and then
    • uttered in trivial words: ‘Where they must stand equal before
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Lecture: Richard Wagner and Mysticism
    Matching lines:
    • mathematical concepts. Men must have patience to find their bearings
    • are concerned, a poet must necessarily be vague and indefinite. But a
    • Such words must not be analysed by the intellect. We should rather try
    • was not one of those artists who think they must ‘out’ with everything
    • if a musician must limit himself to tones. In Beethoven's Ninth
    • expressed dramatically, must be contained in the music. That which the
    • music cannot express must be contained in the drama. — Richard
    • he felt that it must once again be possible, as it was in the
    • albeit this universal soul must be thought of as a reality, not as a
    • saint, a sinner must arise. Strange as this may appear it is
    • must be used for the redemption of the other. If there were no such
    • wisdom it was created. But first we must consider certain things which
    • pedantic text-books. We must rather have an eye to the interweaving of
    • Now just as human beings have developed Ego-consciousness, so too must
    • Initiates send down their influences into human life. We must always
    • The human soul must be quickened by those mighty events through which
    • Such, then, is the mystery of the Holy Grail. It must be approached
    • said to himself: The art which is living in me as an ideal must at the
  • Title: Lecture: Spiritual Wisdom in the Early Christian Centuries
    Matching lines:
    • cognition and must in every case be accepted as traditions of the
    • knowledge no longer accessible to mankind in that age must be
    • nothing down was because they held that wisdom must be something
    • arise in time. Rather must we look up to those Powers in the spiritual
    • for it must be pursued now-a-days in a different way), the deepest
    • given by Ammonius Saccas and Iamblichus must not be allowed to pass on
    • that must be quickened again in the souls of men.
    • newer must be pierced before we can reach those that lie below. It is
    • Through spiritual knowledge it must again be possible to penetrate
    • must ultimately be given, and — what is more — received.
  • Title: Community Building
    Matching lines:
    • presented in the Dornach Goetheanum building must certainly
    • very profound. But this must pass over, my dear friends, into
    • Goetheanum, who experienced this profound harmony. And we must
    • mentioned, we have lost the home that sheltered us, we must all
    • means must we strive to set up for eternity in our hearts this
    • The nature of life is such that, when a number of persons must
    • out of various underlying conditions — and must reflect
    • to be regenerated, it must not be forgotten, on the other hand,
    • If we are to participate in the deliberations here, we must
    • manifested. Must we lightly forget the depths because of
    • concern with the mere surface of things? This we must not do,
    • today that must be taken into account. In these two lectures I
    • Anthroposophy, however, many things must be viewed otherwise
    • religious renewal. I had to say: “There must be an
    • their social community.” And this must be quite
    • must do so for the reason that we are living within the
    • nature of man, for the reason that our life must become more
    • must endeavor to present that which is lifted up into conscious
    • that of naive perception and sensibility. That must be
    • understand that other element which must play a corresponding
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Community Building
    Matching lines:
    • will occur if we do not say to ourselves: “You must look
    • what is in the sense world. You must learn to transform your
    • thinking and your feeling. Just as the dreamer must enter
    • our ordinary science, and that which must be imparted by
    • form judgments that must apply to a supersensible world, this
    • Against this there is a powerful antidote, but it must first be
    • world. In the spiritual world the soul must be permeated with
    • the most unqualified tolerance. There one must be able to
    • sense world. You must admit that one who communicates to his
    • opponents. He knows that he must have opponents, but he is not
    • alternative: Either the spiritual-scientist must take in hand
    • must concern himself with all sorts of things that must draw
    • done at once — or he must leave to others who have
    • all, Anthroposophy, this basis must be defended by those
    • These things must really be viewed with complete objectivity.
    • Anthroposophical Societies, which must be constituted in the
    • which older members feel they must keep in their bookcases. But
    • which we must work, if we wish to establish a right relation to
    • the world, must be sought for in this way. This spirit should
    • consciousness of these things must enter into every single
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 1: Evolution and Consciousness, Lucifer, Ahriman
    Matching lines:
    • the way individuals need to face those challenges we must
    • question we must ask ourselves is whether anything still
    • thinking. This ancestor said — and I must translate
    • floating into them during the Old Moon stage. So we must
    • we must firmly decide not to think in entirely human
    • terms. We must think beyond anything anthropomorphic, and
    • the approach we must use if we want to see clearly that
    • the cultivation of mind and soul that is needed. We must
    • go entirely by our feeling I, too, must believe that I am
    • the facts speak for themselves. We must learn to look to
    • must take our orientation from what the facts have to
    • of being swayed by our subjective emotions. We must not,
    • beings must first do it right.
