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  • Title: Memria e Amor
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    • Pois bem, por que descemos ao mundo físico do mundo espiritual? Vocês poderão deduzir, a partir do que eu disse aqui da última vez, que as forças que nos mantêm juntos com os seres espirituais superiores decaem. Aqui na vida física, envelhecemos porque as forças que nos mantêm em conexão com a Terra física diminuem; lá, enfraquece o que nos mantêm ligados aos seres espirituais. Diminuem principalmente as forças que permitem que nos apreendamos em meio aos seres espirituais e que nos possibilitam sermos independentes. No mundo espiritual, por um período considerável antes de descermos à Terra, perdemos a capacidade de conviver com os seres espirituais. Com o auxílio dos seres espirituais, formamos a semente espiritual de nosso corpo físico, que enviamos primeiramente; daí nos apropriamos de nosso corpo etérico e prosseguimos. Ilustrei-lhes isso em minha última palestra. Nossa capacidade de viver com seres espirituais no mundo espiritual desbota e percebemos como, por meio das forças da lua, nos aproximamos cada vez mais da Terra. Sentimo-nos como um eu, mas cada vez menos capazes de compreender as regiões espirituais, ou de nos manter nelas; tal capacidade se torna cada vez mais débil. Temos um sentimento crescente de que o desfalecimento prevalecerá sobre nós, no mundo espiritual. Isso cria uma necessidade de que aquilo que não mais conseguimos carregar conosco – o sentimento do eu – seja sustentado por algo externo, a saber, nosso corpo: surge uma necessidade de sermos sustentados por um corpo. Eu poderia dizer que, gradualmente, temos que desaprender a voar e aprender a andar. Vocês sabem que estou falando figurativamente, mas a imagem está em absoluto acordo com a verdade, com a realidade. É assim que encontramos o caminho para nosso corpo. O sentimento de solidão encontra um refúgio no corpo e se converte na faculdade da lembrança, e temos que nos empenhar para alcançar um novo sentimento de comunhão, na Terra. Isso se
    • Se alguém tem uma imagem na memória de algo experimentado na vida física vinte anos antes, uma pessoa saudável e reflexiva não a considerará uma experiência presente; é da natureza da própria imagem da memória que a relacionemos a uma experiência passada. Quem olha de forma clarividente para o que a alma vivencia durante o sono, em ordem inversa, não conecta isso ao presente; mas ao futuro após a morte. Assim como qualquer pessoa percebe que sua lembrança de algo vivido vinte anos antes se refere àquele tempo passado, também quem vê o estado de sono por meio da clarividência sabe que o que enxerga não tem significado para o presente, mas prenuncia o que deverá ser experimentado após a morte, quando tivermos que percorrer, ao reverso, tudo o que tivermos feito na Terra. É por isso que essa imagem do sono é meio-realidade, meio-aparência: está relacionada ao futuro. Logo, para a consciência comum, é uma experiência inconsciente daquilo por que o homem tem de passar, que chamei em meu livroTeosofia de mundo da alma. E a consciência intuitiva e inspirada, descrita em meu livroO conhecimento dos mundos superiores, reúne, a partir da observação do sono, o que o homem tem que passar durante o primeiro estágio após a morte. Essas coisas não são meras fabricações; são claramente observadas, uma vez que o dom da observação tenha sido adquirido. Portanto, desde ir dormir até despertar, o homem vivencia, sem o seu corpo, o que fez com ele quando acordado.
    • Assim, meus queridos amigos, comparei a experiência do homem em conexão com seres superiores no mundo espiritual, que alterna com sua experiência do eu, com a respiração: inspiração e expiração. Em nosso processo respiratório e nos processos relacionados com a fala e o canto, podemos reconhecer uma imagem da “respiração” no mundo espiritual. Conforme eu já disse, nossa vida no mundo espiritual entre a morte e um novo nascimento alterna entre a contemplação do eu interior e o tornar-se um com os seres das hierarquias superiores; olhar de dentro para fora, tornar-nos um com nós mesmos. Isso ocorre tal como inspirar e expirar. Inspiramo-nos e depois nos expiramos; e isto é, obviamente, uma respiração espiritual. Aqui na Terra, esse processo de respiração se torna memória e amor. E, de fato, a memória e o amor também atuam juntos aqui na vida física terrena como uma espécie de respiração. E se com os olhos da alma vocês forem capazes de ver corretamente esta vida física, serão capazes de observar em uma importante manifestação da respiração – no falar e no cantar – a atuação fisiológica conjunta da memória e do amor.
    • Esta é a glória essencial da arte: ela nos leva, por meios simples, ao mundo espiritual, no presente imediato. Quem é capaz de olhar para a vida interior do homem dirá: de modo geral, o homem se lembra apenas das coisas que vivenciou no curso de sua vida terrena atual. Mas a força pela qual ele se lembra dessas experiências terrenas é a força enfraquecida de sua existência como um eu na vida pré-terrena. E o amor que ele é capaz de desenvolver aqui como um amor universal da humanidade é a força enfraquecida da semente que frutificará após a morte. E assim como no canto e na fala declamatória aquilo que um homem é deve estar unido, pela memória, àquilo que ele pode dar ao mundo por meio do amor, assim também é em toda arte. Um homem pode experimentar uma harmonia de seu eu com o que está fora, mas a menos que seja capaz de mostrar externamente o que está dentro dele – seja no tom, na pintura ou em qualquer outro ramo da arte –, a menos que mostre na superfície o que ele é, o que a vida fez dele, qual é o conteúdo essencial de sua memória, ele não poderá ser um artista. Tampouco é um verdadeiro artista aquele que é acentuadamente inclinado a ser egotista em sua arte. Somente aqueles dispostos a se abrir para o mundo, os que se tornam um com seus semelhantes, os que desdobram o amor, são capazes de unir esse desdobramento do amor intimamente a seu próprio ser. Altruísmo e egotismo se unem em uma única corrente. Confluem naturalmente e mais intimamente nas artes sonoras, mas também nas artes plásticas. E quando, por meio de um certo aprofundamento de nossas forças de conhecimento, nos é revelado como o homem está conectado a um mundo suprassensível, no que diz respeito ao passado e ao futuro, podemos também dizer que o homem tem um antegosto presente desse vínculo, no criar e fruir artístico. Na verdade, a arte nunca adquire todo o seu valor se não estiver, em certa medida, de acordo com a religião. Não que tenha d
    • Hoje, desejei tratar de um desses pontos de vista, meus queridos amigos, para que, de certo ângulo, vocês formem uma imagem de como o homem está conectado com o mundo espiritual. Espero que possamos continuar ampliando esses estudos em um futuro não muito distante.
  • Title: Evil and Spiritual Science
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    • and again. For this question is indeed not one that rises up to
    • the one hand, one might say, the whole history of human
    • one that easily throws up the highest questions, as they are
    • usually thrown up, when one is at the start of striving for
    • path, through which one can gradually approach a solution to
    • of all, permit me to raise one point in advance, that should
    • stoical world view. But one point at least must be raised, that
    • with this it must be allowed, that one can also remain behind
    • with those features, from which one strives upwards; it must be
    • granted that at the same time one can plunge into the being of
    • clever, as if one were to reject the wise cosmic order, since
    • one cannot say that the grasp of evil as such has shown any
    • If one were to hear the Church Father Augustine speak about
    • evil, so one might perhaps find such an answer naïve
    • compared with what one might imagine is thinking that has
    • one cannot enquire about evil and wickedness, because they show
    • for anyone who can think with an open mind free of prejudice,
    • same ground as the answer someone might make and says: What
    • absence of heat. Therefore, one cannot speak of it as something
    • positive. But if one turns around when it is cold, with no furs
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  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 1: Popular Occultism, Introtroduction
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    • muscles, bones and nerves exist in the physical body, there are also
    • therefore be a pure one, and this even applies to the thoughts of the
    • with puberty, consequently a little sooner in girls than boys. The astral
    • power of judgment. If this is attempted sooner, we sin against a child,
    • each one can only give to himself.
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 2: Man's Ascent into the Supersensible World
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    • world which we perceive through our senses: it is the one which man
    • one, the spiritual world or Devachan. Deva means God in Chan means field
    • past, there were few books, but in those few books one could find something
    • Anyone who can look into the astral world may perceive them.
    • is the work done by the astral body during the night. But what does
    • a human face, but a distorted one, which gradually begins to resemble
    • is called Imagination. Imagination therefore enables one to see, whereas
    • Inspiration enables one to hear. When
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 3: The Different Conditions of Man's Life After Death
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    • in this world, how everyone seeks to satisfy his senses. What a human
    • the Kamaloca-existence takes up about one third of the duration of earthly
    • meadows to seek honey and bring it back to the hive. Here on earth the
    • soul gathers the honey of life which he brings to the altar of the Godhead
    • of God, sent out to gather honey.
    • we thus work for the next one. In my next lecture I will describe man's
    • his consciousness is a much higher one, it is more alive than here on
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 4: The Devachanic World
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    • of Devachan, have a great regularity. One might compare them with the
    • mentality, this truth of the one life contained in everything, will
    • earthly lives. This is only a question of development. Everyone will
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 5: Life Between Death and a New Birth
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    • life implants itself in the next one. After death man leaves behind
    • Take one example which applies
    • one containing every shade of color. In this condition the human being
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 6: Man's Return to a New Earthly Life
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    • of the capacities acquired by each human germ. None of these forms
    • in one life depends on inclination and habits of a past one.
    • influence our next one by cultivating noble inclinations and feelings,
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 7: Effects of the Law of Karma
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    • or unhappy experiences. When someone judges his fellow-men negatively,
    • the one he needs in order to give full expression to his capacities.
    • Even as the stones of houses
    • will be a hard one, he may have a strong shock, and under certan
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 8: The Evolution of Man and of the Solar System; the Atlantic Evolution
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    • floods of water began to recede and Atlantis had gone down, rain and
    • world upon Atlantis differed from the present one as greatly as the
    • Nature than modern man and his culture was a higher one. There was a
    • from the present ones, in view of the much higher temperature. The human
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 9: Lemurian Development
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    • which the present bones and muscles had still to be built in. An organ
    • man descends from the imperfect one. They need not descend from one
    • The one developed upwards, the other became decadent. Also the relation
    • human race branched out; the one main stem to an ascending development
    • Formally, moon and earth were one planet. Thus the evolution of the
    • connection with everything which one calls fecundation and procreation.
    • were one body, and everything which now exists in the form of human
    • for at that time everything still stood at one stage of planned-existence.
  • Title: Popular Occultism: Lecture 10: Paths of Occult Training
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    • mentioned by
    • of our modern one. To him everything external and visible was Maya, Illusion;
    • further west. This second culture is the ancient Persian one, whose
    • through further incarnations. One speaks of seven planetary conditions or
    • agriculture, and so forth. The genius of the Dog-star, Sirius, was the one
    • special constellation. A fourth epoch of culture is the Graeco-Latin one. It
    • tasks. Modern science has rejected the Ptolemaic world-system as erroneous
    • astral plane the Ptolemaic system is correct; for there one sets out from
    • will change into higher ones. It is not a question of destroying any
    • qualities which man must have; he must be able to bear what one calls great
    • loneliness, and he must gain a certain fundamental mood of devotion. In
    • regard to the first, the loneliness of a few minutes each day is meant,
    • inner loneliness for their concentration. The second fundamental
    • Initiation is the right one for Modern people of the West.
    • expression of one and the same initiation, but the forms of initiation must
  • Title: i Spirituality: Lecture 1: Historical Symptomology, the Year 790, Alcuin, Greeks, Platonism, Aristotelianism, East, West, Middle, Ego
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    • The constitution of the human soul has undergone a tremendous evolution
    • several things were mentioned which, particularly at the present
    • development, the much-debated question mentioned to begin with was whether the outstanding and
    • from real knowledge. This is one fact which, in a certain sense, I should like to mention as
    • stipulating that history should be treated in such a way that one would not only consider the
    • which can only be found by someone who knows how to get a total view of the facts in what in a
    • also drawn to the fact that, with regard to this last question, one can only come to clarity
    • through spiritual science, because spiritual science alone can uncover the real driving forces of
    • Ideas as such are abstractions, as I mentioned here yesterday
    • And anyone who
    • I have often mentioned
    • symptomatology constituted from the fact that one is aware that behind what takes it course as
    • phenomena only if one has the possibility to penetrate more deeply from one's awareness of these
    • not manifest itself in such a significant way in the time before and after as it did here. If one
    • approach to history, might seem insignificant — which one would perhaps not find worthy of
    • stream which then became the determining one for the development of the Roman Catholic Church of
    • reality, death itself is not real and, therefore, the ransom money could not have been paid to
    • what matters here. For to someone who, to a certain extent, can see through the interrelations of
    • on speaking in the way he had just done, but moves the whole problem into a completely different
    • constitution of soul from the Platonic one. Aristotelianism represents a completely different
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  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 2: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 1
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    • The constitution of the human soul has undergone a tremendous evolution
    • life, are emerging ever more strongly from the depths of existence. On the one side we have the
    • is utterly unimportant. And anyone who does not see, in the most intense sense, something of
    • world. The more recent life of humanity can only be understood if one understands this
    • political-legal one, and the religious element — the spiritual element in the East which
    • finds expression in the East. This shows itself so strongly that one must say: It is natural for
    • comprehensible only if they can be seen in this light. One can say: To a certain extent,
    • reckoned as belonging to the European Centre, for what is characteristic of the West is actually
    • One can actually point to a significant moment of
    • trade which was the foundation for everything in the West which later arose. One can also point
    • but out of political-legal-militaristic ones must succumb to them. We have a crude example of
    • — which, for the other powers, was extraordinarily tyrannical and even, one could say,
    • what preponderates here is economic thinking. Whereas Germany has gone to pieces because the
    • But what one can view in this way externally is,
    • about such a problem as reincarnation, because one cannot speak about it in the abstract sense
    • the physical world. For one who can observe life with a certain accuracy, people of this kind
    • One should not think in an abstract way that
    • desire not to call themselves to account concerning the real motives behind their actions. One
    • could say that such an utterly untrue report, or such an utterly untrue document, as the one by
    • the world in this way are the real enemies and opponents of the threefold impulse. The beings of
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  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 3: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 2
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    • The constitution of the human soul has undergone a tremendous evolution
    • different point of view to the one we have taken for some time in the past, to the
    • beings: how, on the one side, certain beings interfere through individuals of the West —
    • one wants to understand how the human beings of the European Centre are wedged in, as it were,
    • between the West and the East one must look more closely into the underlying spiritual conditions
    • thinking. And one can only understand the role played by what then developed out of the Roman
    • culture when one considers at first that all three branches of human experience — the
    • chaotically with one another. It can truly be said that the Roman Empire and particularly the
    • their beds! The others were either poisoned or maimed and died in prison, or left prison to join
    • world evolution. This is why the concept of one's will and testament first arose in Rome —
    • the assertion of egoism beyond death. The wish to extend one's will beyond death led to the
    • Roman language-element that has endured beyond the actual Roman people, one finds the human being
    • in the cloak of a foreign civilization. One also has the human being in a foreign cloak in as
    • ceremonies and ritual of the Western societies, have become more or less empty forms — one
    • would be extremely constricted. Above all, however, one must be clear that what can then manifest
    • leadership in those regions I have mentioned. What is primarily taken hold of in the West by
    • one-sided elaboration of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution come from?