    • horizontal surface can give and must now ascend again in
    • moral, ethical terms. We must learn how human life is
    • it were, a language which tells us that we must once
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 2: East, West, and the Culture of Middle Europe, the Science of Initiation
    Matching lines:
    • the truth must be clearly stated.
    • We must develop through spiritual science and come to
    • cultural life. This European culture must provide for the
    • spirit which must arise in Central Europe will have to
    • people must have the necessary preparation. Keeping
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 3: Political Empires
    Matching lines:
    • which we must base our actions more real. I am looking
    • their idea of a god. These things inevitably must seem
    • given in the mystery cult. This must of course sound
    • sphere of life. We must expand the time horizons we
    • that Dante, who after all must be considered a great
    • We must
    • devastated public life of today unless we do so. We must
    • walking the earth in human form. We must therefore
    • physical thrones. We must acquire the spiritual faculties
    • the spirit. We must learn to fill the abstract formulas
    • must become able to face truths that are deeply
    • disturbing to those who grasp them rightly. We must
    • that must inevitably lead to ruin, to decline and fall,
    • be pointed out. We must find a way of making it possible
    • the earth in the earliest empires. We must find a way in
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 4: Western Secret Societies, Jesuitism, Leninism
    Matching lines:
    • that must inevitably take our present civilization to the
    • the world, people must first of all give recognition and
    • interest they muster is still rather superficial, subject
    • in the wider interest of humanity on this earth. It must
    • humankind without bias. We must make an effort and become
    • and must not be opportunists or go for compromise. That
    • them—must make it clear to them—I mean
    • two people copulate it must please God to send a freshly
    • respects—contain things the origin of which must be
    • must fight, of course, even if we do not want to, against
    • the writer must have known that there were no Akashic
    • in his library and so he ought to have known; he must
    • issue, as it was self-evident that the typesetter must
    • possessed; that has been lost and must now be found
    • must not play down this difference. If we do play it down
    • exists. According to it the faithful must regard their
    • the spirit of anthroposophy must above all work towards
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 5: How the Material Can Be Understood Only through the Spirit
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    • certain impulses must be brought into modern civilization
    • transformed body of the preceding life — you must
    • become eyes. We must look at the physical world and
    • intellect must illumine the material world in this way.
    • These concrete truths must reach as many hearts as
    • social organism and economic life must fall into decline
    • your attention to a few things. We must be aware,
    • change, to adapt to this change. You must properly
    • must take account of it in everything we say and do. The
    • important and I must ask you to consider it carefully
    • my work, but we must be very clear that things are
    • must be made to see that it does not remain this way. It
    • spiritual work that has been done and must continue to be
    • done there is no point to it all. The spiritual work must
    • years, for decades. This work must be seen as something
    • human understanding, must be there as well; it is the
    • impulses of another person, and so on. It must be
    • basis of genuine truth, surely it must happen that when
    • moralize. Just for once, however, I really must discuss
    • undertakings that must not fail, that will have to
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 6: Materialism and Mysticism, Knowledge as a Deed of the Soul
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    • proper regard must be paid to the gravity of the present
    • deed accomplished by the human soul. We must come to
    • the way recognition of the truth must be seen as a deed,
    • we must keep in mind, even the theosophical school was
    • must be taken into account and taken positively into
    • religious confessions must of course attack anything that
    • is new; they must fight intensely against anything that
    • brings progress in cultural and intellectual life we must
    • the present age have brought to light. We must be fully
    • must be evolved by people who are alive in and part of
    • progress of humankind we must develop a particular basic
    • direction. We must develop the feeling that it is utterly
    • ideas you find yourself in a materialism that must lead
    • senses. We must therefore develop the feeling — we
    • the human kingdom, we must not look for anything material
    • called a phenomenon. We must not allow our fantasy to
    • in the spirit. That is the feeling we must evolve —
    • matter; we must rise above such things!’ That is
    • reality. The search for truth must be based on facts.
    • must make the search for truth a deed. It must be a
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 7: Materialism, Mysticism, Anthroposophy, Liberalism, Conservatism
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    • things right essentially means that we must no longer
    • other hand we must grasp a second, quite different fact.