    • ignores the spirit and that which lives into the soul from the spirit. Anyone who looks without
    • of a revelation from an earlier time carried over into a later one. And then we have Jesuitism,
    • with the essential Germanic element; namely, a certain wish to be one with the language. But it
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  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 4: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 3
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    • The constitution of the human soul has undergone a tremendous evolution
    • and Eastern ones and what arises in quite a unique way in
    • on the one hand, the seizure of the human corporality by the spirits of the West and, on the
    • work inspiringly into Eastern civilization. And one can notice both these aspects in the leading
    • certain middle mood between one possibility in the human being — his being completely given
    • to him. Anyone who, like myself, has seen how Goethe's own copy of Kant's
    • this whole construction of the human being — on the one hand logical necessity and on the
    • — for Goethe this was all far too cut and dried, far too simplistic. He felt that one could
    • a certain way — even though Goethe had not himself yet done so — how the Golden King
    • One cannot do it like this. You, dear friend, picture the
    • human being. If one wishes to look at the richly differentiated inner nature of the human being,
    • one finds about twenty forces — which Goethe then presents in his twenty archetypal
    • fairy-tale figures — and one must then portray the interplay and interaction of these
    • two presentations of the same thing. One by Schiller, from the intellect as it were, though not
    • is profundity in intellectual form transformed into ideas. But should one take it just one step
    • further one would come into the intellectual mechanism that is realized in the usual science of
    • here. One could say: This is the general tendency of human evolution (arrow pointing upwards).
    • Schiller, having arrived at this point here (see diagram), would have gone
    • Thus one can say: Schiller held back with his
    • would have become rapturous fantasy. One could say that Goethe had to avoid the other chasm, in
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  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 5: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 4
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    • The constitution of the human soul has undergone a tremendous evolution
    • great turning-point of modern history. People do not consider this. But one could easily imagine
    • people to undertake the Crusades to Asia, to the Orient; especially when one bears in mind how
    • which can be attributed to this more recent time, one wishes to single out the most significant
    • one, then this must be the increasing ascendancy, the increasing intensity of the human power of
    • It is the longing for knowledge. Now, when one looks back into former times, even into the
    • good deal since then; but it is impossible, when one looks completely without prejudice at the
    • dim. But one can nevertheless say that, to a certain degree, the last effects of the old
    • then be able to relate again to the phenomena of nature. Thus one can say: In ancient times the
    • through the Crusades, the Orient became effectively closed off. On the one hand, by what was
    • took its course there and was shone through with wisdom — everything, fundamentally,
    • question of any kind of legal proof as to whether anyone was rightly in this position or not
    • the senses was given by Orient. One knew theocracy, the 'rule of cosmic order', One's mission
    • that someone was in the in the right place because the gods had directed his bloodline in such a
    • dress, on the basis of which one that he could dispute on legal grounds whether someone was
    • the beginning of the so-called Middle Ages, the Romans above all had no money. Economics based on
    • money was gradually lost and the dialectical-legal culture spread in Europe as a kind of economy
    • based on nature-produce. The early part of the Middle Ages was, basically, short of money; and
    • money to pay the troops. The Romans paid their troops with money. In the Middle Ages feudalism
    • million. This is because such a phenomenally large amount of work is done by machines. The
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  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 6: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 5
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    • The constitution of the human soul has undergone a tremendous evolution
    • If an understanding for what one can call the
    • civilization but which was already prepared for in Greek and Roman times. Thus one can say:
    • of an intellectual development. This was particularly so in the Romans. And one can therefore say
    • towards the West — to the Greeks and the Romans — one could receive what was related
    • oriental perception. One could say that this ancient oriental perception was preserved up to the
    • who had bestowed on him his title of Emperor. And when one studies the whole extent of the
    • rulership of Charlemagne, one finds among the forces through which his rulership spread an
    • conflicts, and how these conflicts really form a great part of medieval history. But one must
    • receive its content? It was — one cannot put it differently — 'inborn'
    • of the great mass of people those were chosen in whose blood it lay to have such vision. Thus one
    • one individual these came less; in another, more. With the blood, so to say, echoes from the
    • beings such as these who were the first ones able to speak about the Mystery of Golgotha. One can
    • one can say that into this principle was also incorporated the whole perception of the Mystery of
    • Golgotha which one only received as an account. At most one could clothe it in symbols, in which,
    • however, one only had images. A symbol of this kind is the mass with the sacred Last Supper and
    • the time had not yet come. In fact, one could only give onself up to the illusion that one
    • grasped Christ out of one's own inner being.
    • Jesus: a Jesuology. Even though Jesus was seen as one reaching beyond all human beings, that
    • consists of four Gospels which contradict one another. They knew that if they gave out the
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  • Title: New Spirituality: Lecture 7: The New Spirituality and the Christ Experiance of the Twentieth Century - 6
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    • The constitution of the human soul has undergone a tremendous evolution
    • sleeping soul, there is a very disagreeable awakening in store. I do not say — I mentioned
    • Golgotha. But one has to be clear that just as other crucial, incisive events in human evolution
    • came about in ways other than is expected among philistine circles; so, too, what one must call
    • nineteenth century and our own time, the soul-constitution of humanity as a whole has undergone a
    • habitually stick to what was once instilled into them. At most, one can notice a breaking out
    • from this clinging by force of habit to what has been inculcated when one observes with a wakeful
    • humanity through modern scientific thought. But for the most part there is a terrible dishonesty
    • rooted in this piety; a refusal to face what is spreading here and which one can only define as
    • should now like to describe, although I have done so in different ways and at different times
    • When someone acquainted with the modern scientific
    • one of its most distinguishing features is that it is incapable of comprehending the human being.
    • scientific learning when we held our course for scientists and we saw that none of these has
    • We need only give one characteristic example: take
    • established a certain discipline that is necessary if one means to enter into discussions on
    • feel what his real nature is. While on the one hand we have more and more demands of a practical
    • physical existence. To be aware theoretically that one has passed through a spiritual life of
    • this kind before one's life on earth has no very great value, but a lively feeling for
    • growing and developing in one's soul since childhood comes from the spiritual world.
    • characteristics. Anyone who is able to view this impartially sees how the human being-today
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  • Title: Abbreviated Title: Lecture I:
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    • dying, upon the last streaming out, one might say, towards
    • But for one who wishes to understand the
    • germinating processes alone take place; consciousness begins only where
    • often been pointed out that this period of time is a long one for the
    • in a manner inimical to the world, and have done only what may be called,
    • not given themselves up to egoism alone, but who have spent their life
    • the significance of the destructive processes which I have mentioned.
    • be found of the fundamental character of the environment in which one lived
    • understand that someone who takes no interest at all in what surrounds him
    • on Earth, who is really not interested in anyone or any being but only in
    • destruction. Someone who has not lived with earthly conditions does not
    • have lived quite intensely and in the fundamental character of any one
    • When we look upon our present time, we must say that on the one hand we
    • acquainted with things which one can get to know only on Earth. But you
    • Now someone
    • If someone
    • through propagation from one grain of cereal to that of the following year.
    • Consequently what one calls scientific cognition is of just as little
    • which concerns itself only with the way in which one gets into the human
    • mind what one can know from the things, does exactly the same as the man
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  • Title: Talk To Young People:
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    • it necessary to be honest, what is needed above all? Courage! Something
    • one learns very fast or not at all. Real courage! The courage to say:
    • it necessary to be honest, what is needed above all? Courage! Something
    • one learns very fast or not at all. Real courage! The courage to say:
    • elders or traditions have brought about.” The clever ones put it like
    • unconsciously, has never before been experienced. And one must say,
    • strongly emerges, for one thing, on looking at a beautiful landscape.
    • movement, one that burst out like an explosion, much more alarming
    • Its result was the loneliness that young people feel today within
    • century find this sort of thing, if they are honest with themselves,
    • we have had to see souls maturing alone into something quite wild.
    • Sometimes this is necessary in life — but at the same time one must
    • by, decades even, and one could say the vessel was full and spilling
    • clearly and honestly perceived in themselves “hunger for a truly
    • anything like this — but there was no response. Now I have gone at it
    • hoping for shall have a rightful place in it?” If someone could take
    • and sensitivity. How we are to proceed depends actually on our honest
    • are to relate to other people — just so or so, one particular way or
    • up to 1879, when the regency of the Archangel Michael began.]: one
    • profession. Had I done so, there would be no anthroposophical
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  • Title: "Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will not pass away"
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    • One, who has not yet had
    • one similar to that of the plants (Diagram II). Thus, we carry not only
    • alone to permeate the world in the future, there could arise only a
    • Well, from the stones of
    • referring to the physical earth, not to souls). And should anyone
    • persons standing together at 3 p.m. But the one who has been standing
    • phenomenon than that of men. When one considers death in the animal and
    • human kingdoms this abstract manner as identical, one could with equal
    • In one of my last
    • lectures I mentioned something relative to the idea — which must
    • the features of the Christ, Lucifer, and Ahriman. Should anyone attempt
    • possible only if one can really become absorbed in the impulses of
    • Spiritual Science. But one must take time, and not work further with
    • wrong for someone to say: Well then, all that earthly man has been able
    • One would hardly believe
    • how one-sided words, and everything else, are used today. We talk,
    • times we see men engaged in a war of words; we see one group passing
    • course, when one tried to describe some complicated idea in so crass
    • relationship between great world-discussions and the simple idea! One
  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture I: Tree of Life - I
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    • understandable, one might even say justifiable. But something else
    • feeling must be added, a certain perception that the more one strives
    • Now, one of the greatest riddles
    • riddles into the question of the Mystery of Golgotha, or if one
    • claiming to do more than throw some light from one or other aspect of
    • one aspect of the Mystery of Golgotha.
    • of the eating of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil on the one
    • attention to one of the many applications to life of this
    • of earthly evolution. It would be-hypothetically possible, one might
    • Mystery of Golgotha. But none the less we must realise that there are
    • on the one hand the Mystery of Golgotha entered as objective fact,
    • Thus one could see an intensive stream of primeval revelation arise
    • Golgotha. And one can say, if one observes closely: it was a
    • One should see, for instance, how
    • great and significant personality — but one sees
    • phenomena. And one fulfilment of this saying was likewise the
    • upon the outer rim of a very deep-lying secret, and one can really
    • concerning the origin of man which is quite different from the one
    • contained in the Bible. It has gone through later transformations no
    • legends. I should like but to point to one thing, and that is,
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  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture II: Tree of Life - II
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    • forming world-history may be divided on the one hand into what may be
    • of the different one-sided elements in world-existence in order to
    • on the one hand, of the lifeless knowledge-principle, the ageing
    • spoken on one occasion of how the fact now expressed can be
    • undergone, he has the following experience. A definite consciousness,
    • lifts himself out of a living and weaving in what one might call a
    • then one can find oneself quite stupid in contrast to the cleverness
    • in which one was during this nocturnal weaving and living, in this
    • waking up to going to sleep. One was with one's whole being
    • — of this one must be clear —
    • waking life. This fact too, of which everyone can really very easily
    • reasoned way the meaning of ‘to have eaten of the Tree of the
    • it is a fact that can shatter one — in, one might
    • say, the arms of Lucifer. And one can understand the deep mystery
    • of Spiritual Science. When in specially favourable moments one is
    • aware in one's consciousness of this living and weaving like an echo;
    • bargain and settle their pact with one another, something comes to
    • from the hands of Lucifer into the hands of Ahriman. This too is one
    • knowledge that our intellect combines, putting one thing with another
    • in things, why it appears as if one made dead concepts out of the
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  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture III: The Power of Thought
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    • to meet with full understanding when one speaks out of the sources of
    • consciousness people have. Each one who walks along the street has
    • In the rarest cases, one can say
    • in a high degree that one must seek for this feeling of an inner
    • for meditation; for meditation should be a familiarising oneself with
    • such expressions as: A becoming one, in meditation, with Brahma, with
    • world-conception is the consciousness that when one rightly lives
    • into the thought, one not only has something in oneself, not only
    • thinks, but one becomes at home in the fashioning forces of the
    • unliving conceptions. So that one could say: whereas the right way is
    • thought. One should become at home in the thought-world as if one
    • were transposing oneself into a living being; but there is a
    • the West as in the East. One is less understood in the West, since in
    • forces of thought; in the East one is not understood aright, since
    • one-sidedness. It came about that certain beings of the Hierarchy of
    • hence, on the one hand, the Luciferic element originated in the fact
    • of being. They also live in us in the manner I have indicated in one
    • can only reproduce the external; that one cannot grasp the inner
    • things and not grasping the inner living element. It was apportioned
    • in thinking one must seek for the inwardly forming, shaping of the
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  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture IV: Harmonizing Thinking, Feeling and Willing
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    • observations. In his researches he found nothing to which one could
    • come if one extended what tries to go out in the cosmos from the one
    • ‘thing in itself,’ but one
    • the moral order. He only felt one thing to be clear.
    • ‘Here, one does not come to anything at all. The
    • the sun. Had they done so, they would, as it were, have united
    • to have done during the Moon-evolution. When you consider this
    • shone upon by the ancient Sun and Moon-existence. And this would
    • world-pictures are projected through one another; the Earth-picture
    • one, inasmuch as we turn our senses outwards, the other, inasmuch as
    • confuses the one with the other. Ideas, concepts, sense impressions,
    • refer to Kant: There on the one page you always have proofs brought
    • equally conclusive proofs. They must be there, because the one point
    • of view is just as true as the other, only one is the earth -view and
    • the other the moon-view. To one who cannot hold them apart, they
    • Christianity, full of content, which will then be completely one with
    • is obviously a logical contradiction in itself.. For one ought to
    • one observes with the outer senses is called real, or at least,
    • one observes by means of the senses. People endeavour, however, to
    • stone and rock was alive during the Moon age and has died, has become
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  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture V: Tree of Knowledge - I
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    • about down below and will call one thing a cause and another an
    • processes he will represent the one as cause and the further
    • would be quite a consistent one. It could be a genuine picture of
    • represents a one-sided world-conception which is quite correct ...
    • differences, is up above. It is just the same when one raises oneself
    • from ordinary human sight to spiritual sight, for one notes how then
    • world-conception means nothing for its correctness. One who can set
    • itself is a world-conception, it does not follow that it gives one
    • what one finds with the majority of the philosophies of today and the
    • sense-world conception in any such way.’ One can raise
    • awakening time goes on. The comparison is by no means a bad one, when
    • one sees the reality. Insofar as our soul is enclosed in the body, as
    • pointed out here in one connection that rudiments were already
    • arise so that we may live on earth in the way we do. One could also
    • that we have to do with the separation of the Sun on the one hand,
    • The senses were on the one side, and something like the
    • all that pleases you, that you call good. — One
    • conception as I have now developed. Here is one of the points where
    • what is given. One must reflect upon something; In developing for you
    • possession-concept is developed' one does not need the idea of space
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  • Title: Tree of Life/Knowledge: Lecture VI: Tree of Knowledge - II
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    • sense is, as it were, a thin zone, a thin outer zone of the physical,
    • clearly and plainly on one spot seize the Ahrimanic and Luciferic
    • spirits — regularly lay hold of them, one might
    • physical sense-zone. But if this were really to be the case in man
    • tone; he would not have his sense opened outwards, he would only have
    • zone which is entirely interpenetrated with activities of the
    • tones.
    • this. For only when science will one day be real spiritual science
    • along the nerve strands. If one wishes to draw the course of a nerve
    • from outside one must so draw it that Lucifer thrusts forward and
    • ourselves persecuted, develop no antipathy against anyone
    • — none of this should we be able to do. If Lucifer
    • And one must not give oneself up to the
    • someone, that it is justified — may say so, it may
    • when we are hypocritical towards someone it is to be traced to
    • There was an esoteric section in which everyone was to think quite
    • if someone believes he is selfless and then only unburdens his
    • is not the point what one believes. A man can believe that he is
    • earth-existence. One cannot escape them but can only come to the
    • One must be clear that with regard to
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  • Title: World Downfall and Resurrection
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    • For anyone who would read my Occult Science as he
    • so are my other books. Only one who knows that in every
    • stimulus — only such a one can regard these
    • acknowledged by anyone who thought at all in the days before
    • words of the Gospel of St John. One cannot take this Gospel
    • have one common origin. One common blood flows through the
    • veins of them all. The body and the blood are one. And in
    • the Earth. In warmer zones the human body is not the same as in
    • colder zones. The bodily nature and the forces working in the
    • only one part of the connection. The current of electricity
    • is done — simply by sinking plates in the Earth. The Earth
    • short, the Earth is not working alone, but together with the
    • associated the idea not only of one single Godhead of the
    • 9th century after Christ. None the less his books contain
    • exponents. They said: The Father God has worked in the blood
    • Father God had never succeeded in working alone but had been
    • negated, then, through Negative Theology alone can the real
    • be drawn from the forces of their consciousness alone,
    • anything. Your own forces and your own forces alone must lead
    • creative in earthly existence. And this must be done through
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  • Title: Lecture: Philosophy and Anthroposophy
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    • in respect of the human self — that is, self-knowledge — is one
    • path discovers that he has inwardly abandoned the true reality which he
    • experiences, on the one hand with Natural Science and on the other with
    • thought are encountered whose origin is due, on the one hand, to Natural
    • one side for supposedly not doing justice to Natural Science, while upon
    • and be subject to transformation. Many an erroneous view of its true nature
    • Most exponents of the history of philosophy, especially of the older
    • that someone or other expresses himself in ideas, but round the question
    • have simply to be accepted, on the one hand as the deposition of the
    • is to be substantiated by a purely conceptual process, this must be done
    • upon him by the Arabs, Aristotle is made to appear as the opponent and foe
    • this extremity. Upon the one side they adhered firmly to the truth of
    • alone right and true. Placed in this dilemma, the Scholastics were faced by
    • conception thereof; that, in short, one had but to interpret Aristotle
    • were taken to accentuate the breach between faith on the one hand, which
    • thinking should also become the victims of this breach occasioned by
    • invoked the book of Aristotle, their opponents confronted them with
    • technique of thinking on the one hand, and supersensible truth on the
    • assertion which should not be assumed a priori. He replied that one need
    • perhaps, appear grotesque, but is none the less pertinent.
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  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture I: The Pedagogy of the West and of Central Europe: The Inner Attitude of the Teacher
    Matching lines:
    • asserts that the unfortunate presence of dishonesty and alienation in society
    • according to what I have just learned there are so many things to be done
    • formulated in a way one deems to be correct. Now in real life this is not
    • nonetheless it will become clear to you. I should have to say a great deal
    • someone in Central Europe today speaks of
    • heads of people who set the tone in spiritual matters in Central Europe.
    • Nonetheless these paths exist and are to be found. And if you take the
    • science. What, according to this, should be done in school? We should teach
    • frequently contested; nonetheless it is done in practice, and for the
    • means, if his gifts predispose him to be a botanist, he can become one; if
    • he has the natural ability to become a zoologist, he can become one. This
    • our insight: in this child a botanist is hidden, in that one a zoologist.
    • scientist. This has gone so far that a scientific training is taken to be a
    • would sooner take the students' part. For the direction things have taken
    • they are at one and the same time teaching and research institutions. But
    • all the harm that is done to education when it has been planned by
    • There is nothing to be done about it, and we can only hope that we arouse
    • education. Among these principles is one on which he lays great emphasis:
    • in teaching, one should never proceed from the abstract, but always from
    • the concrete — one should always elaborate a subject
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  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture II: The Three Fundamental Forces in EducatioN
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    • asserts that the unfortunate presence of dishonesty and alienation in society
    • proper architect, one who works with forms), the reason is that such a man
    • the earthly projection of the music of the spheres. In truth, a tone of
    • configuration of tones or the content of language, this comes from outside.
    • between the musical-lingual on the one hand and the formative-structural on
    • the other is a different one. But through the whole period of human life up
    • understood figuratively thus: as if someone were to play a sonata and were
    • placed together as in a museum. The animal always manifests a one-sidedness
    • as medium for the tones to become physical; the air in the larynx in turn
    • soul-organism after death. This is fashioned during the period of kamaloca.
    • imperfect things they have done. But we introduce a possibility that the
    • musical impression remains active much longer than a vocal one. The spoken
    • descending stream. The one has the appearance of an attack, the other,
    • Shakespeare this has already been toned down), but rather: serpent, wolf
    • proper, reasoned enthusiasm — not with the glowing,
    • Luciferic enthusiasm that alone is acknowledged today. In sum, we must come
    • the interplay between man and the formative-architectonic on the one hand,
    • or paint, etc. has its origin. This is what makes the art of painting one
    • two forces, the one working inward from outside, the other working outward
    • But another force is present, one which we suck in from the outer world, by
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture III: Spiritual Knowledge of Man as the Fount of Educational Art
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    • asserts that the unfortunate presence of dishonesty and alienation in society
    • like to call one of them the musical element, the element of sound that we
    • hear, and the other one can be called the pictorial element, the element we
    • see. Other sense qualities are intermingled with what we hear on the one
    • motor nerves. Both are one and the same, and the motor nerves do not really
    • system of nerves and senses. Perception, alone, is conveyed by the
    • it is exactly the opposite process of the one I have just described. The
    • organs. These are at one and the same time the kind of organs that appear
    • Anyone
    • aspect of tone experience. You can find this in those parts of his
    • that has to do with real processes when we say that the actual tone is
    • the case ol external colour when we perceive it as having a 'tone'. We do
    • not perceive the tone in the external colour either, but we hear something
    • we say E or U any more than we hear the tones when we see yellow or blue.
    • the etheric body, thus making the two bodies work more closely as one. Now
    • movement, just as it has been done for us up till now in the invisible
    • is really like. On the one hand our attention is drawn to the physical,
    • in man in the will realm of things we see, and another one on the life of
    • together and meditate on them, you can be sure of one thing, and that is
    • creative remembering which is at one and the same time a receiving from the
  • Title: Meditative Knowledge of Man: Lecture IV: The Art of Education Consists of Bringing Into Balance the Physical and Spiritual Nature of the Developing Human Being
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    • asserts that the unfortunate presence of dishonesty and alienation in society
    • the spiritual worlds comes into this one, I should like to say on wings of
    • which this can be done.
    • can describe this process from one aspect. However, one can also do it the
    • way it was done in earlier days when the whole subject was brought to man's
    • one side we can call the birth of the etheric body, seen from another side
    • two-sided description of one and the same fact. Indeed, we gain a true
    • from different sides and then combining the different aspects to one
    • comprehensive view. To have any spiritual content fully contained in one
    • melody in a single tone. You must characterise it from different sides.
    • This is what people who understood something of these matters in bygone
    • that is to hear the various explanations in harmony with one
    • absorbed; yes, this process is from one of its aspects indeed best
    • one side of the scales — if the weight is too small, the
    • in rigid concepts; and in trying to rectify one error we may always fall
    • factors of life which are all important so that we never bring out one side
    • education one has to create an artistic balance. Because if one does not
    • mistake, that one does not let the ego sink deeply enough into the
    • right way. When one notices the well- known Theosophists mark, which all
    • — then one must strive to prevent this tendency to
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  • Title: Social Understanding: Lecture II: Social Understanding Through Spiritual Scientific Knowledge
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    • asserts that the unfortunate presence of dishonesty and alienation in society
    • middle one of these three lectures there are a number of anthroposophical
    • I have often mentioned, is connected with the development of forces that
    • the power of Inspiration. And the forces that in bygone times used to be
    • forces as those we grow with from our birth to the age of twenty-one. So
    • on the one hand for memory and on the other hand for the assimilation of
    • After having as it were shown you how these things can really be gone into,
    • on the one hand and supersensible existence on the other, you will never
    • forces from one side and subsensible forces from the other side work into
    • fourteen to twenty-one. At this stage the subsensible passes over into the
    • twenty-first year. Not until the age of twenty-one does man tear himself
    • this work being done on him by the earth; all this ceases at
    • twenty-one.
    • happens then, however? What happens after twenty-one? Up till twenty-one we
    • after we have reached the age of twenty-one, we have to draw on ourselves.
    • planetary forces, himself, after the age of twenty-one. And yet he has been
    • way, before twenty-one
    • simply done unconsciously by man's blood in the past. For the strength in
    • resorting to doing consciously what was once done unconsciously by the
    • — You visit someone who has a scale standing beside his
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  • Title: Buddha and the Two Boys: Lecture I: Buddha and the Two Boys of Jesus
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    • was done in Basel, it was possible to touch especially on what can be
    • called the prehistory of Christ. Here one has to do with very complicated
    • prehistory we have very complicated relations before us. The greatest, one
    • new presentation. One does not yet know this event sufficiently in the mere
    • time the spiritual currents flowed together, which had gone separately
    • before in the world. Following the Gospel of Luke, one could speak of three
    • spiritual currents that met in the Christ event. One is linked to Buddha,
    • precisely in that Christ event. One usually speaks of such spiritual
    • reached its climax in Gautama Buddha. He had gone through embodiments
    • abilities have partly receded, new ones have been added.
    • himself into that child in his Nirmanakaya. Under the Nirmanakaya one does
    • is connected to the back body only by a thin stalk. If one thinks of this
    • as invisible, one has two unconnected, but still belonging together parts.