    • it must be sought within us, through mysticism. There we
    • arguments. The materialist is in error and therefore must
    • logical ideas must be replaced with ideas relating to
    • science. They must be replaced with concepts that not
    • want to stress over and over again: we must get beyond
    • content. This is something we have to learn. We must not
    • we must look for its reality. Let me ask you this. Would
    • spiritual science working towards anthroposophy must come
    • things we see in ordinary life simply must be considered
    • that is real we must in fact follow something that lies
    • the one anthroposophy must now follow for the weal of
    • itself away from the brain. People must make efforts to
    • they must think those thoughts through. People must make
    • physical brain. People must tear themselves free. It is
    • are wrong; but we must face the fact that very many
    • overcome it because it is right and we must fight against
    • way in the past Is now finished. We must consider things
    • come to know about them, must now become reality, why we
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  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 8: The Opposition of Knowledge and Faith, Its Overcoming
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    • be known with certainty and must remain a matter of
    • knowledge and belief poses a riddle which must be solved.
    • outer science triumph. People must want to use that same
    • We must want the attitude and approach used in outer
    • is the historical untruth of the present age. This must
    • be clearly and firmly understood. It must also be
    • oneself by the opposite name, as it were. Humanity must
    • it is indeed in the process of doing so. Humanity must go
    • procedure used to characterize it in words must be
    • the progress of humankind, we must get into the habit of
    • instead one must assume that human beings desire to know
    • on earth must be seen as the fulfilling of a mission we
    • approach that simply must come to be widely accepted in
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 9: East, West, and Middle
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    • the physical basis of our life of ideas, must have
    • sense organ even when we are dreaming, it must do so to
    • something of which we must take special note if we want
    • They demanded that the human being must be perceived and
    • of the Middle. Goetheanism must be developed further. It
    • must develop in the direction of soul and spirit. It must
    • Goetheanism must be extended to become mystery wisdom. It
    • We must understand it before we can consciously take our
    • The European Middle therefore must, or ought to, come to
    • grown old, and on the other hand to the West. It must
    • future. The culture of the Middle must take its place in
    • the middle; it must find the energy and the strength to
    • done today. We must look to the East and look to the West
    • significance today. And we must take care not to cast any
    • in an individual such as Tolstoy. We must take our stand
    • what we must grasp in the present age. On the one hand we
    • must be wary of past elements reaching across from the
    • living in this century and on the other hand we must be
    • must extend beyond geographical boundaries today. It is
    • working towards Anthroposophy must really stress —
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 10: Transition from the Luciferic to the Ahrimanic Age and the Christ Event to Come
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    • human evolution which we must know about if we want to arrive at a proper
    • understanding of current events. We must above all understand where the
    • civilization, and we must take a good look at it.
    • the two. First of all, however, we must get a definite idea as to what we
    • anything in it that is Christian. To regain Christianity we must acquire
    • provides technical power, the 79 million horses by our side. We must
    • technology in our next life. The only cure for the nervousness that must
    • come alive in us it must be able to provide us with insight into the
    • Surely it must be
    • ‘The destiny of the human race must be determined by human beings
    • ‘The League of Nations must be created, for it will be a great
    • the two must be brought together, life must be imbued with spirit, and
    • life must be taken forward to connect with the spirit. The Christ spirit
    • is the new understanding we must gain for the Christ event; otherwise we
    • scribes and Pharisees. And there are others of the same kind who must
    • right way. We must get to the truth! The materialist Pierre Bayle said
    • must do is to let people enter into an independent life of the spirit.
    • First of all we must have
    • must come to accept today, inscribing them deeply in our hearts. If we
    • that must enter into the impulses of the present age if we are to have a
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 11: Modern Science and Christianity, Threefold Social Order, Goetheanism
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    • earth must be seen as something that cannot in itself
    • need to become full human being.’ There must be a
    • give. This is something we must feel, something that must
    • of holding. We must be able to ask ourselves in all
    • must progress to something for which this earth cannot
    • serve as a guide?’ We must be able to experience,
    • the earth. We must turn our eyes away from the earthly
    • earthly realm from beyond the earth. We must look to the
    • must take hold, with the whole of our being, of what to
    • begin with is more in form of concepts, of ideas. We must
    • has come to redeem our humanity. We must come to
    • this world is made and come to feel there must be
    • power of Christ within us. And we really must come to
    • coffined in the tombs we must come to recognize as the
    • encompass everything, must smash itself to pieces, and
    • that clear distinction must be made between the life of
    • must guide us to find the reality of what Schiller
    • are able to muster to be stored in libraries. It is
    • our books, for they are the coffins of knowledge. We must
    • individuality. We must carry it in us. Help will come
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Life Between Two Incarnations
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    • significant processes in those worlds, one must penetrate into these
    • happening in this interim, we must first consider the nature of man.