    • If one studies the
    • origin of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke and compares it with the one
    • one can get the right information why the two genealogies are and must be
    • parents with the same name. The one Jesus is the Bethlehemite. He lived
    • the Nathan line of the Davidic house. Luke tells more about the one,
    • different abilities in his early youth than the Nazarene one. The former
    • of the same in himself. One must not believe that it is the same Jesus of
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Buddha and the Two Boys: Lecture II: The Gospels, Buddha and the Two Boys of Jesus
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    • the question that someone might ask: Yes, if so much has already been said
    • other Gospels, that in a certain sense one would get the same understanding
    • as if one had let the deepest Gospel, the Gospel of John, work on
    • these gospels in this way, one gets to know them in a certain sense. I have
    • shown that in the Gospel of Luke one has the opportunity to discuss
    • Man will once become ruler over these; he is afterwards a trinity, one
    • ancient times had to be given differently than today. Today one can
    • there was a logical thinking, if one had appealed to his conscience, to his
    • thinking, it would have been like speaking to a stone or to a
    • people are picked who have understanding for the teaching. Perhaps one will
    • within a people that had gone through a different development than the one
    • speak, on the condition that one reckoned that this people is on a younger
    • One usually understands as development that
    • its lawgiver commandments in which one did not appeal to one's own soul.
    • Imagine that someone wants to artificially make a human being develop
    • especially creative abilities at a certain age. But one would not like to
    • compassion and love. Only at one point of the earth's development, where
    • year, then this is the one in which all the powers are, which man has in
  • Title: Lecture: Art As A Bridge Between The Sensible And The Supersensible
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    • This lecture was held just over one hundred years ago, in the
    • true form with active comprehension. On this point one has only to avoid
    • wrong even so to see it as a matter of looking at this alone. Well into
    • life, as expressed in one's social status.
    • participate. One need really only consider how little the cultural life
    • relegating the worker to only a proletarian education. One need but think
    • the church, where everyone could see them, where the highest nobility
    • present age at the point where it has become almost impossible for one
    • prerequisites of any kind, everyone actually has his standpoint. Today
    • someone can be a presumptuous young whippersnapper and still have his
    • spirituality. I recently emphasized here once again that one should not
    • deceive oneself in that people still go to church, maintaining they have
    • one that points to something barely approached by the average person
    • question, “What is the human being?” one
    • nonetheless remains true that everything I have set forth here is
    • person precisely, in stone or in bronze, or in some other
    • like that in nature?” And if someone finds that nothing of
    • ridiculous, since that can self-evidently, be done better in real life.
    • theosophical societies. There one remains completely in words, in
    • necessary to acquire a feeling for these things, a feeling such that one
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  • Title: Raphael's Mission in the Light of the Science of the Spirit
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    • being, for Raphael has become one of the pillars upon which the higher
    • that one has the feeling, they arise quite suddenly from
    • individualities, of whom one had at first assumed, they light
    • organism. One has this feeling quite especially with
    • show this, one would like to say on the other hand: The
    • calling to mind a saying of Goethe's, one would like to transpose it,
    • applying this saying to temporal evolution, one would like to
    • descriptions of the Bible. One would like to say, Raphael not
    • throughout the various epochs of humanity, bearing from one age
    • one bears something of a total impression in one's soul. And
    • then one may ask: How does it stand with this overall
    • organs. A withdrawal from sense impressions, in giving oneself
    • though by a mighty incision. On the one hand we have the
    • One, from inner depth and power, undistinguished by external
    • of the further development of humanity. — If one would
    • comprehend the development of humanity, one has to become clear
    • in one's mind that we are living in an age which implies a
    • itself. One then gains the impression that in the age of
    • to realize itself in figures such as Raphael alone was able to
    • that lived in strife and discord, waged war on each other. One
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  • Title: Leonardo's Spiritual Stature: Lecture
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    • a moment felt by many people as being one of the most
    • spoke the words, “There is one among you who will betray
    • Santa Maria delle Grazie, one sees on the wall
    • back, one has the impression that for quite some time already
    • What must indeed at one time have spoken to human beings from
    • something that had not been done before in painting murals. A
    • refectory of the Dominicans, was completely under water on one
    • the dining hall of the cloister and one day had it made higher.
    • magical quality still proceeds from it. One can say, it is only
    • 1519, we nonetheless stand before the mural in the dining hall
    • conjured onto the wall. One stands with a certain wistful
    • points out with reference to earlier biographies that one has
    • a question can emerge for us: Did the one who once painted this
    • seems to me, one arrives at this question, as a matter of
    • only with nature and itself, one says to oneself: a tremendous
    • figure on one occasion, and that the master decided on seeing
    • it to cease painting altogether, since he saw himself outdone
    • following his painting ability, one has the feeling: Year by
    • gesture of the one hanged. In a lower corner of the page a head
    • intended to use the study. Studies thus pile one upon the
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  • Title: Fairy Tales: in the light of Spiritual Investigation
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    • tales in the light of spiritual investigation. One of them is
    • in fairy tales, one has to a considerable extent the feeling
    • penetration of the fairy tale. If one has the justified
    • the fairy tale ought to make in simply letting it work on one,
    • then one would far rather not accept explanations
    • one were to destroy the blossom of a plant, if one intrudes
    • with one's power of judgment in what wells up so pristinely
    • possible nonetheless to illumine at least to some extent
    • soul, one arrives as a matter of course at the conviction
    • from being impoverished, one has the feeling that
    • original that one would like best of all to bring it to
    • expression oneself in the form of a fairy tale of some kind.
    • One senses how impossible any other approach is in speaking out
    • may be regarded as entirely natural that someone like
    • aforementioned sources from the standpoint of
    • That is to say, whoever seeks to come to the aforementioned
    • experiencing something tragic, one has the feeling, in
    • one way or another, a particular soul is entangled
    • we have a different feeling than the one just described, since
    • original and elemental one, belonging to effects that are hence
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  • Title: A Mongolian Legend
    Matching lines:
    • lifting every stone and raising it to her eye, only to
    • all certainly know that with a child after birth the bones up
    • primeval times. At that time, had one been able to see in the
    • same way as today, one would have seen an organ, like a shining
    • surroundings. One would have observed something like a
    • door to which has closed, the door of one's own head. The
    • the eye at the top of the head still functioned? This is no
    • into the cosmos. The human being has not only to become one who
  • Title: The Worldview of Herman Grimm in Relation to Spiritual Science
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    • gained in widening one's spiritual horizons. It can be
    • outlook inherent in spiritual research, anyone immersing
    • proclaimed and of a tone-setting nature in the cultural life of
    • the present. However, it can only appear so to one who
    • personality. To anyone having occupied himself with
    • enthroned like an Olympian, a musical instrument in his hands,
    • By virtue of the connection with this circle — as mentioned,
    • Gisela Grimm, Herman Grimm's wife, was one of the
    • death [in 1832J, rather than one who had “studied”
    • himself as one whose task it was, quietly yet actively to
    • anyone not accustomed to looking up to someone as to a lordly
    • acknowledgement of the aforementioned status. I still fondly
    • often liked to visit. On one occasion, he invited me as his
    • quite natural manner, such that one accepted it from him as
    • that, one granted him a certain air of lordliness.
    • attribute. One cannot take up one of his major or minor
    • sentences without feeling: all this affects one as though the
    • author's personality stood behind it, regarding one with
    • that breaks through. One accepts his style despite its
    • elegance. Everywhere, one senses his origins in having
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 1
    Matching lines:
    • be done tomorrow perhaps — I would like to say something about
    • I only need to mention one item of
    • And one must only remember a second thing.
    • obvious that because of the mystery schooling they had gone through,
    • As I mentioned, a subspecies was found in
    • those times no one thought of spreading a certain worldview. Why
    • imperialism appeared. The second form was when the ruler, the one who
    • mentioned, when the ruler and his paladins appeared as God's envoys,
    • imperialism a division occurred, a real division. On one hand there
    • But in the second phase of imperialism the division occurred. On one
    • from various viewpoints, not just one. We could say that in the
    • — not a clear one, more like a feeling — that once in
    • Europe, it can only be found in the way Percival found it: one seeks
    • empire. Now the empire is merely a sum of symbols, of signs, and one
    • had been God, then an anointed one, became a kind of mere shadow
    • one cannot say a decoration exactly, but rather something
    • soul. This “all are one” feeling, the national
    • realities: One person was the God for the mentality of the other
    • it becomes the protector and everything has been made honest.
    • done, for under the surface, especially in the western countries, the
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 2
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    • one must direct one's attention toward the birth of a new spiritual
    • people had a talent for mere names without meaning; that on one hand
    • One should not analyze, but look
    • showing the historical realities. In history the definition of one
    • sense is long gone. One can say that what goes on in the lodges today
    • One of the most important criteria is the absolute indifference to
    • all are brothers, regardless of one being a lord and the other a
    • play no role. And secondly no one would claim that in the external
    • confusion. One can cite some strange examples for the platitudinous
    • someone is a powerful minister, say, and needs an under-secretary of
    • state, he naturally prefers a brother Mason to someone else. It is
    • reality is not truth, but platitude. Of course one can force
    • explain how one can achieve insight into the spiritual world by
    • after every third lecture someone stands
    • up and says: “Yes, but how can one know that what he sees
    • the suggestion that when someone even thinks about lemonade he has a
    • the realities the only one remaining is the economy. And in the
    • when one sees through the fact that everything he says is necessarily
    • Wilson, when ones sees through the fact that Wilsonian politics were
    • things in public life that everyone in the whole world is imitating,
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Imperialism: Lecture 3
    Matching lines:
    • fact it was not done during those times when the conditions I have
    • described really existed. But if one only saw an image of the
    • spiritual world in physical institutions, if one spoke of what Saint
    • heavenly facts and personalities, then one can hold the opinion that
    • someone else could object and say that it is not a true image. That's
    • began the possibility to judge on one's own, that is, to add a
    • to you yesterday, is the one in which the inner substance has also
    • disappeared from discussion and therefore everyone can be right, or
    • appear, one can argue and discuss what are rights and the legal
    • physical kingdom. And then one arrives at such definitions as I
    • citizens who are bound by it.” So the state unfolds a will! One
    • can well imagine that someone who is embedded so strongly in abstract
    • such a thing let alone write it down. But it is in the book I spoke
    • wouldn't have hurt one bit if when Woodrow Wilson arrived in Paris in
    • one's subjective beliefs play no role. And consider it from this
    • the second stage and into the third — that someone asks: What
    • situation in life one must do this or that. They generalize. But it
    • to one case. This way of generalizing, which we have become accustomed
    • the future. One can become disinclined towards the things which are
    • detail how this enmity has gradually increased over time. But one
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture I: Anthroposophy and Natural Science
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    • Lecture One by Rudolf Steiner given in Berlin, 6 March 1922
    • exponentially in the last century, particularly the
    • development something else needs understanding, if one wants to
    • arrive at an anthroposophic understanding, than that which one
    • go from one sphere of world phenomena into another, that you
    • one form into another, so thoughts should also take on other
    • forms when they enter into other spheres. One thing remains the
    • Whoever wants to find proof why one can't use concepts gleaned
    • way in which the human being is positioned within the
    • worked on the one side earnestly from empiricism against the
    • fertile points of view, if one complies with his boundaries.
    • appearances is theory enough, one doesn't even need to
    • phenomenon which stops there and one can't condescend in a
    • one could say nearly all — of the details of
    • done in terms of explanations of causality was done extensively
    • However, if one places Goethe there as a non-mathematician,
    • course — and how one can see that these three corners at
    • will find that the outer facts can be verified with one's
    • nature, it didn't bring one to a whole. — One can imagine
    • one below another and refrained, as befitted most researchers
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  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture II: The Human and the Animal Organisation
    Matching lines:
    • world view — I have mentioned this twice here at least. The
    • intermaxillary jawbone in the upper jaw.” One needs to
    • any other jaw bone but which is not found in the human being as
    • a separated bone, made people believe that this part of the
    • bone in mature people grow together, so Goethe tried to show
    • relationship in their upper intermaxillary bone as in
    • intermaxillary jaw bone in common with the animals, and how out
    • metamorphosis, then one has to, if you are looking for
    • takes on form through his organs. In brief, one needs to search
    • Now, one can prepare, in a specific way, how to discover the
    • further one ascends the animal row, right up to the human
    • life. Certainly one could say: what for instance do the senses
    • beings. For those who want to understand if one could speak
    • it is valid that one can speak for instance about the sense of
    • feet or only one, whether we move our arms in one way or the
    • thoughts, for an organisation of the Self — not for one's own
    • self, because for one own Self it is dependent on something
    • the human realm, on the one side, and the animal realm on the
    • because one can have discussions, as scientific researchers,
    • is correct to emphasize that by counting the bones of the
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  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture III: Anthroposophy and Philosophy
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    • “Sophia”; one could call it a particular, if not
    • sure as in those cases when philosophy, on the one hand was
    • also spiritually — one can quietly declare this —
    • than what had been experienced for centuries. When one looks
    • the place of the earlier philosophic observations. One admires
    • Schelling, one admires the energy and force of Fichte's
    • development of thoughts, one can perhaps also develop a feeling
    • one would more or less consider this classical time of German
    • the question: How could someone take the content of his
    • that one can't sketch it in the same way as I've done for the
    • thought could reach its fully entitled, one-sided development.
    • what I could call, a kind of fear of rising up to one
    • right into sociology, earnestly separated, on the one hand,
    • which to shape the world view as Herbert Spencer had done in
    • encompassing and that one could try to grasp the outer natural
    • wisdom. Hegel would simply not have understood how one could
    • such a world about which one can have knowledge. This means
    • there is no longer knowledge on the one hand and belief on the
    • How does one find during earthly life the bridge between belief
    • at one of the three parts of his philosophy, namely his
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  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture IV: Anthroposophy and Pedagogy
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    • can't be verified from the outset by anyone and that nevertheless
    • most unjustified ones that can be made against the
    • have been mentioned here already. Everyone can to a certain
    • understanding. One of these areas in which results can really
    • abstraction which one can have in order to satisfy some or
    • life's opportunities. If one takes on this life and fructify it
    • through anthroposophical ideas, one can see how the actions of
    • to a self-understanding which one can't achieve in
    • need to give one detail in which it can be seen how true
    • theories. The one tries to come from the soul-spiritual and
    • soul-spiritual as one of its functions. A third theory is
    • to pursue how the functions of the one takes place beside the
    • One
    • One
    • — if one focuses on the first important transformation
    • One
    • surroundings enter into the childlike organism itself. One can
    • influence of imitation. One can see how the child, in the
    • the childish nature is again conditioned by everything which
    • because for someone who has written
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  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture V: Anthroposophy and Social Science
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    • moment — one can only speak about such questions while the dire
    • that time, I urged everyone to observe the social economic life
    • suggestions above all to life practitioners; this book was
    • search further, then one could — namely from central Europe —
    • situation: Perhaps no stone will remain standing as he has
    • Basically, something quite different has happened. On the one
    • that be? — ie: what one could actually expect. It turned out to
    • these practitioners argue over the key points of the social
    • theoreticians. This shows that one can have a routine practical
    • newer relationships it can no longer be — these practitioners
    • could raise doubts when you oppose practitioners and get
    • someone.
    • who on the whole are quite substantial practitioners, even
    • quite honest about healing central European economic life, and said:
    • much deeper social economic conditions today if one wishes to
    • what was merely mentioned but what had to be spoken about
    • according to my conviction. One can hardly pass by a
    • characteristic common to our age if one wants to discuss the
    • it could today be one of the most important symptoms we find
    • “scientific”. If one considers what stands in the
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  • Title: Impulse for Renewal: Lecture VI: Anthroposophy and Theology
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    • Towards the end of the previous century one had a certain
    • People were not always, one could call it, theoretically and
    • its own working methods. On the one hand it wants to take into
    • confronted on the one hand with the fact of fully recognising
    • scientific field — I have already mentioned this —
    • observations through which one is educated in scientific
    • growth processes seen in the plant and animal. One remains
    • always true to one's conviction of natural development when one
    • created out of the sense world. One remains true to that which
    • possible, in words of today's language use. Naturally one is
    • often forced that what one is observing — I admit this
    • this, that some or other suggestive means is applied, with one
    • everyone, who wants to live into it, will not merely become
    • example by one of those present here today, a very honourable
    • to listen and this people don't want these days, so one must
    • foundation on which supersensible research can be done. This is
    • Someone who honestly says what he sees, knows how polemic comes
    • was simply to honestly say what is found through Anthroposophy
    • Anthroposophic Movement, but it will only come into one single
    • intimate relationship with the congregation. One can have
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  • Title: Impulse of Renewal: Lecture VII: Anthroposophy and the Science of Speech
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    • Translator's Note: “Sprache” is the one word
    • about today and it became clear to me that one really needs a
    • When speech is the subject and when one sets the goal to treat
    • speech scientifically, then one must be clear that it is not as
    • physical nature of the human being. In these cases, one has at
    • Certainly one can discuss to what a degree observation lies at
    • object essential for our observation. One can, if one remains
    • consciousness, also when one is speaking. I would like to
    • twice, one after the other. Already before this I believed that
    • one of these lectures I had to discuss ethical and moral
    • the same way as some had listened yesterday, then one could
    • done in the right way: feelings of gratitude, interest in the
    • one expresses the word “Pflicht” to the word
    • allow nuances of experience to flow into what happens when one
    • says “Pflicht.” When one says “Pflicht”
    • one touches an impulse through these words which comes out of
    • activity. This is the impulse which one designates to the word
    • conducted when one goes over into activity. One could say
    • different between one word and another, and yet despite this
    • sober objectivity for scientific observation of speech. One
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  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 1
    Matching lines:
    • had originally functioned in Germany from 1904 until 1914, when the
    • Lesson One
    • will be necessary to investigate how one finds the path to his
    • have gone into these things in our weekly periodical, What
    • Nature, although it glows to us as grand and powerful in tone
    • To you the Spirit-Messenger, who alone
    • human being, but transformed into one of gigantic stature.
    • appropriate seriousness, no one should seek what lies beyond
    • honest seeking. For all this can only constitute a basis for
    • what one needs for fathoming one's self, in which the world has
    • one abyss. For if we wander out into space so far that we come
    • these three ways lead to only one goal, to one last stop, not
    • Knowledge bravery alone will overcome it.
    • Knowledge bravery alone will overcome it.
    • it is not sufficient to say: I am not afraid. Everyone can of
    • basically, everyone today is vaccinated against the spirit's
    • make the whole world a movie, because then no one is required
    • to think — everything is reeled out and all one has to do
    • nowadays can be compared to someone who wants to pick something
    • monster, but its whole attitude is one of weakness and
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  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 2
    Matching lines:
    • had originally functioned in Germany from 1904 until 1914, when the
    • with this sensation, which one can have when one gazes out to
    • which is one with the inner human being, then the corresponding
    • The lifeless world is fashioned;
    • such insight were provided to everyone walking down the street
    • The Spirit-Messenger to you: he who alone
    • through spirit-knowledge, from out of which he speaks who alone
    • spiritual cosmic knowledge of the being which is one with our
    • own humanity. And then the knowledge arises which one can
    • Knowledge bravery alone will overcome it.
    • game. And one is convinced that the game is in earnest. But one
    • harms one's self and others greatly by playing at spiritual
    • Perhaps I would have done it if I had thought about it, but I
    • one can ask - have I forgotten what I found to be quite
    • someone says: that is not the case with me, it could be quite
    • such heavy baggage. For everyone who keeps to the old humdrum
    • interpreting lies as truth. If one tries to do this in esoteric
    • Take one of the saddest - to the spirit saddest - occurrences
    • direction of our feeling is the correct one. We must delve most
    • spiritual world. For how can one lack seriousness regarding the
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  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 3
    Matching lines:
    • had originally functioned in Germany from 1904 until 1914, when the
    • It's about the path one should follow in thought, the path
    • which one will actually take when seeking access to the
    • spiritual world. And we should not say that when someone
    • experiences in thought - if he honestly and earnestly lives in
    • One
    • existence with their senses. Rather should one say: When even
    • in thought one approaches the description of the path that
    • and speaks to you is a real person or the semblance of one. You
    • illusion. Therefore the first thing one must learn in order to
    • what is experienced in the physical world. One must acquire
    • concerned, if you have a vivid memory of it. For someone who
    • when one enters the spiritual world, he immediately senses that
    • in cosmic space. Feeling goes out of the universe and if one
    • wants to follow feeling one must ask: Where are you now? When
    • you have become 50 years old, then you have gone back in time
    • farther than 50 years; you have gone back 70 years, 100 years,
    • holding you together. One no longer feels within the confines
    • of the skin; one feels split into parts.
    • almost imperceptible. So one must achieve the ability to
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  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 4
    Matching lines:
    • had originally functioned in Germany from 1904 until 1914, when the
    • with the Guardian of the Threshold is the first thing one
    • as far as feeling is concerned, one correctly receives
    • there is one soul-force in you to which I am not appealing.
    • not preserve it in your memory alone. You should wait and see
    • normal consciousness. Let's say you know someone, anyone, with
    • feelings. One day someone reminds you of this person, says
    • someone with whom you have a certain relationship. Certain
    • enemy without letting the animosity towards him arise. One can
    • in order to be a true esotericist one must also be able to do
    • we must be clear about the fact that when one speaks correctly
    • an unstressed one. It was meant to instill in us a kind of
    • syllable and rises to a stressed one. We should feel it:
    • Words whose meanings alone are grasped leave us unto ourselves.
    • through which we can say to ourselves in all honesty and
    • myself one with the world.
    • Abstractly, meaning dishonestly, this is easy to achieve.
    • Concretely, meaning honestly, one must overcome many inner
    • aspects. If, however, one does not shy away from overcoming
    • which this feeling-one with the whole so-called
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 5
    Matching lines:
    • had originally functioned in Germany from 1904 until 1914, when the
    • Well, you see, at the moment when one enters the esoteric, a
    • divine. One would like to say: divinity is hidden within
    • process in one direction or the other can cause happy dreams or
    • fearful and anxiety-filled ones. We can be aware of how the
    • a completely exterior point of view. One needs only to look at
    • one point, and we must hold them quite far apart in order to
    • become one with the whole life and being of the element of air
    • our muscles and bones within us, so we are only conscious of
    • greater degree in respect to warmth. As we are one with the air
    • environment which encircles the earth, so are we also one with
    • circles are drawn: air, then a red one: warmth.]
    • thinking is in your head. Think that your willing is none other
    • One
    • Threshold's presence one is divided into the universal
    • elements, that one can no longer simply hold one's self
    • beings are in the light. One must imagine that in this
    • mystically to say that you are one with the world by merely
    • earth's light, are becoming one with the earth's light, and how
    • by doing so, by becoming one with the light of the earth, you
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 6
    Matching lines:
    • had originally functioned in Germany from 1904 until 1914, when the
    • However, one cannot feel this relationship by merely letting
    • one's gaze wander over this exterior world. One must advance to
    • a self-knowledge of belonging to this world. And when one
    • wishes to gain this self-knowledge, my dear friends, then one
    • rather must one return to what is revealed between them.
    • denser ones - even though he is related to them. Nevertheless,
    • environment are of great importance for him, but none more
    • Water and Earth on one hand, and on the other hand of Cosmic
    • they were cautioned: Trust the Fire, trust the Air, also trust
    • relationship with the elements in the correct way. When one
    • true self-knowledge. We realize that one is only human when he
    • from the earthly world where he stands alone, as it were, where
    • foreign to us. But if, through Imaginative knowledge, one
    • when he feels himself as one with the water element on earth he
    • if one becomes aware of his relationship with the air, he feels
    • related to the animals, plants, stones. And we feel differently
    • which slowly take one step after the other. We observe the
    • rapid ones, and the flying birds. We observe the inherent
    • there is something else. One feels fear of one's self. This is
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 7
    Matching lines:
    • had originally functioned in Germany from 1904 until 1914, when the
    • the Christmas Conference and the one we now have since
    • the members than that they honestly recognize what
    • done to bring it to the members' attention. It is saying much
    • alone. Therefore, anything which indicates that a member is not
    • one of the tasks for the members of this School. We want to
    • Because when one can learn that the Holy Roman Empire, which
    • world. The opponents see that it contains a strong inner force;
    • of the Threshold has been successful until one has experienced
    • which is a reflection of a spiritual world, one which does not,
    • one, the feeling one, the willing one, which exist in every
    • person and are only held together in one by the physical body
    • They are the one,
    • also “human imprint”; one must translate the words
    • They are the one,
    • The three, which as the one
    • They are the one,
    • The three, which as the one
    •  The triangle pointing downward combines with the one
    • This cosmic force is the one concentrated from below by gravity
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 8
    Matching lines:
    • had originally functioned in Germany from 1904 until 1914, when the
    • with whom the appropriate work to be done can be carried out,
    • in one sentence: Until then, anthroposophy was administered by
    • possible, only concrete ones. Anything said to come from the
    • membership. One who becomes a member of the Anthroposophical
    • living impulse. One assumes no responsibilities other than
    • itself. Once one has been a general member of the General
    • this Free School for Spiritual Science one assumes truly
    • that is, that as a member one wishes to be a true
    • cannot agree to work together with someone as a member under
    • Freedom demands that everyone involved be free. And just as one
    • must take one step after the other and there has been much to
    • Something else to be mentioned is that the School must be
    • Therefore, if anyone wishes to initiate any kind of esoteric
    • esoteric work under conditions other than those just mentioned
    • questions about any field of life posed by honestly seeking
    • Whoever will not do this, who thinks that one should be silent
    • new people come, we would never get anywhere. Of course, one
    • reveal the grand cosmic script. For one who understands the
    • this wisdom. If one wishes to become an esotericist, if he
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. I: Lesson 9
    Matching lines:
    • had originally functioned in Germany from 1904 until 1914, when the
    • world. And today everyone can make this beginning.
    • we can feel ourselves as the ones touching, sensing. We can
    • One can reach his own warmth organism with thought.