    • there must be such a perpetual fighter against decay.
    • consciousness must not be lost. In that moment of crash or other shock,
    • make clear what kind of state this is, you must consider that man,
    • various desires are represented, which must now first be discarded or
    • of this life. In this life, forced into the physical body, he must
    • that he must first attach a new astral body to himself. Then, so to
    • You must imagine it in the same way as the iron filings are subject to
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture I
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    • Anthroposophical subject, I feel I must express gratitude
    • before he makes it! The time must, come when it will not be
    • freedom of soul. Men must first regain that quality: the last
    • must learn to turn their eyes, their spiritual gaze, to the
    • critical moment, when man's full consciousness must be brought
    • have reached a time when man must awake to the consciousness
    • Modern man has lost that; he must regain the consciousness in
    • of the fifteenth century, we must say, if we still keep in view
    • have approached us; they have worked on us. Now we must work
    • important is what is happening in our time that we must
    • man must now begin to work from his own soul-content, in order
    • help, us to this attitude; to-day we must have the possibility
    • Graeco-Latin age. The Consciousness Soul must develop more and
    • man must consciously develop many other things as well. He has
    • not emphasize that new relations between human beings must now
    • attitude must be created, built up upon a spiritual relation to
    • enough. The theory must become so practical that it forms the
    • this! They must take the trouble to understand it, however,
    • We must become conscious, in the most serious meaning of the
    • must we contemplate mankind as simply the personalities
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture II
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    • must occupy ourselves with them in the near future, for the
    • spiritual forces can flow. The question may and must be asked,
    • first thing which we must examine is the effect of the various
    • great importance that it forms, and always must form, a
    • this also is important: that people of our day must hear a very
    • are now in the physical world. That is the view which men must
    • day to day, from week to week, from year to year, we must
    • of the child to develop it. Social relations must take on
    • the threads with “I must therefore claim to have
    • We must manage to shape schooldays for the children of
    • necessary to take much notice of it, but to-day it must be
    • things must be spoken of now, to point out how man must learn
    • his before birth. It must be made known that man in future
    • with my Angel, while I slept.” Men must turn to feelings
    • world must move in this appointed direction.
    • again we must observe something. The creeds speak much about
    • must indeed be sought in another way. Men's interests to-day
    • must be considerably widened. I will show you how that
    • extension must take place, so that from making response only to
    • They must realize that they have passed through terrible
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  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture III
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    • Men, as I said, can know, and must know what it means “to
    • occurs in the middle of the fifteenth century, we must admit
    • mentioned about the activity men must unfold in their
    • not penetrate into their drowsy minds. We simply must let these
    • which we may call “the present,” much must be made
    • spoken of this from our own point of view. We must educate
    • power. It is in this sense that we must understand the feeling
    • Further, we must fully realize that the Christ-Impulse entered
    • Christ must arise. It can only come if sought by the means
    • sensible. The new understanding of Christ must arise from
    • out of the depths of Spiritual Science, must lead to a new
    • must all long for if we are serious and worthy in our wishes
    • humanity must well up from the depths of man's being to the
    • Science. This f act must sink deeply, deeply as a conviction
    • evolution must be dealt with from its depths, not by any
    • time has come when this meaning must be grasped in a different
    • Nations by outside political arrangement. These things must
    • awaken in himself — but which simply must be awakened.
    • recognition that must be definitely incorporated in human
    • must be drawn to it. The physical body of man is permeated
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Main Features of the Social Question and the Threefold Order of the Social Organism
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    • through the last ten years with our eyes shut we must have
    • illness within our economic and. social life must express
    • sensation: it must be mentioned because we can see by this how
    • we would be honest with the proletariat, we must say that this
    • arrive at the facts; we must deal with this surplus value
    • education must be like if it is to be universally human and,
    • Then if men were honest they must have known (if not, they
    • was a vast cultural lie, and nowadays no benevolent mask must
    • be spread over these things, but they must be brought into
    • This is the way in which we must approach the question of the
    • Of course we do not want to have these times back; we must move
    • must not simply point in pride to the way in which intellectual
    • so bad in the recent past as they must become, if such State
    • bring about the death of all culture. We must look not only
    • the time has come when intellectual and spiritual life must
    • and must be under its own control.
    • control. That is one of the great objectives we must specially
    • must form its experience, I may remark, on such an occasion as
    • education, etc., must become independent, so on the other
    • hand must the economic life. Now, two demands, rather
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.

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