    • then, having done that, you have a specific feeling. This
    • One
    • my warmth; one must say: I enlighten myself by thinking through
    • truly religious cosmic sense which can be undergone through
    • if it is really undergone, if we really end up being pious
    • experiencing, thinking, feeling and willing are no longer one,
    • will to the earth we become one with the earth through our
    • such a way that we can communicate to thinking, which has gone
    • be at one with that star-filled heavens. Thus have I
    • lungs belong - I will become as one with the entire planetary
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 10
    Matching lines:
    • had originally functioned in Germany from 1904 until 1914, when the
    • reference to this common sense where a touchstone exists
    • concerning whether or not someone is really destined by their
    • two possibilities. One is that the person hears about
    • them to be self-evident. It is obvious that everyone sitting
    • here today belongs to that group. For if someone who does not
    • member, it would not be honest of them. And honesty is the most
    • between people. For if you honestly consider that you possess a
    • moment it grasps anthroposophy honestly, it does so
    • which grasps anthroposophy honestly is the beginning of
    • of esoteric striving. It should not be overlooked. For when one
    • one proceeds farther and farther along the esoteric path. You
    • then we ask the question in all honesty: Why? Why did I absorb
    • consideration of earthly relationships one stands spiritually
    • still in Plato's time one felt something special about the
    • it's like when in the physical world someone writes something
    • to imagine that someone is speaking to you from a spiritual
    • which you are doing. As though someone were speaking to you from
    • heart. Now you try again to visualize how one acts and weaves
    • recall each one and add the outpouring of will as a
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 11
    Matching lines:
    • had originally functioned in Germany from 1904 until 1914, when the
    • course how far one or the other comes along this path depends
    • hinders achieving everything which is otherwise within one's
    • of all, the one most hidden to world history, took place: the
    • the language of the cosmos itself in the majestic tones
    • in the dullness of the tone — the active forces answer
    • extinguishing what has always seemed to be one's ordinary
    • self — it is possible to perceive oneself as
    • when we honestly approach such paths of knowledge, we learn
    • that we are not alone in the world, that we are in a dialog
    • not the only ones, not even the most important ones. For the
    • most important temples have no place, have no time. One comes
    • to them if one exercises the soul in the way that has been
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 12
    Matching lines:
    • had originally functioned in Germany from 1904 until 1914, when the
    • But it is just when one gets to know this Guardian –
    • spiritual world is mostly mistakenly imagined, because one
    • spiritual world. One wants something which is similar to the
    • doesn't matter much which one it is, it can be any mantra you
    • something, due to someone talking to me or some other event
    • a thought active, a remembrance-thought, one which you had
    • through one's own forces. That is what definitely and securely
    • The one who wants to shows to you
    • The one who wants to carry you,
    • The one speaks who among spirits
    • I could also say the “throne of being”, but
    • be given to you by the one who wants a spiritual ground in the
    • The one who wants to shows to you
    • The one who wants to carry you,
    • The one speaks who among spirits
    • 1.) The one who wants to show to you
    • 2.) The one who wants to carry you,
    • 3.) The one speaks who among spirits
    • looking upward, the two lines – the circular one, the
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  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 13
    Matching lines:
    • had originally functioned in Germany from 1904 until 1914, when the
    • The one who wants to show to you
    • The one who wants to carry you,
    • The one speaks who among spirits
    • The one who speaks as thought
    • The one speaks who gives to you
    • The one speaks who wants to create
    • field of the will is the one which most dominates the human
    • being, which acts most strongly in him, but is also the one
    • carry us forward. This is the most convenient idea one can
    • – where each one strides before the other [white legs].
    • movement when we are sleeping. They are the Thrones, beings
    • Thrones; therefore, it doesn't help. But when through intuition
    • higher world through the Thrones, just as in physical life he
    • of the Threshold tells us to listen to the Thrones speaking
    • to us. The Thrones speak to us about the drives – as
    • The one who guides the cosmic forces
    • consciousness one does not penetrate so deeply into one's own
    • is the greatest personal discovery anyone can make.
    • The one speaks who with grace
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  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 14
    Matching lines:
    • had originally functioned in Germany from 1904 until 1914, when the
    • Guardian of the Threshold is the one who protects us from
    • cross it. One can only cross this abyss by freeing oneself
    • from the physical, when one — symbolically speaking —
    • which rise up as spiritual figures from this abyss, that one
    • must be overcome. And in a graphic image one sees how his
    • one ghastly, one horrid to look at, and so forth.
    • can be a reality within him: the one on this side
    • of the abyss with normal consciousness; and the one beyond
    • ice melts in warm water, for we have become one with the
    • one with the all-pervading watery element of the universe.
    • is on the other side of the threshold, where one lives within
    • world, from beyond the threshold, one becomes an unstable,
    • of this war can not be written from the physical plane alone.
    • Documents alone do not speak the truth, because of the thirty
    • That is how one speaks with arrogance, with pride, as though he
    • No one should recoil from meditatively calling to mind again and
    • one. For he must feel: the inner self tends to waver to
    • Lucifer, and to Ahriman. One must keep this in mind during
    • Now, when one is over there, out of the body, the spirit is
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 15
    Matching lines:
    • had originally functioned in Germany from 1904 until 1914, when the
    • as we are in the spiritual world we should be one with this
    • which shows us the right direction, while Lucifer on one side
    • outside of us the essence of stone, of the mineral kingdom,
    • speak one after the other. The third hierarchy with the first
    • first we believe that we are experiencing our thoughts alone.
    • The earth's ground is gone. Everything solid is gone. The
    • surroundings we do not stand alone. We should learn to feel
    • hierarchy – Thrones, Cherubim, Seraphim – answer.
    • The Thrones answer from the first hierarchy:
    • Thrones:
    • spirit-world of the Angeloi, Exusiai, Thrones and so forth,
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 16
    Matching lines:
    • had originally functioned in Germany from 1904 until 1914, when the
    • from the cosmos near and far, which can be heard by everyone
    • recognized as one which brings down its information from the
    • institution, but at the same time one through which an
    • the former exoteric one
    • membership — namely the basic condition that anyone who
    • in his whole being that he is a part of what is being done
    • And the fact that no one is obliged to be a member of the
    • membership without anyone claiming that his free will is in
    • is to receive the verses asks for permission, but the one who
    • these questions. From one side the third hierarchy —
    • hierarchy — Thrones, Cherubim, Seraphim — answer
    • Thrones:
    • want to be closer to it, then not only one hierarchy can
    • fire. But now the answer does not come from one hierarchy or
    • from a rank of one of the hierarchies, but the answer comes
    • in choir from the Angeloi, the Exusiai, the Thrones; secondly
    • Angeloi, Exusiai, Thrones; secondly speak the Archangeloi,
    • Angeloi, Exusiai, Thrones:
    • have done and accomplished in thoughts, feelings and deeds
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 17
    Matching lines:
    • had originally functioned in Germany from 1904 until 1914, when the
    • which one must first attain for true knowledge of the
    • question and the Angeloi, Exusiai, Thrones; Archangeloi, Dynamis,
    • Cherubim; Archai, Kyriotetes, Seraphim speak, one after the
    • Angeloi, Exusiai, Thrones:
    • And the Guardian reminds us that the one who has come over to the
    • the easiest to remember and the one which most easily allows us
    • colors flooding within — which we normally see toned down
    • in the rainbow — weaving, living in one another; the beings
    • already seen how earthly thoughts are made living ones by the
    • creative forces from which they — Thrones, Cherubim,
    • and the Angeloi, Archangeloi, Archai; then the Thrones, Cherubim,
    • Cherubim and Thrones, is it again intoned in our humanity. It
    • intones to us as human beings:
    • Thrones.
    • Thrones, Cherubim, Seraphim:
    • directed to either one of these two addresses will be considered.
    • members have not followed this procedure, but have done as they
    • one cannot accept such impertinence, but what is written in such
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 18
    Matching lines:
    • had originally functioned in Germany from 1904 until 1914, when the
    • intoned with these words as they are directed to the human
    • live, alone is. We now know  that even here, in the
    • is spirit alone.
    • we see Nothing, call it minerals, one kind of
    • deeply, deeply: We now know that we have gone from the kingdom of
    • three together, the three choirs forming one choir —
    • Kyriotetes, Dynamis, Exusiai — three choirs in one:
    • existence which shone into his clairvoyant dreams. But the
    • Kyriotetes, Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones — if he experiences
    • there, so to speak. We are now standing before the third one,
  • Title: First Class, Vol. II: Lesson 19
    Matching lines:
    • had originally functioned in Germany from 1904 until 1914, when the
    • Thrones, Seraphim and Cherubim:
    • Thrones. Only there does “I am” sound true.
    • Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones):
    • the Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones:
    • thought pervaded cosmic body. The Thrones bear it, or
    • rather the Thrones bear the thought illumined cosmic
    • The Thrones' bearing powers “body”.
    • unusual. But just as one “enlightens” from
    • life, so also can one form the word “to body”
    • there is only one word in English for body, I feel
    • from “light”, for example. If someone wishes to
    • The Thrones' bearing powers embody.
    • The Thrones' bearing powers embody;
    • Thrones –
    • The Thrones' bearing powers embody;
    • Thrones:
    • The Thrones' bearing powers embody;
    • is one which has been constituted by the spiritual worlds
    • Thrones.
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XX (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • had originally functioned in Germany from 1904 until 1914, when the
    • Volume Three, Lesson One
    • given the first nineteen First Class Lessons (Volumes One and
    • (verses) used are the same as in Volume One, the descriptions
    • who had not attended the previous ones. So, it would be
    • laying of the foundation stone of the Anthroposophical Society
    • An esoteric school can only be one if it is the earthly
    • moon also belong. The impulse of one of these Archangels lasts
    • that what had previously blossomed in one place streams out to
    • Michael era than the previous ones. I would like to emphasize
    • time. Thus, we are in this Esoteric School as one which the
    • what flows within the anthroposophical spiritual movement. One
    • does not take on further responsibilities when one becomes an
    • is otherwise when one seeks to enter this School. Then, based
    • and willing. One cannot otherwise be a member of this
    • same way. One cannot play around with true esoteric matters;
    • School. It will be described in such a way that everyone can
    • follow it, but not that everyone must follow it, rather
    • desire arises to direct one's attention to the sources of human
    • the mute stone, the worm in the earth, we look at all that
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXI (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • had originally functioned in Germany from 1904 until 1914, when the
    • is in that other world, in which one's own self finds its
    • This erroneous self-knowledge, the knowledge of the self which
    • They arise one after the other thus:
    • itself the strength to create in one's own soul [Gemüt]
    • Your fearless knowledge alone overcomes it.
    • Your fearless knowledge alone overcomes it.
    • dear sisters and brothers, one feels, even exoterically, that
    • recently been abandoned by a human soul and spirit. We observe
    • One can do nothing else but submerge into the seeming of
    • thinking ever more, until one reaches, by submerging deeply,
    • ever further, into the immeasurable cosmic ether, in which one
    • request permission from Dr. Wegman or from me. Not the one who
    • is to receive them, but the one who gives. One asks someone who
    • can give them, and that one then asks.
    • anyone has written down something other than the verses
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXII (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • had originally functioned in Germany from 1904 until 1914, when the
    • therefore request that the members who give the new ones the
    • [low] tone is before the stressed [high] tone:
    • In one mantric verse all is in the right place and all is
    • will. We stand alongside being. Two high-toned syllables
    • want to localize our will. We must feel ourselves one with the
    • will to be one with the cosmos.
    • force of love alone, which lives and courses through humanity,
    • heavenly heights where alone the self can live selflessly if it
    • may be sure, if we are honest and open minded, that Michael's
    • of someone who is a member of the School and is not present
    • when someone wants to receive the verses because he was not
    • Wegman or me. But not the one who wants them is to ask, but the
    • one who gives them. This must be said as a foregone
    • verses may not be passed on from one to another.
    • anyone should write down anything else but the verses, he is
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXIII (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • had originally functioned in Germany from 1904 until 1914, when the
    • to the one he wants to lift up, how he points, on the one hand,
    • light. In light alone we would be benumbed, dazzled. We may not
    • devote ourselves to the darkness alone, for then we would lose
    • This is one of the last of the Guardian's admonitions:
    • it is necessary that we become one with the world, that we have
    • composed of these elements — is at one with these
    • of being at one with this object, because at the moment you
    • you touch it with, at one with the object. Now think that you
    • Warmth and cold are at one with us in a completely different
    • elements. And in different degrees our corporeality is one with
    • become one with the air-elements, we rise to the level of
    • Once the Guardian has said this, he sums it up again in one
    • one planet or another draws the orbit. The orbits have a
    • one with the cosmos if we bring ourselves to live into the
    • feel to be at one with the secrets of the planets:
    • one cosmic orbit. We have thereby felt body and soul to be at
    • one with the cosmos: the body with the earthly elements, the
    • we want the spirit to feel at one with the universe, we can
    • which we must feel our spirit to be at one with in the distant
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXIV (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • had originally functioned in Germany from 1904 until 1914, when the
    • to give them the introduction, which everyone who wishes to be
    • words sounded forth to man from all the stones and plants,
    • Through feeling's weaving dream alone;
    • As coldly hardened stone;
    • Through feeling's weaving dream alone;
    • The image-forms of memory alone;
    • As coldly hardened stone;
    • and again. If one does not look behind the mirror, one does not
    • beings, after having gone through the delusion of self-hood
    • certificate. Someone who could not be present at a lesson after
    • make the request to Dr. Wegman or to me, not the one who wants
    • to receive them. Therefore, one can request the verses from
    • another. But permission may not be requested by the one who is
    • to receive the verses, but the one who is to give them. It
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXV (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • had originally functioned in Germany from 1904 until 1914, when the
    • world. We are at one in thinking, feeling and willing.
    • supersensible world to the sensory one. He sees radiant being
    • we had as physical persons have abandoned us — we say to
    • They are the One,
    • The Three, which as the One
    • us over from the One to the Three. In the physical world, we
    • are the One. In the spiritual world, we are the Three, which we
    • They are the One,
    • The Three, which as the One
    • previously as the appearance of color or tone, now stream
    • remains feeling, but rays out to thinking on one side and
    • — flow together in one, because it is so in the
    • members of this Class may possess them, no one else. If someone
    • myself. However, the one who is to receive the verse may not
    • request permission, but only the one who is to give it.
    • Once permission has been granted to give someone the verses, it
    • myself. It would be useless for the one who wants to receive
    • the verses to request permission; only the one who is to give
    • them should ask. So, if one wants to have the verses, he must
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: First Class Lessons: Lesson XXVI (recapitulation)
    Matching lines:
    • had originally functioned in Germany from 1904 until 1914, when the
    • which I have often mentioned here in members' lectures.
    • not, just as each one is free to decide whether to belong to
    • be called healthy, especially not one which is worthy of the
    • things must be said, because if they are not observed, one
    • leadership for acts having to do with the School. Not the one
    • who is to receive the mantras may ask, but only the one who is
    • someone takes notes on what is said here, except for the
    • mantras, he is obliged to keep them for only one week, and then
    • when the other one merely repeated the mantra in thought,
    • someone has made such an error, he should not excuse himself by
    • claiming that he was unable to avoid it. Of course, if someone
    • runs through a mantra in his mind, and someone else copies it
    • for the anthroposophical movement. But when something is done
    • what is personal, that for instance if someone comes here to
    • for personal pleasure, in fact it is good. But one should admit
    • and thus the least harmful. If I had mentioned other examples,
    • the world are saying, if one listens to them with the soul. For
    • one passes over the yawning abyss of being; the Guardian of the
    • been opened - over the yawning abyss of being, where one does
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture I: The True Form of the Social Question
    Matching lines:
    • burning question. In particular, one may say that the terrible
    • on the one hand and under complete misunderstanding of some
    • itself for such a long time, now met only those who one would
    • not from one sided party views in the last decades, those would
    • is one of the most obvious contradictions in the areas of
    • workforce itself one always has the feeling: Yes, here various
    • forces. There is an attempt to give one or the other impulse a
    • direction. However, in what one could call social will is
    • Regarding any kind of event in life, no can one come to a
    • sober discussion. Here is the point where one can find the
    • this doubt. One sees how important personalities within the
    • movement in the world — when one looks more closely it strikes
    • can hardly understand how it came about, one could call it,
    • — that one can have human thought develop the highest measure
    • Certainly, the philosophy of Karl Marx can be accepted by one
    • proletarian world. Added to this, one can express it in the
    • alone based on a purely scientific thought as this modern
    • being seen as mere cause and effect — one could call it the
    • consciousness’ one should take less into account that it points
    • This class consciousness, one could say, is only superficially
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture II: Comparisons at Solving the Social Question based on Life's Realities
    Matching lines:
    • one lecture is not to be taken as independent and judged this
    • some one-sided remark about some or other class, some or other
    • humanity. If one tries to find a solution for the social
    • a class, out of some part of the social organism, then one does
    • way. One could say in the human, natural organism a system
    • works incorporating the nerves and senses. One could call the
    • expressed as rhythmic processes. As a third system, one can
    • as it is presented in its natural processes. In a way one could
    • especially the processes of the social organism, one can't
    • that to social organism, like Schäffle has done, like others
    • have done too, likewise with
    • when considered objectively. On the one side, you can
    • Spiritual life develops within a person. That is one member.
    • what one calls the crude system of material business life.
    • member, to begin with from the one side — one could
    • of one human being to another, while in the economic system it
    • One must be able to distinguish between the natural human
    • organism, relates to everything happening between one person
    • social membership, each in its place, where it is positioned.
    • beings to a particular part of nature. Here one needs to really
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture III: Fanaticism Versus a Real Conception of Life in Social Thinking and Willing
    Matching lines:
    • thinking and willing. One could say an abyss exists between
    • people, one could call it, among those who want to consciously
    • actually arise in consciousness. One can get various views
    • leaders on the one side and on the other the soul impulses of
    • the present day. We can see this in Paris, in Bern. When one
    • has an ear for such things, one could say that in both places
    • languages are spoken that one could doubt that the one spoken
    • at the one place also seems to be most remotely felt by the
    • developed over the last decades, a significant fact, one among
    • in a really, one could call it, in a scientific form which it
    • time than later, one felt more involved in these things, one
    • living conditions, with the manner in which they are positioned
    • particularly open to embark on an abstract teaching, one can
    • One
    • needs to study things in life in this kind of relation. One
    • strange thing — it does not live in what one could in the
    • formulation, the specific point of view and thoughts on the one
    • However, with this penetration one has the general feeling that
    • One could say tightly meshed thinking characterises modern
    • humanity. This narrow thinking breaks in everywhere where one
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture IV: The Evolution of Social Thinking and Willing and Life's Circumstances for Current Humanity
    Matching lines:
    • have mentioned in my lectures that solutions are not to be
    • found towards understanding such things by doing what one
    • conclusion by what had gone just before. I have tried to draw
    • intensity. One of the last big changes — this I explored
    • the 15th, 16th Centuries. Only if one
    • things will one not know how radically different everything is
    • one stream is clear in those people who can still up to today
    • relationships of one person to another. As with ancient
    • two mentioned social classes. So it must come about as we will
    • which are essential in order for, on the one side the bourgeois
    • mentioned — to what is actually hidden. What wants to
    • become one of differing mutual interests, a struggle of the
    • necessary liberation, so that one of the three forms are not
    • engulfed by one of the others but that they unfold freely
    • beside one another and already in a certain independence as I
    • time. I only want to draw your attention to one thing —
    • theoretical one sidedness. Should one try to prove in how many
    • people today what appears as practical life is none other than
    • an actualized one-sidedness, realized one sided theory, then
    • one will touch on some riddles of life and be able to find
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture V: The Social Will as the Basis Towards a New, Scientific Procedure
    Matching lines:
    • it extraordinarily lucky because it corresponds in tone to what
    • social impulses in their aims tend more and more to the one or
    • me as a metamorphosis, one could say, in all the impulses and
    • social will and allow some superstitions to dominate. One can
    • Towards such a social organism there is a striving of, what one
    • thoughts which familiarise one's own will with the forces in
    • certain extent one must be allied in one's own will with the
    • structure.’ — One cannot proceed this way. One can't
    • imagine what social illnesses are, to a certain extent. One can
    • only apply one's best aspirations by finding it out of people
    • of will and the non-proletarian life today lies a gap, no one
    • Proletariat — and one can as far as relationships go, not
    • met with one final important trust and they, not out of their
    • positioned itself at a decisive moment in a hostile opposition
    • of olden times. The Proletarians were the only ones who were
    • acknowledge the entire scope of this fact one should not only
    • think about what one has learnt about the Proletarian Movement
    • but one needs to be transported through one's destiny by the
    • such people who from one or the other side became the carriers
    • of the Proletarian Movement. One could clearly sense what
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: The Social Question: Lecture VI: What Significance does Work have for the Modern Proletarian?
    Matching lines:
    • other things are necessary. If we look at one another, at what
    • come about yesterday. In the way one speaks about it today, it
    • comfortable living in this capitalist economic order. One hears
    • progressed. One can hear how it has come about that humanity
    • humanity is ever more split into two divisions: in one in which
    • because of this foundation, while the other one must create the
    • So it came about that the Proletariat on the one hand within
    • One
    • hitherto leading class of mankind was opposed. So one can say
    • remedy the dangers which one is believed to be able to see? Was
    • of humanity did. The one who feels it from quite another angle
    • than as from empty phrases, the one who experiences it out of
    • civilisation. And so, some things were done through the trade
    • what was happening, one had a good extract of every process in
    • circles are basically only interested in one thing which the
    • Proletarian can give, and that one thing is Proletarian labour.
    • One needs to realize how incisive Karl Marx's ideas
    • Proletarians. However, the question is usually drawn to one
    • which one actually gains insights into the statement of the
    • Through this the question leads to quite a different track. One
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Lecture: Richard Wagner and Mysticism
    Matching lines:
    • Spiritual Science lived in one of the greatest artists of our time. In
    • definite ideas. Whether or not one is justified in speaking of it, is
    • anyone deny him the right to speak about the plant from this aspect
    • to clear away the above-mentioned objection.
    • nebulous and vague. But true Mystics have never done this. Precisely
    • everyone who is a true student of Spiritual Science. — It is that
    • which its melodies and tones can be heard. We are surrounded by worlds
    • To Richard Wagner the tones of outer music were an expression, a
    • was not one of those artists who think they must ‘out’ with everything
    • after certain trials and tests had been undergone? They were able to
    • Mysteries, religion, science and art were one, so were the arts which
    • representation were part of one whole, and when Wagner looked back to
    • if a musician must limit himself to tones. In Beethoven's Ninth
    • in human nature is in reality one and undivided but has been separated
    • the one side and of Beethoven on the other. This was the idea
    • Now what does Mysticism tell us with regard to the relation of one
    • together or when one becomes dependent on another. But there are also
    • much deeper relationships between them. The soul living in the one man
    • one man to the other. Spiritual Science reveals these laws, and, as an
    • deeper than the outer eye can perceive are working between one
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Lecture: Spiritual Wisdom in the Early Christian Centuries
    Matching lines:
    • culture. If one had suggested to a Greek philosopher of the Athenian
    • the end of the fourth century A.D. I have often referred to one aspect
    • regarded as one with whom true Christians could have no dealings.
    • personal God because, if he had done so, he could not have taught that
    • difficult to imagine that anyone capable of writing such absurdities
    • times gave their message in pictures and imaginations, Plato was one
    • Naturally one could not have spoken to such men of outer Nature in the
    • Iamblichus, a man possessed of deep insight and one of the successors
    • year the cycle is repeated. If these Powers alone held sway, there
    • figure, because one to five is the relation of seventy-two to three
    • are abandoned, as it were, by the three hundred and sixty heavenly
    • phosphorus, lime-stone, etc., within the human organism. We relate the
    • learning in those days, and one can readily understand that Plotinus
    • why the peoples have different Gods is that one race has chosen twelve
    • totality, one great system — the four hundred and seventy-four
    • knowledge of the higher world might be attained. To take one example:
    • the dogma of the One Divine Nature or of the Two Divine Natures
    • Iamblichus was one. It is the Initiates who teach true Christianity.
    • who said that anyone who claimed to have knowledge of the
    • These were the things that dinned in the ears of Julian, now from one
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Community Building
    Matching lines:
    • constructed in one or another traditional style. In our case
    • foundation which gives it, not the one-sided character of any
    • most intimate harmony with these movements. One could really
    • out of the architectural and sculptural forms. If one stood on
    • the platform and spoke with one's whole heart out of the
    • together with one. The endeavor had been to achieve this. To be
    • been made, and one could sense this, and it is for this reason
    • that anyone who had expended his labor on this Dornach building
    • mentioned, we have lost the home that sheltered us, we must all
    • summoned on behalf of Anthroposophy in the immediate future.
    • on our hearts — they direct our attention to one of the
    • guard against such a misunderstanding as this. One who has
    • After all, the question whether one joined the Society in 1917
    • or later or whether one can utter these sorrow-filled words
    • oneself today out of deepest inner experience of longer
    • words when one reflects about what those who have been
    • need the right mood, out of which alone this can be
    • and of the pastorate, which binds one human being to
    • still continues in one religious de nomination or another, it
    • understandable to anyone who knows that he can achieve that
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Community Building
    Matching lines:
    • more exclusive sense, if not to all of you together at one
    • the world leads one to take hold of life in a truer way than
    • one can take it without this.
    • history of such societies are very well aware of one thing: the
    • statement that it strives for brotherliness on the one hand and
    • of other persons. In other words, one awakes, even though this
    • moments which one is so fortunate as to spend with other
    • before one, which one never otherwise comprehends or confronts.
    • designated by one who knows the spiritual world with
    • higher world in which one now shares. On a different level,
    • pictorial life of dreams into the daily life. Then one becomes
    • the one out of the every-day consciousness — or,
    • is just as if one person who is narrating a dream tries to
    • they will fall to disputing one another, because they have
    • anyone knows who has had some experience of life — that,
    • with listening to one another. Nowadays this bad habit has
    • the most unqualified tolerance. There one must be able to
    • educate oneself to receive in utter quietude of mood even that
    • with which one does not in the least agree, to receive it not
    • only with a supercilious patience but in such a way that one
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 1: Evolution and Consciousness, Lucifer, Ahriman
    Matching lines:
    • compare it to the preceding age. We may say that one
    • preceded the present one. We have got used to calling it
    • form that preceded the present one, the human being, the
    • silent one compared to ours: The powers that are alive
    • felt at one, however dimly. It happened when the mineral
    • at a mineral, a stone, and quite rightly consider it to
    • look at a stone. In reality it is not the actual plant we
    • that are active between individual component elements in
    • experience sleep. There we are still rightly cocooned in
    • I used on one occasion to explain to someone that there
    • in a particular lecture and one can only speak within
    • such a single lecture will impress one person in one way
    • and another in a different way, particularly if one has
    • subject. It certainly would not be possible for anyone to
    • behind a single lecture if they just listened to that one
    • gone through the truly dreadful campaign of
    • untruthfulness that has gone around the world in the last
    • On the one
    • people dislike having to be so true to reality that one
    • say is: ‘Oh, someone said something and that was
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 2: East, West, and the Culture of Middle Europe, the Science of Initiation
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    • should like to add some further building stones to an
    • done, for example, the outcome in no way represents the
    • believe one thing or another to be right because some
    • alive. Thus you have on the one hand a tradition designed
    • — though no one is willing to admit it — that
    • really all one had was the outer shell of the Word of old
    • ideas one was not in the sphere of death but in the
    • It was also in a way a culmination, one merely has to get
    • this quite clear in one's mind. People today no longer
    • one of the Goetheanists, moved in a sphere of abstract
    • words repeated parrot-fashion in the churches that no one
    • 09 ], for instance, who spread one of the strangest
    • Germanic mind. At least one has the satisfaction that
    • again and again that it simply will not do for anyone to
    • the following: ‘None of these things are my own, of
    • initiates. If you ask why it is done like this you will
    • be told that anyone learning something directly from the
    • something of their initiation if they have at least one
    • oneself. If your eyes look straight ahead you will not
    • someone else. There are all kinds of indications of this,
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  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 3: Political Empires
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    • the only ones that enter into the realm of feeling for
    • characterized this a number of times. None of us should
    • today states are taken so much for granted that no one
    • certain areas no one would go against them.
    • an awareness that someone called to rule over some region
    • the one and only idea we have today when we speak of
    • can go to great lengths to explain that one should not
    • office. No one thinks that development should be such
    • all no one thinks that something objective should enter
    • there before. No one has that idea. I could characterize
    • this more or less as follows: I am talking to someone who
    • to someone who had been properly trained in this respect
    • one first has to ascend by some kind of spiritual, inner
    • things going on that bode ill for humankind, things one
    • gets used to, things one does not want to see. Today we
    • transition from a ruler who was a god to one who ruled by
    • possible to think whether something he had done was right
    • exist side be side with the earthly realm, one that has
    • earthly principle were seen to be one: the Holy Roman
    • it is true to say that no one nowadays is able to
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  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 4: Western Secret Societies, Jesuitism, Leninism
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    • One
    • number of times, is causing concern to anyone wishing to
    • world. There is one school — I have characterized
    • proper idea of current events one would have to take
    • account of a number of things. One thing to be
    • a fact I also mentioned in my first public lecture here.
    • but it is now out of date. Some people have gone very
    • comes from what should ideally be a truly honest, sincere
    • Does anyone
    • are on the plane of human evolution and one is below that
    • Considering what one comes up against
    • movement that one may quite rightly consider to be wrong,
    • pity to give oneself up to the harmful illusion —
    • we should simply try and explain to people in one
    • particular example—if someone were freely and in
    • were to be aimed at this? Someone going into the whole
    • on to something else. One element in religious beliefs is
    • eternity on what it had done during its one and only life
    • happened during one life on earth. If someone had
    • light in its true form. Gnosis — one is supposed to
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 5: How the Material Can Be Understood Only through the Spirit
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    • paradoxical, particularly if one fails to realize the
    • misunderstood. This is just one of many examples.
    • upside-down ideas. One might well think, if one was
    • doing so, people never consider one thing that is
    • absolutely essential if one wishes to understand the
    • arrows to indicate direction (a) here, where one
    • On the one occasion I have the whole organism within the
    • one of degree. In the head everything has gone through a
    • then, is the rest of the organism which has undergone a
    • same kind of work can be done there as at ordinary
    • universities. It is the work done at the universities
    • and positive developing. These are the things one wishes
    • one could speak of in words that truly go to the heart.
    • There, too, anthroposophy was effective. Not that one
    • anthroposophy to come alive in oneself first of all, and
    • which to base one's view of history.
    • the earth is asleep, in winter it is awake. I have gone
    • effort for anyone whose thinking is in a strait-jacket to
    • the civilized world are therefore quite erroneous, a
    • dreadful superstition. No one has thought to look for the
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 6: Materialism and Mysticism, Knowledge as a Deed of the Soul
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    • directions in the life of the human soul. One of these is
    • the one hand relates to the progress made in culture. It
    • materialistic one.
    • rainbow. No one should consider a rainbow to have some
    • Anyone who thinks matter can be found in the world which
    • nowadays. If anyone thinks it is enough just to say:
    • to say to someone that they are wrong in thinking that
    • that someone caught up in materialistic views of the
    • senses, but that anyone who considers that what his
    • Then we can no longer say that someone is expressing
    • we encounter reality. Nor can we say that someone should
    • anyone wishing to become a spiritual scientist it is
    • has been made to outline one particular aspect, to
    • right to exist in its one-sidedness as materialism has,
    • providing one perceives this one-sidedness. I have spoken
    • to shout as soon as the material world is mentioned,
    • inner experiences mysticism provides in its one-sideness
    • not allow us to go so far as to realize that in fact none
    • someone looking from outside would see what goes on
    • that anyone seriously devoted to the anthroposophical
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  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 7: Materialism, Mysticism, Anthroposophy, Liberalism, Conservatism
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    • One fact is that it is impossible to imagine that matter,
    • erroneously looking for in the outside world, may be
    • we become one-sided, abstract mystics. The contents of a
    • mysticism of Tauler and of Meister Eckhart, one is right
    • point by saying that anyone finding himself in the midst
    • valleys and so on. Yet if someone were to observe the
    • earth from Mars, for instance, none of these would
    • someone is concentrating on his inner life and exactly by
    • rainbow. Anyone who believes a rainbow to be more than
    • processes that carry the affairs of the earth from one
    • become outer ones. The outside world of those times has
    • future that may be reckoned in thousands of years. It is
    • of the element radium. To someone able to perceive the
    • erroneous ways of thinking which had to be pursued for
    • wrong and we have done enough when we have refuted his
    • building stones — are not merely subject to an
    • concepts. It is concerned with reality. Anyone looking
    • that anyone searching for truth In that direction is on
    • abstract spirituality within themselves. Someone looking
    • for the spirit by following the path of mere one-sided
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 8: The Opposition of Knowledge and Faith, Its Overcoming
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    • belief — perhaps one should not even call it
    • realm and it is said that one should never assume that
    • into certain knowledge. Thus we have science on one side,
    • be accepted by anyone who finds it acceptable but cannot
    • Anyone who
    • abandoned them, but it was for their own good, if I may
    • mystery centres where honest work was being done had long
    • world, to make it part of oneself, had of course been
    • knowledge, yet evolution had already gone beyond this
    • to materialism. This is done by letting them develop
    • that if one wishes to achieve something in the world that
    • goes against the normal progress of humanity one calls
    • oneself by the opposite name, as it were. Humanity must
    • Imagine someone calls and you are brought a visiting card
    • would not expect to see someone come through the door
    • conclude someone is a miller when we hear that his name
    • words to give a one-sided characterization. The subject
    • different, but putting them together one sees something
    • draw one's conclusions as to the reality from other
    • feelings are turning. And if one develops a very mundane
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 9: East, West, and Middle
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    • twenty-four hour period and have done so from many
    • that there are three main aspects to a human being. One
    • use their will to connect one thought with another, this
    • undergone a change from the way it was in the waking
    • changes the human brain had undergone. If you take an
    • a sense organ when we are awake for it shows none of the
    • to put yourself in the state of soul of someone living in
    • This can only be done with the aid of spiritual science.
    • because he had an inkling of this, but none of these
    • anyone who has studied the different psychologies of the
    • blood, muscle, skin and bone as we see them today, but in
    • understanding of the body, this materialism, will one day
    • the one hand we have the clear dialectical thinking of
    • tone for political and economic life. Greatness for the
    • to material things, to economics, will one day have to
    • economists. Spencer would have done a great deal better
    • Occident will one day give form and substance to the
    • done in full conscious awareness. The Middle represents
    • When one is
    • of transition. Every age is one of transition of course,
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 10: Transition from the Luciferic to the Ahrimanic Age and the Christ Event to Come
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    • in human evolution have undergone in very recent times, compared to times
    • belongs to the first half of the 20th century, as I have mentioned a
    • one was a conflict between human beings; human beings were fighting each
    • had gone before. You can get an idea of the different forms it took if
    • you consider one of the fundamental aspects of modern technology, let us
    • stepping back and directing the actual work done by machines.
    • Considering the facts one
    • years. The work done by machines, all kinds of machines, therefore had
    • war broke out, the potential was there for that much work to be done. A
    • immediately be fully brought to bear in the war zone; it took some years
    • mentioned, the Americans were in a position to mobilize 179 million horse
    • This reveals one of the
    • as a horse would have done. That is the characteristic feature of modern
    • On one side all this is
    • themselves in life and they arise out of the work done in industry, in
    • 18th century. He was one of the 18th-century materialists who were the
    • question mark as to one's own nature as a human being’ It will
    • done in the Gospels, for then contradictions, will arise. The moment you
    • preparing oneself for future earth lives — to allow ahrimanic
    • feeling, one I have not yet described. I was speaking of the longing for
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Polarities in Evolution: Lecture 11: Modern Science and Christianity, Threefold Social Order, Goetheanism
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    • on this earth. We look around us. None of the many things
    • ugliness, its pain and suffering — none of the ways
    • use this to help us recognize the Christ as the One who
    • we thus come to see Christ as the One who will redeem our
    • Christ spirit. If you take an honest, unbiased look at
    • Christ they are not being entirely honest, not entirely
    • aesthetic pleasures are on the one hand suppressing logic
    • principle, nor by a lower one, but were indeed free. He
    • and the beautiful Lily shone forth in his mind. Something
    • What exactly was it that they had done? Schiller used a
    • that about one thing or another. We know it in a way that
    • libraries, and we go there when we need some bone or
    • still felt to be connected with one's personal
    • was being written the time had indeed come when one would
    • and we would thus live up to Ahriman's ideal. One of the
    • external terms we call that taking one's doctor's degree.
    • Little rises from below in the human being; if one wanted
    • to write a doctorate thesis on what arises out of one's
    • libraries, taking up one book after another and probably
    • references to one particular key word. A new key word
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Life Between Two Incarnations
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    • want to pick out one of the most important chapters from the field of
    • place with man between death and a new rebirth. This is one of the most
    • significant processes in those worlds, one must penetrate into these
    • mysteries if one wants to understand the human being at all.
    • substances of which the human body is built. In the stone and in the
    • stone, has a form, and it retains its form until an external process,
    • second member. Already with the intellect alone, with logic, we are
    • has been mentioned so far? Oh, there is something more in it than bones
    • and muscles, than all kinds of chemical components, which we can see
    • sum of his suffering and his pleasure; this something everyone knows,
    • one thing in man that can never approach him from the outside. It is
    • this one name, the simple name "I". Only from the deepest depths of the
    • certain exceptional cases, which will be mentioned later. Only in death
    • physical body, and on the one hand we have the physical body, which
    • question is obvious, how someone can know at all, how these relations
    • by everyone, then about their correctness only he can decide who really
    • nothing and thereby claim that one cannot know anything. So only the
    • knower can decide what one can know.
    • an ordinary desire, and for the sake of simplicity let us choose one of
    • no longer possesses the instrument with which alone he was able to
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  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture I
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    • the opportunity to create, as has been done here, something for
    • should be dishonest if we shut our eyes to the many forces of
    • years people managed to grasp a good deal which I honestly
    • have done that if they had possessed, a straightforward sense
    • of development. One such change took place in the middle of the
    • the earlier Graeco-Latin one, which began in the eighth century
    • while we change on the one side our relation to the three
    • demanded in education on various sides. To give but one
    • are fitted for them? It is due to the work of bygone
    • one and the same thing! Men dispute over things that are not
    • the next generation and the one after that — which means
    • admitting such aims, is one of the reasons for our having been
    • must impress upon ourselves that; the old era is done with and
    • stretch before mankind. One leads through the
    • fallen to 2.15 centimes, but I have not yet met anyone who sees
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture II
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    • evolution is clearly perceptible to anyone who has the faculty
    • shall realize if we put before our souls one question of such
    • touchstone for their views, the question of the immortality of
    • mentioned. The treatment generally given to-day to the idea
    • are accustomed. One who discusses the question of immortality
    • Many things will follow on this. For one thing we shall
    • reckoned with. This mystery of life is that man, constituted as
    • relation to the spiritual world than an egoistic one. The
    • forces had been going on; one people after another shared in
    • the enormous folly of those years; one could but say:
    • human soul — that is reality!” One who does not
    • and “Ideology” in the West mean one and the same
    • Maya, in the outer world, reality in the inner world alone. In
    • acquired a decadent physical brain. It is so, and we are in one
    • express spirituality is not due to the language alone. The
    • them the physical tone loses its significance, while the
    • Eastern one,” and seeing how elemental forces are stirred
    • humanity. What will the so-called clever people call anyone who
    • the Greek language, as is done to-day, man acquires the same
    • fashion. I once had an old friend, sixty-four years of age; one
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Lecture III
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    • changes in the depths of human nature, and it is one of the
    • and etheric bodies and become completely one with them as to
    • mentioned about the activity men must unfold in their
    • experience it brings. Anyone observing life to-day will
    • feeling, everyone could realize that a great, important and
    • League is a nonentity, for what has to be established in
    • surface. New comprehension of the Christ-Impulse alone can
    • but by nations as one. It is impossible: to establish a League
    • Earth would have developed without man, just as it has done
    • This is one of the secrets bound up with evolution, and
    • two forms in which this temptation can arise; one I would call
    • overcome the forces which are active in them. I once mentioned
    • This temptation is an Ahrimanic one. We can only combat it by
    • Western one, so the entire soul-mood of Rabindranath
    • of the world, not selfishly subsisting alone, or bounded by
    • None of this is intended as a criticism of the past, for I have
    • into the spiritual world. To the view of one who can see the
    • Zeus statue alone escaped this fate.) Even at the time when
    • shutting our eyes to reality. Men have gone on long enough with
    • different from their earlier ones. I have known people who look
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.
  • Title: Problems of Our Time: Main Features of the Social Question and the Threefold Order of the Social Organism
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    • number of people in the way one could wish; but it is there and
    • acquiring social and socialist ideas. Unless we have gone
    • life and to regard anyone who sees a little further and can
    • experience and honestly meant can be sufficient illustration of
    • therefore I may be pardoned if I give you one of my own. It is
    • (a bigger one might have laughed me to scorn) to sum up what
    • anyone looking with open eyes at what was going on in the
    • how was one regarded who, in the early spring of 1914, spoke of
    • who scorned anyone who tried to comprehend the history of the
    • “practical” men say? One such person, a Foreign
    • Minister of one of the Central European States, announced
    • sensation: it must be mentioned because we can see by this how
    • each man was restricted to one small, limited piece of work.
    • the one-sided ideas derived from Marx. So we find that in the
    • an example the enormous effect of one slogan, amongst others
    • we would be honest with the proletariat, we must say that this
    • — on the one side the attitude of the ruling classes who
    • of our age, of which we hear the first faint tone from the
    • verification of any theory. Anyone who, like myself, has worked
    • Anyone who has taught for years amongst the workers and has
    • Maximum number of matches per file exceeded.

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